Spring Virtual Graduation 2021 Celebration Special Edition May 28, 2021

Message from the President

To say that I am proud of the class of 2021 would be an understatement.

This has been an academic term like no other. The entire university community – myself included – has been inspired by the resilience, leadership and compassion shown by our May graduates in the face of unprecedented challenges.

Your experience at Saint Mary’s has prepared you well for this moment. You have met people from all over the world, broadening your perspectives and intercultural understanding. Your professors have helped you study the past to change the future and solve problems using innovation and creativity. You have grown, personally and intellectually, and developed the skills to help you succeed, no matter what path you choose to pursue.

This special edition Graduation Celebration program will be a reminder for years to come that the Class of 2021 did not stumble in the face of adversity but instead stepped forward with courage and determination.

As you begin this new chapter in your lives, with lessons learned and eyes to the future, please know that you are, and always will be, a part of the Santamarian community.

Congratulations on your achievements! I can’t wait to see what your future holds.

Robert Summerby-Murray, PhD President and Vice-Chancellor University MOTTO

Age Quod Agis means to ‘do what you do.’ This phrase exhorts us to focus on our work, to be in the moment and devote our fullest attention to the task at hand. It is a call for dedication, a focus on duty and perseverance, a statement of process. It is a proclamation of the importance of disciplining ourselves to our studies, to our scientific, artistic, cultural, commercial and Age athletic pursuits. It is a call to action to act in the world, to shoulder responsibility, to champion social Quod justice, environmental justice and ethical values. Agis Degrees and Diplomas

Awarded with Distinctions

At Saint Mary’s University in the general undergraduate degree and diploma programs, academic distinctions are awarded to successful candidates on the basis of the following cumulative grade point averages of all courses taken at Saint Mary’s University. There are no distinctions awarded in graduate and certificate programs.

BA, BES, BComm, & BSc Grade Point Av. Diploma in Engineering summa cum laude 4.00 - 4.30 with greatest distinction magna cum laude 3.85 - 3.99 with great distinction cum laude 3.70 - 3.84 with distinction

The President’s Hall of Academic Excellence, located in the main hallway of the McNally Building, directly outside the President’s Office, displays the names of all students who earned one of these distinctions. The Hall also includes the names of students who won academic medals at graduation. Medals & AWARDS Details about these awards can be found in the 'About Saint Mary's' section of this program.

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE Medals & Awards Medals Governor General’s Silver Medal Governor General’s Gold Medal

Recipient: Zoë E. Dunsworth Recipient: Liela Ahmed Jamjoom Donor: Governor General of Donor: Governor General of Canada UNIVERSITY FACULTY & Division Medals

Undergraduate Gold Medals

Bachelor of Arts Diploma in Engineering Recipient: Le Khoi Anh Pham Recipient: Jacques Y. Bosse

Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Commerce Recipient: Conor David Waterfield Recipient: Dylan Mark Stead

UNIVERSITY FACULTY Medals Graduate Gold Medals

James Morrison International Development Master of Science (Applied Psychology) Studies Medal Recipient: Kailey Maria Roche Recipient: Trymore Maganga Donor: Aramark Canada Ltd. Donor: Dr. James H. Morrison

Master of Business Administration: Master of Science: The Georgia Pe-Piper Medal Dr. Harold G. Beazley Medal for Excellence in Applied Science Recipient: Jennifer Fuccillo Recipient: Sarah Elizabeth Kingsbury Donor: Dr. Harold G. Beazley BComm’36 DLitt’72 Donor: Applied Science Faculty Members Executive Master of Business Administration Recipients: Melissa Cranidge Zachary Thomas Day Donor: Bridges Family ACADEMIC SUBJECT AWARDS

Biology: The Dr. Brij M. Kapoor Memorial Award Human Resource Management: Hermann Recipient: Kaleigh Elizabeth Rita McLeod F. Schwind Award for Excellence in Human Resource Management Donor: The family of Dr. Brij M. Kapoor Recipient: Le Khoi Anh Pham The McMullan & Rege Honours in Criminology Donor: Department of Management Faculty Convocation Award members, past and present Recipient: Hui Ling Kaitlin Tan Donor: Dr. Aunshul Rege O’Brien Award in Irish Studies Recipient: Ciara Katherine Harris Environment: Environmental Prize Donor: Dr. Brian O’Brien DSc’15 Recipient: Shreetee Devi Appadu Donor: Dr. Tony Charles Modern Languages: Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland

CAG Undergraduate Award in Geography Recipient: Yingjun Chen Recipient: Katherine Anne Macdonald Donor: Ambassador of Switzerland to Canada Donor: Canadian Association of Geographers Edwin C. Harris Tax Prize

Geology: The Centennial Medal Recipients: Dylan Mark Stead Recipient: Abdullah Yousef Asfour Bradley Kevin Wagner Donor: The Mining Society of Brandy Janelle Linda Walsh Donor: Atlantic Tax Conference Planning Committee

History Honours Thesis Award Recipient: Julien Marilyn Sheppard Donor: History Department Mary Ann and Edward J. McBride Law Prize Peace and Conflict Studies Book Prize Recipient: Kelly Johannah Webb Recipient: Dylan James Murphy Donor: Edward J. McBride Donor: Peaceful Schools International and the Saint Mary’s University Students’ Association (SMUSA) Linguistics Book Prize Recipient: Han Lai J. Kevin Vessey Award for the Ph.D. Donor: Linguistics Program in Applied Science Recipient: Brendan Hilton Grue Donor: Dr. J. Kevin Vessey


Recipients: Cajiah Percrair Bethel Morgan Louise Burnard Samantha Lois Elizabeth Graham

Donor: John BA’81 DCL’17 QC & Heather Fitzpatrick Valedictorians Cajiah Bethel Bachelor of Science and onedaybecomingadoctor. the MCAT withthegoalofattendingmedicalschool about plantsandthehumanbody. Sheplansontaking Biology, aprogram more whichallowedhertolearn world. ShegraduateswithaBachelorofSciencein meeting peopleandmakingfriendsfrom around the in residence andworkedasaResidenceAdvisor, a Husky. DuringhertimeatSaintMary’s, shelived in highschool,andknewthatshewasdestinedtobe Robert Summerby-Murrayatarecruitment fairwhile toSaintMary’sher journey aftermeetingPresident Cajiah Bethelhailsfrom Nassau,Bahamas.Shestarted Morgan Burnard Bachelor of Arts

Morgan Burnard is from Nova Scotia’s . In 2017, she graduated from Horton High School and began Bachelor of Science her journey at Saint Mary’s University. During her time at Saint Mary’s, Morgan has completed an Honours Degree in English and a Minor in History. In addition, she is recognized on the 2020-2021 Saint Mary’s Dean’s List.

At the age of five, Morgan’s passion for English began and her dreams to obtain an English Degree quickly followed. Morgan’s most prominent literary influence is Lucy Maud Montgomery for her poetic recognition of the ordinary. Morgan is also significantly influenced by Bruce Springsteen for his wisdom and devotion to understanding the stories that surround and fill us with purpose. Borrowed from Rory Gilmore, Morgan’s philosophy is “what she tackles, she conquers”. This philosophy applies to her Valedictorian speech which is entitled, “The Steps of a Saint Mary’s Graduate”.

Morgan thanks her parents, Arnold and Lorraine, for their support and teaching her that a dream is as possible as your dedication to work for it. Her sister, Margaret, resides in memories but remains as an elemental presence in Morgan’s life. Morgan is also gracious to Dr. Alexander MacLeod, a Saint Mary’s professor who has especially encouraged her writing and academic pursuits.

