in Issue 30 – May 2011

Argyll and Bute Early Years Newsletter

Garelochhead Playgroup recently achieved the Level 3 award for Health Accreditation.

A few of the comments on the report were:- "The playgroup provides a stimulating environment, indoors and outdoors for children." "The children are engaged in a wide variety of learning experiences, which promote aspects of health and wellbeing." "The playgroup provides a bright and stimulating environment for the children and staff." "The playgroup has good links with the primary school in which they are based and frequently work together to promote health and wellbeing such as using the school gym, and holding both sports days on the same day so that parents can watch both playgroup and school children."

Janice Judge, Manager

Early Years Staff Changes Included in this issue: Anne Paterson permanently took up the

position of Quality Improvement Manager Page 2 – Islay & Jura Toy Library Early Years on the 11th of April 2011 and has Page 3 – EYEPET strategic responsibility for the development Page 4 – Land of Me and management of the Early Years Service Page 5 – SCSWIS (0-8 yrs). Anne is line managed by Dougie Page 5 – Outdoor Literacy (BASIC) Dunlop, Head of Service Children and Families Page 6 – Health Events () and is part of the Children and Families Page 7 – Childminding News Management Team.

Margaret Lauder has announced her Included in this edition; retirement from the Early Years service on Page 2 – Level 9 Information 30th June. Alison MacKenzie will take up the Page 3 & 4 – Childminding News position as Principal Officer Early Years from Page 5 – Smarties Nursery that date, with responsibility for preschool Page 6 – Campbeltown Nursery and Cardross Playgroup education and childcare. Page 7 – Clyde Nursery

I Can – Early Talk

Congratulations to the following groups who have all achieved the Supportive Level of the I Can – Early Talk programme;

 Apple Tree Nursery  Campbeltown Nursery  Clyde Cottage Nursery Local Authority and Voluntary  Dalintober Pre 5 Unit  Kilcreggan Pre 5 Unit  Little Learners’  Riverside Rascals  Rothesay Pre 5 Unit

A celebration is planned where the certificates will be presented to the services, following the moderation of the Portfolios by I Can, Early Years staff and Speech and Language colleagues.

Early Talk is a learning programme devised to develop the skills of early year’s practitioners in the vital area of children’s communication.

I Can Early Talk accreditation at the Supportive Level is an endorsement of a service or settings ability to support the communication skills of all children; it is appropriate for all early years’ providers who work with children from birth to five years. Accreditation recognises good practice in promoting speech, language and communication development in children who are developing skills in line with expectations for their age. Accredited settings and services also show good practice in the identification and referral of children with speech, language and communication needs.

I have been extremely impressed with the standard of the staff that supports our young children across the range of services I have had the pleasure to visit during the accreditation process. Along with Speech and Language colleagues I have enjoyed looking at the comprehensive Portfolios of Evidence that have been supported. Further I Can training has taken place and I would urge all services and groups to consider working towards Supportive Level accreditation; support and guidance is available throughout the process should you require it. Apple Tree, Clyde Cottage, Campbeltown Nursery and Little Learners’ are now all progressing to the Enhanced Level after attending two training sessions facilitated by I Can and Community Services; Early Years members.

Alison MacKenzie, Oban Education Office, Dalintart Drive, Oban, PA34 4EF [email protected]

Islay and Jura Toy Library has had a busy start to the year. In addition to our Toy Library sessions, our new Toy Library Co-ordinator Kirsten has already hosted several Activity Days with lots of arts and crafts and very popular junk modelling. A great way to pass a wet weekend!

Our priority this year is to get out and about to the rural communities on Islay and Jura where we will be running parent and child Gaelic, music, art, Rhymetime and story corner sessions throughout the year.

Everyone involved with the Toy

Library is looking forward to an

exciting year ahead.

Opening hours:

Thurs 12-3pm, Fri 1- 4pm, Sat 10am–2pm at the Gaelic College,

Bowmore. Contact Kirsten at

[email protected] or

07799527316 for further

information. 2

Maggie McLellan, Chairperson


Port Charlotte Primary had a visit last week from Derek Robertson, Learning Teaching Scotland’s National Adviser for Emerging Technologies and Learning

Derek is interested in Catherine MacMillan’s innovative work with a class of Early Level Pupils who are using “Eyepet”, software for the PS3.

This project is contributing to the growing body of work that is helping to change the discourse about the position and practical application of games based learning in classrooms across Scotland.

Derek is working with Maggie Irving, Education Support Officer, ICT, for Argyll and Bute and Head Teacher Uris McEwan, to explore the impact of computer games in the classroom.

Although this is Derek’s first visit to Port Charlotte, hopefully it is the beginning of a partnership which will enrich the experiences of all pupils in Argyll and Bute.

