celebrating 9 2 y e a r s

» PAGE 4 Opposition to Keiro Sites Remain. PAT » PAGE 5 A New Heart MORITA Mountain Podcast A new documentary Set to Premiere. reveals the man behind his iconic movie role. » PAGE 6

#3380 / VOL. 172, No. 2 ISSN: 0030-8579 WWW.PACIFICCITIZEN.ORG 2 Feb. 5-18, 2021 NATIONAL

HOW TO REACH US JACL LEGACY FUND GRANTS Email: [email protected] Online: Tel: (213) 620-1767 Mail: 123 Ellison S. Onizuka St., Suite 313 2021 PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT , CA 90012 STAFF By JACL National Executive Editor Allison Haramoto he JACL Legacy Fund Senior Editor Grants Committee is Digital & Social Media George Johnston pleased to announce that Business Manager Tapplications are now being ac- awards to further the legacy of the Susan Yokoyama cepted for 2021 Legacy Fund JACL. Each year, a portion of the Production Artist grants. LFG Co-Chairs Roberta earnings from the Legacy Fund Marie Samonte Barton and Toshi Abe encourage Endowment provides the funds to Circulation JACL chapters in good standing run the LFG program. Eva Ting and JACL District Councils to The Pacific Citizen newspaper apply. This year, the maximum For questions or additional (ISSN: 0030-8579) is published semi- grant award is $6,000. monthly (except once in December Legacy Fund grants recipients from the 2019 JACL National information, please contact Ro- and January) by the Japanese Ameri- Legacy Fund grants will be Convention in Salt Lake City. berta Barton (rbarton4106@ can Citizens League, Pacific Citizen, awarded for projects and activi- 123 Ellison S. Onizuka St., Suite 313 PHOTO: PACIFIC CITIZEN and Toshi Abe ties that support the mission of Los Angeles, CA 90012 ([email protected]). Completed ap- Periodical postage paid at L.A., CA JACL and are supportive of the plication submissions are due by POSTMASTER: Send address chang- National JACL Strategic Plan. org/legacy-fund-grants/. tional Convention in San Diego. May 1. Grant award recipients es to National JACL, 1765 Sutter St., Instructions and application The Legacy Fund was estab- Much of the original funds were will be announced at this year’s , CA 94115 forms can be downloaded from lished by the JACL National donated by JACL members who upcoming JACL National Con- JACL President: Jeffrey Moy Executive Director: David Inoue JACL’s website at https://jacl. Council at the 1990 JACL Na- gave portions of their redress vention. P.C. EDITORIAL BOARD Rob Buscher, chairperson; Ron Kura- moto, MDC; Danielle Pierce, EDC; Marcia Chung, CCDC; Nancy Ukai, NCWNPDC; Sheldon Arakaki, PNWDC; Kayla Watanabe, IDC; John Saito Jr., JACL Promotes Program Director and We’re Hiring! PSWDC; Marco Torrez, Youth Rep. By JACL National from ESADE Business School in please reach out to me at pozaki@ Subscribe Get a one-year subscription of the Spain.” Pacific Citizen newspaper at: ACL is pleased to announce Ozaki wrote to JACL National, JACL is now looking actively to or call the promotion of Phillip “First of all, I’m proud to announce hire a membership coordinator. (213) 620-1767 Ozaki to program director that membership revenue grew in “It’s a great time to work in the Advertise J— membership and fund develop- 2020 — thank you! We could not movement for social justice and To advertise in the Pacific Citi- ment. Ozaki has served on staff for have done that without you! I’m in the Japanese American commu- zen, call (213) 620-1767 or e-mail: a cumulative four years, including honored to take on this challenging nity,” Ozaki wrote. “Plus, you get [email protected] as membership coordinator and new role to carry on my to work with our awesome volun- LEGAL grandparents’ legacy and because teers (and youth) while developing No part of this publication may be Norman Y. Mineta Fellow. reproduced without the express per- Ozaki has extensive fundraising we all know that JACL has a lot highly sought fundraising skills.” mission of the Pacific Citizen. experience and is a founding board to offer. It’s time to engage new Editorials, letters, news and the opin- member of the National Queer funding partners to reinvigorate To view the full JACL mem- ions expressed by columnists other current programs and innovate bership coordinator job posting, than the national JACL president or Asian Pacific Islander Alliance. He national director do not necessarily re- also brings work experience at sev- new ones. If you’re interested in please visit the JACL website at flect JACL policy. Events and products Phillip Ozaki eral tech companies and an MBA joining a fundraising initiative, advertised in the P.C. do not carry the implicit endorsement of the JACL or this publication. We reserve the right to edit articles. © 2021 Periodicals paid at Los Angeles, Calif. and mailing office. ‘I’m glad to see the Pacific Citizen SPRING growing and evolving with its website, CAMPAIGN and especially LOVE the much easier- to-navigate digital archives. It’s a JACL MEMBERS treasure trove for JAs to learn about our Change of Address JACL MEMBER? q q q$50 q$100 q$150 q$200 qOTHER ——— community’s history, and for scholars and journalists looking to connect the If you’ve moved, past with the present. Thanks for the please send new Name : improvements, P.C.!’ information to: — Gil Asakawa National JACL 1765 Sutter St. : Address 1 San Francisco, CA 94115 Phone Number : E-mail : (415) 921-5225 ext. 26 Allow 6 weeks for The P.C.’s mission is to ‘educate on the past Japanese American experience and address changes.

preserve, promote and help the current and future AAPI communities.’ To avoid interruptions in delivery, * Your donations will help build and preserve a cohesive please notify your library of the Pacific Citizen to educate future generations.* postmaster to include periodicals in your change of address INFORMATION: 123 Ellison S. Onizuka St., Suite 313 | Los Angeles, CA 90012 | TEL: (213) 620-1767 | WWW.PACIFICCITIZEN.ORG (USPS Form 3575) COMMENTARY Feb. 5-18, 2021 3

was based entirely on the intent of traffic stops and confirmed the -an government did this in 1988 with preserving national security. ecdotal stories of what it means to the passage of Japanese American FROM THE Clearly, the impact was focused be driving while Black, that Black redress. E X E C U T I V E on our community, and that is where people are 20 percent more likely to It is time for our government to questions of disparate impact are be involved in a traffic stop. Once do the same for Blacks who were DIRECTOR important to discerning the impact that stop happens, it can also end in wronged by slavery, Jim Crow and of policy. tragedy as in the case of Philando even today by the disparate impact We see disparate impact now most Castile. of policies that surgically target and often in voting laws today. Efforts As we talk about disparate impact oppress Black communities. RACISM ISN’T to increase voting security invari- vs. intent, it is useful to refer back Taking responsibility for mistakes ably lead to reduction in the ability to the Constitution. The 3/5 clause should never come easy. It shouldn’t of minority communities to vote. is famous for its valuation of slaves necessarily be thought of as punish- ALWAYS OBVIOUSLY Voter ID laws can serve as a poll at a portion of free people. Nowhere ment, but there should be cost. For tax, requiring voters to obtain an does that mention the race of who a Japanese American redress, the cost approved ID, which may have certain slave was, though it does explicitly to our country was over $1.6 billion. INTENTIONAL, BUT TAKING costs to obtain. state that nontax-paying Indians What would be the cost of compen- While many people have a driver’s were not to be included in population sating those historically and currently RESPONSIBILITY IS license, this still predicates that some- counts for apportionment. However, wronged by slavery and its legacy? one drives, not always the case for there was essentially only one race HR40 is the clearest path to making By David Inoue, the interpretation of Title VI of the someone living in an urban area with to which slaves belonged, and that that determination so that we can be JACL Executive Director 1964 Civil Rights Act. public transit. Gerrymandering and was Black. held accountable as a country. This section of the law bars dis- redistricting are another way that For most of us, we can legitimately As we remember our own experi- very Feb. 19, we take time to crimination on the basis of race, color minority votes are diluted in value say that we try not to be intentionally ence as a Japanese American com- recall this as the day in 1942 or national origin by recipients of when packed into supermajority racist. But that is not enough. On its munity, we must place our experience that President Franklin D. federal funding and has traditionally urban districts. face, EO9066 is not intentionally in the context of the long moral, or ERoosevelt signed Executive Order recognized the effect of disparate Ironically, the impact is more racist, it is only with the context of perhaps immoral, arc of our country, 9066, which eventually paved the impact in discrimination when obvi- closely aligned with the original how it was implemented we see the and ensure that we all take respon- way for the mass incarceration of ous intent to discriminate may not Constitutional intent of preserving racist impact. The Constitution, our sibility for the legacies of historic nearly 120,000 men, women and be readily discernible. the superior rights of land and then drug laws, traffic laws and the like wrongs and seek to right them in children of Japanese descent. When we discuss EO9066, we also slave-owning white men. are on the surface, nonrace specific, the present before it is too late for One very important point about are always very clear that the intent While we live under the same laws, but in implementation affect different another generation. EO9066 is that nowhere in the order was to discriminate against Japanese how those laws are applied can be racial groups very differently. can you find the wordJapanese. This and , and this very different depending on the color It is time we fully reckon with the David Inoue is executive director is especially important in the context was borne out in later revelations of our skin. The Stanford Open Po- disparate impact of our policies today of the JACL. He is based in the of 11th-hour proposed revisions by of uncovered documents, but the licing Project last year completed and in the past. A full reckoning organization’s Washington, D.C., the Justice Department to change argument could be made that the law an analysis of 100 million policing requires us to provide redress. Our office.