The English Department at Saint Mary’s has furthered Morgan’s passion for English and has inspired her to continue her education. Morgan has been accepted into the English Graduate Program at Memorial University for the Fall of 2021. Valedictorians she wasrecognized withanOutstandingPositionPaperaward students duringthechallengingtimesofCOVID-19. In 2020, provincial advocacygroup; representing andadvocatingfor SMUSA, shewaselectedChairofStudentsNovaScotia,a Mary’s UniversityStudents’Association.Duringhertimewith Academic Officer andVice-President fortheSaint External campaign duringthe2019federalelectionandworkedasboth in ComputerScience,coordinator oftheGetOutVote Samantha hasbeenanorientationleader, aTeaching Assistant Campus ResponseTeam Conference in2019.Additionally, which wentontowinfirstplaceattheAnnualAtlanticCanada became amemberoftheCampusMedicalResponseTeam, medicine inherbackpocket.WhileattendingSMU,she Mary’s tostudyeconomics,withapassionforbothlawand andraisedinNovaScotia,SamanthacametoSaint Born University CollegeCork. to Ireland inthefalltopursueherMasterofPublicHealth at her passionforthemedicalsystem,Samanthawillbe heading 2021 yearworkingthrough aglobalpandemic,andrecognizing studying across variousdisciplines.Afterspendingthe2020- Samantha’s experience,especiallythosethatshemetwhile The excellentfacultyandstaff atSaintMary’s havetransformed the SobeySchoolofBusinessDean’s List. for herrole ontheSMUModelUnitedNationsTeam andison Samantha Graham Bachelor of Commerce

Professor Emeriti plans to continue his many local, national and international activities. plans tocontinuehismanylocal,nationalandinternational Award forExcellenceinResearch. Heemphasizesthathe has notretired from academia but in recognition ofhisvariousscholarlycontributions,Albertwasawarded thePresident’s Sciences AssociationofCanadaandPresident oftheAtlanticSchoolsBusiness.In2008, of Management’s CriticalManagementStudiesDivision,President oftheAdministrative CriticalManagementStudies Board,of theInternational theCo-ChairofAcademy Association -'Professor oftheYear' award in1996.HehasservedasCo-DivisionalChair and winningrecognition from students, includingtheSaintMary'sUniversity, MBAStudents' on teachingandacademicleadership,producing severaltextbooks,teachinginternationally, author ofover45booksandeditedcollections,hehasalsocontinuedtomakeanimpact of CriticalSenseMakingTheory;GenderandOrganizational Theory, andANTi-History. The process, hehasreceived recognition international forhiscontributiontothedevelopment extensively inpeer-reviewed bookchapters,booksandspecialissues.Inthe journals, Associate Professor intheManagementDepartment. Dr. MillsstartedatSaintMary’s in1993asan Albert Mills has beenaprolific researcher andhaspublished Over thepast27yearsatSaintMary’s, Dr. Mills fifty students. received recognition international andgraduatedover 2018. OverhistimeasPhDDirector theprogram the PhDprogram andservedinthatpositionuntil 2000. InMay2003,AlberttookoverasDirector of (Management) program, whichwaslaunched inJune Albert helpedtointroduce andschedulethePhD He servedasAssociateDeanfrom 1994-96.In1999,

Jean Helms Mills

Dr. Helms Mills returned to Saint Mary’s in 2003, after six years at Acadia and Mount Allison Universities, having previously had part time and term positions in the Management Department. During her time at Saint Mary’s, she taught over 6,500 students, including teaching on the PhD in Management Program from 2005-2019. She has supervised seven PhD students to successful completion and continues to supervise three students.

Jean’s research is in the areas of gender and historiography and she is one of the leading contributors to the development of critical sensemaking theory. She has an extensive track record of publications, including ten books, edited collections, peer reviewed articles and chapters in edited collections. In October 2014, she was awarded the President’s Award for Research Excellence at Saint Mary’s University, the first woman in the Business School to receive the award and only the second in the university, at that time.

She has served as the Co-Chair of the Academy of Management’s Critical Management Studies Division, and held various roles in both The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada and The Atlantic Schools of Business. Currently Jean is Co-editor of the journal Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management and past Associate Editor of Gender, Work and Organization.

In addition to invited talks and international teaching in Georgia, Lithuania, Sweden, Vietnam, Austria and Finland, Jean has been a Guest Professorship in Management and Leadership at Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (2018-2021). She was appointed as an International Reader at The Swedish School of Social Science at the University of Helsinki (2017 - 2020) and became a Guest Professor in 2020. In addition Jean is a Docent at both the Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics and the University of Eastern Finland.

Prior to her academic career, Jean worked for 17 years with Air Canada. As such, much of her research is focussed on studying airlines, their cultures and employment practices for women. 2021 Graduates BACHELOR OF COMMERCE

Ali Mousa Ahmad Michael P. Edwin Balcom Bedford, NS Dartmouth, NS

Rahib Ahmad Harsh Bali Dhaka, Bangladesh Halifax, NS

Md Khairul Al Hassan Miya Ann Beaton Dhaka, Bangladesh Mabou, NS

Sobey Yousef Shehab Alaghbari Sarah Elizabeth Bell Yemen summa cum laude Dartmouth, NS School Aaron Peter Alexander Bedford, NS Morgan J. Bentley Halifax, NS of Tashfi Tanvir Ali Dhaka, Bangladesh Robel J. Berhane Waterloo, ON Matthew Pietro Aloisi Business Halifax, NS Dominique Adele Emilie Best Bridgetown, Barbados Walaa Abbas Alzayer Qatif, Saudi Arabia Siobhan Elizabeth Birch Mississauga, ON Mikael Temesgan Ambaw Halifax, NS Alexander Paul Black Halifax, NS Juan Jose Andrade summa cum laude Sean MacMillan Bonvie Guayaquil, Ecuador Halifax, NS

Fardina Wahab Anika Carmichael M. Borja Dhaka, Bangladesh summa cum laude Co-operative Education Hailey Audfroid Bedford, NS Dalhousie, NB Liam Edward Charles Brennan Sho Morota Badger Co-operative Education Dartmouth, NS Timberlea, NS Marcus Adrian Briand Matthew C. Chambers Jake D. Coughler Lower L'Ardoise, NS cum laude St. Catharines, ON Halifax, NS Sébastien Alexander Brown Brendan William Cove Halifax, NS Megan Kristina Chambers Dartmouth, NS summa cum laude Abigail Buno Falmouth, NS Uleeva Tato' Alre' Lago Crisanto Dartmouth, NS Yorkton, SK Shanier C. Charles Lucy Annette Burgess summa cum laude Bailey Richard Currie Windsor, NS St. John's, Antigua & Barbuda Co-operative Education Cole Harbour, NS Tarahan Elthon Burrows Qizhao Chen New Providence, Bahamas Xiamen, China Xiaotong Dai Halifax, NS Julianna Linda Busch Weiye Chen Lake Echo, NS Halifax, NS Ryan James deGooyer cum laude Arisha-Rene Elizabeth Butterfield Zuohuan Chen Sussex, NB Hamilton, Bermuda Wuhan, China Ali Wayne Delaney Devon Halle Caine Nyasha Chigona summa cum laude New York, NY, USA Harare, Zimbabwe Inverness, NS

Philippe Chagnon Leena Roy Chowdhury Maimouna Dem Halifax, NS Kolkata, India summa cum laude Bamako, Mali Jacob Cameron Chambers Yunxi Chu Dartmouth, NS Halifax, NS Joshua Alton William Deveau Yarmouth, NS Austin Brown Compton Joggins, NS Phyllis Dharmaratnam Fatimatou Gaye Kaiwen Ha summa cum laude Dakar, Senegal Shanghai, China Dartmouth, NS Nicholas T. Gerhardt Meng Han Cameron W. B. Dignan Falmouth, NS Halifax, NS Westville, NS Gabriel Mark Ghosn Yikun Han Sarah Anne Dixon Halifax, NS Beijing, China summa cum laude Fortune Bridge, PE Mitchell R. Gillis Syed Ibnul Haq Halifax, NS Dhaka, Bangladesh Quaashie S. Douglas Pembroke, Bermuda Meaghan Michelle Golden MD Shihabul Haque Dartmouth, NS Dhaka, Bangladesh Samuel Robert Dumouchel Saint John, NB Elias Anthony Gossen Rashik Rafiq Haque Halifax, NS Co-operative Education Shantray D. S. Evans Jashore, Bangladesh Nassau, Bahamas Luke Daniel Goulding Halifax, NS Riley John Hardy Mitchell Robert Eye cum laude , NS Jaret J. Gouthro Centreville, NS Cole Harbour, NS Kaitlin Nicole Fancy Alexandria Jean Harmon Eastern Passage, NS Samantha Lois Elizabeth Graham cum laude Dartmouth, NS Tantallon, NS Zixuan Feng Tangshan, China Yingyu Gu Carter Christopher Harrington China Halifax, NS Chad N. Fevrier Castries, Saint Lucia Gerald Pierre Gulliford Adam Joseph Harvey Timberlea, NS Middle Sackville, NS Bryce Matthew Ryan Finucan Ayr, ON Ahmet Onur Gultepe Liam Fraser Harvey Bursa, Turkey cum laude Erin Gillian Osborne Forster Middle Sackville, NS Aurora, ON Zheng Guo Halifax, NS Yusof Sameh Hassan Yiluan Gao Halifax, NS Houma, China Elphas J. Gweru Halifax, NS Jack P. Hawkins Brooklyn Jill Ann Gauthier Halifax, NS Bedford, NS Andrew Florin Herold Waleed Ahmed Jawass Katelyn Joy King Toronto, ON magna cum laude magna cum laude Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Darren Reginald Higgins Kentville, NS Nazia Jereen Matthew Gerald Knezacek Dhaka, Bangladesh , NS Bret Ryan Himmelman cum laude Shaoquan Jiao Kirstin Janette Koszegi Bedford, NS Hohhot, China summa cum laude Dartmouth, NS Jacob Aaron Horton Xiangyi Jing Dartmouth, NS Halifax, NS Lucian David Laing Freeport, Bahamas Yandan Huang Dominique Anna Johnson Zhuhai, China Co-operative Education Jessica Christine Lake Stillwater Lake, NS , NS Yurong Huang Halifax, NS Odessa C. Johnson Cynthia Larivière Nassau, Bahamas Rouyn-Noranda, QC Liam Bryan Yerex Hutton magna cum laude Johnny Roger Jones Jacob Jean-Marc LeBlanc Bayside, NS Corner Brook, NL summa cum laude Honours Economics Tristan Bradford Hyde Estella Karuhanga Yarmouth, NS Bedford, NS Kampala, Uganda Laura Dawn LeBlanc Rahaf Ziyad Ibrahim Kylie V. Kattis summa cum laude Amman, Jordan Toronto, ON , NS

