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Turtle Island News is changing...watch for it in April T rrT 1 Okarahshona kenh Onkwehonwene, Six Nations of the Grand Wed., Enniskó:wa /March 30, 2011

l aa I u ; 7; - No partnership

Layton drops in to Brantford . °' : PanAm Games paying u Jt tt ,F , .1 .. C .r lipservice to i _ 4, Fr By Stephanie Dearing ir a x.t. 'r Writer '

The PanAm Games organizers aren't living up to the spirit of I inclusion with First Nations that B.C. First Nations n, saw with the Vancouver Olympics. In fact, the organizers didn't even reach for the games, Louise Lutgens

approach Six Nations about the provided information about the 2015 F ----` games until last week, after all ven- PanAm games at the March 15th -- 111111pflWd ues had already been picked. council session. t._ pMdr . . That poured cold water on Six Na- Lutgens told council sporting ven- km.

A tions Band Council's hopes to part- ues to be used during the games had I LV ner with the PanAm Games to already been picked, but she en- 11 J °a`=3

produce an international level track couraged council to participate in t ,' S \, .áf 1 R on Six Nations. the Aboriginal Advisory Council r I el h 'i Invited guest Director of External and working groups that will be es- I Partnerships & Community Out- r 'BF (Continued on page 2 ) i It g F Local woman fends off i armed robber, foils hiest a A local woman stood her ground and sent an armed robber , gen fleeing into the night after refusing to turn over cash when the man brandished a knife at her last Wednesday night. Dawn Smith was working in Hill's ting anything from here." Variety on Second Line Road when She yelled at him, several times re- L' Mim A a man believed to have been in- peating his name telling him she ' u ^3 in a recent armed robbery knew he was when, he demanded. volved -tlTuesday. On Six Nations land claims, he would only say "the Jack Layton made a whistle stop in Brantford spree here rushed into the store cash until he finally ran out the Harper government turned its back on this issue." Pressed as to what the NDP would do, Layton answered, brandishing a knife. door and down Second Line where "We would suggest we engage in a serious way to resolve the issue, not only with this particular dispute but When he walked up to the counter police believe a vehicle was wait- with other treaty matters as well." He was the second national leader to hit the city since the election was Smith recognized the man and re- ing to pick him up. called last week. Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff dropped by last week but neither Layton or Ignatieff have , fused to turn over anything. After he left she quickly locked the visit on their schedules. (Photo by Stephanie Dearing) Calling him by his name she told a First Nation him "to * * * * off , you're not get- (Continued on Page 2) Federal Election is on Inside LeiS.Sidrt Parties have little on First Nations issues 2 Local By Stephanie Dearing "maintained the status quo," ac- - the status quo is not acceptable." 6 Editorial Writer cording to the Assembly of First Brant Liberal Party of Canada 8 Sports The race for a new federal govern- Nations, which described the Candidate, Lloyd St. Amand: 16 Careers ment is on and Turtle Island News, March 22 budget as "a disappoint- . The Liberal platform has yet to be 17 Notices as part of its ongoing federal elec- ment." unveiled, although the party does 18 Classified tion coverage, presents part one of "Despite significant efforts by First have a number of policy statements Business Directory 19 .... a primer introducing candidates Nations at advocating and working available on its website. The state- Price $1.25 plus taxes and their party platforms and First with the federal government on ed- ment regarding First Nations in- where applicable Nations issues in the lead -up to the ucation, water, infrastructure, hous- cludes a commitment to "the Daily news updates May 2 election. ing, health care, the environment socio- economic betterment of Abo- Brant Conservative Party MP and so many other areas, the fed- riginal peoples," because "the suc- www.theturt e slandnews.com and .o.,. n Phil McColeman: The Conserva- eral government virtually ignored cess of First Nations, Métis 01> tive Party does not have a platform the needs of First Nations in this Inuit peoples is critical to our coun- prepared for the upcoming elec- budget," states the AFN in a com- try's economic well being. As the tion. However, as the party in muniqué. "First Nations are not party of the , the power, the Conservatives have a satisfied simply because our fund- Liberal Party is committed to gov- track record. When it comes to ing was not cut further. First Na- ernment-to- government partner- First Nations and the Conservative tions are among the most o 74470 04551 9 282'Argyle St. S.Cäledonia- on page 14) L Party, the Conservatives have only vulnerable populations in Canada (Continued


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. . Heavy Equipment . Car Parts . Decks . Houses . Brick . Farm Equipment . Wood . Anything and Everything Enniskarwn/March 30, 2011 3 Ennilk, 01101alch 30, 2011 2 LOCAL I Ylatr MCI W W W.THETURTLEISLANHNEN'S.COM fit. Health holds youth Six Nations Health .Senrices held an inform. klMq with Sier Nations youth Walnolly Oro T 1 I bumf lidurod on so alum Hold Srn fused cornmeni oil viva pp be f k s p for Supt - I I rod Nem mer .1 lea r umh rap Watch our Turtle Newscasts! Podeasing ! workshop...bu[ info W - at But Small refused monument on the hop I 1 t I Lim the f bt k blame back msentatives Gane-yohx Health Canada mpresentaMe Jar. news all time! secret, Karen Best Six 'This event was Six Health SM. Oka Sex Nmucomma. We're streaming native the p notions officerd Karen B dal otmhmTurtledbll Island e calls again. Me se me S NatiosHot, has 1112 to dim. hwlih pmgmin rl m BI,I.A. Local ! y` ° On line- Rally & Community confronts band council webs. IOú°Vet MUM) Diabetes Education ...ngh two month ago. Six Nations band council stymied by PanAm Games plans Band needs "clean audit" after last year's didn't meet criteria of as aboriginal BY Stephanie Ora.. Mamie was afraid another ad- you're going to call ie' bila.- Council moved I1 aside from o Moms fields.. Is Mere a But any thence Xantinued f0,l) verse opinion would "Laing us one Porter said it's not MAC but Citing Learning Chanel pro- $90,000 for compliance. The rhwce we mold have a track event pamlership is too late. Writer tbldld. Six failure, get a clean step closer to third party manage- legislation that will force Six Na- gram, Montour said "'if the United audit will be completed and sub- or a field event iv our unity?" District 1h01 coweilorAVa Hill said Nations' That hopes gIAllA last year prompted Elected but Porter reassured coon- dots to pay for the cleanup "They Stein every pop can in mitted to 1NAC by July 3L 2011. Six Nations Band Camel did not Sir Nations had hoped to be "co- audit e meat? had p pm'ma with the Bam i or- to Ill this year's audit would be make alai determination be- the United Slat es, they ...mild KPMG provides audit, tex and approach the game organizers in partners, along the same lines o the Chief Bill Montour suggest the cri p.m cotNutdhaedSg as a of the dump. caoe its legislation Morn the entire fleet of all the odium advisory services. w1t. Four Hod Nation," band get Into recycling compliant regardless Boners h.l hoped mf raising funds. District One councilor Dave Hill make us.- the United Seam The ho 411 venues were selected as pelt But the Toronto PoAm Games bald geeze0 would support the idsidea od will have to pay an ad- worried the paperwork would not She said its called constructive much aluminum is ping in the of a bid process," LOtgens told Pon Am group sees its partner as the Ontario The band crerong f t track and field a alu- no ditional $90,000 this year to make be submitted to the government liability that allows municipalities landfill. We've got lot of Woodland Cultural Centre games. rated. "Both the competition and Aboriginal Affairs Ministry, friary from the PanAm their annual audit complies on time. "If we don't have it to note in their audits that they - inhere. It seems like Mom the training And right now, our TORONTO First Nadons. sure Presents the Exhibition: "Right now we're working on with federal standards. done, we're not going to get any have o obligation to the coon, guys have gm scam because if bead of ' Enron nue is going It appears the only role the host proximately 45 competition aera. Last year the audit failed to meet mown' he stated. Porter said the Wiry to clean up the site. there's a Couple of tin cans in dough the vetting of the venues. 2015 parmas have created for Aboriginal ;" Lurgeiss cooed council. "We to a where there, it suddenly becomes con - µT \Otis.. one of consultation government reporting regulations audited statements did not have "It'ot legal liability bNN, have es from the Niagara Ire not that it'sup to bis arbionry O vn 110111 First Nations illy not be eo -host oleo coming Pansim Game and standards because it had not be submitted to MAC until July you have m quantify it." 'nated and you don't get any- .. \NF.EpÁ -a. The on vetting ofdie vetms.. ad advisement.osement Lumens explained \tC through way organizers are boasting Aboriginal involvement in the logo they have its 31: SAO Doyle said y Bombe, said if Six Nations thing form Whereas if the The Imcmónal Spots Federation veil that Mc Pan. orgmie- included the value of landfill Bombe, all the way around the Golden eared that includes pre -Columbian aboriginal ann..' From the all supporting paperwork and doe- took on the clean -upMAC would cardboard has got some newspa- the are b á o vola00 manes ng committee had "looked at the APRIL 4 - MAY 7 NImdm, all the way Ihnagh Os- weld* recent his- urnentation was being readied for be relieved of all responsibility. per in b, h i w he whawhat happens volleyball or SMID[ model" Mot. tom "sewne sIt was the first time in hawa end as fa north as Minden tory the band had not received a KPMG for March 31. Dugog the audit discussion, uko it over thereend dumbputt.. l can we have Wining practice ward formally tome," Lutgens re- an MOU that legitimizes and Oyes Hills,There Oro Mrent Cake.. or track and field or gyd- yeät f will take m glen audit District Three councilor Ross Council matai MAC approved I think we're losing about 30 'da,denyImvete do bare? I'd like ro showcase our new don. "and den strength odut pane h' p . We sec Th1110 different 'p I" And on this practice. idill sports field and hack ... to recreate mymlleagus who are baking at Recycling, elected chief Montour Johnson questioned how the land and funded the dump in 1914 lout.. year delivery of the due diligence to be coon Me ven- it rs bnewtry Ins envolved in the be minty lucrative' fill liability would affect Six Na Bombe, told council that Six We've got to gel our heads aromdaround our rack and Feld tam We used venues and see what is passible and the MAA1Mbby fmotto fi- said.. can lies 'n Olympic mtait. her" to be quit prominent in the world, But as l sad the s5.. are pretty Band council learned at its Mom Porter said, "In worst Nations summed 1hm Montour pushed Lutgens, hoping That torsiwell un M nity." aM Aborigine coat Starch might have to have ve -maybe $30wewere0ihuu- Mo[ mener asking "if we Tom Longboat for example" much are getting close to being unily" 8 Geat.l Fiume Mmtng ripwe Six Nations could host an event. liability what 0e get sand, and i know we were getting raz: haveasporomnlpetiansports hoe, You should bung those ideas for locked down" The legal goblets who are hosting that 110y acedneed 'clean opinion" contingent "We're building adoss attack wadi quantify clean-up and on additional Councillor Am Hill and elected the 2015 vent ere the City of on role. opinion" engineers told ply is Chief Montour expressed support Tom.. government of Grub. A "cran opinion' is needed this wall have In have hove on our Porter council Department Dine- audited nuance. Al Mi. count I ing could apply for, tam iiuP"rrA I While New Credit already moving to cash for having demonsOtion Romano( Ontario, the CaCanadian adian year, Final goad 11 actually games played at the gams in 2015. Olympic Commune. the Canadian tar Trudy Pones bled council. don't Mink we have cycling do year had re- in our audited Elected Chief Malmo, toldet Lutgens responded saying "Mat Pa%Ies101 Committee,Commute, 17 maws Wt Six Nations had record anything in PanAm Games What municipalities band council, "'we've got to get would besomeMìngIhopethead- tut. and gesteditie0 caned an adverse opinion from statement that! visory group would bring formally the accounting firm that cam have burn It mammary our heads around that thing 111111' 9 by as Mmm suggested bolding we By Stephanie Dearing Toronto 2015 PanAm Glom. "It n organization an advisory w0lmwwPCULn-ut. tT]aIRT. plated the amual audit. how much it is m clash. that cling, Mauna thaw mold .menu RSiter was import. that the artistic group, well, you know what ad- to the con.. and say how could Mame de goes dur- we make that happen" The peblcm. said Norris site, and Mn they got mpg it lucrative. Right now papa it TORONTO- Mississauga New community be pro- active inap- vice is hike friends? You ing die P.m games floc he ïll -