and protest that included Asians or to be a chronicle of the Asian com- retreating Nazis (in total, 211 Texans . munity, not just of the man because were rescued, and the 442nd RCT N I K K E I I mainly knew him through the he was such an omnipresent figure suffered a total of 1,000 casualties, Asian American Journalists Assn., in the community. 800 wounded and 200 killed). During VOICE and my wife and I met him years In a memorable trip, Corky came the battle, Joe lost his best friend, ago when he came to Denver for an to Colorado to shoot portraits of two and in a rage, he raced up the hill OCA-JACL banquet during which a men who shared history but probably and took out a machine gun nest. photo of his was auctioned off. Erin had never met. Erin and I knew John Joe came back to Denver and lived and I were emcees for that banquet. Yee, the longtime Denver educator a quiet life working for decades with CORKY LEE, THE MOST The photo was a commemoration of who had served with the acclaimed the US Postal Service, and he was the completion of the Transcontinen- “Flying Tigers” squadron of fighter a familiar face at Memorial Day tal Railroad, which was built on the planes based in Kunming, China, services for veterans. IMPORTANT ASIAN backs of thousands of Chinese labor- during World War II. And we knew Both men have since passed away ers (many died along the way) but George “Joe” Sakato, a Medal of — Joe’s former post office was re- the Chinese were told they couldn’t Honor recipient who fought in the named after him. When Corky came AMERICAN PHOTO- attend the completion ceremony. famous 442nd Regimental Combat to Denver, we took him to John So, the famous photo of the two Team. Yee’s home, and he took a lot of locomotives meeting at Promontory Sakato was in the terrible battle in photos. Then, we took Corky to the GRAPHER THAT PEOPLE Point, Utah, had no Chinese faces in France toward the end of the war, Nisei Memorial at Fairmount Cem- it at all. Google “Transcontinental when Japanese American soldiers etery, where the annual Memorial Railroad Promontory Point Utah” rescued the Texas “Lost Battalion” Day ceremony is held for Denver’s DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT and see for yourself. that had been surrounded by the JA community. By Gil Asakawa and when I learned that he had died In typical fashion, Corky decided » See CORKY LEE on page 8 of Coronavirus-19, I was devastated to stage his own history lesson and Corky Lee great American photographer by the loss. captured assemblies of AAPIs and the captured a died on Jan. 27 at a hospital in “Goddammit, I’m heartbroken. descendants of the original laborers photo of Joe Queens, N.Y., his hometown. Shattered. Corky Lee, a Chinese at the same spot. He was single- Sakato next to ABut you might not recognize his American photojournalist and the minded that way, and so persistent the Nisei War name: Corky Lee. self-professed ‘undisputed unofficial that history should be kept honest, Memorial. Like the subject of his half-century Asian American photographer laure- not whitewashed. He called career, Asians in America, who have ate,’ has died of Covid-19,” I wrote his life’s work “Photographic historically been invisible to main- on Facebook. Justice,” and it was. stream Americans, Corky was invis- Corky chronicled the rise of the New York filmmaker Jennifer ible — he didn’t seek the spotlight, he Asian American movement from a Takaki, a friend of Corky’s, has just wanted to record the community New York City perspective since the been working on a documen- around him. , and he tirelessly championed tary, “Photographic Justice: The Most people wouldn’t have known Asian American social justice. He Corky Lee Story” for years, and him. But along with Asian American chronicled the everyday lives of I’m looking forward to seeing Corky Lee chronicled Asian activists and journalists across the the Asian community and attended how the photographer was cap- Americans through his country, my wife and I knew him, many (I think maybe every) march tured by the filmmaker. It’s sure photography since the 1970s. 4 Feb. 5-18, 2021 COMMUNITY

Actor , clad in PPE gear, Carlos Montes of Centro Community makes a defiant and impassioned speech Service Organization on Jan. 26 speaks to keep Pacifica Cos. LLC from possibly against changes to the Sakura ICF that evicting elderly residents of the Sakura ICF could see its elderly residents replaced. in Boyle Heights after Feb. 1.

Actor Tamlyn Tomita (left) and PSW District Gov. Nancy Takayama both spoke out in favor of extending the now-expired five-year moratorium that prevents changes to the culturally sensitive care received by residents of the four former Keiro facilities. PHOTOS: PACIFIC CITIZEN OPPOSITION TO PLANS FOR FORMER KEIRO SITES REMAIN AS FEB. 1 DEADLINE ARRIVES A pair of petitions aim to stall, stop the scenario that was set in motion in 2016.

By P.C. Staff displaced as the five-year moratorium — intends to ing, changing, selling or reduction saying we believe the seniors deserve was set to end, with Pacifica having gain support to keep Pacifica from of services — and especially at this to have their conditions extended ith just days to go before revealed in the fall of 2020 its plans closing down the Sakura Intermedi- time of the Covid pandemic.” because the promises that were given the arrival of a Feb. 1 to get permission from the City of ate Care Facility and moving its 64 Supportive statements from to them to keep things status quo for deadline set five years Los Angeles to convert the ICF to elderly residents elsewhere so that Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi and five years were broken,” Monkawa Wago, an ad hoc group of community multidwelling apartments. Pacifica use the site to build market- L.A. City Councilman Kevin De said. The California A.G.’s Office activists calling themselves SOS SOS’ goal was to get an extension rate apartments. Leon were also read. brokered the 13-point conditions of (Save Our Seniors) staged a cap- on the five-year agreement for the Currently, the first petition has One of the most-pressing concerns sale in 2016. cophonous rally on Jan. 26 outside welfare of the ICF’s residents, and collected more than 2,400 online of SOS now with regard to the Sakura Among the alleged broken prom- the Sakura Intermediate Care Facil- it had launched a petition drive to signatures, and the second petition, ICF is the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic ises: a decrease in bilingual staff ity in Los Angeles’ Boyle Heights gain support for that plan. But that sponsored by Koreisha Senior Care and how the disease it causes, Co- and services, as well as a decrease neighborhood, east of downtown was just one of two “Keiro”-related & Advocacy, has tallied nearly 6,000 vid-19, is especially deadly to the in programs, Monkawa said. An- Los Angeles. petitions launched in the run-up to online signatures. elderly, according to Monkawa, who other change: He said that there has At stake: the future of the facil- the Feb. 1, 2021, deadline. Among the several speakers at spoke to the Pacific Citizen prior to been an increase in Medicare beds ity’s 64 residents — average age SOS’ petition — https://tinyurl. the demonstration introduced by the rally. and a decrease in Medi-Cal beds. 92 — living at the ICF. According com/y4utr4x6 — seeks to extend the Hana Kawano and David Monkawa According to Monkawa, who is Medicare beds “bring in revenue to actor Tamlyn Tomita, who was conditions set in the February 2016 were Francine Imai, Karie Horie also a member of the Community of $600 per day per person” vs. the one of the many speakers that day, sale, which saw the aforementioned Addision, Dr. Takeshi Matsumoto Advisory Board (CAB) of the Keiro Medi-Cal beds, which “bring in the situation is bigger than the fate Keiro ICF, as it was then known, and (speaking remotely), David Silvas Pacifica properties, moving those 64 $200,” Monkawa said. of those residents. the Keiro Retirement Home (now of the Boyle Heights Neighborhood elderly ICF residents from the facil- Monkawa also said that in 2018 and “It is not just a Japanese Ameri- known as Sakura Gardens), both Council, JACL PSW Gov. Nancy ity — which has been kept “Covid 2019, “Pacifica failed in the compli- can issue,” Tomita said, referring located at 325 S. Boyle Ave. in Los Takayama, Carlos Montes of Centro free” during the lockdown — would ance report with how well they’re to the rise of gentrification that has Angeles; the Keiro Nursing Home Community Service Organization be especially detrimental to their going to stick with the conditions of not spared Boyle Heights. “It is a (now known as Kei-Ai Los Angeles and the aforementioned Tomita. health. (This is in contrast to news sale.” He also cited how there was neighborhood, community issue.” Healthcare Center) at 2221 Lincoln Tomita asserted, “Pacifica has reports of outbreaks of Covid-19 a failure to repair an elevator “for With the Feb. 1 deadline having Park Ave.; and the South Bay Keiro broken its promises agreed to and at Kei-Ai Los Angeles and Kei-Ai several months” and the cancelation arrived, what will happen next re- Nursing Home (now known as Kei- subsequently chipped away at our South Bay, which have resulted in of a “company store” without notify- mains to be seen. That fluid status Ai South Bay Healthcare Center) at nation’s only Japanese bilingual and several deaths.) ing the residents. quo dates back to Feb. 1, 2016, when 15115 S. Vermont Ave. in Gardena, bicultural character of food, activi- “We on the Community Advi- the nonprofit Keiro Senior Healthcare Calif., all sold to Pacifica. ties, music, sound, stories, restricted sory Board have sent a letter [to the sold its properties that housed four The second petition — https:// rent increases, no leasing, rebuild- California Attorney General’s Office] » See OPPOSITION on page 8 facilities specializing in culturally sensitive eldercare facilities for ethnic Japanese to the for-profit Pacifica Cos. LLC for $41 million. The California Attorney General’s office, then led by Kamala Harris before she became a U.S. senator and later, the current vice president of the United States, mandated that to ap- prove the sale, Pacifica must continue to offer unchanged for five years the same level of bicultural-bilingual care the mostly elderly residents of Japanese ancestry depended on for their physical, mental and emotional well-being. The rally sought to shine a light on the potentially dire outcome that could see the Sakura ICF residents IN-DEPTH Feb. 5-18, 2021 5

