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:ern SPARTAN DAILY .m., TODAY 111 7:30 p.m. 1 oprr#P, 8:30 a.m. - Ity- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE 1au." 111 DM- Vol. 52 41110" SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1965 1(0Nr 91 S. tiai Per- tksn nine,

6:30 vet - 2,450 Cast Ballots; Election Ends Today Trustee Meeting First Day's Record Vote Opens in Fresno Prompts Bigger Prediction By MARK THAYER ter plan of the campus for build- Spartan pally staff Reporter ings and grounds will be unveiled Seniors and graduates made up numbered 2,818 compared to ap- booth is located across from the FRESNO The California State at a meeting of the committee on the biggest percentage of the 2,450 proximately 2,700 students in Education Building on Seventh College Board of Trustees begins campus planning, buildings and students who turned out yester- 1963. Street. a two-day meeting here today with grounds. day to cast ballots for ASB and Ballots from yesterday's voting An alleged violation of the ASB the Chancellor's Council of Presi- This afternoon the finance com- AWS elective officers. were locked in the safe in the Election Code by the UNICOL dents and the statewide Academic mittee will discuss a raise in out According to Ken Lane, election Administration Building until bal- (United Collegians) campus politi- Senate. of state tuition fees from $500 to board chairman, the seniors and loting began this morning. cal party, was reviewed by the At the same time, the SJS man. $540 per year. No action is ex- graduates turned out on the first Tonight after the polls close at ASB Judiciary yesterday. pected by the full board until the day of elections in greater pro- 7:30 p.m. the ballots will be taken UNICOL was charged by the June meeting. portions than expected. to the campus computer center ASB election board of not notify- The Coordinating Council for Early yesterday afternoon extra in the Engineering Building where ing the Student Activities Board AWS Offices Higher Education recommended ballots were run off for persons the election board will supervise (SARI of its intention to distribute the rate hikes late in March. voting for graduate representative. the counting process. handouts on campus. Tuitions for students from out Biggest polling place on the Students holding student body Representatives of the party and of state are determined by the first day of elections was located cards may vote at Sought Today any of three Ken Lane, election board chair- California Public Higher Educa- on Seventh Street in front of the polling places. One is located in tion Cost and Statistical Analysis. cafeteria. A total of 1.385 students front of the college bookstore, man, will meet with Cliff Steele, Tuition for foreign students is placed ballots in the locked ballot another on Seventh Street in front ASB chief justice tomorrow to At Elections expected to remain at $255 per boxes at that location. of the cafeteria and the third hear the juilieial decision. year. Lane, who had previously pre- Voting for AWS presidential In additional action the com- dicted 3-4,000 voters stated, after Claire candidates Linda McClure, mittee on Faculty and Staff Af- the large turnout, the vote would Border and other officers will be fairs will consider the appoint- be nearer 4,000. with conducted simultaneously ment of the outstanding professor Last year 1,400 students voted ASB elections today from 8:30 in the California State Colleges. ELECTIONS unprecented students on the first RECORD TURNOUTAn number of day of ASB and AWS a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Each college has recommended turned out yesterday to c;:st ballots for ASB executive offices. elections. they VOTE Candidates and the offices a top-flight professor for this hon- Voting continues today until 7:30 p.m. Ken Lane, election board In 1963, approximately 1,600 TODAY 8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. and seek include Vicki Bergez or. The SJS Academic Council se- chairman, predicts around 4,000 students will vote in the election. students voted on the first day. Nancy Hanlon for first vice presi- lected Dr. Peter Koestenbaum, Total students voting in 1964 dent. Second vice presidential associate professor of philosophy, candidates include Julie Jones and as its candidate for the award. Sh111011 itiemta. Council Knocks Duplicity Tomorrow morning at 11 a.m.. ASB Election Polls 'Polling Stations Mir Judy Long, Pam Ark) t, Judi Dr. Frederic W. Ness will be in- Nielson and Charmaine Warnock stalled as Fresno State College Operate Today In seek the office of secretary. president. 'Excellence' Groups Those running for treasurer in- Polling places for today's ASB Representing SJS at the Trus- By clude Carol Palm, Cathy Buchanan Close Tonight at 7:30 election will be located In front SHERRY BROWN recognized by council on the basis tees meeting will be Pres. Robert of its stated purpose. and Barbara Saunders. Judicial II Clark and ASB President Bob of the college bookstore, on Sev- Confusion of election day spilled into yesterday's session of Student CER promotes educational board caraVdaten include Charleen Pisano. as president of the - A record nuinixa- eancii- l.esluiti. Gil Limiy (SPUR), and enth Street in front of the cage- Council as the legislative body quality through recognition of Cirese, Anita Cowan and Louise fornia State College Student Presi- dates are seeking posts in the Vincent Contreras (UNICOL). teria and on Seventh Street considered recognition of student better educational methods and Noble. dents Association (CSCSPA). two-day ASB elections which close a e ross from the Education organizations for excellence in responsible academic freedom. AWS, associated women stu- JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVE Buitit log. at 7:30 tonight. education. dents, is an all women's student Presidential candidates are Gene Campaigning for junior repre- Polls will he open from 8:30 Confusion stemmed from shni- government organization to which Lokey (UNICOL), John Hendricks sentative positions are Jack Gm - LIM until 7:30 p.m. larities in name and function of Dr. Brokensha all regularly enrolled students be- Charles F. "Chuck" ban (SPUR), Robert Stahl, Bill Ken Lane, ASB election chair- Voters Help (SPUR), two of the organizations, Students long. It sponsors and promotes John M. Hansen, inde- Clark (SPUR), Margaret Davis man, has predicted 3-4,000 stu- Ovens and for Excellence in Education (SEE) Speaks of Crisis programs of interest to women. pendent s. (UNICOL) and John Bruckman dents will vote. Last e:tr. a total The judicial branch of the AWS of 2,818 voters cast hallo's. and Students for Excellence in Ed- SNCC Drive SPUR's Rich Corby is seeking (SPUR). In South Africa reviews existing regulations gov- ucation Now (SEEN). the vice president's post as is Half of the eight candidates erning women. for sophomore representatives will The similar purposes of both "Southern Africa: The Impend- Jerry Spotter, independent. organizations were stated before ing Crisis" will be the topic of a For Poll Tax Running for the Executive Sec- be elected. Those running are Jim SJS Blood Drive; YAF, SNCC Sponsor Lambrinos (SPUR), Phil Good- council in petition. talk by Dr. David Brokensha in retary post are Kathy Schwent Temporary recognition of SEE TH55 this afternoon at 2:30. SNCC (Student Nonviolent Co- man, Don Miller (SPUR), Gary (UNICOL) and Einar Wetlesen was approved by council, but rec- Dr. Bmkensha is secretary of Debate on Civil Rights ordinating Committee) set up poll Kleeman (SPUR), Dona Kennedy Take 30 Minutes (SPUR). ognition of SEEN was delayed for the Institute of International Young Americans for Freedom tax booths next to student voting (UNICOL), Victor Lee (UNICOL) David Turner (UNICOL) and one week. Studies at the University of Cali- (YAF) and Friends of Student booths yesterday. and Tina Newton (SPUR). Rick Trout (SPUR) are vying for To Aid a Spartan According to John Hendricks, fornia, Berkeley. Nonviolent Coordinating Commit- Students who make donations The Campus 1311XX1 Drive, spon- the position of ASB Treasurer. ASH vice president, council wishes Dr. Brokensha, who himself was tee (SNC(') will co-sponsor a de- at the booths will be contributing sored by ASB Community Service Wes Watkins (SPUR) and Bob clarification of SEEN functions be- born in South Africa, was a dis- bate tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 to the SNCC Civil Rights voter Gala for Dr. Clark Board, AFROTC and Sigma Kap- Armstrong (UNICOL) are work- fore moving on recognition of the trict officer and commissioner in in EI)100. registration drive in the South. 