I 419 King Street V2 Hamilton 90S S29 8238 Ganarla Turtle Island News is changing...watch for it in April wow gilbertsbnandtall ca 1 EnniskówaMarch 30, 2011 LOCAL FanWA:w. Aleck 30, 2011 LOCAL Six Nations police an estigat Police said two beer bottles had Tank Inland News ro TFbaewCou d m C d fund ro Church eig after receiving a,. of oam been thrown through the windows holding ll /rondo' on the b! Recycle g 1 I M1 h ed d pikes gh M1 dg and age oMe Seventh DyAdvenlst on the west side of the church. Lodge MM f AMmmnn naWrnaarc aeiwLhemu nen1..KaaA

Brant Andrew Koster.. tions reclaimed lands known as ing ion the site monthly after the while OPP negotiated with both The family went to Six Nations The parents said they had loon hard to prove some rmpropnelt on going through the same situation. CAS, with deaths involved and Knonhstaton. February attempt to place the inn- sides over where h could be elected council km reek mask fa plied with everything the agency the family's part The arse is al- some And it took Six Nations people ument at the gates of the former placed. help in accessing their children, required of them, but they claimed about ore minutes to smash the housing development failed Sum "The OPP came over and told us who are currently in the care of the the agency continued to ask for day's confrontation began at the they had agreed to let them pace:, CAS. more and more from the pair. Water and sewer rates going up Caledonia Lion's Club where Van. in the middle of the road, when The couple said their children are The couple is expecting the birth and older on water rams. bear about it" Mimeos expected to see represen- they were already pulling up and in foster care on Six Nations, but of their latest child within a short By Stephanie Dearing Reached by telephone, Acting Di- latices from Six Nations, the had the thing in the road," said they have not been allowed access time, end asked Cowed to write Writer Water will increase by $5 per rector of Public Works, Flank Ontario government and the On- Tracey Bomberry. She said all at to them after their baby died a few letter of endorsement to a friend of Water and sewage rates will sin Mack. A similar recommendation after District to increase the rates of the Montour said the increases "fall taro Provincial Police show up to once, "they tan towards the side of months ago. the family who has volume.. to another increase, One Councilor Dave dill received *.mime billing ran resulted Moo line' with the other increases apologize to him and Caledonia for the ride carrying it and kind of -4 Council members expressed inn- take the baby after birth until the d from council don in a 15 cents per cubic metre in- has approved. 'Like,!! m. the events that took place during threw it on the roadside." stemmion over how the family said situation has been snaightend out. approval Blond west ing the 8 Finance crease for both. No date for the in- news. what attic rationale ?" be the dispute over the KenoMStaton They had nloded it from a truck Six Nation people smash monument an roadside they were being treated by Brant The mother and father said CAS March General explain to ses. asked. "The need to keep up with lands, he said. decorated with caricatures of Dal- dermass group began shouting mended in kind until one older Six CAS. The family, currently fight- was already prepazing to seize the Meeting. Hill did not need an increase in Councilor Cad Hill was the only the current costs, omretron and But Six Nations ddn'1 fled n McGUinry and former OPP back. Nations woman intervened. ing for access to their children in unborn baby, and they wanted to wail the for water, public works sewers perturbed by the increase forth," Montour said, answering A few membersto ofIr the OPP did commissionero dulia. Fntino A nor picked up the monument Tettilyrm limn who had come out court have a say in where the baby prices, warn and septic disposal services, but in the water rate, saying "every himself. show up ion Wk to Vndemean, rating mon ma. end carried it to a small Pre that in show of support for Six Ne- The couple said the children had would be card for said the proposal included offering time we incre.e Me ram rates, so But when asked for specific Moo leaving rear raps hisfius -, Within seconds, Six Nations peo- had been Milk for warmth eater b dons, was not happy with the bees been returned to them for only a A women sitting in on the meeting a 10d discount for seniors aged 55 does the laundry mat, and then we male,, what the current t on that the police 'Will not pm pie M1etdted the monumnt.A the afternoon, where it burned Ins of the Canadian Bag. "That rates re, Montour said the query ...aunty." end a women carrying Bags quickly. The top panofthe mono- was disrespectful, to bum the "should maybe be directed towards About 100 SIx Nations members forced their poles throughV, the ment, along with a Canadian flag flag," she commented. the public relations of council, and a handful ofi solidarity sup- wood, tg in angry triumph that had ben attached to it were McHele, while a coorgmdzer of Karen Best. Because when it porters guarded the Argyle Street over the destroyed monument. The added rho fire ashon while later the non. was prevented from at- comes tight down to it I've got my entrance to the property for over woman screamed '(err those Police were kept busy drag landing due to w assault charge views and if I say something and four hours, braving the bitingly racis. out of there! Get those traffic and keeping the not sides laid against tier following an inm- ids totally groomed( what they're coM wind, waiting dermaas IMI. separated. Tensions inn to dent that occurred during the last fort f Bawmarlllm!' trying to achieve, TII prey hand r and his group of mf1 15 to make m chimed ...outing at Ve0 spill over into altercations as angry such event in February B I N G O Whom Nino apped" their move. While protester Ruby ,'Go homer and "Pay the drivers yelled at Six Nations peo- Vduderm t has vowed to roar CawdwnJbg over monument Keeping up with current costs ins Montour joked with OPP about the rent," while a woman with the Van- pre. At le arn coo young women m again sent month.onth. pima probably the main reason" for the l income, Montour added. When 111 asked for the information on cur- rent charges, Montour responded, _I don't have them in front of me rim . right now. I got a bunch of papers on my desk and none of them con- k.w rafr tain all that information. I know TOWNLINE TAKEOUT they were increased but the actual figures 1 don't have in front of me." Bost, for her peO. said she has re- Call Us (5191445 -2518 for Breakfast Lunch Takeout Orders f°it quested the info motion for The a Turtle Island News from Public tL4*':Te, M, SP lit". Works, without success. Open 8:00 am - 6:00 pm 1 Days A Week