(Right) The new podcast safety guidelines. ings housed in the Densho collec- features 10 episodes. However, HMWF was able tion, along with new interviews to join together with the more with Heart Mountain incarceration than 60 organizations that survivors. Inspired by the radio helped produce “Tadaima!” plays of the 1940s that would have under the joint leadership of been popular at the time of the the National Park Service incarceration, many written docu- and Japanese American Me- ments such as court testimonies, morial Pilgrimages. Thus, business and personal correspon- the funding that HMWF was dence, newspaper editorials and planning to use for its pil- diaries have been incorporated into grimage workshops and other the series with the help of HMWF activities became reallocated Board Member Darrell Kunitomi. for a variety of multimedia Kunitomi is a Heart Mountain Heart Mountain educational tools. descendant and also a member incarcerees Despite the many challenges of the Grateful Crane Ensemble, leave camp that Covid has wrought on a musical theater performance PHOTO: COURTESY By Rob Buscher, our society, it has also opened up troupe based out of Los Ange- OF WAR RELOCATION Contributor AUTHORITY new avenues of opportunity. A les’ Little Tokyo, who has helped year ago, it would have been un- source voice actors to bring the hen I first visited thinkable for me, a Philadelphia many text-based additions to life. Heart Mountain resident, to be working on a project Ray Locker has been my partner during the annual based in Wyoming. in crime when it comes to research- pilgrimageW in the summer of 2018, Yet, over the past six months, ing and writing the scripts for nar- ‘LOOK TOWARD THE I would not have guessed that sev- I have had the privilege of hosting rating each episode. He has a back- eral years later, I would be given and producing a podcast series tell- ground in journalism as a political the opportunity to produce a pod- ing the stories of Heart Mountain correspondent at USA Today and MOUNTAIN: Stories cast series about the camp. Then incarcerees in a degree of detail has been a member of the HMWF again, so much of the last year has that has never been done in the team for several years. Locker’s become unpredictable with the on- podcast format before. journalistic approach helped to From Heart Mountain going Covid-19 pandemic, which Titled “Look Toward The Moun- unearth a treasure trove of lesser- resulted in both a spike in anti- tain,” the name comes from a known stories from the camp years Asian violence and civil unrest in phrase used in Heart Mountain’s and others that deepen our under- Incarceration Camp’ our country. camp newspaper, the Sentinel, in standing of well-known topics. its inaugural edition on Oct. 24, For my part, though I have spent A new 10-episode 1942. The editorial team revealed much of my professional career how they came up with their name studying and writing about top- podcast, set to launch in the following excerpt: ics related to the wartime incar- “Where did they turn for inspi- ceration, this was the first project Feb. 19, encapsulates ration? They obeyed the age-old I have worked on that necessitated an overarching theme adage — ‘Look toward the moun- such a detail of research into daily tains,’ Heart Mountain, of course, life in camp. of innovation, creativity the natural source of spiritual and I have come away from it with a artistic inspiration.” more nuanced understanding of the and resilience. We chose this title because it ref- period and am equipped with even erences a unique story from Heart more reasons why this issue was Mountain, as the Sentinel played such a travesty of justice. It has an important role in daily camp life also given me great joy to make and is generally acknowledged as use of my skills as a musician to the highest-quality newspaper pub- do some light soundtrack work lished in the 10 WRA camps. The on the series, including the theme editorial team’s reasoning also en- song, which features both guitar capsulates the overarching theme and shamisen instrumentation — Heart that I am hoping to capture through in what I hope evokes a blend of Mountain’s Bill this podcast. Japanese and Western tradition re- Hosokawa sets The forced removal and wartime flected in the lives of many incar- type for the incarceration were clearly unjust cerees. Sentinel racially motivated violations of This project has not been without PHOTO: WAR our civil liberties that traumatized its challenges. For starters, living (Top) HM’s Amid such circumstances, RELOCATION AUTHORITY generations of Japanese Ameri- in a busy city like Philadelphia, Arthur society is quickly adapting to our cans. But the camps themselves, finding ways to record high-quality Yamamoto in new virtual world in ways that al- and particularly Heart Mountain audio without interruption from Army uniform low even the most disjointed com- it seems, were places where com- neighbors’ construction projects PHOTO: COURTESY OF munities to again become whole. munity existed and even thrived, and passing traffic proved difficult. YOSHIO OKUMOTO Last summer’s “Tadaima! Virtual demonstrating the best of Japanese As someone who typically works Pilgrimage” was a testament to the American innovation, creativity in the written word, these were is- (Right) HM’s fact that Japanese Americans from and resilience. sues I had never dealt with previ- first marriage around the country are seeking This series is not meant to tell the ously. Not to mention the fact that in camp, ways to connect and stay engaged comprehensive story of wartime my wife, Cathy, and I welcomed Kenichi and with their community. incarceration from start to finish, our first son, Mateo Masaki, into Shizuko Tanaka Like many organizations, the but rather focuses on the individual the world in mid-October. Find- PHOTO: WAR Heart Mountain Wyoming Foun- experiences that add depth to the ing time to record and edit each RELOCATION dation was planning a robust sum- AUTHORITY understanding of what daily camp episode around his naps, feeding mer season of programs as part of life was like for the people who and changing schedule was also a its annual pilgrimage in summer lived through it. challenge. 2020. These plans were sadly can- We do this by integrating audio celed given the social distancing samples from oral history record- » See CAMP on page 9 6 Feb. 5-18, 2021 IN-DEPTH

