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*^iU Summer reff|^ti i§ h^Qfc v||h a loife at tchs U# ot Jtecy m&h %b&*i mik events of 9unm%< On# >ty4ent Nazareth Academy aoe^both p^ writer reflects QJ|?summ-r camp; pa red for what should fee exciting, another computed the les^N* of a winning campaigns. See Page 7. tala* car accident, fee Poftr i Q*

Catholic Diocese of Rochester 35 Cents Thursday, Septembei 11 1986 %> Hayes World & Nation in Brief from NO News World Pope calls attacks insane Courrtiayeur, Italy — Pope John Paul II, reacting to two bloody terrorist attacks in early September, called for "everything possible" to end the "incessant escalation" of terrorism. He described as "insane episodes" the hijacking of a U.S. jetliner in Pakistan and the massacre of 21 worship­ pers in a Turkish synagogue. The pope made the comments during an Angelus talk Sept. 7 during a weekend trip to the Italian Alps, where he said the terrorists "scattered innocent blood: the blood of brothers who were traveling, the blood of brothers who were gathered in a place of prayer." Curran supporter rebutted London — A British moral theologian who defended Father Charles E. Curran in a London newspaper article has . been rebutted by two British bishops. In a,n article in The Times of London, Father Kevin Kelly defended the U.S. priest,, saying that Father Curran was following the teaching of the that an action cannot be judged good or Jeff Gouldjng/Courier-Journal bad if it is isolated from the person doing Walking Tall the action. Bishop Francis Thomas of With a hand from Jerry Cornell, Daphne Gallo climbs to new heights. Stilts were just one of the diversions offered at Camp Stella Northhampton, England said he thought Maris during the annual Single-Parent Family Camp. For story and more photographs, see pages 8 and 9. Father Kelly's contribution to the needed dialogue between bishops and theologians was "tendentious and unhelpful." Rome orders to relinquish pf wers 'Terrorists reject Church' that Church law provides for the possibility He and Bi'iop WueV| repeatedly under­ Londonderry, Northern Ireland — Auxiliary takes control of auxiliary bishops being assigned special scored that t1 .-y were {.ammitted to shared Catholic Irish terrorists separate themselves responsibilities as part of their appointments, responsibility.., n governing the archdiocese from the Church when they commit of 4 aspects of ministry but said that he thought the degree of and piomotiri, unity. ' murder, said a north Irish bishop. Al­ (NC) — Under Vatican orders, .responsibility delegated to the auxiliary in In a letter o his pnists on the Vatican though he did not mention the outlawed Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen of Seattle this case was "unusual." decision-', th„ archbishop wrote: "The Irish Republican Army, Bishop Edward has relinquished complete authority over Bishop Wuerl said he did not think the ministry is oti^ It is always shared, and it can Daly of Derry (Londonderry) during an several areas of archdiocesan activity to his practice of assigning special duties to an even be deles ated. Bui it must never be Aug. 31 sermon described the terrorists as auxiliary, Bishop . auxiliary was unusual. When asked to cite divided.' 1 "those cruel individuals with distorted The areas included liturgy, the other instances, he said he could not name minds and even more distorted principles" archdiocesan tribunal, seminarians and any other specific dioceses. Archbishorl Hunthaiisen told reporters who have " the gall to say they were doing priestly formation, laicized priests, and Costalunga said the congrega­ that the "bro.* t goverri&nce" ol the archdio this in the name of freedom." moral issues of health care and ministry to tion had taken similar action in other "rare" ccse remains lis, and that he retains lull homosexuals. cases, but said he could not immediately authority <, er a ""vast array" of Nation These aspects were among those name any examples. archdiocesan ' -H'ices, pi-'bgrams and activi- highlighted as problem areas during a He added that it could be embarrassing to ties. , v ;• 1983-85 Vatican investigation of Archbishop He said B| lop Wuerl's authority over Theologian's visit cancelled discuss similar pasfcases because the action ! Hunthausen's administration in Seattle. liturgy might so exteri4 in some ways into Milwaukee — Creighton University represents a "negative" mark on a bishop's record. catechetical p paratiofi