MEETING: Local Area Forum DATE: 2 July 2019 Waddesdon Cricket Club, Waddesdon, LOCATION: HP18 OJH

Arthur Evans ( Parish Council), Peter Harper ( Parish Council), Paul Irwin ( County Council) (Chairman), Nick Payne (Woodham Parish Council), Michael Rees ( Parish Meeting), Present: Ian Smith (Kingswood Parish Meeting), Peter Stray (Waddesdon Parish Council), Paul Thomas (Ludgershall Parish Council), Steve Walker (Waddesdon Parish Council) and Tony Wilkinson (Westcott Parish Council) Simon Garwood, Denise Grayburn, Graham Hillary, Sophia Martin, Fiona Paine, In Attendance: Will Rysdale and Peter Smettem Apologies: Carole Jackman (), John Knox and Sue Severn (Berryfields)


There were none.


There were none.


The Chairman would review the minutes with officers outside of the meeting and following up on outstanding actions. ACTION: The Chairman


Express way Mr M Tett, Leader of the County Council, had formally come out against the proposed route and BCC and AVDC had refused to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. More information would be needed before further action could be taken. The Chairman stated he was not aware of any houses planned for the Oakley, Brill or Lugershall areas.

HS2 Further details of heavy goods vehicles (HGV) routes were expected to be published on 25 July 2019.

Unitary The Chairman was working on the Localism work stream for the new authority. On a recent trip to Wiltshire he had observed that each of their area boards had its own area manager with a budget of around £100k. Current discussions suggested there could be between 11 and 18 Community Boards for Buckinghamshire.


Question from Mr P Harper, Edgcott Parish Council asked:

‘The LAF were helping to fund a new Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) in Edgcott but was it possible to bring the cost down by arranging their own ongoing maintenance? Did all maintenance on VAS, and other street furniture, have to be carried out by Bucks CC Highways?’

The Chairman stated that although possible savings would likely be minimal, he advised against the option as it made the parish council responsible for all maintenance and replacements including damage from heavy goods vehicles (HGV).


There were none.


Mr C Woolford had replaced Mr D Smith as Local Area Technician (LAT) and attended the meeting to present the report circulated with the agenda.

The following points were discussed as a result of questions from members of the forum:  Drains were blocked in the Wooton area of the A41 leading to mud on the road. Mr Woolford would follow this up. ACTION Mr Woolford  A gully at Windmill Drive, Quainton was confirmed to be on the maintenance schedule for immediate action. ACTION Mr Woolford  The Chairman mentioned the new Gully Watch system was now in place which would gather data and report defects. This was expected to improve on current systems. Issues could also be reported online through Fix my street (link here).  Mr Woolford would be happy to reinstate village walks. Interested parishes should contact him directly [email protected].


PCSO D Grayburn attended the LAF and gave a report on behalf of PC T Chalk.

PCSO Garyburn highlighted the following points:  Priorities had been changed to reduce the number of scams in the neighbourhood with talks at coffee mornings and sheltered housing etc. (TVP) were working with AVDC Community Safety Team and local trading standards to help with the scam awareness. Please email [email protected] for further information.  Crime across had fallen by 2% in the last 12 months and 19% for Waddesdon. Waddesdon had the lowest number of reported crimes in the area.  Thames Valley Police Facebook page had over 150,000 followers. The site could be viewed here.  Community Speed Watch volunteers had been very active in the past few months, 28 letters had been sent out in , 12 in Quainton, 32 in and 25 in Edgcott.  The new Local Police Area Commander for was Superintendent M Loebenberg and his deputy was Chief Inspector C Lavery.

The following points were discussed as a result of questions from members of the forum:  The Chairman asked if TVP were aware of instances of theft by young people from gardens around Berryfields, Quainton and Waddesdon. There had been numerous reports on social media.  The issue of drug dealing at was raised. This had already been reported but fell under the local area. PSCO Grayburn would follow this up with the Buckingham team.  There had been drug dealing issues at Berryfields, Aylesbury with metal bollards damaged to allow car access.  It was noted that Community Support team were very useful and most appreciated in the area.


Mr G Hillary, BCC Freight Strategy Officer, gave an update. Mr Hillary had joined BCC having previously worked for a freight company. His role was to deliver the Freight Strategy.

Mr Hillary highlighted the following points:  There would be a freight workshop taking place in the near future. The key to the strategy would be to find a balanced approach to supporting local businesses and minimising impact of freight on the communities.  An action plan had been produced. At a local level Mr Hillary was keen for communities to work with local businesses, and would be approaching businesses in the area to make sure they had contact with local figure heads.  It was acknowledged that current maps were not up to date. The issue needed to be addressed before pressure could be put on Sat Nav providers to update their records.

The following points were discussed as a result of questions asked by members of the forum:  It was currently not possible to identify which vehicles were involved in HS2 enablement work. Once the main project started vehicles would have livery.  It was confirmed that HS2 was known to cease contracts with contractors who deviated with agreed routes.  Those interested in being involved in the fright strategy would contact Mr Hilary on [email protected].  Further details could be found here.


The Chairman circulated a leaflet to members of the forum.

The leaflet included details of sessions with:  Animal Antiks,  Adele Peters Performing Arts School (APPAS)  Ride On Time  All Stars Cricket.

Digital marketing would be available to share and like on social media. Activities were free of charge and would run throughout the summer holidays in areas including , Marsh Gibbon, Waddesdon, Ashenden, Westcott and Calvert Green.

RESOLVED: Members of the forum to share details. 11 LOCAL PRIORITIES UPDATE

Mr S Garwood, Local Area Forum Manager, BCC, gave an overview the report circulated with the agenda.

Mr Garwood asked the forum to vote on funding for the following application:

Proposal Total project Amount Match cost recommen funding ded

School Parking and Bus Stop £1,946 £2,946 £1,000 Review

Mr Garwood highlighted the following:  The deadline for transport projects to be delivered by TfB in 2020 was 31 August 2019.  Nine Community Speed Watch signs had been purchased by the LAF. These were removable signs that could be attached to posts and gateways. Locations and safety arrangements would be agreed with the Local area Technician (LAT). Signs would be collected by contacting the Local Area Forum Team [email protected].

RESOLVED: Members of the forum voted to AGREE the above funding proposal.


Mr S Garwood, Local area Forum Manager, BCC, gave an overview of the report circulated with the agenda.

RESOLVED: Members of the forum NOTED the update.


Mr W Ryesdale, Lead Area Officer, AVDC, gave an overview of the report circulated with the agenda.

Mr Ryesdale highlighted the following:  The Aylesbury Garden Town bid was at the draft consultation stage. The consultation was expected to overlap with the summer holiday period so timescales could match the Vale of Aylesbury Housing Plan deadline.  Work on The Exchange, Aylesbury town centre, was almost complete  WhizzFizzFest had taken place on 22nd June.

RESOLVED: Members of the forum NOTED the update.


The update report had been circulated with the agenda pack prior to the meeting. The main points were summarised as below:

 Increase in in-house fostering was highlighted. Numbers exceeded targets set and was really positive news.  The promotion of the Family Information Service.  Update on Street Associations which had gathered momentum.  Update on Time To Change information on the partnership with Wycombe Wanderers. RESOLVED: Members of the forum NOTED the update.


2nd October 2019 7:00