foiling escape attempt CASS CITY CHRONICLE Complete coverage-- of the Cuss City community and surrounding areas since I899 0-G Board extends Compton’s contract Owen-Gage School Supt. Dana Gage’s finances. “But we’re con- 200 kids or 1,000 kids - that hit, per- Compton will remain at the helm of cerned, as all districts are, about Lan- centage-wise, is going to be the same the area district for the next 3 years sing, and whether there are going to on your budget,” Compton said, add- following his annual evaluation last be finding (cuts). We just have to ing school officials have few options week. make sure we continue to be a viable when cuts’are made so late in the fis- The Owen-Gage Board of Education district, and we don’t know what’s cal year. “Our personnel costs are all discussed Compton’s performance going to happen with the economy locked in, the benefits are locked in, over the past year during a 90-minute and the governor.” our supplies - we’ve already pur- executive session last Wednesday The latest discussion in Lansing chased them - your transportation night. After returning to regular ses- has school’s losing $34 per student and food service - those are all paid sion, the board voted unanimously in state funding this year, which for. Basically, at this point you just to retain their superintendent. translates into abmt $6,800 for Owen- sustain a hit on your budget. It’s “It went fine,” Compton said of his Gage. review. “It (contract) has been a “For anybody - whether you have Please turn to page 9. rollover contract and now it’s been renewed for 3 years.” The new con- tract will expire June 30,2010. The executive session also included some preliminary discussion related to upcoming teacher contract nego- tiations. The teachers’ current 3-year pact is expiring June 30. Compton acknowledged both sides How do you do? will have to take into consideration the state’s economy and the uncer- ANDREW CLARENT, 15 months, greets the Easter Bunny Saturday in Cass tainty over whether legislators will City with some help from his mother, Rikkii Clarent of Deford. The visit took ~~c~~~n.s~~~~~~a~~ place at the playscape, site of an Easter egg hunt sponsored by the Elkland a budged that’s deeply in the red. “We’re still doing fine. We’re still Township Fire Department Women’s Auxiliary. (Related photos, page 10) ~~eblack,”ComptonsaidofOwen- Badge of courage

Bronze Star +... awardedk to Stine for actions in combat CHRIS AND Correna Klco are pictured above with

I their children, (clockwise from left), Shelby, 11, by Tom Montgomery school when he was 16 and went back be.” ing at Fort Knox, Ky., followed by Editor and got his GED.” Stine, 28, has also become a deco- additional training as a Bradley In- Samantha, 17, Elijah, 6, Jessica, 13, and Caylana, 9. When Carol Stine talks about her Ask her about Kevin today, how- rated war veteran since enlisting in fantry Fighting Vehicle mechanic. He son, Kevin’s, high school days in ever, and she’ll tell you about a the U.S. Army back in the fall of 1999 completed both, earning a “distin- Almont, she remembers a young man young man with not only direction, and serving in a variety of locations, guished honor graduate” citation in with little motivation and no direc- but also a strong sense of patriotism, including a stint patrolling the streets the process. Benefit set for the tion responsibility and courage. “He’s of Baghdad, Iraq. A staff sergeant “I was sent to 1st Battalion 94th Field “Kevin was a horrible high school just a take-charge person, but with a currently stationed at Fort Bragg, Artillery, 1st Armored Division, sta- student It’s not that he wasn’t smart, reason and a calmness - Kevin N.C., he was recently awarded The tioned out of Baumholder, Germany, he was just lazy,” the Kingston doesn’t raise his voice,” she said. Bronze Star, the fourth highest com- in May of 2000,” Stine said. “Being Chris Klco family woman recently recalled “He quit “He’s become what I knew he could bat award of the US.Armed Forces, stationed in Germany, I was able to for his actions during combat in Af- travel across Europe and see the dif- ghanistan last year. ferent cultures. It was definitely an by Tom Montgomery Editor shock paddles. “Due to security reasons, I can’t go extraordinary experience to live in Peters said her brother lost a toe, into detail (about the mission),” said Europe for 3 years. Chris Klco’s plans to take his pas- but his burns are healing. Tragically, Stine, a member of the 82nd Airborn sion for youth ministry overseas fell however, the lack of oxygen when his Division who was deployed to Af- “Just before I was to return to the states, the horrible attacks of Sept. apart in an instant on a damp fall day heart stopped caused significant ghanistan in March 2006 after 18 last year at his Rockford home. brain damage. months of special training. 11 happened,” he recalled. “Within an hour every soldier in Europe had The 38-year-old former Cass City Klco, the son of Alan Klco, owner “I’m still stationed at Fort Bragg,” man was painting his house along of Knight Insurance in Cass City, he noted. “I love airborne operations been put on full alert - weapons loaded, gates locked for months with a group of missionary youths grew up in Cass City and attended -nothing like jumping out of a per- Oct. 1 when he and a 16-year-old school in town. He is now back at his fectly good airplane.” straight. We kept guard on the Ameri- can families across Europe. Al- youth member made accidental con- RockfArd home, but faces a long and “I am what I call myself a true Pa- tact with a nearby electrical wire. The difficult road to recovery. Not sur- triot,” Stine said. “I don’t question though I never slept those first 3 days, the outpouring of affection youth was killed and Klco was criti- prisingly, the medical expenses have why America is at war; I just know cally injured by the jolt of electricity been staggering, and the couple’s she needs me and that is all I need. I from the German citizens was great. They often brought us warm drinks that surged through their bodies. medical insurance has run out. truly believe if people like me and “We’re not sure ifthe ladder touched Although he is miles away, friends other service members weren’t on the and warm food in the middle of the cold nights.” the line or if (the electricity)just arced and family members in the Cass City front lines, the fight would be here over,” said Klco’s‘sister,Amy Peters area are showing their support for the and more American families would IRAQINVASION of Cass City, who noted it had been a Klco family by hosting a fimdraiser suffer. I thmk some people forget that wet fall and the ground was damp. this month.. or don’t want to admit that.” Stine’s unit was then sent to Ku- Klco was burned and his heart The event, slated for Friday, April stopped beating. He wasn’t breath- A LONG ROAD wait to prepare for the i~vasionof 20 from4 to 7 p.m. arthe VFW hall in Iraq. ing when he entered the hospital and was revived with the use of electric Please turn to back page. Stine is quick to say his outlook and “We came in right behind the 3rd sense of purpose has changed dras- Infantry Division and assisted in the tically since his days as a teenager. taking of Baghdad,”.he said. “I spent 9 valedictorians and 2 “I was never interested in school,” the next 8 months patrolling the he acknowledged. “After high school streets of Baghdad - made it I became a young father at the age of through with minor injuries. salutatorians top class 18 a beautiful girl named Hailey, “If there is one thing that I can re- Nine valedictorians and 2 salutato- ter of Rick and Teresa Rabideau; who is now 10. Two short years later member about Baghdad, it’s how dif- rians top the Cass City High School my son, Jerod, was born and I soon Allyn Richards, daughter of Scott and ferent Saddam’s living conditions Class of 2007, school officials an- Janet Richards; Nicholas Sattelberg, found the financial difficalties of hav- were (compared) to nounced Friday. son of Richard and Joan Sattelberg; ing a family so young. Without any his ...countrypen,” Stine said. “The This year’s valedictorians are: Ryan and Kyle Swanson, son of Mark and college and a lack of money to at- city streets are horrible. Imagine your Biddinger, son of Greg and Michelle Ann Swanson. tend, it was difficult to find a career home town without any simple gov- Biddinger; Jennifer Hacker, daughter that could provide for my family the ernment or city services. Your home- of and Hacker; Lysa The 2007 salutatorians are Jeremiah ; way I wanted. That is why initially town having no trash disposal, so the Kmght, daughter of David and Carol ~~f~~~~~~~~d~~~~~~; kAROL STINE holds a photo of her son, Kevin, the armed forces attracted my atten- last 10 years of trash are in the streets. Knight; Jessica Lange, daughter of Dennis and Lisa McComas. tion as a career.” It’s sickening, especially when David and Susanne Forster; Andrew .$long with the Bronze Star presented to him for his Saddam’s palaces had groomed Biddinger has been involved in a Stine enlisted in the Army in Sep- Martin, son of Kenneth and Roselyn actions during combat in Afghanistan. tember 1999 and attended basic train- Please turn to page 8. Martin; Courtney Rabideau, daugh- Please turn to page 8. PAGE TWO CASS CITYCHRONICLE - WEDNESDAY, APRIL4,2007 CASS CITY, MICHIGAP Hendrick ” m ission a r ies Church “adopts “student

Members of the Good Shepherd missionaries to Guatemala. Lutheran Church in Guatemala, an month ” Lutheran Church, Cass City, recently Dale, who has a master’s degree and LCMS partner church, in training pas- of “adopted” the Rev. Dale Talsma and 2 additional years of doctoral stud- tors and church leaders through the his wife, Cheryl, who serve as iesfromConcordiaTheologicalSemi- Lutheran Center for Theological Stud- Lutheran Church Missouri Synod nary in Fort Wayne, Ind., assists the ies. The couple previously served as I Put Off watchg the TV show, “Are took a little more effort, but even a evangelistic missionaries in Nigeria, You As Smart As A Fifth Grader” for math dummy like me was able to fig- WestAfIlca, from to 1999. 1986 Dale ure it out, as were the fifth graders. was born and raised near Ludington. quite a long time‘ Maybe I was I wasn’t, and that would be depress- Perhaps I give the genera1,popula- was born in oakpark, and .- tion too much credit. has an associate’s degree in science. mg. Last year I tried to help my 5th grade An email account told of a contes- She is working toward a bachelor’s grandson with his math homework tant on another TV show I don’t degree in education so that she can and got lost in the methodology. watch, “Who Wants To Be A Million- be certified as a teacher. The Talsma’s aire?” have 5 children. But throwing pride aside, I finally watched it one night. If it’s true, which it claims to be, the For the next 3 years, Good Shepherd woman failed the very first question, congregation, along with other Some of the contestants should which is generally considered a Lutheran churches around the coun- have been more fearful. It’s hard to gimmee. will be providing financial sup- believe it wasn’t staged. try, Accordiqg to the account, the origi- port for this missionary and fam- What halfway intelligent American his nal question was: Which of the fol- ily as well as encouraging him and doesn’t know that Canada is our neighbor to the north? The adult lowing is the largest: A) Apeanut; B) praying for the work he is doing in Jaclyn Hendrick contestant on the show had to cheat An elephant; C) The moon; D) Hey, the mission field. by lookmg at her fifth grade partner’s Who are you calling large? Jaclyn N. Hendrick has been named Congregation secretary Kelly Shaw She opted to use her first help line and president Kevin Mulligan signed answer. Owendale-Gagetown School’s “Se-’ Another guy couldn’t figure out to have 2 of the wrong answers re- nior Student of the Month” for March. the official “adoption” papers on be- what half the area would be (in square moved and was left with the choice half of the congregation. Hendrick was a member of the var- inches) of a 12-inch square. That one of an elephant or the moon. Then sity softball team her sophomore year.‘ she went against the advice of her She was chosen as a class represen- remaining 2 lifelines, a friend and the tatwe for homecoming her jumor year ’ studio audience, and answered that and also was a queen candidate for Cass City High an elephant is bigger than the moon. homecoming and snowball as a se- Do you think it’s time to start worry- mor. ing? She served as her class treasurer and A lot of us aren’t as smart as we think was named a “focus” student as a‘, School Honor Roll we are. I heard about a hotshot law- junior. This year, she has served as GOOD SHEPHERD Lutheran Church congregation Secre- yer who thought he could outsmart a an aide to the athletic director. tary Kelly Shaw and President Kevin Mulligan sign the offi- Cass City High School officials an- Grade 11 policeman who had stopped him on Hendrick has been a student in the cial “adoption” papers on behalf of the Cass City congrega- nounce the fourth marking period the highway. The cop asked for his automotive technology class at the. honor roll. All A’s: David Acker, Isaiah Battel, license and registration. Huron Area Technical Center the past- tion, which has “adopted” the Rev. Dale Talsma and his wife, Evan Bushong, Ethan Damm, Danielle The lawyer asked, “What for?” 2 years. Cheryl. The couple serves as Lutheran Church Missouri Delamarter, Stephanie Healy, Trey Policeman: You didn’t come to a The daughter of Dennis and:” Grade 9 Helwig, Kristie Karr, Adam Kranz, complete stop at the stop sign. Michelle Hendrick of Deford, she.! Synod missionaries to Guatemala. Lawyer: I slowed down, and no one Thomas Parrish, Jeffrey Sparks and plans to attend college in the fall and I All A’s: Jacob Ballard, Josiah Battel, Derek Weidman. was coming. work at Bell-Wasik in Caro. Richard Doerr, Kevven Dorland, B or better: Rodney Abasso, Policeman: But you didn’t come to Ip Amanda Kaake, Logan Kausch, Jen- Meleah Auten, Lauren Bennett, Jes- a complete stop. License and regis- nifer Manwell, Emily Martin, Elise sica Bessler, Anna Deel, Ashley Deel, tration, please. Nicol, Steven Rychlewski, Jenna Andrew Deering, Madeline Dooley, Lawyer: What’s the difference? Sattelberg, Stephanie -Steely and Scarlett Helland, Darrin Howard, Policeman: The law says that you Samantha Swiderski. Ashley Hutchinson, Devin Jamieson, have to come to a complete stop. OPENING FOR B or better: Rachel Auten, Abby Jacob Leslie, Brandi McKee, Lacey License and registration, please. I Unlimited~ ~~Hours, No Contracts! ;:I Ellis, Kent LaFave, Andrew Leslie, Morrish, Alicia Osentoski, Brandy Lawyer: If you can show me the le- Paige Lester, Thomas Marker, Paul Rychlewski, Nicholas Smith, Ashlee gal difference between slow down THE SEASON Martin, Ashleigh Moore, Dylan Spencer, Justin Stilson and Jennifer and stop, I’ll give you my registra- Murphy, Brittany Nicol, Tyler Perry, Zmierski. tion and license, and you can give APRIL 8th EASTER BUFFET 11-2 p.m. me a ticket. Ifnot, you let me go and 9 FREE 24/7 Technical Supp Dillon Peruski, LaShae Radeka, Eric Instant Messaging - keep your buddy listf RESERVATION ONLY: Dijon-crusted Roast Beef, Ham, Pork, Reif, Paul Rubey, Kelsey Rudy, Roch- Grade 12 don’t give me . 10 e-mail addresses with Webrnaill Dressing, Kielbasa, Sauerkraut, Candied Sweet Potatoes, elle Rushlow, Nicholas Shantz, Policeman: Sounds fair. Exit the ve- Real Mashed Potatoes 8, Gravy, Chateau Fries & Vegetables, Angelena Simpson, David Steely, hicle please. Special Homemade Salad Bar, Soup, Bread, Dessert Table All A’s: Karen Aldrup, Ryan Ashleigh Stoeckle, Sara Venema, Biddinger, MingYu Chen, Terra He got out of his car, and the patrol- man took out his nightstick and pro- Brandon Weaver, Jordan Yax and Czekai, Jill Dillon, Courtney Hacker, ‘ $13.95per person Children’s prlclng available Megan Zawilinsh. Jennifer Hacker, Allison Hillaker, ceeded to beat him unmercifully. Then he asked, “Now, do you want NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS - CALL 989-665-9971 Renee Horn, Theresa Imgraben, Grade 10 Stephanie Jamieson, Ryan King, me to stop or just slow down?” Whitney Kim, Kathryn Klco, Lysa I think he made his point. d Friday, April 6th Fish Fry All A’s: Krystal Alexander, Brandon Knight, Jessica Lange, Andrew Mar- Hartwick, Michael Howard, Kyle Includes all you can eat soup & salad, tin, Laura McComas, Thomas Kausch, Jaymes Knight, Amanda Mittlestat, Courtney Rabideau, Kyle dessert table from 4-8 p.m. Langenburg, Greggory Leslie, Brit- Reif, Allyn Richards, Eric Romain, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY 7:30 tany Loomis, Travis Mabe, Carly Ryan Ross, Nicholas Sattelberg, Kari Call 989-665-9971 Rabideau, Sarah Reed, Jennica Spencer, Kyle Swanson, Rebecca * Richards, Christopher Summersett, Sweeney, Adam Wentworth, Leah HELD OVER 2nd FUN WEEK BenjaminVamey,ArielVeneziano and Whittaker and Tyler Whittaker. OPEN EVERY EVENING 7:30 ONLY Clark Walsh. B or better: Andrea Badgley, Brent B or better: Samantha Auten, Aaron Becker, Rebecca Bennett, Dennis CHILDREN $3.00 - TEEN/ADULTS $4.50 Bardwell, Deidre Bowen, Bryan Burk, Bowen, Whtney Braun, John Brown, FOUR BUDDIES ONAROAD TRIP Thomas Burns 11, Michelle Butler, Alyssa Cryderman, Kristen Curtiss, Cody Chappel, Thomas Cotton, Raymond Ellis, Kurt Hanby, Kyle Chelsea Depner, Elisa Ellis, Ashley Hartwick, Kati Hill, Lauren Howard, Frankowski, Matthew Hallwood, Andrew Jones, James Ketterer, Galen Gage Hardesty, Bernadette Kuebli, Jessica Lange, Anthony Homrocky, Carly Howard, Sarah Lanzlois, Tyler Mabe, Sara Meeker, SMDOKU Howard, Alexandra Kappen, Kelli Brandon Miller, Deric Murphy, Fun By The Lautner, Candice Marks, Roger Megen Odell, Kevin Ouvry, Lief Parr, Numbers McKee Jr., Elizabeth Michalski, Andrew Pemski, Ashleigh Rabideau, Like puzzles? Then Amanda Miller, Travis Mozden, Bran- Micah Randall, Danielle Reed, Derek you’ll love sudoku. don Myers, Carl Nicol, Andrew Ricker, Emily Scherer,Bradley Sev- This mind-bending Rohlfs, Steven Schotter, Jennie erance, Kyle Sieradzh, Preston Stec, puzzle will have you Thorp, Krysta Timko, Tyler Brent Stine, Philip Strong, Andrea hooked fiomthe mo- Tomlinson, Chantell Toner, Joram Thane, Sheila Wasserman, Brent ment you square off, Tyson and Megan VanVliet. Weaver and Samantha Wright. so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the Deford Discount Groceries test! I I875 h? Crawford Rd., Deford

