The SHUTTLE June 2006 The Next NASFA Meeting will be 17 June 2006 at the Regular Time and Location ATMM at Mike KennedyÕs House

Con Stellation Concom Meeting 7:30P Thursday 15 June 2006 at Mike KennedyÕs House TAFF Winner Announced { Oyez, Oyez {

The winner of the 2006 Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund race was The next Con Stellation concom meeting is 7:30P announced 27 May 2006 at a gathering in LondonÕs Horseshoe Thursday 15 May (two days before the club meeting). Sam is Inn. Bridget ÒBugÓ Bradshaw will travel from across the pond out of town so the meeting will be at Mike KennedyÕs house Ñ to the US to attend Worldcon (L.A.con IV) in August, with 7907 Charlotte Drive SW in Huntsville. additional visits to other US fannish groups and events Ñ The next NASFA meeting will be Saturday 17 June starting with Readercon the first weekend of July in Boston. 2006 at the regular time and location. Published plans include a stop at this yearÕs DeepSouthCon, so The June program is to be a show-and-tell from DougÕs many Shuttle readers may be able to meet ÒBugÓ at that time. recent trip to Alaska. (I suppose we might cut Doug a tiny bit TAFF was established in 1953 to raise funds and select of slack since he and Mary are just back from their honeymoon. winners to travel between Europe and North America on But IÕll see what I can round up to show on video as a backup.) an annual basis. The direction of travel alternates each The June after-the-meeting meeting will be at Mike year. Funds are raised by various mean, including a small KennedyÕs house. fee to cast a ballot, auctions at various conventions, This issue of the Shuttle was thrown together a bit more donations, etc. Candidates must be sponsored by five nomina- hastily than usual, leaving no time to include the next install- tors, three from their side of the Atlantic and two from the ment of PieEyedDragonÕs current adventure. It will resume in destination side. Winners act as administrator for the two a future issue. following awards, so there are normally two administrators at any given time Ñ one from each side of the travel direction. Administrators for the 2006 race were James Bacon (Europe) and Suzanne ÒSuzleÓ Tompkins (North America).

Inside this issueÉ NASFA Calendar...... 2 Awards News Roundup ...... 3 Minutes of the May Meeting ...... 2 Letters of Comment ...... 5

Deadline for the July 2006 issue of The NASFA Shuttle is Friday, 30 June 2006. 1 22Ð24 Anime Weekend 12 Ñ Atlanta GA. NASFA Calendar 22Ð24 FenCon III Ñ Dallas TX. 23 Rosh Hashanah. JUNE 26 BD: Jenna Victoria Stone. 01 BD: Glenn Valentine. OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO 02Ð04 PersaCon 2006 Ñ Madison AL. 02Ð04 ConCarolinas 2006 Ñ Charlotte NC. The North Alabama Science Fiction Association meets on 02 BD: Lloyd Penney. the third Saturday of each month. (Unless there is a large 07Ð11 Mythic Journeys 2006 Ñ Atlanta GA. nearby convention being held that weekend Ñ in which 14 Flag Day. case we often move the meeting to the second or fourth 15 Con Stellation ConCom Meeting, 7:30P at Mike weekend.) The regular meeting location is the upstairs KennedyÕs house. meeting room at BookMark on South Memorial Parkway. The 16Ð18 Sci-Fi Summer Con 2006 Ñ Atlanta GA. Executive Committee meeting (if scheduled) is at 5P. The 17* NASFA Meeting Ñ 6P Business, 7P Program, at business meeting is at 6P. The program is at 7P. Anyone is BookMark. Program: Alaska Show and Tell. ATMM: welcome to attend any of the meetings. There is usually an Mike KennedyÕs house. after-the-meeting meeting with directions available at the 18 FathersÕ Day. program. 