Serving a Progressive & Growing Area oh B. (J.'s Southern Coast Covers Sechelt, Gibson's Landing, Port Mellon, Woodfibre, Squamish Irvine's Landing, Half Moon Bay Hardy Island, Pender Harbour Wilson Creek. Roberts Creek Grantham's Landing, Egmont, Hopkin's Landing, Brackendale Cheekeye, etc. PITB_(XS__BD B_" TEE COAST NEWS, IiZMXTED Business Office: Half ZtXoon Bay, B. C. .rational Advertising1 Office: Powell River, B. C.

SECHELT—Violet Marion Jef- VOL. 2, No. 1. HALFMOON BAY, B. C. Friday, July 26, 1946 5c Per Copy. $2.50 Per Year, by Mail feries of the Sechelt Indian ======Reserve passed away in her -home Saturday afternoon July 20, after "being ill for three Hardy Sports "months. Violet would have been lowers 19 years of age in September. GOWER POINT—-Bonnie Brook Lodge is open for business, Her's was a short life but she and in every way measures up Festival Success -had not lived in vain. Up to to the eulogy of its name. Mr. the time she died, this attrac­ Visit Squamish and Mrs. G. 1\ Williams, who tive Indian girl with her nice purchased the lodge from Mrs. Despite Rain SQUAMISH, B.C.—During the manners, winning smile and M. Chaster, are host and hostess By MARGERY THOMAS early hours of Friday morn­ pleasing personality won her rather than proprietors, giving HARDY ISLAND, B. C. — The ing, yeggmen forced an entrance way into the hearts of the many to each guest the attention of a to Mackenzie's Ltd. and did the personal friend. The keynote is 'summer sports festival held Elphinstone who knew her, and through July 7 and 2, had been common­ first safe blowing job ever to be the friends she had won, much quality and the hallmark a satis­ done in Squamish. fied guest. ly referred to by the local resi­ was done towards banishing ra­ dents as "the big do", and which The job has the appearance of cial prejudice. The lodge, located at the Cannery Sets being the work of experienced mouth of Paynes Creek near the turned out to be "the big dew" Violet at the age of 15 became Gower Point store, has accom­ ^on account of the very heavy safecrackers. The safe was taken V waitress in the Union Steam­ modation for sixteen guests. rain for most of the time. Ow­ from the office, which is about ship Co.'s Sechelt Inn, and was Mr. and Mrs. Williams have ing to the inclement weather, Two Records 12 feet higher and overlooking » working there up to the time the drygoods department, and 7 completely renovated and re­ the turnout was not nearly as GIBSONS LANDING—The El­ j pf her illness. During the time furnished the original building. large as had been anticipated, phinstone Co-operative Can­ pushed into the meat freezer y spent at the inn.she made friends A large stone fireplace has been but, nevertheless the crowd was nery, during its first week of and after being well covered I with the many guests who came * added to the living room, and a most enthusiastic one. operation during the present with blankets and other mate­ I from all overYCanada arid the the dining room is equipped The local championship com­ season, has set two records of rials to deaden the sound of thfc ' United States. Her desires, with tables suitable for parties petitions were held on Sunday which it can be justly proud. explosion it was . blown wide / tastes, ambitions and the lik- of any size. Each guest room with Harry B. Thomas in charge. Manager Fred Holland states open. Evidently there was a ; ing yfor prejttyy clothes were the has been finished in a slightly Judd Johnston was first in the that the strawberry pack, gang, for the safe weighed all same as another girl's at her different motif, and each com­ trap-shooting competition and although small, is of the best of 1000 pounds and would re­ age. Last year she accompanied mands a view of either the, Johnny Vaughn first in the .22 quality ever produced since the quire several strong men to get Mrs: Ethel Frederickson to Hol­ stream or the gulf. The grounds calibre rifle competition. installation of the steam cooker it downstairs to the place where, lywood and visited many of the extend far up the trout stream Capt. ;El A. Wehner. acted as about 14 years ago... During the it was blown open. Mr. J. R. highy qlass night clubs and road and to a frontage of one hundred master of ceremonies on Mon­ second day of cooking three Morrison, manager of Macken­ houses. She saw many interest­ feet at the beach, where swim­ day, with Harry Thomas again tons of raspberry jam was tin­ zie's, was working in the office ing sights as she went on long ming and boating facilities are in charge of the rifle arid trap- ned, the largest quantity cook­ until nearly midnight and still drives through California. Her available. shooting competitions. The open ed in any day in the cannery's other of our late retiring citizens i ambition was to make many Services of the lodge include trap-shooting competition was history. The local quota of passed the store after 12 o'clock more long trips, but this all had lunches, teas, card parties, pic­ won by Harry Leith, Harry jam is being released to stores and report nothing unusual at [to be forgotten. When she be­ nic lunches, dinners, wedding Thomas second and Ed Wehner in the district now. that time, which fixes the time came ill, her friends did every­ and anniversary parties, or any as being later. It is thought dccasion when a group wishes third. thing in-their power to help Miss arid put competitions that the robbers got away with make her well. No mother could to go a little further afield for Missing Sailors about $1200. It would seem that something different. were won by Harry Leith, Har- have cared morie for her than vy Heard arid Harry Thomas. Safe at Flat Top they had some knowledge as to Mrs. Frederickson who had been Both host and hostess have local habits and the best time made extensive surveys of Open -'.rifle competition was GIBSONS LANDING — Two to make a haul, for it is rarely f he^t thing to being a mother to men, reported missing aboard &hefe$E^ yl^ge-fca^Yfhotel^ management that the local merchants .have ;4b£Y -14rf dot bailing vessel Rev­ much cksh on hand, business \{Violet • YwsS^takemvto thei Y St.-" man Klein third. erie on a trip to Nanaimo, are < Mary's hospital-first, but when airirto provide thebest without being chiefly conducted by t •exception for the people who Women's Open rifle competi­ safe at Flat Top Island, off the cheque. This will give Constable it ;• was seen that very little tion was won by Mrs. Norman coast of the Sechelt Peninsula. t coiild•"-; be done for her there, become their guests. It is a high Malins a severe test in his new aim, but it is already being Klein. The men are Charles Baines position here. J a bright little room was added and Bob Minty, who left here [ to her [ home. Y White men and achieved at Bonnie Brook lodge. There was keen competition among the children during their Monday morning and were un­ .Indian men worked side by side reported until early today. They /to build it. A special back rest sports event with Mrs. Judd Johnston in charge. put in to Flat Top when storms ' was built by Mr* Archer so she buffeted their small craft. "Sea Bus' could sit up and look out The best cake contest was 'through the many windows of won by Mrs. Dave Taylor with her room. If one paid any atten­ Mildred Carpendale acting as BIRTHS tion one could have seen a judge. JEWITT—To Mr. and Mrs. Bill in Use on number of the guests at the inn R.P.A. Meets A suitable trophy, given by Jewitt, on Wednesday, July and residents of Sechelt making By JIM RENNIE Capt. E. A. Wehner, was award­ 10, a daughter, Wendy. daily trips to visit her briefly. GRANTHAMS LANDING — ed to William Westbrook for JAMIESON—To Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Run A little love bird was given to The annual meeting of the the largest salmon caught in the Stuart Jamieson, at Vancou­ GIBSONS LANDING—Sea Bus th^r by one friend to keep her Grantham's RiPA. Association district during 1945. This trophy ver General Hospital, on July No. 1, a trim red and cream- V company, and another sent her was held in the Community Hall will be handed on to the person 10, a daughter, sister for Ann colored craft, has usurped first [r some gold fish; but they arrived on Saturday, July 13, at 8 p.m., landing the largest salmon Marie. This is the fifth grand­ place on the Howe Sound Trans­ J too late. Gifts from many parts with 35 members being present. caught in the district during daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James port ferry run from Gibsons lot Canada and United States The president, Mr. Frank Hen­ 1946. Collins. Landing to Fisherman's Cove. * continued to arrive even after derson was in the chair. The small motorboat races This long-delayed new ferry she had passed away. As the The president reported prog­ were postponed until a later went into operation at the be­ rend was nearing she wanted a ress by all the committees which date. ginning of the week, and doubles I last look around the country­ included completion of cement Just before the picnic supper Your Paper the ferry accommodation. side she loved; she wanted to be steps to the beach, electric light­ Miss Dorothy Harding gracious­ More streamlined, and quite driven down the highway to ing to the hall, installation of a ly distributed the prizes and a look at familiar scenes but she like a band bus, this watercraft, circulating heater, improve­ vote of thanks was extended to Now Year Old with its better accommodation, was too weak for the ride. She ments to the floats that now ac­ Capt, and Mrs. Wehner for their finally persuaded her father to By JIM RENNIE more glass for unobstructed commodate 35 boats and remov­ untiring efforts towards mak­ GRANTHAMS LANDING — view and more passenger con­ carry her where she could have ing of trees from around the ing the festival the success it One year has passed since the veniences, will do much to popu­ a long look at the sea and its hall. The water committee re­ was. Great credit was due Mes­ Coast News was born. Have larize this quick and convenient shores so she could take memo­ ported receipt of a fine engine dames Wehner arid Johnston and you read it? Did you get a method of travel from Sechelt ries of them with her to the pump with 2,000 feet of hose their assistants in the capable world beyond. Her mind was handling of the refreshments. kick out of it? Was it worth Peninsula to the North Shore. and a large: siren from the while? Is it what you expected, Owner-operators Gordon Bal- clear when she was very close A.R.P. .y.