PHOTOS: COURTESY OF LOVE PROJECT FILMS Pat Morita and documentary about Pat Morita’s life. to that professional triumph are the Slowly but steadily, the documen- many personal tragedies, tribulations tary came to fruition. In an email and setbacks that Morita mostly exchange with the P.C., Derek ex- overcame — but, unfortunately, not plained, “The reason it took this long all, and not the least of which was was because I was working on two alcoholism. “More Than Miyagi” projects at the same time.” doesn’t pull any seiken zuki in that As for whether it was worth put- part of his life. ting in four years of his life to relay “Everyone knows that Pat had a story that, when the project be- an alcohol problem,” Derek wrote. gan, might not have seemed like an “I’m sure people can relate to this obvious choice, Derek wrote, “Yes! because there is at least one person (Top right) I learned a great deal about in every family that has some sort Ralph this wonderful person and of addiction. Macchio met many people along the “Pat Morita’s wife explains it by and director way that I wouldn’t have saying, ‘I’ve always known alcohol- Kevin Derek if it wasn’t because of this ism is a disease, and I never stopped project.” loving him. You don’t stop loving (Right) The success and timing someone just because they have Pat Morita, of “” was an un- cancer.’” with Hilary planned for boon to “More Perhaps some of the roots for Swank, gets Than Miyagi” — and Derek Morita’s excesses can be traced to a star on the couldn’t be happier. his childhood experiences. Hollywood “The interest in Pat Morita As a boy, Noriyuki Morita con- Walk of was always there, but I think tracted spinal tuberculosis and spent Fame. the popularity of ‘Cobra Kai’ years of his young life — including DOCUMENTARY has made the younger gen- time being confined in a full-body eration more aware of who cast — in a sanitorium until an ex- he is, and I think the timing perimental surgery succeeded in TELLS PAT MORITA’S is perfect because Season giving him back some semblance 3 is looking to honor Mr. of having a normal life. Miyagi’s legacy as Ralph Then, when he could be released TRIUMPHS, TRAGEDIES Macchio’s character makes at age 9, with the U.S. at war with ‘More Than Miyagi’ reveals the man a soul-searching pilgrimage the Axis powers, that normal life on-demand services (Apple TV+, to Miyagi’s homeland in meant leaving the safe confines of a behind the magical movie role. iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Prime Okinawa,” Derek wrote. children’s hospital to join his family Video, etc.), thanks to its director, “It’s perfect timing,” Alvarez told at one of America’s concentration By P.C. Staff and his mother landed after their Kevin Derek, and his producer partner, the Pacific Citizen, adding that no camps with thousands of other Japa- cross-country journey. Oscar Alvarez of Love Project Films. one saw coming this fortuitous turn nese Americans. OBRA KAI!” “COBRA Actors Ralph Macchio (LaRusso) Derek and Alvarez began work of events. That said, he asserted that There were other familial traumas KAI!” “COBRA KAI!” and William Zabka (Lawrence) lead on “More Than Miyagi: The Pat “Cobra Kai” could not have suc- revealed in the documentary that also Since Jan. 1, there’ve the cast of veterans and newcom- Morita Story” back in 2016 (P.C., ceeded without the original “ undoubtedly took a collective toll on beenC millions of eyeballs trained ers in “Cobra Kai,” which actually ‘ Dec. 16, 2016-Jan. 26, 2017 or ti- Kid” — and the four-movie original the young Noriyuki Morita. Alvarez on “Cobra Kai” and the launch of launched in spring 2018 on premium after producing “Karate Kid” franchise would not even wondered how he was able to its third season on Netflix. streaming service YouTube Red their documentary “The Real Mi- have succeeded the way it did without not break and be driven to commit But in case you don’t subscribe to (as it was then called) and lasted yagi,” about master karateka Fumio Pat Morita. suicide — though one might wonder the streaming service, “Cobra Kai” for two seasons. It was YouTube’s Demura, who also was Morita’s Morita, who prior to the break- if Morita’s substance abuse problems is a TV series that revisits some of most-watched original series and stunt double in the original “Karate through role in “Karate Kid,” was were, in actuality, a slow-motion form the characters introduced in the 1984 was generally well-received. Kid” movies. most-famous for this role as Arnold of that unfortunate action. motion picture “.” It was during the cruel, cruel Covid The pair was approached by Mori- in the “” TV sitcom Using Morita’s own voice, as well The conceit of this TV show, more summer of 2020, however, when ta’s widow, Evelyn Morita, after she during the 1970s, famously received as archival footage of Morita’s TV than three decades after the original “Cobra Kai” really became popular, saw their Demura documentary. She a career highlight best supporting and movie appearances, “More Than movie, is that it still takes place in after it was picked up by Netflix — told them of a memoir written by Oscar nomination for his depiction Morita” tells of the comic actor’s Los Angeles’ and when Season 3 dropped on Jan. her late husband, which all realized of Miyagi. (That Oscar went to Dr. career and personal struggles, steadily and with many of the same actors 1, “Cobra Kai” became a bona fide could serve as a foundation for a Haing S. Ngor for his role in propelled by his standup comedy reprising their roles — but with a cultural phenomenon. “The Killing Fields.”) career, a trajectory he took in his twist. Despite the show’s success, there What the documentary re- 30s after securing a career in the Unlike the original movie and two is one major, gaping hole that is veals, however, in addition aerospace industry. of its sequels, protagonist Daniel conspicuous by its absence: that LaRusso — the New Jersey trans- of the aforementioned Mr. Miyagi, plant who learns karate for self- a character who also appeared in defense — shares the lead with his a fourth movie that saw LaRusso original movie nemesis: uberbully gone, replaced by a new student, Johnny Lawrence, whom LaRusso Julie Pierce, played pre-Oscars by defeated in the climactic ending in 1994’s “The Next at the mythical All Valley Karate Karate Kid.” Tournament. The absence of Miyagi is under- Hence the title, “Cobra Kai,” the standable, however, because the actor dōjō where Lawrence trained under who breathed life into this iconic pop the demented tutelage of a socio- culture figure died in 2005. pathic ex-Green Beret named Kreese. That actor was, of course, Noriyuki And just how did LaRusso defeat “Pat” Morita. Lawrence in the 1980s? A secret For those “Karate Kid” and “Cobra weapon named Mr. Miyagi, the Kai” fans missing both Miyagi the Evelyn and Pat Morita on Yoda-like karate sensei and build- character and Morita the man, there is their wedding day Pat and ing supervisor/handyman at the now a new documentary on his life, Evelyn Reseda apartment where Daniel available Feb. 5 via several video- Morita IN-DEPTH Feb. 5-18, 2021 7

(Top) Pat and

(Right) Morita with Kevin Derek in 1984 May the New Year ring in (Top) Morita doing his stand-up comedy act

It was a brave leap of faith for any- and I are aware of a documentary flix, which ran Derek and Alvarez’s Hope, Health one to take and even more unusual for being made right now about our previous documentary, “The Real a Japanese American, if the number father, but have declined to become Miyagi.” With “Cobra Kai” among of successful Japanese American involved” — reported in the Dec. its offerings, it would seem like a comedians is any indication. 16, 2016-Jan. 26, 2017, P.C., was natural fit and the service could have and Happiness Commenting on that career rise unchanged.) had it exclusively to itself. and personal fall are several people Unimaginable as it may seem now, That was not, perplexingly, the who either knew or worked with the documentary also explains how case. According to Alvarez, Netflix Morita or were impacted by his life, Morita had to audition over and over sent an email saying, in effect, that to all! including Macchio and Zabka, as again to convince producer Jerry the documentary didn’t fit its criteria. well as actors Martin Kove, Esai Weintraub to award him the role. “They never give you a full explana- Morales and James Hong, fellow The superproducer couldn’t imagine tion,” he said. comedian Tommy Chong, “Karate the comedian, who billed himself as That aside, both Derek and Alvarez Kid” scribe Robert Mark Kamen “the hip Nip,” had what it took to are stoked for the potential success of and more. Even Henry Winkler, who play the role. “More Than Miyagi” — and Netflix famously played an equally iconic Pat Morita, with an assist from is still helping out, indirectly. character in “Happy Days” (Arthur director John Avildsen, proved Wein- The payoff is especially poignant “Fonzie” Fonzarelli) weighs in com- traub, who originally wanted the for Derek, who himself studied karate passionately on Morita’s battles. celebrated Japanese actor Mifune with . Noticeably absent from the docu- Toshiro for the part, wrong. “I had met Pat back in 1983, and mentary, though, are actor Tamlyn With “More Than Morita” debut- back then, I’d only known him as Tomita, whose movie career was ing on several streaming services as Arnold on ‘Happy Days.’ Just the launched in “The Karate Kid Part a video-on-demand title, one almost brief moment I had with him — you II,” as well as any of Pat’s daugh- inexplicable absence is that of Net– could feel what a kind, gentle soul ters from his first marriages. he was,” said Derek. (Evidently, this statement Alvarez concurred. from one of his daughter’s, “I want to share this with the world, Aly Morita — “My sisters and they’re going to see who Pat really was,” he said. “Yes, there’s a dark side to him, but he was a kind person, and he was very funny and compassionate. He had a tough life, and I hope the movie resonates with everyone.” Now that the movie is done, Derek said he had one wish. “I just wish Pat was still here with us, so I could’ve personally inter- viewed him and dove in deeper with the questions because there are a lot of aspects and reasons for the choices FRESNO CHAPTER that he made that no one can answer other than him.”

