
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Black Hammer Vol. 3 Age of Doom Part One by Book Review: Black Hammer Volume 3: Age of Doom Part One by Jeff Lemire. Black Hammer Volume 3 Age of Doom Part One by Jeff Lemire is a graphic novel that takes heroes from the bygone era, and stick them in a purgatory on a small farming town, where there is no such thing as superheroes. Some find love, others find betrayal, and some heartbreak in this purgatory, but most just want out. Is there something keeping the team there or someone? In this novel we find out the answer. Black Hammer breaks down the super hero character analyzing what sacrifice is in a really humanizing way. Black Hammer Volume 3 Age of Doom collects issues 1-5 of Black Hammer: Age of Doom by . The Plot: Five heroes are stuck in a small town, after a hellacious battle to save Spiral city. The heroes don’t know why they are placed out in a rural town and spend most of there days on the farm, the ones who can be seen act like a family to not have suspicion arise. When we meet the heroes they have been trapped for 10 years. Abraham Slam is the leader and a hero of the bygone era He is over fifty and still strong as an ox he is the father figure, Golden Gail has the power of regeneration and flight, the purgatory of the town has stopped her regeneration, leaving her a fifty year old trapped in the body of a 12 year old, Colonel Weird comes straight from pulp as he is a former astronaut stuck between two vortexes, leaving his body and mind like a ghost not familiar with dates or time since they are relative to him. Madam Dragonfly is a witch that took a bad deal to save her daughter, and watches over a mysterious cabin, that was also transported to the town. Barbalien is a shapeshifting alien from Mars, and Walkie Talkie a female robot that Colonel Weird met on a mission. At the end of Black Hammer Volume 1 Secret Origins, the Black Hammer’s daughter Lucy joins the heroes in purgatory, Madam Dragonfly erases her memory quickly before the other’s arrive, and just like the left she is stuck and can not remember how she got there. At the last moments of Black Hammer Volume 2 The Event, Lucy finds and picks up her father’s old Hammer and becomes the new Black Hammer, and suddenly remembers everything about how she got there and who betrayed the team, but before she can get a word of she is whisked away to a purgatory that leads to her own personal hell. She must break free, so she can reveal all. The rest of the team follows the leads Lucy was working on and notice the town has changed. All will be revealed where they are why they are there and if they can or even want to escape. What I Liked: Abraham finally admits to the woman he loves that he’s a super hero and … she laughs at him as he has the outfit on the moment is great because he as hid this big secret for 2.5 novels and that is the reaction after all the build up. Gus the half man half deer from Jeff Lemire’s other graphic novel makes a cameo appearance. Gail who is a kid in body only with the mind of a 50 year-old has it out with the librarian that suggest the kiddie section. I like the majority of Lucy’s own purgatory, the conversation with the devil was a good one! The humor was balanced by the sad moments really well. Gail’s reaction when she finds out about the betrayal was great. The art is better I still hate the way these artists draw people. What I Disliked: I did not like the explanation for the ten years of purgatory, I felt it was a little bit of a slap in the face, for getting invested in the characters of purgatory, and didn’t feel those character’s reactions played well on a reread of what happened at the end. I reminded me of the new Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker plot line not making much sense. There was only the tiniest bit of a flashback, this series has had some really great flashback moments, and they were’t there in this volume and were greatly missed. Recommendations: I will barely recommend this book it was my least favorite so far. The Black Hammer series as a whole I would give 4 stars and say it is worth it to read, but Black Hammer Volume 3 Age of Doom Part One I rate 3 out of 5 stars. I will read the next volume in the series Black Hammer Volume 4 Age of Doom Part Two. Part one ended in a cliffhanger and I am intrigued of the new direction that the next book will go in. Age of Doom (story arc) Age of Doom is a story arc of Black Hammer and also a relaunch of the title. Written by Jeff Lemire and illustrated by , this arc picks up with Lucy Weber becoming the Black