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hit usfor all your financial needs and I Register to win an I Chronicle Liners Easter plant I be given away Frida I April 6, 2007 I I I &&’& Food Center I Cass City Chronicle Cass City I 6550 Main St., Cass City 989-872-21 91 I CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY I Phone 872-2010 Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 7-8: Sun. 10-5 CkSS CITY, MICHIGAN CASS CITY CHRONICLE -WEDNESDAY, APRIL4,2007 PAGE THREE Elkland Township Board The back fom Rabbit Tracks approves ‘07 spending plan 0 mRopmp0nd by Roger Pond by John Haire I feel better now. The city council in tions with other couples.) Elkland Township officials “held the In a related matter, the board held a Portland, Oregon has voted not to The psychologist said people who (And anyone else he can line” in spending as they approved a Truth in Taxation hearing and ap- bomb Iran. grew up during the depression were get to help) trio of budgets for the new fiscal year proved an operating tax millage of This makes Portland the second city hard workmg and carell wth money, during their annual meeting last week. 1.6468 mills in the coming year. to pass such a resolution. Berkeley as we might expect rhey were very The township’s fiscal year began A Truth in Taxation hearing is re- was the first. (I don’t believe any cit- reluctant to quit a job, because it April 1. quired by the Headlee Amendment, ies have decided we should bomb mght be hard to find another one. i kshley Klemkowsky, the daughter of Pete and The township board approved a which limits to the rate of inflation Iran.) This fellow said folks who grew up Timy Klemkowsky of Morgantown, WV, has general fund budget totaling the annual increase in property tax Berkeley went one better than Port- in the 1960s were into causes. Every- signed a letter of intent to play soccer at the Uni- $33 1,070, a decrease of $57,530 com- revenue that schools, townships and land. That city council also encour- body had a cause in the ’60s. Save ‘ versity of Charleston, WV starting in the fall. pared to the previous spending plan. governments receive. aged Germany to indict former Secre- the whales, ban the fur trade, save ’khe parents are well known in the area. Both are “It’s not an increase in taxes,” em- “We really didn’t do much increas- tary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for the forest. 1980 graduates of Owendale-Gagetown.Her grand- phasized township Assessor Doug Sometimes the ing (in spending) at all,” said town- war crimes. ’60s people get so pirents are George and Joan Klemkowsky of Car0 Powers, who explained the board ac- This all seems odd to me. These caught up in their causes they forget a$ Virginia Kain of Owendale. A cousin, Brandon ship Clerk Norma Wallace, who noted tion simply prevents the millage rate the board’s ,pay remains the same, towns have rotting sewers, gangs where their responsibilities begin and ~ fibs, was one of the top players for the Owen- from being rolled back. There may shooting each other, and people liv- end The psychologist said eueryone Ggebasketball team this season. although the cemetery sexton re- still be a rollback, he said, depending ceived a small increase because he ing under bridges; but the council is would be better off if these folks went ‘: on the final numbers Once the county home and cleaned up their rooms ********** Ashley Klemkowsky no longer utilizes a township-owned debating about whether to bomb Iran. completes the equalization process About the time I heard the psycholo- residence . In recent years the Portland City It was about 10 years ago that I was taken to Maxfield’s Restaurant, tucked over the next couple of months. Council has voted to call for an end gist speak, some folks decided they Township Supervisor Dan Erla said In any event, the difference in rev- away in the muddle of nowhere, 3 rmles north of Edmore It had obviously another reason the budget is reduced to the war in Iraq, to condemn abuse needed to reform our local schools enue brought into the township be- ofthe U.S. PatriotAct, and to deplore They were most concerned about the been expanded at that time and I wondered to myself if it could survive is because of cuts in revenue shar- I cause of in Taxation hear- curriculum, I think I returned last week and not only did the restaurant survive, it boomed. It ing from the state. And, the town- the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” ing is minimal, according to Powers, Sports were getting too much atten- will seat about 500 and I was told that in peak periods there usualjy was a ship spent $80,000 in roads last year. policy toward homosexuality.And the waiting list. who said the increase last year to- sewers are still leaking. tion The arts were under-appreci- The board also approved the taled about $3,000. Why don’t these folks tend to what ated, and the kids needed more for- A history of the organization revealed that it was now run by a fourth gen- township’s cemetery budget, which eration of the Maxwell farmly Addltions to the Maxwell empire now include In other business last week, Erla re- they were elected for‘? Maybe they eign languages totals $1 18,000, about $27,000 more ported the second phase of the should haQe a training meeting or These people conducted surveys, an Inn and the Depot, a convenience store, both located in Edmore. than the previous year. A majority of Now Maxfield’s offers buffets Tuesdays through Saturdays for $7 95 or Elmwood Road project is scheduled something? met with administrators, and pestered the increase is due to the purchase to get underway this summer. The I’m reminded of a psychologist who the school board It was a small group, $8 95 The difference is that for an extra buck you gain access to an extensive of a replacement pickup truck, accord- salad bar The cheaper buffet has a cole slaw in place of the salad bar. project, covering a one-mile section spoke at a county agents meeting back but they created quite a fuss ing to Wallace. from Doerr Road to Koepfgen Road, in the ’70s.This man believed a major A couple of years after this little cru- The “mni” buffet includes potatoes, 3 vegetables, a pork dish and fish The The 2007-08 fire fund, meanwhile, food was tasty and avoided becormng unattractive and no longer fresh will include ditching, culverts and factor in a person’s personality was sade, one of the wonieii involved told totals $91,8 15, a spending decrease Giveita6 5onthe 1-10scale gravel. The work will cost an esti- the time period in which we grew up. my wife she probably wouldn’t have of about $6,000 compared to 2006-07. mated $67,000. He said folks who grew up in the gotten so caught up in all of that ********** t 1 ’20s and ’30s liked to do things in school stuff if she hadn’t had 50 much groups: Company picnics, church free time on her hand\ Cass City had a tentative plan in place to move girls’ and boys’ sports as socials, square dancing. (My parents, She should have been home clean- ‘ requested in decisions by a lower court and will be dusting them off follow- The Haire Net for example, took most of their vaca- ing up her rooiii ing the refusal of the US. Supreme Court to hear an appeal by the Michigan I I High School Athletic Association. The changes required to be in force by the start of the 2007-08 school year Recycling expensive JYJYJYJYaaJYJYaJma will switch girls’ basketball from fall to winter and volleyball from winter to but well worth it JY CASS CITY M fall. Boys’ golf and girls’ tennis switches from fall to spring in the Lower mnsula. I JY & b one plan for the change in Cass City it was suggested that the girls play ’ @ND’S MUSIC SJ t Monday and Thursday and the boys play Tuesday and Friday and switch Over the last quarter century, while chases of $2 or more regardless of a ies each season. However, for a smooth operation it may well be that tramping through the woods or dis- the amount spent that would be used h 6435 Main St., Cas City 989-872-8222 bnges in season be correlated with other schools in the various confer- turb& &e fish yn a favorite river, any for bottle pickup and recycling. Come see us for all your musical needs Sales - Leysons - Repairs ‘4 kes. .‘ bottles that littered the area were more Of the suggestions have a ‘Om- We teach Banjo, Y,olin,Guitar; Bass, Piano and Drums some of those details will be ironed out in a special meeting slated today than likely to have been transported mon denormnator-they require more a Jednesday), athletic director Aaron Fernald said. into Michigan from a neighboring money than is generated today 8 Mon -Fn. 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m n ,t the very least the myriad problems that the switches will require will be a state. If projections are accurate, the prob- ~nn~~n~~nnan,@na~a~a ,adache for athletic directors already hard-pressed to find coaches and 1t7~changed a little today, and now lem will become more acute in the fk- ferees, as well as available gym time for all sports. when a bottle is found discarded it ture By 20 10 the sale of bottled wa- may well be one that held a health ter and non-carbonated beverages drink or water that does not require a will exceed that of beverages now JOHN’S bottle deposit. sold in deposit bottles That means that there will be 4 billion more cans For me, it’s an oxymoron to drink and bottles to care for SMALL ENGINE REPAIR water for its healthy purity and then Despite the environmental advan- toss the container to pollute the en- 25 years experience i tages that a bottle deposit brings, it Even the most savvy investors vironment. wonder about how to best protect has been slow to catch on nation- Polls show that a sizeable majority 1 5 wide There are 1 states with deposit 1 their retirement nest egg. approve of the bottle deposit law and laws ranging f ?m a low of 2 cents would be happy to see it expanded to and a hgh of 15 cents with the major- To find out more informatmq on protecting cover all bottles and cans. ity charging 5 cents :your retirement income So the question is not whether an When I enter Oh0 or Indiva, that expanded law would be popular, but call David A. Weiler today. are among the many states without a Parts available for Briggs, Tecumseh, Kohler and how it can be handled. bottle deposit law, the difference in roadside bottle litter is easy to see Honda motors. Also available for Ayp., Sears, MTD, Together we can create an investment plan to help you Retailers point out with justification Harder to see will be a solution that reach your goals while protecting your annuity income that handling bottles adds at least a Murray Riders, Pushmowers and Rototillers. nickel to the cost in addition to the pleases environmentalists and a high bottle deposit. Bottles filled with ob- percentage of the people in the state GENERATORS in stock starting at $399O0 jectionable waste are a perennial prob- and includes a solution to the prob- lem and shouldn’t be around food lem that it creates for retailers Pick Up & Delivery Available Harris & Company stores, opponents of an expanded law That solution would ultimately be Full 30-Dav Warrantv On Work Done point out. more expensive, but one that’s well Cass City, MI 48726 worth the few cents per bottle that it ’ There have been several sugges- 5426 E. Cass City Rd. L* (989) 872-3866 tions for a way to expand the bottle would cost to increase recycling and Cass City, MI 48726 989-872-2688 law, including a penny tax on pur- keep Michigan clean

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by Kyle Swanson in circuit court

The following people appeared in $100. Tuscola County Circuit Court last .Charity L. Stratton, 28, Mayville, On a wall right outside the office at ourselves, is it worth it? Or better yet,; Spring Break. It’s a time for teach- One student, Katie Klco, toldme that week on various criminal charges: pleaded guilty to 2 counts of attempt- .Richard J. Fisher Jr., 45, Vassar, was ing to obtain a controlled substance Kingston High School hangs a bulle- was it worth it in the first place? t’ ers and students to catch their breath she was planning to go shopping for In just the small community of and relax before they gear up for thed prom and that she was going to plan sentenced to 10 to 25 years in prison by fraud Jan. 9 and Aug. 18 in Caro. tin board. It is decorated in red, white, and blue and contains a scattering of Kingston, many have gone to Iraq to: end of the year rush. Over the past everything for her open house. An- for his pleas of guilty to 2 counts of A pre-sentence investigation was pictures of soldiers. fight, and some have lost their lived week, I have talked with several stu- drew Martin said that he too was plan- first degree criminal sexual conduct ordered in the case and bond was To the far right of the board, there in the process. Also, recently in the‘ dents from Cass City to see what they ning to stay home, get some work involving a victim at least 13 years of continued at a combined $15,000. are pictures of soldiers completing news, Congress has been talking: are planning to do over spring break. done, and play a little basketball. age but under 16 between January Sentencing is to be scheduled. 1998 and November 2005 in Vassar .Kenneth S. Mahan Jr., 18, Caro, their missions either entitled “Opera- about pulling the troops out of Iraq, A number of students told me that Yet, there was still another group of but President Bush believes they still: they would be traveling over spring students. These are the students Township. pleaded no contest of larceny of tion Iraqi Freedom” or “Operation Enduring Freedom.” To the left of have a long way to go before we pack break. Several people said that they who said they had absolutely no clue He was also ordered to pay court money/property valued at $1,000 to our bags and leave the Middle East. ‘ were headed south for a little vaca- what they were doing. It seemed that costs and fines totaling $180. $20,000 July 26 in Caro. these are 2 sections separated by a poem dedicated to the troops sta- Opinions on the conflict are plenti- tion. Carly Rabideau, a sophomore for most of the people in this group, ‘Timothy W. Loomis, 35, Millington, A pre-sentence investigation was was sentenced lo 5 to 20 years in ordered, bond was continued at tioned over in Iraq. The first section ful and varying. Should we have ever‘ who recently went to Europe on the they didn’t think they would be trav- sent troops to Iraq? forensics trip, told me that she was eling anywhere too far from home, prison for his pleas of no contest to $10,000 and the defendant was re- is labeled “In Honor of Our U.S. Sol- fleeing a police officer and operating manded to the custody of the diers” and has the names, military Senior Safah McLellan believes we I going to North Carolina to visit fam- but rather staying in the general area. were right in doing so, “I believe that: ily. However, she also added that she However, most said that they weren’t a motor vehicle while under the influ- sheriffs department. Sentencing is branches, and pictures of 11 differ- ence of liquor, third offense, May 28 to be set. ent men and women from our area if we (the US.) have the power to help will actually be stopping to visit some sure what they would do during the others that we should do so,” she. of the kids from North Carolina that week. One student told me, “I guess in Millington. He was also convicted .Robert K. Tonchen, 3 1, Millington, who are either currently serving or of being an habitual offender (3 or pleaded guilty to second degree home have already served. The other sec- said. Sophomore Brent VanHorn went on the tour in Europe with her. I will just be around, hanging out with agrees with Sarah adding, “How can: A few other students told me that friends and stuff.” more prior felony convictions). invasion Jan. 23 in Millington. He tion has the names, ages, and pic- 4 other individuals. The we ever forget what happened Sept. : they too were headed south, some to As for me, since I went to Europe OBoyce C. Kirkwood, 39, Mayville, was also convicted of being an ha- tures Qf words over this section read, “In l.l...some say Iraq has nothing to do South Carolina, some to Tennessee, just a few weeks ago, I will be spend- was sentenced to 180 days in the bitual offender (3 or more prior felony Memory of Our Fallen Soldiers Who with Sept. 1 1, well, that is yet to be 8 and, of course, some to Florida. ing my spring break in Cass City. And countyjail (deferred) and 24 months convictions). Gave the Ultimate Sacrifice.” determined, but, what, are we going However, some students said they after talking with Katie Klco, I might probation for hsplea of guilty to writ- A pre-sentence investigation was Since March 20, 2003, the United to ...just leave Iraq alone, even when. wouldn’t be traveling so far. There try to follow her lead and get some of ing 3 non-sufficient fund checks ordered, bond was continued at States has had troops over in Iraq their dictator had connections to ter- were a few students who told me that my open house stuff done, too. It within 10 days. were for $8,000 and the defendant was re- fighting. In the past 4 years, we have rorists?”However, Freshman Mack George they would be going to a relative’s may not feel like it yet, but there are $102.72, $41.94 and $201.54. They manded to the custody of the managed to find and capture Saddam house for an Easter dinner. Other stu- only 25 days of school left for se. were written Jan. 21-28, 2006, in sheriff‘s department. Sentencing is Mayville, and drawn on Bank One, to be scheduled. Hussein and set up some semblance disagrees, “We had no reason to go-, dents told me that they weren’t trav- njors, and 30 days until graduation. over there, except fo eling, but rather that they were hav- So, whether you’re traveling to a according to court records. .@DavidM. Strickland, 22, Cass City, of a government for the Iraqis. But Kirkwood was ordered to pay $820 stood mute to a charge of posses- many of us (Americans) are asking mass destruction,for ing family over at their house. place far away or just staying home, none,” he said. Mrs. Still, there were other students that enjoy your spring vacation and try in costs and fines plus restitution of sion of marijuana, subsequent of- $42 1.22. fense, March 12 in Caro. an English teacher at told me they would just be staying to relax. It won’t be long until final shared her opinion: “I home over spring vacation. exams are here and school is out. @GloriaM. Proctor, 46, Decker, was A pre-trial hearing was ordered Security sentenced to 90 days in jail (45 days scheduled and bond was continued of communication between co deferred) and 12 months probation at $10,000. and NATO could have prevented for her plea of no contest to delivery/ .Donald R. Bliss, 48, Fairgrove, funding set current situation.” manufacture of a controlled sub- stood mute to charges of first degree Troop withdrawal is another Deputy credited with stance last October in Indianfields home invasion, larceny in a building, for county versial topic. When? How qu Township. larceny of a firearm and 3 counts of how slowly? She was also ordered to pay costs possession of a firearm in the com- agencies What will be the result? Fr foiling escape attempt and fines totaling $1,320. mission of a felony March 1 in Gilford Chelsea Ruggles answer .Louis A. Mays, 30, Caro, was sen- Township. “when” question by stating, “I be An observant deputy is being cred- tine visit to the hospital, was going Enhancing homeland security mea- lieve we should pull the troops now. tenced to 90 days in jail and 18 A pre-trial hearing was ordered sures is the goal of more than $40,000 ited with foiling a planned escape at to attempt to pick up those items and months probation for his plea of We’ve given Iraq enough guidance;’ scheduled and bond was continued in federal funding recently awarded the Sanilac County Jail last week. escape with the help of the outside guilty to assault with a dangerous so they can go on their own now.” at $10,000. to Tuscola County law enforcement Police arrested 20-year-old Sara suspect. weapon Jan. 1 in Caro. He was also .Michael H. Frambes, 47, But Brent VanHorn does not believe Marie Bauer, Deckerville, Tuesday, At about 7:40 p.m. Tuesday, the fe- convicted of being an habitual of- agencies. the job is done. “When the work there ; Unionville, pleaded guilty to 5 counts Congressman Dale E. Kildee, an- March 27, after allegedly attempting male suspect traveled to the hospi- fender (one prior felony conviction). of embezzlement while serving as a is finished [we can pull out]. I know:’ to help a Sandusky man escape dur- tal, where she entered a restroom and In addition to jail time, he was or- nounced last week that the $40,099 the longer the troops stay, the more trustee of the ACW Ambulance Ac- grant will come from the fiscal year ing a hospital visit, Sanilac County then left the building. dered to pay $870 in costs and fines. count between June and September the death count for the war will go Sheriff Virg Strickler announced “Investigators and hospital staff .David R. Goodwin, 43, Mount Mor- 2006 Appropriations Act for the De- up, but freedom comes with a price,” 2004 in Akron Township. partment of Homeland Security. Thursday. The inmate’s name has not then entered the restroom and located ris, was sentenced to 180 days in jail The plea was taken under advise- he said. Answering the “how quickly Of the total, $10,553 will go to the been released yet. several items hidden above a ceiling and 24 months probation for his plea ment by the court, which ordered a or how slowly” question, Junior Sa-,; Michigan State Police post in Car0 Strickler said the planned escape panel,” said Strickler, who didn’t de- of guilty to unlawfully driving away pre-sentence investigation and con- rah Vroman thinks that “we should“ for the purchase of thermal imaging was uncovered early last week after scribe the items. “It was then decided an automobile Jan. 1 in Caro. He was tinued bond at $25,000. Sentencing slowly pull out.” The answer to the equipment, including a surveillance Corrections Deputy Ryan by investigators to allow her to leave also convicted of being an habitual is to be scheduled. “what will be the result” question is, McConnachie discovered some ir- the area and continue to (keep an eye offender (one prior felony convic- .Jeffrey B. Preston, 27, Fairgrove, camera that can detect activityimove- “If we pull the troops out now, Iraq regularities while closing out the ac- on) her, hoping to identify any other tion). was sentenced to 180 days in jail and ment through smoke, fog, rain and will go back to the way it was; if we darkness. Another $15,7 12 will be count of an inmate who had been re- accomplices that may be involved. He was ordered to pay costs and 24 months probation for his pleas of pull out later, more troops will die,” given to the Tuscola County Sheriffs leased from custody. Investigators believed she would re- fines totaling $1,120 plus restitution no contest to assaulting a police of- according to Mack George. Department, also for thermal imaging “He discovered that another inmate turn to a parking area at a pre-deter- of$lO. ficer, domestic violence and malicious No matter how many opinions each equipme,nt, and the Car0 Police De- was contacting an outside source mined time to facilitate the ...escape.” .Ryan John-Allan Wutzke, 2 1, Cass destruction of a building Dec. 13 in of us possess, this topic will be a sore, through the ‘releasing inmates ac- About 4 hours later, members of the partment will receive $13,834 for the spot until the issue is completely re-: City, was sentenced to 2 to 20 years Fairgrove. purchase of surveillance equipment. count’,’’ Strickler explained. “Upon sheriff’s department’s Special Re- in prison for his pleas of guilty to He was also ordered to pay costs solved and the troops are back home. “Preserving our safety is a top pri- further investigation he discovered a sponse Team arrested the female sus- delivery/manufacture of marijuana, and fines totaling $1,010. Teacher Mrs. Sara Roberts sums up: plot to escape. The information was pect as she was en route to the ority,” Kildee said in announcing the the conflict, “Overall, I feel we are subsequent offense, Oct. 8 in Cass .Joel E. Gibson, 21, Vassar, pleaded grant. “This funding will strengthen forwarded to Detective Sgt. James planned escape location. Strickler City; uttering and publishing involv- guilty to breaking and entering a fighting a battle that will never end-, Johnson, who headed up the investi- said investigators seized several items local emergency preparedness by they were fighting long before we, ing a $600 check drawn on Indepen- building with intent to commit larceny helping to equip our first responders gation.” of evidence in her vehicle and through dent Bank, forgery involving a $500 Jan. 28 in Millington. came along and will be long after we That investigation revealed that a the execution of search warrants and with the tools they need to protect leave,” she said. check, also drawn on Independent A pre-sentence investigation was their communities, and themselves, suspect outside the jail planned to jail cell searches. Bank, and larceny in a building be- ordered and bond was continued at However, a good question to ask’ hide several items at McKenzie Me- Bauer is being held on a $100,000 during an emergency.” ourselves is how would we like it if tween Sept. 30 and Oct. 4 in Almer $2,500. Sentencing is to be set. The funding is part of the Commer- morial Hospital in Sandusky, and the bond and faces several charges, in- @MatthewE. Davis, 20, Vassar, the shoe was on the other foot; if we Township; and uttering and publish- cial Equipment Direct Assistance Pro- inmate. who was scheduled for a rou- cluding aiding a prisoner escape, pleaded guilty to possession of mari- lived in a country without liberties, ing involving a $600 check drawn on gram, which works to enhance local/ conspiracy, possession of a firearm Thumb National Bank, and obtaining juana, subsequent offense, and op- oppressed by a dictator. And once regional response capabilities, risk in the commission of a felony, and erating a motor vehicle while under the dictator is gone would we want moneylproperty valued at $1,000 to management abilities and Band concert possession of a short-barred shot- the influence of liquor Feb. 22 in the country that liberated us to con- $20,000 by false pretenses Sept. 17- interoperable communications. gun. 18 in Cass City. V’assar Township. tinue to help? set May 6 The prisoner, a 35-year-old male, is In addition to prison time, Wutzke A pre-sentence investigation was awaiting trial on charges out of was ordered to pay $2,880 in costs ordered and bond was continued at The Sanilac Community Symphonic Sandusky and the state of Maine. He and fines. Restitution is to be deter- $1,000, Sentencing is to be sched- WI Band will present a variety of spring- remains in custody and now faces mined. uled. Welcome Back... time music during its annual spring additional charges related to the es- @DavidT. Verbeek Jr., 20, Millington, @Bradley W. Hawkins, 20, concert, Sunday, May 6, starting at 3 cape attempt. received a one-year delayed sentence Millington, pleaded guilty to operat- p.m. at the Sanilac Career Center, lo- Strickler said the county owes a following his plea of no contest to ing a motor vehicle while under the cated 7 miles south of Sandusky on debt of gratitude to Deputy larceny of money/property totaling influence of liquor - causing serious Aitken Road, just east of M-19. McConnachie for his professional- $1,000 to $20,000 Nov. 6-8 in injury, July 2, 2005, in Watertown Admission is free, but donations will ism. “His actions avoided possible Millington Township andor the city Township. be accepted - all contributions will serious injury’or even death, to fel- of Vassar. A pre-sentence investigation was go towards band expenses and the low officers and innocent bystand- He was ordered to pay costs and ordered and bond was continued at purchase of new music. ers,” the sheriff added. fines totaling $720 plus restitution of $5,000. Sentencing is to be set. 200 commodities Michigan produces more than 200 Easter is commodities, making it the second most agriculturally diverse state in the nation.

