

I 'I I f 1 Student Weekly Publication The Rice Institute HOUSTON'. TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1937 NO. 3

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L.S.U. Circus Arrives Rice—L. S. U. Dance Cruse, Meiton Tuesday Afternoon Dance Freshmen To Report The regular Saturday night dance In Run-Off For The Owen Wister Literary So- will be held jointly by Rice and ciety will hold the regular Tuesday I I L. S. U. The dance will be held at afternoon dance at four o'clock, At 7:15 Tonight; Pep the Arabia Temple. Fahy Godfrey Editor's P ost October 12, at Autry House. The and his orchestra will play. dance will last until, six o'clock. At the dance hosts will be in- Sam Cruse and Milton Melton last I The first dance of the year, held To Avenge Poor Play troduced from both Rice Institute Monday led the election for editor of ! h st Tuesday afternoon, was attend- Rally After Parade and Louisiana State. The hosts will the Campanile with Cruse holding a ; ed by a large crowd. Price of ad- introduce alumni and L. S. U. 21 vote lead over Melton. Only 263 mission is twenty cents for men. students. votes were cast in the election f6r Women are admitted free. Sophomores Due To See Plenty Of Service After Showing Price of admission to the Satur- v hich there are approximately nine ' Butler Perryman III with Throat Infection; Phil Peden To Against Oklahoma Sooners; Governor Leche day dances is $1.00 per couple. hundred and fifty qualified voters. All j Fill Place For Game Tomorrow; Rally | students except freshmen are eligible I Here For Game With Owls. . ti vote. TWENTY STUDENTS Probably To Be Broadcast, Next; Monday the, run-off election Fresh from a 9-0 victory over Texas University and anxious to FIRST SYMPHONY Tonight sniiH:t;inie before 'eight o'clock tin- Slims* Piifad yiHfH i will be held in the Sallyport with the WILL RECEIVE BAND make it two in a row over Southwestern Conference opponents, the polls really opening at. eight o'clock, down M«iin. Street to the Iiiee lintel for a s;iant pep rally I • i i ",n" Louisiana State circus, headed by Governor Richard W. Leche of OF SEASON TO BE | iii coifdihg to Charles Fennelle, presi- the; Hice-L S. U. fdutluill game tomorrow afternoon; Louisiana, a 208-piece band, a male pep squad, and the corps of yell dent of the Rice Student Association. AWARDS THIS YEAR AH freshmen ititj.sl, report at 7:15 at the -corner of Main nil Polk leaders, and featuring one of the reputedly best football teams of . Fennelie went on to urge more stu- ; : to Charlie Dodd, president of '.lie sophomore cla.vsl and his HssisUinlE.. the South, will arrive in Houston between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. to- HELD NOVEMBE 8 • di nts to Volt' this week, The result jj!; Twenty students who will receive ISiC" •; • i-p. : : '""I he.lOit'UMWt'U: !;ei)kiil'efr«:'6ii:": ' i.aid morrow morning to meet the Rice Owls in their first home game of ; of the election will be posted rm the ! fcwi>r't! < for their work in Iho last "*'"' *" ' ' -' ,;tn 1 hi:! j miWtf; . !)!•! f. iw'i i I V 'Itid week and were hitting harder than HONOR STUDENTS ,.-jv. !>o will reel ive a pin, the awai'd for ) Tht tt'.'V.'tl ' Six subscription concerts will be Ov.-l .'stall has; atotiiid W®3;|j^v#, i'^tarcfe' -,sn (J during the Sooner contest. Plenty of tViee.i years; or service, !• • .'! :,l,Kl 11.' •presented during the year, one on Listless Play ,... wpj^fwi Jdua TigeijL; hustle featured the practice sessions. : FOR PAST YEAR the first or second Monday of each Second year awards will go lo ,'Lyle ' , and subsided an- -.nd'whipped' A cai'; but tomorrow more than hustle will month. The first program. November 8 Illl)nthr &)hrer. Alex tish. p-.ia d .Half Paul j-Une:.-n)ent 'that'ifi,'!: liir-'t i^.Mv.oi .tfic!-.;-.with- Imnfcre, Mtti- be required if the Owls are to do any- will be composed of Weber's "Invita- Whipped Owls i thing with the Tigers, who were rated NAMED BY OFFICE j- .Ma;-sh,ah'd'-i'.'lohf' :A\ i, ,.rN''.".ehk. :\Iatlagee . Charles ;Mfi«. ; .n^azine - will, -he a'n J . Wni'ii tion to the Dance," Strauss's "Don : as three touchdowns better than Tex- Juan," Chabnier's "Espana," and Rach- States Player j award is a coat sweutdr.' ipf >'•«'" so everybody ea>; :.;it while .9s las'. Saturday. From the office of the Registrar, a maninoff's "Second Symphony." • Those who Will receive u hanm.iK noi(rtd w-uvme In, tlu , r,^,. M|1 ; Sweaters, tirsaret Jrldbvaer- to start. ; i . ,! 1,1,, •• •-uel,-r Pen vu,.-..- •!' wiih The injection of little Scat Sullivan list of the highest ranking students in Wagner predominates the Decem- "That gang just didn't have any pep. ert Browning. Blewett Chenali|t, Janies tlic Owl this niufilli will have 281 a," throat infection, will, not be able •'in the backfield in place of Tom Vick- the three upper classes in the Rice In- ber 6 program with "Flying Dutch- They seemed to talk it up between C'oman, Arthur Cook. William Ciad- pjtges and Busjness Manager Alba j t, take art ion. Butler was in St. Jos- irs was the main change in the lineup stitute has been made available. Of man," "Dances of the Apprentices," the one hundred and eighty students plays and then go to sleep again when dock. Jess Hd-nslee, John Hernandez, Kruetfer will have ap^iendieiVs When J eph's Hospital Wednesday night and planned for this Saturday, according to and "Siegfried's Funeral March and aiwsirowwfiiwwww . , -if--- "i -T.' n Thiirsilaj^^Wiil "i:I\)deh^'aMistant' yel! a statement made by Coach Jimmy with the highest grades for the 193G- Rhein Journey." from "Dusk of the the ball was snapped, Thats why we• )AvG. C. Mills. Ralph Hoe. Fred Sorsby, [ ,hli,.0 (w„ arcni&tanc<-s; all Miss | l-.'ader la's! . ve.