WASH. B. WILLIAMS, Furniture, &c\, 7th and D Sts. WEYHINGt ALL RIGHT EYES . m i! iVKL&kf The Palais Book Store, Fine m\ rSfSI' Failed to Report Because He Had Not 49C Royai Examined |; Been.Notified. for "A Ken of Kipling,'" by- 89c for $i .25 edition of "Cyrano :be*iper grid*-* of I,a»e Cur for 50c Cloth-bound Edition of Rutlyard ?sin* at our l;»*t sale.and n »v we've reduced the ESc Killing's most famow* books: "SoUlen of Hentnan." by p- it »-. of tb«- fln» r i|nalltlt'M t«» do*" them out at the Local Bowling 90C once. They ought to g" «iui»*k at these prl«*es: Championship^ Three/' "The Light That Failed," "Phantom Antbfllijr Hope... 2k* f«»r fiOr eh l'oint Curtains.S2.75 League. Room Ballads." "Wee Willie Winkle." "Mnl- two $5.00 Irish Point Curtains.$3.50 vaney Stories." "Plain Tales from the Hills." Set cl"thl*>ond ToloDie*. fl.4H for Wftatrr'i S~.00 Irisli Point Curtains.$5.50 CURRENT SPORTING- NOTES of fire books, in card box, for only ®»r. Set of J»irtionary. in full »h«T» Mad ng. \n tatwerip- $12 Irish Point Curtains. .$8.50 eight books for only $1. tfon at $0. $7.50 r.russels Curtains.. .$5.50 $8.50 Brusst'ls Curtains.. .S6.25 Secretary and Treasurer J. Earl Wagner $10 Brussels Curtains $7-75 of the Washington club arrived in this city Lottidon yesterday on tils way to Join the Senators Style Suits aod Hats, $T2 Brussels Curtains $9.00 at Hampton, ~Va. Mr. Wagner may leave f*»t of single jmlr« FIr.»> Lace Curtains, were $A for the club's practice this evening First the Hats.and please don't be guided bv the illustration, which fuilf grounds ¦ji...lit to pric«*. or possibly not for a few Several I>»f of ade for the improve¬ the colors arc browns, blues, black and white; the are ments of National Park. trimmings wings Covering!;. and with scarf; the are IU*du«>-*l from 7.V. to T»5o. "Well, I see you have made Gus Weyhlng quills prices $2.25, S3. $350 and $4. being from Rpthn-el from to 75c. a revolter," nid Mr. Wagner, when seen 75c to apiece less than the "Knox" and which are but Reduced from >1 to $1 .«?. s The Evening Star representative $r.25 "Punlop," K«t!n«e»l fr»iu fl.."<.«» to ti§/ ^ by today, of ( the magnate referring to an article in last adaptations these London styles. Exhibition and sale on Second floor, evening's paper. "Weytiing is perfectly sat¬ in Millinery Parlor. Wash. B. WiiSiaims, 7th & D isfied with his contract and will play when? lh21-