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Fresh To Order 530 mom for Ontario ehnuhes through a plot program. about the new initiative and him binga eentm have already rstsed wet From Our FREE FRIES & POP 1 5+g-445-0868 Keurig Machine www.charìtablegami ng.cam l with Purchase of Burger J L Turtle Island oeg& CGAO Print 1135 TOWNLINE ROAD R.R. #1 SCOTLAND, ON l Fglm.lu wa Mann 30 2011 Ennúkú wa'March 30, 2011 1 6 T"'"E ISlANO "'" COMMENTARY iL LOCAL mad of having heavy requesting to film in filming request over to the council in there that was m enticing," possibility permission Council says metal sun on Six Nations. shoot the humid out school at Seneca bemuse the project doer not in Helen Miller, Disuitt Four cam.- video forage was .shot down by and First Line. The request how- wave research. Diuussivg them ciiorchimed amyl... "done Ney NINA Americas al Native Weekly NLwspapPll ale the March caused council to works, Ditrics l a 'be ve old awned out buthnp oft no to film led council during ha Okurahsonim kcnh f)nkemhonss tine FIRST GOOD SIGÑ? 15 regular m ing. Helix gut- how Me Ethic. committee oral, Lewis Stun said "I hat's the a Why do they have m SIGN f' Rant Dame mated and it deal. guy bees in Detroit. That why, ore M1ere. TURTLE ISLAND NEWS OF SPRING? or BAD SIGN? Ih Siasix Nations amen committee with. The committee bounced me wonbennswondering moat tae would fold Turtle Island News is published weekly on the Six Nations Grand Riva Tenitory. It is a politically independent newspaper New Credit to avoid Six Nations trap will hold public meetings That is wholly owned and operated by aboriginal people. O Stephanie Neon. which was followed up oh a ono newspaper, including advertisements, s No portion of de paean Witter day working session to go over the or editorial content may be reproduced without permission. \, ° VQ SIX NATIONS IS TURNING New Credo- The Mississauga of first draft of the protocol. PUBLISHER - hark island News PubOcagiows New Credit council is developing King said the second version of EDITOR - Lynda Powleas consultation protocol, now is its the protocol resulted from the Ian- Peale Island News is a meuler op ñl second draft uary session. The protocol will en- *Canadian Journalists Association aO But before they get hit with a mows arms melt as bylaws and +Native American Jouratists Assa ktion protest, like Six Nations Band zoning. askedcouncil tore. Committee ro Panel Worldwide ,,Q Council did, they to hold a the second drab, saying 'Tin sud- Imesas...al lama. ft A 9I Jd plan Turtle Island News - PO: Box 329, i community meeting, before they ing to meet with band members on 2208 Chiefsweo) Road Oh Ont. NOA IMO A l Jana basis to talk about ,m.. A % 40 Telephone 445-0868 : (519) 445 -0865 1111111111111111 iñm'\ portions the Councilor Stacey (519) G Cameil doomed of blame mad ñemai orles Na tract d ws.com or ` 7 i V V document its March 21 meeting. King, Mho the nature orthicon. __ newaraNwmtloolandmin can rJ saying We entire document would suiunon, the duty to consult and 13 Postage i it accommodate, do Wink we Volume 21, EditioEdition Second Class wrPirir.w 44'3.0 tp ' Weft/ ° be kept semi-confidential until you Registcation P0001630e f ...in our ix i should hold a community meeting Websik :www,thelurtleislandnews,cnm Developlrp ment of the protocol to give a break -down of the con - ° free bonus began Mt fall said Carolyn King, salmon nod accommodation,' (44/5000 King said she Nought that was whoa the Gametic Emirovmw- ' Band Letters: Readers questions band good idea, using the Six Nations New Credit. suggesting at _co games! cal Technician for 6i "My job was to carry out all the front of the old council Morse as a on 1r CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG must be made with Confederacy ing relationships within the ,a Council continue, on and things in the work plan that were place where people could access I Band Council's made up of 12 and second, must benefit the milieu municipality the Ward and cam ($5.000 rw fe,l ` identified, and we have completed We information. councillors, 2 in each district and (menton to come mi m represent. Six Nations hard council, a least some members of twin he in Toronto 11; every step that was on that plan, She also said she would continue the chief- elect. The chief is a chair And this spiel about this lawyer's Generally people appointed to today m dimuss with ether southern Ontario First Naxos how to decide m though the time was very the one -no-one discussion, saying as Six Nations on i John Wayne represent Nor who owns what in terms of southern Ontario lad claims und taw Ney meaning he cant, make deci- reputation big Receive 2 free 3up Strips with shoo" there was a lot to digest inNepro- his 12 council- Indian fighter being "smeared" is type bomb or arc moo. tho Nanfan Treaty and Mho sions on his own, ira. King said she started at the end of trait particularly concerning the All Ne more reason Band people and that'. The meeting is organized by the Six Nations Dand Council and paid for lors make decisions after confer- B.S. typo political the purchase of your regular session! September and two other staff were environmental weals their room - Council Mould be pushing for how it should be. The editorialedimrial might in to work on the "nine's no Roam with sharing by Ontario I tong .maroons protocol people, and write must have read my mind at the end of November. once it, completed," Councilor And it comes on the heck of an attempt by the Six Nations bird coun- unity)_ When a decision is charges against our Mat Brantford he wroe:'The Sanderson "YOri ve already engaged Willms LgFOrme stated during the mee deal with Brantford That would have allowed develop ached they then instruct the the illegal by -law when cil to signa seem) WIN AN EXTRA $500 to be sharing acquired their judicial Centre position has nothing what - and Shier to work on Ole" King ing, "We're going Six Nations weeded lands while six Nations people amine to chief as to what the people have has through mean L! minded council. Will= and with the government. businesses decided. The only time the chiefs system, be abolished. With refer- soever to do with politics, or at ne harassed and crimwNZ. in Brantford worts and everything else, but I don, it shouldn't. agree WHEN YOU BINGO ON... Shier are environmental lawyers. at a vote or voice when he to Brantford's lawyer potting least "I couldn't The band council wu challenged by community members rice. cama ù ewe a think we can do that until ware all - 0D.Lred Last year the lawyers "presented has to break a tie. If this is true, past Band in jail; if Bill mom. Mnw,HM *nor, pin meeting, un its authonry to sign deals y Six Nations lands, why it was Cam] template of what Wey'nave used else- up. speed." why is the community finding out doesn't have the courage. sand in the case of Lisa VanEVery MOM. k min.. lawsuit against Branded while not demand- FREE Birthday í "_. PLUS a Special Birthday where:. King mid, "Which is why King pointed to Six Nations of the for his community and his peo- council approved her to represent s ing Brantford drop as m t against Six Nations pupa aMw secret meetings the chief is up it's S15,00 and not 330,000." Grand aying, "You see what hap that to Six Nations on The Sanderson Cake and Coffee 1 Iß'1 Present All penal They w going to And instead of ansaveii'ng Ne Six Nations community, the council having with mayors of neighbour- plc. even if means going &firs! Preparing Me protocol has meant Mow. then follow. Board which m we all b50,000 training for everyone involved, the sign that on- cement and then the lama silent und then rant arg pecan and answer flyer . them, hg and foreign can- bail, maybe he should: Cease with Monster amp out, did let know is located in Brantford with Celebrate **Saturday, April2, 2071,* staff and the tacit members. community ryla wmk that had. was questions put mitby the mmmu- lames mina councils know, Helen on her way Sunday Sprit3 bravado fill strong support from the Brandò. YELLED Council had training in January. nity instead c ñng rhuor a tomato salvage who nqad- edge. Body Mow. communi- someone with more tog of ". writ TIME YOU 00 J( J doors open al 1010 the chief seal. II would like every City Council. ty becoming a lama reputation in the community cates the oath. When they the who votes yes to this I believe in helping to organ& .Aral that is :d. The current hand council is largely male up of the sane was Questioned on secrecy of eiuncillor in their own and participate in protest that diode that sal through the previous count, including some very skilled the Six Nations Consultation and document explain he how Nary felt that it was a blocked Brantford Mayor Chris eld l' h appear. have taken on a shield ofmmcommui Accommodation Agreement. words to their community , Friel and his council holding with the common, became agitated, angry and defer benefit fix, happens cer- because in my opinion this paper a community meeting at Six nog gOlw WIPE ON These same mesh members mow. today, (Wednesday) meeting no. AM when that r-- wain AIR tain information truths come is no better thus the 'White Paper" Nations Ms. Tank, corset the with other hard councils in Toronto away from pry,eo m mityw ey e and 111 t Out of the eight muncnllom that Tmdea hied to ram down our line from ambassador to political We know your vehicle. I Moo each land clan hoiden. I needs Ihe problem is Six Milan Band (brined and any and all band councils poor i at the owning only one throats This Band Council activist. are or Me voiced Mat she had b ember and realize that our Now m letter Ma V Every Our Ford technicians in Iroquoia know they have agony to act on the lands , council. rILCrKC7ni By the and won against wrote an a lad newspaper she That belongs to the Confederacy C. 'I who wu na imbed b the read the agreement. way, fought Torn. and we will fight and saes: 'Tye always mien. base my trained on Fords. meeting or given notice of it. l she also stated that she anted to white paper against this white paper volunteer work on building lhe march. On. N tiger *free than j.the local Men's 1 be kicked the hell out of there win unders ring. I dust II a h bum keep'keep his She wanted 11.5 to ask her to kaon. DuAeae Mika. bridges of RIDE group .last duet Bill Mama working hard YOUR If the way feel Helen, consider what Mx VanEvery and spring service event track locket amt hold as a veiled Mom ove municipalities heads. I di., you group did building Sri Nations Band Council needy to ,,plan not only why it is biding by all means step down, I'm call- Pet C ...ell to post board her as ", such a meeting, but why it didn't Ira the community know in a fashion ing your bluff. It also came to vacancy Mar 23, ell. bnd8m Six Nations In my mind when VanEvery they wide have d rood so thc community emir feel as if their light in Bill's canting does not care Often dotes the Ms teal dace. council is asked. appoint nude the his to deny Mayor lands being s la out from J ewe feet without ling them I whether his councillors elated THE menu that the community a representative from our coning, Friel and his from prom I All around Six Nations communities are working together to move their aft toll PREMIUM land But nut at S Nations. and our Mort generations. The may outside gin( to m command, ,Mho And ahead along I d WORKS I h stepped out bounds from ORKS When in of Six bard council insim on fighting with th Confederacy way 1 see it, he was read. drive committee. arcs TIRES C Nation,. at to Six council and trying to go ft alone on their mission Woke over Six Nations the ions* onto the community's amnia person or to endorse a her role as ambassador back without our knowledge. He person I do so with the under- Nations, And that is die reason and Spring refresher that can save be undersold They'es and l rats. We will not is an ambas- the only reason 1 refused to on gas Thy hive miunlrn ell Oui community along the way, claiming the ver going to sign withow consul- ending that person you up to a rear on tires!' Natives. Imam, that endorse Mke Vaayrgry's sera on Confab, refused to meet with diem when in fact it w. the band tation and mcommodation to the odor to Six council coif N fs to nn . or schuduk. meetings. community. Any emanate person to always promote a poet- The Sanderson Centre Board_ rage of Nations and to The bad council told e y dim Wiled out of the alles after signed with municipal, provincial. tive Su amv$5999 :'72, 99°-- and mathtain wank Councilor Willer nothing as happening but i fan Six Nations had nuns human on its .deal g vermnuu .first of all establish go. clan Wiley 01.1.1010/0.0 0001110110101..E land rights in the past five years with a joint Sú Nations force than il had m soe.z.couniff um too me mama ittancuumormosea.., b Soy , 1'N n "Irk dl' gin lad does. in sMeartamame,04030016001 Six Ntìm s Band Council's later move is a slap in the face tome offers Confederacy council and Six Nations people It is band oftheadvertised time Hued TURTLE ISLAND NEWS Purchase any one your next service. III at, L:. raves clean and Paned including the comm., in its plans insdinstead of towards North Amener, a l Native Weekly Newspaper! nwrahsoaha k.nh nnawehanwene and be eligible fora 510 .Coupon continuing on what can only be seen ac an arrogant isolationist policy f afl' that ignores the community and puts a financial risk... all for a Nano, acting swanky hand hotel. i So much fin spending your Street: Ciim icé ;`i ¡ll6 money at home! 4N231, r, iGEfuul I Province: Postal Code: -rhnn I E:1 E11'lj disk to Me Bern In rake lo lostee public cannon of matte., ellectme the residents oi i tGe Grand lamer Istaml News Farm to: vehicle with these spring offers from Ford. !t,tsl Mail or Email Subscriprion Order & Payment Refresh your laden p 1 edMorlettere must ssandp6onenumoerrss nmatwme,mM who know your Ford best: Genuine Ford Trained Technicians. I I.E ISLAND NfWS,PO Ho 3E9 OWneken, Ontario MIA 1310 You can trust the experts H ran de.ermed. Sole ikwn,mmonmqr or visit us online noon.* Plume: 19-1.15-Ilöf8 Eno 519-00 0865 Email: :(n keturtleislandnowsoni For more details and offers see your Service Advisor length Orammx spdeng and man, Turn Mimi News. TO Ng 329. Orme., VISA :1i tultl r 1519)N50a68da 11014 SkOB65E CAN, 12 MONTHS c.103.MIN A 12 MONTHS IEO saesw newa.00m. our we6slremwww.IMnutleisleMnewsnon INTER, S1h11NAL 12 MONTHS_1)0:' I