5.15 President Rohe) It Clark ing for ASH Attorney General. pa sorority, will be held today group. the Colonial Administrative Serv- Topic of the debate will be "Re- The poll tax booths were set up will be honored by the Newman from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Hendricks also stated that ice in Tanganyika. He also did solved: That the Afro-American, to sympathize for the harassment GRAD STUDENTS Club at a formal banquet Monday Catholic Women's Center, 195 E. council cannot recognize a group administrative and welfare work Self-Help Program Is Not The Best Negroes suffer in registering Grad students running for Stu- at Lou's Village, 1465 W. San San Fernando St. with similar principles and func- under the Municipal African Ad- answer to Civil Rights Problems to vote. dent Council are Ray Kurt& Carlos from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Donating takes only 30 minutes tions of an already existing ministration in Southern Rhodesia. So far the project has had a (SPUR), Patty Givens (UNICOL) Monsignor John Tracy Ellis, in the U.S. Today." and aids in building up the SJS organization. During the summer of 1963 Dr. response from students, and and Richard Epstein. noted philosopher and historian James Shaw, SJS senior social good Blood Credit Club. Any student Collegians for Educational Re- Brokensha directed several Peace er are a discussion of the new to- Those running for senior repre- from the Catholic University of science major and co-chairman of or member of his immediate fam- sponsibility (CER), however, was Corps training programs. SNCC will represent SNCC. People who pay at the booths sentatives are Harold Ktishins America, will be the guest speaker. ily may draw blood from the Don Warden, Oakland attorney will receive a card of recogni- (UNICOL), Dick Miner (SPUR), Tickets are $7.50 per person and credit club. and member of both YAF and the tion, and those who donate more J. J. Fraser (SPUR), Larry Col- may be bought at the Newman Two SJS students, Paul Gold- Afro-American Association will than fifty cents will get an SNCC lins (UNICOL), Jack Grady, Ann Center, 79 S. Fifth St. or by stein and Alan Necrenberg, re- represent YAF. button. Lauderback (SPUR), Margaret phoning 293-1771 cently hospitalized after an auto- mobile accident, have received blood from the credit club. The fraternity, sorority, club and dormitory with the highest percentage of donating members Attorney General 'Unsung Office' will be presented with trophies.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is Ilse final article in A of constitution.s of all recognized campus The chief administrative assistant Ii the series of four dealing with the duties and organizations. ASB president is the executive secretary. Student Papers responsibilities of ASB elective officers. Pisano stated, "The attorney general has It is his duty to preside over ASH commit- '1%%o SJS chemical majors have to go out and be a policeman. In fact, he's tee chairman meetings and to he responsible been named recipients of awards By MIKE NEUFELD a fact gatherer." for the efficient functioning of all ASB com- for scientific papers presented at "The attorney general is the unsung, un- When the attorney general is dealing with mittees. the 16th Annual convention of known member of the executive branch," the collegiate future of a student his posi- The ASH Constitution also lists as a re- Student Affiliates of the Amer- according to Bob Pisano, ASH president. tion is very important." sponsibility his seeing that SJS students ican Chemical Society. The ASH constitution lists only four re- A typical extra job of the attorney gen- on faculty-student committees are fulfilling Patricia Machmiller was award- eral is a information program to in- I heir responsibilities. ed first place for a chemical li- sponsibilities of the attorney general: Ili to public form students of the laws. In :iddition, the executive snerelary must brary paper on 'Quantum Me-

prosecute all violations of the ASH consti- On Halloween the attorney general a lid keep a current list of faeolty-stodent com- ehanies: The Itesadidion in Mod- Bell:,Wsth tution and by-laws, regulations and policies, other ASB officials patrol streets with law mittees it %kiwi, student representatives ern " THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE. Blood donor, Joe. Ke'r's'Ph h,shle'vh' (2) maintain a complete record of all poli- enforcement officers to try to avoid arrest are required. A third place award was pre- it doesn't really hurt to give blood. Al Massoni, Georgia Chap- cies and laws passed by Student Council, situations. This voluntary activity on behalf During the year the executive secretary sented to James Maynard for his man, Jim Lewis, and Louise Etarre, co-chairmen for the drive, (3) keep a record of all permanent commit- of the attorney general accounts for another must also take on additional responsibilities laboratory paper 1-Azulewel Sul- assist in the project. The Campus Blood Drive will be held today tee procedures, and 141 keep current copies extra not specified in the ASH constitution. as designated by the ASH president. foxides and Sulfones." from 9 am, to 4:30 p.m. at the Catholic Women's Center. Your Vote Counts Support ASB Candidates Today 2-SPARTAN DAILY Thursday. April N. 1965 Sae Dale Set for Faculty Magazine OPEN 'I III tour," SJS faculty Maga- nia State College Pith',-,. ii-,. and zine. goes on sale tomorrow at the the camornia State Employees' THE GUEST ROOM Spartan Bookstore. Assoeiat ion. HOUSE Publication of the spring issue Among the features in The Tow- Man's Most Useful Fluid of The Tower was timed to co- er are a discussion of the new tu- incide with next week's imuieuroi torial program by Gary L. Al- occupational therapy dept. IL BOB III tit -4 *\ 1100 01 Dr. ttooert Cho n. I at' bright, assistant professor of phi- Osie iii III,. Huss' owl. iiltIlirlalli lhal magazine is dedicated to him. losophy. and "Is the Faculty Over- thursday, april 29 111.11141i 1111. IIIIIII:111 race is hueii the 111114 Mi. lerri I Included in The Tower are ar- organized or Disorganized?" by and taken -for-granted. That stib.tanee is 111.0011. ticles by a dozen faculty members Dr. Marion K. Richards, associate 6:30-10 p.m. hb 301 representing a cross-section of Mans 101111111. lo not Lions that blood is kept for 11-1 professor of English. the campus. broken %%bole blood for mils 21 das.. kfter that time, it I. This issue of The Tower is the iM111121=1111111P, into its rise fined important der i% Ake- SERI. M tun 111 \ third since it was founded last ifor shock patients I. C11111 t G1.0131 l.1\ for '1 011.1.111C. or spring. It is published by five certain 1, F111111 \ for bemorrbage. I. flit .-11 faculty organizations- - the Amer- ican Association of Prri- Artist Supplies F11111.1 \ 11 1'.11 s or control of hii,'r,Itu it ittieopliilia I. University lessors, American Federation of Stock Picture Frames and PI. 1T1.1.11..Tts ti,sentiai for 1)1 I Teachers. California Teachers' As- Huge Selection of Prints Student- personally benefit IJ% h,iiii,Iiii .1, tin 'tan .1.-e sociation, Association or Califor- State Ill I tredit Club. 1o. -nolenf or menilii.r iii lii- fansiJ may ilraw from the ace. toot 0 lienever blood i- needed. TItis iii addition to the t that donated Id I -at.'- A RTAN DAILY Ii s Ifr"st.iN JOSE STATE COLLEGE S'nee 1916 Iii 11:111111... lIt 111111111V, WV pint of the blood of life 0 Second Class postage paid at San Jose 112 S. 2nd Street II IIIIIII tutuIIIl MI-- Ill III.Yltl' It. California 95114, Member California and Valley Fair Center Newspaper Publishers Association and Audit Bureau of Circulations. Pub- lished daily by the Associated Stu- dents of San Jose State College, ex- 2maimoliommommoinumuummuuntomismounmonnole nom cept Saturday and Sunday, during col Thrust and Parry lege year. Subscription accepted only on a remoinder-of.sernoster basis. Ft.11 hi the niel its of the Liberty WHICH ONE will be International Queen for 1965-66? Crown- academic year, PHI SIGMA KAPPA Spartan Democrat 69; each semester, Amendment, the awful civil- ing will take place at the International Ball tomorrow night from $4.50. Off-campus price per copy, 10 demonstrators, etc.; even cents. CY 4-6414-Editorial Ext. 2383, Upset About 'Daily' rights 9 to 1 at Hawaiian Gardens. Finalists are: (front row, left to 2384, 2385, 2386, Advertising Ext. the segregationist John Bell Edit or: right) Sylvia Bailey, sponsored by Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity; 2081, 2082, 2083. 