-yu^'y- Dancing commenced at 9 p.m. to the end. She was calm as or what you want, and would lentine and George Frith, an­ Mrs. Reg. Godfrey reported on and continued until the wee like it to continue? nounce that further ferry reser-» she said farewell to her rel­ y behalf of the committee on en­ small hours of the morning to atives and close friends.; v She There is an editor to this vations will not be essential, tertainments and outlined a the music of Georgie Page, Bill weekly but he can't make a special trip for weekenders on gave special instructions, what to programme for 1946. Harding and Frank Ficek. do with her love bird and gold paper. He is only the man at and that added trips and a fish. Evened the last she want­ A hearty vote of thanks was the wheel and he must have a Saturdays, leaving Gibsons at ed to make sure that thanks rendered to the board of officers Memorial Recreation crew of correspondents and a 1 p.m. and Fisherman's at 2:30 went out to all who had been who by acclamation were re­ boat load of readers and sub­ p.rii., arriving back at Gibsons so kind to her. Among those turned to office for the ensuing Society to Sponsor scribers. I overheard a remark at 3:40 p.m. she particularly named were Mr. year. ' . ••/-• .-.•*•. • :-*<"•'# ISibsons Teen Town the otheir day, 'It's the ad's that and Mrs. Hartyick Frederick- make a paper pay. son ;yMr; arid Mrs. NprmaiiyBur- July 22, at 10 o'clopk a.m. Mr. GIBSONS LANDING—As a re­ That is wrong. Without the ley,yy Mr. and Mrs. R. ; Hackett, George Mitchell, who is the head sult of meetings held by both subscribers there would be no Mrs/ F/jMcQuihness, Mr; and window trimmer for David organizations" during the week, ads, and without the enthusias­ Mrs. GeorgeYMitchelL Violet's Spencer Ltd., gathered flowers* the Community Memorial Re­ tic support of the community a mother and^ father, |_r. and Mrs. from the local gardens and made creation Society is to sponsor paper can't exist. Abe Jef feries also send out their a very pretty Wreath just be­ the Gibsons Landing Teen Its a recognized fact today thanks, top, for the many kind- fore he left for . He Town. It is felt that the two that a'good weekly newspaper nesses y shown towards Y their and his wife made frequent trips groups can work more efficient- , has an influence unsurpassed by daughter. The funeral services to visit Violet while they were ly as combined and co-operative any other medium and desefrves JLHTOSri TOIDHIAOHd were held at Sechelt, Monday, staying at the Sechelt inn. groups than as separate ones. the support of all good citizens.

>*T?T>w Page Two THE COAST NEWS, Halfmoon Bay, B. C. Friday, July 26, 1946

pipes, and glass enamels, is an­ ticipated. Wxz ©oast Njews The Research and Develop­ ment Branch of the Dept. of The Listening Post Reconstruction is sending Cana­ dian manufacturers an increas­ ing number of reports on war­ AT OTTAWA By Charles Clay time technical developments as they come off the secret list. ! CHOICE by Mr. King of Health United States to open a bank PROVINCIAL POLITICS and Wejfare Minister Claxton for workers, points up the silli­ Further damage to the struc­ as his assistant and lone parlia­ ness of the traditional criticism ture of Canadian unity is ex­ 3 Lines (15 Words) for 35c, 3 Insertions (same ad) 60c mentary delegate to the prelim­ of capitalism by labor. pected if the latest Alberta gov­ Sxtra words, above 15-word min., 2c each. Cash with order. inary Paris peace conference has ernment's Social Credit legisla­ BUREAUX ACTIVE Totices, Engagements, Marriages, Deaths, etc., 75c insertion sharpened speculation about Mr. tion is declared unconstitutional Claxton's parliamentary future: Experimenting with magnes­ by the federal courts, because he how seems more than ever ium, the Physical Metallurgical Albelrta's Social Credit Premier LITTLE ADS - - - BIG RESULTS! the most likely choice as Mr. Research Laboratories produced Manning then plans an assault King's successor as minister of a 40-pound piano frame, which on the British North America PICTURE FRAMING FOR SALE external affairs. is 125 pounds lighter than the Act, demanding revision, which TWO HOUSES on adjoining Latest Capital Hill rumors traditional steel frame and has will be bitterly opposed by Que­ Send your enlargements, pho­ superior tonal qualities. tos, certificates to us for expert waterfront lots at Selma Park concerning the futures of cabin­ bec. with pleasant sea view. /One et ministers are that Finance Alarmed by inroads of the, Saskatchewan Liberals are framing at low cost. Prices be­ European larch sawfly. into prai­ fore job is done, if you wish. house is comparatively new Minister Ilsley, Justice St. Laur­ nettled because of inadequate ent, and Reconstruction Minister rie tamaracks, which is not be­ publicity about the Liberal Nova Cranberry Hardware, Powell and well constructed, has 6 ing checked by the current bio­ lUver, B.C. rooms, glassed in sun porch, cir­ Howe are considering resigning Scotia government increases of culating fireplace and bath because they feel they have logical control (distribution of school teachers* salaries to a WE BUY AND SELL— room with full plumbing. The borne long enough the brunt of sawfly parasites), the federal minimum of $1,150, double the Rifles and shotguns bought second house is situated close the wartime and postwar strug­ government is planning chemi­ average of such Nova Scotia sal­ 1 and sold also all kinds of used to the beach, has 4 rooms lined gle and deserve rest and leisure. cal control. A repetition of the aries in the 1939-40 period. goods, furniture, clothing, tools, Inside circles expect the gov­ devastation of tamaracks dur­ with 3 ply, running water and ing early part of this century is etc. Square Deal Store, West- a toilet. Both houses for $6,800 ernment will accede to the plea PC^DOQOOOQOOOOCOQOOOOOOQOC of amnesty for 14,000 army de­ the prospect if chemical control view, B.C. or will sell separately. fails. * * * serters. This expectation is bas­ CONNOR NU-WAY HAND ed on the fact that on December Canada's Department of Fish- * Five room house about five eries continues to expand, with WASHERS $36, IN STOCK— years old in good repair, 120 22, 1919, there was a general Pender Harbour Traders Ltd. amnesty proclaimed in Canada the erection of the first fisher­ acres, 2 cleared, the remainder ies inspectation station in Prince Madiera Park, Pender Harbour. in second and old growth tim­ for-all deserters of World War tf I, who at that time numbered Edward Island to speed up de­ ber. Running water is piped liveries of canned seafood which from a good stream running 24,139. KEYS TO ORDER— Stung by charges in the house must undergo inspection before All kinds of keys made to through property. On the main shipping; and with the setting highway about 1}4 miles from of commons that the Canadian order. Send sample you wish cost-of-living index is based on up of a new division of educa­ duplicated. Muir's Hardware, stores, post office and wharf at tion to work among fishermen Halfmoon Bay. Price $3,000.00. unobtainable goods, latest word at Powell River (Westview) B.C. is that the government plans and fish processors. Terms: Half down, balance A special exhibition created MARINE REPAIRS $35.00 per month. some modification of the basis For more than 50 years, of the index. by the National Research Coun­ UNION has served the We are specialists in general * * * cil, National Film Board, Na­ repairs, electric and acetylene Property on main highway OTTAWA NOTES tional Art Gallery, called "De-V coastal communities of with pas­ welding. Westview Machine one mile, west of East Roberts Amendments to the Civil Ser­ sign in Industry" and featuring Shop, Westview, * B.C. Creek school. Well constructed vice Superannuation Act are wood products, will start a senger and freight 2-year-old 3-room house, full pending, and reports are that cross-Dominion tour in Novem­ transportation. MISCELLANEOUS ber. SAWS GUMW3SD, lawn mowers plumbing, cement foundation. the new provisions will cover overhauled and sharpened, Stable 18' x 18', Garage (1) 26' members of the diplomatic ser­ With the need for building icissors, shears and knives x 22' with cement foundation vice as well as various govern- materials urgent, and the pro­ • and floor, garage: (2) 16', 20' merity "boards and agencies, the duction of them haying long- jjrburid. Apply W. W. Bur­ ; Daily sailings to Howe roughs, Westview, B.C. tf ceriierif floor^ 26% acres, % idea being inspired' partly by* ' range business possibilities, afe-- acre cleared. Nice stream run­ fairness and partly as an addi­ tiyity by the Industrial Devel­ Sound or Gulf. Coast FOR SALE ning through property. Price tional lever to get talent inter­ opment Bank to encourage the points via Union ships TWO - YEAR - OLD 30' x 7' 10" $2,750.00. ested in these careers which establishment of industries man­ as per schedule. Regular troller, guaranteed perfect