-ir : will fill Peirvnian's Kitt-s Thursday. He has been looking 37 school year, there are sixty-two got beat Saturday," ' ' ^'^hpmen and Gods." : seniors, sixty-two juniors, and fifty- That was the statement made Mon- The Rice braid will n.ake . three ; c„, . WilS,, im,.v> (lllJ mu,, W!lll tJa; d,„:'is -the. aerolvl -or the Rice veil leaders, mighty good in practice, according to Fairy tale music is the theme of the six sophomores, all of whom were day morning by one member of the broadcasts for the Coca Cola company | (iv. ,)0 (t(, df|>. u {>„ | Cpitl- Jimiov Kitts, ,epr< Mutative Kitts. third program January 10: Taylor's ranked as juniors, sophomores, and football team. Facts of the game seem- iivis year, two, in Houston and one ,1ft j, : The rest of the lineup will be the "Through the Looking Glass," Greig's way jhi'oiigh colieu:f!.' " _;; 'he -'.Frlijiji.dfi' of' 3la i.ce. probably Tony freshmen when they made the grades. ed to bear out the truth of this state- For Worth, over the Texas Quality same group of veterans starting for "Second Peer Gynt Suite," Humper- Circulation Ma:un;>. : D,i\ id Bhr|{ SUIT j Mnrtirio ar.d the yell, ll'-arlers wi'! bv ment. Until , the last quarter, with a (Continued on Page-2) the most part, that started against Senior scholars with special mention dink's "Overture and Dream Panto- • iinuneed that due the' risiut; c,.,t eP I'ri'icipa! speakers in the rally bunch of sophomores starting a be- 1,; Oklahoma last week, but if they don't are William Baird, Evelyn Beaulieu mine," Dukas' Sorcerer's Apprentice," PHPOIIIIPU ilAUAnpn ' pul'lieatidti the Ow! this year will. in ord.^ n to;:^! tht :iv ;-;.pies: It wiM H-e ^ » Sam' Flowers, center; Bill Hotter, tion for Graham Baker Studentship March 7 the fifth concert will be a Oklahoma in a listless 6-0 contest. ... - ; "! L:'.V V p&il&atllslgp guard, and Don Hager, end, will be 1937-38), Dorothy Daigle (Edith Ripley (Continued on Page 2) The Owls showed no aerial effen- eiiia'de^'.l^-tfjrFrla'yL .'but:\y/, Ul Vl ! i : in the thick of the fight. Scholar 1937 -38), Cyril Delevanti, i :ave Saturday, coiii'ieeting with oiijy Monday altehlon from lour -io sly.. |- ;•'if'- ' 'ain' il '!rtli.r.!t1'.;.ii..\v'ti-UI'.ii. 1 Johnny Neece, speedy halfback, Paul Virginia Gladish, Grace Griffith (Hon PLANS FOR ANNUAL i.ed directly lo the lack of blocking by 1 Hancock, blocking back, at the other orable Mention for the Graham Baker rl tlie fi e'hirien m udents in the Sen- E B L S TO STUDY MEETING IS HELD BY Studentship 1037-38), Rita Handley, ^ the Owls, allowing the passer no time half, Jake Schuehle at full, and Sulli- RETREAT AT CAMP 1 la spot his receiver. van at quarterback. Celeste Johnson, Zelda Keeper, William ' IRISH LITERATURE LES HIBOUX, FRENCH Nance and Williams at the ends, j Lane (Hohenthal Scholar 1937-38), Or- Ollie Cordill, sophomore halfback, The Riee Y. W. C. A. met Tuesday ! showed to best 'advantage, for Rice, 'lee of the Women's. Council and offi- i FOR COMING YEAR STUDENT S SOCIETY Hughes and Hines at tackles More ! trud Lefevro. John McGary (Hohen- afternoon at the downtown Y. W. Mary cei's! <>( the StiiJents Assbiiiatipii re-: laid Landry at guards, and Price at j than Scholar 1937-38), Andrew McRey with Jake Sehuehle also .gaining Virginia Hail, president, announced the ground on several plays. f.1.N:i|1ty. Naiiel. plretii- J :.^Tfii:h(lay.. in,.e'!).-'.,'^itlry, I.e-;' Ilii>,:;'v..'' ,!.!ie' '• ".:-:uc(i-ti: l"*< renter will make up the starting line- j nolds (Honorable Mention for Graham K r :; date of the annual retreat to be Octo- In the last quarter 'lie Owls drove dent of the Wuineti's ;• Council and sec- t i * B: IS - i < •(, t|]*i U- ^ i 1 m ;.:c!ub, fiMd jit a '.'firjij' "t the vi Baker Studentship 1937-38). George ber 30. The V. will be hostess to the retary of lhe Students Council, Chai-i'i tin loniiu - i.i Ki'luiine T-et- I'll': Aut.'!'.',- .1 Wedrit.'ivay . (Continued on Page 3) to the seven yard line with first down Mackey, Nat Marsh (Honorable Men- groups of representatives of other and goal to go, only to wind up with let; Feiniel!e. pro-idem el the Student j • --' eh;iiriiiah "i Hit jjiijiiratri iMiiihitt-,! After Jeijiieh. irtilje'dlietur-y ; jjeerlj tion for Graham Baker Studentship South Texas colleges at Camp Casa fourth down and eighteen to go as- Count'i;; Jlariha Farmer, vlce-piesi- 'ei . : niv urced ',Kt.V ifheine ,"M lifera. Mi;. Mafi'iil IVlergiid. .,t piea' IJi'e." del Mar. 1 : STUDENT FOOTBALL 1937-38). Anne Catherine Moore (Hon- Red Vickers was thrown, for a .loss denWarrent <,,i vace-presidenthe Student t Councilof the. Wiiin1'eggy- ||.tor '-ine g>; be 'tudit'i'! v.'i!!' Bt- Irish liU-ra-' jifli::dii;i.(s-, M.-uviil; \v . iWoi-aiid.by ,\t'h(:'' , t}. a-M 'as'b' li ie".ii Colleges included in the South Texas while' trying' to pass. This failure to | en's C'o.uneil-, Florence Hedrick, secre- ' TICKETS AVAILABLE orable Mention for Graham Baker ; IJl.'idlo.'',-:l;pj!i;i"^-i:dci'i(., district are Rice Institute, Stephen F. 1 1 guard the passer Caused the Owls : lar.V of t|u Women •> t'ouncil. and H.it - ed IV e'. \' V/atav;: 'ehai.rn'i.al") ot th<- : aiu-f -:,' a Studentship 1937-38), Marcel Moraud. Austin, at Nacogdoches, Sam Houston IN THE SALLYPORT much trouble durni'; the entire game, | old Rael: irejiSUrer of the Student i::itial i..r. eoriiiiiit l.l e.; Initi'i•:• t'i<.>n -the' aflei noei',. , oira:- May Elsie Moraud, Dorothy Morgan State Teachers' College, and A. & M. The lone Sooner touchdown came by 1 O'tmi i). lake place at the nek; aieeuiiL:. niilU'e \saa ,,pp 'iated consisti:a; el' Student tickets to the Rice-L. S. U. (Honorable Mention for Graham Baker Regular rates for the weekly meet- the air. Two 'aerials carried the ball James A! in Shepherd and Dorothy Mia-eery lovte a piefi-,;e (ii.st,u-rrv, ' \'arina Stfint'. ."Vi'iri M'".