(For anyone interested in buying JACL Morita at “More Than Miyagi” on physical the 1985 (Top) The poster for media rather than via streaming, Academy “More Than Miyagi” it can be purchased on DVD or Awards Blu-ray at 8 Feb. 5-18, 2021 COMMUNITY/COMMENTARY OPPOSITION » continued from page 4

There are also problems with Paci- fica at other former Keiro facilities, Monkawa said, citing a California Department of Health report showing spikes in patient care violations at the South Bay Kei-Ai and the Lincoln Heights Kei-Ai. “Based on those things, we believe the seniors deserve an extension,” The SOS’ petition seeks to Monkawa said. As for the duration extend the conditions set of an extension, he said, “We’re in the February 2016 sale willing to negotiate.” of what was then known as One possible wrinkle with having Keiro ICF and the Keiro Re- the California Attorney General’s tirement Home (now known Office take action on the matter: as Sakura Gardens), which the current A.G., Xavier Becerra, was sold to Pacifica. Also has been nominated to serve as the included are Keiro Nursing Secretary of Heath and Human Ser- Home (Kei-Ai Los Angeles vices under the recently inaugurated Healthcare Center) and the President Biden — which might South Bay Keiro Nursing mean the Pacifica matter could fall Home (Kei-Ai South Bay through the cracks. ment that it submit annual reports added that several JACL chapters, to convert the facility to mixed-use Healthcare Center). Nevertheless, Councilman de Leon for review. including SELANOCO, Greater Los housing for families and a parking sent a letter to Attorney General “The companies are supposed to Angeles, San Fernando, Twin Cities garage. the community that has supported Becerra on Jan. 14 urging that he be sending reports to our board to JACL in Minnesota and Mile-Hi in “Sakura Gardens is emblematic of Sakura Gardens for its 50 years of “take another look at this proposed have me, as the chairman, and the Denver, support an extension of the a growing problem in the downtown existence to ensure the community’s transition in light of this unprec- board certify that they are complete five-year agreement. and East L.A. area and across the needs are served. edented pandemic and extend the and accurate and reflective of what’s The National JACL provided the nation as ethnic enclaves are being “Sakura Gardens was founded on current conditions to permit the cur- going on,” Hayashida said. “Well, the following statement regarding the replaced by gentrification. The Covid the mission to honor our community rent residents to continue receiving board for two years has not approved situation, which was supposed to pandemic has exacerbated the strain elders. Pacifica should honor that care . . .” those reports because they were felt be included in the Tuesday rally but on neighborhoods like Little Tokyo original mission to serve its residents Also on the political front, to be incomplete.” was overlooked. and Boyle Heights, as we continue and ensure their safety throughout Assemblyman Muratsuchi in Decem- Speaking at the rally, JACL PSW “One of the fights JACL joined in to lose the foundational community the ongoing pandemic. We hope ber announced he would introduce District Gov. Takayama relayed how years ago was to highlight impor- businesses and residents that made that all interested parties recognize legislation to block Pacifica’s plan she had been present at last fall’s tance of culturally and linguistically the communities what they are today. the importance of Sakura Gardens to move forward with its conversion Boyle Heights Neighborhood Coun- appropriate services to Asian and Sakura Gardens has been a key part of to the immediate Boyle Heights plans. Included in that bill would be cil Planning and Land Use meet- Asian American communities. For that fabric both to the Boyle Heights neighborhood and the local Japanese a provision requiring the owner of ing, when a Pacifica representative individuals with limited English pro- community and what continues to our American community and find a facility like former Keiro proper- presented its plans for the current ficiency, health outcomes are proven nation’s largest Japanese America way to continue to serve our se- ties to provide at least six months Sakura Gardens site. to be improved when services are community South California for niors through the established Sakura of advance notice to residents of a When the representative was asked received in the preferred language over 50 years. Gardens model of care.” facility like the Sakura ICF. where would the current residents be other than English, and diet and “The threat of the Covid pandemic Hayashida called Pacifica’s Those political actions came about placed, Takayama said, the answer activities of daily living are done is felt even greater for the residents behavior “kind of shocking,” espe- after Pacifica, in the fall of 2020, was that some residents, if they are with sensitivity to the individual’s of Sakura Gardens as restrictions on cially in light of how some of the applied to the Los Angeles City able, can be placed in other rooms cultural background. programming and shifts in staffing Japanese Americans who would be Planning Commission to convert on the campus, and others would be “Originally part of Keiro organiza- and residents served have applied impacted by being relocated from the ICF into apartments, which was relocated outside Sakura Gardens. tion, Sakura Gardens was part of a further stress upon the residents. the Sakura ICF were alive when the impetus for the first petition to A follow-up question asked was comprehensive network of culturally Now the threat of removal from their Japanese Americans were forcibly prevent that from happening. whether the residents would still get proficient services for aging members homes due to the proposed changes relocated during WWII. The Boyle Heights Neighborhood the same care necessary care and, if of the Japanese American commu- is unconscionable during a pandemic “You’re talking about the very Council’s Planning and Land Use relocated outside Sakura Gardens, nity in Southern California for over whose impact has been most acutely people who were let down by Earl Committee later came out opposed would they go to a home that was 50 years. With the sale of Keiro’s felt in the senior community served Warren when he was the attorney unanimously to Pacifica’s proposal culturally sensitive and honored the final remaining properties in 2016, by Sakura Gardens. general of California in 1941, 1942 for the Sakura ICF. five-year agreement. According to Pacifica Companies took ownership “We call upon Pacifica Companies and then when he was governor-elect The chair of the CAB, Dr. Kenneth Takayama, the answers to both ques- and management of Sakura Gardens to pause and take stock of the dangers and governor in 1942, when Earl Hayashida, told the Pacific Citizen tions were unsatisfactory. with the promise of at least five years of proceeding with the closure to Warren and the state of California prior to the rally that Pacifica has “It was very obvious that no of continued service to its residents. its residents, to whom they remain turned their back on the civil rights been uncooperative and that among thought was given to the care of Unfortunately, that five years is com- obligated as caregivers. Pacifica must of Japanese Americans in Southern the conditions of sale was a require- these residents,” Takayama said. She ing to an end and Pacifica is asking work with greater transparency with California.” n

As I wrote in my Facebook post, CORKY LEE » continued from page 3 “I’ll miss his eye, talent and saucy New York accent and quick smile and The memorial has etched in it Corky may not have been famous Corky Lee laughter. Take great pictures in the all the men who served in the U.S. to most people, but he was a superstar (left) with next world, Corky. RIP in this one.” military, WWII veterans on the front to those who met him, knew him, Cambodian and all the men since then (including worked alongside him, were touched photojour- Gil Asakawa is former chair of my father, who served in the Korean by his “photographic justice” and nalist Dith the Pacific Citizen Editorial Board War) etched on the back. There, Joe were inspired by him. He spoke to Pran. and author of “Being Japanese Sakato posed next to the name of community organizations and college American” (Second Edition, Stone his friend and pointed to it: Saburo groups whenever he was invited, and Bridge Press, 2015). He blogs at Tanamachi. I don’t know if any of he talked about the issues that sparked their portraits ever made it into any his photos, not just the artwork itself. of Corky’s last exhibits. He was truly selfless. IN-DEPTH Feb. 5-18, 2021 9