21 First Day of Summer. 22Ð24 Science Fiction Research Association 2006 Confer- ence Ñ White Plains NY. 23Ð25 HyperiCon 2 Ñ Nashville TN. May Minutes by Steve Sloan, Secretary JULY 01 Canada Day. The May meeting of the North Alabama Science Fiction 02 BD: Deb Stone. Association was called to order on Saturday, May 20, 2006 in 04 Independence Day. the BookMark upstairs meeting room at 6:21:28P by President 13 Con Stellation ConCom Meeting (Tentative). Mary Ortwerth. The crickets had to be shaken awake. 15* NASFA Meeting Ñ 6P Business, 7P Program, at OLD BUSINESS BookMark. Program: TBD. ATMM: TBD. None. 21Ð23 Trinoc*coN VII/DeepSouthCon 44 Ñ Raleigh NC. NEW BUSINESS 23 ParentsÕ Day. A couple of member dues were taken care of. 24 BD: Jay Johns. As far as anyone at the meeting knew, the Rocket City 28Ð30 LibertyCon 19 Ñ Chattanooga TN. FurMeet had not contacted NASFA to rent our art show 28Ð30 Conestoga 10 Ñ Tulsa OK. equipment. It is likely that they dealt directly with Howard. 29 BD: Mark Paulk. The new Rave movie theater was discussed, along with new movies. Poseidon and Mission Impossible 3 got bad AUGUST reviews among the club members. 04Ð06 DarkCon Ñ Nashville TN. CONVENTION BUSINESS 08 BD: Jim Woosley. We have a T-shirt company, art for the flyer, a sample 11Ð13 ConGlomeration 2006 Ñ Louisville TN. flyer, and guests. 11Ð13 Armadillocon 28 Ñ Austin TX. We need someone to volunteer to run gaming. 12 BD: Sue Thorn. The swan in the flyer looks a little too much like a duck for 14 BD: Edward Kenny. some peopleÕs taste. Apparently, different kinds of swans have 17 Con Stellation ConCom Meeting (Tentative). different beaks, including some that have duck-like beaks. 19 BD: Khen Moore. There was definite agreement that Theresa Mather does drag- 19 National Aviation Day. ons well, though. 19* NASFA Meeting Ñ 6P Business, 7P Program, at ANNOUNCEMENTS BookMark. Program: TBD. ATMM: TBD. Rocket City FurMeet will be held next weekend. 21 BD: Deborah Denton. Doug and MaryÕs wedding will be held next weekend. 23Ð27 L.A.con IV (64th Worldcon) Ñ Los Angeles CA. The two events will be held in entirely separate Radissons. There is another Star Trek memorabilia auction coming SEPTEMBER up. This one will be run by ChristieÕs. They are planning 1000 01Ð03 Mephit Furmeet 2006 Ñ Memphis TN. lots, at an estimated average cost of a few hundred dollars per 01Ð04 Dragon*Con 2006 Ñ Atlanta GA. lot. 03 BD: David K. Robinson. SamÕs fetish was almost revealedÉ The meeting ad- 04 Labor Day. journed at 6:31:02P, just in time. 08Ð10 Outside Con 19 Ñ Burns TN. For the program, we had a visit by local SF author Dr. 09 BD: Mike Cothran. Travis Taylor. He talked about his current and upcoming 10 Grandparents Day. projects. We heard about alien invasion, death, and destruc- 11 BD: Ray Pietruszka. tion, and that was just the nonfiction! 12 BD: Pat Butler. The After-the-Meeting Meeting was held at Sam SmithÕs 16* NASFA Meeting Ñ 6P Business, 7P Program, at apartment. He graciously agreed to it on short notice, after BookMark. Program: TBD. ATMM: TBD. several people, including the Secretary, misread the Shuttle. 