2084. Press of Globe It is apparent that the Spar- Williams of Mississippi is point- Printing Co. Office hours I:45-4:20 Steak Feed Pat McCulloch, sponsored by Delta Zeta sorority; and Cathy p.m. Monday through Friday. tan Daily has become the second ed to as an outstanding patriotic home of a few of those "saviors" American. Breen, sponsored by Angel Flight. (Back row, left to right) Editor TOM POWELL SUNDAY, MAY 2 Adv. Manager ...... ED of America. the ultra -right wing- The signed editorials can be Casey Gittings, International Student Organization; Jan John- FOSTER by so- Day Editor CAROL CARD ers. Having been thoroughly passed off as writings son, Gamma Phi Beta; Kathy Ronay, Kappa Kappa Gamma; and News Editor SCOTT MOORE *CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN TIP STEAK cial and political neurotics, but trounced and muted last No- Sue Seibert, Delta Gamma. International students will be in na- Copy Editor _ _...AL MASON vember by the voters in their at least we are made tiWare ol Feature Editor _____ JEANNE GATES * Hot Garlic Bread tive dress during this week's festivities. (See story page 3). Sports Editor march on Washington, D.C., the ott t hors' names. I lowever, ART S1MBURG *Tossed Green Salad on Monday, April 26, an un- $125 some have entrenched them- Refreshments Served selves in positions of influence signed article appeared con- demning the recently passed aid All for itt our college paper. Greeks Hold Key Campus Positions, Almost daily in the columns, 10 education bill. This pariicular we are bombarded by right- article was just another ex- plus dancing to the live music of the wing propaganda of the most ample of the blatant Birchism Are Largest Single Group To ridieulotts nature. We are told which has poured forth from Vote the pens of the enlightened re- : MERCED BLUE NOTES EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last In act ionaries. dorm re,ideid-. Iii lite 14,181 addition, four of the seven article in a three-part series dealing ASH executive officers are It is to be hoped that in the with the history, structure, social Greek-. 115-911 per 1.1.11I %Me Dancing: 4-10 p.m. Applications Due Greeks. * Dinner: 4-8 p.m. future all such right-wing rant- activities and leadership aspects of The only student gov- * 711-80 per eeel of flie ernment * ings be signed, so the rest of us the San Jose State fraternity and body in which there 4i Come as you are, For ASB Posts sorority system. dorm net-1.11'111S Ca,' their is but a single Greek is the 234 So. I I th students can know the name of * bermudas, swim suits ok votes. present ASB Judiciary. * Deadline for applications for the Messiah who has come to By DALE '11 ACK El" These figures indicate that it The five student Judiciary several ASH positions is 1 p.m. save us from eternal govern- Greek particip.oion in stu- Is almost completely the members today at the College Union. mental damnation. stu- are appointed by the dent hods gm eminent is an dents who live on or near the ASH president. openings include positions as L. Daniel Burns Thus, it can be Another N. 0 p I e of the .s.leill's campus who take an active in- seen Spartacamp director, Parents Treasurer, Sids Democratic Club 4. that the Greeks do not terest in student government. monopolize appointive Day Chairman, Human Rela- ASK 7746 decided influence on a offices, but give tions Committee (2 members), boils 2o.000. GREEKS HOLD HIGH POSTS opportunities to other JUMP ROPE RHYME EDITOR'S NOTE: The aforemen- interested Parents Day Committee, and The last eight ASB presidents students. tioned article was written by Lyle ’ilo number of voters in a The ASB Model United Nations Chairman. Wilson, noted United Press Inter- were Greeks. This year, of an office officially rec- campus election aserages 2700 I, Interviews for these positions national (UPI) columnist. His 18 member Student Council, 14 ognizes 26 campus commit Postman, postman byline Wal omitted will take place at the College by print shop and eon be broken flouts into are members of Greek organiza- chairmanships which are appoint- error, not through any action of ed or applied for. Presently, 15 in front 1:30 to 5 p.m. today. the Spartan Daily staff. i WO main groups. Greeks and tion. Do your duty. of these chairmanships are Greek held. Here comes Linda Robert Andersen, SJS actik The American Beauty. SHERMAN CLAY I ire adviser explains, "Sororitic- She can do the rhumba and fraternities seek members who are more active, and they She can do the splits, EVERY encourage campus activities. She can pull her pretty dress These organizations serve as training grounds for leadership." Right up to her hips. RECORD "Many &IS students are rather In Stock indifferent." says Dean of Worn - Why don't you come in and look at all en, Virginia Ellis. "Others watt: to keep their independence an of the many teachers aids that we have. prefer to live in the dorms whet $100 they feel their life is less struc- tured." NO SACRIFICE Greek members do not feel Off List Price of Albums that they are sacrificing per- John Lauritzen wanted further knowledge $3.98 or More sonal independence with their membership, but that they bene- List Price $3.98 fit from having organizational Our Price $2.98 channels which offer opportuni- ties for participation in a variety STORE List Price $4.98 activities, IBOOK Our Price $3.98 SJS administration policies for Greek organizations are not -52:%25T5T9P5tS Z52515 tS Z5Z5TfZ5 T7SZPVTS.15 *.e.V4SZ:S g List Price $5.98 shared by all schools. On some campuses, like Our Price $4.98 Williams College, the adminis- SHERMAN tration removed all Greeks en- STITCH tirely. On others, the adminis- CLAY tration has required member- nme m mmo em. "M2 ship clause changes. The SJS administration has 89 So. First-295-3362-San Jose IS ON THE BALL made no such demands.


He's finding it at Western Electric

When the University of Nevada awarded John System's revolutionary electronic telephone switch- Lauritzen his B.S.E.E. in 1961, it was only the first ing system. big step in the learning program he envisions for If you set the highest standards for yourself, both himself. This led him to Western Electric. For WE educationally and professionally, we should talk. Walk in nosy for agrees that ever-increasing knowledge is essential Western Electric's vast ccfmmunications job as IIofbran Sty le Food -Moderate i'rices to the development of its engineers--and is help- manufacturing unit of the Bell System provides EaArN. 11,4 1.10 ing John in furthering his education. many opportunities for fast-moving careers for Virginia Baked Iltini 1.10 John attended one of Western Electric's three electrical, mechanical and industrial engineers, ktelier "riled , I 1.50 Graduate Engineering Training Centers and gradu- as well as for physical science, liberal arts and Boast Tom Turkey 1.10 Style l'e,lre tett , ated with honors. Now, through the Company-paid 1.710 16.95 business majors. Get your copy of the Western Ritmo Turku, 1 ex 1.15 Tuition Refund Plan, John is working toward his Electric Career Opportunities booklet from your -- COMBINATION PLATES -- Our Winthrop slip-on: hand -stitched for Master's in Industrial Management at Brooklyn Placement Officer. And be sure to arrange for an Any 2 meuts 8I.75 Any 3 meats $2.00 Polytechnic Institute. He is currently a planning Interview when the Bell System recruiting rugged looks and rugged wear. Tops in style. team Slab lif nutty Swiss engineer developing test equipment for the Bell Visits your campus. cheese .35 orders iii,' Ii el tr. of Salad, Darhecpied Beans, or Macaroni, Bread and Hinter Western Electric MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLY UNIT OF THE BELL SYSTEM Visit the Gas Lite for Fun. Banquet Facilities 5 to 700. AN (QUAL OPPORTUIlity EMPLOYER Ballroom Leasing. Rooms from ;85 Per Month, BRUINS RAMS HEAD Princopal manufacturing to-ation,n I trine. 