Atika Iqbal Tristan Keith Keeping Matthew G. LeBlanc , QC Middle Sackville, NS Co-operative Education Truro, NS Clifford John Isenor Ashley Celeste Kelsick-Campbell Latties Brook, NS St. John's, Antigua & Barbuda Robin C. Lee Halifax, NS Ariful Islam Manilia M. Khoury Brahmanbaria, Bangladesh Halifax, NS Olivia Mary Legere Fredericton, NB Mohammed Fardeenul Islam Laura Elizabeth Kidney magna cum laude Halifax, NS Junsong Li Chattogram, Bangladesh cum laude Co-operative Education Halifax, NS Zongjin Li Krista Donna MacDonald Avind Mahabir Taiyuan, China Halifax, NS Halifax, NS

Charles D. Lilly Lydia Marie MacDonald Atqia Maimuna Truro, NS Summerside, PE Dhaka, Bangladesh

Hongxuan Liu Mark Joseph MacDonald Malia R. Major Nanchang, China Antigonish, NS Nassau, Bahamas

Jiatan Liu Michael J. MacKenzie Telar Andranique Major Taian, China summa cum laude Nassau, Bahamas Dartmouth, NS Yuxian Liu John Tyler Manning Halifax, NS John Anthony MacKinnon Lawerencetown, NS Dartmouth, NS Ashley Lorraine Lively Donna Marie Marshall magna cum laude Marcus K. MacKinnon Hubbards, NS Beaver Bank, NS Abbotsford, BC Victoria Anne McCaig Matthew Long Michael James MacKinnon Saint John, NB Fredericton, NB Bedford, NS Thomas William Russell McCrossin Antoine Lyte-Myers Kyle Kerry Joseph Macneil Amherst, NS Toronto, ON Dartmouth, NS Rachelle Marie McDonald Cianna Raye MacArthur Liam Joseph Magennis Halifax, NS Cape Breton, NS Upper Tantallon, NS Kai Samuel McKay Shabrina Afroz Mithila Daniel R. F. Neagoe Halifax, NS summa cum laude magna cum laude Co-operative Education Halifax, NS Sean Ryan McKim Halifax, NS Truro, NS Dat Nguyen-Huynh Hiroki Miyata magna cum laude Graham James McKinnon magna cum laude Halifax, NS Coldbrook, NS Okayama, Japan Meghan Lynn O'Brien Ryan S. McNamara Ahmed Salem Mohamed Yarmouth, NS Belnan, NS New Glasgow, NS Coleton David Oickle Seamus Angus Meagher Matthew David Morefield Coldbrook, NS Truro, NS Halifax, NS Egejuru Sophia Okoroafor Megan Nicole Meery Ariana Elyssa Renata Morton Abia State, Nigeria summa cum laude Fall River, NS Halifax, NS Urviben Ashishkumar Patel Langelihle Melissa Joy Mpofu Nairobi, Kenya Kazi Abrar Mehbob Harare, Zimbabwe Dhaka, Bangladesh Michael Andre Christopher Patry Colten David Muise-Morris magna cum laude Azra Mehmeti summa cum laude Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Dartmouth, NS Jerod Ryan Pennell Kara Elizabeth Menzies Olivia Nathalie Mullen cum laude Halifax, NS Clare, NS Elmsdale, NS

Mackenzie L. Merchant Allison Claire Murphy Alexander Warren Jeffrey Peters Halifax, NS cum laude summa cum laude Waverley, NS Blyth, ON Matthew Isaac Merlin Halifax, NS Jack Sullivan Murtha William Jared Piercey Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Dylan Sean Mitchell Michael St. John's, Antigua Jenna Ann Myra Robert Alexander Poaps Western Shore, NS River Bourgeois, NS Marufa Islam Mili Halifax, NS Rhea B. Nankani Jason Daniel Poirier Montego Bay, Jamaica Halifax, NS Danah N. Milton MacDonald Halifax, NS Yiying Qi Rebecca E. Roach Ke Sha Halifax, NS Dartmouth, NS Harbin, China

Koby Edu Quagraine Courtney Faith Robichaud Bowen Shi Accra, Ghana Halifax, NS Tangshan, China

Hunter Quigley Tasfia Maisha Rodashi Huilin Shu Moncton, NB Dhaka, Bangladesh summa cum laude Halifax, NS Nicholas R. Quinn Kyla Rae Rogers Halifax, NS Musquodoboit, NS Ashween Kaur Siddana Delhi, India Jacob Todd Ramey David Edward James Roye cum laude summa cum laude Corey H. Singh Dartmouth, NS Nassau, Bahamas Wellington, NS

Vandana Ramful Neyaz Sani Saberi Dashawn Eugene Smith Co-operative Education Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Curepipe, Mauritius Mslem Saberi Moghadam Shadegan Matthew Alexander Stackhouse Kimberly Anne Rankin Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Port Perry, ON Bilkis Islam Chowdhury Sadaf Natalia S. A. Storr Samantha Jane Rankin Dhaka, Bangladesh Grand Bahama, Bahamas Westville, NS Ratri Saha Haoyang Sun Mackenzie Caitlin Reid Dhaka, Bangladesh Qiqihar, China cum laude , NS Hanna Sakaki Kejia Sun Kitakyusyu, Japan Halifax, NS Haoran Ren Halifax, NS Ahmed Saleh Yuanhao Sun West Bank, Palestine Zhongshan, China Sajid Ridwan Dhaka, Bangladesh Amal Salehi-Gheshmi Ittikorn Supornchai Halifax, NS Bangkok, Thailand Mary Jean Ripley Sydney, NS Jed Howard Sawh Mira Sher Mai Tan Dartmouth, NS cum laude Bethany Lee Ripoll Wolfville, NS Co-operative Education William James Schofield New Glasgow, NS Cow Bay, NS Yaoyu Tang Huzhou, China Cole Randall Tanner RuiNing Wang Lunenburg, NS Jinan, China

Yu Tao Ye Wang Halifax, NS Dalian, China

Jami Kristina Thompson Elizabeth Grace Warwick Nassau, Bahamas summa cum laude Cow Bay, NS James D. Thomson Fall River, NS Jade P. Weaver Pembroke, Bermuda Sambridhi Trikhatri Co-operative Education Siyao Wei Kathmandu, Nepal Halifax, NS

Carolyn Andrea Tuck Daniel A. Weyman Ottawa, ON , NS

Hudson C. Varner Liesa Olivia Weymar Halifax, NS Middleton, NS

Satyam Verma Alexander Eric Whebby Amritsar, India Halifax, NS

Angela W. Wachaga Liam S. White Nairobi, Kenya magna cum laude Honours Economics James Edstrom Wadden Fall River, NS magna cum laude Cole Harbour, NS Torri P. Wilson Pembroke, Bermuda Bradley Kevin Wagner summa cum laude Songyi Wu Halifax, NS Shenzhen, China