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, eASS CITY, MICHIGAN CASS CITYCHRONICLE -WEDNESDAY, APRIL4,2007 PAGE FIVE LaBuhn, Lackowski top Down Memory Lane 2007 graduates at IJblv I By Harmony Doerr J Ubly Community School officials champions for 3 years, regional cham- tend Lake Superior State University last week announced the top gradu- pions 2 years and state champions and major in environmental science. ates of their Class of 2007. one year. As a junior she was named Lackowski, who will graduate with a 5YEARSAGO of plants, birds and animals, as well road race proved unfounded. In- The valedictorian is Shelby L. most improve athlete. 3.8967 grade point average, has also as enormous glaciers, icebergs and stead, what was falling was snow LaBuhn, daughter of Steve and Vicki LaBuhn has also been a member of earned severailacademic honors and Dr. Gary W. Baughman knows mara- mountains. And, yes, he even swung flakes. That combined with strong: LaBuhn of Bad Axe, and the saluta- the Ubly marching, pep and concert medals, and is currently a dual en- thons. A podiatrist who serves pa- a golf club after reaching his desti- winds made conditions miserable for Neko Harbor. of a torian is Kara L. Lackowski, daughter bands the past 4 years and served as rollment student through Saginaw tients at the Northeastern Foot and nation - the 5.4 mile event, but despite that, of Dan and Karen Lackowski of Ubly. drum major for 2 years. Valley State University. Ankle Clinic in Cass City and lifetime was a mlestone for the ac- 113 runners finished and no one be- LaBuhn, who will graduate with a Last year she was initiated into the She has been a member of Ubly’s Essexville, Baughman logs 20 to 40 counts receivable analyst, who pre- came ill. Finishing first was Tim grade point average of 3.9572, has National Honor Society (NHS) and cross country team for 2 years, the miles a week and has completed more viously had visited sites in North Brown, 25, in a time of 32:11, with. earned numerous academic medals in served as an honor guard during basketball team for one year, the than 60 marathons, including 3 ultra America, South America, Afnca, Eu- Kingston High School senior Jack high school. She has been Academic graduation. As a senior she served cheerleading squad for one year and marathons - a pair of 50-mile and one rope, Asia and Australia, ;is well as a Barden coming in second at 32:20,, All-State and a finalist for the as the NHS president. She was also the volleyball team for 4 years. In 100-mile event. “You’re so focused majority of the United States. The trip and JimFinlayson, 42, third at 33:22. MHSAA Scholar-AthleteAward. She elected class treasurer in her sopho- cross country she earned “rookie of and concentrating on what you feel, proved to be a real challenge, accord- Top woman finisher was Kingston has also been a “student of the more year and is a class representa- the year” honors, the Will to Win you don’t see anything,” he said of a ing to Shemko, 28, who said he senior Jill Barden at 4 1 :43. She was month” and “co-student of the tive this year. LaBuhn is a 4-year team Athlete Award, and All-Scholar Ath- distance runner’s focus when he or wouldn’t recommend the journey for 15th overall and the only woman in an inexperienced traveler. month”. member of Teens Against Tobacco lete honors. The squad was the dis- she competes. Baughman recently the top 25. The Greenleaf Township Board LaBuhn has been a member of Use and the Youth Advisory Com- trict and league champions during ran a very different kind of race. The adopted a 1997-98 budget totaling ’ Ubly’s volleyball and track teams mittee, and serves on both the year- her junior and senior years. event was a standard marathon (26.2 35YEARSAGO $84,035 during lhe annual township throughout high school. In volley- book and high school newspaper Lackowski has served on the year- miles), but it was anything but typi- meeting, held March 29 at the town- ball she earned most improved player staffs. book and newspaper staffs for 2 years cal - his surroundings this time in- Donald Miller Jr., 23,started work, ship hall. The new budget represents Monday as Cass City’s fourth police honors as a junior - the squad was Her activities also include volun- and has been very active in student cluded the Coliseum and the Trevi a planned spending decrease of the Greater Thumb East Conference teering for events such as Special Fountain in Rome, Italy. officer. The 6’ 3“, 230-pound man is government throughout high school. nearly $3,000, or about 3.5 percent, champions and Class C District cham- Olympics and as a 4-H camp counse- Cass City High School graduate an ex-Marine sergeant and served She is currently vice president of the compared to 1996-97 expenditures, pions in both her junior and senior lor. student council, which competed at Whitney Osentoski is achieving his four years in the corps, spending time according to Clare Brown, acting years. LaBuhn has been an all-con- The granddaughter of William and goal to be on stage performing. After in Vieham. He comes to Cass City regionals and placed in the’top 3. deputy clerk. He noted the township from Flint, where he recently com- ference pick for the past 3 years on Rose LaBuhn of Bad Axe and Mary Lackowski was inducted into the moving to New York City last sum- starts the new fiscal year with a com- the track team, which has been Lou Maurer and the late Norman NHS as a junior and has been active mer, he began auditioning the next pleted 20 weeks of police training at. the Genesee Community College, Greater Thumb East Conference Maurer of Ublv, LaBuhn plans to at- as a fundraising committee and honor week after settling in the Big Apple. bined fund balance of $83,000. In other business during the annual guard member. She was also a mem- After just 6 weeks he had his first which is assisted by the Flint Police session attended by 23 people, in- Department. Miller and his wife ber of the 2006 homecoming court. paying job in Atlantic City as a dancer cluding 5 board members, the board Bridget are looking for a home in Cass Lackowski is active as a volunteer for a show at the Sands Hotel for a discussed a possible addition to the City. He will work with Police Chief as well, donating her time and efforts run of 2 months. After returning to township hall. No formal action has Gene Wilson for about a month. The for a variety of programs, including New York, he was faced with unem- been taken yet on the proposal, ac- addition of the fourth man will give Adopt-A-F.amily. ployment again, so it was back to cording to Brown, who explained the 23-hour police protection when he The granddaughter of the late Bill auditioning every day. He also landed township is considering addmg bath- begins working alone. and Lorraine Lackowski of Parisville a couple of part-time jobs to pay his room facilities and possibly a lutchen. I don’t know if Edsel Connell of and Charlane and the late Gordon bills and was lucky enough to have a The Owen-Gage Bulldogs have his- Inkster was trying to tell me some- Bensinger of Ubly, her hture plans flexible schedule so he could con- torically counted on contributions thing when he dropped off a book on include attending Saginaw Valley tinue to audition. An audition came fromunderclassmen - Becky Howard, English usage the other day, but I State University. She has been ac- up for a European Tour of “Chorus Line”. He excitedly called home after Susie Salcido,Angie Wildman - when infer that he was. He implied, no, he cepted into the school’s honor pro- making a run for the North Central told the office staff that I like to get ” gram and received a Presidential receiving a callback, and after 4 addi- tional callbacks and a week of sitting Thumb League softball title. And arguments going and I can have some * Scholarship, and will be a pre-dental that’s exactly what coach Dean Roller fun with this book. I don’t know major. on the edge of his seat, he received sees happening with his 1997 team. about that, but wasn’t it tricky the Ubly’s other honors graduates in the the news that he had won the part of Mike in the musical. And although the underclassmen way I tied in a couple of words that Shelby LaBuhn Class of2007 are. will need to contribute if the Bulldogs Kara Lackowski High honors - Andrea Hill, daugh- Catching fish was a bonus, Clarke most of us feel say the same thing, Haire said, as the annual father-son are to challenge Kingston for the but don’t? I’m referring to the words, ter of Marvin and Lois Hill; Steven league crown, the Dawgs are a team Rutkowski, son of Thomas and fishing trip for steelhead trout ended infer and imply. When someone tells last Thursday afternoon. A big bo- domnated by a fine core of senior you taxes are too high, he is imfilying Sandra Rutkowski; Heath Farrelly, athletes. son of Mark and Delores Farrelly; nus it was, after spending 8 hours that hls are too high, too. When I draw floating a 5-mile stretch of the that conclusion from wha,t he says, Rebecca Kubacki, daughter of 25 YEARS AGO Michael ,and Ann Kubacki; Rita Manistee River downstream from I’mmferring it fiomwhat he says. I’m Gentner, daughter of Allen and Tippy Dam. The trip produced 3 steel- indebted to the office staff for those, iards, and more Let us help you beautifully showcase your head, 9.5 pounds, 10 pounds and a Brewster Shaw, astronaut speaking little pearls of English usage ...but I xttreasured memories for generations. Deborah Ehcher and the late Robert here, will be transported to Cass City Gentner; Jade Kaufman, daughter of giant 14.5 pounds, weighed on the do have a pet no-no of my own. Take 4394 from SelfridgeField, Mount Clemens, Woodland - Cass City David andl Robin Kaufman; Nicole scales of guide Dennis Borsum. It this sentence: Everyone does it, but. (989) 872-51 79 Klee, daughter of Irvin and Cheryl wasn’t a day when the trout were in- by Dale McIntosh. The Army hasn’t I’m diffgrent, am I not? Nine of 10 kenscustomframi Klee; and Courtney Ney, daughter of discriminately pouncing on any bait changed much. He needed to present these days would say, “I’m different, www. Larry and Cindy Morrell. that came their way. The weather was the Army with his car license num- aren’t I?” What they are really say- Honors - Sawn Oberski, son of Mark tolerable, ranging between 23 and 32 ber, time of arrival, etc. in advance. ing is “I’m different, are not I? That’s ’ degrees. Our first fish was landed at Incidentally, Shaw will fly here from affected usage. I’d much rather hear -’ -’ and Teresa Oberski;Ryan Simmerlein, about 8:30 a.m., and we started fish- the west coast. That’s a two-hour trip. “ain’t I.” That’s wrong, sure, but it’s,, ing at 7 a.m. It took another hour and Renee Melnik, daughter of Ronald He may detour a bit and fly over Cass not artificial or pseudo-correct. (From and Cindy Melnik, Cynthia Rumptz, a half before the second fish struck City on his way to Selfridge. That’s Rabbit Tracks) We offer the best prices daughter ofGary and Kathy Rumptz; and the big fish hit around 1 p.m. 10 minutes more. (From Rabbit James Mawre, son of John and Joyce Tracks) Cass City selected its 10th citizen of lOYEARSAGO Mazure; Faith Osentoski, daughter Hard dnving - It wasn’t a good week the year Tuesday night before a of Tony and Elaine Osentoski; last week for Crawford Road or for crowd of some 200 persons who 1 and protection foFyou. I Richard Shemko has tested his slulls those who normally drive on it as a crowded the cafetorium for the high- Shelby Paxtaka, daughter of Joseph on more courses than most golfers and Barbara Partaka; Michael Koglm, result of the heavy rains Tuesday, light event of the Cass City Chamber will ever see, but he’ll have a difficult of Commerce year. Selected were W son of Donald and Joyce Koglin; March 30. Just south of M-81, it was .1ri indcpciidcnt .igcncy, UC cm tihi the best insiirmcc time topping his latest adventure. A E. Walpole, president of Walbro Cor- Phillip Movish, son of Lewis and flooded. About .7 mile south of Kelly 1986 graduate of Owen-Gage High Road, part of the road had washed poration James Bauer, a member of piotcction .it cotnpcritivc priccs. ’3%represent oiily the Kelly Movish and Alison McDonald, School, Shemko recently returned the selection board, introduced daughter of Scott and Rebecca away. from a 2-week expedition to Antarc- Fears of rain during Saturday’s Walpole and reviewed his hlstory and finest in\iir,wcc cornpnnir<, Including McDonald. tica, where.he saw countless species fourth annual Wilmot to Kingston achievements. hito-Owncrs Insurance Coiripmy,

which has truly enrned the reputntio n

‘1s ’I‘lie “No I’rol~lcm‘’I’ccqilc”.

Ask us about the many other Calvary Bible Fellowship Cass City United Methodist Church Living Word Worship Center an Independent Baptist Church dvantages of doing txisi ness with 5100 N. Cemetery Rd., (Where the Word is Life) 4446Ale St., Cass City, MI 48726 P.O. Box 125, Cass City, MI 48726 6536 Houghton St., Cass City, MI 48726 .in i~ic!c~~c~~cIciitinsurnrice agciicy. 2 S’89-872-4088 872-3422 872-4637- Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Worship: 11:OO a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. 1 Worship Service 11:OO a m (Summer 9:30 am.) Worship 1O:OO a.m. ~ EIvening Service 6.00 p m Sunday School - Sept.-May 9:30 a.m.b Sunday Evening 6:OO p.m. Wednesday PraylBible Study &Youth Group 7:OO p m. Community Dinner - Monthly(2nd Wed. at noon) Wed. (Family Training Hour) 7:OO p.m. . Pastor - Chuck Carr Pastor: Rev. Paul G. Donelson Pastor: Keith Misany THUMB INSURANCE GROUP, INC. ’-ransportation available 6240 W. Main Street - Cass City (989) 872-4351 Evangelical Free Church of Cass City Novesta Church of Christ www. t humbinsura nceg roup. com Cass City Church of Christ 6430 Chestnut Blvd., Cass City, MI 48726 2896 N. Cemetery Rd., Cass City, MI 48726 6743 E. Main St., Cass City, MI 48726 Phone: 872-5060 872-3658 or 872-1195 Contacts 872-2367or 872-3136 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. ’ Bible School 9:30 a.m. & 10:45a.m. Worship Service Sunday 11 :00 a.m. & 6:OO p.m. Worship 11:OO a.m. Worship Service 9:30 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. YANKEE CANDLE t3ible Study Sunday 1O:oO a.m. &Wednesday 7:OO pm. Midweek Bible Studies Youth Group & Sunday Evening Biblical Counseling EFCA Services 6:OO p.m. ’I Cass City Church of the Nazarene Pastor: Rev. Todd R. Gould Minister:Chuck Emmert 5538 Third St, Cass City, MI 48726 Youth Minister: Brad Speirs I 872-2604 or 872-5201 First Baptist Church Visit our website at:

~ Sunday School 10 00 a m 6420 Houghton St., Cass City, MI 48726 ‘JVorship Service 11 00 a m 989-872-31 55 Potter’s House , Wed Prayer & Bible Study Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Christian Fellowship Church &Children’sActivities 6 00 p m Sunday Morning Worship Service 11 :00 a.m. Corner of6th and Leach, Cass City, MI , I2astor - Judy A Esckilsen Sunday Evening Service 6:30 p.m. 48726 Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, 872-5186 Fragrance Cass City Missionary Church Wednesday, 7:OO p.m. Thursday Evening 7:OO p.m. 4449 Koepfgen Rd., CassCity, MI 48726. AWANA 6:45 p.m. Wednesdays Sunday Worship 11:OO a.m. 989-872-2729 Interim Pastor: David Hill Pastor: F. Robert Tucker of the Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Website: Worship Service 11:OO a.m. St. Agatha Catholic Church Sunday Evening Service &Youth Group 6:30 pm First Presbyterian Church 4618 South St., Gagetown, MI 48735 Wednesday Family Night 6:30 p.m. Barrier free 665-9966 Pastor - Bob Sweeney 6505 Church St., Cass City, MI 48726 Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m. 872-5400 Sunday School - Sept.-May 10:45 a.m. Community of Christ Church St. Pancratius Catholic Church Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Owendale Congregation 4292 S. Seeger St., Cass City, MI 48726 Pastor: Dave Blackburn 3002 S. Elkton Rd., Owendale, MI 48754 872-3336 Come visit us for the only candles that are 989-375-2354 Saturday Liturgy 5:30 p.m. Famous for Fragrance.TM Worship 11:OO a.m. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Sunday Liturgy 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 1O:OO a.m. 6820 E. Main St., Cass City, MI 48726 Pastor: Father Steve Fillion Seniors Group Last Tues. of the month 6:OO pm. 872-2770 Scrapbook Sunday, Last Sunday of the month, 1.7 p.m. Worship Service 9:30 a.m. Visitors always welcomed Pastor: Gary Gardner Bible Class & Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Visit our website at: Pastor: Gerald Meyer Please join us today I


Despite the loss of 6 outstanding Expected to provide strong compe- players, the Cass City Red Hawks tition are Bay City All Saints, Reese promise to be in the thick of the and Unionville Sebewaing. Stern Greater Thumb West sofiball race th~s says Bay City All Saints is ranked spring. number 2 in the state in class D with a The trouble is that even though veteran team built around - Cass City has the pitching and the ing of sophomore Louise Rezmer and veterans ready to roll, other teams in veteran Lynsay Weaver. Reese is a the GTW also are loaded and ready feared team, as is USA. The Patriots to compete. Cass City could finish lost their dynamic pitching duo of on the top or possibly as low as Sarah Alegria and Erica Houthoofd, fourth. but coach Stern pointed out that any One of the strengths of the Hawks team that is the defending state cham- should be pitching. Ace Courtney pion will be tough despite the absence Rabideau will be the anchor as she of their top pitchers. starts her fourth year on the varsity. Weather permitting, Cass City will Backing her will be senior Emily have 8 non-conferencegames to iron Schinnerer, who steadily improved out the wrinkles to prepare for the last season. conference opener April 30 at Bad There will be holes to fill, including Axe. It begins today (Wednesday) at 2 first team all-conference players, Millington. The first game starts at 4 Brandi Talaslu and Jenni Brinkman. P.m Also gone will be Ashley Hendrick, a veteran infielder-pitcher and Renee Czekai, who was one of the team’s top hitters and a veteran catcher. Apr. 4 Millington 4:OO p.m. Aimee Hennessey has also graduated Apr. 16 Brown City 4: 15 p.m. and Sara Meeker will not compete thrs Apr. 19 Ubly 4: 15 p.m. season. Apr. 20 Car0 4:OO p.m. Replacing Czekai behind the plate Apr. 23 Harbor Beach 4: 15 p.m. will be sophomore Megan VanVliet. Apr.24 Capac 4:30 p.m. THE CASS CITY varsity softball team is expected to challenge for the GTW conference title. Team mem- Apr. 26 Sandusky 4:15 p.m. ~~~$~~~~~J~~&~~$Apr. 28 County Toum. 9:OO a.m. bers include: (front, 1-r) Stephanie Jamieson, Heather Moore, Megan VanVliet (middle) assistant coach that she came on sFong last season Apr.30 BadAxe 4:15p.m Ken Martin, Alyssa Cryderman, Lauren Dillon, Amanda Langenburg, Madeline Dooley, Lauren Bennett, and has played well in practice. May3 Reese 4:15p.m May 5 Marlettc JV Invite 10:00am. coach Josh Stern (back) Terra Czekai, Becca Bennett, Emily Schinnerer, Ashleigh Rabideau. Missing is ~~‘~~~,$~~~~~biiEi: May7 USA 4:15 p.m. 1 May10 BCAS 4:15 p.m. Langenburg and junior Lauren Dillon. Court nev Rabideau. May 15 Saginaw Nouvel4: 15 p.m. Senior Ashleigh Rabideau will take 4:15p.m. over at third and junior Heather Moore May17 Lakers will start her second year at short- May 19 Imlay City Toum. 9:OOa.m. stop. May 21 Marlette 4:15 p.m. May 24 Mayville 4: 15 p.m. All of the 13 members of the squad June 1 Distficts TBA will see action during the yeai. *Home games are BOLD

Cass . City ready ,

for baseball opener>ft Weather permitting, Bill Hartzell will Another senior returnee, Andrew ” formally begin his Cass City varsity Martin, wl1 also spend time on the ’ ’ baseball coaching career tonight hill, in addition to guarding the in-- (Wednesday) when the Red Hawks field at first base. face visiting Millington in non-con- Among the most important untested ference play. newcomers are Chris Zawilinslu and While the Hawks will feature 5 re- Dereck Halasz. turnees from last year’s team that “Chris has a big job to do replacing battled for the Greater Thumb West Jeff (Stoutenburg)”, said Hartzell.= championshp until fading in the fi- “But he’s been my catcher for a longs nal week ofplay, it will be without the time. And Dereck will be a utility% services of several keyperformers. player.” a4 Absent for the 2007 campaign, via Halasz will spend most of his bme mf THE CASS CITY varsity baseball team is under the direction of first year coach Bill Hartzell. Team graduation, are 3 GTW all-conference the outfield, but could also fill in on4 first team selections in Brad the infield and help with the pitching members include: (front, 1-r) coach Matt Irrer, Chad Bolton, Cameron Lautner, Brandon Miller,, Lukas Langenburg (player-at-large), Jeff chores, according to Hartzell. Varney, Cole Miller (back) Brad Hartel, Dereck Halasz, Andrew Martin, Brent Doerr, Luke Newton, Stoutenburg (catcher) and Justin Hartzell, who coached the junior Glaza (third base). Coach Hartzell will varsity m 2006, has also called on the Austin Babich, Chris Zawilinski, coach Hartzell. Missing are Zachary Carter and Micah Randall. also need to till the offensive fire- services of 4 sophomores to help this power supplied by senior second year’s effort. Luke Newton, Cole team all-conference player Derryll Miller, and Lukas Varney wll all see Schenk and honorable mention duty m the outfield, whle Brent Doerr How to choice slugger Cody Halasz. will handle the throws at first base ZE Despite the heavy graduation toll, when Martin is on the rubber. g: USED AXVs, MOTOR the Hawks should once again figure NOWMOBILES & TRAILE contact the into the GTW race. To do so, the Hawks will need to rely heavily on their 3 returning GTW honorees and 500 4WD Fully Independent Suspendon ... Apr. 4 Millington 4:OO p.m.e Chronicle.. several unproven players. Apr. 16 Brown City 4: 15 p.m. ? Senior Brad Hartel, a second team mile Supplies Last ...... Apr. 19 Ubly 4:15p.m. . 06 400 4WD all-conference pitcher in 2006, will Apr.20 Car0 4:OOp.m. To place a classified ad ... 2 $suZuKi. give Cass City a pitcher capable of Apr. 23 Harbor Beach 4: 15 p.m. classified advertising deadline is noon on the holding any opponent in check. 1360 Prospect Ava, Care JV at Dcckcrvillc 4: 15 p.m. Monday before the date of publicdtion The minimum charge When Hartel isn’t on the mound, look Apr.24 Capac . 4:30p.m. is $3 95 for IO words, and non-business ads can be purchased I (989) for the southpaw to patrol center Apr. 26 Sandusky 4:15p.m. 6724525 for 3 weeks at the price of 2 Just call us at (989) 872-201 0 or field. Apr.30 BadAxe 4:15 p.m. ’ - M-F 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. fax your ad to (989) 872-38 IO Don’t forget to include a phone Making from outfield to May3 Reese 4: 15 p.m. infield this year is senior Cameron May 5 Birch Run Invite 10:OOam. Lautner. He, like Hartel, was a second May7 USA 4:15 p.m. .*. Display advertising ... team GTW performer in 2006, and will May10 BCAS 4:15 p.m. , To placc il display ad, stop by the oflicc or fax your ad. If be counted on to use his speed to May 14 Saginaw Nouvel4: 15 p.m. you’re not certain what to say or hob to say it, just give’us a score runs for the Hawks. May17 Lakers 4:15p.m. -: call and we’ll help you design the ad that’s right for you at a Austin Babich, an honorable men- May 19 Imlay City 9:OO a.m. price to fit your budget. tion GTW pick as a freshman, should be a team leader hRBIs and will help ISubscriptions ... out on the pitching mound. His strong arm allows to cover more ground Ordering a subscription to thc Chronicle is easy and economi- hun as the team’s shortstop. cal, with savings built into cxtended subscriptions. Order by phone - 872-2010 - or stop by the office (we’re next to Schneebcrgcr’s at the corncr of Main and Oak streets). Ifyou have a problcm with an existing subscription, or you want to change your address, give us a call.