CONSOLIDATED BROKERS now lack pension protection. ufacturing such housing cqiri- condition, 7-9 h.p. Easthope en­ LIMITED Department of Veterans Af­ ponehts as electric insulators, and special, trips via gine, gurdies and full equip­ 942 West Pender Street, fairs hospitals having unionized sanitary ware, sewer and drain Howe Sound Ferries de­ ment. E. F. Lewis, Halfmoon Vancouver, B. C. orderlies are running into trou­ parting from Whytecliffe Bay. 47 Local Representative: ble: the orderlies insist that nurses do such hack work as or Fisherman's Cove. FOR SALE E. W. PARR PEARSON, Halfmoon Bay, B.C. bedmaking and furniture scrub­ JERVIS WATER 17 y2 FT. SPEED boat hull new bing, and the nurses are quit­ last year $400.00 or will trade ting rather than submit to the IRAI^ORT for 3-room house on skids or orderlies' demands. PENDER HARBOUR SECHELT STORE float of same value. Write or Canadian students and pro­ call F. W. Kolterman, Halfmoon fessional men interested in the Bay. 46 Arctic and its development A good supply of general _^ • i - • • — - -- TOWING NOTICE OF CANCELLATION view with increasing apprehen­ merchandise always in FOR SALE OF RESERVE AND STAR SIX Marine Clutch 16x10 sion Soviet research and inves­ stock. Rennie'Sy Brack- propeller, fresh water cooled, NOTICE is hereby given that tigational activities in the So­ man-Ker's garden seeds. now in boat; in excellent condi­ the Reserve established under viet Arctic zones, and are press­ CHARTER authority of Order-in-Council ing the government to takie sim­ Window glass cut to tion. G. W. Kimberley, Egmont, ilar steps in the Canadian Arc­ SERVICE order. B.C. 1 No. 1653, approved December 9th, 1943, notice of which was tic zones. Their condition is that PAINTING published in the British Colum­ Muskox was good only insofar RSSIDENTS of Sechelt Penin­ bia Gazette of December 16th, as it went, and that more in­ sula! We offer all weather 1943, is cancelled in so far as it tensive investigation should be protection for your home. Paint­ relates to the following de­ conducted. Operated By SECHELT INN ing our specialty, brush or scribed lands: Ottawa Conservative stalwarts W. H HEARD spray; roofing, alterations and Lot 34 of District Lots 693 say that the plan of the Philip­ PENDER HARBOUR repairs. Phone or write Walker pine government, to use the Excellent Dining Room- and 694, Group 1, New Tea Rooms, soft drinks, and Ritchie, Selma Park. Westminster District, Plan $100,000 gift of the C.I.O. of the 3593, containing 2.20 acres. light snacks. Roller skat­ HELP WANTED—FEMALE Lot 3897, ing Rink, Friday even­ RELIABLE girl or woman to District, containing 40 acres. ings* 7-U p.m.—Dancing, help with household duties in Lot 5253, New Westminster Shows at the Pavilion. modern city home with every District, containing 46.7. convenience. Two small chil­ acres. dren. Liberal time off. Live H. CATHCART, SHOP by MAIL in. Salary $60 month. This is Deputy Minister of Lands. • an excellent position for the Department of right person. Address reply to Lands and Forests, from For information, call or Mrs. Ella Gilmour, R.N., Person­ Victoria, B.C. phone Mr. R. S. Hackett at nel Dep't, National Biscuit and June 25th, 1946. Sechelt Store, or Union Confection Co., Vancouver. - - - - — —. Steamships, Vancouver. — - WANTED WEDDING STATIONERY FOR SIX months or longer, Engraved or standard wed­ Powell Stores LtcL from October 1st, 4-roomed ding invitations, announce­ cottage. Box S, Coast News. 47 ments. Also wedding cake boxes, complete with cards, 95c. Powell River, B. C. FOR SALE " dozen. The Coast News, Half­ WE HAVE waterfront property moon Bay, B.C. from Gibsons Landing * to Pender Harbour. E. W. Parr IT HAS ITS POINTS The north coast's Most Modern Department Store Pearson, representing Consoli­ "Every woodsman recognizes datedBrolcers,,942 West Pender the worth of the porcupine," St., Vancouver. tfn says a natural history authority. &&OOOOQQOO&QOQOQ&OOtmOOC Friday, July 26, 1946 THE COAST NEWS, Halfmoon Bay, B. C- Page Three PRESENTATION MADE 3ss §__-©gset__ Weds Rev. F. Eide proposed the toast to the bride. By Mrs. O. Dubois I\ Mr. and Mrs. Spencer will re­ side in Grantham's Landing on I _4_?%# their return from a wedding trip Mrs. Constance Harper, our GIBSONS LANDING—A wed- to Banff. teacher here, has left us for a ing of much interest in the ^few weeks holiday with relatives community took place on Saf> in Victoria and Orcas Island, ,ve ©l urday evening in Nidaros Lu­ Washington. WHEN Charles E. Lamport awoke on Saturday morning, theran Church, New Westmin­ For Safe Reliable * * # ster, when Anna Louise, daugh­ The change in the weather July 6th, he no doubt began to lay plans for some special ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Krog- TRANSPORTATION has pleased everyone here. Mr. way of celebrating his 65th birthday Sunday, July 7th; seth, 420 Ninth street, became PHONE Myers is getting in his hay. which birthday also marked his retirement from some the bride of Mr. Roland Edwin * * * TAIT'S TAXI t ' thirty-odd years service with the Pacific Great Eastern Spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fred Klein had a good crop of Railway Company. Little did he know that his family of Spencer, Grantham's Landing. SERVICE cherries this year and has done nine daughters and one son ' ; The bride, given away by her • HALFMOON BAY well with them. had these plans well laid for in the Parish Hall by John Hur­ father, chose a gown of white * * * lace over satin, featuring a full Passengers picked up at Pen­ Miss Leona Dubois sepnt Mon­ some time. Their only re­ ren, and it was a very merry bunch indeed that sat down to skirt. Her embroidered net veil der Harbour and way points day at home with her parents^ gret was that they could not was held in place by a coronet to make connections with Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Dubois. surprise their Mum as well, do justice to the swell spread he put on. Father Lamport, of of seed pearls and her bridal Gibsons Landing Ferry. but had to take her into course, sat at the head of the bouquet was of yellow roses, their confidence, else how table, and those present were swansonia, and white carna­ could Dad be taken off Mr. and Mrs. Steve Murphy tions. guard? However, Mrs. Lam­ (Thelma) from Mission, B.C.; Miss Muriel Ingle and Miss 'S port entered into the game Mr. and Mrs. Art Musto (Syl­ Alma Gulbransen, the senior BVft with spirit and things went via), Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. bridesmaids, were attired in off according to plan. Walter Malm (Evelyn), Luntz- gowns of mauve and yellow ville, B.C.; Mrs. Jens Sorenson sheer. Their arm bouquest of General Store Charlie has 17 grandchildren (Vera), Lund, B.C.; Mr. and sweet peas and snapdragons. and two great-grandchildren, at the Wharf Mrsl Jerry Audet (Esther), Port Mr. Gordon Heatley Was the and it would have been very Moody, B.C.; Mrs. Len Walker groomsman, and th eushers were nice if they could have been in­ (Aileen), Alberni, B.C.; Mr. and Mr. Eric Coqper and Mr. Her­ Halfmoon Bay cluded in the plans. However Mrs. Bert Pierce (Frances) and bert Halvorsen. the only ones to be so honored baby Mavis, Vancouver; Mr. were baby Mavis Pierce, the and Mrs. Ed. Aldridge (Alta) and Rev. F. Eide performed the youngest granddaughter, who Terry, Squamish; Mr. and Mrs. ceremony. The soloists were was less than a monh old upon John Boyd (Bette), and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson and Miss Groceries her grandfather's birthday; and Mrs. Russell Lamport, also of M. Avery. The wedding music Terry Aldridge who, fortunate­ Squamish. was played by Mrs. C. Pollett. ly for him, lives in Squamish; A reception was held in St. Meats for the girls felt it would be too FESTIVE AIR Andrew's Church hall, where great a strain on their parents' Flowers oh the table and in mothers of the bride and groom Regular Fruit if they all brought their off­ vases in various spots about the received the guests. springs with them, even though hall gave it a very festive air Mrs. Iver Iverson, godmother Vegetables they would have been tickled indeed; and the banner shout­ of the bride, and Miss Mae Scheduled to death to come. ing "Happy Birthday" at Char­ White presided at the tea table, lie when he walked in, gave it and girl friends of the bride FIRST SURPRISE .served the guests. The first great surprise of the that party touch. Freight Service day was the .arrival in Squamish Second big surprise of the WHEN AT THE DOCK of the daughters and those of day was in the form of a party them a couple of good sports. THREE TIMES REPLENISH YOUR STOCK their husbands who were able in this same hall in the evening, Dancing filled in a good part WEEKLY to come. The supper was served where some fifty friends joined of. the evening, which passed all the family in wishing Charlie to oquickly as all good things from many happy returns of the day; do. and congratulating him on his Lunch was served at midnight Vancouver retirement from the /P.G.E. by John Hurren, and everyone It really was a grand evening, will agree with us, it was de­ to beginning with dancing at nine licious. o'clock to music supplied by PRESENTATION Mi*. Jack Woodland of Vancou­ Gibsons Landing ver; and boy, can that man Mr. Lamport was presented make that piano talk! There with a Reynolds pen from the Barges leave our Vancouver wasn't one person in that hall shops employees, by Mr. Bailey Dock every MONDAY, WED­ who didn't get itchy feet; If6 who gave a short impromptu GIBSONS LANDING speech on his work with the NESDAY and FRIDAY at you don't believe this ask some P.G.E. 6 _D.m. sailing direct to GIB­ of the folk present what they SONS LANDING. Your VISIT OUR thought of the Jitterbug