Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council Meeting of St Columb Major Town Council held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, St Columb Major on Wednesday, 8th October 2014 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs P Wills (Mayor), Mrs J Warner (Deputy Mayor), N Colton, E Culley, A Bazeley, S Johns, T Green, B Copp, M Jenkin, Mrs B Rogers, B Daniels

In attendance: Mr M C Uren (Town Clerk) Four members of the public

207/14 Mayors Welcome: The Mayor, Cllr Wills welcomed everyone to the Meeting. (i) Housekeeping: The Mayor addressed Councillors and members of the public giving advice on emergency procedures, asking that all mobile phones be switched off or turned to silent.

ii) Announcement and Diary Dates: The Mayor announced that he had attended a Service of Remembrance; Service Commemorating The Battle of Britain: Service to Lay-up the Standard of RAF St Eval Association at St Eval Parish Church on 14th September; Civic Service on 4th October; Canon Ed Pruen to arrange Remembrance Day: together with the Deputy Mayor, he attended the local MP’s Surgery in . The Mayor read out the letter that had been received from Stephen Gilbert MP regarding 106 Money. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Cllr Daniels had attended a Meeting at Newquay Town Council Offices regarding boundary changes. The Mayor read out a letter he hopes to send to Parish Councillors on Colan and St Mawgan Parish Councils. Councillors agreed that this letter be sent. The Mayor also advised that the Town Clerk has been called for Jury Service on 27th October .

208/14 Public Forum:

Mr Michael Watts was introduced – Area Manager of Barclay Bank. He explained about the closure of Barclay Bank branch at St Columb Major. He gave some background information on the pending closure. He answered questions put to him by Councillors and members of the public.

The Mayor invited the members of the public to address the Council if they so wished.

Mrs Fuery spoke about drains and soakaways that are full and need clearing in St Columb Major. The Town Clerk will refer the matter to Council.

209/14 Reports from and Police: Neither the County Councillor or anyone from the Police was present. No reports had been received.

210/14 Apologies for Absence: All Councillors were present.


211/14 Members Declarations of Interest: (i) Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the Agenda: Cllr Bazeley – Item 221/14 (ii) Declarations of gifts to the value of £25: None.

212/14 Committee Reports / Minutes to be adopted and signed with any recommendations presented: The Chairman of each Committee was asked to present the reports and sign the Minutes of their particular Meeting.

i) Full Council Meeting: The Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, held on 10th September 2014, were presented by the Mayor who proposed that they be accepted. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Culley and agreed unanimously. Mention was made the continued dumping of rubbish in Trekenning Road Car Park. It was proposed by Cllr Wills that the Closed Section of the Full Council Minutes held on 10th September 2014 be accepted. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Colton and agreed unanimously.

ii) Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting: The Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, held on 24th September 2014, were presented by Cllr Mrs Warner, who proposed that they be accepted. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Copp and agreed unanimously.

iii) Planning Committee: The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings, held on 24th September 2014 were presented by Cllr Culley, who proposed that they be accepted. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Bazeley and agreed unanimously.

iv) Environment Committee: The Minutes of the Environment Committee Meeting, held on 24th September 2014, were presented by Cllr Colton who proposed they be accepted. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Mrs Warner and agreed unanimously. There were a number of typographical errors which were amended.

213/14 Payment of Accounts – Members to approve the payment of accounts:

The Mayor presented the accounts to be paid up to the end of September 2014. Cllr Wills proposed their approval. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Colton and agreed unanimously. Cllr Wills advised that the Public Works Board Loan has been paid off in full. He also advised that the second half of the Precept has been received. Some explanations were given about cheques paid to Wesley Place, Grant Thornton, British Gas, Trewan Hall Ltd.

214/14 Cemetery Gates:

Cllr Colton advised that quotes are still awaited - two fabricating firms have been asked to quote – one from Penryn and one from . A general discussion ensued regarding work to the Cemetery Gates. As far as we are aware the Gates are Listed. An


e-mail is supposed to have been sent from a local firm who would be able to blast the gates. This has not yet been received. Cllr Johns wondered whether we should just repaint the gates with Amorite for the time being. It was also suggested that perhaps we just have the gates blasted and repainted. Would it be advantageous to explore purchasing new gates? It was eventually agreed to wait for the quotes and report further at the next Meeting.

215/14 Play Equipment:

Cllr Johns advised that the new Play Equipment – Twin Tower System, should be installed by the end of this week.