11 Operating renter: In many of then, samecitim otos 36 others throughout the U.S. SAN CARLOS at MARKET STS. CT 5-2626 Valley Fair Shop Mon thru Fri. 'til 9:30 P.M. Ingmeering Research Center, Princeton, N.J.I3Teletype Corp., Skokie, III., Little Rock, Ark.nGeneral Headquarters, New York City Located in the Saint Claire Hotel Son Antonio Center Shop Mon., Wed., Thurs.. Fri. 'tit 9:30 P.M. MIN !MARTA!, YOKILT.1 Bazaar, Ba!I Conclude Activiiies Thursday, April 29, 1006 The Match Box Of College International Week 5LDlit dept. Karen Kilgore. Deb. murk, ,ollomore business major from An international bazaar, fea- udett at tomorrow night's the San Jose t. tr College Inter- Manhattan Beach, to Ropier sutter. Alpha Tau Omega. SJS business turing food and displays from "Spring, International" ball, national Club. graduate from Berkeley. They were married on April 17 many lands, will be held on 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Bright colors will Suriya Sompunth, SJCC stu- Jayne Cannon, Alpha Omicron Pi. junior Spanish major from 301 Seventh Street from 11 a.m. to help carry out the theme. dent from Thailand, will perform Chula Vista, to James Pingature, Sigma Chi, senior real estate and 1:30 p.m. tomorrow, as part of Ball tickets are on sale today the intricate Thai Temple Dance. Insurance major from Oakland. They became "Mr. and Mrs." on International Week. In front of the Spartan Book International classical and Fla- March 2. ZMIT: Entertainment will be fea- Store between 10:30 a.m. and menco guitar music will be tured during the hours when the 2:30 p.m. They will also be sold played by SJS student Bahrain booths are set up and an intro- at the food bazaar and in front Behroozi. duction of the seven finalists of the cafeteria from 10:30 a.m. The crowning of this year's is Internatiunal Queen will take Err International Queen 1965-66 to 2:30 p.m. Cost of tickets ** skill take place. $3 per couple. place at the ball. 4t* ** an ** 4* A dozen campus organization Entertainment at the ball In- Preceding the festivities, ** will serve food from their na- cludes a group from Southeast Invitation-only reception will be tains. Asia who will present a Candle held for the consular corps of THE The week's activities will lie Dance. They are members of San Francisco. tt* INAUGURATION ** et* ** 4.* EDITION ** It* ** tt ** et* ** 4.* ** *it COMING MONDAY ** *It ** 4c* MAY 3 ** It* ** * ** SPARTAN DAILY Ii!40, ************************* ***** ttet ******* **tete*** DISHING IT OUTInternational sti.dents dish up some chow mein and Chinese rice at a previous International Food Bazaar. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Men or Women A A A Corporation *Full or Part Time * Earnings as High as $2,000 (commission) During Summer Vacation * Earn 004180 per week (commission) While Attending School *No Experience NecessaryWe Train * Management Positions Open *Teaching Machine PHONE MR RAY at 244-6900 GROLIER SOCIETY 1400 Coleman Ave., Suite G 13 Santa Clara Photo by Lorry Bellis 11 113'113 In! 5../11 lb! In! 71! 113.113 113 !. In! 'fi.1.17..131.7).3./..f,k.t.xt. GET SETReady to compete in Saturday's heart of Sigma Chi). Derby Day Chairman Norm Third Annual Derby Day are (I. to r.) Sue Bailey, Lemberg is the starter. Proceeds for the 10- Marty Essex, Jo Tema and Susan Wall (Sweet- event activity will go to benefit the Heart Fund. RICHARD EPSTEIN For Graduate Representative Sigma Chi's Third Annual Derby Day The Varsity Rental Service announces PLATFORM ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT . . . Reapportion funds formerly bud- its lowest summer renting rates geted for the marching band and intercollegiate sports; expand the Set for Saturday; 10 Events Scheduled visiting scholar and scholar in residence programs; increase the allot- ment for student literary publications such as Reed magazine. Com- By DALE attempts to break the egg on awarded. mission talented students MACKEY INTERESTED ? ? in the fine arts to pursue their creative back. Admission is 50 cents and endeavors. Vigorously support S.E.E. A rash of black derbies may another contestant's not be the standard sign that tickets may be purchased in PERSONAL FREEDOM & RESPONSIBILITY . , . Make residence in Kissing Event for a lucky spring is here, but they leave no pledge who, with his hands tied front of the Spartan Bookstore VARSITY RENTAL SERVICE approved housing optional for all students. Contraceptive information from contest- and supplies should be available without restriction at Health Center. doubt that the Third Annual behind his back and blindfolded, or cafeteria and Derby Day is not far off. ants or members of the Sigma St. SPARTAN DAILY ... Greatly expand 'Thrust and Parry' expressions gets kissed by 14 coeds. Office at 576 So. 5th Sponsored by Sigma Chi for Chi Fraternity. of student-faculty opinion end make more space available for edi- Deck a Pledge allows three torial features by increasing advertising rates (current practice: less charity, Derby Day is a recog- girls five minutes to dress a than 4% for Thrust and Parry, more than SO% for advertising). Inves- nized vent for letting off spring pledge in any original costume tigate the relationship between Spartan Dairy and the Journalism & fever as the second semester of their choosing. Advertising Department, including long standing allegations of censor- finals draw closer. ship of non -libelous, iconoclastic advertisements and letters to the Secret Event will be an- Derby Day Chairman Norm editor. nounced on Derby Day for one Lemberg lists 10 events for this girl from each group. year's competition: Some 300 contestants from 14 Centepede Stampede in Al1111111111111111111111111111111OMMINI111111111111111111111111111117 llllllIIlllllllfllIlllllIllIlllIlllllllllllllllllIllIlllllllIlllllIIlllIIllllllIllllllIlIji-= sororities and living centers are 5-7e. --- which seven coeds astride a card- entered In individual event E: _= FIRST AT SAN CARLOS IS 294 4200 board pole run 50 yards forward honors. A Sweepstakes Trophy II Master and backward, hopefully coordi- for accumulated points and a nating all 14 legs. Spirit Trophy for the best rep- JEWELERS Cigar Smoking (for those resentation and attitude will be who haven't read the Sur- 72 S. First St. Westgate Shopping Center geon General's Report), five E. O. M. San Jose 1600 Saratoga Ave. coeds will each smoke a section Phone 297-0920 Phone 379-3051 of a cigar in a race against With Love . . . END OF MONTH time. Doughnut Dash for tandem To Mom The New look in design at coeds who run 10 yards, pick up Santa Clara County's most an inner tube and pull it on Remember your mother on CLEARANCE over their headrepeating this her special day with a card -=- three times and then reversing fashionable jewelry stores from Paul's. Come in to- BE WORN NOW the process. FASHION BUYS TO Derby Darling to select the day and choose from a contestant with the most pleas- wide selection of serious Bulky Sweaters, cardigan, Chanel styles 3.99 ing physical attributes. and studio cards. Tricycle Race for the "All Shirts, Blouses in cottons, crepes, miracle fabrics, Campus Championship." prints and solids, values to $10 1.99-5.99 Pie Eating allows a coed to PAUL'S get her fill of one entire pie. YOUNG JUNIOR DRESSES, values to $16.00 6.99-10.99 Mackerel Smasher where GREETING CARDS one coed is held in a wheel- JUNIOR CO-ORDINATES, values to $17.00 2.99-9.00 barrow position with an egg 34 Fountain St. 292-3565 taped to her back and each JUNIOR DRESSES, regularly $16.00 to $28.00 10.99-16.99 JUNIOR SUITS, regularly priced $20.00 to $28.00 12.99-16.99 Flowers MOHAIR COATS, white alid summer pastels, reg. $40.00 29.00 SHIFTS, regularly $8.00, now sales priced 5.99 Say COSTUME JEWELRY for summer, many styles, =7- values to $10.00 99c - 3.99 plus tax It FASHION SHOES, casual and dress 2.99 Eloquently STYLISH FLATS, by Musketeers, only 50 pair, reg. $9.00 4.80 HANDBAGS, many styles and fabrics, Every Time reg. priced $6.00-$12.00 3.99-5.99 plus tax RHAPSODY PRICES FROM $595 To $5500