-re ,iitfi i-,, ,1 vts : ; football game may be obtained upon Studentship 1937-38: Pallas Athene ing were also decided upon. Tuesday ti the Rice 33-yard ine. From ihere ;'aop rr aMvi.i'(J the uiiestsl'.mid Har- i sdnV/ tie,: iiv ba.ii v,a iPa-n lier- - Featd'a'! I.aui'a ^! aie w.:, ii!;. • i in presentation of the blanket tax in the Literary Society Scholar 1937 - 38), afternoons from 12 to 1 o'clock being a fifteen yard penalty and a pass for ! net Nethery- and Lorena Ramin tie', Kiriir.v 'M'lrtt'jnir'jery^,'itiiave the I 'i.targe.ol 'gffjftffi/if1,: t lie chosen time. Onjp meeting a month sallyport today and tomorrow. Only James Nance (Honorable Mention for eighteen . gave Oklahoma the vital ' erven E. 1.5 si '.heii' firs: Uj'-'sorv in' irtickiii.C ' -Anyone . anie•rc.steri , will be open to guests of the mem- points for victory. . 'j'T* i'-'I-'ri'ticli. •. eis:: .;i;i'i»'r«(:rt;t!!i;ii'tfi:'i;--::!,:i I ;• one blanket tax tag will be presented (Continued on Page 2) l rriM'i vi , to to each student, One student will not bers. It was indicated thrtt. t^e sophdutores j . .f'rt'ij.tei'i,':' i^.';spMi::i|ly Irfvjted t• t':>r. Plat s will he dir, eted OF GEORGE WILLIAMS ambled, trucked, to the only hotel in supper consisting of meat, potatoes, ing the membership quota. ' [dents were interviewod and asked to satvs: "I like Rice hut I tliink it if? the town, slapped a battered suitcase | carrots, beans, peas, and tomatoes, New members elected to the ifnpup!^0 ''>eir tilIlc''d opinions, impressions, haul Lovci '> L,w is lhe prettiest ' t Pillv Goyen. Angela Powers, Irl Mowery, Wesley Muicke. and the The Writing Club of Rice Institute on tho floor and a delicate hand on slewed up in the form of hash, topped were: Arthur Cook, A1 Cioodson, GUy 'Ricc. its high spots, and col-J spot on the campus. Sallyport is a will hold its second meeting of the the counter, and inquired the price, off with chocolate eclairs, spelled with Jackson, Ross McKee, Claude Maer, lege life in goneritl. Whether these . swell place, Autry Hbuse is an intense alumni, Flos'ie Mai Albrecht heads th" .iliimni fi'oup. year Monday night, October 11, at 8:0 size, and location of roms availpble a northeast bound hickey over the e, Milton Muse, Tom Player, Lawrence first impressions are lasting ones, we disappointment, and athletes are large o'clock; The meeting will be held at for that night. and pie a la mode. Reilly, Randolph Shaeffor, Elliott do not know; furthermore, we do not but not much on the looks.'' "There is. still time te enter vour the home of Mr. (jjjfOrge Williams of "Now' stop me if you've heard, this "After supper the salesman retired Sharp, Don Sopor, Clay Todd and care. Contrary to popular opinion j Ben Harder from Waco High views p.av. ongihtil or otherwise." announc1- the English Department, 2732 Univer- more than enough times, but It: seems to a room pointed out, by the farmer's Boots Witherspoon. which holds that freshmen, as a rule, tlie Rice profs as Jjeihg very practical id It) Mowery, who is handlin-.r the sity Boulevard. that there wasn't any vacant room in daughter, and was soon sound asleep, Ushering assignments were made by do not know "what it's all about". [ and authoritative in their respective . til vies et the contest. At meetings of the group, manu- the hotel, and the traveling salesman for such is the way of traveling sales- Billy Baird, vice-president bf the these twelve have certainly formed ! fields. He refused to talk about the scripts of the members are read and liitd to go to a nearby farmhouse, for men when they haven't anything bet- group, All members who are ushering some definite opinions. athletes teCnUse he lives in the dorms. JfOTlCE! criticised. Types of writing include such Is the way of traveling salesmen. ter to do. are requested to be at the stadium al- Says John Jpekuseh, who hulls from Somewhat less conservative in her essays, short stories and poems. Dis- " 'Yo ho', squeaked the farmer, for "All was peaceful until about 9:47 one o'clock Saturday. Galveston: "Rice is an institution Al'j opinion is Dorothy Pike from Sam All loyal Riee students! Do your cussion of the works is usually started he- had a squeaky voice to rhyme with p.m., when the traveling salesman j education noted for its food, attractive \ Houston High who said: "Athletes are l,a" to help the Owls whip tin- Tigers by Mr. Williams, faculty advisor to the his beard, when the salesman rattled heard soft footsteps in the passage, HEY. ROOTERS! i women. West. Hall. Saturday Night : shaved headed creatures who herd to- by turning out tonight for the lug group. the front gate of the corn field. 7 and presently a soft tap at the door. What the Owls want is Tiger meat. Dances, and for its History 100 Course, gcther to whistle ;>1 the co-eds. Sally- r;,llv at the Rice Hotel that will be Students of the Institute interested won't be here tonight but T guess my 'Who is it?', asked the salesman, for Help them ftet it by your support at Sallyport is merely a wide stop in the I port is the place where the man with , , , . . . , , in creative writing are invited by Mr. daughter can take care of you.' So 'Who is it?', asked tho salesman, such tho giant rally at the Rice Hotel to- road where the traffic becomes eon- I the camera hangs! out and everybody 1 ' 111 u>n'um '',n 1 1 "' • ,me Williams and Katherlne Tsanoff, presi- the traveling salesman traipsed up to being the way of traveling salesmen night at eight and at the game tomor- gested. This is the place where amhi- j is aware of it. At= for Rice itself, so j Come out and holler and dent of the club, to attend the meet- the house and knuckled the door and when they want "to know who is at row. All you students show down- tious freshmen females concentrate on ' far so good," When asked • what she show downtown Houston the Rice ings. » asked for the daughter, all very gai- (Continued on Page 2) town Houston the Rice fight. upper classmen Autry House is a (Continued on Page . fight. iff