for the sacraments. vetoed an invitation for a fall lecture by- In Ro.me, an official of the Vatican Congregation for Bishops said the removal "These are extraordinary, exceptional sit­ One liturgicc concerh'; expressed in the moral theologian Daniel Maguire, re­ Vatican mvc gallon '.yi'&s that lirsl con­ portedly because of Maguire's abortion of Archbishop Hunthausen's authority over uations, but unfortunately they happen," these key activities was a "disciplinary" Monsignor Costalunga said. fession did nu*always p'tecedc first C ommu- views and administration fears that his nioii. ;. appearance at the Jesuit-run school would action meant to correct an extraordinary He said he hoped Archbishop Hunthausen situation. » would in the future return lo the lull When a rej rter askta Archbishop Hun­ harm a fund-raising drive. Maguire, a thausen if h' ever 6<>n.sideied lesigning professor, at Marquette University in The official, Monsignor Marcello Cos­ governance of the archdiocese, but did not talunga, undersecretary of the congregation, say what conditions would be necessary lor during the Va can invfe agation, he started Milwaukee, revealed the Creighton de­ to answer t\v< or three; times but- stopped, cision, made in late spring, shortly after a said Sept. 8 that the measures were not such a change. necessarily permanent and that "one hopes ' Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro- then said, "I ould just as soon not answer committee of the Association of American that question.' .<•; University Professors reported in August everything will eventually return to normal." Valls described the Vatican action as a Alter a rnoi ;-'ni he allied that he was "as that four other U.S. Catholic institutions He said the Vatican congregation removed "regular" procedure done in line with canon law. He said he thought the action could be human as any'' le else". ,ihd had experienced had violated academic freedom when they the archbishop's control in certain areas to reversed "if discipline is restored in the . "the whole ga -iut of emotions" during the cancelled plans for lectures by Maguire. "strengthen and better guarantee pastoral governance" in the archdiocese. archdiocese." two-year inves- gation.--v "These are disciplinary measures to cor­ The archbishop said the Vatican intention - He said he r v.er didrre.ceive a copy of the Cuomo, NYC bishop clash rect a specific situation," Monsignor Cos- - to give Bishop Wuerl complete and final full final repo on ihrf investigation, which New York — New York Gov. Mario talungasaid. authority over certain aspects of Church life Archbishop J a m e £ s A. Hie key of Cuomo, who had a' public dispute with At a press conference Sept. 4, Archbishop in Seattle was made clear to him when he met V\ashington, 1 C, coriijjlucled for the Holy Cardinal John J. O'Connor in 1984, over Hunthausen and Bishop Wuerl both said in June with Archbishop Pio Laghi, papal See. il' ' public policy on abortion, has come into they had been."working out of a diflerent pronuncio to the United Stales. "It was., Arehbishop Hunrhaksen said that when conflict with another of the New understanding" of the special responsibilities subsequently confirmed to me in a letter Bishop Wuerl v. as assigned as his auxiliary, it York Archdiocese. Touching off the new the assigned to Bishop. Wuerl when (from the pronuncio) dated July 1,-1986," he was cleat the , jxiliarvj-was to have special controversy was a directive to archdipcesan he was named a.Seattle auxiliary bishop last said. responsibilities^ i the sps&ified areas. parishes by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph T. December.- Originally, he said, he understood that his But at that t:'ne, he s&id, the two "judged O'Keefe, archdiocesan vicar general, who "1 don't know where the blame is" for the new auxiliary's responsibiluie-. ii1 :K.>:.•-• areas u best 10 maki ,no puBh.c announcement to said pastors should exercise "great care antd misunderstanding, Archbishop Hunthausen were to be more ol "a gcnorai lu-.-isigh.f' that eilect" i.\ hopes>of assuring Bishop prudence" in deciding on speakers at events said, but it has "caused a great deal ol rather than "delegated- b,. nit. to have Wuerl "the be: possibfe-flimate for beginn­ such as Communion breakfasts and gradu­ suffering for both oLus." complete and final decision in-Lkmg pow ing his ministry miong tS}..':' % ! ations. Archbishop Hunthausen told reporters over them." 't i)iilinuecl on Page 5