contest Mir. Morrison also gave an im­ won by Mr. J. R. Morrison, and promptu speech on behalf of the freight will be waiting for Vera Sorenson! Charlie, just guests, and told us just how you at 8 a.m. next morning. NEW to prove he wasn't as old as good a neighbor Charlie is, FRIDAY barge will also call some might think, walked off which we all believe. , at Blubber Bay, Van Anda, FURNITURE DEPARTMENT with the second prize. Some Several purses of money were Lang Bay, Stillwater, Pender credit should of course be given given Charlie by his friends; also a hammer and saw. Looks Harbour, Half Moon Bay and his partner, Aileen Walker. Sechelt. Did you know we had some as though you haven't retired promising milliners amongst after all, Charlie! Don't go any further, we have a complete line of our rdenfolk? You would have Mr. Lamport responded to Household Furniture, High Quality English China no doubts on this had you seen these, and a toast to his health Transportation and a good assortment of other Porcelain Ware. some of the creations iri the hat left a few misty eyed. At Mail Order Prices contest. Marsh Hurren copped Altogether it was a successful Limited the prize in that one, but it was evening, and if any of you won­ a close race. Marsh; I saw some der whether Charlie enjoyed it Vancouver Barge dandies crowding you! or not, just ask to see one of • those pictures Joe Sidsworth Phone or Mail Your Order Today APPARENT SCANDAL took, and you will have your VANCOUVER, B.C. For awhile it looked as though answer right there. a scandal was going to break, •« when Nellie Powell and Bob Watson, each with a suitcase in Pender Harbour Traders Ltd. their hands, made a mad dash ... i for the doorway. However, ' Madeira Park, Pender Harbour they stopped before they reach­ LANG'S DRUGS MERCHANTS and MARINE ENGINEERS ed the end of the hall and put­ PHONE 3 SHORT GIBSONS LANDING Bt7ix_Dx_ra BtrHiBEBS' MARINE ENGINES ting their suitcases down, pro­ STTPP_.I:_S HARDWARE * (new) ceeded to open them up. Nel­ Plywood; Wallboard, Lauson, gas PLUMBING Murphy—Deisel lie's suitcase had various articles Prescription Specialist Roofing, Shingles, SUPPLIES Cement Hendy—:Deisel of male apparel, while Bob's SASS and SOOSS LINOLEUM MARINE ENGINES contained some feminine attire. -TAX-iS MARINE BUMFS (Rebuilt) It turned out each was to dress FAINT and "Jabisco" MARINE up in the contents of their suit­ HOT WEATHER NEEDS VARNISHES SUPPLIES and case and he one doing so first MARINE PAINTS ROPE and CANVAS PISHING GEAR BATHING CAPS SUN GOGGLES by Lipsett's was to be winner. You should "Sea Kilig" Brand . . LTJHB-B have seen them!' When Nellie SUN TAN LOTION HAND LOTIONS STOCKS CARREEB got that Stanfield suit on (over THERMOS BOTTLES We carry stocks of most items. Ask us to submit quotations her other clothes, of course) she CHARM KURL COLOGNE AND for your requirements. You will find our prices compare looked right smart! Did you PERFUMES favorably with city prices. know that corselette would have WAVE SET We hold dealerships from some of the best supply fastened had you put it on pro­ For a home permanent .houses in Vancouver. • perly, Bob? It was on back­ $1.35 Set MAIL ORDERS wards, you know. It seemed to HANDLED PROMPTLY GOOD QTT__-__Tr"— FATO PRICE us it was a tie, and we all think Page Four THE COAST NEWS, Halfmoon Ray, B. C. Friday, July 26, 1946

PARLIAMENTARY backbenchers may be able fication system, it should be based on finger­ Les Peterson, Correspondent. to do something about our national registra­ prints—made when we are babies and filed tion cards when labor department estimates are away at some national or provincial head­ up for debate, says the Edmonton Bulletin. GIBSONS LANDING—The Bay R.C.M.P. Constable Kenneth quarters. and Headlands districts of Austin and family of Edmonton Officialdom would like Canadians to carry the Apart from any question of "regimentation," Gibsons no whave the service are the guests of the constable's cards forever. Police believe they are useful the cards have served their wartime purpose of a local store. This new busi­ mother at Gibsons Landing. We for identification purposes. more or less effectively, are now frayed and ness, operating as The Black wish him: the luck he had last dirty after five years in a pocket book, are more and White Store, is located on year when two nice Cohoes Too frequently, . however, the registration often than not left at home just when a police­ cards are used by crooks as a means of EVAD­ the Gower Point Road next to came his way. man Wants to see one, and might better be dis­ the Community Playground site. ING identification—how often have we read carded once and for all. * * y* of some fellow arrested by the police being in Proprietor Jack White has a Even provincial liquor boards could get very neat store and a locality Mrs. Workman was a visitor possession of one or more forged or stolen regis­ along very well without their being produced at Vancouver for two weeks as tration cards. which will unquestionably be­ when permits are purchased. There again a come more and more central as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fingerprints provide more certain identifica­ fingerprint would be more certain to tell the the Headlands district becomes Workman. tion, and if we are to have any national identi- truth. built up. * * * * * * Capt. Lanaway with Mrs. Under auspices of the St. Vin­ Lanaway and Doreen spent the Trimming the Hat cent Mission, there will be a week-end at Granthams. social evening in the Legion * * * THE BRITISH sailor has, it appears a strong Hall on Tuesday, August 6. Mr. and Mrs. Reichalt and disposition to wear his hat on the back of his Bingo, tea, and a sale of home Dickie of Edmonton are spend­ head—-a tendency regarded with so much dis­ cooking are scheduled for the ing their* vacation at Granthams favor by the Admiralty that it has introduced THIS IS the week when newspaper publishers of America rendezvous in New York. They evening. as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. an oval hat which, it is claimed, makes the feat * * * Pateman. practically impossible. It is, of course, obvious say they come to talk over problems, but we that if the British tar is to measure up to Gil­ still think they come to consult psychiatrists A business entirely new to * * * bert's famous conception of him, if and find out why they ever chose a business this district, that of store and Mrs. Scott and Allan are the with so much abuse in return for so /-much restaurant combined, is open to guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave His nose should pant and his lip should the public commencing Satur­ curl, effort, worry and investment. Bates. day, July 27. Located immedi­ * * * His cheeks should flame and his brown We think a lot of 'em come just to have their headaches gone over. ately below the school hall, this Mr. and Mrs. John Howlett of should furl,. undertaking aims at filling a His bosom should heave and his heart They are in one of the toughest businesses in are the guests of Mr. the world, always a target for assorted attacks tirple need: light lunches, hot and Mrs. Fred Howlett. should glow, drinks and sundries for school And his fist be ever ready for a knock­ and seldom getting much credit for doing a job that is as important as any in the country, students, snacks for dance and down blow, theatre goes, and shopping fa­ he is bound to spoil the effect if he wears his and one that is done all in all, with rare skill and top wisdom. cilities for those people who hat like a halo. live at least a mile from the Nevertheless, one can sympathize with this The newspaper readers feel familiar with writers, with artists, strip cartoonists and some village. All three needs are desire to carry the hat aft. Even those whose present and have been express­ nautical experience is limited to a "pull round of the editors, but mighty few know the boys who pay the bills, plot the course, weather the ed; now they may all look to the pier" will know how tightly the hat must being filled. be affixed for a life on the ocean wave if it gales and handle the knotty problems that is not to be written off as gone with the wind. mean the difference between owning a news­ The store and cafe dining paper and fraternizing with the referee in bank­ room are housed under one roof. ERIC INGLIS And reflecting that this is the constant ordeal The store is to be largely self- of the sailor, they will see in the perilous angle ruptcy. GENERAL Most readers never heard of the men who service. The cafe is equipped of his headgear ashore a natural and not in­ with modern counters and an TRUCKING appropriate symbol of the holiday mood. One give the yes or no in the times of crisis, who do a vital job without any of the applause, up-to-date kitchen, capable of and FUEL must grant, however, that in this fashion it serving all requests from sand­ does not present an appearance that is alto­ cheers or spotlights and who get abused by wiches to full-course meals. Jim Gibson's Landing gether shipshape; but whether the eval hat every crackpot in the country. Carson and Wally Peterson have will ride on an even keey, or merely list reck­ It is more the fashion now than ever to jibe built a structure that is an asset lessly to port or starboard, remains to be seen. at the newspapers, to take dirty cracks at the to their neighborhood. They, —Christian Science Monitor. press, to leap into every yniike; and' ontoyevery have built well, in the faith that soapbox with slurs abquf; the' freedbmYof' the their community will grow. m^nn V. llAn press; yet the press was never in better hands, ...••»..•*'.