CAMP » continued from page 5 Heart Mountain Obon dancers The HM PHOTO: COURTESY OF YOSHIO OKUMOTO barber This project also challenged me Mountain — Bill Hosokawa, edi- shop to confront certain blind spots that tor-in-chief of the Sentinel newspa- PHOTO: YOSHIO I had in my knowledge of the per. Although I never met Bill, he OKUMOTO camps, which was largely rem- was a friend of my family for many edied by working with a variety of years. Reading through his editori- subject matter experts who leant us als while conducting research on their perspectives whenever need- camp life, I came to realize that ed. I don’t want to give too much I would have likely disagreed away, but I offer the following with many of his viewpoints, brief synopsis of some key topics which during his years at Heart discussed in the series. Mountain at least were decidedly Beginning with the first two epi- assimilationist and generally touted sodes, we explore the origins of government propaganda lines. the Japanese American community In addition to the episodes — their immigration stories and exploring the divisiveness that the first decades in the country prior government sowed with its so- to forced removal and mass incar- called Loyalty Questionnaire and ceration at Heart Mountain, profil- subsequent military draft, Episode HM’s Emi Matsumoto, ing the regions they came from and 8 titled, “Crime and Punishment,” Banto Mikaru Odori certain key individuals whose paints a somber picture of camp PHOTO: YOSHIO OKUMOTO stories will be further expanded on life as it investigates crimes that throughout the series. incarcerees inflicted on members We also devoted an entire of their own community. episode to the history of North- The final two episodes of the sea- Heart Mountain western Wyoming in the Bighorn son tell slightly more upbeat stories Boy Scouts PHOTO: COURTESY OF WAR Basin, where Heart Mountain was about how the community pursued RELOCATION AUTHORITY located, exploring the stories of creative interests in the arts and the indigenous peoples who first music, which both helped to pass inhabited the land and the white the time and also helped many to Americans who pushed them process the traumatic events they out during the Westward Expan- were living through. sion (including Wild West legend We also discuss the role that team Buffalo Bill Cody) in order to bet- sports, particularly football, had in ter contextualize the setting of the unifying the Heart Mountain incar- stories to come. cerees around a common goal, en- (Right) Heart Episodes 3-5 of the series detail couraged by camp administrators Mountain Police how the incarceree population es- who saw it as a means to further Officer Yoshi tablished some sense of normalcy “Americanize” their inmates. Shumato and (left) amidst the deeply traumatic experi- Even with 10 episodes that each men playing Shogi ence by re-creating daily routines run about an hour in length, we are PHOTOS: YOSHIO OKUMOTO from their lives outside of camp — still barely scratching the surface, things like school, work, worship with many stories left to tell. services, shopping and the like that give life its usual rhythm. “Look Toward The Mountain: One of my favorite episodes is Stories From Heart Mountain the fourth, titled “Prison Food,” in Incarceration Camp” podcast which we do a deep dive into food series is presented by the Heart culture at camp and the many cre- Mountain Wyoming Foundation “Kites” ative solutions incarcerees found to and is funded by the National (right) and produce dishes that resembled their Endowment for the Humanities. “Windstorm” prewar diet. The first two episodes of the series (left) pencil Two episodes in the middle of the will be released on Feb. 19, with sketches season presented my greatest per- subsequent episodes released in by Estelle sonal challenge, as it required me the weeks to come. The series is Ishigo to be objective in my description of free and available to the public JACL’s wartime collaboration with through Spotify, Apple Podcasts, PHOTOS: COURTESY OF HEART MOUNTAIN the War Relocation Authority. Google Podcasts and other major WYOMING Episode 6 explores the organized podcasting platforms. FOUNDATION resistance to the draft by Heart Mountain’s Fair Play Commit- tee, while Episode 7 tells the story of volunteers and draftees who Jishiro enlisted to serve in the 442nd Regi- Miyauchi’s mental Combat Team. “Heart I can think of few better locations Mountain” from which to tell this story, given PHOTO: COURTESY OF that Heart Mountain was both the HMWF only camp with a formal com- mittee of draft resisters who were jailed en masse and the only camp with its own USO center. In these and other episodes, I was HM Christmas party also confronted by my own bias PHOTO: YOSHIO OKUMOTO related to a pivotal figure at Heart 10 Feb. 5-18, 2021 CALENDAR A NATIONAL GUIDE TO NOTABLE COMMUNITY EVENTS tion of more than 60,000 unique World War II. A dialogue on the con- artifacts, documents and photo- temporary significance of the film will graphs. Among the collections that follow the screening featuring Frank can be viewed online are the “Stanley Abe, the film’s writer/producer/direc- Hayami Diary,” “Hisako Hibi Collec- tor, and Jaylani Hussein, executive tion,” “George Hoshida Collection” director of the Minnesota chapter CALENDARPrice: Free but donations are welcome. the highlights. DUE TO HEALTH AND SAFETY and “Hideo Date Collection,” “ Estelle of the Council on American-Islamic Info: To RSVP, please email yolsgaard@ The Nihonmachi Outreach Commit- Ishigo Collection,” among others. Relations (CAIR). and put CCJACL Financial CONCERNS IN THE U.S. tee presents this program that will Although the museum is temporarily Info: To register for the program, please address the erosion of civil liberties in Seminar in the email title. BECAUSE OF THE COVID-19 closed, viewers can still experience visit wartime, what Japanese Americans its inside treasures. had to endure during WWII and what PANDEMIC, PLEASE CHECK Info: ‘Righting Historical Wrongs: Connecting African-Americans and other racial PSW Black Reparations and Japanese REGARDING THE STATUS minorities face today. The event aims American Redress’ to bring together different communi- Los Angeles DOR ‘Uniting With Other Chicago, IL OF EVENTS LISTED IN THIS ties in order to build trust, respect Communities to Keep Democracy Alive’ PNW Feb. 21, 2 p.m. CST and understanding among all people. Los Angeles, CA Day of Remembrance: ‘Redress and Virtual Event Guest speakers will include Rev. Feb. 13; 2 p.m. ISSUE’S CALENDAR SECTION. Reparations: Yesterday and Today’ Price: Free Jethroe Moore II, Tomio Hayase-Izu, Virtual Event Portland, OR This year’s program will feature au- Alice Hikido and Bekki Shibayama. Price: Free Feb. 20; 2-3:30 p.m. thor John Tateishi and Alderman The event will also include a candle- This year’s annual DOR program will Robin Rue Simmons. Tateishi was NATIONAL lighting ceremony honoring persons Virtual Event feature speakers Mario Perez, Dr. Price: Free JACL’s redress director and helped of Japanese descent incarcerated Curtiss Takada Rooks and Mariko ‘Setsuko’s Secret’ Series: Post-War Join Portland JACL and the Vancou- develop the organization’s redress in American concentration camps. Fujimoto Rooks and will be presented strategy. Simmons represents Evan- Community Advocacy and Political Info: Visit ver NAACP for this program that will on YouTube by the Com- Leadership honor and reflect on the Japanese ston’s Fifth Ward and helped pass mittee. This program is presented the nation’s first reparations bill, Feb. 13, 1-2:30 p.m. PST Stockton JACL DOR: ‘Shadows From the American Redress Movement and by the Go for Broke National Educa- which uses cannabis taxes to ad- Virtual Event Past: Sansei Artists and the American present perspectives from local tion Center, JACL PSW, Manzanar dress historic and ongoing anti-Black Price: Free Concentration Camps’ leaders on the present-day struggle Committee, Nikkei for Civil Rights racial discrimination. Josina Morita, Join Shirley Ann Higuchi, author of Stockton, CA for reparations for Black Americans. and Redress, Nikkei Progressives, commissioner of the Metropolitan “Setsuko’s Secret: Heart Mountain Feb. 18; 1:30 p.m. A special presentation will be pre- Progressive Asian Network for Ac- Water Reclamation District, will lead and the Legacy of the Japanese Price: Free sented by Peggy Nagae, who will tion, OCA-Greater LA and Visual American Incarceration” in this be joined by panelists Bridgette a follow-up discussion. This new exhibit focuses on the art Communications. Info: For more information, visit https:// discussion that will also include Fahnbulleh, Cameron Whitten and of a select group of Sansei artists Info: Email [email protected] for more Assemblyman Warren Furutani, Malia Forney. whose work illustrates how they view information. Congressman Mike Honda and their challenging cultural, histori- Info: Registration is required to receive Lawyer Dale Minami, moderated the Zoom link. Please RSVP by Feb. 18 cal and political place in America. ‘A Remembrance of Names: A Buddhist by ABC7-TV’s David Ono. This at Artists include Reiko Fujii, Jerry Monument to the WWII Japanese EDC conversation will explore growing up Takigawa, Tom Nakashima, Lucien American Incarceration’ Program post-war, the activism of the Sansei Wing Luke Museum Online Digital Content Webinar Interview with Kathy Matsui: Kubo, Wendy Maruyama, Masako , CA generation, the redress movement, Seattle, WA ‘Japanese Americans & Japan — Takahashi and Na Omi Judy Shintani. Feb. 19; 3-4:30 p.m. our current national crisis and where Wing Luke Museum Legacies’ These artists bring a dark corner of Arizona State University Asian American we go from here. Although the museum’s doors are East Coast our country’s collective past to light Studies Program, Center for Buddhist Info: To register, visit https:// temporarily closed, there is still a Feb. 16; 7 p.m. EST and show how the power of art can Studies plethora of curated stories, digital Virtual Presentation be transformative. Virtual Event WN_2zeAmDRJQ02R_2U9DL679A? Info: Visit https://www.deltacollege. content and neighborhood resources Price: Free Join Rev. Duncan Ryuken Williams fbclid=IwAR00khisV43rbR6XjVTZzr edu/student-life/delta-center-arts/lh- available to access and view. Viewers This video series highlights the ca- in this virtual talk that will explore C1NmMSl4OYMuMLQg251P5W9_sjA horton-jr-gallery/online-exhibitions- can check out Education, YouthCAN, reers and life journeys of prominent how the incarceration experiences of hBmHQCFst0&eType=EmailBlastCont virtual-events/shadows-past for more Collections and Community Art all Japanese American leaders who Japanese American Buddhists offer ent&eId=eb1bdcaf-cb08-42c3-ba9b- information about this event. online! are pioneers in developing U.S.- a way to heal and repair America’s d9b01c504a49. Info: Japan relationships. This interview racial and religious fractures that ‘What Does It Mean to Be an American?’ will feature Kathy Matsui, chair of endure in different ways, even in the Day of Remembrance — FACEism: A Panel DOR Webinar the U.S.-Japan Council Board of present. Williams will also outline a Discussion of History and Accountability Northern California Councilors. major new initiative to remember the National JACL Feb. 20; 10-11 a.m. IDC Info: Visit https://www.usajapancouncil. names of those incarcerated in the Feb. 19; 6-7:15 p.m. Virtual Event org/events/japanese-americans-japan- form of a Buddhist monument that ‘Setsuko’s Secret’ a Conversation with Virtual Event Price: Free Shirley Ann Higuchi and Rob Citino legacies-interview-with-kathy-matsui- Price: Free he is creating. virtual-event/. Join educators and teachers across Info: Visit Wyoming Join JACL National, Smithsonian the country to explore “What Does It for more information. Feb. 19; 11 a.m.-Noon American History Museum, HMWF, Mean to Be an American?” the free Virtual Event Japan Society of Boston Free Online JANM, JACL DC and the National Resources online curriculum for high school Japanese Cooking for Beginners with Price: Free Japanese American Memorial Foun- Boston, MA and college students designed to Azusa Oda: Chirashi Zushi HMWF’s Shirley Ann Higuchi will dation in this event commemorating Virtual classes and information engage and power all students. Los Angeles, CA discuss her new book “Setsuko’s the annual recognition of Day of Price: Free Developed by the Mineta Legacy Japanese American National Museum Secret” as well as be joined in con- Remembrance. This year will feature The Japan Society of Boston is of- Project in partnership with Stanford Feb. 27; 11:30-1:30 p.m. servation by Rob Citino, PhD. David Ono and his documentary fering free online resources featuring Program on International and Cross- Virtual workshop Info: For more information, visit series FACEism, which examines Japanese language learning tools, Cultural Education, this curriculum Price: $20 Member; $25 General how racism is rooted in often-ignored Japanese cooking, origami, arts includes primary source images, This interactive workshop will feature WN_aCjc7pdaSWiZ7aiUfJXXxw. and painful histories. The event will and lectures and much more, all in videos and text. cookbook author and designer Azusa be moderated by Modupe Labodea Info: Please email info@tobeamericans. a virtual online capacity. Oda as she teaches participants how nd feature panelists Ono, Ann Bur- com. Info: Visit https://japansocietyboston. roughs and JACL Fellows Cheyenne to cook chirashi zushi in celebration MDC n of Girl’s Day in Japan. Oda’s blog, Cheng and Matthew Weisbly. Financial Seminar: Investing in Stocks, shares con- Twin Cities Day of Remembrance Program Info: Visit Contra Costa, CA temporary variations on simple and ‘Conscience and the Constitution’ Events?trumbaEmbed=view% Feb. 24, 6-7:15 p.m., or Feb. 28, 3Devent%26eventid%3D150615382. delicious Japanese recipes. Minnesota 3-4:15 p.m. Info: Visit for more information Feb. 21, 4-6 p.m. CST ADVERTISE HERE Virtual Event and how to sign up. Virtual Event Price: Free Events in the calendar section Price: Free are listed based on space NCWNP This hands-on seminar is presented JANM Online Museum Collection The Twin Cities JACL presents its availability. Place a ‘Spotlight’ by CCJACL Board Member Samia Los Angeles, CA annual program that will include a ad with photos of your event San Jose’s 41st Annual DOR Program Husain, who is a vp at Wells Fargo Japanese American National Museum screening of “Conscience and the for maximum exposure. ‘Confronting Race in America: Unifying in Analytics and Research. The dis- Online Constitution,” an hourlong, award- Our Communities’ cussion will allow attendees to learn JANM’s Museum Collections Online winning PBS documentary that tells FOR MORE INFO: San Jose, CA more about how to value a stock, features selected highlights from the story of the draft resistance [email protected] Feb. 14; 3-4 p.m. how to choose between stocks and the museum’s permanent collec- movement at Heart Mountain during (213) 620-1767 Virtual Event how to diversify your portolio, among OBITUARIES Feb. 5-18, 2021 11