Ems. : ma / Marh 30. 2011 Ennolu5wa / March 30. sAARNENANNENEA SPECIAL GOT SPORTS? l; I Lot us know.... i... 519-445-0868 j--- wiry miaow corn Caledonia 1105465Q424 11 I SPORTS Award winning sports 40th AnnilJ

Rebels win Spring Fling i,I Congratulations to Rebels Coach Ron Chate lain By Orman On. 6-0, the his team's stellar perform- - Writer Kahnawnke Hunters 9-2.. well credits -.1 of once to the training they endured f all the participants the as last year's champions. 0- Oyer 750 nook filled 1 Hills Bulldogs 5-3. the lam few nionth. 1 y ! Iroquois1 Lamont, Arena Saturday Halton 'El Z3- Rebels outscored their "Most of Me boys been on rho At-r a rho ado Annual Rebel's Spring The T .140 lanuaDn compared to Fling Showcase 0 2 underway opponents 20-5 and proved 11 here wc have an lil'NNL teams out the Thol, B Rebels kicked off the they're a force.. reckoned with most (/` as agile play and determine- advantage, M terms of our fttness ' season wish a bang winning all their 02.0 5521.2 don was more than the opposition and stick handling skills," - bear. Chat el. said. The Rebel, defeaMA the can "1"--ww ort../ i Hock o --- 4f. °-- i % -, 4,J- CHAMBERS'S PURE MAPLE 4° e 1 HOUSE , vf, PRODUCT & PANCAKE _ -f!4 1/f 1, SERVING WEEKENDS Rebels' number 21 Jesse Jimerknn pun unmans, nalmawake 0 Hunters goalie Donovan ',Archer The Rebels defeated the LER ATURDAY & SUNDAY B - 2:30PM Hunters 9-2. (Photo by Ovrtan Oruro.) TILL APRIL 2.1 Alta Martin, a player far rho lied on the Soso In particular SYRUP SALE DAILY Rebels raid the team, work ethic Meir penalty kill against the CLOSED MONDAY throughout the Pointing period Bulldogs in the latter parr of the gave everyone plenty of optimism Mild period: down one player, not heading into T. wagon. only did the Rebels deny the 23 5 VILLA NOVA SOUTH "Everyone was always looking Bulldogs a goal but managed to BETWEEN 1 I TH I 2TH C ONSESS IONS 51 9. 4 3-1515 6 1

NS Learn a Career in Welding 5 Six Nations' Nov' Divi

Arc-iAig -Tig CWB & TSSA Test Center Toronto, Opening soon in Ottawa Nation the First the lialtnetwohe Hunter, following Rama nett.Mo plan. share hands with Arena. by I Saturday at the friorneins Lacrosse Meow 1=800 -4614981 or 416- 750 -1950 Rebels via,- t Orman Omar, iv w.v.learnt5lgeid.ca forward to Mc tournament and 10 keep the hall at their opponent's needed effort out of everybody end for a good portion of the and has been it penalty. the everyone giving congratulates all .7a their best and so Far It's working -Our shoo man defence is Institute Of Technical Trades uut in our faro; he said pretty good es well as our short Thar work ethic was exempt, 5150 offs,. we got some (penal t59 kills," Chatelain said. Despite their 3-0 record ito t. and - tOURAMICIII Martin mid thmc is athletes, coaches still plenty of room for improve- Lacrosse Arena ment. "We need to get our passes inside, and out communication is cmcial, we're not really tolking who part' SCHEDULE much," lie explained. "But that's families March 30". 2011 to April 5 r` 2011 going to conic with time. l we us WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY MlA1l asN MONDAY UtSPAr going far in the playoffs this year It's, good group of guys, fast, w sr SSW young and aloud. We should go EIN's LeaP1 Spm - Atun tAo e aÁAerw ^Mi 4ateaa INN. Niels somewhere.' annual 2nd tpe,(10m tom epin - Opm me. in hnú> ÿ 1e w SR Minor < Yho. Mr WIN n9r5Pm S . . . 9pm - lOpm :eh .1a. WSZZ:P' Toronto 13. Got p -a Opm - Wpm 'D. SR- Mt. 8prn -11PM sorifi Little UHL Tourna en!, Iroquois Lacrosse Arena . will ha heating t e7th Annual warren Cup on story Chippewas of RAMA April 8°100 silriIlO°.Lr.k21252 minim Contact Turtle Island CPA/^ It interested We se cell .loth nowless st 905-76,1999 News today! First Nation Any rentals it re raring must be re centre week ahead of trme sports@theturtleislend- OP' ll not wan he charge the lull pt re news.com 100510 YAW ARBOWS, CHIEfS. STW4G nrie,,:;:Ve'reg eft 10 SPECIAL Inn last ssa i Marcy 21111 kaank6 Ir. March Ia. 20,1 SPECIAL I y 1 1 4 I 1 i irr, I I 40th Amu .*;1%, AM& 140th Hoisting the cup! en Little NHL scores /results 1, , r .. , , .e.7_ , - . Tykes - Boys (Finals) Group D- M'Chigeeng-I defeats . Group A - Cedar Bay -10- Wasauksing -2 defeats Nipissing -7 Peewee -Boys Group B- AOK -1l defeats Group A - Nipissing -1 debars -e Nawam -2 Garden River -0 or- Group C- Wiky -5 defeats Group B- Batchewaa -2 defeats Walpole -0 Oneida -5 LNHL, pride and participation Group D- Birch heal 4 ties Group C- 8augccn -B defeats 1_4 Sense J Birch Island -7 By Daniel Perry in his area had no opportunity to Novice - Boys Group D- Sagamok -3 defeats

