Cornwall Local Plan 2010 - 2030

Objectives Objective 5 – Night Time Economy PP8 and St Columb Manage the night-time economy of 11.1 Specifi c objectives to be addressed Newquay. in planning for the Newquay Community Community Network Area Network Area include: Objective 6 – Transport Objective 1 – Town Centre Resolve congestion through traffi c Regeneration management / parking initiatives and Introduction enhanced public transport provision. Promote town centre regeneration in The Newquay and St Columb Community Network Area covers the Deliver the Growth Area Strategic Link 11.0 Newquay and St. Columb Major to, in parishes of Colan, Mawgan-in-Pydar, Newquay, and St Wenn. Road, enhance Newquay train station particular, enhance the shopping off er The area is dominated by the presence of Newquay, one of largest and improve connectivity between and restore heritage assets. towns and a major holiday resort. St Columb Major is an ancient market town, Newquay Cornwall Airport and the and villages include Mawgan Porth, Quintrell Downs, , St Wenn, and Objective 2 – Housing town. Integrate plans for a seasonal park Talskiddy. Enable new housing to meet need, and ride with town centre regeneration, particularly aff ordable housing, and improving the quality of the visitor accompanying key infrastructure. experience. Introduce measures to Key Facts relieve traffi c fl ows through Quintrell Objective 3 – Economy Population 2007: 26,900 Downs and improve connections to Support the diversifi cation of the trunk roads. Dwellings 2010: 13,677 (5.4% Cornwall) economy, with more indigenous business Objective 7 – Newquay Cornwall Past housing build rates 1991-2010: 3,303 both in Newquay and the rural areas, Airport including delivery of new employment Newquay completions 2001-2010 – 1,488 (165pa) space, up-skilling the workforce and Development of Newquay Cornwall Housing need (preferred area): 952 (Bands A-D) plus 1,162 (Band E) equates to extending the tourist season. Airport to enhance the local economy, 8.3% and 7.9% of Cornwall total respectively including employment related Objective 4 – Tourism development at the airport. Existing housing commitments 2010-2012: 2,206 Maintain and enhance the stock of Objective 8 – Rural Services Newquay employees estimate (2011): Full time: 3,737 Part-time: 3,581 tourist accommodation and facilities in Newquay to meet the needs of the Support the improvement of rural St Columb Major employees estimate (2011): Full time: Part-time: 1,078 307 industry. Extend the tourist season and services/facilities. improve the quality and image of the town.

92 Pre-submission document March 2013

Objective 9 – Environment 11.3 Newquay has a population of Figure 12: Newquay and St Columb CNA map Protect environmental assets, 20,600 and has grown from a very qy y g recognising their contribution to local small fi shing village to one of the UK’s Key people’s quality of life and their role in premier holiday resorts. Newquay is Newquay Aerohub Enterprise Zone renowned as an international surfi ng AONB underpinning the tourism economy, in SAC particular the undeveloped coast. location, but is still a major tourist SSSI destination for family holidays and Flood Zone 2, 3a & 3b Objective 10 – Delivery needs to maintain and enhance its Ensure development refl ects the needs tourist accommodation and improve St Mawgan 9 3 and aspirations of the local community; both the image of the town and A in housing and employment terms - a extending the tourist season. Other higher proportion of family housing key challenges for Newquay include St Columb Major and better paid jobs. restoring heritage assets and enhancing A3059 A3058 the shopping and employment off er A39 Newquay Development Strategy through regeneration, reducing traffi c 2 11.2 The regeneration approach, congestion and improving connectivity between Newquay and the airport. A392 5 encapsulated by the Newquay Town A3 A 3058 9 Framework Plan, integrates elements 11.4 Improvement of rural services and A307 of housing, economic, transport, protection of the undeveloped coast community and environmental policy, and countryside are a challenge for the 0241 and will enable Newquay to achieve CNA. Km © Crown copyright All rights reserved 1000490 balanced housing and economic growth linked with infrastructure improvements, whilst protecting, regenerating and enhancing the  residential and tourism role of Newquay and its hinterland, its unique qualities Newquay is renowned as an international surfi ng and character and historic built and natural environment. location, but is still a major tourist destination

93 Cornwall Local Plan 2010 - 2030

Employment Newquay Cornwall 11.5 Employment proposals should Airport aim to support diversifi cation of the economy of Newquay and upskill the 11.6 This community network area work force. Proposals should aim to is the home of Newquay Cornwall provide linkages to the Enterprise Zone Airport (NCA) which provides Aerohub at Newquay Cornwall Airport. vital connectivity to national and The provision of around 10,650sqm international business centres allowing of B1a offi ce accommodation and businesses to thrive when distances 12,150sqm of new industrial space has from key markets can be a real been identifi ed. This has the potential business constraint, aff ecting growth, of accommodating 900 jobs in the CNA productivity and competitiveness. It plays a critical role in changing the Town Centre Notation - Newquay over the plan period. Key perceptions of Cornwall as a place to Town centre boundary invest, visit, locate to or live. Primary retail frontages Primary shopping area (PSA) 11.7 The airport’s infrastructure is

010020050 Metres version 1.0 nationally signifi cant; it is the UK’s © Crown copyright and database rights 2012 Ordnance Survey 100049047. newest airport off ering a unique aviation environment, which includes one of the longest runways in the UK and capacity. It now also off ers major development potential and job creation through the Enterprise Zone “Aerohub”.

94 Pre-submission document March 2013

Housing requirements Policy PP8: Newquay and d) The provision of around 3,000 b) Development should help rebalance dwellings in the period up to 2030. the communities by providing 11.8 The Community Network St Columb CNA To be identifi ed in the Cornwall facilities, economic development Area should plan for around 3,600 Towns Allocations DPD; or housing for local needs of a scale 1. Development will be permitted dwellings (about 180 dwellings per that is appropriate to the settlement where it can be demonstrated that the e) Restoration of heritage assets in year) over the period between 2010 and reduces the need to travel; and 2030. following priorities for Newquay can the town; c) Development should deliver be satisfi ed: f) The prioritisation of sustainable 11.9 As the main settlement with community benefi ts in the form a) The protection of the vitality and transport measures to reduce good employment and transport of aff ordable housing for local viability of Newquay town centre congestion; provision, Newquay will be required people and contributions to through the promotion of retail, to accommodate the majority of g) Maintain and enhance the stock requirements for facilities, services offi ce and leisure uses. Proposals for those dwellings. Co-ordination will of tourist accommodation and and infrastructure identifi ed locally. be needed amongst the remaining change of use or redevelopment will facilities in Newquay with an aim parishes within the CNA to ensure only be permitted within the Primary to provide improvements and that housing needs are met. The Shopping Area if the proposal adds to conditions that support extension Council will support the preparation the attractiveness of the centre and to the tourist season. of Neighbourhood Plans as a way of does not reduce the predominance of 2. In the remainder of the planning for the needs of those areas. A1 retail use; Community Network Area 11.10 Newquay is the subject of a b) The provision of around 10,650sqm development will be permitted Town Framework Plan which provides of B1a offi ce accommodation and where it supports the following additional evidence and policies for 12,150sqm of Industrial space has been priorities: development proposals in that area. identifi ed. This has the potential of accommodating 900 jobs in the CNA a) The provision of around 600 over the plan period; dwellings in the period up to 2030. Additional housing and c) Employment proposals should aim employment growth with a focus to support diversifi cation of the on St Columb Major; economy of Newquay and upskill the work force. Proposals should aim to provide linkages to the Enterprise Zone Aerohub at Newquay Cornwall Airport;