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THE TU TS DAILY miereYou Read It First Friday, January 29,1999 Volume XXXVIII, Number 4 1 Dr. King service brings the Endowment fund created in honor of Joseph Gonzalez . Year of Non-violence to end A bly BROOKE MENSCHEL of the First Unitaridn by DANIEL BARBARlSI be marked with a special plaque Daily Editorial Board Universalist Parish in Daily Editorial Board on the inside cover, in memory of The University-wide Year of Cambridge. He is also The memory and legacy of Gonzalez. an active member of Non-vio1ence;which began last Tufts student Joseph Gonzalez, Michael Juliano, one of the National Asso- Martin Luther King Day, ended who passed away suddenly last Gonzalez’ closest friends, de- ciation for the Ad- this Wednesday night with “A year, will be commemorated at scribed the fund as a palpable, vancement of Col- Pilgrimage to Nonviolence,” a Tufts through the creation of an concrete method of preserving ored Persons commemorative service for King. endowment in his honor. The en- Gonzalez’memory. The service, which was held in (NAACP), a visiting dowment, given to the Tisch Li- “Therearea lotofthingsabout lecturer at Harvard’s Goddard Chapel, used King’s own brary for the purpose ofpurchas- Joey you can remember, butthis Divinity school, and words as well as the words of ing additional literature, was ini- book fund is a tangible legacy ... the co-founder and many others to commemorate both tiated through a $10,000 dona- thisone youcan actuallypickup co-director of the theyear and the man. The campus tion by Gonzalez’ parents, Jo- and take in your hand,” Juliano Tuckman Coalition, a chaplains Rev.
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