Writer play in town leagues in laic l ono's Group A - Six Nation -II defeats Rama -0 and early 1970's. The Readers Rama -1 Bantam - Boys The final whistle has been were under pressure from Drunks Group B- Behest ana -4 Group A- Moose Factory -8 blown on the 40th annual 2011 (hockey moms and dale) at gitc defeats Amen aang -2 defeats Mattagami-0 LNHL Tournamery. our youth wee, 1/o du with Group C - Delaware 3 defeats Group B- Birch Island to Wiky Players, erne and coaches have hockey," be o said. "In 1971, the a Garden River -2 Group C - Nipissing - Rama cheered and booed enough.. but emanate was born and 17 teams L k Group D - Curve Lake -4 defeats Group D- Bambewane vs what is playing in the LNHL all pa,Cipated with about 200 play - s Mere, -3 Smote about and how did it all been? attending the first tournament Atom - Boys Midget - Boys "Pride, belonging and par ici- inrs Little Current, ON" BatcbewOTE defeats Group A - Moose Foamy -3 ration has the been some of the The original tournament had Moose Factory -5(OT) defeats Wmauksing -1 benefits of the tournament so fart atom, pee wee and tenon divi- Group B- Deem. -10 Wee Group B - Sarnia vsto said Franklin Patbommi, a former sions. Moose Factory, ON. fanned n -I Group C - Batchewan -8 vs LNHL player and i current team for the tournament as well Group C- Nipissing-6 defeats Akamiskl 2 organizer. "for many of us m at as the Garden River Bantams, who Six Nations -3 - Group D- Ginoogaming -3 vs Birth Island -0 GUB -I to Atom Exhibition Game 3 participated in the tournament, we were led by former NHLer Ted A _ low s 1 9 M- g -7 A Atoms want to give back to the commuai- Nolan. Exhibition Game -2 Atoms g 2:15 pm Whitefish River ryas well as have o0 children Things have phenome- grows CZ NATIONS COUNCIL, 210 ana Alderville Lightning -0 Thundeawolves -7 vs Alderville 11 11 11 =mmins same we had, nip have the experience natty with the LHNL Tournament. to Chippewa Bantam Cols 4 Lightning -I Bantam with a lot of fen, laughs and "Forty years later, we have teams - rrn 6 Bantam 93:15 pm Chippewa Bantam good First Nations hockey" from coast to coast that want to 3 I I am Garden River Braves -t Gals -t vs Garden River Braves Paibomsai remembers how things participate in our all Ontario hock- vs Moose Factory Scrappers -6 -0 Bantam 4 all began. me tournament, including non- x: Congratulations Bantam 104:15 pm Garden River Braves -The LNHLwasoriginallyere- native players and elms- said 412 pm Oneida Nation -2 vs -9 vs Birch Island Eagles 0 seed because First Nations youth Paibomsai, Garden River Braves -3 Pee Wee PeeWee

5 1 pm Birch Island Eagles -1 to 11 5:15 pm Aandiwnamtg Angels. ; to all the Aamjiwvssng Angels- 5P P10 vs Wikwemikong Hawks -1 ho 6 2:15 pm Wikwemikong Hawks PeeWee BOBCAT 0 i '1 4 -0 vs Nipissing Tensors -6 12 6:13 pm Nipissing Warriors -1 & AWARDS PROMOTIONS PeeWee vs Oneida Nation -2 PeeWee participants of 7 3:15 pm Wikwemikong Hawks 57 COULBECK ROAD "Congratulation BRANTFORD, ON N3P IPI e t A huge success this year's _ Ph -519- 753 -1320 to all Players` By Daniel Pray, more than 1,800 athletes, 43 Fox- 519 -756 -9180 - Writer coaches and support staff and bobcotowards @roger s. Co Chief Shining Turtle remembers about 200 volunteers. r and Coaches the excitement and joy he felt Igo- "This year was a huge success." mg his skates in the first Link said Chief Shining Turtle. 'Every Coayraro /at to our Little NHL Team.) W NHL tournament 40 years ago kid 1 saw was smiling and excited who went to the 1.01,411. Tournament Ha doesn't to 0601/ how about playing wOn their french many games his team won of who Sadism', economy was also posi- wooed all me goals, but he does lively affected by all of the people remember his chief driving his In mwv. I hcaN mere wa over 00 Congratulations NHL" own to the arena and how meted. the town during 2011W' - I million made by t0 iblethe entire experience was. Wem - " The plaque he won mat year The 41st news of the to0aa- Six Nations Novice Will hangs in Ms office now to in If mere it to take plane L'NHL Champions and to mind him why he continues sup- sagamok Pint Nation iv Sudbury the growth of the Little porting next year. the other teams for their effort. --'s ONEIDA NATION' NHL. Please area lM the !ours ('I1yN¡.y.i This year's tournament in vwbAltw.Snxw.Mwl lise Councilor I it'Ien Miller .^i.{li%u:ñu.> 1Yi.I3!I 7 1! Sudbury had 104 all- native teams ire srnre results from this years , take part, more than 250 games, mum4mem. - . Congratulations , Ittite-ktatconaG ' to all the OLF Dl ' .14,1 Little NHL Players AA 711111 J. IONA, NAMi Yt ( st Mutt dç Dnaeradiet Ckatitabie Foutliaties Camions to all the participants and organizers of the Lii' NHL 7? 901k 74.11 frt.? Trie 866 708 6791 srt!Lw.dcfuntl.441

.! r

Ermiskawa / March 30, 2011 . SPORTS dnn Starch 30. 2t SPORTS The Rochester KniJphthz lnhk lu ked by dominating it h x t s m th igJ t , and holm Davis (1+3) also had Knighthawks e ,ywksff b mono-. Hdoa k vf4 d n Mann ) noteworthyby games h multi. toogh g fiR front of 0 etiWd Slob William (0bp 1S3 gaol outings. Scott CampbellC also Local women's only volleyball take Giant step 'L'°. program is all about having fun j he E fans. e Wings fell to 1 in M 1 mood his first NLL hat k, ' % Piadclp Wg g Th 4 and sffi a Nos. m eats b g In nine of the Hnaw while newcomer Cory Vitamin By Daniel Per, Nations Polytedinic Inc. here in towards Playoffs r . ron, e well nets,' she added. '14 thing to look fimvad Cross Arena. With the w postseason hopes. 13 goals tonight. Jordan nail cantor three point° Writer u 12.31 (2e) flobaneralopin bedlam. wail probably get hurt if we played The Ileyball group is seal w a few thin® every ,bang Uk eau.' ataba mar and dw would ruin the looking for be ladies to come woman M me 1C ill Element, The towho tale parr all fin for us. Dismally- Rise blob join in on the fun School pm had in common last weed 0tg me.tiog new ample hon. The a Wednesday evatng dig fin ad ecemsing ac the bear win game They aboutmnhing our Silverhawks thrilling 3 all just want. to have to Roles fin were tit =Anew purple, and meet boa. only.fieYblll. Anthony said. "Those guys are Ig pass from Anthony. will work in their d, ammo as ly they all love volleyball 'Ibis is a le or rim. lib get to net fast if we don't hit them they're Alter Me Spoilers' near come- the series continues. Sic local woman aged 1653, joined new frwM:nd ilea lot ofwok Moo we going by us, so got to get a back Anthony said his team had 'We got a lot of older guys together alU school's gym to Roto of. rim: ifs only fiveon ab boss body on them" o morn focused and get back to that experienced more champ: pd in a won., only volleyball pm so its not two." mid Dallas Montour echoed these corn °fending. bleb than their team," he said gam Window an (WsuSS vdem who that mews adding both teams "We just had to settle dose=, W lino. Altai to experience at' Al the 'T very Took - night 1 hott ladies played Iliyhdl way mom) NOTIFICATION have physical pl y . little, we know they're going series in series We've vMhvbhll Rom VOW tio the pal bkh vihool and stll ys1h lali1 "Both teams know how to o go away se twit tightened b there a lot amore than . 11x1 Oa dwi playing Jo Hydro One mama Program out of laos goblin System Improvements throw bodies, R just worked p," Anthony added. ,_.their Blab wow' mid I illian Pinta, 81ttnyiny ampInc also elk e oh in our favour because we have Monte said their magma a fin:. now oat, snake o Six .mpctilitc me though we can't in the Six Nations Area bigger guys, he said The %Kahn As physical play have boasted Meir covfi SilrerNawks' number 88 MOOS° Now. Awe Ls denied a breakaway Stallions win gripping series opener denote, as In April Hydro One will be working near the Se Nations Reserve on'e by Spoilers goalie Robbie Porter 'n the second period of Gone) of donee. they added m thon lead BINGO wpab, os shown on me may below. the Bush League Finals Thursday night The Silverhawks won 5 -3. when Anthony and Monture prow. their second goals Me e a / Progressive Jackpot Max 55000.00 (Photo by Oran, Oman) cord of night in the second period, giving _n Line relocation along Oneida Rood, Hnidimand County By Orman Omar The Spoilers breathed some South Brant Legion their team a 4 -1 lead heading to Hydra One v611 relate a 1 b kliomete section d distribution line located obng weer life in the second when number 8 . Old 24, 2 km north of Oakland the second intermission. Oneida Rood between Sigh tine and Sliding Strad o to mammy road allowance. Chad Montour found the hack Of I 1 lust when it looked like the game 519 -446 -0011 Ws line owes HaHimo,d County Hydro and 11111 One : picked up at Six Nations' Administration Building, Me work saes. Typically, crews will be welting Monday to Friday from 7.00 a m White Pines Wellness Centre, Grand River Post o 500 pm., lout there is the possibility of sane weekend wok. Secondary Education Office, and Six Nations McDonald's Bandits Family Four Pack 579! L'- There may be increased twists levels while our wok. al these sees Polytechnic. The transportation options Canon mom are m local concerns and will wank to minimize Two (2) 20 piece Chicken McNuggets, two (2)1large Ivies, broadly outline the routes, how often they would disruptions e nearby residents. 01 3 is o top nary ot Hydro One and we four (4) medium soh drinks, and four (4) 300 level1ek ers run, and the advantages and disadvantages of ore fully mmmired to ensuring 011 nies, wecouIons we diligently followed to a 2011 Buffalo Bandits home game. each. They are not meant to be a detailed descnp- patience tyA l.meusrw tion of how they would operate at this time. Once We apologize M advance for any ieolvemence and appreciate your os we complete this po ce work. an option Is agreed upon, then further planning have to take to impleMent it. Decisions will place Please dirce any questions : will have robe made to determine who will deliver Coo bonito. Rei e@HydroO S II: Alexandra Stadnyk, Community Relations L'4.. 1 the transportation service, funding sources, and e policies around how it will function. Tel 4163456799 or 1.877345b799