•. never run on a higher level and never managed Remember the with less narrowness, more respect for tradi­ Jim Drummond, well known tions and a greater yen to give the people all Gibsons athlete, successfully General Store completed his junior matricu­ Woodshed? the news all the time. Pender Harbour This writer has been a newspaperman since lation at the Howe Sound Unit­ A PROFESSOR, talking recently to a group ed school, the Department of he was knee high. He has been in most every Education has announced. of parents, deplored the fact that architects department of trie business. And he is yet to have overlooked the importance of the wood­ see that oft-pictured animal, the corrupt news­ shed in their house designs. Of course, the pro­ Groceries — Meats paper publisher. Well, Are They? fessor was looking for a laugh—and he got it. * » * Drygoods — Drugs The woodshed was more than a storehouse He has seen them in the movies and in Daily It is true of our own country for the winter's supply of firewood. It was Worker cartoons, and he has heard of them above all, perhaps, as it is true the place for putting things you were going from the pop-off boys on the airwaves, the of practically every other coun­ to throw away or had planned to take to the cheap mud-slingers and the small time poli­ try, that there are committees Fishing Tackle basement when you had the time. Of course, ticians. Bue he has always noticed that behind and boards and conferences and you never did either. That's why the old lantern the dirtiest digs at the fairness of the press commissions sitting on pretty Hardware still hung on the side of the wall, nicely there is some man, who, if he had charge of nearly every conceivable mat­ a newspaper, would be a standout demagogue ter, but are the results what coated with cobwebs, and why a pair of sleigh they might be? bells, dangled from an overhead beam, and and a fellow who would choke before he would bits of leather, wire, tin, and lumber roosted give the other fellow's side of a story. Independent Fish here and there. The fellow with the woodshed All the publishers we have ever known have Dealers always had what he wanted when he needed been 100 per cent square shooters. As a col­ it! - ' umnist we have never had one suggest an angle Marshall Bros. The woodshed had its unforgettable odor. or order any attitude on any issue or interfere Plumbing and Heating life we have yet to hear a suggestion that we Its earthy floor, seasoned with chips of pine with us in the slightest respect. And in all our Estimates Given Home Oil and cedar and the dry bark of fir gave off a slant a story, withhold the other. Gibsons Landing, B. C. Products rich nostril-tingling aroma. While some took —By H. I. Phillips in The New York Sun. pride in long, neat rows of wood, more often the wood sprawled over the floor in an arc around the chopping block. Summer or winter, the woodshed was a Poetfs Corner haven from sudden storms. It was the place 1 Consolidated Brokers Ltd. you knocked the mud or snow from your boots before entering the house. It was the place you DAWN Stocks, Bonds, Oil Royalties, Real Estate, hung your overalls and fishing tackle. By Wynne Insurance. Having taken over the offices of The problem is, we suppose, to adapt the Dawn steals out like a merry sprite; Whitaker and Whitaker Ltd., our continuity Pauses breathless a moment, in Gulf Coast Real Estate business dates woodshed and its purposes to the age of apart­ from 1912. ments and city dwellings. And we aren't Then slowly parts deep velvet curtains of night. thinking solely of the purpose to which the Looks up as in gay surprise; s Subdivisions, Homes, Lots and other properties on professors referred. Then happily flings across the skies the waterfront and inshore from Williamsons Land­ Slim, gossamer scarves of light. ing to Irvines Landing. A few small stars staying out oyer late We have heard the usually dumb rabbit Stumble, then patter down the stairway of sky* Gulf Coast Real Estate Office squeal in emergencies, but we wish some nat­ To where he mother moon serenely waits. HALFMOON BAY uralist would explain to us how a weasel goes Bird voices assemble their loveliest notes Manager: E. W. Parr Pearson pop. Praise to their maker. Thanks for stars ; And a safe night. Thanks for the morning sun. VANCOUVER OFFICE Certainly the caste system was rampant in 942 West Pender St. the first AEF. Officers slept in drafty chau- Dawn has made again her breathless enchant­ PAcific3348 teaux, while the doughboy climbed a ladder ing flight: into a warm, fragrant haymow. A new day has begun. Friday, July 26,1946 THE COAST NEWS, Halfmoon Bay, B. C._ Page Five

TEXADA NARRATIVES by Margery Thomas Correspondent Now jn Service Among the visitors holidaying By LES PETERSON at the Hidden Bay resort this GIBSONS LANDING—Sea Bus month were Mr. and Mrs. Da\*id Lines, Ltd., announce that By MAISIE DEVITT By VIOLET SEAMAN Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gib­ their new ferry, Sea Bus 1, is • WHEN Harry Trim, the fisher­ bons, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bar­ now on scheduled service. The YEARS ago I read a cute novel called "The Agony Column" by ker and their three children, two boats have a carrying ca­ Earl Derr Biggers, and ever since I have been fascinated by man, reported his findings of rMs. Ella Clark, Miss Elsie pacity of 60 passengers, or the little dramas of tragedy or comedy in the daily personal ads. iron ore on Texad alsland in Prentice and Miss Ethel Armi- double the number who could For instance, there's the perennial middle-aged bachelor who 1871, to his friend, S. P. Moody tage, of Vancouver. travel when the Commuter was wishes to correspond with a widow or spinster —"object matri­ of the Moodyville sawmill on * * * alone on the run. Burrard Inlet, he began a ball mony". Now he is probably just what he says he is, a lonely soul rolling that grew beyond any On their way down from a The public is advised that seeking companionship, but my lurid imagination immediately pic­ anticipations he migh have had, trip to Princess Louise were with this augmented service tures him as an aging lothario, a second Bluebeard Landru, seek­ and then exploded. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wood of there is little or no need for ad­ ing victims to rob and murder. On June 19, 1873, at New Vancouver, in their sailboat vance reservations. However, And then there's the agonized lover, who is eternally address­ "Pegasus", to attend the festival Westminster, four men filed the reservations will be accepted on ing tearful pleas to Dear Little Girl. "O please write just once first applications for pre-emp­ and dance. They remained a few most trips until further notice days longer to visit with friends in memory of our beautiful love," he moans. But Dear Little tions on Texada Island. These up to the capacity of one boat. Girl remains obdurate—and personally, I don't blame her. were H. W. Hughes, H. Trim, in the district before setting sail The Sea Bus 1, While basically for their home port. Another perennial is the dashing salesman, in town for a week, John Moffatt and J. A. CottrilL * * * the same as the Commuter, has who wants to meet a beautiful blonde—as who doesn't?—and recorded in that order. a number of innovations. It Holidaying in the district this while we're on the subject of "wolves, how about the tall dark Early in August of that year makes more efficient use of Mr. Moody made a trip to Vic­ week aboard their sloop "Bal- seating space, has lower and young widower, desirous of making the acquaintance of an attrac­ andra" are Mr. and Mrs. Colftn tive lady—object matrimony if suited. He must be a trifle hard toria. He visited the Honorable larger window space, and is Amor De Cosmos, then premier Hanney and Mr. Allen Haynes, generally more bus-like in ap­ to suit, because he pops up on an average of four times a year. all of Vancouver. of British Columbia; G. A. Wal- pearance than its elder sister, Cryptic ads appear occasionally, and I am instantly intrigued. kem and other prominent citi­ is now a possibility of great I recall the Oppenheim tales of lovely slant-eyed foreign spies, and zens, telling them of the iron, With two boats on the, run there international espionage rings. I try eagerly* to decipher them, so indications on Texada's west flexibility of service to accom­ that I can expose the vile creatures, save the secret weapon, and • coast. Mr. Moody suggested that modate current needs. win fame and fortune. But to no avail. Although probably it a group of them make a per­ would only turn out to be somebody who wanted to sell a pound sonal visit to the coast. of butter on the black market, or something equally picayune. The plan was acted upon WILSON CREEK So perhaps it's just as well that I'm no Ellery Queen in the art without delay. of solving ciphers. When the prospecting group ESSO GASOLINE MRS. D. ERICKSON And after all who could help but be curious and mystified on returned from the jaunt to the MARVELUBE OIL Correspondent reading an ad like the following—"Dear Egotist—Night and Day. iron properties, there were im­ Please acknowledge" signed "Unscrupulous". I really think the mediately filed thirteen applica­ F.B.I, or its Canadian equivalent should investigate that. tions for land—-in the names of There have been many sum­ friends of Mr. Moody—and all Get the best out of your mer visitors around since the, The Personal, though, isn't the only fascinating column in the covered by mining claims. high-speed motors! holiday blackberrying between classified section of your daily paper. Have you happened to glance While in Ottawa and then in showers, also a large contingent through the "Houses for Rent"—if any lately? Then you have a London, England, in the fall of Fill up here with Premium of Girl Guides at the camp treat in store. Nobody, of course, would dare to murmur "Black Ethyl Gasoline. Hose de­ which keeps George Walker that same year, Mr. De Cosmos livery from float to boat. Market". The rents asked may seem a trifle breath-taking to us. attempted to interest capialists busy in the garden. We are glad benighted small-owners, but they are within the restrictions. How­ to say he is about again after in the potentialities of Texada's ever there seems to be no law against practices of this sort—and iron deposits. At the same W. P. PIEPER quite a serious illness. , they are legion: * * * time, no word had come to light Irvine's Landing "A six-roomed house, fully modern, low rental. Exchange in British Columbia concerning Les and Joan Wilkinson were the premier's interest in the Pender Harbour recent callers from Pender. tenancy for car at ceiling." "A two-room suite, furniture $400 cash." property, not even through Mr. Capt. Laurie (retired) and Mrs. De Cosmos' newspaper, the Herslet who are visiting at Pen­ One can readily picture the few sticks of rickety furniture Standard. der came down with them. offered with a "take it or leave it" insolence to some desperate Suddenly, in February 1874, • .