London Borough of Havering Libraries, Local Studies Library, Central Library, St Edward’s Way, Romford RM1 3AR
[email protected] PLACE NAMES OF HAVERING by Julie Johns London Borough of Havering Reference and Information Librarian November 2000 Amended 2021 London Borough of Havering Libraries, Local Studies Library, Central Library, St Edward’s Way, Romford RM1 3AR
[email protected] PLACE NAMES OF HAVERING SCOPE This list deals with the place, street and house names lying within the London Borough of Havering. Although Havering has few old buildings, many local places have names with very old origins. The list only includes names dealt with in the various published sources listed in the accompanying bibliography. No attempt has been made to conjecture on the origin of other names as guesswork may often be misleading. A selection of names such as this necessarily omits many of interest but incomplete it must necessarily be. Because of the fragmentary information available the origins of many names is undiscoverable. On the other hand some names usually street names have been excluded because their origin is virtually self-explanatory eg those derived from prominent buildings in the locality (Station Lane, Church Road) or directional names (London Road, South Street). ARRANGEMENT Entries run in alphabetical order and comprise the following components: 1. The name itself – followed by an indication of its location if appropriate. Occasionally details of date are also included. Many modern names are secondary ones derived from an older already existing name. These are all dealt with under the one heading. 2. The entry proper – explanations by the various sources are given, each followed by a short bibliographical reference for the source in brackets.