216/14 Chapel Porches:

Cllr Colton gave an update on the Chapel Porches. A quotation has now been received from the Contractor for the removal and replacement of existing failed timber wall- plates (x4) to the North and South Chapel porches, in the sum of £2078. This Contractor is the Town Council’s preferred Contractor and work was required to be undertaken urgently. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Warner, seconded by Cllr Mrs Rogers and agreed unanimously that the quotation be accepted.

217/14 Railings at The Chymes:

As far as we are aware, the Church is waiting for Mr Anstey to sign the Easement. Cllr Wills advised that at the last Meeting it had been agreed that the PCC be advised that if the work to the toilet has not been completed by the beginning of February 2015, our Contractor will undertake the work to the back paths. Concern was expressed about the state of the paths – if anyone has an accident, the Town Council is responsible. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the PCC (Cllrs Wills, Colton and Mrs Warner to approve content of letter prior to it being sent).

218/14 Gates leading on to West Street:

Cllr Colton has met with the successful Contractor on site. It would appear that the Contractor does not do hinges. We would have to arrange for another Contractor (possibly Fantasy Steelworks) to provide the hinges. It was, however, pointed out that the successful Contractor has allowed for the replacement of hinges in his quotation. Cllr Colton will contact this Contractor about the matter.

219/14 Insurance:

The Town Clerk advised that he is in the process of obtaining further quotes for Insurance. Our current Contract does not expire until September 2015.

220/14 Adopt area behind Town Hall

Cllr Wills gave an update on the area behind the Town Hall. The area of land has not


been registered at the Land Registry. It would appear that the area of land belongs to no-one. The Town Council could undertake responsibility for it – keep it clean, maintain it, etc. It was suggested that we inform the local residents and, perhaps, put a notice in our Notice Board.

221/14 Pointing of Closed Church Yard Wall behind Estate Agents:

Cllr Wills gave an update on this matter. Two quotations have been received to undertake this work – Quote A - £1150 Quote B - £1700. It was proposed by Cllr Wills, seconded by Cllr. Colton and agreed unanimously that Quote A be accepted.

222/14 Hanging Baskets

Cllr Wills advised that he had been approached by the Regeneration Forum to see whether the Town Council would take over responsibility for the six Hanging Baskets. Cllr Wills stated that, in his opinion, it would be a good idea for obtain more Hanging Baskets to brighten up the Town. Retailers could be asked to provide brackets for the Hanging Baskets to fit on. We must ensure that we abide by all Health and Safety legislation. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Warner, seconded by Cllr Mrs Rogers and agreed by a majority of Councillors (two Councillors abstained) to take over responsibility for the existing six Hanging Baskets. A letter needs to be written to the Regeneration Forum confirming this, and also requesting the pump, which is used for watering the Baskets.

223/14 Health and Safety Issues at The Bowling Club

Cllr Wills gave an update on this situation. The Deputy Mayor and himself had met with our Fencing Contractor and asked for quotations for repairing/replacing the gate and repairing/replacing a section of fencing backing on to West Park. The quotations are awaited.

224/14 Trekenning Road Car Park

Cllr Colton gave an update on the Town Council’s request to take over Trekenning Road Car Park from Cornwall Council. Cllr Johns advised that he had been told that the resurfacing of the Car Park is in Cormac’s plans to undertake within the next two years.

225/14 The Future of Committees

Cllr Wills spoke about the future of Committees. He referred to the letter he had sent to all Councillors dated 26thSeptember 2014. This letter explained his proposal for disbanding Committees and holding two Full Council Meetings per month in their place. What would happen about Planning Meetings? Cllr Wills confirmed that Planning matters would be dealt with at each Full Council Meeting. Are not Working Parties, in essence, the same as Committees? After some further debate it was proposed by Cllr Wills, seconded by Cllr Mrs Warner and agreed unanimously that Committees be disbanded and that two Full Council Meetings are held each month.


226/14 Future Banking Arrangement for the Town Council

The Town Clerk advised that we are looking into an option of transferring the Town Council’s accounts to Lloyds Bank. Information from signatories is required. This matter will be discussed again at the next Full Council Meeting.