Brandy Janelle Linda Walsh Zhendi Xin summa cum laude Nassau, Bahamas Halifax, NS Xingwang Xiong Liam Patrick Walsh Halifax, NS summa cum laude Truro, NS Hongfei Xu Yixin Zhang Prachi Gaba Jinan, China Halifax, NS Gurgaon, India

Huiyan Xu Xinwei Zhao Kadeem A. M. Joseph Halifax, NS Taian, China Antigua, Antigua & Barbuda

Jiaqian Xu Yiting Zhu Colleen Patricia Mary Kearney Tieling, China Qingdao, China Dalhousie, NB

Jiachen Yan Rami Wael Saleh Zokari Zaria-Kai K. King Jinzhong, China Taiz, Yemen Bridgetown, Barbados

Bowen Yao Coleton David Oickle Zibo, China Coldbrook, NS CERTIFICATE OF Asia J. Outten Chenping Yi HUMAN RESOURCE cum laude Halifax, NS Halifax, NS MANAGEMENT Le Khoi Anh Pham Yaqi Yin Bader Abdelbaset Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Courtney Faith Robichaud Zein Youssef Shanice Melroy Arrakal Halifax, NS cum laude Mumbai, India Dartmouth, NS William James Schofield Morgan J. Bentley Cow Bay, NS Hang Yue Halifax, NS Chengdu, China Siobhan Elizabeth Birch Zhengran Yue Mississauga, ON MASTER OF APPLIED Handan, China Megan Elizabeth Boudreau ECONOMICS Moncton, NB Elia-Thomas Zard Kristen Leigh Wilcott Montreal, QC Caroline Scott DeVan Halifax, NS Kyle Roger Zard Halifax, NS cum laude Montreal, QC Abiola Oluwatoyin Yaminat Elabanjo St. John's, Antigua & Barbuda Xueying Zhang Halifax, NS Erin Gillian Osborne Forster Aurora, ON EXECUTIVE MASTER Farshad Rahman Kelsey Brianna McKay OF BUSINESS Dhaka, Bangladesh Halifax, NS ADMINISTRATION Elizabeth Ann Richards Moira Janelle Pellerine Middle Sackville, NS Halifax, NS Edem Akan Toronto, ON Roxanne Sarrazin Ajaypal Singh Halifax, NS New Delhi, India Liam Finlay Campbell New Glasgow, NS David S. Sobey Stellarton, NS Michelle J. Clare MASTER OF FINANCE Dartmouth, NS James Benjamin Valcour Rothesay, NB Melissa Cranidge Tiandong Gao Lower Sackville, NS Halifax, NS

Merrilee E. D. Dahm Larsen Yuchen Liu Rockport, ME, USA MASTER OF Halifax, NS BUSINESS Zachary Thomas Day ADMINISTRATION Dartmouth, NS Nicole Ashley Baltzer MASTER OF Hussein Diab-Ghanem Halifax, NS TECHNOLOGY Kotu, The Gambia ENTREPRENEURSHIP Bronson Adam Beaton Kristopher Henry Doyon Springhill, NS AND INNOVATION Smelt Brook, NS Hitesh Dhawan Diana Darlene Duncan Halifax, NS Keegan Paul Drummond Riverview, NB Quispamsis, NB Huschang Pourian Jennifer Fuccillo Halifax, NS Giampietro Follador Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Stephanie P. Howatt Elizabeth MacKenzie Wolfville, NS Bedford, NS Janet Catherine Kelley Adrian Muyinda Musoke Halifax, NS Kampala, Uganda Laura Sherry MacDougall Robert Daniel O'Hara New Glasgow, NS Halifax, NS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE

Elias E. Abiadal Jorginea Bonang Halifax, NS summa cum laude Co-operative Education Talal J. A. Abou Younes Seaforth, NS Halifax, NS Darien Kenneth Boudreau Mohammad Ahmed Dartmouth, NS Sulaibiya, Kuwait Catlin Joseph Bradbury Rafid Akhtar Honours Biology Science Rajshahi, Bangladesh Halifax, NS Abdulsalam Ahmad Abdulsalam Alsayyed Katherine Emily Budden Halifax, NS Halifax, NS

Emily April Anderson Matthew Cory Carlton magna cum laude magna cum laude Honours Psychology Brookside, NS Ottawa, ON Chloe Paige Champion Abdullah Yousef Asfour summa cum laude Halifax, NS Kensington, PE

Celine Ayoub Lulu Chen magna cum laude magna cum laude Halifax, NS Halifax, NS

Yara Azizieh Zhilan Cheng summa cum laude Honours Biology Halifax, NS Halifax, NS

Emma Brooke Baines Anna Grace Chisholm summa cum laude magna cum laude Halifax, NS Grand Bay-Westfield, NB

Cajiah Percrair Bethel Chiranjeev Choolhun Nassau, Bahamas Vacoas-Phoenix, Mauritius Andrew W. Coakley Fouad Marcel Gerges Zeina Jenine Khadra Cole Harbour, NS Halifax, NS Halifax, NS

Nicholas James Coelho Sarah Leeanne Gibson Lewis David Kingston Devonshire, Bermuda Ottawa, ON Miramichi, NB

Tiffany A. Conrad Alyssa R. Hache Myles James Knockwood , NS St. Philippe, NB Sipekne'katik, NS

Logan Burke Cox MacAulay James Harvey Nikolaus Kollo summa cum laude Honours Physics Halifax, NS Greenville, NC, USA Eastern Passage, NS Logan Hayes LaPointe Luke Bradley Creighton Veronica Lee Hatala Dartmouth, NS Dartmouth, NS summa cum laude Morristown, NJ, USA Joseph B. Laroche Patrick James Crighton Dartmouth, NS Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius Angelo R. Hollett Honours Astrophysics Amanda Marie Lee Mya Daigle Halifax, NS cum laude Newport, VT, USA Honours Biology Jacob C. Hollett Glace Bay, NS Rayniér Oricia D'andra summa cum laude Nédjéra De Bellotte Honours Astrophysics Ophélie Karishma Leste St. John's, Antigua Norris Arm, NL magna cum laude Honours Astrophysics Blake A. d'Entremont Courtney Alexis Hurlburt Rodrigues, Mauritius Pubnico, NS summa cum laude Yarmouth, NS Xinhao Li Hannah M. Dodsworth Halifax, NS Honours Psychology Frejhan Chelsea Malil Jn Baptiste Fall River, NS cum laude Brian David MacDonald Honours Environmental Science Bridgewater, NS Lawrence Daniel Doucett Vieux-Fort, Saint Lucia Bridgetown, NS Mason Makhoul Benjamin Christopher Jollymore Halifax, NS Ashanti Shanischa Duncanson Honours Computing Science Sandy Point, Bahamas Seaforth, NS Sabrina Mamtaj Dhaka, Bangladesh Zoë Olivia Estabrooks Dakota C. Keddy Sackville, NB magna cum laude Louise P. Mason New Germany, NS Honours Psychology Halifax, NS Willis James McCullough-Messom Sare Ozbek Elianna Saikali Mount Uniacke, NS Honours Biology summa cum laude Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Kathleen Maiti McGrath magna cum laude Katie Danielle Peddle Ankur Saini Honours Astrophysics Labrador City, NL Dehradun, India Bedford, NS Hannah C. Perrin-Brannon Jenacy Rae Samways Kaleigh Elizabeth Rita McLeod Halifax, NS summa cum laude summa cum laude Honours Environmental Science Honours Chemistry Cameron N. E. Power , NS Head of Saint Margaret's Bay, NS magna cum laude Honours Astrophysics Hannah G. Serroul Raven N. McNeil Gander, NL Enfield, NS Wilmot, NS Johnathon Edward Power Emma Katherine Donna Shaw Kelsey Lynn Mercer Co-operative Education Stillwater Lake, NS summa cum laude North Sydney, NS Honours Biology Madison Elizabeth Silver Middle Sackville, NS Shannon Renée Power cum laude Lunenburg, NS Honours Environmental Science Sasha S. Michael Bedford, NS cum laude Joleen J. Pryce St. John's, Antigua & Barbuda cum laude Pavlos Skarvelis St. John's, Antigua Stouffville, ON Kessaven Moonesawmy Halifax, NS Parisa Rahmani Alicia Elizabeth Somers magna cum laude summa cum laude Caleb A. Morrison Halifax, NS Oakville, ON Middleton, NS Calecia Candice Reid Michael Andrew Robert Nash Kingston, Jamaica Tashveena Rani Surdha Honours Psychology Honours Astrophysics Halifax, NS Paige Kathleen Roszak Phoenix, Mauritius Ottawa, ON Sophia Marie Newcombe Samantha Renée Thoms cum laude Terrell Trever Roulston Dartmouth, NS Honours Biology summa cum laude Gaetz Brook, NS Honours Biology Vaibhav Sheffield Mills, NS Honours Astrophysics Halifax, NS Kreetish Venkataswami Yeran Yang Perrin Angela MacMullin Caroline, Mauritius Changsha, China summa cum laude Hammonds Plains, NS Jacob P. Vincent Leighton C. Yeo summa cum laude Halifax, NS Lana Mamlook Hammonds Plains, NS Damascus, Syria Zhengkun Zeng Michael Andrew Walton Nanchong, China Rehder Selim-Omar Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Wumei Zhang Courtney Marie Warmerdam Anhui, China summa cum laude DIPLOMA IN Bedford, NS Yilin Zhang ENGINEERING cum laude Conor David Waterfield Honours Computing Science Denise Seyram Adisenu-Doe summa cum laude Xian, China with distinction Honours Astrophysics Halifax, NS Fall River, NS Joelle Zhouri Honours Psychology Fawzi Michel Ayoub Mya Claire Westhaver Halifax, NS Halifax, NS summa cum laude Sydney Mines, NS Meylin Zink Yi Jacques Y. Bosse Honours Psychology with greatest distinction Jessica Elieen Whittingham Halifax, NS Dartmouth, NS Honours Psychology Nassau, Bahamas Connor Michael Duggan BACHELOR OF with greatest distinction Devin Jarrett Williams Halifax, NS summa cum laude SCIENCE & DIPLOMA Quispamsis, NB IN ENGINEERING Andrew Ian Dzierzanowski Halifax, NS Kayla Joann Williams Tyler Marie Adderley magna cum laude Freeport, Bahamas Vanessa Grace Edmonds Honours Biology Hammonds Plains, NS Saint John, NB Weston Geoffrey Michael Elliott Dartmouth, NS Blaise Yves Bernard Eygun Abigayle Faith Winters with great distinction Honours Psychology Ismael Haddaji Bedford, NS Spryfield, NS Casablanca, Morocco Katelin M. Flick Keegan Hayes Woodworth Ricardo Mohsen Jebailey Dartmouth, NS Sackville, NS Hammonds Plains, NS Johny Marcel Gerges CERTIFICATE OF Hui Ling Kaitlin Tan Halifax, NS HONOURS-SCIENCE Singapore, Singapore