* _*__# home-seeker.^But the one that really burned me up was his bit of & just prior to the Dominion* elec­ A nice surprise last Sunday grafting, aimedall"too obviously at "some serviceman's hard-won tion, the Colonist broke a story: when Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jack­ gratuities: principal members of the gov­ son of Nanaimo journeyed up "Two-room cottage: suitable for ex-serviceman and wife. 12 ernment were the actual holders by ferry for the day to call on months rent in advance." of extensive iron property at TRANSFER Mrs. Jackson Sr. After a drive It must be legal, but methinks it is a racket—and me also Texada Island, for which the "REDROOFS" up to visit at Pender they re­ pre-emptors named were mere­ turned to Vancouver with R.T. J. thinks it smelleth to high Heaven. ly agents. . <• HALFMOON BAY in the Sea Comet II. Therfe ought to be a law. A Royal Commission was ap­ pointed to investigate the whole We are fighting a losing battle matter which soon became with the crows and robins and LayOff known as the Texada Scandal. the cherry crop is so small we The Sparrow Included in the commission was General Trucking cannot donate to our friends as the famous Sir Matthew Baillie we would like to. By J. D. S. BARRETT Begbie, supreme court judge. * * * PRETTY nigh a century has The cemmossion heard evid­ Holidaying here from Victoria passed since the first English ence from the members of the are Dorothy and Daphne Rat­ sparrow was liberated in Can­ government, * from the nominal Let us help you solve ledge who formerly lived in Bri­ ada. We shall always suppose, pre-emptors and from anyone your transportation tannia townsite. The- old dog though nothing of the sort has whose name was linked with "Peggoty" who has a home here been mentioned, that the gamin that part of Texada or its iron. problems! now was very happy to see the of the sparrow family came The investigation lasted from visitors. west in close pursuit of the March 24 to October 5, 1874. caterpillars. Out here on the * In spite of " all suspicion R. T. Jackson's "Sea Comet Pacific coast the English spar­ aroused, the commission found MIDWAY GENERAL II" placed second in the jubilee row has been as unpopular as that there was not enough evid­ STORE regatta and was a thrilling event the species soon became in the ence to prove the accusations of for spectators around English east, but reports of its harmful dishonorable conduct on the . Gibsons Landing Bay. Qualified ornithologists will part of any member of the gov­ tell you that this bird is a tire­ ernment, relative to the iron Near Howe Sound School LAUNCHES SOLD less bug-hunter and worm- property. WAR ASSETS Corporation has habits have not been sustained, When the scandal had been Quality Merchandise sold the 40-foot launch Whist- / snatcher. And it is a bird of duly tucked away in legal ler to Aitken Tug and Barge most resourceful wit; for, mark phraseology, owners of the iron Wednesday and Saturday company, Vancouver, and the you, when horses became com­ CBC's special events chief for property found the results not Free Delivery 40-foqt Melvin Swartout to paratively scarce, the English Western Canada is fast-talk­ adverse. Publicity arising out sparrow learned to canvass the ing, energetic radio reporter Bill of the investigation had caused J. E. Connor, Proprietor Charles Wiliams of False Bay Trading Co., Lasqueti Island. radiators of autos for their yield Herbert. financial interests to cast specu­ of trapped insects. From his Pacific coast head­ lative eyes on Texada. These observations are pre­ quarters at the Corporation's fatory to remarking that it is a Vancuover studios, Bill covers strange story they tell now of the west for both Trans-Canada flocks of English sparrows dev­ and Dominion networks, as well Jofam Cattanaeh astating the lettuce and spinach as for CBC's international short crops of some Pacific coast com­ wave service. Frequently his GIBSONS LANDING munities. Let it be known, voice is carried world wide though, that it is not a habit of when he does a special broad­ At Your Service for the species to flock and tour the cast for BBC which is beamed countryside, and neither is it a around the globe from London. ROOFING — RUMPUS ROOMS habit to feed upon a green crop, REPAIRS as many gardeners in the Powell River district will undoubtedly possibility that the destruction REMODELING — REBUILDING verify. And while it is fantas­ of some gardens has occurred. EAVES TROUGHS INSTALLED tic to assume that any other As with a dog, give a bird a bad bird could be mistaken for the name, and people are ready to outcast we shall not dismiss the believe it capable of any felony. Page Six THE COAST NEWS, Halfmoon Bay, B. C. Friday, July 26, 1946 Constable Malins who suc­ ceeds Constable Cottingham in charge of the local detachment Inez Willison, Correspondent J Britannia Townsite By "OBSERVER" of B. C. Police, arrived Monday By LARRY STEWART to take over his new charge. He has spent several years in the MR. AND MRS. H. I. Vence o£ The dance Saturday night was force and appears to have what West Vancouver are spending As I start to pen this (what forward to a few nice surprises quite a success towards the lat­ it takes to handle the job. ter part of the evening. The their holiday at Secret Cove some flatteringly refer to as a on Saturday. * with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Has- column) we are experiencing a music was supplied by Canada's * * * famous biind pianist, Ronnie Summer has at last arrived, tie also of West Vancouver. taste of summer. We have wait­ Today is the twentieth day of the children are taking full ad- They also have been spending ed long, very long and now, the strike among the hardrbck MatKews. Those who found the night rather warm for dancing vanage of the bathing weather, some time with John Brynelson that it is finally here, I feel miners, with the end still in the. patronizing both the Red bridge and Willisons. Mr. Vence is the more like basking under a big distant future. accompanied the dancers as well owner of the fine yacht Melapus. as Ronnie in harmonizing the and Pete Weir's swimming holes. shady tree, with one of Sambo's Since we last went to press, * * » Mr. Ed Green and Vernon big juicy watermelons. On sec­ Chief Justice Sloan has resigned songs played. Keep your eye have returned after a few days ond thought, perhaps a small as mediator in this dispute, but open for another dance next The P.G.E. are relocating the in Vancouver .on business. Mr. portions of malt beverage would accepted a position as advisor month. water main on the west side of and Mrs. Ivar B. Jorgenson do. However the main thought to the conciliator, expected to Cleveland Avenue so that it wili have returned home after a behind my ramblings is, t have be named shortly. The bear that has been prow-r not be covered by the new pav­ week's stay in New Westmin­ about as much ambition today Things in our community are ling around the SqUamish hotel ing job. ster, a business and pleasure trip as that mosquito would have still running along smoothly. greeted Tom Sing in his home combined. entrance the other day. He has had, last night, after drinking The Ladies' Auxiliary are mak­ MM * * * his fill from the back of my ing a huge success of the can­ been well taken care of by the neck. Yes, I think I will have Squamish police* however. A Rev. A. Green on the hopsital teen they are operating. En­ friendly little thing, wasn't he! If You Have .. • ship John Antle stopped in for a to point out to Ernie Pearson, tertainment is being kept go­ * *. *. iew days' visit with old and it is easily worth double time, ing at a fairly fast pace, with Mr. and Mrs.' Stan Gold were an aching back, spots iri new friends. writing on a day like this. ballgames, shows, cards, bingo visiting here with parents and front of you, water'oh * * * * * * and weekly dances. relatives for a few days; . the brain, mud on your Mr. Keene, who is working Did you see the smile on the Yes, "the underground work­ * - * * shoes, for the Jorgenson Logging Co., face of Paul Billwiller last Wed­ ers are acquiring something We were sorry to hear about TAKE THE CURE AT received bad news today. His nesday, July 17, as he was run­ very unusual, a suntan. Julia Munro's sickness; This wife phoned him from Vancou- . ning for the skip. Yes sir, Mrs. weather should be of great help ver that his small son was seri­ Billwiller had just presented What has happened to our in regaining