News and features ... If you have a story or photo idea, we welcome your call at (989) 872-2010 We’re always on the lookout for interesting feature story ideas as wcll as photos involving community ,000 new truck driver jobs nationally events and residents in the aiea:and we’ll be glad to come to ffering $30,000 to $55,000 annually. you Rcsidcnts can also submit arriclcs and photos -just stop by and talk to somconc in our editorial department Severe U S shortage for trained certified drivers Unique Baker training meets Federal Highway Administration guidelines. Personalized, professionaltraining, small class sizes Two career paths. Truck Driving Certificate or Associate DegreeTTransport Management ‘1 Lifetime Employment Service links you to trucking industry’s best jobs! I GOLF COURSE I Requirements for the Commercial Drivers License Class A can be met within the first 20 weeks of the program Training program certified by ProfesSional Truck Driver Institute (989) 755-2756 In partnership with Causley Truck Driving Institute LLC 1621 Terminal Drive. Saginaw. MI 48601 Call for information. Classes Jturt soon. BAKER COLLEGE @MY& bdhr w,& -%dgr! ‘ Phone (989) 872-3569 6586 E. Milligan Rd., Cass City C3SS CITY, MICHIGAN CASS CITYCHRONICLE - WEDNESDAY APRIL4,2007 PAGE SEVEN I Cass City Bowling Leagues I Sunday No Rollers Individual High Games & Series: G. as of March 25 Silance 220; R. Wright 2 14 (604); J. Erla 212; J. Zdrojewski 203; D. Silance Sometimers 36 194 (509). Par-T-Ranch 28.5 TeamHigh Game & Series: Pinheads Jebco 27 697 (1904). Pinheads 26 DamnNear Last 24 Merchanettes Gutter Gods 22.5 as of March 29

Gagetown C. Corners 56 Osentoski Realty 43 April 10 Ubly 4:OO p.m. Thumb Octagon Barn 31 April 12 Deckerville 4:15p.m. All Season Video 22 April 14 Posen (BB) 1O:OO a.m. April 14 0-GTourney 1O:OO a.m. Individual High Games & Series: K. (JV SB) Maurer 198-180 (518); L. Pabst 181 April 16 Caseville 4:OO p.m (486); B. Watson 175 (486). April 19 Kingston 4:OO p.m. Splits: P. Hellwig 3-9-10; D. Haney April 23 A-Fairgrove 4:OOpm 3-6; J. K0ch3-10. April26 CPS 4:OO p.m Team High Game & Series: April 28 Kingston Gagetown C. Corners 648-620-605 Tourney (SB) 4:OO p.m (1874). April 30 North Huron 4:OO p.m. May3 Peck 4:OO p.m May 5 Huron County (GRICE‘S Tourney (BB) 4:Wp.m Landscape & Design, LLC. May 7 Memphis 4:OOp.m May 10 PortHope 4:dO p.m. RESIDENTIAL& COMMERCIAL May 12 A-Fairgrove LANDSCAPES Tourney 4:OOp.m PONDS& WATERFEATURES May14 Dryden 4:OOp.m PATIOS& RETAININGWALLS May 19 Kingston HYDROSEEDING Tourney (BB) 4:OOp.m THE OWEN-GAGE 2007 varsity softball team members include: (front, I-r) Bethany Kovach, April May 2 1 Car0 - JV (BB) 4:OOp.m May 29 Pre-Districts Tl3A I 1-877-523-8733 Nowaczyk, Brittany Parks (second row) Brandy Plowman, Mariah Francis, Kelsey Quick, Katie Rhodes, June 1 Districts TBA I Licensed & Insured Lauren Mandich, Christy Fields, Allyson Brown (third row) Samantha Radabaugh, Ashley Rockefeller, *Home games are BOLD www.g ricestreefarm .com Stacie Dorsch, Amanda Faist, Christy Schmidt, Sara Lesoski, Alisha Kovach (rear) coaches Angie Mandich, Dennis Hyatt and Doug Hyatt. Missing is Nicole Woodruff. 0-G set to defend title Owen-Gage coach Doug Hyatt has roster, 18 in all, has the potential to basemen Michelle Brown and second year progresses.” several reasons to feel confident become an NCTL-N annual power in basemen Barbie Littlepage.Both were Stepping in to fill Brown’s shots about his Bulldog softball team’s the years ahead as it is void of any NCTL-N all-conference performers in along the third base line will be chances to successfully defend its senior members and consists of only the final Bulldog season. sophomore Sammy Radabaugh. One North Central Thumb League - North 4 juniors. “If we can find a solid second and of the Bulldogs’ top utility players as 2005 Jeep <;rand Cherokee \ pkg. Wle as the 2007 season approaches. The Bulldogs, however, will need to third basemen we should have a good a freshman, she saw action in every 1994 Ford F150 Siipercab 4x4 Hyatt, in his second year in charge, find a pair of replacements in the in- season,” Hyatt said. “Defensively,we position, except catcher, in 2006. 5-speed manual, XLT, Loaded, leather, heated seats, has 11 returnees from last year’s field fi0m2OO6, but wdl otherwise field should be good up the middle in the Topping the list of returnees for the 5.0 V-8 Chrysler certified, moon roof squad that compiled a 14-4 confer- a team with plenty of playing experi- early season and we have talent at Bulldogs will be sophomore short- ence mark. The defending chamions’ ence. Gone via graduation are third the other Dositions to be good as the stop Amanda Faist and junior center $172/month*** $349/month* fielder April Nowaczyk. The pair com- bined for 120 stolen bases in 2006. “(Amanda) is one of the team lead- ers on and off the field and probably our best hitter,” Hyatt said. “April is very solid as our leadoff batter.” The Bulldogs will also have an ex- perienced pitching and catching tan- dem as sophomore Mariah Francis and catcher Katie Rhodes are both back ftom last year’s team that com- Moonroof, Low Miles, Great room, clean, hard to find piled a 16-14 mark overall. Like New Hyatt feels Rhodes was a big key to $211/month**** $1 91 /month**** the team’s success last year and will be again this year, while Francis was the pitcher of record in the team’s 16 wins as a freshman. Also back from last year’s squad and sure to see an abundance of action in the easly season are Bethany Kovach, Alisha Kovach, Stacie Dorsch, Sarah Lesoski, Brittany Parks and Ashley Rockefeller. “Several of these girls are willing to Just In! Automatic, Low nules, 4WD give up their position (from last year) Call for price for the good of the team.” Ilyatt says. $3 1 l/month* * ** “We will try to get to know our play- ers and their strengths and weak- nesses in the early part of the sea- son. We are still a very young team.”

~~ CASS CITY’S lady soc- cer team members are: PAT CURTIS CHEVROLET CADILLAC , 2004 Chevrolet Malibu MAX (front, I-r) Whit ney - Grand Caravan SXT Power Hatch, Stow n’ Go, Automatic, Low Miles, Clean Braun, Katie Klco TRIP Computer $222/month* (middle) Krysta Timko, $299/month* Kristen Curtiss, Taryn OPEN ‘TIL 8 P.M. MON. & THURS.; T, W, F 8-6; Sat. 9-3; SERVICE HOURS: M-F 8-5; Sat. 9-3 Vatter, Mirrissa Curtis, Danielle Delamarter, An- 989167312171 drea Badgley, Caitlyn Rickett (back) coach 1991 Chrvsler New Ynrker Salol1 2002 G3500 15 Passenger Van Kristin Dubs, Rachel Auto, Air, Low Miles Hard to find, 5.7L V-8, runs great Auten, Meleah Auten, $281/month** $1 1 4/1110nth** * Amanda Stevens, Abby Tax, title, plate extra. *Payment figured with 10% down payment for 60 month! Ellis, Nikki Guigar, 3ased on approved credit. ** Payment figured with 10’% down for 54 months. ***Pa) Megan Woodruff, Kayla nent figured for 36 months with 10% down. ****Paymentfigured for 48 niontH gaebler and Amanda YEAR MODEL MILES PRICE woodruff. Missing are 2006 Chevrolet HHR LS 8,743 $14,995.00 Karen Aldrup and Cassie 2006 Chevrolet Impala LT 29,000 $15,595.00 Siimpson. i 2005 Buick Rendevous 30,971 $16,995.00 2005 Chevrolet Impala LS 34,291 $15,595.00 2005 Pontiac G6 27,614 $14,595.00 5:OOp.m 4:30 p.m. 2004 Chevrolet Cavalier LS 33,213 $11,500.00 r. 20 Millington 4:30 p.m. .Jeffrev A. Healv Randv Whittaker Dan Curtis 23 Marlette 5:OOp.m. 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 33,334 $13,500.00 5:OO p.m. 30 Sandusky 5:OOp.m. 2005 Pontiac Montana SV6 31,271 $18,595.00 2 Harbor Beach 5:OO p.m. 5:OO p.m. 2004 Chevrolet Impala 36,581 $13,595.00 5:OO p.m. 5:OO p.m. 2004 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx 39,062 $12,595.00 6 Sandusky 5:OOp.m. 1 Harbor Beach 5:OO p.m. 3 Millington 4:30p.m. TBA e games are BOLD PAGE EIGHT CASS CITY CHRONICLE -WEDNESDAY, APRIL4,2007 CASS CITY, MICHIGAM Class of 21007 is crowded at the top

A National Honor Society member, Other seniors earning honors are: Steven Kuebli; Anthony Langlois 1Knight plans to major in music edu- son of Michael and Ruth Langloisw variety of activities throughout hgh cation atAlma College. Terra Czekai, daughter of Terry and Cameron Lautner, son of Douglas school, including student council. A Lange plans to pursue a college Shannon Czekai; Chelsa DeLuyck, and Susan Lautner; Tyler Mabe, sos member of the National Honor Soci- education as well. She has been ac- daughter of Lucky and Darla of John and Trisha Mabe; Chelseg ety, he has been a member of the var- cepted into the honors program at DeLuyck; James Froede, son of McCallum, daughter of Ross ane sity basketball and golf teams, and Saginaw Valley State University, James and Sheila Froede; Kurt Beth McCallum; Thomas Mittlestats was a first team all-area pick in golf. where she plans to pursue a Hanby, son of James and Rita Hanby; son of Melvin and Carolyn Mittlestatg His fiture plans include attending bachelor’s degree in graphic design. Kati Hill, daughter of Kim and Dor- Jessica Pratt, daughter of Denise: the University of Michigan to study Martin is a member of the National othy Hill; Joseph Homrocky, son of Connolly and Keneth and Julie Prattg sports medicine Honor Society, student council, fo- Lawrence and Anne Homrocky; Brent Stine, son of Ivan and Roxanne Hacker. a Dast Junior Citizen of the ,I rensics team and Academic Games. Lauren Howard, daughter of Tom and Stine; Derek Suro, son of Shelley: Ryan Biddinger Andrew Martin Year nominee, has been active in stu- He has also been active in suorts as Becky Howard; Meredith Kirn, Guilds; and Samantha Wright, daugh-=: dent council, National Honor Soci- a member of the varsity footbsll, bas- daughter of Michael and Barb Kim; ter of Jim and Sherry Wright and John: ety, Academic Games, Youth for ketball and baseball teams. He let- Galen Kuebli, son of Helen Pinder and and Barb Doerr. -.“ Christ, Good Shepherd Lutheran tered in all 3 sports, earning all-con- - Church Vacation Bible School, and ference honors in basketball. Bay Shore Camp. She was a member His future plans include earning a of Cass City’s state championship degree in electrical engineering at the forensic team, and served on the University of Michigan. homecoming, snowcoming, after- Rabideau is student council presi- prom and prom committees. dent, vice president of Future Youth After graduation, Hacker plans to Involvement and a National Honor enter the pre-med program at Central Society member. She has also been Michigan University. active in Quiz Bowl, Academic Games Knight’s activities include Quiz Bowl and Forensics, and was a leader in and Academic Games. She is also a sports as captain of the varsity bas- member of the symphony band, was ketball and softballteams. She earned drum major of the marching band and a variety of scholar-athlete, all-con- earned top honors at the state solo ference and all-district honors, and Jennifer Hacker Courtney Rabideau and ensemble festival. was a member of the district cham- pion volleyball team. Rabideau plans to attend the Uni- versity of Michigan after graduation. Her major will be international rela- tions with an eye on making broad- cast journalism her career. Richards has been active in Aca- demic Games, Forensics (she was a member of the 2004-05 state cham- pion team), student council and the National Honor Society. She played basketball, earning all-conference honorable mention, and was a mem- ber of the gymnastics team (regional qualifier) and pom pon squad. She will be attending Central Michi- Lysa Knight Allyn Richards Kyle Swanson gan University, where she plans to major in physical therapy. Sattelberg also plans to seek a de- gree. His future plans include study- ing physics at the University of Michigan. Swanson serves as the student rep- resentative on the Cass City Board of Education and as board liaison to Future Youth Involvement. He is the National Honor Society president, student council parliamentarian, Tuscola County Community Founda- tion trustee and a member of the Michigan Community Foundations’ Youth Project Committee. He has also been active in Forensics, Quiz Bowl,

Academic Games. Student Congressw Jessica Lange Nicholas Sattelberg Jeremiah Fritz and Discussion Festival. A Red Hawk Award of Excellence recipient, he will be entering under- STINE PATROLLED the streets of Baghdad fora 63nd ANNUAL graduate studies at the University of Michigan, with plans to eventually months following the invasion of Iraq by Americaga TURKEY DINNER enter law school. forces. -. SUNDAY,APRIL22,2007 Fritz is a member of student council and National Honor Society (vice I Good Shepherd Lutheran president). He is senior class trea- . Fell0 wship Hall surer and has been active in foren- 6820 E. Main Street, Cass City sics and a variety of volunteer activi- ties. Badge of courage b Serving till 2:30 p.m. 11:45 An active member of the Cass City Adults $7.00 Kingston,” he contmued. “The VFW Missionary Church and church youth members sent care packages to mans -2 group, he plans to pursue a degree in 2 Children (ages 5-12) $3.50 of the soldiers that deployed with me. accounting at Bethel College. lawns, beautiful moats and, yeah, Under 5 Free , and they were greatly appreciated:: - McComas has been active in music gold plated toilets.” and I was able to bring them a flag Laura McComas (band) and the yearbook staff. She That experience changed Stine’s that we flew over our camp in Af- plans to pursue a career in nursing, direction in the Army. “In one mission, we assisted the ghanistan as a symbol of our appre- starting with attending Western ciation for what they did when they, Get Back in the Game, Again, Michigan University. Army Special Forces on a raid for served, and also for the support they’ Not too long ago, a sports-related or accident-caused injury would School officials also announced the weapons,” he recalled. “During the have left you with a very difficult choice - either go through life with mission, I was drawn to their profes- gave us. following seniors graduating with “It took guys like them so I can en-, pain and loss of mobility or undergo a difficult surgical procedure. honors: sionalism and abilities. It was then I decided on my career change into joy my freedoms - it’s just my’ Gut today, much simpler, safer and less painful options are available. combat arms. I loved being a me- generation’s turn.” - Like non-surgical therapies using advanced medicines, physical Dennis Bowen, son of Jack and Elizabeth Bowen; John Brown, son chanic, but there was somethmg more Stine’s mother believes the armed therapy and minimally traumatic procedures - like arthroscopy - to forces is the best thing that ever hap- safely relieve pain and restore movement. of Timothy and Cheryl Brown; Alyssa that I could do and I knew it.” Cryderman, daughter of Carolyn pened to her son. So, if an in.jury has put you on the sidelines, now is the time for you Westerby; Jill Dillon, daughter of Stine was sent home from Baghdad “You know the old expression - i to get back into the game. Please call us today for more information Rick and Betsy Dillon; Courtney in December 2004 and received or- the Army can make or break you?” ; on how we Lan help you. Hacker, daughter of Brian and Mel- ders to report to Fort Bragg, home of she said. “The Army made a man of John G. DeSantis, D.O. issa Hacker; Allison Hillaker, daugh- the 82ndAirborne Division and Spe- him. It was already in him, but the : Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon ter of James and Susan Hillaker; cial Forces. Army brought it out. ... Fellowship Trained in Knee Surgery Stephanie Jamieson, daughter of Stine indicated infomiation about “He’s making a career out of it -he James and Diane Jamieson; Ryan ,his duties since is classified, so he loves what he does,” she added. Toll Free: 888-224-KNEE (5633) can’t go into detail. All he said was, And, he’s racked up a host of! J Cass City: 989-872-1 563 King, son of Mary King and Gary King; Whitney Kirn, daughter of ‘‘I have worked with some of the best awards, including 2 Army Commen- i 61 90 Hospital Drive, Suite 105, Cass City Michael and Barb Kirn; Kathryn organizations the military has and am dation Medals, 5 Army Achievement ,’ Klco, daughter of Alan and Marilyn proud to be associated with them.” Medals, a pair of good conduct ser- - Klco and the late Terri Klco; Andrew vice medals, the Afghanistan Cam- 1 LaFave, son of John and Pam KINGSTONISHOME paign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, LaFave; Sara Meeker, daughter of National Defense Medal, Global War : Judith Hopkins and Steven Meeker; On the other hand, Stine has plenty on Terrorism Service Medal, Global Here’s mv card... to say about his “adopted” home and War on Terrorism Expeditionary 1 Brandon Miller, son of Scott and Shelly Miller, Lindsey Montgomery, the people who live in the Tuscola Medal, Overseas Service Medal, 2 daughter of Tom and Deb Montgom- County village. Army Service Medal, Parachutist I Call 8 72-2010 to advertise ery; Megan O’Dell, daughter of Rob- “Kingston has definitely become Badge, and the German: ert and Shari O’Dell; Lief Parr, son of my home town. I have had so much Schutzerischnur. BUICK + PONTIAC + GMC .+ CHEVROLET + CADILIA( Call us at Bryan and Annette Toner; Andrew support from the community there,” “The only medal I don’t want him: Perush, son of Kirt and Deb Perush; said Stine, whose brother, Brian, 18, getting is the purple heart,” Carol: 872-2010 Ashleigh Rabideau, daughter of has been a standout athlete in sev- Stine added. “It’smary, but you’re! to place your Business Card here Leigh and Dave Rabideau; Danielle eral sports at Kingston High School proud. You’re just so proud of them.”; Reed, daughter of Duane and and will graduate this fall. “I can’t imagine myself doing any- For only $10’’ per week Jeanette Reed; Kyle Reif, son of “I have had unbelievable support thing else,” Stine said. “I am a sol-: 1225 Sand Beach Road + Bad Axe. MI 48413 Kevin and Jane Reif; Eric Remain, son from everyone in the town of (minimum of 4 consecutive weeks) dier and will be till the day I die.” e of Rose Martin and Tim Romak, Ryan I DON OUVRY Cass City Chronicle Ross, son of Donald and Debra Ross; Emily Schinnerer, daughter of Fax: 989-872-3810 Lloyd and Laura Schnnerer; Bradley E-mail: chronicle0, Severance, son of Randy and Deb Severance;Kyle Sieradzki,son ofRon and TeriAnn Sieradzki; Kari Spencer, Stop in and see Garthfor your daughter of Kenneth and Karen Larry Bogart New Chrysler or Ford vehicle Spencer; Philip Strong, son of Sandra Sales II Caister and Woodrow Strong; Rebecca Sweeney, daughter of Terry and Colleen Sweeney; Brent Weaver, son of Craig and Lisa Weaver; Adam Wentworth, son of Sandra Schulz and James Wentworth; Leah Whittaker, daughter of Larry and Michelle 6436 Main Street Cass City, MI 48726 1725 w’ Rd‘’ Whittaker, Tyler Whittaker, son of Yhyne: (989) 872-2010 (989) 673-4171 Garth OMam Fax: (989) 872-3810 Email: [email protected] Dave and Tammie Whittaker; and TOLL FREE 1-800-516-6673 sa le^ Consunant Ming Yu Chen (host parents Joe and Kaye Graham). 4% CASS CITY, MICHIGAN CASS CITY CHRONICLE - WEDNESDAY, APRIL4,2007 PAGE NINE Campbell School Obituarie S “round-up”’ slated

