Scotland ^ 37Th Annual Smithsonian
SMITHSONIAN FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL SCOTLAND ^ 37TH ANNUAL SMITHSONIAN FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL Appalachia Heritage and Haniioiiy Mali From Timbuktu to Washingto ii Scotland at the Smithsonian June 2 5 -July 6, 2003 Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . The annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival brings together exemplary keepers of diverse traditions, both old and new. from communities across the United States and around the world. The goal of the Festival is to strengthen and preserve these traditions by presenting them on the National MaO, so that the tradition-hearers and the public can connect with and learn from one another, and understand cultural difierences in a respectful way. Smithsonian Institution Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage 750 9th Street NW Suite 4100 Washington, DC 20560-0953 www. folklife. SI . edu © 2003 by the Smithsonian Institution ISSN 1056-6805 Editor: Carla Borden Associate Editors: Frank Proschan, Peter Seitel Art Director: Denise Arnot Production Manager: Joan Erdesky Design Assistant: Krystyn MacGregor Confair Printing: Finlay Printing, Bloomfield, CT Festival Sponsors The Festival is co-sponsored by the National Park Service. The Festival is supported by federally appropriated funds; Smithsonian trust funds; contributions from governments, businesses, foundations, and individuals; in-kind assistance; volunteers; and food, recording, and craft sales. Major in-kind support for the Festival has been provided by media partners WAMU 88.5 FM—American University Radio, Tfie IVashiiigtoii Post,, and Afropop, and by Motorola, Nextel, Whole Foods Market, and Go-Ped. APPALACHIA: HERITAGE AND HARMONY This program is produced in collaboration with the Birthplace of Country Music Alliance and the Center for Appalachian Studies at East Tennessee State University.
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