1p/ 11 If you would like more information, please contact hydró Ins Wright, Special Projects Manager for GREAT at é (519) 445 -3109 or via email al nsreareaISe heel or Nr...kM.mucpemw.. Amy Lickers, Six Nations Community Planner at AT ßalldit. .mm 519- 753 -1950 or email at communitvolanneresix- y puffs no ¡Evolve tyt-; y up... gallons LIGHT 1.4SeS.a6:.22: i L -1 I lex

1 -I-

I. Min iskó'.wNMarch30.2011 lnnoknua March ,O, 211 _. `._N v " P NATIONAL LOCAL lS six Nations confederacy will council it has no authority The band council invited 21 land claims and discussing Confederacy be delivering a letter to the over Six Nations lands. First ns from across what the Nanfan Treaty means Six Nations Band Council's The letter is expected to be Southern ' Ontario to panici- each of the First Nations. sends letter to 'Sharing our Land -.¡day delivered by lawyer Aaron pate in the two day conference t The letter from the Confeder- conference at the Toronto Dodo and a few repay nu. aimed at having all hands start acy says the bands have no Six Nations Natural Gas band councils Sheraton Airport Hotel start- tiv. of the Six Nations Men's locking at dividing up the authority or right over Six Na- ing today reminding the be Fire. lands so mere is no overlap in lions lands or treaties. 1953 Fourth Line New Ontario budget does little for First Nations P.O. Box 300 The 2011 Ontario Budge ciao.. to be SI67 billion - $3 billion through the Aboriginal Loan Cum- uses for wood fibre such as Moen- The government will establish new down Tuesday and shows the lower than forecast a year ago. antee Program. does provide ergy and biochemicals; skills training programs through the Ohsweken, ON NOA IMO k.C.*. ruing c eliminating The 2011 Budget's Ontario is proposing m reformat- Northern Training Partnership Tel: (519) 445 -4213 the deficit government's support of highlights for First Nations arc: Government investment and re- pant system of tenure and pricing Fund a dam -year. H5 million pro. Ontario's economic recovery. The budget says the Ontario goy- forms to the were and unclog sys- for Crown forest resource. This gram to help Aboriginal Peoples Fax: (519) 445 -4313 "olds is the tight budget, at the right committed to encomag- em for Comm forest resources are will facilitate greater local and participate in and benefit from . 9 .amid Brant SAPP motile.. Mg opportunities for Aboriginal helping the sector become master- Aboriginal p mpaism in the sec- emerging economic development E -mail: info @sixnatgas.com The deficit for 2010 -11 is projected participation in the energy sector .. and develop ...ye new our. opportiuMies in the North. Election is on, but federal parties First Nation platforms scarce A MESSAGE FROM - (Continued from front) that raise standards of livings and empower mmmunitim at the local SIX NATIONS NATURAL GAS level" The Liberals my they will Aboriginal education by removingremoain- ATbe qua funds, o- Six Nations Natural Gas is aware that another energy company is andwpost-secondary education Smoking and You ... currently a a world reverse Harye cuts to first Nations University," for y soliciting business within our franchise territory. The company rents water The woemensgoeao levy "tan. Liberals would seek to heaters also Understanding Your Bu e and sells furnace service agreements. rscpast wrongs. W would im- mediately call federal investigation into the hundreds of Aboriginal women and girls that Six Nations Natural Gas applauds free and open competition. For gone mein ascot toil the protection N's would ratify the United Na- of current and future customers, tiords Declaration on the xigNa o- there are specific rules and regulations regarding sureNaoac Canadandwewillen- Sf t1 equipment supply and service. These need to be taken into Wlaned. o yer consideration, should egois ctthesuccvethe of the Please join us for a day of people actually live there. you choose to contract with another service provider. rather than simply miliunxing the Smoking Cessation Awareness Arctic." Lloyd Some wan fns elected and Interactive Smoking Cessation Booths IF YOU CURRENTLY RENT A WATER HEATER FROM THE GAS COMPANY eI iin 2006.rnHo wars ated 02 ' Six Natrons Family Health Team by Meowed* in loop. AND WISH TO CHANGE TO ANOTHER SUPPLIER, PLEASE BE AWARE: Brant NDP Condrdere Marc 14er- ' Six Nations Dental re.: Wave= upholds what he e calls the NDP vision which be de- Prevention Health Promoter scribes as being like a living docu- ' Smoker's Helpllne When d comma o First The Gas Company MUST be informed of this to change your bill and Nmum.ons. the NDP advocates "talk- Healthy Alternatives t9 Quit Smoking ing ration-m.nation:' said Lafer- pickup our water heater. cre. However, she NDP platform - Registered Reflex PrMtitioncr Donald Reid has been narrowed down to four is- e Acupuncture LceAo ry Drb¢il s: making life more affordable. rewarding lab creators, improving Aromatherapy Carolin Brink There will be a charge of $30.00 to do this. front -line health services and put- (Treatments avabble on st ting families for 0 re has cj said he would pursue the ideai of collecting a portion of property ales to pus towards a land claims Guest Speaker- Woking Cessation and your If you remove and dispose of our rental water heater by yourself, you settlement fund pan of his a 3106 overall heMh bj Dr Steven Matan creation ',elegy for Brant County. will be charged for the cost of the water heater in full. Bran Greta Parry Candidate Nora Burka: The Greens upport national childcare, a sparest government, and support fora shift March 30th THERE ARE LIMITS TO THE SERVICE WE PROVIDE: 10 a green economy The parry's platform describes three broad pol- Six Nations Community Hall ouvrit vaBd ,at l lo . icy areas: torn economy, strung tTyot communities. and true democracy. ,; WO yuo1 If we are called to fix a rental water heater which is provided by an 1:00 ::00 pm quiet, chi The party alw outlines how it envi- -6 es Canada in 2020- However, other company, or you have a service agreement with another the group duo-' not provide specific New Directions Group 519 -445 -2947 details about First Nation issues. company, Six Nations Natural Gas cannot service their equipment.

=I_1 Registertoday Our gas technicians can only turn off the appliance. You will be . r h.. charged for the service call. ór, programs rANSIUNT ,beginning ;lanua yr20111 COLLEGE - -- -tea ^ - Personal Support Worker PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE AWARE OF ALL COSTS, SERVICE AND Welding Techniques ¡ea Aar taagw: Sew Mechanical Technician - Industrial Millwright Mechanic SUPPLY LIMITATIONS WHEN SIGNING ON WITH ANY ENERGY COMPANY. Health Care Office Assistant (Fast -Track program) t- ¿;y¿3 Developmental Services Worker (Continuous intake) VZ1 xJ Ir AJI Early Childhood Education (Continuous intake) fonshontaccoi We will be happy to supply any information we can. For more information call: 519- 426 -8260 sinew r

01 IIWkrallb_& want Fnniskd Ala I7

Want to place a notice or career Want to place a notice or career & ad? Call: 519-445 -0868 Careers & Notices ad? Call: 519-445 -0868 Careers Notices r

Evening and Saturday appointments are available. U ASIST A twofifiy suicide first sio interactive workshop _ w Six Nations Soo - Six Nations Child & Family Services Presents If you are experiencing Polytechnic 2011 - 2012 hearing problems, help A.S,I.S.T Applied Suicide Intervention ' is available. We provide PO Boa 700, 2160 Fourth Line the latest in hearing aid ON NUN IMO Skills Ohsweken, technology and 519-445-0023 Phone . the 519M5í416 Fax A Two -day workshop BRANT services of a full -time NEARING AID www.snpoiytechnic.com Programs For Six AMIN Commumly Members CLINIC audiologist.