Maggie Irving, Education Support Officer, ICT

Across Argyll and Bute Early Years site, educators are beginning to collaborate together to develop a shared approach to learning and with support from the Early Years team develop ‘My Glow’ to meet the needs of their staff and children. Practitioners have begun to showcase planned experiences by uploading pictures onto the site to allow colleagues to share a snapshot of learning. Floor books examples, transition projects and discussion forums have been added to Glow groups to support the development of good practice which reflects the values, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence.

Many establishments have begun developing inspiring projects by developing their own site. Apple Tree Nursery uses Glow for a range of purposes. Staff at the nursery access support material for children with ASL to support CPD and parents. Children within the preschool access the Aardvark resources to reinforce literacy and numeracy games and the development of ‘Land of Me’. The site is also being used as a reference for work rota’s, CPD calendar, photographic evidence and sharing peer evaluations. Sharing information within a larger setting can be made easier through Glow. Practitioners hope to take this further by using Glow meet to link up with other establishments and schools on Bute as part of their transition. The nursery also use the Argyll and Bute Early Years site for current information and this brought their attention to the ‘ I CAN Chatterbox Challenge’, which enabled the nursery to become part of the Guinness book of Records.

In Cowal, Patchwork 2 to 5 Nursery has begun to develop their site to display children’s work and promote links across learning. Glow also acts as a vehicle to share how they are developing their approach to Curriculum for Excellence. Staff information is displayed on their own page with contact details, rotas, policy of the month and CPD calendar. The preschool page has been developed to encourage the children to contribute their ideas through snack choices, ECO projects, visitor of the month and transition activities. The toddler page allows for children’s ideas for future planning and information about current learning. This has allowed staff to begin to develop ownership of their site.

Emma Hobson Principle Teacher Early Years


A class in Port Ellen Primary School was recently turned into The Land of Me. The children from Primary One worked in groups to plan what they wanted each of the areas to look like and came up with some fantastic ideas. Parents were invited into the class and the children enjoyed working alongside them; painting, building, drawing and making.

All the children were very motivated throughout the whole process and it was amazing to listen to their discussions about what they were doing.

As the children were so heavily involved in creating the Land of Me, they had a real sense of ownership and pride regarding what they had done.

Janice MacRae, Port Ellen Primary School

The Land of Me is an interactive world of creativity and learning for children aged 2-6. The Land of Me is a picture book in which the characters are alive; it can be downloaded onto a PC or Mac from, or ordered on a DVD-ROM. It is designed by child development experts for both home and school and it employs proven techniques to support children’s’ creativity and imagination.

For further information please contact Maggie Irving, Education Support Officer, ICT Tel: 01436 678635

Our Pre-school children have recently started to take part in weekly Zumba lessons. Qualified instructor, Magdalena Sadlik comes to the centre every Tuesday and takes the children in 2 groups for a half hour session each. The children are learning new dances and enjoy taking part and playing games with Magdalena, they are going to be designing and making their own T shirts too!

The children hope to show off their new found talents at the Graduation at the end of the year.

Magdalena can be contacted on 07593630916 or email [email protected] for further information regarding Zumba lessons for children.

Janice Kay, Manager 4

From the 1st April 2011, a new body called the Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (SCSWIS) took on the existing functions and activities from the three existing bodies (Care Commission, Social Work Inspection Agency and HMIE Child


Created by the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, SCSWIS will inspect, regulate and support improvement of care and social work and child protection services across Scotland. SCSWIS has developed their inspection plan for 2011/2012 by working closely with all three existing bodies.

For the latest information on the changeover and how the new body will work, an information leaflet detailing all the changes and what to expect is available on

Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0845 600 9527

On Monday 16th May for 4 weeks, Argyll and Bute staff will be piloting Outdoor Literacy sessions at BASIC Out of School Care, .

Activities will include;

 Story Telling, Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge  Neighbourhood Signs  Seaside Theme

 Flowers and Plants

The aims of the project are to:

 To increase the number of outdoor literacy opportunities available to young people who attend BASIC afterschool care

 To increase partnership working between BASIC, Homelink Service and Early Years and

Family Support Service  To increase the literacy skills of the young people attending the project  To work towards supporting the curriculum for excellence strands - confident individuals and successful learners

For further information contact:

Eileen Kay, Homelink Worker Tel: 01436 658740 or

5 Jeanette McGourlay, Early Years & Family Support Worker Tel: 01436 678635


Sheena Stewart and Patricia Park (Childcare National Smile Month is Information Service) have moved from Kirn from the 15th of May Primary School to Argyll House. until the 15th of June 2011. There are many Please continue to contact them to keep ways that your group your records up to date on the Childcare can become involved;

Information Service and also for information on future CPD courses and  Fun Days parenting groups.  Brushathon and the two minute challenge They can be contacted at Argyll House,  Displays Alexandra Parade, PA23 8AJ.  Dental Visits and Open sessions Sheena can be contacted on Tel: 01369  Healthy Food Initiatives 708517 and Patricia on Tel: 01369 708504 email [email protected] For further ideas and information, visit the National Smile Month website at

Health Events Scotland 2011

June th th 6 – 12 National Food Safety week

20th – 26th Child Safety Week

Apple Tree Nursery, Isle of Bute recently August th received the "Eat Safe" Award. 12 International Youth Day 6

Working with Parents

Overcoming barriers to working with parents and other caregivers to ensure good outcomes for children and young people

Date: 29/9/2011 Venue: in

Child Safety Week 2011 - Monday 20 to Sunday 26 June

Child Safety Week is the Child Accident Prevention Trust's flagship community education campaign. It's not about wrapping children in cotton wool, as it's a valuable part of child development to explore and learn new things.