Hadon Desmond Jones Marissa Jordan MacInnis Kayla Joann Williams Halifax, NS Frenchvale, NS Saint John, NB

Harrison R. Jones Sara Shabnam Fall River, NS Dhaka, Bangladesh CERTIFICATE IN THE Anjit Karki Mackenzie J. Zinck Kathmandu, Nepal MATHEMATICAL Halifax, NS SCIENCES FOR Karandeep Singh Kullar EDUCATION with great distinction Dartmouth, NS CERTIFICATE IN Merrilee Iris Webber FORENSIC SCIENCES Musquodoboit Harbour, NS Aaron Gabriel L. Mendoza Dartmouth, NS Matthew Cory Carlton Brookside, NS Julia Alexandra Morrison MASTER OF SCIENCE (APPLIED SCIENCE) Dartmouth, NS Chloe Paige Champion Kensington, PE Cassie Elizabeth Burns McConnell Douglas Reid Bridgewater, NS Cole Harbour, NS Anna Grace Chisholm Grand Bay-Westfield, NB Carolyn G. Farling Breton Lawlor McNeil Sears Rocky River, OH, USA Hammonds Plains, NS Zoë Olivia Estabrooks Sackville, NB Alicia M. McVarnock Colin Henry Silver Halifax, NS with greatest distinction Journey N. Giesbrecht Bridgewater, NS Bluffton, AB Morgan Jennifer Mitchell Co-operative Education Emily Grace Veinot Dakota C. Keddy Moorefield, ON with greatest distinction New Germany, NS Church Point, NS Amanda Marie Lee Erin Kathryn Schormans Newmarket, ON Brett Anthony Wilcox Glace Bay, NS with distinction Dartmouth, NS Sasha S. Michael St. John's, Antigua & Barbuda


Bijay Khadka Tammy Ann Mahar Halifax, NS Halifax, NS

Nikita Neveditsin Halifax, NS

Rober Spasyouti Halifax, NS BACHELOR OF ARTS

Bader Abdelbaset Halifax, NS

Alexis T. E. Albury Nassau, Bahamas

Derice Terrance Charles Allison Dartmouth, NS

Abdullah Mazen Al-Nasleh Lod, Palestine

Juan Camilo Arboleda Hernandez ARTS Halifax, NS Julie Ann Arbuckle Cooks Brook, NS

Shanice Melroy Arrakal cum laude Mumbai, India

Kezia A. H. Bailey cum laude Honours Psychology Basseterre, St. Kitts

Megan T. Baker magna cum laude Halifax, NS

Brooke Deborah Balcom Fall River, NS

Kayla Nicole Banks Middleton, NS John A. Barager Holly Amber Bellefontaine Catherine Anne Bourgeois Honours History magna cum laude summa cum laude Halifax, NS Cole Harbour, NS Honours Psychology Halifax, NS Camille Jane Xiaolan Bazot Gabriella K. Black summa cum laude Quispamsis, NB Hayley Anne Bowdridge Bridgewater, NS Dartmouth, NS Carly Beth Boertien Hugh R. Beaton magna cum laude Allison Boyle magna cum laude Souris, PE summa cum laude Inverness, NS Bible Hill, NS Brandie Jolene Deanne Bond Tabitha Ann Beaton magna cum laude Taylor Brundage Windsor, NS Honours Psychology Amherst, NS New Glasgow, NS Bronagh Freyja Beattie Jacob S. Buch magna cum laude Annick Danielle Boudreau Beaver Bank, NS Halifax, NS Port Hawkesbury, NS Koby Tyler Buckler Megan Elizabeth Boudreau , NS Moncton, NB Erin Hope Burke cum laude Middleton, NS

Morgan Louise Burnard Honours English , NS Laura Catherine Burton Caitlin Marie Corkum Bethany Jane Doddrell cum laude Canada Cornwall, United Kingdom Bedford, NS Kaitlynn Anne Creighan Joe Wilfred Henri Doucet Carlmichael Calupitan summa cum laude Fall River, NS Quezon City, Philippines Honours Political Science Bedford, NS Daniel W. Dow Clark Emma Lynn Carey magna cum laude Saint John, NB Kayla Christine Crockett Halifax, NS summa cum laude Garret T. Cavanagh Riverton, NS Xiaofeng Du Dartmouth, NS Liaocheng, China Xinyi Dai Colby James Charlton Jiangyou, China Jinruo Duan French Lake, NB magna cum laude Myles Alexander Davidson Zhuhai, China Lara Cheblaoui summa cum laude Halifax, NS Honours Criminology Abby Marion Glenys Dunn St. Peter's, NS , NS Yingjun Chen summa cum laude Bryn M. de Chastelain Zoë E. Dunsworth Honours French summa cum laude summa cum laude Guangzhou, China Honours Political Science Honours Psychology Georgetown, ON Southwest Cove, NS Brenda Chimbo Mumba Halifax, NS Gabrielle Maryssa de Ste Croix Katlyn Ruby Dykens Dartmouth, NS summa cum laude Daniel Adam Chisholm Kentville, NS Antigonish, NS Payton Joan Deeble Halifax, NS Haley Marie Eagles James Andrew Clarke Halifax, NS Hammonds Plains, NS Caroline Scott DeVan Halifax, NS Dinah Ejigu Madison E. A. Clements-Dubreuil Halifax, NS cum laude Mackenzie Rosina Devanney Eastern Passage, NS Dartmouth, NS Abiola Oluwatoyin Yaminat Elabanjo St. John's, Antigua & Barbuda Stéphanie Lyse Corbin Michaela Cailleagh Dickens Honours International Development Studies magna cum laude Sophia M. K. Eliot Temiskaming Shores, ON Springfield, NS Halifax, NS Meltem Cana Etiz Jenna Lee Giles Jeremy Ian Hawksworth Ankara, Turkey Sackville, NS Dartmouth, NS