certs. Watkin, Byron Wright, Dorothy Zylicz Miller. Ruth Nemir, John Peters, Ster- READY FOR THE BIG GAME Rice students may attend the entire (Qraham Baker Student 1937-38). ling Price, Thomas Pullen, Mar*. Jane sei I#* few .00 or $1.50, according to Senior scholars are Warren Alexan- Quinby, Margaret Schwartz, Agnes Sin- we s it e r the seats chosen. Reservations for sin- der, Lillian Andrews, Scott Bailey, Ed- clair, Marlon Smedes, Reinhart Stanzel '' ESTABLISHED 1916 , gle concerts may be obtainod for 35 lar Blanton, Ruby Lee Bresky, Ellen (Friends of Rice Scholar 1837-38), rents each. Couzens, Mary Frances Ellis, Mary Frank Stevens, Robert Sylvester, Louis The Thresher, official newspaper of students at the Rice Institute Choruses and possibly ballet work Fosselman, Hazel Gerland, Robert Todd, Dorothy Walthall, John Webster, Houston, is published every Friday morning throughout the scho- in costume will supplement the solo- Glover, Lewis Hall, Mary Holloman, John Whiteman, Armin Wilson, Alene lastic year except during the Christmas vacation and during exam- ifrts and orchestral performances. A Louis Jacobs, Olin Karkalits, Julia Wood, Catherine Wood, Dorothy Zapp. rounded performance will be aided by ination periods. i; KSlpatrick, Ben Levin, Fred McElya, Sophomore scholars with special the acquisition of some new brasses, Robert McKee, Louise Mansfield, Entered as second class matter, October 17, 1916, at the post- and the building up of the string sec- mention are Marguerite Bailey (D. A. Thomas Mason, Ida Muske, Mary Beth R. Scholar 1937-38), Inez Baumgart- office in Houston, Texas, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscrip- tion. Peterson, Paul Pfeiffer, Helen Saba, tion price: By mail, one year, $2.00. Payable in advance. ner, Ethel Bloomfield (Lady Ged4es Randolph Schaffer, James Sinclair, Vir- Prize in Writing 1937-38), Donald But- Campus office: 104 Administration Building. Downtown office: MACE- ginia Sprague, Albert Sterling, Eleanor let, John Clark, Charles Dodd (Daniel 607% Franklin. Phone Capitol 0216. (Continued from Page 1) Sullivan, Haskell Wertheimer, Dorothy Ripley Scholar 1937-38). Corwin Dodge, Williams. Eliot Ernst, J. R. Green, (Friends of ii the door. Junior scholars with special mention Rice Scholar 1037-38), Mary Ann 1937 Member 1938 MBfRBBKNTBO f £».; AL *Oy*l»T'«»NO "'Mo,' she said, for it was she. are William Alvarez. Reba Beeler Jones, Kenneth Klindworth, Robert ftssociafed Golle8iale Press " 'Conie in.' said the traveling sales- (Edith Ripley Scholar 1937-38). Wil- McCants, Charles Malish (Daniel Rip- National Advertising Service, Inc. man, for such is the way of traveling liam Denbrook (Dickson Scholar 1937- lep Scholar 1937-38), Velma Morgan, Distributor of Collite Publishers Htpmrntativt salesmen. 38), Anne Denman, Ruth Elliot, James 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. V. Irl Mowery, Gladyes Nagai, Norman CMICACQ • BOSTON . ANUCUS - SAN FRANCISCO "The farmer's daughter opened the Foulks, John Hairston (Honorable Newsome, Sam Polk, John Smith, Cblleftiate Digest door and approached the bedside. 'I'm Mention for Graham Baker Student- Thomas White, Thomas Wiel, Albert GENE SISK FRANCIS COLLINS lonesome here all by myself/ said ship 1937-38; Friends of Rice Scholar Wilson, Jack Wilson. she. 'Couldn't I spend the night hore Editor Ass't Editor 1937-38), John Hall, Harold Marsh Sophomore scholars are Joe Bair, with you?' (Honorable Mention for Graham Baker Charles Brown, John Dreyer, Norman BILL ROGDF: JACK HANKS '' " 'Yes,' said the traveling salesman, Studentship 1937-38; Hohenthal Scholar East, Mary Fisher, Ray Fitzgerald, in a husky voice choked with emo- Business Mtmagvr Ass't Business Mgr. 1937-38), John Martin, Henry Morris Eugene Flewellen, Joseph Frankie, tion or cough drops, for such is the (Hohenthal Scholar 1937-38), James Henry Gardiner, Miriam Gerber, Sin- way of traveling salesmen, and as the Phillips, William Purcell, Earl Wallace clair Gertz, Dorothy Granger, Eleanor PHONES | farmer's daughter slipped into bed be- Margaret Ellen Williams (Ellen Axson Hall, Eugene Hanszen, Louis Herdler, ! side her, the female traveling salos- Wilson Scholar 1937-38). Willoughby Sadye Jacobs, David Johnson, Mary Downtown Office j man added: 'Be careful and don't Williams (Hohenthal Scholar 1937-38), Kelley, Matilda Kunover, Dorothy Capitol 0216 muss your hair, or it won't look good Leah Mary Woodward. ; v'hen you have your picture made for Lehmann, Claude Maer, Dick Mattiza, LDITOK BUSINESS MANAGER | the Campanile at Henry Stern's sfu- Junior scholars are George Adams, Bonnie Mohr, Charles Nathan, Court J. 262fW J. 25335 | dios in the West Building for $1.75.' " Marguerite Allen, Lee Blocker, Frances Norton, Billy Rieger, Max Samfield, After reeling off this littje collec- Bonner, Lucille Brewer, John Bud- A. F. Saytoe, Gilson Smith, Stanton dington, John Bush. Francis Collins, Smith, Louis Spaw. Doris Weismann, EDITORIAL STAFF tion of variegated Cnrolingian manis- eules. Mace wanted to emphasize the Ruth Crowder, George Evans, Joseph Julius Ziegler. Barbara Myei> Associate Editor i necessity of all Rice boys wearing Finger, Frances Flanagan, Rita Gay, Ethel IJloonifield Associate Editor j coats for the Campanile pictures. Julian Hamilton, Mary Hannah, Robert Why worry when you break your Hargrove, Mary Henry, Anne Hueter, fountain Pen or Pencil? Just take it Ruby 'Luti' Bi'es'ky News Editor Margaret Johnson, Evelyn Junker, to the Fountain Pen Hospital, they re- Charles Dutid Sports Editor HONOR STUDENTS— Floy King. Frances Lane, Jonathan pair all makes. 801 Kress Bldg., (Continued from Page 1) BOlie Byor.s,' Martha Faituor' Society JUJU SIMS are generally along at the Lane, Billy Low, Dean Meyers, Byron F. 7918. r QJ same time. The subtile heckling from Mai'^aret Millsap. Mary Jane Weyrich, Gordon Oldham, i , ilit crowd of males at the Fre.shman j Graham Baker Studentship 1937-38; John Nasehk^, .Blevvelt Chonault. Mirni Gerber. Dorothy Pyke. t k'{ 3 | Reception gave DAISY the bots- in a | Elizabeth Baldwin Literary Society "BOOTS" WITHERSPOON, Representative Stuff \ mild manner. i Scholar 1937-38), William Perry (Hon- Last week BILL IE BYERS and ; arable Mention for the Graham Baker HART AND NUSSBAUM R®.. BILLY (BOOGER) BAIRD got to- I Studentship 1937-38; Dickson Scholar 410 MAIN ST. LACKADAISICAL... 