March 28, 1930-Jan. 15, 2021 James Kubota, a graduate of Detroit Pershing High School and the Univer- sity of Michigan, died Friday, Jan. 15, Arakaki, Haruko, 96, South San 2021, in Phoenix, Ariz., at 90. Kubota was born in Sumner, Wash., Gabriel, CA, July 22, 2020; he is TRIBUTE survived by his daughters, Georganne in 1930 to Nui and Sadao Kubota. In Lynch and Kathleen Hendrickson; 1942 the family was evacuated to the siblings, Hideo (Kazy) Oshiro and Yo KIYOTO ARAKAWA war relocation camp in Minidoka, Ida- Sakai; he is also survived by many ho. In 1945 Kubota’s family relocated to nieces, nephews and other relatives; Dec. 4, 1932-Dec. 11, 2020 gc: 1; ggc: 1. Detroit’s east side, where he attended Dr. Kiyoto Arakawa passed away Pershing High School, graduating in Hashimoto, Bernard Toshio, 85, peacefully in his sleep at home while 1948. Kubota was awarded a Regent’s Alumni Scholarship to the Gardena, CA, May 14, 2020; he is battling cancer and COPD (chronic University of Michigan. He received the non-academic scholarship survived by his children, Karen, David obstructive pulmonary disease). because his civil and constitutional rights were violated by the U.S. (Susan) and Kevin; siblings, James Although Kiyoto (Kiyo) spent most government by sending him to an internment camp during the war. He and Betty (Victor); gc: 3. of his adult life on the mid-peninsula, went on to earn a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering. he was born in Fresno, Calif., during Following graduation he was drafted and placed in the U.S. Signal Ike, Nobuko 98, San Gabriel, CA, the Great Depression to immigrant Corps, serving stateside for two years. From there he began a career June 17, 2020; she is survived by her parents from Japan. Kiyo grew up on in microwave electronics. children, Toshiyuki Ike and Nancy his family’s grape ranch that was built While visiting friends in Chicago in 1951, he met Tomoye (Toby) (Ted) Lieu; gc: 2. on land homesteaded by his father. Ozone, who he married in 1954. Their children are Bill (Sharon He spent most of his childhood in MacDonell), Susan and Bob (Ilene Takiguchi) and two grandchildren, Kamada, Kenji, 104, Berkeley, CA the shadow of the Sierras, where he developed a deep love of nature. Patti and Suzi. Nov. 17, 2020; he was predeceased Fresno was home except for four years spent in internment camps While working in Michigan, he joined a Detroit start-up company, by his wife, Toshiko; he is survived during WWII. After returning from being interned and upon graduating Omni Spectra Inc. which relocated to New Hampshire in 1975. Kubota by his sons Yuji, Shingo and Alan; from Washington Union High School in Fresno, he entered UC rose to the position of vice president of Engineering at MA/COM Omni. sister, Jean Nakazono; and by nieces, Berkeley, where he met Jeanette Omi, who was to become his wife He was recruited in 1983 by a company in Glendale, Ariz., and after a nephews, grandchildren and great- of 64 years. They were married the year Kiyo graduated from UCSF brief period he accepted a position with Southwest Microwave Inc. in grandchildren. Dental School. Kiyo then fulfilled his military obligation as a dentist at Tempe, Ariz., as vice president & general manager of its Microwave March Air Force Base in Riverside, Calif. Upon completion, Kiyo and Products Division. He retired from Southwest Microwave Inc in 2008. Mark, Debbie Joy, 67, Gardena, Jeanette chose to settle in Palo Alto, Calif., because it was “halfway” After coming to Phoenix he became interested in honoring Nisei CA, May 26, 2020; she is survived between Fresno and San Francisco (Jeanette’s hometown). It was soldiers who were killed in action during WWII. He learned several by her sons, Jason Ma, Kevin Mark; their good fortune that Dr. George Hiura, a well-established Palo camps had erected historical markers but the nearby Gila River camp mother, Nori Naka; brother, Les Naka; Alto dentist, was looking for an associate to share his practice and did not have one, so he was appointed to create them. Two were she is also survived by many nieces, asked Kiyo to join. He accepted and established a family practice built. He constructed the first one in 1995 at the camp site for the Gila nephews and other relatives. where he felt privileged to treat multiple generations for 45 years. He River 50-year camp reunion. The second one was built in 2006 for often expressed gratitude that his life was enriched by having had the National JACL Convention held in Phoenix, Ariz. A contest was Nakano, Frank Hiroshi, 84, the opportunity to treat some of the nicest people one could ever promoted, seeking a design and then he organized and constructed Culver City, May 28, 2020; he was hope to meet. When he wasn’t “drilling and filling,” he spent a fair the monument. It stands at the now-closed Gila River Community Arts predeceased by his siblings, Florence, amount of time pursuing fish and golf balls, and following the Giants, & Crafts Center. It remains at that site. Ruby and George; he is survived Niners and Warriors. But Kiyo always made time for his two sons, Kubota spoke of the pleasure he gained from the many camp by his children, Genji (Laura) and Douglas and Aaron, and their various activities: baseball, rocket- tours he led, some with Mas Inoshita also of Phoenix, who was held Bastiaan (Kenza); gc: 3. building and launching, and their many musical interests. He also in Gila River and served in the Military Intelligence Service during made time for the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple (PABT) where he was World War II. Kubota enjoyed meeting many former internees and Ogawa, Ellsie, 98, Monterey Board president a record five times. Kiyo’s love of nature inspired families, hearing their memories about their lives during those years Park, CA, Aug. 9, 2020; she was family camping in the Sierras and touring national parks. Upon of incarceration. predeceased by her husband, Minoru retirement, his farming roots became more prominent as evidenced Ogawa; she is survived by her by his devotion to maintaining his bonsai and succulent collections. children, Lillian S. Kimura, Taka (John He also put his handyman skills to use at PABT and with friends’ TRIBUTE Schooler) Nakamura and Donald S. home projects. (Eileen) Ogawa; gc: 4; ggc: 1. Kiyo, who was the youngest of nine, was predeceased by his parents and all his siblings. He is survived by his wife Jeanette, sons KEVIN E. NAGATA Tanaka, Kumiko, 80, San Francisco, Douglas and Aaron, granddaughter, Skylar, and many nieces and Kevin Nagata, 61, of Fresno, CA, died on Jan. 3. For more than CA, May 24, 2020. nephews. On Dec. 23, 2020, guided by extant Covid-19 regulations, half his life, he served as a trustee to the JACL’s Health Insurance the family with a few relatives met privately to remember Kiyo and program, which later became the JACL Health Benefit Trust, serving Uyeki, Kaoruko, 94, Monterey Park, witness his inurnment into his outdoor niche at Alta Mesa Memorial as the vice-chairman of the Trust at the time of his passing. In 2015, CA, June 22, 2020; she is survived Park in Palo Alto. the Trust established the JA Community Foundation, of which he by her daughters, Grace Uyeki His family is deeply grateful for the many messages and gestures of was a founding director and served as chairman of the Grants and Caroline (Stephen) Nakajima; comfort and support it received. The following is one such message Committee. He is survived by daughter, Brayden; mother, Jane S., gc: 3; ggc: 2. n that was shared at the gathering: brother, Brian; and sister, Colleen Alvarez (Jay). Memorial services “Even if we know that all and everything changes, and a Gathering of Gratitude will be held after the conclusion of the When our important person passes, we are saddened, current Covid pandemic. Remembering and contemplating on a special relationship That was built with that person. In our world of impermanence, we are, once again, Being guided to seek permanent unhindered, and true life. PLACE A TRIBUTE No doubt, Dr. Arakawa has now returned to a realm ‘In Memoriam’ is a free Of pure and permanent peace, and continues, as before his listing that appears on a limited, space-available basis. passing, Tributes honor your loved ones Works to better the world in his kind and masterful ways.” with text and photos and appear in In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate contributions to Palo a timely manner at the rate of $20/ column inch. Alto Buddhist Temple (, Fresno Buddhist Temple Betsuin (, Buddhist Church of San Francisco CONTACT: (, American Cancer Society [email protected] or call (213) 620-1767 ext. 104 (, American Lung Association (, or any other charity of your choice. 12 Feb. 5-18, 2021 COMMENTARY