Ruthann Czekai his mother Joyce Mosher of Cass City, 3 brothers, Robert Mosher of Ruthann Carol Czekai, 66, of Cass Lansing, James Mosher of Roches- Thursday, April 19 City, died Thursday, March 29,2007 ter, and Gary (Janice) Mosher of following a short illness in Marlette Texas. Campbell Elementary School will record. To obtain a certified birth He was preceded in death by a Hospice Residence. host its annual kindergarten round- certificate, contact the county clerk’s daughter, Lori Ann Mosher in 1986, She was born Oct. 25, 1940 in Cass up this month. office in the county where the child hs father, E. James Mosher, and a sis- City, the daughter of Leslie and wasAt born.the round-up, parents will need Bernice (McKellar) Muntz. ter, Geyle Mosher. The spring kindergarten registra- Honoring his wishes, cremation has tion, for parents only, is scheduled She married Wallace S. Czekai Sept. to set up an appointment for a Gesell taken place. for Thursday,April19, starting at 6:30 24,1959 in Cass City. He died Oct. 22, Screening along with vision and hear- Arrangements were made by Thabet 2001. p.m. at Campbell’s Early Childhood ing screening. Every child entering Funeral Home, Cass City. Education Center. Czekai worked for 9 years at Provin- kindergarten will participate in each cial House in Cass City as a cook and School officials say this meeting is of these screenings. kitchen helper. She later worked for Thomas Schumacher important for anyone who has a child Those parents unable to attend kin- Hardy’s Restaurant. She was a mem- who will be 5 years old by Dec. 1, dergarten roundup are asked to call ber of St. Pancratius Catholic Church. Thomas James Schumacher, 65, of the school at (989) 872-2 158 to make Czekai is survived by her children: 2007. Sherman Township, died Thursday, Parents need to bring their child’s an appointment as soon as possible Kim (Tim) Williams of Inkster and March 29, 2007 from an apparent birth certificate and immunization afterApril 19. Kevin (Jennifer)Czekai ofNorth Port, heart attack. Fla.; and a grandson. HewasbornJuly25,1941 insherman She was preceded in death by her Township, the son of the late parents; and a sister, Dorothy Raymond and Lauretta (Kirsch) Crawford. Schumacher. Find the Service or Product Funeral services were held Monday, , He married Jacqueline Ann Mess- April 2, at St. Pancratius Catholic ing Nov. 27, 1965 at Sts. Peter and You Need in This .... Church, Cass City, with the Rev. Paul Catholic Church, Ruth. Stephen J. Fillion officiating. Interment was in the Elkland Town- Schumacher was a 1958 graduate of Harbor Beach High School. He was a ship Cemetery, Cass City. Action Guide Memorials may be made to the Fam- retired construction worker and farmer. He was a member of Sts. Peter ily Discretionary Fund. and Paul Catholic Church, Old Farts Arrangements were made by Kranz Pool Team, The Thumb Two Cylin- Funeral Home, Cass City. der Club, and the “House of Knowl- edge” in Ruth. He was president of Opal Hunter Farmers’ Mutual Fire Agency. {$HE BRONZE STAR is the fourth highest combat Schumacher is survived by his wife, Jacqueline; 5 daughters: Michelle ..-. d~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~o~~~~ Ihward of the U.S. Armed Forces. (See story, page (Gerard) Seidt of Croswell, Kathleen ?&ne) lowing a short illness in Covenant (Thomas) Hall of Livonia, Francine 1 Medical Center Cooper Campus, (Robert) Kinsella of San Diego, Ca- Saginaw. lif., Stephanie (Mohan) Kartha of She was born March 17, 1921 at Ypsilanti, and Kimberly Schumacher home in Tuscola County, the daugh- of Ypsilanti; 9 grandchildren; 3 step- ter of Roy E. and Kathryn (McTavish) grandchildren;hs pther- and mother- APPLIANCE & Durkee. in-law, Clement and Donna Messing She married Clayton R. Hunter Jan. of Ruth; a brother, Lloyd (Betty) REFRIGERATION 27,1940. He died Jan. 26,1976. Schumacher of Sandusky; 4 sisters: Hunter graduated from Kingston Arlene Martin of Northville, Ann - Homes - Buildings High School in 1937. She attended Uicker of Madison, Wis., Bessie County Normal in Car0 to get her (Donald) Kirsch of Port Hope, and teaching certification. Hunter began Jane (Ronald) Volmering of Ruth; and Washers, Dryers, Stoves, COMMERCIAL teaching in Smith School and later in 24 nieces and nephews. West Dayton School, both located He was preceded in death by 3 broth- in Dayton Township. In 1959, she ers-in-law: Richard Martin, Ronald started working at Car0 State Hospi- Messing, and Richard Feury; and one tal as an attendant nurse. Ten years nephew, Terence Kirsch. later, Hunter worked for Tuscola Funeral mass was held Monday, County Probate Court as a case- April 2, at Sts. Peter and Paul Catho- worker, later becoming a county ju- lic Church, Ruth, with the Rev. T.J. venile officer. After retiring in 1986, Fleming, pastor of Our Lady of Lake she served as Dayton Township clerk Huron Parish, Harbor Beach, offici- for 12 years. She was a lifetime mem- ating. ber of the Order of the Eastern Star. Memorials may be made to the Fam- Hunter is survived by 2 daughters: ily Discretionary Fund. Arrangements were made by Zinger- STINE (RIGHT) and his brother, Brian, 18, both ~e,,”,e,c~~~:~~~~~~~~~t~~~SmigielskiFuneral Home, Ubly. bagged bucks when Stine was home for a brief visit Mayville; 7 grandchildren; 9 great- grandchildren; and 4 great great- James Sherman last October. grandchldren. She was preceded in death by 4 sis- James Sherman, 67, of Cass City, ters: Doris Durkee Nicol, Avis Durkee died Sunday, April 1,2007 in Select 0-G extends pact Starr,’ Ethel Curry Seddon, and Iola Specialty Residence of Covenant Curry Ross; and many nieces and Medical Center, Harrison Campus, nephews. Saginaw, following a long illness. &vlded by the Huron Intermediate Funeral services were held Monday, Anderson, Tuckey, School District (HISD), on efforts to HewasbornApril26,1939inMiami, Bernhardt, Doran & Co., P.C. April 2, at Kingston United Method- Fla., the son of Neil James and Janet just an unfortunate thing.” improve student achievement. ist Church, Kingston, with the Rev. Certified Pubhc Accountants Faye (Gainor) Sherman. Gary Anderson. CPA (Caro) Richard Brown officiating. IN OTHER BUSINESS Compton explained HISD officials He married Enka Ursula Thlerer Aug. Robert Tuckey, CPA, (Cass City) are working with local districts on Interment was in the Indianfields 27,1961 inCass City. Jerry Bernhardt. CPA(Caro) Township Cemetery, Thomas Doran. CPA (Caro) In other business during the regu- preventative and remediation pro- Sherman served in the U.S. Army may be made to the Valerie Hartel, CPA (Cass City) Board Certified lar monthly meeting, the board: grams for all students. “It’s really after the Korean War. He worked for 715 E Frank St, Caro, MI Family Medicine focused, number one, on reading, so Kingston United Methodist Church. General Motors, as a journeyman car- Phone 673-3137 *Heard a presentation from Erika Arrangements were made by Kranz penter, and at the farnily farm and res- 6261 Church St, Cass City, MI the reading skills are supported by Phone 872-3730 Karg, a school psychologist pro- the grade level. Secondly, there’s Home, Kingston. taurant. He worked for Plastech in Car0 until his retirement and was a r------positive behavior support, which is Joseph L* Masher required by the state of Michigan,” member of the Car0 Moose Lodge L ------ATTORNEYS -J Phone 872-5010 he said, adding Owen-Gage has been #1049. I 1 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 proactive in both areas for some time. Joseph L. Mosher, 60, of Gagetown, Sherman is survived by his children: died Tuesday, March 27, 2007 sud- Tina (Tim) Senior, Howard Sherman trips to the denly at Hills and Dales General Hos- of Cass City, Katy (Greg) Irwin of Upper Peninsula for fourth and fifth pital, Cass City, Sandasky, and Ruby (Brian) Rideout grade students. Organizers Of the Masher was born September 1, 1946 of South Bend, Ind.; 5 grandchildren; trips have already raised a bulk of the in Elmwood the son of E. and 5 great-grandchildren. money needed to ‘Over James and Joyce (Chisholm) Mosher. He was preceded in death by his Compton noted. In August of 1987 he married Nadine parents. r------7 HAL’L,D.O. Funeral services will be held at 11 INS1 JMNCE I 1 *Approved the nomination of Conley. -----I 4674 Hill Street jaclyn Henkick as “senior Student He was a lifelong farmer and also a.m., Monday, April 9, at Kranz Fu- of the Month” for March. worked as a mechanic. neral Home, Cass City, with Debra L. Thumb Insurance Cass City, MI 48726 He is survived by his wife, Nadine, Kranz, funeral service celebrant, and the Cass City VFW Post #3644 offici- Group, Inc Phone: 872-4725 ating. Yoirr hometown independent insirranre agentfor: Office Hours: Military honors will be under the - Tern1 & Universal Life Mon., Tues., Thurs., direction of the CassCity VFW Post .Auto * Henle & Fri. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. #3644. . * Business * Heallh Interment will be in the Elkland INSURANCE PROTECTION Wed. 9 a.m.-noon IS OUR BUSINESS Township Cemetery, Cass City. “We want to beyour agent” Memorials may be made to the Agents r American Diabetes Association or Mark yiese Jim Ceranski VETERINARIAN the Cass City VFW Post #3644. Cathy Staeer Pat Stecker 6240 W Main St, Cass City. MI 48726 Arrangements were made by Kranz 989-872-435 I Funeral Home, Cass City. Knight Servicemen’s jobs protected by bill What could you do with a Home Equity Loan from Northstar Bank? State Rep. Terry Brown (D-Pigeon) Call today to learn about our spring loan specialf last week announced a plan to pro- OPTOMETRISTS tect the jobs of military members by giving them 90 days to re-apply once they return to Michigan. Visit Northstar Bank in: “Our servicemen and women who & EYEWEAR Dr. Michelle L. Taylor come back from fighting on the FOR EVERYONE 1710 W. Car0 Rd. Car0 989-673- 1 I 00 frontlines need time to transition ease * Professional eye exam Caro, MI 48723 * Prescnptioils filled Bad Axe 989-269-8077 back into civilian life,” Brown said. (989) 673-7387 Currently, state law requires employ- * No-line bifocals (West of Caro, across Pigeon 989-453-3999 ers to keep service members’ civilian * Glasses repaired from Moore Motors) jobs open for just 1.5 days once they Blue Cross & VSP partlcipa DAVID C. BATZER II, Akron 989-69 1-5 I6 1 * get home frcm active duty. Brown’s proposal extends that to 90 days. The Professional Eye Ca your pet k healthcare Wsit Colleen Langenburg extension shows our service mem- 4672 Hill St., Cass C in Carol (989) 673-1100 ‘Subject to credit approval bers the respect and consideration they have earned. PAGE TEN CASS CITYCHRONICLE- WEDNIZSDAY, ApRIL4,2007 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN Legal Notices Egg-citing !

THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT rmFIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION AND ANY INFORMATIONOBTAINED WlLLBE ING TO COLLECT A DEBT INFORMATION ING TO COLLECTA DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ANY WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. POSE. PLEASE CONTACTOUR OFFICE ATTHE POSE. PLEASE CONTACTOUR OFFICE ATTHE POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the MILITARY DIJTY. MILITARY DUTY MILITARY DUTY. terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by JOAN FACKLER, a single woman. of 9158 Willi‘s ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded ArTN PIJRCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale nlay be rescinded Road, Mayville. Michigan 48744, Mortgagor, to by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your dam by tlie foreclosing nmrtgagee. In that event, your dam by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, yourdan~ OXFORD BANK MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC, ages, ifany, shall be limited solely to the return of the ages, if any, shall be linuted solely to the return ofthe ages, ifany, shall be limited solely to the return ofthe 60 South Washington, Oxford, Michigan 48371, bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. Mortgagee, dated the 21st day ofMay 2003, and re- corded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the County ofTuscola and State of Michigan, on the 4th conditions of a mortgage made by Dorothy A. conditions of a mortgage made by Kristopher F. conditions of a mortgage made by Marcia L day ofJune 2003, in Instrument No 200300832373 Benmark, a single woman, original mortgagor, to (Liber 934, Page 287) of Tuscola County Records, Zachmann and Slieme L. Zachmaiin, husband and Langworthy and Clair Langworthy Jr., Husband and Household Finance Corporation 111, Mortgagee, dated wife. original mortgagors. to Icon Financial Group, Wife, original mortgagors, to Mortgage Electronic and a Modification of Mortgage dated February 14, January 22,2003 and recorded on January 28,2003 Inc., Mortgagee, dated March IS. 2002 and recorded Registration Systems. Inc.. as nondnee for lender and 2006 and recorded with the Tuscola County Register in Liber 912 on Page 1230 in Tuscola County of Deeds on February 16, 2006 in Instrument No. on March 2 I, 2002 in Liber 87 1 on Page I5 in instru- lender’s successors andior assigns, Mortgagee, dated Records, Michigan, on which mortgage there is nlent 2002008 10586, and assigned by said Mortgagee November IO, 2005 and recorded on November 18, 200600877670 (Liber 1072, Page 69), on which claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of One to Flagstar Bank, FSB as assignee hy an assignment, 2005 in Liber 1061 on Page 1446 in Tuscola County mortgage there is claimed to be due. as of the date of Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Three Hundred in Tuscola County Records, Michigan, on which Records, Michigan, on which mortgage there is this notice, the suni of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY- Ninety-Nine and 881100 Dollars ($1 75,399.88). in- mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof clainxd to be due at the date hereof the sum of One THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY- cluding interest at 9.43% per annum. the sun1 of Fifty-Seven Thousand Five Hundred Sev- Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand On4 Hundred Sev- NINE AND 961100 DOLLARS ($253,629.96). In- enty-Two and 141100 Dollars ($57,572.14). includ- enty-four and Dollars ($137,174.02), includ- terest continues lo accme at the rate of seven and Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage ing interest at 7.25% per annum. ing interest at 6.5% per annum. one-halfpercent (7.5%) percent per annum. and the statute in such case made and provided, no- tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage Under the power of sale contained in the mortgage, closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some and the statutes of the State of Michigan, notice is and the statute in such case made and provided, no- and the statute in such case made and provided. no- part of then&at public venue, at the Front entrance tc tice is hereby given that said nmrtgage will be fore- tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- hereby given that the mortgage will be foreclosed by the Courthouse in the Village ofCaro, Tuscola County closed by a sale of the nmrtgaged premises, or some closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some sale ofthe mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at 1O:OO AM, on April 26, 2007. at public venue, at the front entrance of the Court- part of them at public venue, at the Front entrance to part of them, at public venue, at the Front entrance to the Courthouse in the Village of Caro, Tuscola County the Courthouse in the Village of Caro, Tuscola County house in the Village ofCaro. Tuscola County, Michi- Said prenuses are situated in Township of Arbela, gan (that being the building where the Circuit Court at 40:OO AM, on April 26, 2007. at 1O:OO AM, on April 26, 2007. Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: for the County of Tuscola is held) at l0:OO a.m. on April 26, 2007. Said premises are situated in Village ofCaro, Tuscola Said premises are situated in Township of Arbela. Part of the Southwest 114 of the Northwest 114 of County, Michigan, and are described as: Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: Section 2 I, Town IO North, Range 7 East, commenc- The premises are situated in the City and Township ing at the West 114 comer of Section 2 I, Town IO of Vassar, County of Tuscola, Michigan and are de- I.ots 24 and 25. Block 3 ofCharles Montague’s Sub- Beginning at the Southeast comer of the Southwest North, Range 7 East; thence East I111.61 feet along division. according to the plat recorded in Liber 1 of 114 of the Southeast 114 of Section 17, Township IO scribed as: the East-West 114 line to the Point of Beginning; plats. Page IO. now heing Page 1 IA of Tuscola North, Range 7 East; thence West 250 feet, thence thence North 0 degrees 49 nunutes 39 seconds West PARCEL 1 : Part of the North 20 acres of the North- County Records. North 175 feet; thence East 250 feet: thence South I75 feet to the point of beginning. 250.00 feet; thence East 261.38 feet to the West 118 west fractional quarter of the Southwest fractional line; thence South 0 degrees 49 minutes 39 seconds qprter of Section 30, Town I I North, Range 8 East, The redenlption penod shall be 6 months from the East 250.00 feet along the West I18 line to the East- Township of Vassar, Tuscola County, Michigan, de- date of such sale, unless deternuned abandoned in The redemption period shall be 6 nmnths from the West accordance with MCLA 600.3241a. in which case date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in 114Iine;thenceWest261.38feetalongtheEast- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the West West 114 line to the Point of Beginning. line of Section 30. that is South 00 degrees 08 min- the redemption period shall be 30 days fromthe date accordance with MCLA 600.3241a. in which case of such sale. the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date utes 20 seconds East282.56 feet from the Westquar- of such sale. The redemption period shall be 6 months from the ter comer of Section 30; thence North 88 degrees 35 date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in minutes East 303.25 feet; thence South 00 degrees Dated: March 28, 2007 Dated: March 28,2007 accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case 08 minutes 20 seconds East 1 IO 56 feet to the South the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date line of said North 20 acres; thence along said line COOPER MALLORY, 15 months, son of Brooke FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: of such sale. E‘rR (248) 593-1305 FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: South 88 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds West 303.25 feet to the West line ofsaid Section 30: thence along and Darryl Mallory, had his hands full Saturday. Trott & Trott. PC. FC R (248) 593-1305 Dated: March 28. 2007 said West line North 00 degrees 08 minutes 20 sec- Attorneys for Servicer Trott &Trot!, P.C. ondsWest (Related photo, page one) 30400 Telegraph Rd.. Ste. 200 Attorneys for Servicer l10.56feettothepau~tofbeginning,above FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: Bingharn Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 parcel heing known as Parcel A of a survey recorded FC H (248) 593-1300 File #100603F02 Bingham Farnx, Michigan 48025-5822 in Liber 469, pages 400 and 401, Tuscola County File #335320FOl Trott & Trott, P.C. Records Commnly known as: 5957 Hasco, Vassar, 3-28-4 3-28-4 Attorneys for Servicer Michigan 48768. 30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 Bingham Farns, Michigan 48025-5822 Tax ID No 79-020-030-000-7725-00 THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- File #101796F02 ING TO COLLECTA DEBT. ANY INFORMATION 3-28-4 PARCEL2:Lot(s) 15and 16,Block24oftheplatof THIS FIRM IS A I)L-,BI COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- WE OBTAIN WILL BE (JSED FOR THAT PIJR- the Village of Vassar. now known as City of Vassar, ING TO COLLECT A DEBT ANY INFORMA- POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE according to the plat thereof recorded in Liher I of TION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE Plats. page(s) 143 and Liber 2, page 93 of Tuscola ‘TI-iisFIRM ISA DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- PURPOSE PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT MILITARY DUTY County Records Commonly known as. 220 Plunib, ING To COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION THENUMBERRL;I.OW IFYOU AREINACTIVE Vassar, Michigan 48768. WE OBTAIN WlLL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- MILITARY DUTY. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE by the foreclosing nmrtgagee. In that event. your dam Tax ID No. 79-051-500-124-1500-00 MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE ages, ifany, shall be limited solely to the retuni ofthe MILITARY DUTY. conditions of a nwrtgage made by Steven W Bristle bid anmunt tendered at sale, plus interest. PARCEL 3: Part of the North 20 acres of the North- and Marlena K. Bnstle, Husband and Wife, to Mort- west fractional quarter of the Southwest fractional ATTN PIJRCHASERS This sale may be rescinded gage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nomi- MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in tlie quarter of Section 30, Town I I North, Range 8 East, by the foreclosing nmrtgagee. In that event, yourdanb nee for lender and lender’s ~UCC~SSO~Sand/or assigns, conditions of a mortgage made by Benjamin J Stahl, Township of Vassar, Tuscola County. Michigan, de- ages, if any, shall he linuted solely to the return ofthe Mortgagee, dated October 23, 2002 and recorded an unnlamed nian. original mortgagor, to Mortgage scribed as follows Beginning at a point on the East- bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. February 27,2003 iii Liber 91 7. Page 1208, Tuscola Electronic Registration Systena. Inc., as nominee for West quarter line of Section 30 that is North 88 de- County Records, Michigan There is claimed to be lender and lender’s successors andior assigns, Mort- grees 35 nunutes 20 seconds East 303.25 feet from - MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the due at the date hereof the sum of Sixty-Nine Thou- gagee. dated March 23,2005 and recorded on June the West quarter conier of said Section 30; thence conditions of a nwrtgage made by Carson J. Famhani sand Seven Hundred Fifiy-One and 671100 Dollars 2006 iii Liber 1084 on Page 1273 in Tuscola along said East West quarter line North 88 degrees 15. a single nian, original mortgagor, to Indyniac Bank, ($69,751 67) including interest at 7.75% perannum. Cowity Records, Michigan, on which mortgage there 35 minutes 20 seconds East I77 07 feet: thence South ES.B ,a federally chartered savings bank, Mortgagee. is clainxd to be due at the date hereof the suni of 01 degrees 24 minutes 40 seconds East 393 02 feet dated December IO. 2003 and recorded on January Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage Sixty-Seven Thousand Three Hundred Nine And 931 to the South line of said North 20 acres. thence along 23, 2004 in Liber 975 on Page 1044 in Tuscola and the statute in such case nlade and provided, no- 100 Dollars ($67,309.93), including interest at 7.5% said South line South 88 degrees 35 niinutes 20 sec- County Records, Michigan, on which mortgage there tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- per annum. onds West I85 80 feet: thence North 00 degrees 08 is claimed to he due at the date hereof the sum of closed by a sale of the nmrtgaged premises, or some minutes 20 seconds West 393.12 feet to the point of Ninety-Three Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty-Four part of them, at public venue at the front entrance of Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage and I61lOO Dollars ($93,724.16) including interest beginning, above parcel being known as Parcel C of the Courthouse in the Village of Caro. Tuscola County, and the statute in such case made and provided. no- a survey recorded in I.iber 429, pages 400 and 401, at 8 125% per annum. MI in Tuscola County. Michigan at 1000 a.m. on tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- Tuscola County Records Conniionly known as- APRIL 19, 2007. closed by a sale ofthe mortgaged premises. or some 678516887 Vassar. Vassar, Michigan 48768. IJnder the power of sale contained in said nmrtgage part oftheni, at public venue, at the Front entrance to and the statute in such case made and provided, no- Said premises are located in the Township of the Courthouse in the Village ofCaro, Tuscola County tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- Tax ID No. 79-020-030-000-7750-00 Millington, Tuscola County, Michigan, and are de- at lO:OOAM, 011April 12. 2007. scribed as. closed by a sale of the nmrtgaged premises, or some part of theni at public venue, at the Front entrance to The redemption period shall be six (6) months from Said premises are situated in Village of Caro. Tuscola the Courthouse in the Village ofCaro, Tuscola County the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned LotZ.Block3ofthe PlatoftheVillageofMillington, County, Michigan, and are descnbed as: at 1O:OO AM, on April 19, 2007. in accordance with MCL 600.3241a. in wlnch case Tuscola County, Michigall the redenlption period shall be the later of thirty (30) Commencing 13 112 rods North and 4 rods East of days from the date of the sale or when the time to The redemption period shall be 6 nlonths from the Said prenuses are situated in Township of Tuscola. the Southeast conier of tlie West half of the North- Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: provide the notice required under MCL 600 3241 a(c) date of such sale, unless deternuned abandoned in west quarter of section 3. Town I2 North, Range 9 expires. CHRISTIAN MALLORY, 4, picks up another egg accordance with MCLA $600.3241a, in which case East, Village ofCaro, lndianfields Township, Tuscola Conmiencing 591 feet South of the Northwest cor- the redemption penod shall be 30 days from the date County, Michigan, running thence East 5 rods 6 feet: ner of Section 13, Town 11 North. Range 7 East: Dated March 28. 2007 during Saturday’s Easter egg hunt in Cass City. He of such sale. thence North 8 rods; thence West 5 rods 6 feet, thence thence East parallel with the North line of said Sec- South to the place of beginning. OXFORD BANK MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC TO ALLPURCHASERS: The foreclosing mortgagee tion, 39 rods: thence South 135 feet; thence West 39 is the son of Brooke and Darryl Mallory, Cass City. roods; thence North I35 feet to the place of begin- Mortgagee can rescind the sale. In that event, your damages. if The redenlption period shall be 6 months from the ning. any, are limited solely to tlie return of the bid amount date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in Michael G. Cruse tendered at sale, plus interest. accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, 111 which case The redemption penod shall be 6 months from the Warner Norcross & Judd LLP the redenlption period shall be 30 days from the date Attorney for Mortgagee Dated March 2 I, 2007 date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in Crisis center in of such sale. accordance with MCLA 600.3241a. in which case 2000 Town Center, Suite 2700 the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date Southfield, MI 48075-1318 6rlans Associates, P C. Dated: March 14. 2007 of such sale. (248) 784-5 I3 I Attorneys for Servicer 3-28-5 TO. Box 5041 FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: Dated. March 2 I,2007 Troy, MI 48007-5041 FC X (248) 593-1302 need of volunteers (248) 457-1000 Trott & Trott, P.C. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: File No 280 1945 Attorneys for Servicer FCF(248) 593-1313 The Thumb Area Assault Crisis Cen- seling, support and information about 30400 Telegraph Rd.. Ste. 200 3-21-4 Trott & Trott, PC Bingbani Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 ter in Caro is in need of some help. domestic and sexual violence. Arman Attorneys for Servicer THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- File #133659FOI 30400 Telegraph Rd , Ste. 200 ING TO COLLECTA DEBT ANY INFORMATION The center, which provides a safe noted volunteers are needed to an- 3-14-4 Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR TK4T PUR- shelter for victims of domestic and swer the crisis line and would be File #134523FOI POSE. PLEASE CONTACT 01JR OFFICE AT THE sexual violence and their children, is trained to do so by assault crisis cen- 3-21-4 NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE seeking volunteers to- help with a ter staffmembers. THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR A’ITEMPT- MILITARY DUTY. ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COI.I.ECTOR ATTEMPT- wide variety of tasks. The assault crisis center serves vic- WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- ING TO COLLECTA DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded “Volunteersare wanted for one-time tims thoughout the Thumb area, and POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OIJR OFFICE AT THE WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- by the foreclosing nmrtgagee. In that event, your dam events, such as spring cleaning and provided counseling or shelter to 67 NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE ING TO COLLECTA DEBT ANY INFORMATION ages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return ofthe MtLITARY DIJTY. NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. yard work, as well as (for) on-going women and 75 children last year. MILITARY DUTY. POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OIJR OFFICE ATTHE needs such as providing childcare, “The shelter offers them the neces- MTN PURCIIASERS: This sale may he rescinded NUMBER BELOW IF YOIJ ARE IN ACTIVE MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the tutoring, or transportation for victims sary help to break free from situations by the foreclosing nmrtgagee In that event, your dam ATTN PURCHASERS. This sale may be rescinded MILITARY DUTY conditions of a mortgage made by Michelle L. Martell ages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the by the foreclosing nmrtgagee. In that event, your dam and James D. Martell, Husband and Wife, original who are searching for employment of domestic violence, which can in- bid amount tendered at sale. plus interest. ages. if any, shall be linuted solely to the return of the ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded mortgagors, to Mortgage Electronic Registration or a permanent place to live,” ex- crease in frequency and severity over bid anmunt tendered at sale, plus interest. by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that event, your dam Systems, Inc., as nominee for lender and lender’s plained Carol Arman, communica- time and even end in death,” Arman MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the ages, if any, shall be linited solely to the retuni of the successon andor assigns, Mortgagee, dated May 22, Conditions of a mortgage made by Michael Moody MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the hid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. 2003 and recorded on May 30,2003 in Liber 933 on tions manager for the Human Devel- said. “Our volunteers are instrumen- and Shanna Moody, Husband and Wife as Tenants conditions of a mortgage made by Daniel Joseph Page 800 in Tuscola County Records, Michigan, and opment Commission (HDC), which tal in (helping these victims) within By the Entireties, original mortgagors, to Mortgage Men, a single man, original mrtgagor, to Mortgage MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the assigned by said Mortgagee to Chase Home Finance operates the facility. our community.” Electronic Registration System. Inc., as nominee for Electronic Registration Systena. Inc., as nominee for conditions of a mortgage made by Michael J. Bryson, LLC as assignee by an assignment, on which mort- ltnder and lender’s successors andior assigns, Mort- lender and lender’s successors andior assigns, Mort- a single man, original mortgagor, to Mortgage Elec- gage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the In addition to providing emergency Anyone interested in volunteering gagee, dated November 30, 2005 and recorded on gagee, dated March 2,2005 and recorded on March tronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for sum of One Hundred Two Thousand Eight Hundred shelter to domestic violence victims, a few hours a week or month is asked Jatiuary IO, 2007 in Liber 1107 on Page 1309 in in- IO, 2005 in Liber 1030 on Page 580 in Tuscola lender and lender’s successors andior assigns, Mort- Twenty-Two and 461100 Dollars ($102,822.46). in- the assault crisis center operates a to ‘contact Toni or Kathy at the as- shnt200700891058, in Tuscola County Records, County Records, Michigan, and assigned by said gagee, dated January 22,2004 andrecorded on March cluding interest at 6% per annum. 24-hour qrisis line that offers coun- sault crisis center at (989) 672-1788. Michigan, and assigned by said Mortgagee to Mortgagee to FV-I, Inc. as assignee by an assign- 18,2004 in Liber 984 on Page I 116 in Tuscola County Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as assignee ment, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due Records, Michigan, and assigned by said Mortgagee Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage b$’an assignment, on which mortgage there is claimed at the date hereof the sum of Ninety Thousand Three to LaSalle Bank National Association as Trustee as and the statute in such case made and provided, no- t&be due at the date hereof the sum ofOne Hundred Hundred Seventy and 971100 Dollars ($90,370 97), assignee by an assignment, on which mortgage there tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety-Seven and including interest at 6.8% per annum. is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some 521100 Dollars ($107,797.52), including interest at One Hundred Three Thousand Twenty-one and 351 part of them at public venue, at the Front entrance to 9 55% per annum Under the power of sale contamed in said mortgage IO0 Dollars ($I 03,02 I .35), including interest at the Courthouse in the Village of Caro, Tuscola County and the statute in such case made and provided, no- 12.5% per annuni at 1000 AM, on May 3,2007. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- and the statute in such case nude and provided, no- closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage Said premises are situated in Township of Fremont, tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- part ofthem at public venue, at the Front entrance to and the statute in such case made and provided, no- Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: dosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some the Courthouse in the Village of Caro, Tuscola County tice is hereby given that said mortgage &ill be fore- part of them at public venue, at the Front entrance to at 1O:OO AM, on April 12, 2007. closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some Part ofthe Southeast 114 ofthe Northeast 114 of Sec- die Courthouse in the Village of Caro. Tuscola County part of them at public venue, at the Front entrance to tion 28, Township I1 Noah, Range 9 East, Fremont at 10:OOAM. on April 19,2007 Said premises are situated in Village of Caro. Tuscola the Courthouse in the Village ofCaro, Tuscola County Township, Tuscola County, Michigan, Described as: County, Michigan. and are described as: at 1O:OO AM, on April 12. 2007. Commencing at the Centerline of the C and 0 RR Said prenuses are situated in City of Vassar, Tuscola which is North 00 Degrees 00 Minutes OS Seconds County, Michigan, and are described as: Conmncing 6 Rods South of the Quarter Stake on Said premises are situated in Village of Mayville, West 628.70 feet from the East 114 Comer; thence the North side of Section 3, Town 12 North, Range 9 Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: North 00 Degrees 00 Minutes OS Seconds West 160.0 L‘ot 11 and the South 22 Feet of Lot 12, Block I, East; thence Rlmning South along the Center ofAlmer feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 00 De- Memts Addition to Vassar. according to the Plat Street in $e Village ofCaro, Michigan, 4 Rods; thence Lots 7 and 8. Block 3 of L. Fox’s Third addition to grees 00 Minutes 05 Seconds West 150.0 feet; thence thereof as Recorded in Liber I of Plats, Page 2 I, now West IO Rods; thence North 4 Rods; thence East IO the Village of Mayville. according to the Plat recorded West 300.0 feet; thence 150.0 feet South: thence East Being Page 22A, Tuscola County Records. Rods to beginning. in Liber I of Plats, Pages 32A-33A. 300.0 feet to Point of Beginning. fine collection of The redenlption period shall be 6 nmnths from the The redemption period shall be 6 months from the The redemption period shall be 6 months from the The redemption period shall be 6 months from the Wedding date of such sale, unless detemined abandoned in date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in Invitations and accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date Accessories. of such sale of such sale. of such sale. of such sale.