You are cordially invited to visit our Buys for Bridal Registry and see our 22 new pat. See Our Novel Men and Boys terns in Chinaware, featuring * Syracuse Fine China * Crystal Stemware by BERMUDA SHORTS, sizes 28-36 2.99 llolutegaard * Bodo from Sweden. Suggestions Today TERMS GLADLY CUT-OFF JEANS, H.I.S. and Levis, 28-34 2.99 Master CACTUS CLOTH LEVIS, 28-34 1.99 JEWELERS Ncvutzti WASH 'N WEAR SPORT SHIRTS, reg. priced $4.00 to $8.95 2.77-4.77 SINCE 1885 KNIT SHIRTS, many colors in cotton and Banlon 2.77-4.77 E "FAMOUS FOR FINE FLOWERS" I 72 S. 1-,it St. Westgate Shopping Center 4 San Jose 1600 Saratoga Aye. 2nd and San Fernando SHOP HALE'S MONDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 --A--- Phone 297.0920 Phone 379-3051 CYpress 2-8312 MANY GIFTS FOR MOTHER, MAY 9th 11111110111 111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 mourn' muumumomiumoomommotolmoommulione

ON. l'%141 11%111 Tl rs du, April 2^ 1,,q, Spartan Judokas Seek Fourth Straight NCAA Win Ell1TOK's NOTE : The si Spar- 1..5. 01) utility team member, weight (150 pound) division as By the time he was 15, he was Maruyama I Maruyama brings with him member at the 1964 games. tans competingm in the national Paul Maruyaiiial is Ineligible this t he Spartans shoot for the national the Hawaiian champion in the Paul Maruyama, Olympian and countless awards for his prowess In Tokyo, Maruyama was elim- championship Saturday are year due 11. transferring. in Carbondale, Illinois. division. tole lightweight 11964 NCAA 165 pound chanipi in the sport. inated by Japanese middleweight Iruin Hassan., Vita Knelt, He will have a lot going for him He grew into the middleweight will be an outstanding addition Among his more notable ac- champion Nakatani, who went on Larry Dobashi, dlikv Lewis, Gary Saturday, including two state division, where he was again Kawano to t d t complishments are runner up In to win the gold medal. and !toward Fish championships in Hawaii and five Hass aiiiin champion in 1961 'and Irwin Kawano has Inought quite The 23-year-old holder of the the national AAU championships in Following his graduation in in the runner-up in 1962. i judo legacy with him to San appearances first fourth degree black belt trans- 1963-64-65 in the middleweight 1966, Paul plans to continue in Championships. Yosh Uchida, Spartan judo , Jose State, but this will matter National coach. Ferrer! to SJS at the start of the division. NCAA 165 pound titlist in the sport. He feels that "once On the island of Oahu, where interested the business inchistri:d little Saturday when he competes spring semester, but under NCAA 11962 and '64. silver medalist in judo is in your blood, you can't was raised, he developed management major in coming to in the NCAA finals. Kawano rules will not be eligible to compete 1the 1963 in stay away from it." in judo while in the States for college Kawano, a 21 -year-old junior an Interest the when this season. I , and U S. Olympic team fourth grade, learning the funda- Kawano participated in the Na- ....111aaladalalettelia trom Hawaii, will be San Jose Koga State's main hope in the middle- mentals in his school. tional Championships in San Jose "Ganbari masu-1 will do my In 1961. best" was the first word of Yuzii IN 4,1/11110 milimoliirlimoniiimilimilmoimromumomompoimmiliiinitiommoopoomptimninionnolimil pinup A fourth place in the 1962 Na- Hogs, holder of fourth degree 01 tionals at Chicago was his best black belt, who was selected one UVERTISEMENT CONCERT A PAIL I IICAL A effort in these meets. .1 the six judo men for the NCAA Two years were spent at San meet at Southern Illinois Univer- HANSEN Jose City College before Kawano sity Saturday. PRESIDENT enrolled at SJS this fall. Koga, captured the 1965 AAU FOR A.S.B. The second degree black hell championship in 135 lb. diyision luny esisted under a "iliiiiiitliins" 5 * For far too long. Saa J11,41. Slate last has two more years of elIgiblIit week, was graduated from A.S.R. government. a gonernment in huh repreoented only a small minority of students and 0111. %hid, acted for that minority. left at State, and Uchida feels Meiji University in Tokyo, well nenry. has bet llflire of A.:".111. Prisidiait I nder oieh a system the "will become very outstanding be- known as "the School of Judo." almost hereditary, passing "front father to son" g a small fore his graduation from here." "I've been practicing judo for President's ;staff 1.1.110,1 that impenetrable clique. Eaeli mW more than eight years," said the of his predecessor., and vat+ -new" platform calls for nothing The admiration is mutual, as and delhers nothing. Kawano considers Uchida as an- senior majoring in commercial mancini other in the long line of outstand- arts. MY PLATFORM: ing instructors he has had. "At Meiji I used to practice for 40 -PIECE ORCHESTRA %Iii I'll I IMPI LSORY %PPM I% Eli 111)1 SING Uchida feels Kawano has a good three hours regularly. But I had Hear MANCINI and full orate. Iti e frvedmil ml choice chance of placing in this Satur- to put another couple hours in hal huge landlord profits ploy "Pet, Gunn", day's all-important meet, while practicing to meet the guys tit "Moon Rite, ' wrrimuk\\ .S.H. It NDS 1110%) Kawano feels "'The team as a my same degree because I don't "Mr. tuck y", INTERA ott ELI 1TE SPORTS 'Toby Elephant Walt' whole has an excellent chance to have enough weight and height.' Expand ii or and quality of visiting lecturers Expand -Seholar in Residence" program win; I think we can do it." According to Koga this is what Establish A.S.R. Scholarship for minority group students Upon graduation, Kawano plans made him a real expert of "waza"- CONTRAC:EPTIN ES .%Nilt :ONTII ',F:PTI'VE to return to his native Hawaii, technics. He is known at the SJS SATURDAY, MAY 1 INFORMATION vr CENTER where he will continue his partici- team as technician of foot works AT B.00 P.M. All students hose unhampered access to hiformation pation in both the State cham- "A guy must be really good at soil 1, I Ili ,11111,14 I.. [111111..1.1,P, pionships and, he hopes, the U.S. foot work if he wants to beat FROST AMPHITHEATER RECIRC. NI/I \ \ P511 I. Nationals, the bigger guy," said Koga. This STANFORD UNIVERSITY End all illk etti6ing CRUNCHJay Lewis (bottom) practicing with teammate Ms is what makes judo interesting." Reduce to tabloid size Lewis Nakao (top) placed second in the Pacific AAU Tournament in "I enjoy practicing judo very TICKETS l'uhlish three a ...ea F'I)R I NI I IN I DI 'CATION One of the star members of the 165 class. While attending Menlo College he was all-league much in the United States," said $2 $3 $4 1.1'ORT Sit hi:vrs S.F.F..'s goal, at.' iii goal, head SJS judo coach Yosh Uchida's in baseball and . aya;lable at Tresiddrr Union R. 101'14/74 111Th l\ S.J.S. three-time national championship re, Stanford, and San Jose Bo, I am .1.1s ipinosed tin 1111 to impost. :I III judo team is 23-year-old junior lb. division white belt and AA1' MaS Orde,s Accepted. philosophy-psychology major, Jay brown belt championships, C - 71Mi Lewis. peting for the Palo Alto Judo Jay started his judo career at Club. ' '7,'. 77:- :0' 7-aZ.T.IWc! 'It! .11-a 77 77 1.T.7.-Fil !..R-1113 71..3.3,11.171-711-7112,M-V,P-M-A iv,.E1-713. 7:;:?,77r1T,..777:41 the Palo Alto Judo Club while Lewis then transferred to Menlo mums. ^.16. 4 .2.1. I _IM11, attending Palo Alto High School, School and College, Menlo Park, '. 4,***,14k*Y****,********** ************ ********************************* Palo Alto, Calif. Calif., where he made second team * * C. While in high school, the Spar- all (Bay Counties Athletic) League * * tan varsity judoka won the 165 as a basketball player, and all- * League in baseball. * * I After graduating from Menlo * HORROR... * School and College in 1961, Lewis * enrolled at Colorado College and * 10:30 TONIGHT! sharp as trained at a local Colorado Springs Campus Caravan judo club. a razor's The following year, lie trans- edge! ill* .5 Soft Swing -Folk-Comedy ferred to College of San Mateo, and returned to his old haunt, the Palo Alto Judo Club. IPc61 During this time, Jay won first TECHNICOLOR EXPERTLY place in NCAA brown belt tourna- O ment competition in the 165 lb. X division. 44 HOW PLAYING! Cg KREP c "Following the NCAAs, I was CY 3-19 5 3 '4 promoted to first degree block E" 105.1N § I'll," said Jay, who entered SJS 0 it the spring of 1964. "There is an aura about judo PROGRAMMED , of strong competition without a 'actual hostility," said Lewis, who Iplans to teach judo as a hobby.