1937-38). Helen Scarborough (Edith 'I'fey..-v'iifiH' l.uii'k in a aiihutoi The polls will be open and you gether for a little champagne party. Complete Outfitters for Young Men Starting next Friday the Stuff col- I That BAIRD is plumb fat, | Ripley Scholar 1937-38). Doris Schild ANGELA POWERS, of the aristo- 1 (Honorable Mention for Graham Baker Vole fori what?" ! , : • i». 1 V •. i|nii> wili he writt^a by a ditfe:vu( person or persons every week if such | cratic POWERS, says that she will [ Studentship 1937-38), Jean Slater. Sample wilj-ypiirt con\o'rsalioo indicated (he somewhat defunct tail lie managed. Walter Winched can | wear a cape (sonic sort of a rain cape) Meredith Sparks (Hohenthal Scholar staif .,1 politics || Rice Monday' morning when not so many students i get guest columnists. ,vhy shouldn't IV , this year, even if it does look ple- 1937-38), Katherine Tsanoff (Graham YEA RICE!—BEAT THE TIGERS knew ur ciirccl thai an editor for the 1938 Campanile was being Thai Oklahoma trip must liavi been i bcian. Oh deah! ALBA KRUEGER and Baker Student 1937-38), Rosemary : See You Before and After the Game i-Jrclcd. •••.'• | ||f the dogs for the few that went at BILLY REED claim the Owl will be A trifle more than one-fourth of the eligible voters cast ballots lease before and alter the giirue A I out Saturday, unless the cover is de- Fountain Pen Hospital repairs all Phil Frank j l.'.yod. That last is the advice alibi for Wall :n fiic election. Three causes have been assigned; to this situation; Saturday night blind date, an ali-d.iy ! makes of Pens and Pencils. 601 Kress Poye S.inday seciuel to the same, and KITTY tomorrow. Bldg. F. 7918. Iri ivality^th'fcjri^'lsir/tVfdyi^ohp:; ; I'.HRHARDT .'eturned to 1 loust'iin witii 1' i;i\i I:!1 Kirsl. siuderii, goverument lacked considerable-,efficiency as the tlieYpobr sap's fraternity pin-or was poll, ojjened one hour and 14 minutes late. Second, there was no lut a sap? MARJOR1E BOYD picked TWENTY STUDENTS— 'campaignI'ayiiation. Third, Rice ^lu.(len|sdo not care who their op air engagement t-itig from CHUCK | (Continued from Page I'i 1 : iea'lers are. • is ! i;;.;?-:':- .,'j.ll;;?!?,; S CALDWELL CHUCK, has '» new e.u j Network, Kit Raid. Who succeeds Lee Only: thV'. lasi <:fif;|wS®r|lpi(iSfe valkl. i! I-'ennelie and the COUIKM! ;.i.ci is;"ready to get married abbrtl Jan-, are certainly accountable for the 'failure of the voting enclosure and uaiy 1. '' i [, -'- !.'• Chatham as band director, Reginald | HOWARD NICHOLLS is or should Young, and Paul Marsh went to Dallas the ballots to be ready at « a.m. But students who 'came to the last week to complete arrangements polls between H and H: 14 and could not vote were not relieved of M:C the latest red-faced lad on the ! i aiiipus. CASANOVA. DICK invited for .the broadcasts ( responsibility, ' It is not too much Io expect them to return and about four females to the "greatest With 64 members, the largest num- ; try again. Any but the most indifferent would have done so. ; show on earth" Monday night. He fin- ber in several years, and an unusually ! Cruse. Melton, May, and Forristall cannot be blamed for refusinu r"h' traipsed off with KITTY, who • complete instrumentation, Kit is plan- ' to put on a campaign Their gotltleinl^'s agreeim-nt U> let the affair onjlil To be line coach for the foot- inin'g ,tp produce a swing band. The, 1 •l.jeebir.'iiie'i a popularity ei.ntos! is only further evidence of campus m- ISS11 tci'iai. while atleast ' hreo iasses bund is already rehearsing several new l , eiranuements of swing numbers. . ddFerencio. Only in a'college w'here students are not interested in i |>\ the telephone, or at least, sat, student government woidd Such an .agreement result in a low vote /and Wailed for the lieail' h.i«h linger 1 - (• call; Ain't he roguisli? FIRST SYMPHONY— Inielliuent voters do hot need a. !>•• incited to considel ihe qualitet- ' MACK appeared al the r'l'v,"- with (Continued from Page 1) tions of the candidates'. i-'one 'otji^f than1 the original whip- j (ii.cker. Miss HUZZY GLUE KIKER. Slavic program: Tschaikowsky's ''Pa- : i .ti-tio. Tins raisi-ci a • protest i who' must,. have had a hay day (pun. : thetique Symphony," Smetna's over- i Wong, t'he ..liiV.irii.'j.ers .ahd ;0|ie 'or., two.,';j' i:i'. case yeU were Sfi-ups and list it ROARS OF R1CE0NIANS iui'e to : "'Bartered Bride," and Dvor- •I HO'I "''1 -jU) , yll|t, cit-ni-he.l iistfi:-'. Tin 11 ass,I, M.\CEO avoyved lhat even with ak's "Cello Concerto" w'lih Piatagor- •] chlVi lii.ed op life either side oi' the i ji:..ss<'s to the shrfw he speiit -ibaut skv soloist.. REVERBERATE VS.ROOM :i I.i'oin-; -/eel ill i'lle middle ill a ionsil- $350 Hi, didn't even kick about t^e •< ,-.d !i,.i: jerking sii.'sta. The i ( )Institute. j.cr could get a.wav with. (Aside) You suit all tastes will be offered from I I i.-v • in:vv'l: luen such u daring RICE YELLS I keep out of this, pal I know he time to time during the year in ad- i i i thai "piVsonlcrl at i doesn't net away with it. dilion to the i-egular subscription con- j ii-nnai i:i: i.'luir i.f the Rict'i'iliiaMs. aO'.sf Uiriru fiifse | BETTY GARTNER has a standing • r -p.'.'ik.i.iirii'i- Al last il i•all, i'•!') l.ori'iif!'!!/ I Sunday and Tuesday affair with "BIG | BOY" DUDLEY, who also was the Watches repaired and regulated in: , i,..ill V:••'!•. u Mm bun Myers. prosi- , VARSITY,' I iwardei' of that gold watch adorning •18 hours. No more waiting 1 to 2 . ,-. ! • :,'<:'i)ii-cti"l.tiir:i) .-e;j)i-(:'iv'i- sii-h-h-h-::' Ir/eil iiviuii: . i . HETTY'S wrist. DAISY LOUISE and weeks. II will B. O. K. if from B. O. • •' liJl-i.ie--Grrvy Kreitcr. Kress Bldg. Lobby. IVJ ind • losiii door- ..-it Ai.it.rfy Varsity! 1 jr;r H'.(k). p.ii'i.^TueHdiy,- tin: ••Irr- Yt'it Rice! Vca J.'ice DEPENDABLE : ',,n iivyajs '-ruiigs'ajv. unv tills • i'nodcrn .. Yen R'icc! ; C ||ipy R. E. Scnny . loo 'I'M Art ot i'iglit! Fight!''Fight! SHOE REPAIRING Everything in Musical Merchandise i-hjilfikiilif! liiij.