her health again. Wakefield Inn ously ill. He left at once for him with a baby son. Congratu­ Beach correspondent? It is In a week's time Miss Munro Sechelt Vancouver. " lations! It is also reported a few very, very suspicious. The man will be aboard the P.G.E. for a COFFEE SHOP vest buttons were found along in the straw hat is looking very visit to Rainbow, B. C. Open Noon to Midnite. * * * sleek and satisfied these days • * • * * A mass of 600 tons of rock fell his path. and is seen, every once in a Mrs. E. Bishop spent a short from Gibraltar into the sea re­ while, licking his chops. cently." The results of the university visit in Vancouver and at Deep entrance examinations became * * * Cove. known this last week. We find PLAYERS' CLUB ENTERED * * * that three of our local students IN DRAMA FESTIVAL BITS OF GOSSIP made the grade successfully. The Townsite Players' Club is It is said that as Mrs. J. was w. P. PIEPER They were Kathie Clifton, entering a play in the Interna­ hanging out h6r washing she Thomas Norah Swan and Rita Anderson. tional Drama Festival, to be heard her neighbor Mr. N tell GENERAL STORE Congratulations! held in the Royal York Theatre Mrs. B. that her sister's niece's IRVINE'S LANDING s£ a£ jj: at Victoria, August 5 to 10, in­ nephew heard the plumber tell­ PENDER HARBOUR Saturday, July 20, saw the clusive. ing Mr. K. that he had heard The local club has chosen old-timers, both young and old, through very reliable sources Dealer in enjoying themselves at the old- "Andante" by Wesley Coutts, as that Mrs. Z.'s doctor said he had' time dance sponsored by the their entry and are placed first been to Vancouver and was U. S. Electric Light Plants General on the program for the evening Ladies' Auxiliary and the local talking to Dr. ? who said he had (now" in stock) Merchant Union. of August 6. personally done a very neat cut­ Mrs. Cadenhead, Mr. St. Lau- * The story is based around a ting job on a certain newspaper Fairbanks-Morse Electric rent and Mr. Proudfoot supplied despairing violinist who has lost columnist's throat. "Unquote"; Light Plants the music, while Mr. A. Stark the use of his left hand but who The question now is: Why did •»•••.' acted as M.C. . , finally takes courage from a the doctor cut the newspaper BriggE-Stratton Motors Bus stop at Sports The crowd was not a large trusting son. columnist's. throat? Mystery! one, no doubt owing to our The play is directed by Wes­ Gasoline Driven Water Fishing Centre present heat wave, but everyone ley Black with Charlie Sherriff It is quite an idea of McKen­ • Pumps .'•''. as stage manager. The cast attending reported a darn good zie's Ltd. to have a gentleman Thor Gasoline Driven Wash HALFMOON BAT time. chosen is as follows: Larry behind the gents' counter. And * * * Stewart as David Lawrence, the ladies behind the ladies' coun­ Machines violinist; Marion Fraser as Mar­ ter. Certainly would be a mix- Plans are under way for an tha Lawrence, the wife; Don Radios amateur night, to be held July up if they ever got mixed up! Heron as Bruce Lawrence,, the Oil Heaters and Ranges 27. This particular type of son; George Deacon as Doctor Specializing in show, generally brings forth Constable W. L. Cottingham Andrews, and Eleanor Jean left for Chilliwack Sunday, Mrs. Complete Stock of hidden talent in the communiy, Dunbar as the maid. Standard Oil Products which might otherwise never Cottingham arid aGil having left Pipe Fittings * * * a few days earlier. be knpwn. So we are loolung MRS. REGINALD CLIFTON PASSES IKIVII IIHBIIHHH •inwimi in Britannia Townsite lost a resi­

dent of many years, in the pass­ JL ing of Mrs. Reginald Clifton, on July 16. Although Mrs. Clifton For Future Security had been coniined to the hospi­ _>, tal in Vancouver for several weeks, her passing came as a Pile Driver will be in vicinity of Jervis Inlet, shock to many of her friends. Always an active worker for the Pender Harbor and Gibsons Landing during June Ladies' Guild, her absence will and July. If any work offering please notify be sadly missed by the ladies of the organization. 1 Besides her husband, she is NANAIMO TOWING CO., LTD. Desirable lots available in the new Sechelt Sub- survived by two sons, Everard, Nanaimo, B. C. division-ron the road to Porpoise Bay. For in­ of Flin Flon, and William at home, three daughters, Mrs. J. formation SEE, WRITE OR PHONE Caverly, of Sheridon, Kathleen and Joan at home. % mtWaf Mt R. S. HACKETT Funeral services took place in Vancouver, Friday, July 19, in 60-Day DeKvery Guaranteed oil Union S. S. Co., Sechelt Simmons adn McBride Funeral Chapel, interment being in For­ 31- and 33-Passenger URBAN & SCHOOL est Lawn Memorial Park. IIH_WIHlUHy!H!IHill!W! llWIHIiHI! IIH1II_0 The Niflie Nightie of His Grace The Duke "Prompt Attention To Mail Orders!" Fair, good-looking Duke of Sutherland always wears a long (PUSHER-TYPE, WITH DIRECT DRIVE)

upon their, children. Mothers glad that John is to have the EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS who "sacrifice" themselves for chance at las and hope that it Your radio repaired in 48 hours their children would be horri­ is not too late. We see then that by our expert radio engineers. fied if anyone accused them of this matter of parental respon­ MRS. W. D. GILBERT We convert battery sets to elec­ By Adelaide being unkind to them yet this sibility is far more than a mat­ Correspondent tric. Ship to: is frequently the case. v ter of providing food, clothing B.C. ELECTRICAL REPAIR Company The fact that children copy Parents who have no inter­ and shelter for our children., It MRS. jG. DARLING and Mrs. 1061' Granville St., adults makes it desirable that ests apart from their children is more than "doing our best" H. C Hearns entertained in Vancouver, B.C. the parents should show desir­ will be unwilling to let them to bring them up well. It is up honor of Mrs. Andrew Byers, grow Up and will get pleasure to all parents not only to find whose marriage took place re­ able traits in their dealings with from their children's depends out all they can about good cently. Tea was served by Miss Selma Park other people. ence upon them. We have all at methods of child training, but to Sharon Hearns and Miss Margo Parents should have interests least heard of the mother who see that they provide that "at­ Vint, who also presented the Hairdressing Shop outside the home ~ so they will says, "I don't know what John mosphere of growth" which is so guest/of honor with a gift and a * not make too great demands will do without me!" and we are essential to their development. corsage: Guests invited were: Mrs. Lemieux, Mrs. H. Burke, A Complete Mrs. F. D. Rice, Mrs. J. Howatt, Hairdressing Mrs. S. McKay, Mrs A. Flay, Mrs. J. Hunter, Mrs. E. Clayton, Service Miss Violet Potts, Mrs. R. S. Hackett, Mrs. W. D. ~ Gilbert, Mrs. Burrows, Mrs. H. Neal, DOLLY Mrs. A. A. Cawley, Mrs. E. Hill, JONAS Mrs. J. McGuiness, Mrs. J. Sowerby, Mrs. G. Colson, Mrs. Phone for Appointments A. Barker, Mrs. L. Lund, Mrs. S. Vint. * *- * Guests of. Mr. and Mrs. A. WEST HOWE SOUND .Flay are Mrs. R. Mitchell and Miss Barbara Flay. CHIMNEY SERVICE * * * Miss Pat Burley has been the Hopkins to Pender Harbour guest of her grandparents, Mr. FIREPLACE and CHIMNEY and Mrs. George Walton. BUILDING SWEEPING and REPAIRS Mrs. L. Ross with her grand­ children, Merrily and Ditty, and Address letters to DANGER! her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ivan Gibsons Landing Post Office Ross, have taken up residence in their new home in Sechelt. Lloyd Roller, Proprietor * * * Guests at Selma Park resort were: Mrs. F. Mills and son, Mr. and Mrs. D. Richardson and son Donald, Mrs. R. Dillaboiigh and Wm. McFADDEN AHEAD son, Miss Heads, Mr/ arid Mrs. McLaughlin and'daughters, Mr. Optometrist and Mrs. McLaren with their 510 West Hastings Street five children, Mr. and Mrs. Sum­ VANCOUVER mers with Norma and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Tuson and family. • * * * OREST fires are a hazard — a deadly Guests at Bay view Lodge: at Gibson's Landing Mrs. Margaret Wintemute, Miss EACH Fand costly hazard that affects all of us E. Greatholder, the Misses Mc- permot, Miss Edith Black, Miss Friday and Saturday here in British Columbia. Each year, Betty Harris, Mrs. Cockerill, Eyes Examined and GUmm Miss Betty Cockrill, Mr. and Fitted despite careful vigilance on the part of Mrs. Winsley and Sid Winsley, I. Mrs. Betty stones and Ian, Mrs. our Forest Rangers, hundreds of thous­ • E. H. Macey and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. W. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. ands of dollars damage to our forests is Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hol­ der, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dosman, caused by downright carelessness! Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. W, Thompson, Mr. A. Ritchie. Your own common sense will warn Gibsons Girl Weds T. R. GODFREY you that incalculable damage can be Hopkins Landing Man AND COMPANY LTD. GIBSONS LANDING—A wed­ if inflicted on heavy growth timber by an ding of interest throughout GIBSON'S LAIffllT^ the community took place here improperly extinguished match, cigarette on Monday, July 8, when Eileen General Trucking or camp fire. Emily, daughter of Mr. and and Fuel Mrs. C. P. Smith, became the bride of Fred Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Graham This is especially true during the of Hopkins Landing. The cere­ summer danger period. In the vicinity mony was performed in St. Bar- tholohew Anglican Church, Rev. of forest lands, be particularly vigilant J. E. W. Snowden officiating. The bride was given away by and exceptionally careful! her father, with her sister Joyce as bridesmaid. Jack Inglis act­ ed as best man. During the signing of the register the best man sang Sigmund Romberg's "One Alone," accompanied by YOU WRECK 'EM Mr. W. H. Haley, church or­ ganist, who provided the wed­ WE FIX 'EM ding music. Britisli Colninbia Forest Service Following a reception at the • Complete Auto Body, home of the bride's parents, the Fenders, Radiators and Top northern Saskatchewan, where Repairs at City Prices. bride and groom left for Dillon, Wally is to be employed by the • AUTO PAINTING wm Ai mm Hudson's Bay Co. OUR SPECIALTY! Both Eileen and Wall have served as correspondents to the PARLIAMENTBUILDINGS - VICTORIA, B.C. News and both have been ac­ SECHELT tively associated with school and community activities. Wally GARAGE 90 will be particularly missed by AL MEE the orchestra, in which he was pianist. Page Eight THE COAST NEWS, Halfmoon Bay, B. C. - Friday, July 26, 1946