17 Citizenship Day. The Shuttle only said that the ConCom meeting would be there, 22 Atumnal Equinox (23rd UTC). but said nothing about the ATMM. 2 Whiteside, anthology) Awards News Roundup Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine, Karl Johanson, ed. (, sf magazine) HUGO NOMINEE META-REVIEWS On Spec, Diane Walton, managing ed. (The Copper Pig Nicholas Whyte has assembled a meta-review site for the Writers Society, , sf magazine) Hugo nominees in the fiction categories. Check out Six Impossible Things, Nalo Hopkinson (host and curator); for links to a pretty Joe Mahoney (series coordinating producer) (CBC Radio extensive list of reviews of the 20 items. He also lists his own One, 16Ð27 May 2005, radio anthology) preferences and gives a mini-review of each item himself. Tesseracts Nine: New Canadian Speculative Fiction, Nalo Recommended. Hopkinson and Geoff Ryman, eds. (Edge Publishing, July AURORA NOMS 2005) The final ballot for the 2006 Aurora Awards has been Meilleur ouvrage en fran•ais (autre) announced. The deadline for mail-in votes is 26 June 2006. Best Work in French (Other) Awards will be presented at Trek 20 , to be held 7Ð9 July 2006 in Toronto. The nominees are: 2000, dir. Claude Janelle (Alire) Best Long-Form Work in English Jean Pettigrew, critiques (Solaris 153Ð156) Meilleur livre en anglais Solaris, rŽd. Jo‘l Champetier Migration (Species Imperative 2), Julie E. Czerneda (DAW ÇLes enfants de Jules Verne au Canada: la gŽnŽration Books, May 2005) ŽtouffŽeÈ, Jean-Louis Trudel (Solaris 156) Cagebird, Karin Lowachee (Warner Aspect, April 2005) Artistic Achievement Mindscan, Robert J. Sawyer (Tor, April 2005) Accomplissement artistique Silences of Home, Caitlin Sweet (Penguin, February 2005) Elaine Chen (Wasps at the Speed of Lone Wolf, Edo van Belkom (Tundra Books, October 2005) Sound, Mockingbird) Spin, Robert Charles Wilson (Tor, April 2005) Lar deSouza Meilleur livre en fran•ais Stephanie Ann Johanson (Cover Best Long-Form Work in French for Neo-opsis 6, illustrations Neo-opsis 5, 6, and 7) AlŽgracia et le Serpent dÕArgent, Dominic Bellavance (Les Jean-Pierre Normand (Asi- Six Brumes) movÕs April/May 2005, Analog September 2005, Asi- AurŽlie et lÕ”le de Zachary, VŽronique Drouin (Les Žditions de movÕs December 2005, Solaris 154) la courte Žchelle) Martin Springett Le Dragon de lÕAlliance, Mich•le Laframboise (MŽdiaspaul) Ronn Sutton (Elvira, Mistress Of Les Archipels du temps (La Suite du temps 2), Daniel Sernine The Dark; Ò5 Alarm CharlieÓ in Even More Fund Comics) (Alire) Fan Achievement (Publication) Reine de MŽmoire 1. La Maison dÕOubli, ƒlisabeth Vonar- Accomplissement fanique (publication) burg (Alire, Mars 2005) Brins dÕƒternitŽ, rŽd. Mathieu Fortin (Alire, Octobre 2005) In Places Between: The Top Five Stories of The Robyn Best Short-Form Work in English Herrington Memorial Short Story Contest 2005, IFWA Meilleure nouvelle en anglais ÒSheÕs Such a Nasty Morsel,Ó Julie E. Czerneda (Women of MensuHell, rŽd. direction: Francis Hervieux ÒTransubstantiation,Ó Derwin Mak (Northwest Passages: A Nocturne, Žditeurs: Jonathan Reynolds, Guillaume Houle et Cascadian Anthology, Windstorm Creative) Fred Proulx ÒIdentity Theft,Ó Robert J. Sawyer (Down These Dark Space- The Royal Swiss Navy Gazette, Garth Spencer, ed. ÒAlexanderÕs Road,Ó Karl Schroeder (The Engine of Recall, Fan Achievement (Organizational) Robert J. Sawyer Books) Accomplissement fanique (organisation) ÒGoing Harvey in the Big House,Ó Douglas Smith (Cicada, Debbie Hodgins (Avenging Dragon Squadron, KAG) January/February 2005) Randy McCharles (Westercon 58 ÒDue NorthÓ) ÒLike Monsters of the Deep,Ó Hayden Trenholm (On Spec Roy Miles (I.D.I.C.) #61, Summer 2005) Barbara Schofield (Toronto Trek Masquerade) ÒMayfly,Ó Peter Watts and Derryl Murphy (Tesseracts Nine, Joan Sherman (I.D.I.C.) Edge) Fan Achievement (Other) Meilleure nouvelle en fran•ais Accomplissement fanique (autre) Best Short-Form Work in French Don Bassie (Made in Canada website) ÇLa Danse de la merÈ, Mathieu Fortin (Le Bilboquet aožt) Judith Hayman (filksinging) ÇAu jardin comme ˆ la guerreÈ, ƒric Gauthier (Solaris 155) Martin Springett (filksinging) ǃquilibreÈ, Patrick SenŽcal (Solaris 156) Larry Stewart, entertainer/personnalitŽ: amuseur Best Work in English (Other) Urban Tapestry, filksinging Meilleur ouvrage en anglais (autre) MTV MOVIE AWARDS Birth, Michael Lennick and Robert J. Sawyer (writers); Joe The 2006 MTV Movie Awards were broadcast 8 June Mahoney (producer) (CBC Radio One, 8 July 2005, radio 2006 after being presented earlier that week. Genre films had drama) received numerous nominations but were lightly represented Fantastic Companions, Julie E. Czerneda, ed. (Fitzhenry & among the final winners. Hayden Christensen received the nod 3 in the Best Villain category for his work in Star Wars Episode Zion, Will Eisner (Norton) III: Revenge of the Sith. Christian Bale was honored as Best Plucker, Brom (Harry N. Abrams) Hero for his turn under the mask in Batman Begins. Horror film Nonfiction The Exorcism of Emily Rose scared up a Best Frightened Christopher Frayling, Mad, Bad and Dangerous? The Scien- Performance selection for Jennifer Carpenter. Voting took tists and The Cinema (UK: Reaktion Books, US: Univer- place online between 24 April and 19 May 2006. sity of ) IHG AWARD NOMS and Kim Newman, eds., Horror: Another 100 The International Horror Guild Best Books (Carroll & Graf) has announced nominees for its 2005 awards and has honored S. T. Joshi and Stefan Dziemianowicz, eds., Supernatural by selecting her for its annual Living Literature of the World: An Encyclopedia (Three Vol- Legend award. The IHG Awards are for outstanding achieve- umes) (Greenwood Press) ments in the field of Horror and Dark Fantasy. The awards are Denis Meikle, The Ring Companion (Titan Books) juried but jurors take into account public recommendations. Norman Partridge, Mr. Fox and Other Feral Tales (Subter- Awards for 2005 will be presented during World Fantasy Con ranean Press) 2006 to be held in Austin, Texas, 2Ð5 November. The nomi- Art nees are: for Exhibition: Visions of Heaven and Hell (and Novel Then Some), Bert Green Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA Brett Easton Ellis, Lunar Park (US: Knopf, UK: Macmillan/ Tim Bradstreet for 2005 Hellblazer covers (Vertigo/DC) Picador) Caniglia for Exhibition: World Horror Convention 2005, New Elizabeth Kostova, The Historian (US, UK: Little, Brown) York City, NY Hilary Mantel, Beyond Black (UK: Fourth Estate, US: Henry Alex McDowell for Production Design of Tim BurtonÕs Corpse Holt) Bride Peter Raftos, The Stone Ship (Australia: Padanus Books, US: Elizabeth McGrath for Exhibition: Altarwise by Owl-Light, University of Hawaii Press) Billy Shire Fine Arts, Culver City, CA) Carl-Johan Vallgren (Translated by Paul Britten-Austin), MYTHOPOEIC AWARD FINALISTS The Horrific Sufferings of the Mind-Reading Monster The Mythopoeic Society has an- Hercules Barefoot, His Wonderful Love and His Terrible nounced finalists for their 2006 awards, nominated and chosen Hatred [UK: Random House/Harvill Press (US 2006: by Society member committees. Winners will be announced at HarperCollins) a banquet during Mythcon 37, to be held 4Ð7 August 2006 at Short Fiction the University of Oklahoma campus in Norman