Child Safety Week can help support your work with local families by offering practical and fun ways to engage them about accident prevention. Go to now to order your free toolkit.

Reading with children is a good way to spend time in your home together. The Scottish Government’s Play Talk Read website has got simple interactive Books, with pages you can turn with your mouse and then talk about what you see. These books include Ziggy stories which are part of the new Road Safety Campaign.

Ziggy packs (which include all 6 stories) are available in each local authority area for you to borrow. Please contact Linda Burgar for further information Tel: 01631 564908

The Early Years team are presently hosting childminding events across the local authority. Events have been scheduled for;  Dunoon (to include childminders on Bute)  Lochgilphead  Campbeltown 7  Oban

 Helensburgh

 Linda Burgar (Resource Worker) has been distributing recent publications and guidance to childminders attending. These included the new Infection Prevention and Control in Day Childcare Settings which was first

published by Health Protection Scotland in February 2011. If you have not received a copy of this, please contact Linda Burgar on 01631 564908 or download it from the website childcare.pdf

Linda, along with her colleague Lorna Cameron also presented Information on promoting positive behaviour and the new Birth to Three guidance.

Information was also distributed to childminders about Tax and National


If you were unable to attend any of these network events, please contact Linda on any of these issues.

Make your own COOKIES AND CREAM Watering Can FUDGE BROWNIES Ingredients What you will need: 165g/5½ oz butter, plus extra for greasing

200g/7oz dark chocolate, grated or finely chopped  Milk jug with handle 4 free range eggs (1 gallon, ½ gallon, 2 free range egg yolks or pint) 1 vanilla pod, seeds only (or alternately 2 tsp vanilla extract  Plastic funnel 165g/5½ oz soft light brown sugar  Washable fine-point marker 2 tbsp plain flour  Scissors, paper towels 1 tbsp cocoa powder  Scotch tape, white duct tape Pinch salt  Decorating items 154g/5½oz pack chocolate biscuits, such as Oreos, broken

into quarters What to do: Icing sugar, for dusting

Make sure the plastic milk jug is washed, dried, with labels Preparation method removed before beginning. Place the funnel (4-inch, 3- inch, or 2- 1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Grease a 20cm/8in inch diameter) in desired spout position, opposite the handle of the square baking tin with butter, then line with baking paper milk jug. with the paper overlapping the sides a little. 2. Melt the butter in a pan over a medium heat. When the butter Trace around the funnel with a washable marker. has melted, remove the pan from the heat and add the grated (or chopped) chocolate. Leave to stand for a few minutes, or Cut out a circle approximately ¼ inch inside the circle outline, and until the chocolate melts, and then stir together. then wipe away the outline. Alternatively, you can put the chocolate and butter in a bowl and melt in the microwave in 25 second blasts, stirring well Compress the funnel slightly and pop its wide side into the each time. container. Use tape to hold in desired place. 3. Whisk the eggs, egg yolks and vanilla together in a large bowl until the eggs begin to get light and fluffy. Add the Help child cut strips of white duct tape and tape the funnel in sugar in two additions, whisking between each. Pour it permanent position, removing Scotch tape as you go. around the side of the egg mix so as not to knock out the air that has been whisked in. Keep whisking until the mixture

Decorate using googly eyes, stickers, glitter and glue, adhesive vinyl becomes stiffer. Once the egg mixture is ready, pour the letters, and so on. chocolate into it – again around the sides so as not to knock the air out. 4. Add the flour, cocoa powder, salt and a third of the biscuits and stir until fully combined, then pour the mixture into the prepared tin. Scatter the remaining biscuits over the top, The Butterfly pressing them in slightly. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 25-30 minutes. The middle should be very so The sun is on fire slightly gooey. Leave the brownies to cool in the tin – the top will sink and crack a little. Up in the sky 5. Pull the brownies out using the overlapping paper and cut into And with its warmth squares. Dust with icing sugar. The flowers open

In the garden

And the butterfly Flutters by

Its wings widespread The views expressed in this Newsletter It stops to feed are not necessarily those of Early Years At the flowerbed or of Argyll & Bute Council. And on its favourite flower There the butterfly settles Like two extra little petals