- WpiiKitiV Vicvv- Hoc . Hoc - Koc „ . ptiin't ' v,-j- pri-s'Ti.NH'l lifiorc; a t'i'owd Hoc l!oe , ». Hoc Goodyear Shoe Repairing HOUSTON BAND HOUSE 1 ; .'a v-Hi'i ':.jaj a Is Ififffe ..<)i iril a ( Hoc •- Hue EXPERT REPAIRING 1 Co. ; • 1 J,Hi,'"/ ii:ii.id}irij:.!, • :w'hi,j.:ti" "adi-v owts • 90(1 McKiuncy B. 30911 S12 McKliincv Fx. 77(11 ;••/! i'frli •"< 1! fii.ii':.1', ,1 I'tft fi'K'l lliat' tiii.) |>l',t^i|..- sprak) •''"".'''i':'',;':1',: YEA RICE " '.i'liv; i'i; :.i aci ol', 'ttn?..sk.c'tcdi' vvaS' ''How Yen 'Wife!' Yea Rice!!, Yea liici !..• to ; Out <•! .i Tickei F»r Bpeedinu" FSpi'lf Site)! FH5HT!' - WHERE THE GANG MEETS TO TALK IT OVER i,-.V Stliivarti,' ''.with . adocjiiati' {>.-1 riiViirie. ;.Ki;h<;ei a Chair wits hi-r car LET'S GO it i id 'I v1'" L - in, | ir liict'itiau. (The Pro- 1.. f- Co-o-o-o OWLS ! ' The GABLES, Inc. I...w iy.yK , Iiioi.iglit slui was , throwing i'r.j!,'-I ' • :7^1 i-..-,*.'-a. "WHERE RICE STUDENTS MEET" iijn epilctitir:.i'l! arid' 'wr> ramc to la-i Phone H. 2101 :: 3100 Main ! 1 IjOCOMOTIVE 'i'iiisisia'nt;^,)', '. i', ''. ' ' " Kali-Rail-Hah-Rah-K-I-C-Ft- Th>- noxi skii; WHS "A -Picture of a Rnh-Hah-Rah-Rah-R-I-C-E- Lady Buying a Hat,'.' which was so Rnh-Rah-Rah-Rah-R-I-C-E ! Hirniy that di<:: actrirs thmnselves were -i*' f':- i^', v .#t Dash in' to See lirklcd nnd lirnl lo call time put seve- RICE'S HONOR ral lnm;.'-. Incidentally, the hats were Ml for Rice's honor, we will fight on, JAKE of the ear. We will he fighting when this day is Tlun jd'fisi' tin- diHnifiorl president done. Eiry About Those Flowers That i'i jl)!,' a pi. oirc of "Mrs Booim- -\nd when the dawn comes. dcdle CiotfM IV) T'jwn" • and meets a We will still be fighting on Rice- for • Are Appreciated m-iehimr in the middle of Mnin street. the Gray and Blue; Herb May—is the Rep. The iiK-.in'.'n! wmI followed by Ruth We will he Itiyal. to Rice he true. .WMsrviiliiiii'li'f!;, whe, with half the elub, '- •'-ft'!, ' V ' mar tn ess ,i« hci i las. showed Jjj/w a lady school FIGHT 'EM JAKE ('33) ALEXANDER FLOWER SHOP teuhf r le,n hes Thoio Who represent- Fight 'ern Owls!! P. 5728 2911 FANNIN cd her jiupils acted as they do in class Fight em Owls!!! **" .(.•very day, and went- in for hair-pull- Fight 'em Owls ! ! ! ! ! Fh?ht, fight,' fight in;,;, f'.imi chewing artd rpuch gossip, * ' * * Tin- other niemi*.>rs- of the club could hot resist ahrl jonied - the "pupils" in BOOM-RAH! WIN OR LOSE THE GAME—SAT. Match or Mixomania's the thing smart youngsters the latter ph;ij;e of class life Boom!!! arc doing in a sporting way this rail! Hence we've Prof Wisenberii's voice rose high- Rah!!!! assembled skirts, velveteen or wool, solid or plaid er her cl.iss talked louder Prof, i W •OWLS!!!!!!!. WE'LL CELEBRATE AT ($4.95 to 913.95). That's a beginning, then sweaters galore . . . pare wool in various colors (84.95 to -tood or, tiptoe and shouted—the class $8.95). Topped with jackets, suede or wool ($6.95 gdt up ant! did likewise. It ended with SPELL IT to $14.95). For the smart twelve to twenties! 1 the Has;; oh top and the teacher on R 1 C E ! ! OWLS!!!! ( OWFOIVtftBUV i Iho l>o?ti>rn. To top ofi this held venture. Mar- OWLS Levy's Third Floor Sports Shop LOOLED fitiret Ilarriiir'ton demonstrated "How Owls!! (hesitation) 3307 MAIN ST. i» Tiik Communism Intelligently Owls!! (hesitation) •'•V. V: .£j} Without Falling Off the Soapbox." Owls!! (hesitation) Come In and Meet the Gang Again! M however, forgot herself and Fight! Fight! Fight! brought in Socialism, the breadline Yea Rice ! ! ! i^ji#itiiiiiffiiiM

V-3«' Vv } • 'J ifslw SB " illlll^B^HSili^BllslIlM II tlJ'1 will! THE RICE THRESHES PAGE THREE '"" "• •"""• have the leading roles in the show. BfWMfi Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. also has an im- v w-v A*>* portant part. ' '"f ';•' , THEAT] Colman has a dual role, playing both 4803 Rudolf Rassendyl and King Rudolf, V., linHBWpH whom he closely resembles. The king's MAIN METROPOLITAN brother (Raymond Massey). plotting "Life Begins in College," featuring to seize the throne, drugs the king, M. H. CRAWFORD. Mgr. and Rassendyll is enlisted to imper- the Ritz Brothers, Gloria Stuart, Tony CLARENCE WADEMAN, '21, Prop. fe'- : mm Martin and Joan Davis, starts at the nate the king at his Coronation. PHIL PEDEN, Rice Representative Met today. Included in the cast of After a series of fairy-tale adventures, •l this fast-moving comedy are Fred the king is restored to his rightful Chrysanthemums For The Game—Corsages throne and wins the love of the beau- Stone, with an important role, Nat ••W Thi Si I Pendleton, Ed Thorgersen, Dick Bold- tiful Princess Flavia (Madeline Car- win, Joan Marsh, Dixie Dunbar, Jed roil). 3106 Main II. 3111 Prouty, Maurice Cass, Marjorle Wea- ver and J. C. Nugent. Twentieth Century-Fox Production OWLS FIRED UP— Chief Darryl F. Zanuck selected Wil- (Continued from Page 1) liam A. Sciter to direct with Harold The injury jinx this week was still Wilson as associate producer. Next door to Top Hat. invites you to The R. Brothers are pants pressors following the Owls, Cleo Creamer truck 'or on in for a shinc'r up. MM working their Way through college, wrenching his knee. Kitts said: "The and they upset all past traditions with knee doesn't look so bad, but you never Wash and Grease Job for cfcn tell about a knee. Creamer may be ms their antics. B. E. Sylvester, Agent, Future Wealth, 7OO MAIN STREET CORNER CAPITOL MAJESTIC end, would start for the Tigers against Directed by Rouben Mamoulian, win- the Owls instead of Dumas, captain of Future rest and relaxation. ner of the New York Critics' Circle the Bengal eleven, At the other end ...... ; : . ;:...... ;...... ': • ..' t Jyfc. lilWBlil 1936 award for distinguished direction, will be J. Gormley. Friend and Gatto MR if will be at tackles, Smith and Clark at lltlili nHSlBBBNBiliill comes Paramount's historically-set South Texas Commercial National Bank story of tile development of the oil in- guards, and D. Gormley at center. dustry. Irene Dunne and Rudolph ap- The starting backfield for L. S. U. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation pear in the leading roles, of "High, will have Booth at quarter, Lemak Wide and Handsome," supported by and Milner at halves, and Rohm at Dorothy Lamour, Elizabeth Patterson, full. Rohm is touted afs one of the Raymond Walbuni, Charles Bickford, finest ball carriers in the' South. It BACK.. Akitn Tamiroff, Ben Blue and William was he that returned a punt of Char- Where to Lunch ? Frawley. lie Haas 59 yards for a touchdown The score was written by Jerome against Texas, Young Bussey Houston Kern, who has composed six new high school product, will see plenty of Lawson Drug Co. songs for the picture, and the' screen- service, and is touted as the best pass- play and lyrics for the songs written er on. either of the two teams Rice players have been making plans to 1708 Sunset by Oscar Hammerstein II. who has : written many successes with Kern. take special interest in Bussey this Vi -S; isH •v •':fil The musical-romance contains six Saturday, THE CLOSEST AND THE BESTEST new songs in the Kern tradition: "Can Coach Bertnc Moore has two com- I Forget You?", "The Folks Who Live plete elevens to throw at the Owls, Right Behind the M.L. Bldg. H. 0085 on the Hill," "The Things I Want," according to the advance reports. One- "High. Wide and Handsome," "Allegh- features power while the other fea- JACQUELINE'S eny At," and "Will You Marry Me To- tures speed. Both are dangerous scor- ing units and strong defensively SUEDE "WING" morrow, Maria?" KIRBY PUMP Beginning Saturday at the Kirby for Watches repaired and regulated hi 48 hours. No more waiting 1 to 2 One of the hundreds of Jac- a four-day run is the Columbia picture HEBERT'S BARBER production, "It's All Yours," co-star- weeks. It will B. O. K. if from B. O. queline campus successes . . . Kreiter, Kress Bldg. Lobby. and as striking as an unkissed ring Madeline Carroll and F parte is m Freshie on a blind date! Lederar for the first time. BEAUTYSHOT C'mon around and see them Mischa Alter completes the triangle, At The Sign of The Conoco all! ar.d the supporting cast includes Grace PLEASE YOUR GAL WITH A GOOD $6.75 Bradley, J. C. Nugent Victor Kilian WILCOX SERVICE end George McKay. STATION EAR L0WERIN' . ji Madeline Carroll, who started out 6650 Main St. H. 62«:i Whether it's sent collect or piepai 'i:T$1i ! as a school teacher in a girl's seminary 2 Blocks North of M.L., on Bissonet at Brighton, England, before launching Has Everything You Need THE DORMITORY'S SHOP Phone J. 21868 your laundry always arrives quickly, her dramatic career, wears some safely, by Railway Express—the favorite swanky clothes in the film, all new fall models, and shows advance tips on sera laundry route of generations of college L. 6129 I* 6120 fisll styles. men and women. Low rates. No added Shoe Salon The production, which is classed as As We Serve The Dorms So Well—We Would <:harge for pick-up and delivery — just I j Third Floor a romantic-comedy, was directed by •1' .j US I Elliott Nugent, from a screen play Like To Give You The Same Deal phone nearest Railway Express office. 'M written by Mary C. MeCall, Jr. *20 WASHINGTON AVE. V'ljflH (Ueturning Wednesday for an en- 1725 Bissonet gagement of three days at the Kirby Phone Preston 5121 is the Universal production. "Magnifi- School Supplies HOl'STON. TEXAS cent Obsession," Irene Dunne and for Rice Robert Taylor appear in the stellar I? A11 A Pli F S S roles, with support from Charles But- SANDWICHES lliiti terworth. Betty Furriess, Sara Haden, Fast Delivery WAT ION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SEftVfCE 'if :iS!f Henry Armetta. Ralph Morgan. Cora Service Sue Collins, Arthur Treacher, Beryl 4705-11 Main St. Phone L. 81M Mercer and Gilbert Emery. The story, frojn Lloyd C. Douglas' best seller, was adapted for the screen tS:u by George O'Neil, Sarah Y. Mason and Victor Heorman, It's Got What It Takes The players do work up to their For That Delicious Ice Cream | H usual individual standards which We Serve We Serve makes the movies one of the better pro- Autry the ductions. since the cast Includes so House Dorms to help you rate! many popular players. I III® KLEIN'S ICE CREAM LOEW'S "The Prisoner of Zenda," romance of 'Jill European courts, opens at the Loew's State Theatre Friday. October 8. Ronald Colman and Madeline Carroll I •ia llli US' NKW STREAMLINER SSr Wo trade Pens and Pencils. Match your pen or pcncil, old style or new U. S. Pat. No. 3,082,106 style. Fountain Pen Hospital, (101 Kress 111 BIdg. F. 71)18. s • earn mm BOLE New way of burning tobacco NON-STOP HOUSTON to better, cooler, cleaner. Car- H Pays la Look Well buretor-Action cools smoke. Keeps bottom of bowl absolutely dry. urn- DALLAS BLUE BONNET BARBER Caked with honey. At dealers' now. llliaill AND BEAUTY SHOP HHBmHI Super streamlined train— 912 Henkc & PUIot Drive scvt-riil inrhes wldnr thuii reg- LATEST DISCOVERY FU lii ular trains—eight car*—new- Hadley 1163 est—-different—roomy. Air- IN PIPES IHH-cU Conditioned Parlor Car, INK SUPPtr •,;!? \ Diner - LomiKe - Observation, Chair ( ill I'M Radio. TRY PRINCE'S FAMOUS The Revolutionary Pen That Won't Run Dry m HAMBURGERS AND mMBm Next time try this train of the Abbott NOW—ACCEPT In a New and Superlative Model—the Speedlifie fflW8jglf.fi | S«Kff) EH future. Kent and relax an yon BARBECUE hcttticm •J •ofely, smoothly streak to 4509 Main ir'M rocket It's not how much a person —hence one that never rims dry your destination. Automatic 3021 San Jacinto has in his pocket that determines in classes or exams. electric Murk system, heavy Main at Gray whether or not he selects the new An utterly exclusive Style— dM' -j 6215 Harrisburg Blvd. «L • Heel rttilit—Insure safety, 19.58 Parker SpeedlineVacumatie laminated Pearl and Jet—now (month comfort. ••••SI —it's how