OK. The Rick Bowes, ÒThereÕs a Hole in the CityÓ (SciFiction 06.15.05) nominees are: Brian Evenson, ÒThe Third FactorÓ (Quarterly West #60) Mythopoeic Fantasy Award China MiŽville, ÒGo BetweenÓ (Looking for Jake) for Adult Literature , ÒInvisibleÓ (SciFiction 03.02.05) The Penelopiad, Margaret Atwood (Canongate) Mid-Length Fiction The Hallowed Hunt, Lois McMaster Bujold (Eos) Laird Barron, ÒProboscisÓ (F&SF, February 2005) Anansi Boys, (Willow Morrow) Jeffrey Ford, ÒBoatmanÕs HolidayÓ (F&SF, October 2005) Metallic Love, (Bantam Spectra) , ÒMy FatherÕs MaskÓ (20th Century Ghosts) The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl, Tim Pratt (Bantam Caitlin Kiernan, ÒLa Peau VerteÓ (To Charles Fort, with Spectra) Love) Mythopoeic Fantasy Award Long Fiction for ChildrenÕs Literature Laird Barron, The Imago Sequence (F&SF, May 2005) Valiant, Holly Black (Simon & Schuster) Gary Braunbeck, Kiss of the Mudman (Home Before Dark) Wizards at War, Diane Duane (Harcourt) Joe Hill, Voluntary Committal (20th Century Ghosts) By These Ten Bones, Clare B. Dunkle (Henry Holt) Kim Newman, The Serial Murders (SciFiction 10.05.05) The Bartimaeus Trilogy, consisting of The Amulet of Collection (Single Author) Samarkand, The GolemÕs Eye, and PtolemyÕs Gate, Jon- Michael Cunningham, Specimen Days (Farrar, Straus and athan Stroud (Hyperion) Giroux) Mythopoeic Scholarship Award Joe Hill, 20th Century Ghosts (PS Publishing) in Inklings Studies Caitlin Kiernan, To Charles Fort, with Love (Subterranean Perilous Realms: Celtic and Norse in TolkienÕs Middle- Press) earth, Marjorie Burns (University of Toronto Press, 2005) Kelly Link, Magic for Beginners (Small Beer Press) Interrupted Music: The Making of TolkienÕs Mythology, Anthology Verlyn Flieger (Kent State University Press, 2005) No Award Smith of Wootton Major: Expanded Edition, J. R. R. Tolkien, Periodical edited by Verlyn Flieger (HarperCollins, 2005) The Book of Dark Wisdom The Lord of the Rings: A ReaderÕs Companion, Wayne G. The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Hammond and Christina Scull (Houghton Mifflin, 2005) Postscripts SciFiction Subterranean The Narnian: The Life and Imagination of C. S. Lewis, Alan Illustrated Narrative Jacobs (HarperSanFrancisco, 2005) The Black Forest 2, Todd Livingston, Robert Tinnell, Neil Mythopoeic Scholarship Award Vokes (Image Comics) in General Myth and Fantasy Studies The Dark Horse Book of The Dead, Scott Allie, ed. (Dark The Meanings of ÒBeauty and the Beast,Ó Jerry Griswold Horse Books) (Broadview Press, 2004) Memories, Enki Bilal (Humanoid/DC) Readers in Wonderland: The Liberating Worlds of Fantasy The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Fiction from Dorothy to Harry Potter, Deborah OÕKeefe 4 (Continuum, 2003) Hi Ñ IÕve always wondered if there are any special The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons: Buddhist Themes in considerations for T-shirt artworkÉ guess IÕd have to do trial Modern Fantasy, David R. Loy and Linda Goodhew and error to make sure lines were actually thick enough to print (Wisdom, 2004) correctly. The prices sound very good. National Dreams: The Remaking of Fairy Tales in Nine- Thank you for the awards listings Ñ hmmm Ñ Ditmar for teenth-Century England, Jennifer Schacker (University fanzine went to a website. of Pennsylvania Press, 2003) Happy birthday to Lloyd. COMPTON CROOK AWARD Somehow IÕm picturing PieEyed and the image I get is the This yearÕs Compton Crook/Stephen Tall Award (for best Geico gecko. Hmmm