Brigade HoSd They'll Do It Every lime toglttmd U. J- POIMI OOe. By Jimray Hatlo

GRANTHAM'S LANDING—The local fire brigade held its first full dress rehearsal on July 2Hr The organization is under the direction of Fire Chief Stead­ man who has under training about 20 men including a hose GIBSONS LANDING—-The first crew of six, a ladder crew of six general meeting of the newly and a salvage crew of six with chartered Gibsons' Landing and Walter Chambers as engineer. District Board of Trade was held The pumping engine which in the Canadian Legion hall was secured from the A.R.P. July 15. A good attendance was has a pressure of 100 pounds reported. and throws a good stream of Mr. J. Veitch was in the chair water, about 50 or 60 feet and and Mr. J. H. Drummond was with 1000 ft. of hose will take- secretary. care of all houses on the water Although the organizing of front. the board has been under way Later the community hopes since last year," the charter was io have a 25,000 gallon tank on received recently from Ottawa. the hill with a 4-inch pipe-line The meeting was addressed by and hydrants on each level Mr. A. Porteous of Grand Prai­ which will take care of all prop­ rie. The board's district covers erty in the village. from Port Mellon, East side of There is a fine spirit among Gambier Island, all of Keets the men and a running fire of Island and as far as Pender good humored remarks from the Harbour taking in the interme-* idlers as the men compete in diate points. unwinding and coupling hose. A vote of thanks was given, to Mr. Drummond for thie ex­ So far the honors are with 1 the teams of Vaughn Moore and cellent work he did in helping Wales and Steadman and Ox- to organize the board. The of f i- ] ley respectively with an elapsed cers elected are as follows: ] lime of 16 seconds. The rest of president, J. Veitch; vice-presi-! the gang don't want to see their dent, George Frith; second vice- lime in print but hope after New Transmitter president, A. Alexander; secre­ some weeks of road work to be Joice Department tary, J. Drummond; treasurer* in better sha£>e to /compete. For CKWX Gordon Ballentine. Fire practice will be held each A second meeting of the board week until further notice.% At Lulu Island was held on Monday evening, VANCOUVER'S CKWX will July 22 in that outside mem- j Comedians Name Best bers could be present for the j Boat Heads soon be operating through a election of the various commit- \ completely new and five times tees. The conveners of the j For Open Sea as powerful transmitter instala- committees are as follpws: pub-j Under Own Power Jokes for Past Month tion on Lulu Island. The station, licity, E. W. Parr Pearson', mem-1 bership, Cliff Leach; entertain-1 AN ODD incident took place at WHAT ARE the best gags heard which now operates with 1000 ment, N. R. McKibbon; trans-j Vananda last week when a on the radio last month? This have a few occupational cal- watts power, will increase to portation, Gordon Ballentine; \ boat which had been taken to question was put to the most luses. 5000 watts on or about October Trade and industry, George J Beale's Quarries by Bill Guz­ popular comedy a(hd vairiety first. Frith. The next general meeting I man, suddenly headed out for shows, according to popular sur­ RED SKELTON SHOW Although CKWX received its will be held the third Monday j Malaspina Straits under its own veys, and here is their collective In the next war, I'm going to of September. / power and without a tenant. answer. Each show picked what 5000-watt license several months join the K-9 Corps. I prefer ago, the station decided to sacri­ The incident happened when it considered. to be the funniest Red Heart to K rations. OMISSION j Mr. Guzman found his scow had lines it had presented during the fice an immediate increase in month. JACK HALEY SHOW order to obtain the finest pos­ The vicar's wife gave a lecr grounded on a rock projection. ture on domestic matters to the! Leaving the boat engine running , Once and for all, let's get my sible technical instalation. New land has been purchased on the women of the parish. She cov-j in order to keep the line taut, FIBBER McGEE age straight. I was born in 1916 ered a widie range i of subjects-^--) he climbed back over the scow and I could prove it if I had my delta after extens­ What are you reading, McGee? ive surveying for ground con­ cooking, illness, and the care of to survey the situation. It was It's a very fascinating book birth certificate here. babies—and at the end invited! while he was absent from the Where is your birth certifi­ ductivity and work is going on how to live to be a hundred ahead under supervision of Jack questions upon any matters she'i helm that the craft swung and fifty years old. cate? had failed to embrace. j around, snapped its towline and It was destroyed in the Chi­ Gordon, CKWX technical direc­ Heavenly days! I didn't know tor. One woman rose. •( proceeded towards the open sea. anything lived to that age ex­ cago fire. N Luckily, it caught an extended . Two 250-fot steel antenna "Please, mum," she said, "you cept elephants, redwood trees EDDIE CANTOR SHOW haven't told us what to do'.wtiextJ boomstick and was deflected in­ and radio jokes. towers will be erected within to the nearby booming grounds We will make a film in Rus­ the next few weeks, and a large your 'usband comes 'ome tight/'v where the captain boarded iV EDGAR BERGEN sian technicolor. building to house the transmit­ Russian technicolor? What's ter itself and provide complete You see, Mortimer, when you that? modern living conveniences for Charlie DeBalinhard sleep-walk your body is awake We dip. the film in borscht. the staff is being constructed as FOR but your mind is asleep. Gibsons* Landing AMOS AND ANDY fast as material shortages will Lunch, Dinner or Wull, with me, that's nothing permit. WATKINS DEALER unusual. Oscar is the laziest brother- Mail Order* Will Receive Afternoon Tea in-law* I ever seed. Prompt Alton-ion, BOB HOPE SHOW I may have met him in past NO ARGUMENT come to years. How tall is he? How deep is this oil well of The fatal faculty displayed by yours? I don't know. I never seed him standing up. the man who doesn't swim, of MacLean's Taxi Bonnie Brook Twenty thousand miles. getting into deep water, is only No machinery will drill a well GIBSONS LANDING Lodge that deep. GILDERSLEEVE exceeded by the rapidity with Shell Oil Station , ; GOWER POINT My son, I am riot to be fobbed winch he vocally, acknowledges Who said anything about ma­ off with a long;, inconsequential the fact. Y Phone 2 Long For large parties please chinery? story about a game of ball. How Specializing in Courtesy reserve. by writing in ad­ If you don't use machinery, did you chase the little girl 24-HOUR SERVICE vance. " how can you drill a well 20,000 away? JUDY CANOVA SHOW miles deep? I dumped a bucket of mud on One of my ancestors was a Small gopher, big whip. her—but it wasn't full. Knight of the Royal Order of the Bath—or don't you know TYPING SERVICE The JACK BENNY SHOW / ABBOT AND COSTELLO the Order of the Bath? Why in the. world did you What have I ever done? Why, Why, shore — on Saturday Les Peterson Sea Breeze take a hotel room that's so far one time I went out all by my­ night it was Paw first and then BEAUTY PARLOR Underground as this? self to capture 5,000 Indians that all the kids in the order of their 61_i_^ My room isn't so far under­ were on the war-path. age. GIBSON'S LANDING ground. How many Indians? It isn't, eh? I came into, the is. able to offer you a complete There were 1,000 blood-thirsty p» 'line of beauty services at lobby and then kept walking Indians. prices to suit the family bud­ downstairs until I was stopped How many Indians? THE SECRET COVE MARINE BASIN get. by John L. Lewis, who put a I was chasing 100 shrieking, lamp on my head and said, "It's howling-- Government Float, Secret Cove okay for two weeks." v • Permanent Waving in all How many Indians? Agents for the latest methods — in­ So I walked up to the old V-BELTS AND PULLEYS; COPPER TUBING. cluding ColdWaves. FRED ALLEN SHOW squaw and bought a blanket. STORAGE BATTERIES. CHEVROLET • Lovely to look at. A person's work has a lot to CAN YOU TOP THIS? CARBURETOR REPAIRS • Easy to care for. do with the condition of his feet. : Yes. I know a man who works A mother asked her sailor son, GROCERIES -U- COMMERCIAL^ FISHING TACKLE • Individual Styling for a ten hours a day and his feet are just returned from three years' ORDERS TAKEN FOR FRESH MEAT lovlier you. in perfect condition. service, whether he had a bal­ MARINE SERVICE STATION • Make;. your appointments What does he do? anced diet in the Navy. today. He's a mounted cop. What did he say? HOME OIL PRODUCTS Operator: Miss Elsie Innes And he has no trouble at all? Yes, every bean weighed the PHONE YOUR REQUIREMENTS No foot trouble. He does same...... ,-^LC