Dated March 2 I, 2007 Dated: March 14, 2007 Dated: March 14, 2007 Dated: April 4, 2007 FOR MORE INFORMNION, PLEASE CALL: FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: Cass City Chronicle FC S (248) 593-1304 FC D (248) 593-1309 FC J (248) 593-1311 FC S (248) 593-1304 Trott & Trott, P.C. Trott & Trott, P.C. Trott & Trott. P.C. Trott & Trott. P.C. Attorneys for Servicer Attorneys for Servicer Attorneys for Senicer Attorneys for Servicer Phone 872-2010 I 30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 Bingham Farns, Michigan 48025-5822 Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 File #134158FOI File #133096FOI File #133047FOl File #135224FOI 3-2 1-4 3-14-4 3-14-4 4-4-4 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN CASS CITYCHRONICLE - WEDNESDAY APRIL4,2007 PAGE ELEVEN Legal Notices 2 . *;;;THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTORATTEMPT- running East 168 feet; thence South 130 feet; thence Said premises are located in the Village ofMillington, THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTORATTEMPT- land described as the East 20 acres of that part of the County Records, Michigan, onwhich mortgage there ‘V3NGTO COLLECTADEBT ANY INFORMATION West 168 feet; thence North 130 feet to the place of Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Southwest quarter of Section 14, Town 1 I North, is claimed to be due at the date hereof the suni of :%WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- beginning. WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- Range 8 East, lying between Old State Highway M- Swty-EightThousandNineHundredTwo Dollars and ’ .-2POSE PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE Part of the West half of the Southeast quarter of Sec- POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE 38 and the P.M.R.R. right of way; thence Westerly Eighty-Two Cents ($68,902 82). includinginterest at .ZJWMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE The redemption period shall be 6 months from the tion 9. Town IO North, Range 8 East, described as: NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE along Old M-38, 384 feet to the point of beginning 7 250% per annum Z3lILITARY DU1 Y date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in Beginning at a point which is North 89 Degrees 26 MILITARY DUTY. of this description; thence Westerly along Old M-38, .*.uI. accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case Minutes 40 Seconds West, 1271.18 feet along the 120 feet; thence North and parallel with North and Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage ZATTN PURCHASERS This sale may be rescinded the redemption period shall he 30 days from the date South line of said Section 9. and along the East line ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded South quarter line 13 rods; thence Easterly and par- and in such case made and provided, no- .zby the foreclosing mortgagee In that event, your dam of such sale. of the West half of the Southeast quarter (also the by the foreclosingmortgagee. In that event, your dam allel with Old M-38, 120 feet; thence South 13 rods tice IS hereby pven that said mortgage will be forei -ages. ifany, shall be limited solely to the return ofthe East line of Bostick’s Addition to the Village of ages, ifany, shall be limitedsolely to the return of the to the point of beginning. closed by a sale df the mortgaged prenuses, or some hid amount tendered at sale, plus interest Dated April 4, 2007 Millington)North 00 degrees 08 Minutes 49 Seconds bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. part of them, at public venue, front entrance of the East, 909.48 feet along the North line ofsaidBostick’s The redemption period shall be 6 months from the Courthouse Buldin&jn the Village of Caro, Michi: gan, Tuscola County at 00 AM o’clock, on Apnl MORPGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the FOR MORE INFORMATION,PLEASE CALL: Addition, North 89 Degrees 20 Minutes 00 Seconds MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in IO 19,2007 conditions ofa mortgagemade by Dawd Dragus and FC J(248) 593-1311 West, 334.38 feet to the Northeast comer ofLot 2 of conditions of a mortgage made by Judy E. Taylor, a accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case Kandi A Dragus,MA Kandi Dragus, husband anr’ Trott & Trott, P.C. Block B of Bostick’s Addition and parallel to the single woman, and John L. Taylor, a single man, origi- the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date wife, onginal mortgagors, to Cituens Bank, Mort- Attorneys for Servicer East line of said West half of the Southeast quarter, nal mortgagors, to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, of such sale. Saidprenuses are situatedinTownshp ofTUSCOLA, Tuscola County, Michigan and descnbed as igagee, dated June 29,2002 and recorded on August 30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 North 00 Degrees 08 Minutes 49 Seconds East, 2.00 Inc., Mortgagee, dated April 16,2003 and recorded 214. 2002 in Liber 889 on Page 1279 in Tuscola Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 9; onApril22,2003 inLiber927onPage243 inTuscola Dated March 14, 2007 LOT 32, ALSO WESTERLY 75 FEET OF LOT 3 7.County Records, Michigan,on which mortgage there File #135784FOI thence parallel to the North line of said Bostick’s County Records, Michigan, on which mortgage there 2sclaimed to be due at the date hekof the sum of $ Addition, North 89 Degrees 20 Minutes 00 Seconds is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: MILLER SUBDIVISION,SECTION 17, TOWN 1 4-4-4 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST, TOWNSHIP OF -”Fifty-Three Thousand Seven HundredThirty-Six and West, 127.62 feet; thence parallel to the East line of Fifty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-Five and FC C (248) 593-1301 TUSCOLA, TUSCOLA COUNTY, MICHGAN 2 ll1lOO Dollars ($53,736 11). including interest at said West half of the Southeast quarter, North 00 691100 Dollars ($59,945.69). including interest at Trott & Trott, P.C. :8 25% per annum Degrees 08 Minutes 49 Seconds East, 64.00 feet; 5.875% per annum Attorneys for Servicer - thence South 89 Degrees 20 Minutes 00 SecondsEast, 30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 TAX ID NO 01 7-01 7-400-3200-00 2 Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage 127.62 feet; thence South 00 Degrees 08 Minutes 49 Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 More correctly descnbed as I OT 32 ALSO WEST- - and the statute in such case made and prowded, no- 2econds West, 64.00 feet to the point of beginning. and the statute in such case made and provided, no- File #132988F01 THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTORATTEMPT- ERLY 75 FEET OF LOT 3 I, MILLER SUBDlVl itrce is hereby even that said mortgage will be fore- tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- , 3-14-4 :closed by a sale of the mortgaged prenuses, or some ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION The redenlption period shall he 6 months from the closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some SION, SECTION 17, TOWN IO NORTH RANGE ‘ part of them at public venue, at the Front entrance to WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in part of them at public venue. at the Front entrance to 8 EAST, TOWNSHIP OF MILLINGTO the Courthousem the Village of Caro. Tuscola County POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE ATTHE accordance with MCLA $600.3241a, in which case the Courthousein the Village of Caro, Tuscola County TUSCOLA COUNTY. MICHIGAN Tat 1000AM.onApnl 12,2007 NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE the redemption period shall he 30 days from the date at 10:00 AM, on May 3,2007. MILITARY DUTY. of such sale THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- TAX ID NO 01 7-017-400-3200-00 Said premses are situated in Township of Wells, Said premises are situated in Village of Gagetown, ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Tuscola County, Michigan, and are descnbed as ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may he rescinded TO ALL PURCHASERS:The foreclosingmortgagee Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- The redemption penod shall he 6 months from t ,by the foreclosingmortgagee. In that event, your dam can rescind the 5ale. In that event, your damages, if POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE date of such sale unless detemuned abandoned Part ofthe Northwest 114 ofsection 20, Township I2 ages, ifany, shall be limited solely to the return of the any, are limited solely to the return of the hid amount Lot(s) 16, Block I, James Cleavers Addition to the NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE accordance with 1948CL 600 3241a, in which case, North, Range IO East, Wells Township, Tuscola bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. tendered at sale, plus interest. Village of Gagetown, according to the recorded plat MILITARY DUTY. the redemption penod shall be 30 days from the date , :County Michigan, descnbed as beginning at a point thereof, as recorded in Liber 1 of Plats, Page 1B. of such sale I e on the West line of said section 20, which is North MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the Dated: March 14, 2007 ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded 00 degrees 23 nunutes 02 seconds East, 659 24 feet conditions of a mortgage nude by Norman Hawe, a The redemption period shall be 6 months from the by the foreclosingmortgagee. In that evenf your dam Dated March 16,2007 2 from the West 114 comer of said section 20, thence single man, original mortgagor. to New Century Orlans Associates, P.C date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in ages, ifany, shall be limited solely to the return ofthe continuing along said line, North 00 degrees 23 nun- Mortgage Corporation,Mortgagee, dated October 24, Attorneys for Servicer accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inh ’ Utes 02 seconds East, 331 41 feet, thence South 89 2003 and recorded on January 30,2004 in Liber 977 P.O. Box 5041 the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date (“MERS’)),solely asnonunee for lender and lender - degrees 53 mnutes 12 seconds East 1315 74 feet to on Page 264, and assigned by said Mortgagee to Troy, MI 48007-5041 of such sale. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the successors and assigns , the West, North and South I18 line‘ of said section, Deutsche Bank National Trust Conlpany. Trustee on (248) 457-1000 conditions of a mortgage made by Teny W. Craig MortgagedAssignee thence along said line South 00 degrees 18 nunutes behalf of the Certificate Holders of Morgan Stanley File No 213.0672 Dated April 4,2007 and Renate G. Craig. husband and wife, original mort- 57 seconds west, 331 41 feet, thence North 89 de- ABS Capital Inc., Trust 2004-NC2, Mortgage Pass- gagors, to Argent Mortgage Company, LLC, Mort- Peter M Schneiderman&Associates PC 3-14-4 23100 Providence Dnve. Suite 450 * grees 53 nunutes 12 seconds West, approximately Through Certificates, Series 2004-NC2 as assignee FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: gagee, dated February 23,2005 and recorded on April I3 I6 03 feet to the West line of said Secbon 20 and by an Tuscola County Records, Michi- FC C (248) 593-1301 2 1, 2005 in Liber 1035 on Page 746, and modified Southfield MI 48075 the point ofheginning Subject to the use of the west- gan, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at Trott & Trott, P.C. by Affidavitor Order executed on February 12,2007 3-21-4 I erly 33 00 feet thereof as Underwood road so-called the date hereof the sum of Seventy-Six Thousand Four Attorneys for Servicer and received by and recorded, in Tuscola County Hundred Seventy-Eight and 25/100 Dollars 30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 Records, Michigan, and assigned by said Mortgagee The redemption penod shall be 12 months from the ($76,478.25)‘ including interest at 10.625% per an- Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 to U.S. Bank National Association as Trustee as as- date of such sale num. File #136703F01 signee by an assignment, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of One THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTORATTEMPT- 4-4-4 THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTORATTEMPT! Dated March 14 2007 Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage Hundred Folty-Nine Thousand Three Hundred Sixty- ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMA- ING TO COLLECT A DEBT ANY IKFORMA-’,‘, and the statute in such case made and provided. no- One and 861100 Dollars ($149,361.86), including TION WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT TION WE OBTAIN WILL BE LJSED FOR THAT’ : ;FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- interest at 8.4% per annum. PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICEAT PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OIJR OFFICE AT !FC J (248) 593-1311 closed by a sale of the nlortgaged premises, or sonle THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE THENUMBERBELOW IFYOU AREINACTIVE :.Trott & Trott. P.C. part ofthem at public venue, at the Front entrance to Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage MILITARY DIJTY. MILITARY DUTY. ;Attorneys for Servicer the Courthousein the Village of Caro, Tuscola County and the statute in such case made and provided, no- ‘30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 at 1O:OO AM, on April 19,2007. THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTORATTEMPT- tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- MOKTGAGE SALE Default has been nude in the MORTGAGE.SALE- Default has been made in tW 5ingham Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 - closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some conditions of a mortgage made by Paul R. Zunlbach, ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMA- conditions of a mortgagemade by Jodi Lynn Benitez, rile #131402FOl Said premises are situated in Township of Watertown. part of them at public venue, at the Front entrance to a mamed inan, and Teresa K. Zumbach, his wife, to TlON WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT a single woman, to Mortgage Electronic Registra- Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT the courthouse in the Village ofcaro, Tuscola County 3-14-4 Michigan National Bank, a National kanking Asso- tion Systems, Inc., Mortgagee, dated December 30, THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE at 1O:OO AM, on April 12,2007. 2002 and recordedJanuary 6,2003 in Liber 909, Page Lots 4 and 5, Block 15, Plat of the Village of Fostoria, ciation, Mortgagee. dated July 26, I994 and recorded July 29,1994 in Liber 662. Page 176,Tuscola County MILITARY DUTY. I139, Tuscola County Records, Michigan. Said according to the plat thereofrecorded in Liber I. Page Said premises are sitiited in Village ofCaro, Tuscola Records, Michigan Said nlortgage is now held by mortgage is now held by Wells Fargo Bank, NA by 45A of Plats, Tuscola County Records. MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the County, Michigan, and are described as: $HIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. successor by nlerger to Wells assignment. There is claimed to he due at the date ~NGTO COLLECTA DEBT.ANY INFORMATION conditions 6f a mortgage made by Dianna Pikyavit, a hereof the sum of One Hundred Five Thousand Six The redemption period shall be 6 months from the Fargo Home Mortgage. Inc. &/a Norwest Mortgage, Comncing at a point on the Section line 1225.00 >E OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- Inc., a Minnesota Corporation by assignment. There single woman, to Argent Mortgage Company, LLC, Hundred Two and 041100 Dollars ($lOS,C02.04), date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in feet North of the Southwest comer of Section 23, :POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of Mortgagee, dated January 13, 2006 and recorded including interest at 6.5% per annum. accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case Town 12 NO*, Range 89 East; thenye 330.00 feet PUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE Fifty-Eight Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Nine and January 25, 2006 in Liber 1069, Page 904, Tuscola the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date at right angles to the West line of said Section 23, -1VIILITARY DUTY. 24/100 Dollars ($58.669.24).including interest at 9% County Records, Michigan. Said mortgage is now Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage: of such sale. North 508.44 feet parallel West line of said per annum. held by LaSalle Bank, N.A. as Trustee for the MLMI to the and the statute in such case made and provided, no- fATTN PURCHASERS. This sale may be rescinded Trust Series 2006-ARI by assignment. There is Section 23, West 330.00 feet to the West line of said tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- Dated March 21. 2007 Section 23, West 330.00 feet to the West line of said $y the foreclosingmortgagee. In that event, your dam Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage claimed to be due at the date hereofthe sumofEighty- closed by a sale of the nlortgaged premises, or sonlei :ages, ifany, shall be limited solely to the return ofthe Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-Nine and 291 Section 23, South 508.84 feet to beginning, being h part of then%at public venue at the front entrance of. FOR MORE JNFORMATION, PLEASE CALL. and the statute in such case nude and provided, no- ?idamount tendered at sale, plus interest. 100 Dollars ($87,769.29). including interest at 8.7% Part of the West half of the Southwest Quartm, Sec- the Courthouse in the Village of Caro, Tuscola FC X (248) 593-1302 tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- per annum. tion 23, Town 12 North, Range 9 East, Subject to County, MI in Tuscola County, Michigan at 1O:OO Trott & Trott, P.C. closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some :MORTGAGE SALE Default has been made in the Highway right of way, Tuscola County, Michigan. - Attorneys for Servicer part of them, at public venue at the front enhance of a.m. on APRIL 12,2007. :‘conditions of a mortgage made by Michael 1. Snow, Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage 30400 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 200 the Courthouse in the Village of Caro, Tuscola a mamed man and Tamara R. Snow, his wife, origi- and the statute in such case made and provided, no- The redemption period shall be 6 months from the Said premises are located in the City of Reese, Bingham Farms. Michigan 48025-5822 County, MI in Tuscola County. Michigan at 1O:OO ,;iial mortgagors, to Mortgage Electronic Registration tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: ’ File #024135F04 a.m. on APRIL 12,2007. :System, Inc., as nominee for lender and lender’s closed by a sale ofthe mortgagedpremises, or some accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date :successors and/or assigns, Mortgagee, dated Janu- 3-2 1-4 Said premises are located in the TownshipofArhela, part of them at public venue at the front enhance of Commencing at a point on Section line 275.1 feet of such sale. :ary IO, 2005 and recorded on January 26, 2005 in Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: the Courthousein the Village ofCaro, Tuscola County, East of the Southwest comer of Section 6. Town 1.2 :Liber 1025 on Page 495 in Tuscola County Records, MI in Tuscola County, Michigan at 1O:OO am on North, Range 7 East, thence East 105 feet: thence, Dated March 14, 2007 :Michigan, on which mortgage there is claim’d to be L:. ! of Morgan SuhdivisionNo. I, according to the APRIL 12,2007. North 231 feet; thence West 105 feet: thence South $ue at the date hereof the sum of One Hundred Six- recorded plat thereof as recorded in Plat Liber 4, 23 1 feet to the Place of Beginning. FOR MORE INFORMATldN, PLEASE CALL >een Thousand One Hundred Ninety-Fiveand 6311 00 Pages 7 and 8. Tuscola County Records. Said premises are located in the Township of :Dollars ($116,195.63), including interest at 6% per Kingston, Tuscola County, Michigan, and are de- FC J (248) 593-131 I The redemption period shall be 6 months from the Zannum. The redemption period shall he 6 months from the scribed as: Trott & Trott, P.C. date of such sale, unless determine3 abandoned in THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- Attorneys for Servicer date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in accordance with MCLA §600.3241a, in which case ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Parcel B: Commencingat the South one-quarter cor- 30400 Telegraph Rd.. Ste. 200 :Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- accordance with MCLA 6600.3241a. in which case the redemption period shall he 30 days from the date. ner, Section 21, Town 12 North, Range 11 East, Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025-5822 :and the statute in such case made and provided, no- POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT THE the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date of such sale. Kingston Township,Tuscola County, Michigan, File #I281 83F02 &e is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE of such sale. run- ning thence North 0 Degrees 02 Minutes I7 Seconds klosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some MILITARY DUTY. 3-14-4 TO ALLPURCHASERS:The foreclosingmortgagee part of them, at public venue, at the Front entrance to TO ALL. PURCHASERS: The foreclosingmortgagee West 984.35 feet along the North-South one-quarter can rescind the sale. In that event, your danuges. if line; thence South 89 Degrees 56 Minutes 23 Sec- the Courthouse in the Village ofCaro, Tuscola County ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded can rescind the sale. In that event, your damages. if any, are limited solely to the return ofthe bid amount ‘at 1O:OO AM, on April 19, 2007. onds East 467.96 feet; thence South 0 Degrees 24 by the foreclosingmortgagee. In that event your dam any, are linuted solely to the return of the hid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. Minutes 12 Seconds East 824.82 feet; thence North THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT ages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the tendered at sale. plus interest Saidpremises are situated in Township ofwatertown, 89 Degrees 53 Minutes 30 Seconds West 86.0 feet; AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINEDWILLBE bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. Dated March 14,2007 Tuscola County, Michigan, and are described as: Dated: March 14, 2007 thence South 0 Degrees 24 Minutes 12 Seconds East USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 160.0 feet; thence North 89 Degrees 53 Minutes 30 MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been nude in the Orlans Associates, P.C. Part of the Southwest 114 of Section 3, Town Seconds West 388.23 feet along the South Section MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the IO conditions of a mortgage made by Jason L Hulburt, Orlans Associates, P.C. Attorneys for Servicer line to the point ofbeginning. Being part ofthe South- terms and conditions of a certain mortgage made by North, Range 9 East, Township of Watertown. a mamed man, and Shari L. Hulburt, his wife, origi- Attorneys for Servicer P.O. Box 5041 Tuscola County, Michigan, described as Beginning east one-quarter, Section 21, Town 12 North, Range JOAN FACKLER. a single wonun, of 9158 Willits nal mortgagors, to Mortgage Electronic Registration P.O. Box 5041 Troy, MI 48007-5041 at a point on the South section line that is East 378.59 I I East, Kingston Township, Tuscola County, Michi- Road, Mayville, Michigan 48744, Mortgagor, to Systems, Inc.. as nominee for lender and lender’s Troy. MI 48007-5041 (248) 457-1000 feet from the Southwest corner of Section 3; thence gan. OqORD BANK MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC, successors and/or assigns, Mortgagee, dated March (248) 457-1000 FileNo. 326.1159 continuing along said South section line, East 350.39 60 South Washington, P.O. Box 17. Oxford, Michi- 13, 2006 and recorded on March 21, 2006 in Liber File No. 326.1 194 . feet; thence North 00 degrees IO minutes 30 seconds Being same proprty conveyedto Dianna Pikyavit, gan 48371. Mortgagee, dated the 30th day of June 3-14-4, 1074 on Page 1245 in Tuscola County Records, the East 745.56 feet; thence South 89 degrees 59 min- 3-14-4 a single woman by Deed Dated 1-30-04 and Recorded Michigan. and assigned by said Mortgagee to Wells 2006, and recorded in the office of the Register of utes 36 seconds West 307.39 feet: thence South 00 3-1 0-04 in Deed Book 983, Page 1252, in the Office Deeds, for the County ofTuscola and State ofMichi- Fargo Bank, NA as assignee by an assignment, on degrees minutes 30 seconds West 198.48 feet; of the Recorder of Tuscola County, Michigan gan, on the 12th day of July 2006 at Instrument No. IO which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 36 seconds West 200600883741(orLiber 1087,page 1395)ofTuscola THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT; hereof the sum of One Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand 77.00 feet thence South 07 degrees 19 minutes 16 Being the same property conveyed to Edith M. County Records, on which mortgage thfre is claimed ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMA; Nine Hundred Eighty-Three and 661100 Dollars seconds West 117.99 feet; thence East 48.68 feet; Waymdn. a single woman, and Eric A. Smith, a single be due, as of the date of this notice, the of TlON WE OBTAIN WILL BE 1JSED FOR TH.U ($166,983.66), including intekst at 6.375% per an- to sum man, a joint tenants with full rights of survivorship PURPOSE. PLEASE CONTACT OIJR OFFICE AT thence South 00 degrees IO minutes 30 seconds West num. SEVENTY-SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED 430.09 feet to the point of beginning. by Deed Dated 2-1-99 and Recorded 2-22-99- in NINETY-ONE AND 651100 DOLLARS THENUMBERBELOW IFYOU AREINACTIVE Deed Book 763, Page 1307, in the Offce of the Re- ($76,591.65). Interest continues to accrue at the rate MILITARY DUTY. Under the power of sale contained in said mortgage ‘THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT- ._ The redemption period shall be 6 months from the corder of Tuscola County, Michigan. of 7.875% percent per annum and the statute in such case made and provided, no- COLLECI‘ADEBT. ANY INFORMATION MORTGAGE SALE - Default has been made in the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in tice is hereby given that said mortgage will be fore- WE OBTAIN WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case The redemption period shall be 12 months from the Under the power of sale contained in the mortgage, conditions of a mortgage made by Nancy Petzold, a closed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some POSE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE ATTHE the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date date of such sale, unless determined abandoned in and the statutes of the State of Michigan, notice is single woma~to Flagstar Bank, FSB, Mortgagee. part of them at public venue, at the Front entrance to NUMHER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN ACTIVE ofsuch sale. accordance with MCLA g600.3241a. in which case hereby given that the mortgage will be foreclosed by dated August 22, 2002 and recorded Septeniher’X’ the Courthousein the Village ofCaro. Tuscola County MILITARY DUTY. the redemption period shall be 30 days from the date sale of the mortgagedpremises, or some part of 2002 in Liber 892, Page 103, Tuscola County at 1O:OO AM, on May 3,2007. them, of such sale. Records, Michigan. Said mortgage is now held hy Dated March 21, 2007 ATTN PIJRCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded at public venue, at the front entrance of the Court- t house in the Village of Cam, Tuscola County, Michi- Chase Home Finance LLC successor by merger with Said premises are situated in Township of Elkland, by the foreclosing nartgagee. In that event, your dam FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: TO ALL PURCHASERS:The foreclosingmortgagee gan (that being the building where the Circuit Court Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation by assign4 ages, ifany, shall be limited solely to the retuni ofthe Tuscola County, Michigan. and are described as: can rescind the sale. In that event, your damages, if ment. There is claimed to be due at the date hereof FC R (248) 593-1 305 bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest. for the County ofTuscola is held) at 1O:OO a.m. on Trott & Trott, P.C. any. are limited solely to the retum ofthe bid amount A~ril12. 2007. the sum ofForty-EightThousand Three Hundred Tvi6 The East 30 acres of the Northwest 114 of Section -. Attorneys for Servicer tendered at sale’ interest’ and 901100 Dollars ($48,302.90), includirlg interest: 13, Town 14 North, Range 11 East. MORTCAGE SALE - Default has been made in the 30400 Telegraph Rd.. Ste. 200 The premises are situated in the Village ofMillington, at 7S% per annm conditions of a mortgage made by Don Mayer, a