Ñ enlarge and add wings Ñ maybe not first novel of 2005) was awarded to Maria V. Snyder for too far fetched? Poison Study (Luna Books) at Balticon 40 on 27 May 2006. Still need to locate some of the fiction to read before I vote CAMPBELL AND STURGEON FINALISTS for the Hugos. I hope. Finalists have been announced for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award (for best SF novel of 2005) and the Theodore [I imagine the restrictions for T-shirt art depend on the repro- Sturgeon Memorial Award (for best SF short fiction of 2005). duction method. Many T-shirts these days are printed by a Winners will be announced at the annual Campbell Confer- transfer method that I would guess to be fairly forgiving of fine ence and Awards Banquet to be held in Lawrence KS, 6Ð9 July 2006. because of the look and cost. IÕve never met PED herself, so I The nominees are canÕt speak from experience about whether she resembles the 2005 Campbell Award Finalists Geico gecko but I, for one, wouldnÕt care to speculate in case Stephen Baxter, Transcendent (Gollancz) she takes that as an insult. RE the Ditmar fanzine, well, more Steve Cash, The Meq (Del Rey) and more fanzines are electronic Ñ some donÕt even have a David Gerrold, Child of Earth (Benbella) paper alternative. Because itÕs primarily a clubzine, the Shuttle Paul McAuley, MindÕs Eye (Simon & Schuster UK) needs to exist in paper form to support delivery to all our club Jack McDevitt, Seeker (Ace) members (whether they have web access or not). We do get Ken Macleod, Learning the World (Tor) suggestions from time to time to save money by changing to Ian R. Macleod, The Summer Isles (Aio Publishing) purely electronic delivery for those that prefer it and that might David Marusek, Counting Heads (Tor) indeed happen sometime. For now, the production flow of the Robert J. Sawyer, Mindscan (Tor) electronic form doesnÕt really support the timeline needed to Charles Stross, Accelerando (Ace) email to club members as a reminder of club meetings so weÕre Karen Traviss, The World Before (Eos) sticking with paper delivery for most people. Lloyd is actually Robert Charles Wilson, Spin (Tor) one exception and there are a couple of other people who, like 2005 Sturgeon Award Finalists him, check out the PDF on our web site as their method of Paolo Bacigalupi, ÒThe Calorie ManÓ (F&SF, October/No- delivery. -ED] vember 2005) Daryl Gregory, ÒSecond Person, Present TenseÓ (AsimovÕs, EMOC-EMOC-EMOC-EMOC-EMOC-EMOC-EMOC September 2005) Kelly Link, ÒMagic for BeginnersÓ (F&SF, September 2005) Lloyd Penney 10 June 2006 John G.McDaid, ÒKeyboard PracticeÓ (F&SF, January 2005) Ian McDonald, ÒThe Little GoddessÓ (AsimovÕs, June 2005) 1706-24 Eva Road Vonda McIntyre, ÒLittle FacesÓ (SciFiction, February 2005) Etobicoke ON Bruce Sterling, ÒThe BlemmyeÕs StratagemÓ (F&SF, January Canada M9C 2B2 2005) Jason Stoddard, ÒPanaceaÓ (SciFiction, September 2005) Real late, but here goes with some comments on the May James Van Pelt, ÒThe Inn at Mount EitherÓ (Analog, May ShuttleÉ 2005) My birthday has come and goneÉ had a great time, as we Connie Willis, ÒInside JobÓ (AsimovÕs, January 2005) did celebrating Mike GlicksohnÕs birthday at the end of May. CARL BRANDON SOCIETY AWARDS May we both celebrate many more. Winners of the first Carl Brandon Society Awards I didnÕt attend it, but our own local anime convention, have been announced. Anime North took place the end of May, and it has expanded Walter MosleyÕs novel 47 won the Parallax Award for works from a 