Do you have that end-of-the-semes:er blues? Over- woi cd, tied? Dreading the arrival of finals? Be- fore ihe fatal days arrive . . . come out to THE WAP,EHOUSE for a change of scene. See the win-

ner of last week's Bathe of the Bands contest, COAST TO COAST THE JESTERS. Eat and drink to their fabulous sound. It's THE WAREHOUSE for the latest in fun HARRIS and excitement. YOUNG ADULTS SLACKS The stack with the slim, .C] ACCOUNTS INVITED! trim effect in "Wear-Dated" ACCOUNTS OPENED IN 3 MINUTES! 55% Acrilan acrylic, A Complete Line of Nationally Advertised Products 4596 Rayon, with the look of textured worsteds. forgement Rings Cameras Dinnerware Wedding Rings Binoculars Silverware Automatic Wash-andWear Watches Electric shavers watch and Jewelry and unconditionally Birthstone Rings Phonographs Repairs guaranteed to give you one Costume lewelry III ti Sets Tape Recorders THE VD. Bracelets Radios full year of normal wear Cloclu Electrical Appliances or your money will be refunded by Chemltr4,1 NO MONEY DOWN A YEAR TO PAY WAREHOUSE Burnished tones. 795 Downtown 65 So. First St. We validate oil downtown lot tickets 1760 South 7th Street, San Jose CT 2-4910Open 'tit 9 Moo, Thum & Fri. Ffitee 171U4004 :1 Valley Fair Shopping Center CH 8.3040Open Mon. they Fri. la 930 pas. FREI Tradiflonal(4:,Shops 292-2169 Sunnyvale 209 So, Taaf. En St. PARKING RE 970S91 Open 9 Thum & Iii. Nide' VALLEY FAIR 2801 Stevens Creek Blvd. SAN JOSE 127 South First Street (Downtown) Mak DPARTAN DAILY-4 I ken allan Thursday, April 29, 1965 MAX FRISCH'S INCENDIARY Dobashi SATIRIC COMEDY Larry Dobashi will be seeking The Way a victory in the 180 pound division at Saturday's national collegiate championships. "THE FIREBUGS" AIMS. A graduate of San Jose High, was elim- Dobashi began his judo training Tonight, Toinorr ovs, Idleweigl,1 when he was just eight years old. It went on Ile dropped the sport during Friday, and Saturday 11 Seek high school, and concentrated his Itration in Before any San Jose State athletic team departs for an event, competitive desire on football. A DRAMA DEPARTtilEi IT KODUCTION ntinue in it is gently reminded that it carries with it the reputation of San Dobashi Joined the SJS judo rat "once Jose State College. team in 1963, and last year was College Theatre Curtain 8:15 p.m. you can't Judo coach Yosh Uchida won't have to worry about telling this number two man in the squad's SJSC Stedents 75c $1.50 General to the six members of the SJS Judo team. They're so well manner. ,t 180 pound division behind NCAA they could attend a debutante ball in their jo tit list Dave Sawyer. BOX OFFICE TELEPHONE 294-6414 outfits would wiser. Undefeated in intereolleciate II do my and no one be the Gary Newquist, a 6-2, 195 pound judoist from I competition so far this :-;(:11,11. d of Yuzo El Cerrito High School best exemplifies the atti- Larry credits coach Yosh Uchida degree of and Prof. Soichi Shimizu for his ected one tude of the SJS judo team. Come One Come Ail "The sport and its competitors impress me success. :he NCAA He feels that one of the biggest is Univcr- very much. We are a tightly knit group and most of us have been participating for the same length reasons for the team's perennial BE ER of time." strength is team spirit. L965 AAU "Everybody helps everybody diyision Newquist did not participate in sports during Large Pitcher 85c ... 8 P.M.-10 P.M. i Lurscid y NCAA SATURDAYRod Tatsuno else," he says. tted from his high school years. Without any previous ex- (top) and Yuzo Koga (bot- NEWQ1AsT tom) engage in the last ,kyo, well perience, he tried out for SJS football but decided practice session prior to the NCAA judo $1.00 Per Pitcher ... 8:30-9:30 P.M. Friday championships at Southern Illinois of Judo." "I wanted to participate in sports and I finally decided to tQ. Saturday. Koga is the national Out for judo." 135 lb. champion. Sparkle judo for Hitters P172A BEER said the This was hack in 1960. ic Dancing '111 ommercial Want to know the name of the NATIONAL 195 pt, I judo In Softball Action SANDWICHES champion of 1963? Don Wells went four-for-four 1:30 a.m. Gary Newquist, a college athlete with a lot of desire. COMPLETE ITALIAN DINNERS 7actice for Howard Fish Named Tuesday to lead Sigma Alpha Ep- But I had - - - - MEATBALLS SPAGHETTI silon to a 16-5 win over Sigma & RAVIOLI Featuring ? hours in Pi in Intramural fast -pitch soft- the SAN JOSE STATE 1: guys of ball action at the South Campus. Music Nightly Entertainment Dancing "APOSTLES" Ire I don't FREE GAS! FREE GAS! Most improved Judoka Delta Upsilon upended Lambda ad height." Chi Alpha 6-0 as Don Mills hit *SFECIAL RATES ON his is what .1 I., is one of the most im- Fish, a native of Milwaukee, two nome runs for the DU's. Theta ALL F00.3 TO STUDENTS of "VilaZil" - proved men on the squad," said now resides in San Jose. CLIP 'N' I Wis.' Chi squeezed by Delta Sigma Phi at the SJS SAVE SJS judo coach Yosh Uchida of He began his Jun.. career six 2-1 on a fourth inning home run f xrt works. Howard Fish, defending NCAA years ago In the Milwaukee with one on by Ted Kogon. Authorei: Ita,iauu Focd to Go y good at heavyweight champ. YMCA. Theta Xi pulled off the upset of beat TWO NEW BEACON Fish I; to will travel with the SJS : Last year Howard took a third the afternoon as it defeated the 294-1454 Koga. Thk STATIONS iudo team to Carbondale, Illinois, place in the Pacific AAU and defending fraternity champion Sig- 417-25 South 1st Su .use teresting." this weekend where the Spartans helped the Spartans chalk up their ma Chi 8-4. In other games, Pi Judo very will attempt to win their fourth third straight NCAA title by cap- Kappa Alpha edged Sigma Phi des," said 1FREE GALLON GAS-1 ..usecutive NCAA title. turing the heavyweight crown. Epsilon 3-1. The game was pro- Howard will enter t h.. meet "Winning the NCAA champion- tested by SPE however, and no with Purchase of 5 Gallons of Gas after scoring a %victory over Hill ship is definitely my biggest thrill ruling has been made as yet by Paid in the Nat sl .A.A.1 last ii judo." remarked the 205-pound the intramural office. 2nd & East William weekend. Paid was an Olympic industrial Technology major. In the only other game sched- Fish, a slipped in San Jose & alternate tor the 1964 games. first -degree blackbelt, uled, Phi Sigma Kappa Fish also has a third place in usually depends on a "sweeping by Sigma Nu 4-3. the Pacific AAU meet this year hip-throw" in his matches and Noon tomorrow is the entry 1170 N. 4th Street hopes to use it effectively this deadline for the Intramural Golf Also in San Jose ralong with winning the San Jose Buddhist Blackbelt Tournament. weekend. Tournament to be held at the =1 "San Jose State's fine judo pro- Santa Teresa Golf Course May 7. _tam is the main reason why I A $1 green fee must :recompany * ********************4 came here in 1963," commented Netmen Journey all entries. lie 24-year-old senior. "Before t tending SJS, I went to the Gen- TA Motors Institute in Michigan To LC., Berkeley HERB'S erd while going there I won the After colliding with powerhouse Chevron Station Visconsin State Championship in Stanford yesterday, the San Jose heavyweight division:I State varsity team travels STOP AT THE to the University of California, SIGN OF AM'sNMIMIIMMOMMLY Berkeley, today at 2:30. Coach BETTER "Pity You Don't Have a Lotus 23!" Car Inswance Batch Krikorian termed the two SERVICE matches "the toughest we will Perhaps you have but a VW, cr an MGB, or even an Going Up? Whatever your needs in the way of have this season." auto services, from a tankful of gas American car. Whatever it may be, B & P Foreign Car With the Spartans sporting a to an engine tune-up, you can be Sarvice will attend it with the same TRY OUR NEW fine 11-1 record, this point is sure you'll get prompt expert at- expert care given 53 STUDENT RATES! indisputable. San Jose State's only tention at reasonable student rates. the Lotus and at the low student-faculty rate: $6.00 loss was suffered to the same OIL CHANSE I LIMICATION per hour for all work, tune-up and overhaul included. ,California Bears on March 30 by WHEEL BEARINGS a narrow 61...2-2' margin. If dose PACIIED Personalized Service Factory-Trained Mechanics defeats to Bob Murio and Rod Nop BRAKES ADJUSTED & were reversed, the local netmen RELINED B TIRES BALANCED & P Foreign Car Service would have upset the nationally ENGINE TUNE-LIP 1470 W. San Carlos Street ranked Bears. Corn, of ell and William St. Phone 297-8811 GENUINE BLEEDING MADRAS SHIRTS San Jose tuned for the two Best-looking short sleeve sport shirts tailored of fine India madras matches by knocking off California gu..ranteed to bleed! Traditional tailoring features Ivy button State at Hayward Tuesday 9-0, down collars. A great favorite for all sportswear . . and they * losing only 12 games in the six look better after each W,l+IPCI! S.70,5, L. , singles encounters. . Rich Anderson started the LUCKY PIERRE Buy 2 7.95, or each 3.99 Your LOCAL agent ED Spartan's victory snowball by LION will be glad to discuss rolling to a 6-1, 6-0 triumph. his Farmers Insurance group Second man Bob Murio added a Macys men's store rates with you. 6-2, 6-1 win. 5191 CAMDEN AVE. Rod Kop, Yit Louie, Bill Burns, Phone 269-5191 Inch Gugat, and Frederick Russell Mer'S 24 HR. SERVICE combined for the remaining Spar-. ******************** ***** ********************** 1.,,i victories.