227/14 Correspondence

The following items of Correspondence have been received:

a) Letter from Mr Casey – Silver Ball in National Football Museum in Manchester b) Letter from Di Webster requesting donation for Mountain Climb in Peru. It was proposed by Cllr Copp, seconded by Cllr Mrs Warner and agreed unanimously that the Town Council makes a donation of £100. c) Minister signs £200m Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Deal d) Affordable Housing Information for Members/Town and Parish Councils e) Paul Bourton Funeral Service – Open Day – 18th October 2014 f) Cornwall Bee Summit – Tregothnan Suite, Royal Cornwall Showground – 10th October 2014 at 10.00am g) Gate Control Gear Ltd. h) Park Leisure – 25th Anniversary i) Your Cornwall, Your Council, Your Budget – Newquay Sports Centre – 14th October 2014 at 6.30pm i) Don’t waste your waste – Get composting this Autumn j) Chicks – Autumn Magazine

228/14 Any Other Business

a) Cllr Wills advised that Councillors had been handed a copy of the Draft Lease for the Football Club. A copy has been sent to Mr Higgins, a Custodian Trustee of the Football Club. As long as everyone is happy with this, a Meeting will be called to process through the final draft in the not too distant future.

b) Cllr Wills advised that there is a possibility of a Citizens Advice Bureau being set up in St Columb Major – at The Oasis Centre – 2 days a week.

c) Cllr Mrs Warner spoke about replanting the Memorial Garden. Work has been undertaken by her and some others to replant the Memorial Garden. Mention was made about the flower beds at the top of Town. It was agreed that this was a project which Cllr Mrs Rogers could be made responsible for. Cllr Johns wondered whether we might be able to get sponsorship for plants from local Nurseries.

d) Cllr Mrs Warner spoke about the tubs outside Lloyds Bank. She thinks it to be a good idea to plant them permanently now – strappy plants with bulbs around the sides. Councillors thought this was a good idea.


e) Cllr Johns advised that he has spoken with the Sexton regarding dropped Headstones in the Cemetery. It would appear that Cornwall Council is currently going around “topple testing”. It was agreed that Cllr Johns have responsibility for this project and report back to the next Full Council Meeting with his findings.

f) Cllr Mrs Rogers asked whether anything had been found out about Surveyors inspecting the boundary of Springfield House. Nothing has been forthcoming as yet. The matter will be further investigated.

g) Cllr Mrs Rogers requested for a Litter Bin to be fitted by the Bus Stop at the end of Springfield Close. It was agreed to look into the matter and if it was feasible to provide such a Bin.

h) Cllr Wills advised that a Car Parking Officer has telephoned regarding the seat which has been placed in the Lower Fore Street Car Park. County Highways has reported that it is in a dangerous position and should be removed. The matter is being looked into at present.

i) Cllr Wills reminded Councillors about their Profiles. They are now needed as the Town Clerk is updating the Website.

j) Cllr Johns expressed some concern regarding the electrics in the Office – a Health and Safety issue. To make the Office safer it would be beneficial to have a number of additional sockets installed – say six. It was proposed by Cllr Johns, seconded by Cllr Culley and agreed unanimously that additional sockets be installed.

k) Cllr Mrs Warner spoke about the recent Regeneration Meeting she had attended last Sunday. The Heritage Trail was discussed and the provision of plaques mentioned.

l) The Town Clerk has still not acquired a mobile phone. The matter is in hand.

m) The Town Clerk gave an update on the Listed Building Consent for the Bell Tower and the Chapel Floors. Cllrs Culley and Bazeley had prepared specifications which will be sent off to the Conservation Officer.

n) The Town Clerk advised that we have now obtained quotations from Cormac for installing two “redundant” bus shelters in St Columb Major. The quotations are for the Newquay Road Bus Shelter - £2125.25 and for the Playing Field Bus Shelter - £1624.91. After much discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bazeley, seconded by Cllr Daniels and agreed unanimously to accept both quotations.

o) The Town Clerk advised that the Wheelie Bin, which will be placed behind the Memorial Wall, should arrive on site on Tuesday next.


p) The Town Clerk advised that the five Heritage Lights will be installed on 5th, 6th and 7th November 2014.

q) The Town Clerk advised that the bridge on Footpath 415/56 will be repaired next week.

229/14 Date of Next Full Council Meeting

Do Council Meetings have to take place on Wednesdays? After some discussion it was agreed by everyone present to move Council Meetings to Tuesdays. Therefore the next Full Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 21st October 2014 at 7.00 pm.

230/14 To consider the following Resolution: That the Press and Public be excluded from the Meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (as Extended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972)

The Mayor thanked the one remaining member of the public for attending and she left the Meeting at 9.15 pm.

231/14 Closed Session – Minutes recorded separately

Town Hall – to discuss the latest position with regards to purchasing the Town Hall.

Dated: 21st October 2014 Signed: