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Cheng Kris, Pro-independence party officially banned by Hong Kong gov't in historic move restricting freedom of assembly, officially-banned-hong-kong-govt-historic-move-restricting-freedom-assembly/

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More heat on national education, education

Ng Elli, Pro-Beijing Sing Pao newspapers cites threats from China Liaison Office after attacking President Xi's rivals, cites-threats-from-china-liaison-office-after-attacking-president-xis-rivals/

Ng Joyce, Hongkong Post's deadline forcing candidates to censor campaign material, candidates-censor-campaign

Ng Joyce, Lawyers question power of returning officers to disqualify Hong Kong poll candidates, returning-officers-disqualify-hong

"NPC 831 decision" można zobaczyć:

NPC Observer, NPCSC Passes Two Tax Laws and "Confirms" Constitutionality of Hong Kong-Mainland Joint Checkpoint Plan, confirms-constitutionality-of-hong-kong-mainland-joint-checkpoint-plan/

Officials Ban Leaflets From Hong Kong Public Housing Over 'Independence' Content, Orzeczenie The Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ws. 3 liderów 'Rewolucji parasolkowej': wong-appeal.html

Pang Jun, Student union asks Chinese University to explain how Hong Kong independence banners are 'illegal', urges-chinese-university- explain-hong-kong-independence-banners--illegal/

People's Confidence in "One Country, Two Systems",

Protest group rally against independence call: 20170912.htm

Przemówienie Nathana Law przed złożeniem przysięgi

Ramzy Austin, Hong Kong Court Throws Out Protest Leaders' Prison Sentences,

Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Media freedom in free fall 20 years after Hong Kong returned to China,

Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Threats against Hong Kong Free Press,

Schenk Catherine. R., Economic History of Hong Kong, history-of-hong-kong/

School activists wage war on national education, activists-wage-war-national-education

Seawright Stephen, Hard-fought Sino-British negotiations over Hong Kong revealed in declassified files, negotiations-over-hong-kong-negotiations

Słowa dodane na zakończenie tekstu przysięgi Yiu Chung-yim

Speech by National People's Congress Standing Committee Chairman Zhang Dejiang at welcome dinner held by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 18 May 2016,

Sprawdź odpowiedź na działanie OZPL hongkońskiej adwokatury - publication/submission-position-papers/2018

Summation of separate talks with members of a Hong Kong industrial and commercial delegation and with Sze-yuen Chung and other prominent Hong Kong figures,

Tam Johnny, Lau Stuart, Education Bureau rapped over Cantonese 'not an official language' gaffe, not-official-language-gaffe Ten Years After CEPA - Let's Evaluate What HK Has Gained…, gained/

Tong Elson, Reviving Article 23 (Part II): Old wine in new bottles for Hong Kong's national security debate, hong-kongs-national-security-debate/

Tourism Commission, Visitor Information,

Tourism Performance in 2017,

Trade and Industry Department, Hong Kong And Mainland Of China: Some Important Facts,

Trade and Industry Department, Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA),

Transport and Housing Bureau, Co-location Arrangement of Hong Kong Section of Guangzhou- Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link,

Tsang Emily, Elizabeth Cheung, convenor disqualified from running in Legislative Council polls, kong-national-party-convenor-disqualified-running

Tsung-gan Kong, Mainlandization: An overview of Communist Party attempts to control and assimilate Hong Kong, communist-party-attempts-to-control-and-assimilate-hong-kong-93df16cbfe1e

US Department of State, Country Reports on Human Rights Practice for 2017: China (includes Tibet, Hong Kong, and Macau) - Hong Kong,

Ustawa ustanawiająca Komisję Wyborczą,

Why Is Hong Kong So Angry About National Education?,

Własne słowa, które dodali Sixtus "Baggio" Leung i Yau Wai-ching na wstępie przysięgi - nagranie:

Wong Alan, Joshua Wong Sentenced in Hong Kong for Role in Umbrella Movement, wong.html

Wong Rebecca, How and why Hong Kong's press downplayed the 'umbrella movement' of 2014, movement-of-2014/

Wong Wilson, From a British-Style Administrative State to a Chinese-Style Political State: June 2003, sovereignty/ The World Bank, General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP),,

Wu Edward Xiaohui, Reconceptualizing "One Country, Two Systems" in the Quest for Autonomy and Human Rights in Hong Kong under Chinese Sovereignty,

Wzór formularza dla kandydatów startujących w wyborach:

Yau Cannix, Six months and counting: Demosisto party still waiting for a reply on its registration, demosisto-party-still-waiting-reply

Yau Elaine, Pupils to get more national education, and field trips over border, from 2012, border-2012

The 13th Five-Year Plan For Economic And Social Development Of The People's Republic Of China (2016-2020),