harm an: kardon ANNOUNCES

This entire system is New lower prices on com- Alco, Priced this week plete HiFi systems. We will save you money on your HiFi components speakers, record players and tape recorders. Regular $399.75 9995 Remember before 2 Buying HiFi Always check with ALCO HARMON-KARDON STEREO FM RECEIVER. Fully transistorized, there's no tubes to cause distortion, here's STUDENT the heart of your custom system in one handsome chassis. Use ALCO'S 195 ACCOUNTS GARRARD MODEL 50 TURNTABLE with magnetic 90-DAY Cartridge. Famous for quality and precision. NO INTEREST WELCOME TWO COMPACT ALCO CUSTOM SPEAKER SYSTEMS CHARGE PLAN! in attractive oil walnut finish. Fits anywhere for full Hi- Fi sound. OPEN ALL WLEK "So I said to this Great Dane ...I'd rather fight than switch!" DAYS 'TILL CY 7-7111 9 P.M. Be dogmatic. Insist on Lucky Lager, Free parking lot 79 So. 3rd validations the beer beer-drinkers dr;n1-1! ntown)

11-11PA1tTA1 DAlLT AP"' r Academic Council ? Spartaguide TODAY: with a religious teachers training Teachers Association Publication Taking Entries Considers Report AWN Judicial board, 4 p.m., Col- program. Public invited. The Barrel Organ, piddled- Accenting to Joanne Rositann, San Jose State's Academic Coun- lege Union. Occupational Therapy Club, 6:30 editor of the English 8 p.m., 79 S. Fifth. Film, p.m., 11[3301. Open House. tion of Epsilon Eta Sigma, will honor so- cil will hold a special meeting ciety publication, poetry, short "The American Jew." Sigma Delta Chi, 7 p.m., J208. Hold Career to accept literary contri- To Day continue stories, and essays may be sub- Monday at 2:30 p.m. in ED431. Student Math Society, 7 p.m., Social Work Club "Extenders" butions for consideration Lint ii Three hundred students rem,- tor lunch in the cateleria. The mitted. The magazine is Purpose of the meeting will be ED107. Math clinic. group, meeting cancelled. Tour of sched- eenting high schools from Santa program will end with a tour of tomorrow. tiled to go on sale to consider action on the Arab-American Club, modern Agnews next Thursday. early in May. report Rosa to Salinas will be on ciunpus the campus. ot the Committee Arabic language class, 4 p.m., on Faculty and TOMORROW: Saturday to participate in a Ca- Faculty sponsors are Dr. Mar- Staff affairs, dealing with pro- CH162. - reers in Education Day. garet Clark, assistant professor of posed reorganization of the col- SEE, 3:30 p.m., CH359. Faculty Student Math Society, 4 p.m., committee. The event is sponsored by the secondary education; and Dr. Sid- lege administrative and academic student relations ED241. Dr. Hugh M. Edgar, pro- Philosophy Club-Phi Sigma Tau, fessor of mathematics, speaking on Student California Teachers ney Tiedt, assistant professor of structure. Spartan Daily 8 p.m., J108. Speaker on "Phenom- "Diophantine Equations and Al- Association and the Bay Section elementary education. The report of the committee and Asian Thought." Number Theory of the California Teachers Associ- would recommend a reorganization enology gebraic (Part 21." Newman Club, 1:45 p.m., 79 S. Chess Club, 2:30 p.m., H17. ation. of departments and a new chain SJS and San Fifth. Speakers on "An Existential ASME, 1 p.m., meet in Engi- Students from Special Discount Classifieds of command for many adminis- Francisco State College service Approach to God" and "The Per- neering Building lobby for field trators. nearly 200 to SJS son of the Teacher" in conjunction trip to FMC. areas will represent high schools. Faculty & Students Speakers at the general meet- lust orirrent your staff or ASS card MONTH - Clean rooms, 7/7 block ANNOUNCEMENTS $30 ing at 10 a.m. in the Men's Gym- 111 hen, liv. rm.. showers. No lease Movie & Still EXPERT nasium, are Dr. William Sweeney, ’es pd. 292.1327. Heated. Management Society Cameras ENTROPY dean of the Education Division Supplies - I BEDROOM APT, living rm. paneled. LUBRICATION Projectors Equipment ARE YOU ri._irria. , ,ntroov7 and Dr. C. Denny Auchard, pro------547 S. I 1th. Mgr. apt. 4. 295810I. fessor of secondary education who developing - printing SUMMER SESSIONS Ar.cmi 1965. t.bti- 2 WKS, FREE RENT - 1-2 bdrrn. rend versify of San Francisco. We have a few Holds First Meeting will moderate a panel discussion rentals - repairs furn. apt. W/W c & d. $135 rev. I studic openings for , Mexico aisd furn. W W c & d. $M. 269.9014 af on "What Is a Teacher?" Valencia, Spain. For information call on 8` The Sileitit 1111 Ads anceinent of Advisory lioard to members of meeting, the OFFICE SPACE-10th & William. ALL OTHER CAR SERVICES After the general Secretary of Foreign Languages Dept. Linagement (SAM) held its first the society. ext. 2352 or stop by Building N, Room or conditioned from $62.50 up. AT DISCOUNT PRICES students will go into small dis- 2A. Spartan Rental Service, 297-8877. ieeting yesterday in thc faculty The Advisory Board is composed cussion groups and meet again rot dode(-4 PURITAN OIL CO. i own of the cafeteria. of outstanding businessmen from OPEN HOUSE -- (7. ..pational Therapy LARGE APTS. - Furn. & tr.( bdrrn., fireplaces. $85. CY 5.-P . bt h & KEYES The purpose of the meeting was the local area who are familiar CAMERA SHOP Dept. - Thursda. 29. 6:30.10 p.m. DAILY CLASSIFIED HP 301. C,,,,e o SPECIAL RATES effective Ito introduce the newly organized with the activities of SAM. Studio 1 & 2 bdrm.. furn, or unt. I The Board meets once a semes- ADS FOR PROFIT 146 South FIrd AUTOMOTIVE 121 $80 up. Deluxe opts. with pool. U; ter with the Executive Board of AND CONVENIENCE uraduates. faculty. 295.8514. the society to discuss the comine '64 FORD convert. V 8. Loaded SPr1,, Nordista. semester's activities. The Boa Like new. Male offer. 286 1957. , NEW 2 ORM. n. P': cRII:AMLE11 apt., mmed. issists the society in gettinr l 546 S. 5th. 294 is '54 CHEVY 4 dr.. V.8, floor shie speakers and recruiters. cond. $600. 666 5. 5th. 293.2643, A. SINGLES -- $35 & up. TV, lit., 4911fixs,q00 ; 3.d. Males. Primary objective is "to closi, METROPOLITAN '60 - Runs good. Mu. the gap between students and the $27S 179 6366. MEN'S APP. APT, for fall. W w ' elec. kitchen. Near SJS. Yr entire business world," accordin:: ROBERT '54 CHEV. - 2 dr. HIT RAH. $4,' Ph 2865398. L RANCH t to Duncan Naylor, junior business 1969 ALUM ROCK AVE 258-8144 cond. 297 8661. 121 N. 8th, apt. ; APT. - ' mer only. Close. $100 too .LMA and ALMADEN 294 2041 major and publicity chairman this Carol, 295-9628. John Wayne '60 VESPA GS - Beautiful cc. NORTFI SCREEN semester. Offer. , Wayne Halted :50 5. 10th 2 bdrm. (urn. err. $37.51 "CIRCUS WORLD" The Advisory Board is composed STAHL cu'l,no 293-4955. Summe, Direct from Playboy Magazine '60 SPRITE "A TIGER WALKS" of four businessmen from the San Used , "F t.NtlY HILL" Jose area: John Doubt, head of LARGE 2 BDRM. - $100 ma. 395 personnel and president of the '62 VW BUS I'r $1200, 256 5531 aft. 6. .11YEDIMI "FIRST TASTE OF LOVE" for Senior Chapter of SAM; William -4 2150. GIRLS - I nr 2 wanted immediately 196 SOUTH f iRST 292.677P . r 1 $37.50 mo. 297-1837.! Knapp, general manager of the John Wayne SOUTH SCREEN '65 PA R 1 LLA Falstaff Brewing Corporation; A1/ , ROOMMATE NEEDED (F) across In "CIRCUS WORLD" 293.5419 al, "THE GHOST" Dave Olsen, manager of San Jose JUNIOR "A TIGER WALKS" Hospital: and Bryan Proudy, West - FOX SALE 131 MARRIED COUPLES - Fur,. Ii Student Rate "DEAD EYES OF LONDON" . 395 aln. Cdrporl, laund.. wt, tern Division manager of the Bank WEDDING $29 i 545 S. I M. St. Call 292.3745. of America.RecordsDISCOUNTAll at 'REP' SUMMER RENTALS - New Apt!,., Curtis Kay, a senior business 5 SPEAKER STEREO ^’ $55'oller 713R13A THE GREEK'. major, is the chairman of the Ad- .tr'n SUMMER RATES -- Studio $67.50. visory Board. Gary Finefrock, -. 2. 659 S. 9th, CY RIBALD GREETING CARDS "A GRAND UPROARIOUS BASH!" Nig graduate student in Indust riii I Moulder Hall Vice-Pres. .eltie !or a., society's presi- NEW Management, isHOUSERECORDS the QUALITY APTS. Isoini finrshod ADULTS ONLY dent. E, heir, DEAN'S SCHOLAR PHI ETA SIGMA Cigar Store elec. kit. w HELD OVER 3rd WEEK! 404 So. 1st bar. 439 S. 4th. St. frr fill. 286.4442. AllRecordsatDISCOUNT INDEPENDENT VESPA 150, 1961, very qd. runnin ; CC I. Robert Stahl calls for abolition or drastic revision 7. . . 3750. 141.8174. LOST AND FOUND EXCLUSIVE Profs Won't Help TYPEWRITER 922 I I CP of the approved housing systems. LOST ENGAGEMENT CLASSICAL GUITAR. "ZORBA" 2. All ASB meetings to be open in the respect that VI FSM Students; 1' ir, 81e9 Ctu,n, (34, Aferander of Booth. SHOWN AT the meetings of these committees and their agenda TRAILER n P.;1.0 r 2:00 and 9:25 Box opens 6:15 Mario Savio Quits are fully publicized. PERSONALS (71 ANTHONY 01.1INN '61 VESPA GS VOTE! 111,111111s .1411.1,11 VOTE! ALAN --Best . BATES IRENE PAPK; I Movement leaders at 11 r'E I rr -1471 cAC.-'''".^!.:, r.,/"1 III, I 'w..ersity of Califomi, it -ZORBATHE VICE PRESIDENT GREEK" Berkeley for the Board of Regrnts IIIIE=1:11111111 Wed. & Thu,. to reinstate four students ousted td. SELL HOLIDAY MAGIC osfler's Full or part time distributors in the dirty word dispute met with CD needed. SERVICES 181 NEWEST NATURAL little support from the disbanding COSMETIC 1433 THE ALAMEDA LINE IN U. S. AUTO INSURANCE for students. Chet P5\ AN membership. For interview call 793 8588 Eleoey. 286 5386. 449 W. San Carlos. Campus observers said the lack BEAUTY SALON operator, full or part of both faculty and student sup- time. C.,11 244.7775 TYPING - Term papers, thesis, etc 6,7.0RBATHE GREEK' Pin n elec tric. 243 6313. port had caused FSM to tone &AN VOTES FOR KATHY SCHWENT UNICOL. Coed _suffraoe. SEWING MACHINE its demands. Former leader Mai RENTALS SELL & Strawberrfos in tho Savio resigned in disgust Monday. lorry Pink up your rental now, no delays -- fun & profit. Dial Ror, Only about 150 persons attend- , only $5 a month. KNW Sewing Machine Center, 917 N. 13th, 286-5566. ed a spiritless rally Tuesday when LEARN JAPANESE Teach rne Sorbo- the FSM met to discuss strate. -t-ge Ron, 294.3872. TYPIST - Neat, fast, corre , ns lifetime of THE RIGHT FIRST IMPRESSION Mrs. for a after telegraphing their demand - IRANIAN O'Neill, 293-4420, STUDENTS! Prof. needs help to the regents last week. 354 3449. proud possession TRANSPORTATION 111 MEN'S men tt L- WANT RIDERS in, Sne Lu,s Oh Po 2'? 7, Aulust 6. 0, I A.M. Pam, 286-5371. .1.ren rollegn 'fr. 1 ny of $300. Call 356 6116. House !of 'Records To place an ad: HOUSING 1St Call at MOTHER OLSEN'S BOARDING HOUSE Classified Adv. Office - J206 -Men. Best Food in town. New apt MWF 9:30-3:30 All Records units. Linen & maid sire. Kit. & laund. T-Th 10:30-3:30 foci!. 3 IV's. 122 N. 8th, CY 5-9504 $70 wI Send in handy order blank. Enclo, cash or check. Make check out to at DISCOUNT &1111 I BDRM " Alameda), 1020 Elm. Spartan Daily Classifieds. CI, 6 444r. C sr -,,,.. 7, rof Phone 294-6414. Ezt. 2465

CLASSIFIED RATES To buy. salt, rent, Of ennounce anything, Minimum lust fill out and clip Two lines Doss thnss Flys dmes One timeSOc01.11.es Mos The a Iles 20c a Iles this handy order blank. 2 lines $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 3 lines 1.50 2.25 3.00 Send to: Spartan 4 lines 2.00 3.00 4.00 Daily CLASSIFIEDS, 5 lines 2.50 3.76 5.00 1206, San lose State Open a world of new horizons. How fitting .4.. 1 College. San loss 14, Bill this to nay congratulations on any occasion with Ca Ill, amount for .50 .75 1.00 an OMEGA watch. Infallibly accurate, In. 0 each addi- comparably beautiful; a constant reminder tional line of your love and affection. Choose from For traili CHEM( our large OMEGA collection. an important date or the new job, this Print per ad bore: CILASSIFICAT1014: (Count 33 Letters and Spots for Each Use) tional model (heron and wool suit by Mosher'., fl Announcements (1) NO MONEY DOWN Ltd. has all the answers. Cl automotive (2) TERMS TO SUIT YOU 17 For Sale (3) Omega Ilolds its shape, meticulous tailoring, cool T1 Help Wanted (4) watches from $65. 1 1 Hmising (5) IIIMININIMMINE and comfortable and a Nil range of robots. 11 Lost and found (6) 65.011 extra trousers 19.95 n Personals (7) Ll Services (A) House 101 Records Transportation (9) 91 South First Street Open Mon. and Thurs. Nights Solt Jost- SItile.s hod,lienoil Sholts Rams Wises Phone-- DISCOUNT HOUSE 307 Town & Country Village eWeLtj also rown & Count', I Waite Open Mon., In Run he _Mo. of ears) Enclose Than and Fri. Mph 3rd & San Fernando corner 3rd & San Fernando Streets One block from campus * * * awaits Me 1116 .3.rdP,P7.,_