DRIVER: DON’T JUST START YOUR CAREER, start it right! Company Sponsored CDL training in 3 weeks. Must be 21. Call 872.~010to place an ad Have CDL? Tuition reimburse- ment! CRST. 800-553-2778. Transit (nonbusiness) rates, Notices Notices DRlVERSlDRlVlNG SCHOOL 10 words or less, $3.95 each GRADUATES wanted. Tuition insertion; additional words 10 ARCTIC CAT - 2002 ZR, SCHWINN USED chopper Knights of Columbus MICH-CAN reimbursement. No waiting for 600cc,APV, EFI, 2,900 miles, style bicycle for sale. Asking cents each. Three weeks for FISH DINNER trainers. Passenger Policy. No the price of 2-cash rate. Save studs, cover. $2,900.989-872- $100.872-5033. 2-3-28-3 w STATEWIDE NYC. Guaranteed Hometime. money by enclosing cash 9147. 2-1-24-tf Baked & fried fish AMISH LOGHEADBOARD -m Dedicated and regional avail- with mail orders. Rates for ALL YOU CAN EAT 6519 Main St., Cuss City CLASSIFIED & queen pillow top mattress able. USA Truck 866-483-3413 display want ads on applica- A KING SIZE pillow top mat- GOOD FRIDAY. (810) 837-0810 tion. tress set - never used, with set - new in plastic, $275.989- APRIL 6 deluxe fiame still in box. Cost 839-4846. 2- 1-31-52 I3egiqjv Qcirch 22 HELP WANTED: Want to work 4:OO to 7:OO pm.. Automotive $1,050, sacrifice $335.989- K of C Hall Thursday-Friday, 11-5 p.m. for a Michigan newspaper? Get 923-1278. 2-1-3 1-52 < Household Sales > Saturday, 10-1 p.m. a free weekly e-mail list of news- 61 06 Beechwood Dr, ADOPTION: A loving couple paper positions available. Visit MOVING SALE - 53 15 H~ds Cass City Everythingfiom ‘A ’to ‘2’ wishes to adopt newborn to Corner Rd. Pontoon boat, 9dults $7.50 Students $4.00 and Soup to Nuts 10 & under Free 5-10-5-ti share our hearts and family. We’ll subscribe.php. boat motors, tools, hunting provide financially secure, won- and fishing items, miscella- derfully bright future. Expenses neous. Thursday-Sunday, BENDER’S HOME Bakery PART-TIME, HOME-BASED FOR SALE - AKC registered April 5-8. 1~-1will be open Thursday, April Wanted to Buy paid. Call 800-523-0045 Internet Business. Earn $500 Cocker Spaniels starting at 5 and Saturday, April 7. - $1000/month or more. Flex- FOR $300.872-6602. 2-2-28-8 HEATED GARAGE SALE - Closed Good Friday. 7724 ible hours. Training provided. Friday & Saturday, April 6 & Severance Rd. ( 1 1/2 miles WANTED - 1-3 acres in Cass HOT TUB - 6-person with 7, 9-5 p.m. 3988 H~~~~ Rd. West Of van Dyke Or 2 112 CitySchoolDistrict.Call989- No investment required. Free SALE 6-3-14-4 details. lounge, backlit waterfall and Kids’ and adults’ clothes, miles east ofcemetery). 551-0844. Michigan cover, never used; household, Christmas, lawn 5-44-1 ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE. with warranty. Retails $5,900, chairs, garage lights. Janelle Do you earn up to $800/day? POST OFFICE NOW HIRING1 will sell $2,975.989-797-7727. Guilds. 14-4-41 Services Your own local candy route. Avg. Pay $20/hour or $57K 2- 1-31-52 SATCHELL‘S CHRISTIAN Includes 30 machines and annually including Federal Retirement Home - We have CRea1Estate For an opening for a lady resi- LEE MORGAN Candy. All for $9,995. Call 1- Benefits and OT. Paid Training, 1990 Wellcraft A TEMPERPEDIC style memory foam mattress set - dent. Come in and see our 888-744-4651. Vacations. PTIFT. 1-800-584- 233 Eclipse CASS CITY - Vacant Land: 5 PAINTING 1775 USWA Ref #P8901 as seen on TV, new in origi- caring staff and home any- Blue, 23’, 5.7 V-8 nal wrapper with warranty. acres - $25,900; 10 acres - theor call 989-673-3329. We 20 Years Experience ENTREPENEUR NEEDED Cost $1,800, sell $650. 989- $37,500. Exceptional walk-out are 6 miles east of Caro. WOOD TRUCKING, INCA Merc, new covers! to open insurance agency in 832-2401. 2-1-31-52 basement potential, very roll- 5-2-154 K?services: new interior, dual axle I MCT. Great New Career! Job ing with beautiful country Interiors, Exteriors,rn Northern Michigan. Iron Moun- Guaranteed on completion of views. Affordable contract Texturing, Wood Graining, tain, Marquette, Newberry, or trailer, clean, low hours. Free 3 week CDL-A Training. FOR SALE - Antique piano, terms available. New con- BROASTED Power Washing Grand Traverse County. Agency First $7000 takes it! $1 50. Call 872-3804 after 4:30 1 year commitment required. structionhousing only. 989- FISH & FRIES Residential//Commercial funding available. ckrzyszton@ Call 989-872-3410. P.m 2-4-4-1 843-5533. 344-1 1-800-621-4878 AN vou can eat - Pirblrc Welcome * Insured, 231-933- 1(989) 872-3840 1-4-4-tf 0159 Gloria or Christine EHRLICH’S FLAGS (Real Estate For Ren2 8-8-1 7-1 AMERICAN MADE Masonic Lodge, Cass City US - STATE -WORLD FOR RENT - Small 2-bedroom Corner of Maple and Garfield house in town. $425 plus se- MILITARY - POW First Friday of the month ****ALL MORTGAGE EASTER BABY BUNNIES curity deposit. No pets. Call Tickets at door Aluminum Poles after 4 p.m, 872-5586. Adults $8 00, 12 & under $3 00 ACOOL TRAVEL JOB. Now hir- LOANS**** Refinance & use for sale - $10 each or 2 for Commercial/Residential Tyler Lodge 317, Cass City 4-3-2 1-3 Take-outs Available * ing (18-24 positions). Guys/Gals your home’s equity for any pur- $17.810-672-9096.2-4-4-1 Sectional or One Piece to work and travel entire USA. pose: Land Contract & Mort- FOR RENT - 2-bedroom up- REVIVE 1-800-369-8882 & Paid training, transportation, gage Payoffs, Home Improve- MATTRESS SETpillow tops Bill Ehrlich, Sr. 665-2568 per level with appliances. I Carpet Upholstery $400/month plus security. No lodging furnished. Call today, ments, Debt Consolidation, -newqueen$175,king$275, Bill Ehrlich, Jr. 665-2503 HUNTER SAFETY Cleaning $165. Call 989-799-3532. pets. 872-8373, leave mes- Start today. 1-877-646-5050. Property Taxes. Cash available full 2-4-16-ti Cass City Gun Club Don Dohn for Good, Bad, or Ugly Credit! 2-1-3 1-52 sage. 4-3-21-3 April 12,13,14 Cass City 1-800-246-8100 Anytime! $1,000 SIGN ON BONUS: OWENDALE - 2-bedroom Preregistration Phone 872-3471 RegionaVOTR Drivers Needed United Mortgage Services. NOTICE OF SALE ranch home on paved road 1 Required 8-1-1 1-eo - Seniority Transfer, excellent mile south of town. Appli- Thursday,Aprill2 home time & benefits. Class - A ances, no pets, non-smoking. The Village of Cass ,City will accept written sealed 6-9:30 p.m. ALL COMPLETE Quality CDL and 2 years experience DR. DANIELS AND SON Reference required. $4251 bids for the sale of a 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Police Friday,April 13 Builders - Variety of home required. Contact Recruiting: REAL ESTATE LOANS AND Package, four-door vehicle. month plus security. 872- 2858, after 5 p.m 4-3-21-3 6-9:30 p.m. improvements. Windows, 800-905-TRAC BUYS LAND CONTRACTS. doors, siding, gutters, addi- Saturday, April 14 ’ *).r*’ 1 I . Fast Funding, Private Money. Written sealed bids will be rweived until 3:OO PM ,I tioh, roofs, flooring, etc. Call ‘ 8-1 p.m. AIRLINES ARE HIRING Homes, Land, All Property on Friday, April 20,2007, at the Village of Cass City FOR RENT - Hillside, 2-bed- 989-55 1-2894.15years expe- - Municipal Building, 6506 Main Street, PO Box 123, Class Fee $5.00 Types $10,000 to $500,000. room, lower level with appli- rience, licensed, estimates Train for high paying Aviation Cass City, Michigan 48726, and must be marked ances. $4OO/month plus se- Any Credit, Any Reason, Deal Must attend all classes within 24 hours. 844-3 Maintenance Career. FAA ap- as “2004 Ford Crown Victoria Bid”. The sealed bids curity. $25/additional person. Class Size is Limited proved program. Financial aid Directly with Decision Maker. 1- will be opened at the Village Office at 3:OO PM on Nopets. 989-872-8825. Friday, April 20,2007. The bid will be awarded on For more information if qualified - Job placement as- 800-837-6169, 248-335-6166 4-3-28-3 TREE TRIMMING and re- [email protected] Monday, April 30,2007 at the Regular Village Council call 989-872-5495 sistance. Call Aviation Institute meeting. 5-3-28-3 moval. 35 years experience. Maintenance (888) 349-5387. FOR RENT with option to Discount for seniors. 872- own. 3-4 bedroomrahchwith 223 1. 8-3-28-3 The Village of Cass City is selling this vehicle in “as Services DIESEL MECHANICS Full and is” condition. The vehicle may be seen for “viewing 5 acres, 6 miles from Cass City, $750 per month. Call Part-time positions. Paid train- only” at the Village Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 3998 Doerr Road, Cass City, Michigan. Kelly at Kelly & Co. Realty, ing. Immediate benefits pack- Robert Abfalter HOMEOWNERS WANTED!!! The Village reserves the right to accept or reject 872-2248. 4-3-14-tf age. 17-34 with a H.S. Diploma. Service Manager Kayak Pools is looking for any or all bids. 1-800-371-7456 M-F 8-4 Demo Homesites to display our NEW MINI STORAGE in Current mileage is 83,000 Hemans - Special onemonth ’ virtually “Maintenance Free” Cass City Appliance Repair DETENTION OFFICER: WIN 2FAHP71W54X142030 fiee. Call for details, 989-635- Pool. Save thousands of $$$ Service You Can Count $17.32 $20.69/per hour to 7391. Monday-Saturday, 9-5 On - with our Preseason Savings! start. Phoenix, Arizona. Mari- I 1-4-4- 1 p.m. 4-9-20-tf Call Now!! 800-31-KAYAK copa County Sheriff‘s Office. 4141 Doerr Rd. ALL MAJOR Discount Code: 522-L15 Excellent benefits. No experi- SEBEWAING TERRACE Cass City, MI 48726 BRANDS Apartments -Now accepting , ence necessary. Contact 602- 989-872-6602 REPAIRED PIONEER POLE BLDGS. applicationsfor 1,2 & 3 bed- 307-5245, 1-877-352-6276, 989-551-2023 ~O’X~O’XIO’,$8590.00. 12’xIO’ room apartments. Rental as- 400 vacancies. sistance available for quali- All Metal Slider, 36” Entrance, ~~ fied applicants. Rent includes 12 Colors, 2x6 Trusses, Mate- DIRECTOR OF SALES Senior fiee heat, water, trash removal rial And Labor, Free Quotes, #I Ware’s Lawn Service Executive Level Income. No and sewer. Call 989-883-3570 Company In Michigan 1-800- Spring Fall Clean-up Travel. Call 1-800-662-1961 3or pick up an application at e 292-0679 280 Miessner Court, Apt. Residential U Commercial ext 5866 A10, Sebewaing. Equal Hous- I) ig Lawn Mowing Thatching Rolling Edging Elegance Ewy... ing Opportunity. TDD 800- DRIVER-BYNUM TRANS- SAWMILLS FROM ONLY 649-3777. 4-3-28-2 Fertilizing Shrub & Small Tree Trimming PORT - Qualified drivers $2,990.00 Convert your LOGS with Beautiful TO VALUABLE LUMBER with needed for Regional & OTR 3 BEDROOM APT - Refrig- I positions. Dedicated, Freight. your own Norwood Portable Wedding Invitationa! erator, stove, washer, dryer. band sawmill. Log skidders also Mike Ware, Cass City (989) 872-52la Food grade tanker, no hazmat $625/monthplus deposit. No Insured Cell: (989) 912-0867 or pumps, great benefits, com- available. www.norwoodindustr pets. 872-8373, leave mes- petitive pay, new equipment. - Free information: 1- sage. 4-443 866-GO-BYNUM. Need 2 800-578-1363 ext. 300N years experience. has a wondefil collection. FOR RENT - Remodeled 2- bedroom house in town. Let u8 help you plan the Cheap utdities. 989-551-7352. Lawn Service 1 DRIVERS-ASAP! $1000+ 4-44-tf Wkly & Bonus *36-43cpm/ perfect wedding! $1.20pm *$0 Lease New ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE Begin with our WE ARE NOW taking appli- Trucks. CDL-A + 3 mos OTR cations for 1, 2 & 3 bedroom FROM HOME. *Medical *Busi- wedding invitations 6 coordtnate 800-635-8669 apartments at Northwood ness *Paralegal *Computers your entire celebration with our Heights Apartments in Cass *Criminal Justice. Job Place- DRIVER - DON’T BE matching accessories. City. Rent is based on in- APRIL FOOLED1 Come to ment Assistance. Computer come. For rental information, Knight Transportation to get: provided. Financial aid if quali- call 989-872-2369 or Crest 2500+miles/week. Daily Pay, fied. 1-866-858-2121,www.0nl Property Management at 989- 652-928 1. Some units barrier Weekly Hometime; No-Forced free. TTY for hearing or C Recreational 3 Dispatch; Newer Equipment. speech impaired, 1-800-649- Paid Orientation. Call Joyce or FISH FOR SPRING STOCK- 3777. Equal Housing Oppor- Travis 888-346-4639. 4 months ING Algae and weed control, tunity. OTR CDL-Aexprience required. aeration systems, windmill 4-8- 16-ti Owner ops: 800-437-5907. “No Gimmicks ..Just Great Deals“ aerators, pond consultation, NEW & USED A.T.Vs, MOTORCYCLES, equipment installation, Free SNOWMOBILES 81 TRAILERS GET CRANE TRAINED1 Catalog. Harrietta Hills Trout Cass City Chronicle FORRENT - KofCHall, FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES FOR EVERYTHING CranelHeavy Equip Training. Farm 1-877-389-2514 or 6106 Beechwood Drive. BEST PRICES AROUND1 Parties, dinners, meetings. WARRANTY WITH MOST USED UNITS. National Certification Prep. www. 872-2010 CallRickKerkay 872-4877. We service A& brands. Placement Assistance. Finan- 4-2-34 Fast, Friendly Service!! cial Assistance. $12-$55/hr REACH 3.1 MILLION Michigan 1360 Prospect Avenue - Car0 starting pay. Oklahoma Col- readers with a 2 x 2 display ad VFW HALL available for (989) 6724525 lege of Construction. www.0K- for only $999 - Contact this rental occasions. Call 872- Mon-Fn 8 30-5 30 p rn Kawasaki *-’ Sat 9-2 D rn Closed Sundav ARCTIC CAT 16-3-28-t 888-827-3971 newspaper for details. 4933. 4-4-1-tf CASS CITY, MICHIGAN CASS CITYCHRONICLE -WEDNESDAY, APRIL4,2007 PAGE THIRTEEN CALL 87212010 TO PLACE AN ACTION AD Services Services Services Services Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

ELECTRIC MOTOR and HELP WANTED - Seasonal HELP WANTED - Gainy’s NEED SOMEONE to help in Kappen LIGHT HAULING - 1-5 yards Dr. John Geissinger power tool repair, 8 a.m. to 5 position very ideal for retiree! dnveway repair: Gravel, sand, Grill. Send resume to 5700 N. my home a couple hours a Tree Service, LLC p.m. weekdays, 8 a.m. to Would be responsible for Sheridan Rd., Unionville, MI week. 872-4075. 1144-1 top soil & stone. 872-2128 or Chiropractic noon Saturday. John Blair, cutting grass, liningkhalking Cass City 872-3790. 8-3-14-4 48767. 114-4-2 * Tree Trimming or Removals Health Services 1/8 mile west of M-53 on athletic fields and general FIRST & SECOND shft po- l - Stump Grinding Sebewaing Road. Phone maintenance. Please send re- sitions available. Welding * Brush Mowing /Chipping Car0 369-7909. 8-12-134 sume to: P.O. Box 123, Cass ENERGETIC RN to manage and fabricating skills helpful. Lot Clearing - Tree Moving City, MI 48726. Deadline: Experienced Arborists Tuesddy & Thursdays Pigeon branch office of Farmhand knowledge a plus. - April 5,2007. 11-3-28-2 Fully Insured 9 a.m. to 6p.m. CHAP accredited, Medicare- Send resume to: P.O. Box 74, Equipped Bucket Trucks I certified home health agency. Cass City. 11-3-28-2 Call (989) 673-5313 (989) 673-4464 Current manager transferring or (800) 322-5684 to another A&D location. In Memory 3 Call for an appolntment for a FREE ESTIMATE Central A/C Duties include coordination 8-6-25-tf 8-9-15-t Marlette IN LOVING MEMORY Gas & Oil Furnaces of clinical services, supervi- Regional Hospital sion of branch staff, and liai- of. ..Lori (Dillon) Gruber. It’s Mobile Home Furnace son to medical community been a year, but still it feels Sales & Service - lke yesterday. I remember you Smith and the public in the Thumb. Registered Nurse Positions Excellent salary and benefits every day, and wish you were HEATING Dave Nye here with me. I know you are Refrigeration package. BSBA with mana- happy and free of pain. and gerial skills and Medicare and *OR Manager: Full-time, Current RN Knowing ths is what gets me Builder home care experience re- AIR licensure in the State of Michigan. BSN through each day. One’s faith Appliance Repair * New Construction quired. Interested candidates CONDITIONING is one’s survival. You don’t *Additions . preferred. Five years operating room should fax resume to Terry * Remodeling experience.Two years management experi- get over it, but you do get Caig at 989-453-2824, email: through it. Lori, you are loved All makes and models Paul L. Brown * Pole Buildings ence. [email protected] or as much in death as you were owner * Roofing *Extended Care Facility: Part-time, 24 call 800-884-3341. A&D in real life. Always on my * Siding Health Care Professionals, 88 State Licensed hourdweek; openings for afternoon and mind, forever in my heart. Call 872-3092 * State Licensed * S. Main St., Pigeon, MI 48755. 24 Hour Emergency Service midnight shift. Love always, Mom. 1544-1 8-3-1541 (989) 872-4670 *Hospice Homecare: Part-time, 24-32 EOE. 11-3-28-2 CALL 8--10-8-tf hours-per week 909-072-2734 Ken Martin If you are interested in joining our dynamic team Re a1 state ale of professionals,please forward resume to: E For s Electric, Inca ” I Homes - Farms Marlette Regional Hospital P€ASL€Y Human Resources Commercial 2770 Main Street Industrial PAlNTlNG Marlette, MI 48453 STATE LICENSED Shawna Peasley, Owner Phone 872-4114 5730 Pringle Rd., Cass City Fax: 989-635-4006 e-mail: [email protected] 4 180 Hurds Comer Rd. Phone: (989) 550-5730 8-8-IO-tl Fax: (989) 375-2015 For more information or to apply online, visit our website at: HIGH QUALITY, dependable Interior Exterior Power Washing Staining I I lawn care service - Residen- ~ 1 1-4-4-1 tial and commercial welcome. 989-55 1-0843. 8-3-28-4 ‘H’Sav“----- Affordable Quality SALT FREE iron conaition- Licensed & Insured ers and water softeners, Free Estimates 24,000 grain, $750. In-home service on all brands. Credit your building needs cards accepted. Call Paul’s I Homes - Garages Sheds Pole Barns Pump Repair, 673-4850 or 1 Siding Decks Roofs Doors 800-745-485 1 for free analy- sis. g-w-tf I 10% OFF labor with this coupon I JOHN CLARENT 1786N. Englehart Rd. I I (989) 872-4044 Engin e Repair AN Makes & Models Repaired ++jrdc\ql&.j@r[Ta Honda Generators & Pumps 8410 Hadley Rd. Cass City, MI 48726

(989) 872-568: , ~ ,~ For a FREE estimate call Terry Donovan at: (989) 670-1734 (cell)

PAUL‘S PUMP REPAIR - (989) 872-2782 (home) s 1 ,a Water pumD and water tank sales. - Inlhome service. Credit cards accepted. Call 673-4850 or 800-745-4851 PEASLEY CONSTRUCTION anytime. 8-9-25-tf

8 Additions Garages Pole Barns ~ John’s Small Cement Work Ceramic Tiles Roojng Decks Siding Engine Repair 6426 E. Cass City Rd. FREE Estimates Matt Peasley (989) 375-2369 Elkton, Michigan (989) 375-2015 (fax) 8-3-28-8 Lawnmowers, Riders, Trimmers, Rototillers, Chainsaws & STEVE WRIGHT PAINTING Snowthrowers 30 Years mperience Insured 6 All Makes 13 Models 24 Years of Experience Interior /Exterior All Work Guaranteed Hours: FREE ESTIMATES Monday-Friday 8-5 p.m. Wallpaper Drywall Repair Saturday 9-4 p.m. New Construction 872-3866 nice comer, country setting. This property is in Pickup & Delivery need of some cosmetic repair. Call today to ask Available

New nn the Market - 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch 1 Completely Remodeled Cass City Town - Move-in conhtion, 2 bedroom, I bath home with a partial basement 1 car finished attached garage Large s. rdVCU IUdll, lull UdbCIllClll rn 2 1/2 sheds lot with a fenced in backyard wtth a vanety of trees and ever- s - Family room, !¶with access from the garage and house. Nice T 2rme irrtpr,rlp int I. Iereens a lO’x14’ storaze shed with a cement floor and a gate -11. -..* 1- ^^--- -& IIClU~UUllillllllIU1d&lCdlVlCWUl LllCLUUII- I 16’x2 1’ all-Dumose room

Hunters! Hobby Farmers! 80 acres, 30 Hunters’ Paradise!!! 33 acres of CRF’ land wooded, White Creek runs through prop- (3,000 pine seedlings). 23 acres of woods, erty. SO’x40’pQle barn. 4 bedroom, 3 bath wildlife, pond, QDM for over IO years. Of I home. 2 1/2 car attached garage. Home $1,600.00 income from CRP. LotsA co* deer F756 pheasants, turkeys and rabbi’- PAGE FOURTEEN CASS CITYCHRONICLE - WEDNESDAY, APRIL4,2007 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN Benefit slated for Chris Klco family Deadline for submitting items in the calendar is the Friday noon before publication. volved for 20 years,”’Peters said of math of electrocution. now and in the future, Klco’s prog- her brother, who was employed as Klco will have to re-learn every- nosis has improved drastically since Cass City, will feature a baked potato chief financial officer for Datacomp, thing, according to Peters, who said the accident occurred. Peters recalled Thursday, April 5 dinner with a variety of toppings, a Rapids company that aP- her brother is confined to a bed and doctors initially believed her brother Friends of meeting, 1:30 p.m., Rawson Memorial salad, dessert and beverage. Free- Praises manufactured homes. She undergoing physical, occupational would spend the rest of his life in a Library. will donations will be accepted at the noted Klco was responsible for start- and speech therapy. He can’t speak, vegetative state. door, and organizers are planning a ing an inner-city basketball league for but recently began taking solid food “He can read, he recognizes people, Friday, April 6 silent auction throughout the kids in the Grand Rapids area, and again, although he’s still being tube he can watch movies, he smiles when Christ-centered 12-step recovery: pain management, addictions, evening. had hoped to start a youth program fed. “It’s definitely 24-7 care. It’s he’s supposed to, he cries when he’s divorce, “Celebrate Recovery,” 7-9 p.m. New Creations Church, Area residents and businesses that in Brazil. very trying,” Peters added. sumosed to.” she said. “He’s defi- would like to make a donation are Now, he is struggling with the after- In spite of the challenges he faces niidy impro;ing.” 114 N. Almer St., Car0 (across from Car0 Post Office). For more asked to drop off auction items at information, call (989) 673-3274 or visit Knight Insurance, 6468 Main St. Closed Al-anon meeting for family and friends of alcoholics, 7 Monetary contributions should be p.m., United Methodist Church, Elkton. For more information, call made out to the “Chris Klco Benefit (989) 872-4042. Fund” and taken to the Independent * Liquid-cooled four-stroke engine Community Good Friday Service, 1 p.m., Cass City Evangelical Bank branch in Cass City. Advanced electronic Free Church, 6430 Chestnut Blvd. Speaker: the Rev. Todd Gould, Klco’s accident came just as he and . pastor. Sponsored by Cass City Ministerial Association. his wife, Correna, were preparing to Independent rear put their house on the market. They Monday, April 9 had planned to pack up their belong- Alcoholics Anonymous, “Monday at a Time,” 8 p.m., Parkside ings and move with their 5 children, Cafe, 203 1 Main St., Ubly. For additional information, call Angela ages 6 to 17, to Brazil to work as mis- R. at (989) 658-23 19. sionaries. “That was his passion - working Elkland Township Board meeting, 7 p.m. with kids, with youth groups - that Thesday, April 10 type of ministry. He was very in- Toddler Story Time, 10 a.m., Rawson Memorial Library. Call to register, 872-2856. Thumb Octagon Barn meeting, 7 p.m., fire hall in Gagetown. Tuscola CountyAlzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Family Support/Education Group meeting, 1:30 p.m., Adult Day Services building, 435 Green St., Caro. For more information,call (989) 672- 2273. Wednesday, April 11 Preschool Story Time, 10 a.m., Rawson Memorial Library. Call to register, 872-2856. Pork steak dinner, noon, Cass City United Methodist Church, 5 100 The # Ikiller in America is cardiovascular N. Cemetery Rd. For takeouts, call 872-4604 and pick up between 11 a.m. and noon, or after 12:30 p.m. disease. Diabetes key factor How healthy is your heart? While many people know someone cholesterol levels (the “bad” choles- It only takes minute to find out and it who has had a heart attack or stroke, terol), elevated blood pressure, to- a they may not realize the role that dia- bacco use and obesity. betes plays. Education, Dropeski said, is the key In fact, adults with diabetes are 2 to to prevention. could save your life. Don’t be a statistic. 4 times more likely to suffer a stroke “Research has shown that control- or heart attack than someone who ling these risk factors is a vital step in does not have diabetes, according to preventing heart disease and stroke,” officials at Hills and Dales General she added. “A critical first step is for Hospital. each person to discuss their risk fac- The American Diabetes Association tors with their doctor. If a person has and the American Heart Association diabetes or pre-diabetes, it is critical have recently made a joint statement that he or she get the condition un- that health care providers must step der control.” up efforts to prevent diabetes and “A certified diabetes self-manage- For mote iniormdtion on scheduling n 64 slice CT scan, talk to your cardiovascular disease. ment education program teaches not The mmt predse CT “Heart disease remains the number only about blood glucose control, but Scanner on the market. one cause of death in both adult men also weight control, cholesterol con- physician or contact our Radiology department at 989-912-6295 and women,” said Kathy Dropeski, trol, healthy eating and activity,” R.N., education director at Hills and Dropeski said. Dales. “The statement identifies a Anyone interested in learning more core set of risk factors that lead to about diabetes management and iiiabetes, heart disease and stroke. available education programs is en- These risk factors, whlch apply to men couraged to contact their doctor or 4675 Hill Street, Cass City, MI 48726 (989)-872-2121 and women, include elevated blood call the Diabetes Education Program glucose (blood sugar), elevated LDL at Hills and Dales at (989) 912-6365.


Kindergarten Round-Up 2007

Thursday, April 19 - 6:30 p.m. Early Childhood Center

Cuss City S young reading program is ranked among the best in the state. Individual attention is key to its success.

Cass City has ALL DAY kindergarten as well as haljday Young 4 and 5 Programs that are held exclusively in the Early Childhood Building. This allows all students to be taught in onelsafe and Cass City h playscape and playgrounds o#er students a secured area to have fun away from the classroom. controlled environment. Please Bring: Child’s Birth Certificate Complete Immunization Record Call (989) 872-2158 with any questions after April 19 (Parents Only, Please!) In addition to a quulity curriculum, Cass City? This meeting is for any child who will be 5 by Dec. I, 2007 youths are offered both music and gym classes.