Fall 2011 & Winter 2012 We accept all payment Spline 2011 WHIT 0 Aboriginal Teacher Education Program - IMPORTANT DATES University plans including: Apollo. A Application Session. Native University Program - First Year NIHB ( First Nations) 1. April 6 & 7, Session April I.5- Application Deadline. " 0gwehoweb Language Diploma Program (Yam l -New Intake) natal= Assistive Devices Program 2. April 14 & 15, 2011 training * Ogwehoweh Language Diploma Program (Year2) senl0n Worker's Compensation Addictions Services Certificate *Aboriginal Program Indigenous Teacher Education 3. May 28 & 29, 2011 training session APPLY NOW! Classes begin May 16. Free to Six Nations applicant. Native University Program Veterans Affairs 4. lune 16 & 17, 2011 training session and all Insurance plans. Program * Native Diploma Access college 5. August 27 & 28, 2011 training session Ears high school credits. Next session starts May 9. Business - General 274 *- King George Road, Brantford, N3R 5L6 Fay Childhood Education for Aboriginal Learners 6. Sept 27 & 28,20111001111W session (Best Western) Introduction to Sociology Office Administration Tel: 519 -759 -8250 Fax: 579.759 -2710 I university credit. Tuition -$1,208. Application available at SNP Practical Nursing with Aboriginal Communities Location: Six Nations Commgnily Ball E -mail: branlhearingaid @bellnet.ca Social Service Winker for Aboriginal Communities Time 8:15am registration -4:00pm Visit our website at web branthearrngardclrn,c ca Personal Support Worker Cast: six Narrons (11110 & Family services Sponsoring application package today, Starts May 2011. Pickup your F.Iementary & Secondary Schell B Interested In talc training please coned Homework Support Program Grades 5 -12 Leigh Thompson at 519.445,0408 Summer 2011 Native Diploma Access Program Do you just need a desk, Feeoeors of Education for First Nation Communities - Parr II * Life Skills Coach Training fouling Fall 2012 phone and Internet access Pick a session to attend; Ibis Invaluable training Is to help look more Princip. of Feu Nate Schools -Part II ' Bachelor of Social Work prepared to 00111 a person silo is baring Ibeugms at suicide. for your small business?

Call for your application package today! For more information, pick up your free copy of the You are just the person we are looking for You have a choice to lease one of 5 offices - NOTE: May 17- ORPSEO deadline for Fall 2011 funding applications. 2011-2012 Course Calendar r All programs subject to adequate enrollment Occupancy is April 1 d ° You are welcome to view these offices ac nME úTiotg Grand River Employment & Training Business Centre 16 Sunrise Court

Communications & Liaison Officer (CLO) . for Six Nations Ohsweken, Ontario

McMaster The ALTA position is new to Ole Ábodginal Students Health Sciences (ASHS) office at McMaster University. The CLO plays. vital role in the communication and promotion of the ASHS on) and services for incoming and current Aboriginal students in health sciences and has been Atrium # I - 60 sgft will provide support University desinnatMAhnrieina 11 w541YFYnrNadnnslsnee llk The CLO will serve as lead for ASHS communications and 'and Members Atrium # 2 -58 sgft in and engage in eunuch, relationship building and linkags, externally, between the ASHS aa'N.au.w.. tone Director communications liaison activitiesties end Atrium # 3 - 63 soft *am once and Aboriginal communities and Internally within she trader McMaster community. As a aafeTALK- Trained Suicide Alert Honor you will be better able to Atrium # 4 - 49 soft The CLO wilt develop, coordinate and implement a communications strategy and work plan for the communication and promotion of the of- J Move beyond common tendencies to MISS, DISMISS or AVOID suicide: Atrium # 5 -66 sgft : write and design communications, outreach, and dissemination tools and ad hoc reports and products for diverse audiences and stakehold- f various for promotions; develop. the website and make necessary changes regarding layout. content, usability and relevance and and record evens ers; evaluate graphic photograph J Identity people who have thoughts of suicide; update anda maintain information in databases; remain current with social media platforms and trends in the communication field; identify and nnerease effectiveness of ASHS' comp- Please contact Steve Isaacs

- and, establish harm with appropriate Aboriginal/non-Abo- and liaison efforts provide cammnniutions support to the Aboriginal Health Interest Group (student group); J Apply the TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen and KeepSafe) to connect a person riginal health para/professieal organizations, community and academic organizations, and scholarships and funding opportunities, etc. its view offices C 519-445-2222 with suicide thoughts to suicide first aid intervention caregivers. l: 1 Qualified applicants win poaaa: 6achelor's dagree in communications public relations, journalism or a related field egad Minimum of three years experience working in public lotions. communications or in a related nerd. Ile part of c ,5r Community Superior eo niog/som lIte and web based technical skills and is highly cruaive. B :E PART O Bertha operates within the principlesPrinciples o al safety and is knowledgeable of Aboriginal Poopla cultures. Extensive experience working with Rion Nations, Inuit and MOW andlmn*dlmeial organizations ù moon.. Training opportunity is limited to 30 people who are 15 years of alle & older. SOMETHING SPECIAL Strom mamatwvd skulls along with the ability to function with tight deadlines, changing priorities and the proven ability to manage raven! projects Maim Coll: Proficiency in web design, social media, word processing, database mwgemen4 layout and design, including fluency in all components of Adobe CSS Master Collection and Microsoft applications. When: Sunday April 10, 2011 The Turtle Island News Float both Kurd Maceid wanting Proven ability a n,,k solid pokyaw'miW network of is required.d Time: 12;30 pm Sign In & Refreshments Ram ability to work with little MEN aMeMio ommunicialhrog within health sciences knowleAbmi an is be considered an sian. 1:00 pm -4:00 pm Training CHOICES The ability communicate in English is esseotid and of an Abort,Aboriginal language n desirable. The successful cadidn. will he mains d to oceaiaally work flexible hours; therefore, very Bexnble working hours wdlbe essential. Location: GREAT Opportunity Centre 16 Sunrise Crt raw Hours per week: 25 hours per week Facilitators: Brenda Johnson 8 Lisa V. Bomberry ABORIGINAL Schedule type: Monday to Friday 900 - Salary range $25.59 $IOAO Contact: 519 -445 - 2149 or ails Wren Two year term convert with the possibility of renewal. sixna6ons.ca safeTALN is a co /Nay Esason Program for more mformetpon visit set wets. mbnaa4am We thank all applicarar in advance Only Mow candidates selected to be d will be contacted - McMaster University is ommitted to employment equity and encourages application from all qualified candidges, including Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities, visible EDUCATION minorities and women. c The "Dirt Island News 1 Please submit 3 references and a sample of your work along with your resume submission by April l2, 2011, MOO PM EST. Easter -j MAGAZINE 201 Please send cover letters and resumes m: GIOP fO IT1 Contact Amy now Aboriginal Students Health Sciences (ASHS) office FEATURE EDITION IISC 2E5Á IS ONNjIT'S,WAV to book your spot for the March issue McMaster University Contact Sales NOW to MUON YOUR SPOT Ios the April 20, 2011 Issue 1200 Main Sr. w. 519-445-0868 Hamilton, ON LöN 325 519- 445.0066 sales @the turtletslandnews hopstrworkwgannemaster bua.hrmmartwm aaaaeeeaa 4a+a,ueauogaacu [email protected]

