En Triangle Éole-Évangile. paris19 198, rue d’

Comprising 1 ha, the Triangle Evangile sector is exceptio- nally large. It is situated to the South of the old Macdonald warehouses and North-East of the future Rosa Parks RER Eole station. The terrain forms part of Nord Est, the largest ongoing development operation in Paris (200 hec- tares) and a district of the future for the metropolis. It will be exceptionally well served by the T3 tram, the RER Eole line and, in the longer term, the T8 tram line. The plot plays a strategic role in the transition between the Claude Ber- nard-Macdonald-Rosa Parks district, already well deve- loped, and the future Chapelle Charbon and Chapelle Inter- national development sectors. This sector offers enormous opportunities for mixed and very innovative development in the heart of the city’s new hub. paris reinventer.

Expected program : the Eole Evangile triangle is intended to be a mixed programme that will include at least 10,000 m² of floor space for housing with the different components of the programme being rever- sible, along with an internal service road. Owner : The Triangle Evangile site is the property of the Ville de Paris. Surface : The Triangle Evangile has a surface area of approximately 1 ha. Land register references : Plot 19-BO-17 En Triangle Éole-Evangile. paris19 198, rue d’Aubervilliers

Topography The Triangle Evangile plot is relatively flat. It is situated at a higher level than the petite cein- ture railway line to the North, but at a lower level than the railway platform to the South and the connection between the East and North sets of tracks in the North East. To the West, the Cours d’Aubervilliers is slightly lower at the Aubervilliers rail bridge and two or three metres above the level of the Triangle Evangile next to the road bridge.

Existing buildings Several of the Ville de Paris technical department’s warehouses and a building with workshops and offices built in 1991 stand on the land. In principle, these buildings are of no particular architectu- ral interest.

Current uses This site is currently occupied by the Section Technique du Génie Civil et des Aménagements Inté- rieurs (DPA) which is due to be relocated to another site. An initial demolition stage involving the buildings in the southern half of the Triangle Evangile is ongoing in order to clear the land areas necessary for the work required to broaden the passage under the Aubervilliers rail bridge. The buyer of the land will meet the cost of demolishing the other buildings.

Known pollution The Triangle Evangile occupies part of the old site of the La Villette gas factory. The environmental diagnostic of the Triangle Evangile conducted in 2008 and completed in 2010 revealed diffuse contamination of the backfill with heavy metals and the presence of volatile compounds (THC- C5-C12, PAHs, VOCs) in the soil and soil gases, as well as in the water under the ground (naphthalene). The surveys conducted in 2009 and 2010 specifically indicated the presence of 2 pollution zones: - A zone to the north presenting levels of low-volatility pollutants (heavy hydrocarbons and PAHs) at depths of up to 3 m; - A more highly impacted zone to the South East presenting high levels of hydrocarbons, volatile PAHs and isolated pockets of lead from the surface down to depths of 1 to 2 metres.

Urban context Paris Nord Est is the largest development programme launched in Paris to date. When combined with the changes underway in the southern part of the Plaine Saint Denis, it is even the largest pro- gramme in the whole . The objective of this great urban renewal project (GPRU): to create a city within the city, in the very heart of the long neglected region in the north-east of the capital. Straddling the 18th and 19th arrondissements, between the Porte de la Chapelle and the Porte de La Villette, stretching along the Boulevard Périphérique, 200 ha of urban wasteland, abandoned railways and vast warehouses punctuated with social housing districts. Paris Nord Est consists of nine development sectors. Paris Nord Est is a long-awaited response to the urgent need for housing, particularly social housing. It is a unique opportunity to «live the city» differently and constitutes a veritable in vivo «laboratory» for constructing «new generation» neighbourhoods that are simultaneously wor- king-class, attractive and sustainable. It is a long-awaited response to the increasing imbalance in terms of economic development and job distribution between the East and West of the capital. This challenge to create a new and sustainable «city within the city» is organized around three strate- gies that provide the foundations for the Paris Nord Est project to make the city accessible to all: - Improving access to the territory The T3 tram line and the RER E will serve this sector along with metro lines 7 and 12 and buses. The Tram’y will then complete the system. Urban continuity will be created from East to West and North to South in order to blur the compartmentalisation of the infrastructures. The regions around the Portes will be renovated, as will the Canal Saint-Denis. The number of cycle paths and pedestrian paths will be increased. They will particularly serve to connect the two sides of the Bou- levard Périphérique, Paris and its neighbouring municipalities. En Triangle Éole-Evangile. paris19 198, rue d’Aubervilliers

- Kick-starting economic activity The project will keep some of the rail and river freight facilities in places, as they are important economic activities. A service sector hub will be developed to complement those being established on the Plaine Commune. The attractiveness of the environment and the creation of new buildings will attract shops, businesses and employment. - Creating a balanced city New districts will comprise housing, offices, commercial activities and facilities in an enhanced, leisure-friendly urban environment with vegetation. Housing will be diversified with 50% social housing, 20% rent controlled housing and 30% open-market housing distributed throughout the territory. Green clusters will be developed along the infrastructures in order to enhance their inte- gration and consolidate the ecological structure of the territory.

Scheduled operations and works The Triangle Evangile development operation forms part of a general context of urban renewal in this sector located in the north west of the . Early in 2013, the Parc du Millé- naire, which already had 50,000 m2 of offices, launched the construction of two new tertiary-sector buildings with an additional 60,000 m2. The development of the Claude Bernard ZAC is already well advanced: 40,000 m2 of offices, 36,000 2m of housing and 1,200 m2 of retail outlets, 6,000 m2 of business premises, a UGC multiplex cinema with 14 theatres and a school with 12 classes have already been handed over. The development of the South linear forest and the first phase of the Ca- nal Saint-Denis forest are already finished. Two footbridges crossing the Boulevard Périphérique and the Darse du Millénaire are under construction. They will be completed before the summer of 2015.

At the same time, the conversion of the old Macdonald warehouses will also be finished with the delivery of 28,000 m2 of office space (handed over this year), 70,000 2m of housing, 32,000 m2 of commercial activities, a 15,000 m2 business incubator and a college with 24 sections, a gymnasium and a school with 12 classes (also handed over for the beginning of the 2014/2015 school year).

Finally, the urban renewal project for the Michelet residence is well under way, rehabilitating buil- dings, constructing new public facilities or renewing public spaces with the creation of new roads and green spaces. The construction work for the future Rosa Parks RER station started in May 2012 and will finish in December 2015, thus providing a strategic service to this district with the RER E and an inter- connection with the T3 tram line, bus lines and ultimately the T8 tram. On either side of the Rosa Parks station, on the rue Gaston Tessier, a 17,000 m2 office building, an apartment hotel, a student residence and a 13,000 m2 residence for young workers are scheduled for construction. The Rue d’Aubervilliers to the north of the Triangle Evangile has been developed in parallel with the work on the T3 tram line. It will continue to the south, when the widening of the passage under the rail bridge has been finished and the Triangle Evangile development completed. The work on the Aubervilliers rail bridge which affects a large site area on the Triangle Evangile will finish at the end of 2016. At this stage, the STGCAI will vacate the site it occupies to the North. The tip of the Triangle will nevertheless remain inaccessible until the end of 2017 due to the work on the creation of the “estacade”.

In accordance with the provisions of the Paris Nord Est guidelines designed to promote the overall consistency of the urban development, the Triangle Eole Evangile is destined to receive a mixed programme that will integrate at least 10,000 m2 of floor space for housing and provide for reversi- bility between the different components in the programme. To ensure the integration of the Triangle Eole – Evangile in the Paris Nord Est renewal process, the guidelines also impose the creation of urban connections and the continuity of public spaces En Triangle Éole-Evangile. paris19 198, rue d’Aubervilliers

as prerequisites for developing the Triangle Eole Evangile, the financing of which will be the subject of an agreement:

- the creation of urban continuity with the Rosa Parks intermodal hub seems to be a condition for the development of the Triangle Eole Evangile. The creation of an underground passage, referred to as the «estacade», under the connecting track for the north and east sets of track, to the east of the triangle is therefore programmed, the cost being estimated at €10.6 million (valued in May 2012). This passage will be constructed by the RFF in accordance with a protocol with the Ville de Paris; - to ensure the continuity of public spaces, a pathway about 20 metres wide, open to the public and forming a link in the green Villette-Chapelle walkway, must be created inside the Triangle Eole Evangile from the estacade to the widened Rue d’Aubervilliers;

Constructed by the operator, these internal paths and routes can be transferred back to the Ville de Paris if appropriate, provided that they comply with the technical requirements of the municipality. The constructions which are to form an urban façade on the future Cours d’Aubervilliers in line with the gable of the old Macdonald warehouses will commence before the work to develop these roadways. The structural characteristics of these buildings must be adapted to the embankments thus enabling the forma- tion of new public spaces. The grade level plans for the future Cours d’Aubervilliers will be communicated to the project managers.

Regulatory provisions Development and Programme Guidelines: The Development and Programme Guidelines of the Local Urban Development Plan state «the Triangle Eole Evangile will be served by a route that is about 20 metres wide, from the Rue d’Aubervilliers, and will be accessible from the Michelet district by means of a pedestrian passage at least 12 m wide under the railway line. The Rue d’Aubervilliers will be widened and a green central reservation will be created in line with the Avenue de la Porte d’Aubervilliers».

The general requirements for Paris Nord Est establish an average housing percentage at 40% of the constructed area, the percentage not being lower than 25% for each individual operation, except in the case of a major environmental constraint. Social housing must not be less than 50% of total housing, except in sectors where there is already a lot of this type of housing.

Applicable local urban development plan General Urban Height ceiling : 37 m Zone promoting a residential/work mix. Sector promoting the use of vegetal elements. Special prescriptions: zone containing pockets of anteludian gypsum. Zone reserved on Western edge of the terrain for widening the Cours d’Aubervilliers.

Public Utility Easements : Application of the modified law of 15 July 1845 concerning railroad policing. Management and maintenance ease ments for sets of tracks.