600-person convention about 10 years ago to a 12,000- of speculative fiction created by people of color. Susan person monster, and it is still growing. It has many things youÕd VaughtÕs Young Adult novel Stormwitch won the Kindred expect at an anime convention, plus things youÕd expect at a Award for works of speculative fiction dealing with issues of regular SF convention, and people are embracing whatÕs new race and ethnicity. to them (and old hat to us). Once again, tons of awards. I have sent you under a separate e-mail the nominees for this yearÕs Aurora Awards. Greetings to PieEyed! Ah, if only these fair and adventur- Letters of Comment ous lands did existÉwe could write legend. Excellent wisdom about never knowing what you need to know until you wish POC-POC-POC-POC-POC-POC-POC-POC-POC-POC you knew. Another button for Nancy ButtonÕs table. So many fair-sounding lands, but I would still wish for a cozy little hole Sheryl Birkhead 2 June 2006 in Hobbiton. 25509 Jonnie Court My locÉ after some recounting by Murray Moore, this Gaithersburg MD 20882 (continued on back cover) 5 P. O. Box 4857 Huntsville AL 35815-4857

***************************************************************************************************************** The NASFA Shuttle is the newsletter of the North Alabama Science Fiction Association, Inc. This is the June 2006 edition (Volume 26, Number 6). NASFA Officers for 2006: President Mary Ortwerth; Vice President Mike Kennedy; Secretary Steve Sloan; Treasurer Sam Smith; Program Director Doug Lampert; Publicity Director Mia West. Shuttle Editor Mike Kennedy. Comments, inquiries, and contributions of writing by email to: [email protected] Ñ EDITORIAL ADDRESS (EMAIL) Comments, inquiries, and contributions of writing by snailmail to: Mike Kennedy, 7907 Charlotte Drive SW, Huntsville AL 35802-2841 Ñ EDITORIAL ADDRESS (SNAILMAIL) Dues ($), subscriptions ($), and Official Mail to: NASFA, Inc., P. O. Box 4857, Huntsville AL 35815-4857 Ñ OFFICIAL ADDRESS Contents Copyright, © 2006. All rights revert to contributors. All opinions are those of the individual authors and do not reflect club policies other than by coincidence. LoCs subject to edited printing. NASFA Dues = $15/year (Family rates available) Subscription only = $10/year Single copy = $1.50 each. *****************************************************************************************************************

(LoCs Ñ continued from page 5) email on the Aurora Awards and used it elsewhere in this issue. yearÕs FAAn Award point-counter, I actually came in second Due to time constraints PEDÕs latest adventure wonÕt be for Best Letterhack. Yup, the ISDC was in Toronto in 1994, continued herein Ñ though weÕll likely pick it up in the next and we were scheduled to run the hospitality areas there, but ish. I am intrigued by your mention of new things being added there was no money set aside for us, we couldnÕt do our jobs, to Anime North that are normal at sf cons and would love to and we resigned from the committee. There will be many hear a few examples. One wonders if they are inventing the changes this time around, should we get the 2009 version. events or practices from scratch or if stodgy old sf cons are Short but sweet. Off it goes, and see you nextish! somehow infecting them. Of course, the average sf con could probably copy any number of things from anime or furry or [You just snuck in under the wire, Lloyd. Yep, I received your gaming or media or comics or other specialty cons. -ED]