Nina Isabella Evans Lewis Kieran Godfrey Megan Dawn Healey magna cum laude Cole Harbour, NS Dartmouth, NS Honours Linguistics Halifax, NS Ian J. Goulding Bradley Wilson Herbst Dartmouth, NS Ottawa, ON Amynte Claire Marie Eygun Bedford, NS Alexa B. Goulet Cerridwen Heron Dartmouth, NS summa cum laude Drucilla Amber Fearing Bridgewater, NS Halifax, NS Raven-Jaimi S. Grant Freeport, Bahamas Hana Marisa Hicks Linwen Feng cum laude magna cum laude Cassandra Noelle Greenham Honours Psychology Jinan, China Dartmouth, NS Halifax, NS

Nancy Maria Fernandez Ruohua Guan Brona Higginbotham cum laude cum laude summa cum laude Cochin, India Wuhan, China Musquodoboit Harbour, NS

Robin Devon Fredericks Elizabeth Jordan Hall Aaron William Reid Hillier St. John's, Antigua & Barbuda Stellarton, NS summa cum laude Springdale, NL Prachi Gaba Stephanie Anne Hallett summa cum laude Ottawa, ON Jayde C. Hodder Gurgaon, India Rosebay, NS Brianna Margaret Lynn Hamilton Karli Lesli Gale cum laude Alison M. Horton Corner Brook, NL Honours Criminology magna cum laude Grafton, NS Honours International Development Studies Kayla Sarah Hope Giddens Halifax, NS Truro, NS Jerisa Haque Dhaka, Bangladesh Kyle William Houghton Nicole Carolyn Faith Giddens Middle Sackville, NS Truro, NS Graylen Emily Harper Halifax, NS Brett Howard Journey N. Giesbrecht Waverley, NS summa cum laude Ciara Katherine Harris Bluffton, AB summa cum laude Halifax, NS Qi Huang Caitlin Colleen Kelly Emma Kathryn Lake Hami, China Halifax, NS Fall River, NS

Josee M. Hubley Liam Alexander Craig Kelly Rebeccah Jane Lambie Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Souris, PE

Katherine Lynn Hunter Emma Margaret Kemp Kathryn M. Landry Lower Sackville, NS summa cum laude Halifax, NS Honours Anthropology Grace Alison Irving Pontypool, ON Ceilidh Deanne Michelle LeBlanc Halifax, NS Honours Philosophy Lyam S. Kenneally Dartmouth, NS Avery MacGrath Jackson Burlington, NS Honours Anthropology Katherine Jane Mcclure Lenehan Clarence, NS Ashley Paige Kennedy Dartmouth, NS magna cum laude Lee Grant Jonah Honours Psychology Ainsley Leo Sails Leonard-Harding Head of Chezzetcook, NS Co-operative Education Honours History Dartmouth, NS Halifax, NS Max M. Jones Honours English Michael Frank Kennedy Jenna Brielle Levangie Dartmouth, NS Lower Sackville, NS Dartmouth, NS

Dean Nicholas Joseph Alexandra D. Kerwin Anika Katherine Léveillée Honours Philosophy Dartmouth, NS Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Jasmine Grace-Marie King Xiangyuan Li Jada Briar Nicole Joseph Halifax, NS Zhouzhou, China Castries, Saint Lucia Zaria-Kai K. King Runzi Lin Kadeem A. M. Joseph Bridgetown, Barbados Swatow, China summa cum laude Antigua, Antigua & Barbuda Kathleen Michelle Odeen Kozak Yanqi Lin Halifax, NS Shantou, China Colleen Patricia Mary Kearney magna cum laude Anna Kuwornu Silin Liu Honours Psychology Accra, Ghana cum laude Dalhousie, NB Guizhou, China Han Lai Jason E. Keddy magna cum laude Xiaoqing Liu Bedford, NS China Zhuhai, China Xinyu Liu Phillip Scott Mabley Brittney Markey-Peach Ningxia, China Richmond Hill, ON Annapolis Valley, NS

Yiman Liu Christopher A. MacDonald Cole Ryan Martin cum laude Honours Psychology cum laude Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Miramichi, NB

Tyler Asaph Lloyd Jeffrey Rannie MacDonald Skylar Storm Martini Cambridge, NS Judique, NS Honours Psychology Dartmouth, NS Elizabeth Erica Lorimer Katherine Anne Macdonald Mount Albert, ON summa cum laude Anna L. Martyn Honours Geography Windsor, NS Hayley Karen Lucas Halifax, NS Halifax, NS Nakita Kukeng'a Maseka Jordan Maye MacKenzie Drumheller, AB Aengus Ian Lund cum laude Halifax, NS Brookfield, NS Avery R. Maskell Dayspring, NS Jiayu Lyu Kenzie John MacKinnon Urumqi, China cum laude Sophia Linda Maskine Southwest Margaree, NS summa cum laude Jun Ma Halifax, NS summa cum laude Jordan Daniel Magee Zhongshan, China Halifax, NS Mikaela Hope Maxwell Onslow, NS Colleen Margaret Kathryn McCarthy Dylan James Murphy Rupert Ibiko Pelle magna cum laude Port Hood, NS St. John’s, Antigua & Barbuda Honours Criminology Dartmouth, NS Amira Saeed Naffa Jiorgia Marie Pellegrini Halifax, NS Quispamsis, NB Drew G. R. McConnell Fredericton, NB Tanya Nauman Chen Peng Honours Linguistics Beihai, China Evan Thomas McCoy Halifax, NS summa cum laude Le Khoi Anh Pham Dartmouth, NS Rachel Mae Nauss summa cum laude Chester, NS Honours Psychology Laura Beverley Janet McGovern Co-operative Education Dartmouth, NS Bretton Arthur Paul Nearing Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Seaforth, ON Tamara Lynn McKeen Cody Jared Pick Glenelg, NS Karlie B. Nicols Cambridge, NS Fredericton, NB Cong Meng Harmon Riley Pilapil summa cum laude Patrick O'Neil Fall River, NS Harbin, China summa cum laude Halifax, NS Devin W. Pollock Emma Rose Meyer Lawrencetown, NS Springville, NS Asia J. Outten cum laude Kristin Danielle Pomerleau Erin Elizabeth Miller Halifax, NS Calgary, AB Honours Criminology Middle Musquodoboit, NS Sara A. Parfitt Emily A. Prime Lower Sackville, NS Coldbrook, NS Findlay MacRae Monteith , NS Taylor J. Parnell-Stanford Taylor Alissa Probert Halifax, NS Enfield, NS Emily N. Moring Ottawa, ON Yash Patel Zachary Alexander Purdy Dartmouth, NS Windsor Junction, NS Kevin Gerald Mullen summa cum laude Christopher M. Paul Liam Thomas Blake Quigg Yarmouth, NS Honours Psychology Honours Political Science Dartmouth, NS Halifax, NS Emily Colleen Munroe magna cum laude Jacob Thomas Paul Andrew Robertson Reid Halifax, NS Halifax, NS summa cum laude Eastern Passage, NS Licheng Ren Kelsie Miranda Savoury Kyle A. Stymest magna cum laude Cape Breton, NS Halifax, NS Fuzhou, China Brock William Schweers William Murray Beatty Sutherland Jarek N. Richards Honours History Squamish, BC Montreal, QC Langley, BC Jayden L. Szymanski Heather Freeman Riley Jake Joseph Schweers Maple Ridge, BC Inverness, NS Langley, BC K. Anika Tabassum Bradley William Ritchie Ashley Dawn Scott Dhaka, Bangladesh cum laude , NS Dartmouth, NS Hui Ling Kaitlin Tan Justine Catherine Valentine Semenol summa cum laude Kenzie Elizabeth Roach Halifax, NS Honours Criminology Halifax, NS Singapore, Singapore Muskaan Sharma Logan Kaius Quinn Robertson New Delhi, India Leah Catherine Taylor summa cum laude Sydney, NS Honours Anthropology Julien Marilyn Sheppard Halifax, NS magna cum laude Nicole A. Theriault Honours History Lower Sackville, NS Gabrielle Eva-Mae Russell Eastern Passage, NS cum laude Alexander Scott Thibeault Sheet Harbour, NS Brianna Mae Louise Slate Middle Sackville, NS Halifax, NS Jessica Louise Sacre Emily Michelle Thomson Dartmouth, NS Cassidy Leigh Smith Dartmouth, NS summa cum laude Gurkieren Kaur Sainny Enfield, NS Michael Benjamin Torrey Halifax, NS Dartmouth, NS Finn Milo Snodden Catherine Gloria Samms Halifax, NS Michael Andrew Dempsey Trotter Corner Brook, NL magna cum laude Zixuan Song Honours Political Science Rachel D. Saunders Shijiazhuang, China Honours History summa cum laude Stratford, PE Honours Psychology Meaghan Elizabeth Stephenson Dartmouth, NS Saco, ME, USA Jenna L. Tucker Halifax, NS Tapiwanashe Savado Grace Olivia Stewardson Harare, Zimbabwe cum laude Mehmet Cem Turkmen Halifax, NS Istanbul, Turkey Justin Trevor Vandenberghe Samantha M. Watson Rory Fitzgerald Williams Delhi, ON Halifax, NS St. John's, NL