Hammer. Contents. Cast [ edit | edit source ] Main [ edit | edit source ] Supporting [ edit | edit source ] Flashbacks [ edit | edit source ] Cameo [ edit | edit source ] Gus (from Jeff Lemire's Sweet Tooth ) (on the Stories to Astonish cover) Synopsis [ edit | edit source ] Part One [ edit | edit source ] Lucy Weber has become the new Black Hammer and right as she's about to reveal to our heroes how they got stuck on the farm and can escape she vanishes. Now our new Black Hammer finds herself trapped in a gritty world filled with punk rock detectives, emo gods, anthropomorphic humans, absurdist heroes, and many more weirdoes, in a mad world in which there is no escape! Part Two [ edit | edit source ] As new Black Hammer Lucy Weber fights her way out of this gritty new dimension, she finds herself caught in Hell itself and up against trickster demons, Satan, and a bizarre emo god. Part Three [ edit | edit source ] Lucy Weber, a.k.a. Black Hammer, continues her journey in Dreamland back to the farm, leading to a confrontation with the mysterious Bereaver. At the same time, both Abe and Barbie give one last shot at salvaging their love lives. Part Four [ edit | edit source ] All is revealed when Lucy makes her way back to the farm from Dreamland, confronting the mastermind of their current situation. The revelations here will alter the fate of the Black Hammer family forever! Part Five [ edit | edit source ] Our heroes' journey from Spiral City to the farm is finally revealed and will change them forever! Part Six [ edit | edit source ] After the shocking revelations in the last issue, Colonel Weird finds himself a stranger in a strange land, where reality is ever-changing! Part Seven [ edit | edit source ] As Colonial Weird tries to figure out the new world he's found himself on, the character's he's met explain not only their origins, but potentially the origins of all things. Weird's time is running out, and the events of this issue will change the way he sees the world forever! Part Eight [ edit | edit source ] The Black Hammer team all are out of their element, literally. Part Nine [ edit | edit source ] With our heroes trapped in a bizarre new world it will be up to the new Black Hammer to bring them to safety! Part Ten [ edit | edit source ] With the team coming together, Black Hammer, Abe, and company try to figure out what's happened to throw their lives upside down. Lucy, however, receives a call from an unexpected hero, which thrusts their plan into chaos. Part Eleven [ edit | edit source ] Lucy comes face to face with someone she would never expect, as the only solution to the ongoing fight against Anti-God is revealed! Part Twelve [ edit | edit source ] All the questions are finally answered about what put our heroes on the farm, why, and where they go from here. Black Hammer Vol. 3: Age of Doom. The -winning superhero saga returns with this two-part mystery with lots of revelations! Picking up immediately where we left off--Lucy Weber has become the new Black Hammer and right as she's about to reveal to our heroes how they got stuck on the farm and can escape she vanishes. Now our new Black Hammer finds herself trapped in a gritty world filled with punk rock detectives, emo gods, anthropomorphic humans, absurdist heroes, and many more weirdos, in mad world in which there is no escape! Collects Black Hammer: Age of Doom #1-5. "I didn't think something could be thrilling and sad at the same time but now there's Black Hammer proving me wrong. Amazing, just flat-out amazing."--Patton Oswalt. "I don't read many comics these days, and I can't remember the last time I read a superhero comic, but I'm loving Black Hammer." - . Jeff Lemire and others’ Black Hammer vols 3 & 4. Jeff Lemire (writer), Dean Ormston (pencils), Dave Stewart (colorist) and (), Black Hammer Volume 3: Age of Doom Part 1 (Dark Horse Books 2019) Jeff Lemire (writer), Dean Ormston (pencils), Dave Stewart (colorist) and Todd Klein (letterer), except for 46 pages with art, colour and letters by Rich Tommaso, Black Hammer Volume 4: Age of Doom Part 2 (Dark Horse Books 2019) Early last December I announced that I didn’t want any superhero comics for Christmas. My second son’s alarmed expression made me think I’d spoken too late. But it turns out that he correctly intuited that the Black Hammer series was an understood exception. He knew I’d enjoyed the first two volumes of this series (though I doubt he read my blog post, here, which ended. ‘I’m patiently awaiting Volume 3’). Vol 3 was a Christmas gift from him, and I bought Vol 4 hot off the press. Black Hammer isn’t so much a superhero