l' nnisk6:wn: Mxrch 30, 7011 la Gnniskd:wa/Mamh 30, 2011 IO To PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD, CALL: To be part of this P:445-0868 F 445 -0865 Business Directory OR. E: C (ogee ORTLFISLANDNEWSA OM Please Call Classifieds Classified Deadline is 12 :00 p.m. Tuesday Business Directory 519- 445 -0868 OBITUARY BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY NOTICE COMMUNITY White, Randolph Steven "Randy' April 3 Celebrating Ella Bombcny 50th Wedding Anniversary Jahn Corner In his 58th went m a better Shin Boil year, Celebration. 90th birthday- Sal Tourism EVENTS place on March 25,2011. Randolph iddleport 1 -4pm- Best wishes only! the MOVÌt1gBOX Aiken ¡Nee Fannie. and Jim --Randy- White, Cherished father Construction lymph Apra 9th, 2011 at SÚ Nations Gall Turtle Island News for prices of Amber White, Miranda White YOUR 1011114 AND STORAGE SOLUTION! Palylechme 2160401 Line to vertu community 3304 Sixth Line Rd echanical and Carol. Dandy'- Hill and Step- SERVICES Ohswekcn. Ever as event in this column at Ohsweken, father to Melissa General, Charlie 6NA Presidential ON Self Storage 1 wneome, bee wine,wishes only! 519445 -0868 or e-mail NOA 1Mo General and MGOdie General(Made Limousine S00000aa s 753.MOVE l elassified @thelurtlelSlandnews . For mon- infrmatinn tao Portable Moving I mane 00,00 batmen McLeod). Much loved Papa of O5_765_n, ON 7 www.themovingboXCO 514- /I -)6/2 905 -765 -9MR Phone: (905)765 -7884 FullPortaile Storigea Naomi, teen. Mantel, Justin, Fax: (905)765,3159 aeroM 1 in Advance Container Sales l Amain. Merek and !Wink Ile r IE u°4Sá Call for Pacing, Call 'l{pbg orannen.n roam.. a'ryw e mama!mom ss www,6napresidentallimo,cam READINGS 0onstructlon@sitnbulLea mead by numerous brothers and Look Who's 21:! Ata,,[ /or oldamailLom sisters. Randolph also leaves Send Happy Birhday Simi, Aunty. CONGRATULATIONS Troy Greene is available for Mon -Fil. 7:30 am - 5:110 pn Bunk today Mr roux countless nieces, nephews, cousins Love, readings call loos Call for Pricing Congratulations! Anna May Pro a Gruduntron NN S.19 ira, Bandy, Gawmageoo &the To book an appointment time Trucking Excavating and rind:. Predeceased by his Hampsoa on your Justice of the Hills Water rest mile. mother, Audrey Burning, Father ftheJ Peace position. Bulldozing septic 7 days a week. Eric "Buck "" White and his SERVICES NOTICE 01 Brother Kim White and Sister Irma I Arc frAOg Hi. lam vete honest. reliable, botd I I 3493 6. Une Sault. Ile une Lung time member NoTiCE 'Mayan. Theta West Coast IN MEMORY gLadywith anemias and Tc!: 410-301-131S of the GCS/ BCA Pool League prophecies Saturday April E, 2011 or 647-309-04'i' P.O. Box 191 `Trough Native Eyes' wart expenemc. l have openings weeding at Styres Mammal Home in General. Tyler QM Smit h o1 1-8 Featuring f ÍÍ-' Bead can Visitation Native Roo A Gild exhibit, coining available on Wednesdays Ohsweken NOA IMO Ctsweken to mart at 2pm with In Invrng memory of our beloved Tsering Dolma Gyalmng of 13'ntl lack 2011 Co William and Fridays. My ¡Marge is. not 289 Budget., Ace. Lritl ll Toron, ON 1I6AIZt special son and brother who passed April 40 service at 7pen on Tuesday ratc not So give your wife a Indy Grandmothers, Tata Victor evening Seneca Admiuisnati'n Building. hourly. wayonc yea re go. April 4.2010. ,SEN ad.km March 29. Newel is ay at Weak and MI her come home to a Lopez, Barn Lambert, Singers, ay Nis 905- y amamday 765 Route 348, Irving. NY -2675 Interment Six Nations We little knew [tai rooming, that clean home. sher4x oiL Wealvr Dancers 530.00 Food available for Bee Rasse' Open Mondry to Friday Pentecostal Cemetery. God was going mall your name clean onions and we will work on sale Silent auction a :00am- :30pm. Weekend w,mkeds In life we loved you dearly, in death from "Healing Sir Sunday Apal3,2011 J/If Event, Saturday the sera Vendor April. So pick up the phone and call we do from 1 -0.520.00 Donation includes lam -3pm. For more infor- Betty's First BIRTHDAY It broke our ).cans to lase you, you from Cleaning Service hidayu unlimited mini treatment. motion cornea Mary Jacobs 716. 905-5]44571 Mario. Happy 7th Birthday to my son did not go alone. o Smith school, aid Line Cabin Inn. us went with you, the i49490Un Kole Wyatt Kensington Bomber,! For Mn of cesttnlrobesaa NIPISSING I Features: on March 30117 day God called you home. 519- 900 -1993 owner Ancestral U N I V E R S I T Y NOTICE SERVICES vie Packages, Schulich.0100l Of f011eATION You lea us with a lot of memories, Ypkes Healing Centre aende0Base Are you looking for telephone and your love is will our guide. The Fry Channel, Rummage Be Bake Sale inland provider? And though we cannot as you. you Learning Channel, TSN, at SC Lakes Church Call Meg0FOn Connection! Summer Aboriginal Professional Programs are always at our side. Famely Channel, W BS, al l Na- Smoothtown é offer hewer.. WANTED Our family chain is broken, and a tional Networks 6 more 1nee Onondaga RJ near 3W Line) For almost 30 years, Nipissing University has been offering professional education nothing seems the sutra- Puppies Wanted! Saturday,Sa April 9,2011 c,n 1-666717-2/11 But as God calls us one by one, the CALL BETTY 905 -574 -6571 programs to First Nation, Métis and Inuit students. Built upon the national repu- 1004m. 200ion Your best chain .edninka gyro. Will rescue livers of puppies tation Lunch anntrtnlr viewing dollar of Nipissing University's Schulich School of Education, our programs com- wdoveydmiss rua lylor. vos are 4 weeks and up. Please runt 4a,r rom soap is spent here!!! bine technology -integrated teaching with Aboriginal -Therm love than thaí of ).oughts REALESTATE them out in the ram cultures, languages and tomtit tir moat. 'Ham Scone ber son!" Tel: (519) 4452981 worldviews. a mother for oat Dad, Wall dory roan and 11m Wgs Love lot, Fax: (519)445 -4084 You Emilio. *Drink FOR RENT REGISTRATION .voaluy. .1Ef E1,111.10141.8 Enroll in these programs to become an Ontario Certified Teacher: Cottages fnrampgroud, Fora) PIMOSIol Nations PoRtechnie Aboriginal Teacher Certification Program Willow Park Campground. For Newt Apply immediately for e information call Il,n.,a. Teacher of Anishnaabemwin as a Second Language Program : Personal MALMO 905 -7fi8 -3141 Worker (May 2011 s Become o Classroom Assistant by enrolling In either our: Indigenous 1. Native Classroom Assistant Diploma FOR RENT Services Certificate (May(Mar 2001 Russell M. Program stm3 Aboriginal Teacher . Native Special Education Assistant Diploma Program J o,RRLB B 0ARco House fa rent: Flotation Program Raikes PO SInBM -.- rFR !mc6noN MARY CIO SINGBA 1 Mama carpeted (September 2011 st re for Bring your family and have your children participate in our [umurnon&hinotOlfonaya5aaa.laret5smotrmmttm,uw, Maim u925M9E0MM. AOdILA11 $700.011 Month, First and last oil documents for 91úsp10/bram ...... educational and engaging programs: _ - 5250.00 Damage deposit. is April 291 2 Mar. ParaOi . O.I. Group pltanryaBram1a40N LOa a No hause pet or smoking. F SW,. 4 Children's Day Camp kenptlW6ahmlirraae Ina. a nn I0.( Mar. Available April lot. 7100 Fourth Line, Aboriginal Science Camp Cased CN&wMMaw lAn6mMnPwepaneirO?re Weser. ON gala Call S19d45 -2478 Cohen Highlev Mun MMNaeMWUapuaig5pmahyNaureCB&fantysewemNTmninON 04,000.-i PROW. Ani 41011

no, Medal Namarii0 Bay. tkW&foNS Sean al Enna ON 80 5,2011 WOMAN. LL.B.

k:Wppicoatm.y tare wokr Re s Soizry,ganaON 370.700.00. , CLASSES START JULY 4, 2011 Indian . You. lase Gamin 6 eranryuruwtsapwnsen.,Bnawain, 934000.7r. A01,20l Residential School Claims FOR MORE INFORMATION: Treaty Sût NATIONS Rights COIIIICILittt ABORIGI NALPROGRAMS@NI PISSI NGU. CA Aboriginal Rights WWW.NIPISSINGU.CA/EOUCATION/ABOkIGiNALPROGRAM5,A5P 10SIINM g5MR114Ry , TOW WART can Civil Lawsuits, 705-474-3450 EXT. 4368 Masan Prato Chelevehaikeeen fame Bev. NOT, .o 0003,2011 Including Class Action Biwa a venaWMal2NPwtv01 BR, ...OW- ime 70.B. 50

Mienenane Rae fi., harm* f uu- Tme!sditnha . A.feml T (519) 672.9330 bean Anse. GB tMOaSaï-aoalpa6uuSae Tore LR1L Apri 0.2011

Dawn 14M5mr. P m lime1 Aai6,ß11 Reamed._.. íátiirlWiiaat.... - Ile Aura -._ Mead imq.na6mtwdaw Medea mnBRIrM&e. Id- Gut iRO Ap5.a111 Mer.NMwlrerw ar..w.:r.+.arr emMwm mormo. Check AMmm tem. waal.ma.Il.Mtsa. Im UR BAB, ant r

Aalmoimaesa a+, n oOl 111nwkmOasn. - Lo advertise in momia, semen nut April Walt out our ONE STUDENT AT A TIME au, mu, tout ime !Ilium I`RZT:1 Id61faM1122Ia1m 1w2Nem can Turn e Island or en, tat91py,472 le Idea l news.awm NEW HOME 'W9enlwnwagetwea,knauhs Ie...e. arnn GRAND EMPLOYMENT TRAINING Advertising mdana W Pdnns April IS, 2000 on the net! Turtle Island News is changing...watch for it in April RIVER AND ® ® I r J

cJ 20 TLIt L t AN L] V_VVS UIíTtE _ANL) NEWS Enniskó:wa/March 30, 2011

TURTLE ISLAND NEWS 5TH ANNUAL km, 1 110 EST VAL You're F Invited Were turning our front yard into an Eco friendly display and activity zone and inviting everyone to come out and participate in this event.

f Door Prizes Rain or Shine Displays: Win a laptop: BBQ & : Rachel Powless .. Schools collect the tret & Carl Pascoe rr most recycled Refreshments ; (Humming Bird Branding) materials Free Trees: ` e Six Nations Police Deadline April 30th Different varieties s Canadian Tire Win a Bike: (Caledonia) Student essay writing G . Home Depot contest on "Tell us how to ectr rs (Brantford) be green" CUSTOM EKES SERVICE & SALES Deadline April 22 DEALERS YOU CAN TRUST Six Nations www.golectric.com 905-512-2816 Public Works ç 1 Our Brawl at the Bush 4. SponsorsJ Mohawk College .

-l: . Earth Day Lots more to come... QÍtÊ th6erfrtIttK4i- CANADA ti 6

For more information call Turtle Island News at 519.445.0868 or e -mail one of our sales agents: ( amy @theturtleislandnews.com, marshall @theturtleislandnews.com, jenny @theturtleislandnews.com J

r . - p % I gl ; i,T:. Litu. îA `k

u . r :t r THURSDAY APRIL 21, 10Atvt -4P t 2208 CHIEFSWOOD ROAD.

,y Call Amy at 519.445.0868 for booth space and advert'sing if x; I, ;á' 9;'. j l