Megan C. Veinot Kelly Johannah Webb Emily Erin Willison Middleton, NS summa cum laude New Glasgow, NS Honours Philosophy Catherine Sarah Vosman Dartmouth, NS Jiahui Wu Halifax, NS Bryanna L. S. Welton Guangzhou, China Margaret Rose Waller Eastern Passage, NS Dartmouth, NS Yongqiang Wu Emma Theresa White Zhaoqing, China Chenyu Wang Halifax, NS Qinhuangdao, China Shiqin Xue Sarah Renee White Shuqi Wang Dartmouth, NS cum laude Shanxi, China Fuzhou, China Taeghan Nicole Whynott Wenkai Wang summa cum laude Lin Yang summa cum laude Berwick, NS Shenzhen, China Shanxi, China Denise Irene Victoria Wilband Courtney Brianne Ward Bridgewater, NS Ping Yang Kingston, NS Weihai, China Danielle May Cadieux cum laude Honours Environmental Studies Gladstone, MB

Lucy Marie Francis Fisher's Grant, NS

Jessica Elizabeth Gilice Enfield, NS

Eveline Elisabeth Hipson Sandford, NS Samnarith Youk Ruiqi Zhao Halifax, NS Jining, China Jason Hu Truro, NS Wenyue Yu Fangzhou Zhu Daqing, China Halifax, NS Gabriella Courteney Marcella John St. John's, Antigua Jinyu Yuan magna cum laude BACHELOR OF Julia Ann Marie MacAulay Souris, PE Honours Psychology ENVIRONMENTAL Siping, China STUDIES Shae Lynn Danielle Saulnier Yue Zhang Honours Environmental Studies Afsha Afroze Ningxia, China Lower Sackville, NS Dhaka, Bangladesh

Yuhang Zhang magna cum laude Shreetee Devi Appadu summa cum laude CERTIFICATE OF Harbin, China Honours Environmental Studies HONOURS-ARTS Souillac, Mauritius YuTing Zhang Kelsey Ann Villars magna cum laude Dartmouth, NS Chengdu, China Gabrielle Alyse Buckland Sydney, NS CERTIFICATE IN MASTER OF ARTS HEALTH, WELLNESS (ATLANTIC CANADA STUDIES) AND SPORT IN SOCIETY Jake Denis Francis Bullen Siobhan Elizabeth Birch Porters Lake, NS Mississauga, ON Lori Ann Stockley Rachel D. Saunders Middle Sackville, NS Dartmouth, NS



Victoria Rebecca Michels Carolyn Elizabeth Hiscock Dartmouth, NS Halifax, NS


Keri A. Harvey Michelle Bona Halifax, NS Halifax, NS

Katherine Elizabeth Houser Tammy A. Williams Moncton, NB Halifax, NS Alumni

Alumni Around the World The Saint Mary’s Alumni Association will welcome more than 700 students into its global family this spring. Donning Alumni Honour Guard robes, your Alumni speaker Once a acts as a symbol of your belonging and Santamarian acceptance into our community. Always a Each graduate will receive an alumni pin from Saint Mary’s Alumni Association when they Santamarian receive their parchment, a tradition dating back to 1990. Graduates are encouraged to wear their pins with pride. Alumni of Saint Mary’s University, Santamarians, share a strong sense of community; this bond is evident whether alumni are cheering on the Huskies, supporting their alma mater with their time or resources, or heading back to campus for Homecoming.

With more than 53,000 graduates worldwide, Saint Mary’s has alumni networks in cities and towns across the globe.

Stay connected and keep in touch with classmates through social media, regional gatherings and networking opportunities. And if you want to volunteer, plan an event or start an alumni network in your area, visit smu.ca/alumni. Alumni Around the World About Saint Mary’s University

Saint Mary’s University is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. Nestled in the heart of Halifax,

Nova Scotia, Saint Mary’s University is 1985, it was one of only a handful of such marked by iconic buildings, green spaces, facilities in the country. and fresh ocean air. A vibrant and culturally Saint Mary’s has always endorsed the diverse campus, Saint Mary’s lets students idea that physical health is a strong experience the world, all in one city block. foundation for a productive mind and The university’s role in the creation and spirit, and the university has proven dissemination of knowledge, combined time and again the legitimacy of this with its entrepreneurial and leadership skills philosophy, winning many regional and training, provide ample evidence of its ability national titles across a number of sports. to change the world for the better – locally, Student success requires a strong and nationally, and internationally. comprehensive institutional commitment, Graduates of Saint Mary’s – who hail from focusing on academic excellence, more than 100 countries – share a special discovery, and innovation. Saint pride. Known as Santamarians, 53,000 Mary’s aims to prepare Santamarians alumni are contributing to communities and to succeed in a global, intercultural economies around the globe. environment, meet the market needs of the Atlantic region and Canada, and Saint Mary’s has pioneered a number of provide pathways for career launch and academic programs and is home to one of progression. the first Faculties of Commerce in Canada, now recognized as a national leader in Building upon its strong history of business education. In more recent years, teaching and research excellence, the university became known for programs student-centred learning, community and supports for students with disabilities; outreach and commitment to diversity, when the Fred Smithers Centre of Support Saint Mary’s University is ready to meet for Students with Disabilities opened in the challenges and opportunities of the Saint Mary’s University is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral 21st century. So, too, are its graduates. and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. Governor General’s Gold and Silver Medals

For more than 125 years, the Governor General’s Academic Medals have recognized the outstanding scholastic achievements of students in Canada. They are awarded to the student graduating with the highest average from a high school, as well as from approved college or university programs. Pierre Trudeau, Tommy Douglas, Kim Campbell, Robert Bourassa, Robert Stanfield and Gabrielle Roy are just some of the more than 50 000 people who have received the Governor General’s Academic Medal.

Today, the Governor General’s Academic Medals are awarded at four distinct levels: Bronze at the secondary school level; Collegiate Bronze at the post-secondary, diploma level; Silver at the undergraduate level; and Gold at the graduate level. Medals are presented on behalf of the Governor General by participating educational institutions, along with personalized certificates signed by the Governor General.

Master of Arts (International Development Studies): James Morrison International Development Studies Medal

The purpose of this medal, made possible through a generous donation by Dr. James Morrison of Saint Mary's University, is to recognize exceptional fieldwork design and empirical research at the graduate level. Established in 1993, this medal is awarded based on the successful completion of a Master of Arts in International Development thesis that integrates field research and demonstrates the theory and practice of International Development. Master of Business Administration: Dr. Harold G. Beazley Medal

Established in 1976 by Harold “Babe” Beazley BComm’36 DLitt’72, the Beazley Medal is the oldest graduate-level University Gold medal, recognizing highest academic achievement for graduates of the Master of Business Administration. Dr. Beazley was the first recipient of a Bachelor of Commerce at Saint Mary’s in 1936, taught at Saint Mary’s his entire career, and served as Dean of Commerce and as coach of the men’s varsity hockey team. His contributions to the Sobey School of Business and the Department of Accounting are immeasurable; shortly after his retirement, he was named Professor Emeritus and Dean Emeritus in 1979.