comic as a commentary on them. In the first two books a band of superannuated heroes is on a weirdly unreal farm somewhere in rural USA: the last thing any of them remember is defeating the ultimate comicbook villain, the Anti-God. Everything looks normal, they have relationships with people in the nearby town, but they can’t leave. Black Hammer, their former leader, did manage to escape, but is now almost certainly dead. In the second volume, Black Hammer’s daughter Lucy, an investigative reporter, turns up but can’t remember how she got there. She finds her father’s fabulous titular black hammer, she wields it and becomes the all-new Black Hammer. In the final frame of Vol 2, she announces that she remembers everything and knows where they are and then … … at the start of Vol 3, which is the beginning of the Age of Doom sequence, she vanishes, SHRACK!! We follow Lucy/Black Hammer’s travels through weird meta-worlds incuding a version of hell and a mysterious castle called Storyland inhabited by characters who could be parodies of Neil Gaiman’s Endless. And we follow those left behind as they try to unravel the mystery. About halfway through this volume the bifurcated paths reunite and the mystery is solved. But the solution reveals that things are actually much worse than anyone imagined. At the end of this volume, a couple of frames after someone says: without so much as a SHRACK!! , everything goes white. [In case you’re interested, the characters in that frame are: Madame Dragonfly, mistress of the macabre; Golden Gail, a potty-mouthed adult frozen in an eleven-year-old’s body; Colonel Randall Weird, who knows past, present and future all at once and spends a lot of time on the Para- Zone (don’t ask); Abraham Slam, whose name says it all; Barbalien, Gay warlord from Mars; and Lucy/the new Black Hammer. Missing is Walky-Talky, the robot who intervenes at key moments.] The next volume, the end of the Black Hammer series (apart from a number of spoin-offs carefully adumbrated in this story, including Sherlock Frankenstein and the Legion of Evil ), begins with 48 pages of art by Rich Tommaso, reminiscent of the comicbook art of the 1950s and strikingly different from the moody heroic style of Dean Ormston in the rest. These pages follow the adventures of Colonel Weird in another unreal world, this one inhabited by ‘unrealised characters from never finished stories’. (You can tell the creators had a lot of fun with this story, and there’s potential here for any number of spin-offs.) Meanwhile, the rest of the crew are back to normal life in Spiral City – a life where they have never been superheroes. One waits tables, one is a guard at the museum reading superhero comics, one is Gay in homophobic Martian society, and one is living with dementia in a nursing home. But thanks to the magic black hammer, a well-placed KRA-KOOM!! , and some intense recriminations, the original group is back together in time to face down one more threat to the entire universe. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say that it all works out in the end, in a ‘the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started’ kind of way, with a door left ajar for further adventures of Lucy/Black Hammer. I enjoyed this a lot. It’s not part of the Marvel Universe or the DC Universe so you don’t have to be a cult insider to follow it and enjoy it. According to Wikipedia, Black Hammer’s crew are going to team up with DC’s Justice League heroes this year, and a film and or TV series is in development, but I’m happy to stick with this odd bunch as they are, in the page.) Black Hammer Vol. 3: Age of Doom Part One by Jeff Lemire. Age of Doom Part One. Description. The Eisner Award-winning superhero saga returns with this two-part mystery with lots of revelations! Picking up immediately where we left off--Lucy Weber has become the new Black Hammer and right as she's about to reveal to our heroes how they got stuck on the farm and can escape she vanishes. Now our new Black Hammer finds herself trapped in a gritty world filled with punk rock detectives, emo gods, anthropomorphic humans, absurdist heroes, and many more weirdos, in mad world in which there is no escape! Collects Black Hammer: Age of Doom #1-5. "I didn't think something could be thrilling and sad at the same time but now there's Black Hammer proving me wrong. Amazing, just flat-out amazing."--Patton Oswalt. "I don't read many comics these days, and I can't remember the last time I read a superhero comic, but I'm loving Black Hammer ." - Mike Mignola. " Black Hammer is easily one of Lemire's best creations." - .