fever (22 percent). Only about 15 percent with the new variant R E I M A G I N E reported a loss of taste or smell, EVERYTHING compared to 19 percent of those infected with the original corona- virus. Top symptoms reported by THE U.K. VARIANT patients in the United Kingdom: SYMPTOM VARIANT ORIGINAL STRAIN By Ron Mori growing as of press time. It has been reported that the Cough 35% 28% ew research has shown that new variant is 40 percent-70 the fast-spreading United percent more transmissible Fatigue/ 32% 29% Kingdom coronavirus vari- than the original coronavirus Weakness strain. It could become the Nant has more symptoms than those PHOTO: AARP Headache* 32% 30% infected with the original strain of the dominant strain in the U.S. virus. According to experts, people by March, according to the Centers for Disease Control Muscle 25% 21% who test positive for the variant are Aches more likely to report a persistent and Prevention. Preliminary *Difference between vari- to continue to follow the same pre- cough, tiredness, muscle aches, sore studies suggest the current Sore 22% 19% ant and original strain is cautions that protect against the orig- throat and fever compared to those Covid-19 vaccines will be Throat within the statistical margin inal coronavirus strain: Wear two who have the original strain. effective against the B.1.1.7 of error. masks, wash your hands, practice Patients infected with the U.K. strain. Fever 22% 20% The CDC is also tracking social distancing, avoid crowds and variant were significantly less like- U.K. Variant Symptoms new coronavirus strains dis- stay home if at all possible. ly to report a loss of the sense of Cough was the most com- Loss of 16% 19% covered in South Africa and For the latest coronavirus news taste or smell, which are symptoms mon symptom in those in- Taste Brazil. These variants are being and advice, visit that we have been reading and fected with the new variant, Loss of 15% 19% tracked by scientists, since they virus. hearing about in the news. reported by 35 percent. The Smell seem to spread quickly and The U.K. variant, known as other common symptoms have the potential to become Ron Mori is a member of the B.1.1.7, was first detected in Sep- were fatigue/weakness (32 much more dominant. Washington, D.C., JACL chapter tember and has since spread rap- percent), headache (32 per- In addition to getting the vac- and manager of community, states idly around the world. It is circu- cent), muscle aches (25 per- Source: U.K.’s Office for cine, the best way to protect and national affairs — multicul- lating in at least 28 U.S. states and cent), sore throat (22 percent) and National Statistics (ONS) yourself against the new variants is tural leadership for AARP.

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