Master of Science (Applied Science): Biology: The Georgia Pe-Piper Medal for The Dr. Brij M. Kapoor Memorial Award Excellence in Applied Science Established in 2007, this award is presented This medal recognizes excellence in in honour of Dr. Brij Mohan Kapoor, Professor research by a student enrolled in the Master of Biology from 1968-2003, who believed of Science, Applied Science program. in excellence in science and meritorious Nominees are ranked based on degree of achievement. independence of the candidate from the supervisor(s) in the research/thesis, degree of novelty and innovation, contribution to / impact on the field or discipline, contribution The McMullan & Rege Honours in or impact beyond the field or discipline, Criminology Convocation Award quality of the interpretation of the research findings, students' performance during the This award has been established in honour defense of the thesis and the quality of the of Professor Aunshul Rege’s mentor, Dr. thesis as a written document. John Leonard McMullan, a long serving and well-respected faculty member in the former Established in 2013 through the generosity of Department of Sociology and Criminology. Saint Mary's University faculty members, in Dr. Rege credits her love for education and recognition of Dr. Georgia Pe-Piper, Professor passion for educating others to his guidance, Emerita of the Department of Geology at dedication to excellence, hard work and Saint Mary's. commitment to the success of others. Environment: Environmental Prize

The Environmental Prizes are awarded to students graduating with a major or honours in the BSc Environmental Science program, and to a major or honours in the Bachelor of Environmental Studies program. Recipients will have shown exceptionally strong and solidly interdisciplinary academic performance, and extensive extracurricular and/or co-curricular leadership and other involvement that directly or indirectly supports environmental well-being.

These awards were established in 2013 by Dr. Tony Charles. Dr. Charles is a former Director of the School of the Environment and a professor in the Environmental Science Department and the Sobey School of Business. He specializes in interdisciplinary research on natural resources, coastal and marine areas and conservation issues.

Human Resource Management: Hermann F. Schwind Award for Excellence in Human Resource Management

This award was established in 2000 by friends and colleagues of Dr. Hermann Schwind, in recognition of his significant contributions to the advancement of the Human Resources Management profession in this region and across the country. O'Brien Award in Irish Studies

This award was created by the generosity of Dr. Brian O'Brien DSc’15 to honour a graduating student who has excelled in Irish Studies. The award also memorializes the important contributions of Rev. Richard Baptist O'Brien, the first President of Saint Mary's when it acquired degree granting status in 1841, and the Archbishop of Halifax, Cornelius O'Brien, who led the university's re-establishment in 1903 following a 22-year closure.

Dr. Brian O'Brien DSc'15 is a long-time benefactor of the Irish Studies Program and a stalwart of the Irish community in Halifax. Since his retirement in 2009 from a distinguished career as an Opthalmologist, Dr. O'Brien has been a champion in the restoration of the Holy Cross Cemetery, a valuable repository of the history of the Irish contribution to Saint Mary's and Nova Scotia. In 2015, Dr. O'Brien received a Doctor of Science (honoris causa) from Saint Mary's University.

Edwin C. Harris Tax Prize

Established 2010, the Edwin C. Harris Tax Prize was established by Saint Mary's University and the Sobey School of Business Tax Conference Planning Committee in honour of Edwin C. Harris QC FCA FCMA TEP for his 50-year contribution to the annual Atlantic Provinces Tax Conference. The Conference is co-sponsored annually by the Sobey School of Business and is attended by practising accountants, tax lawyers, government officials, and people in the tax community. J. Kevin Vessey Award for the PhD in Applied Science

This award recognizes graduating PhD students from the Applied Science program, who have demonstrated an outstanding impact of their research that goes beyond academia.

John and Heather Fitzpatrick Valedictorian Award

The purpose of this award is to provide incentive and congratulations to Saint Mary's University valedictorians each convocation.

This award was established in 2006 through the generosity of alumnus John Fitzpatrick BA’81 DCL’17 QC and his wife and long-time staff and supporter, Heather. John graduated with a BA in Political Science from Saint Mary's University and an LLB from Dalhousie University Schulich School of Law.

For John, Saint Mary's University has always been close to his heart. John has served on the Board of Governors for 20 years, with eight years as Chair and Vice- Chair. In recognition of his commitment to students, he was awarded an honorary "Gold M" by the Saint Mary's University Students' Association. John also received a Doctor of Civil Law (honoris causa) from Saint Mary’s University in 2017.

Heather has worked at Saint Mary's University for more than 18 years in different fundraising positions. She is a strong supporter of the university through many avenues, demonstrating her loyalty and love for the institution.

John and Heather's connections to the university extend to their three children: Laura, Jennifer, and Andrew, who have all attended Saint Mary's. John's Father, Ed, is a proud 1953 Saint Mary's graduate and was valedictorian of his class. Dr. John Plews – Father William A. Stewart, SJ Medal for Excellence in Teaching

Dr. John L. Plews is the 2021 recipient of the Father William A. Stewart, SJ Medal for Excellence in Teaching presented by the Saint Mary’s University Alumni Association and Faculty Union.

Dr. Plews is Professor of German and Director of the Canadian Summer School in Germany (CSSG). He studied German and French at the University of Manchester (1991) and completed a Master’s in German Literature at the University of Alberta, Edmonton (1992). He earned a Doctorate in German Literatures, Languages, & Linguistics (2001) and a Doctorate in Secondary Education (2010), both from the University of Alberta. He has taught at Saint Mary’s since 2005 and at the CSSG from 2009-2012 as well as since 2017 when becoming Director. He served as the President of the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German (CAUTG) (2016- 2018) and President of the Halifax Languages Consortium (2015-2018). Dr. Plews researches study abroad for language learners and language teachers, second language learner identities and second language curriculum and teaching. His work draws on a variety of critical and sociocultural theories as well as qualitative approaches, including narrative analysis. His research has been funded by SSHRC, Saint Mary’s University, the Province of Alberta and the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund. He is also the recipient of the Sheryl McInnis Award (2003) in recognition of academic service to the LGBTQ2S+ community of Edmonton and the CAUTG Award for Best PhD Dissertation (2002).

He is currently compiling an edited volume on critical approaches to study abroad research methods and data (2022, Palgrave Macmillan, with J. McGregor). He is editor of several books and journal issues and author of articles and book chapters on various topics in study abroad research, second language education and German culture.

Dr. Plews is being recognized by his current and former students and colleagues for his enthusiasm and dedication to the scholarship of teaching and learning of the German language, engaging teaching methods and positive impact on the lives of his students. UNIVERSITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LEADERSHIP

Board of Governors University Senate Dr. Michael Durland BComm’87 DComm’10 Chancellor Dr. Tatjana Takseva, Chair of Senate Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Rohini Bannerjee, Vice-Chair Lawrence Freeman, QC, Chair Dr. Roby Austin Alan R. Abraham, Jr. BComm’80, Vice Chair Ms. Barbara Bell Dr. Najah Attig Dr. Harjeet Bhabra Anita Bezeau Mr. Tom Brophy Bryn de Chastelain Dr. Christa Brosseau Kimberly Doane BA’92 Dr. Malcolm Butler Dr. Alexandra Dobrowolsky Mr. Bryn de Chastelain Rick Flynn, EMBA’97 Dr. Claudia de Fuentes Philip Fraser MBA’88 Dr. Hong Fan Dr. Lisa Gannett Dr. Lori Francis Sylvia Gawad BSc’14 Dr. Karen Grandy Samantha Graham Dr. Jason Grek-Martin Mark Gosine BA’95 Dr. Jacob Hanley Joshua Lafond Dr. Randle Hart Floyd Kane Dr. Rylan Higgins Duncan MacIntyre MBA’79 Ms. Tanya Killam BComm’09 Jamie MacNeil BComm’00 Ms. Rhea Nankani The Most Reverend Anthony Mancini Dr James O’Brien Anna Marenick Dr. Christine Panasian Scott McElman BComm’91 Dr. Jeff Power BComm’76 MBA’80 Dr. Margaret McKee Dr. Heather Sanderson Joseph Metlege EMBA'12 Dr. Adam Sarty Dr. Nicole Neatby Dr. Veronica Stinson Jennifer Nicholson BComm’94 Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray Tom O’Handley BComm’02 Mr. Brian Tumusiime Jane Roy BComm'84 Dr. Peter Twohig BA’89 MA’91 Kelly Sauriol Ms. Suzanne van den Hoogen BA’91 Dr. Robert Singer Dr. Madine VanderPlaat Sian Wren BA’94 Ms. Abigayle Winters Rami Zokari Dr. Lyubov Zhyznomirska Mr. Rami Zokari ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

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