Sustainable Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan (STTPP) – One of the Major Manifesto Commitments of the GSLP/Liberal Government
Sustainable Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan (STTPP) March 2017 [this page has been left blank intentionally Gibraltar Sustainable Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan 310595 ITD ITQ 001 E C:\Users\fin34897\Downloads\010216_STTPP_Main Document_Final Version September 2016 docx September 2016 Final Document Gibraltar Sustainable Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan Final Document March 2017 HM Government of Gibraltar Suite 735, Europort Gibraltar Mott MacDonald, Mott MacDonald House, 8-10 Sydenham Road, Croydon CR0 2EE, United Kingdom T +44 (0)20 8774 2000 F +44 (0)20 8681 5706 W Gibraltar Sustainable Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan Final Document I am delighted to introduce Gibraltar’s Sustainable Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan (STTPP) – one of the major manifesto commitments of the GSLP/Liberal Government. I truly believe that making these important changes to the way we move around the Rock are the future if we want to safeguard the environment, encourage a healthier lifestyle and enjoy the benefits of greater traffic flow. Work in this area started some time ago when Gibraltar introduced the free bus service to encourage users to leave their own vehicles at home, thereby decongesting our roads and reducing the effects of pollution. I am happy to see there has been a steady increase in users of this service. We will continue this work with the imminent introduction of Redibikes, our bicycle hire scheme, giving users another option of sustainable transport that provides added health benefits. The Government is determined to reduce the impact of transport operations on the environment. With this in mind, we will move towards procuring more electric and hybrid vehicles for Government departments, where possible.
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