much he has above with slender Speedline shape — Advan** rrnrrmllotn mu«t k« his shoulders! the most restful ever conceived. ••III mail* (or I'nrlnr Car wall. Some other pens cost as much And not merely modern in NOItTltnOUND LEHIGH 7977 AT ALL STORES SELLING INK as this revolutionary invention, Style, but wholly modern in LV. HOUSTO N 4:00 P. M. HARRISON yet no one having the "low mechanism, too. Its SACLESS «R. DALLAS Si45 P. M RADIO SERVICE down'' on pens wants to pay these and patented Diaphragm Filler soiiTimoiiNn prices without getting these new- radically departs from all earlier LV. DALLAS 4:15 P. M. PROMPT SERVICE—QUALITY WORK day advantages. For example: t ypes, regardless of whether they HOLDS 102% MORE INK Alt. HOUSTON 9:00 P. M. "Spec" Harrison A new all-time high in ink have a rubber ink sac or not. THAN OUR FAMOUS DUOFOIO 4102 Main St. Houston, Texas capacity, hence a Pen that never Be sure to see and try this Ill Coach Fares starts anything it cannot finish. pedigreed Beauty today at any A Pen that shows the ENTIRE good pen counter. The Parker .Low As - ink supply—shows when to refill Pen Co., Jancsville, Wisconsin. • 79 Mafcetfa of Quink, the new GEE,'BILL, WHERE DID YOU GET With the Purchase of Ii $4" $8 THAT KEEN WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY ? a 15c Bottle Of pen-cleaninA writing ink, 15c, 25c end up. <§m One-waj Rnnnd-trlp II i'Vil (Houston to Dsllsn) 'THEY'RE FREE ^ 3 Other Train* Daily WHEN YOU BUY ®W#i !'• LEAVE HOUSTON! MilMB School Supplies A BOTTLE OF-' HUSTLER ...... 9:00 A.M. PARKER QUAVA. ! I ' CENTRAL EXPRESS 9:30 P.M- Stationery VACUMATIC -Sr} counting ami permanent documents. Grand Central Station, Wanhlnirtnn Are. Made by The Parker Pen Co,, Janes Phone Capitol Hit 1014 Texas Ave. and only while Supply of viUe, Wis. Oct Quink and free dic- 0UARANTKO MICHANICAILV PCMFCCT Dictionaries La»t% tionary at atf store selling ink. f>.n«, $3, $7.50, $8.75, $10 Pencils to match, $2.50, $3.50, $3.75, $S t 1

,1 t-J Ifl M

PAGE FOUB THE BICE THRESHER FBIPA¥, OCTOBER g, 1937 Ittg missiles. M. U. hasn't looked so good. Washinc- Sallyport and Autry House are great Got your watches, clocks, bracelets, All makes repaired and sold, Points ton in which to do nothing, accord- - <«*v chains, etc., from B. O. Krelter, flvMiaMtm/l TWlr cofe Vfinftlrad. fnira* Thill: .Owl Outlook TEXAS U.-SfltAHOMA U.-With the concise opinion of Lewis * <**v»n -f -4r* " • **» The Owls lnoked far from polished Baer, Oklahoma's star passer out with Lobby. tain Pen Hospital, 601 HCrMt Bids. las'. Saturday against Oklahoma, and an Injured cheekbone incurred In the The concluding opinion is that of MM F. 7918. showed only flashes of form. It Rice game, Oklahoma looks a shade Pullman Eliaalde, last on the list not by Richard Banks |.eared to most of the Sunday morn- weaker. Texas has the stuff, Texas, because of his name but because his « « mils ing quarterbacks that OUle Cordill, in TEXAS CHRISTIAN-UNIVERSITY concluding remarks sum up the situa- Irving Shapley particular, and the sophomores in gen- OF TUtSA—T. C. U. showed unex- tion so perfectly. The Sam Houston eral, should have done less bench pected strength last week in tying Ar- Ex says: "Sallyport is important be- stomping. However, with the first kansas, and Tulsa beat Oklahoma U. cause it is there that the freshman gets S;; De lime for de circus is cie time far star sophomore half-back for the Tim- hurdle knocked down, we are expect- two weeks ago by two touchdowns. A - his introduction to the high and mighty the Tigers. The circus has already ers, will be the Nwthei One attrac- ing a reversal ot form when the Owls tough one to pick, We'll give the edge sophomores through the initiation JL 1| *zt yourself gune,' and the time for the L. S. U. tion. Young, former San Jac grid lu- Ire g«t'i the Tigers in their own backyard to the Christians. which is all in fun (O yeah!) The yfeffS"; Tiger-Rice Owl melee is rapidly ap- minary, lias been the early season »on- Saturday. If the Feather Flock could 1 RICE-LOUISIANA STATE—The fairer sex pick out what they want ;is. :.;. 1. proaching. ' With piaUjcal'y aU of Xrfl U. Against the Uni- get that spark back that they showed 1 * * •' -'If.- Owls by a prayer on account of gener- here and then go to work. A fresh- Louisiana invading Houston Saturday, versity of Florida, Buviey threw seven in the Texas U. game last year, plenty al principles. Let's all sit down and 1 man is further awed by the towering to a it looks like a plenty rough time for passes, J( which five WHO completed. of fireworks would break loose. pray. 7 ' V,'- ; statues of football players, who stand dinner in the In addition, he scored two touchdowns somebody Saturday afternoon, and a Against Oklahoma last week, Rice's plfi on running plays, am1 t.lso added an head and shoulders above everyone hot time in the old . Saturday l-ass defense was notably weak, al- • Ii-pr 'v extra point. Against Texas the bol' SLIMESTORM- else on the campus and who seem to irljjht As Lciuisjun,! State is undefeat- • hough they did show considerable was too wet for tnuch passing, but (Continued from Page 1) have the inside track with all the good ed so far this season, and as the Owls defensive strength against running Young averaged about ten yards every looking girls. Autry House is the Cry stal Dining are 'out to avenge last Saturday's de- plays. The Owls lacked consistent time he carried the ball. thinks of Autry House, Dorothy re- home of southern hospital ity where feat, somebody better look out! ,. drive, and their attack seemed to bog Bussey blocks, runs, passes, kicks, plied, "Oh, you mean that place where you can sit and get a bite to eat and du'.vn once the got within striking dis- Billie Byers arid Martha Farmer listen to the soft strains of music YOUR* Bussey Main Tiger Attraction arid does them all well. His greatest Room tance. Coach Kitts and his staff have cokes continuously?'' (Will tlie Misses coming from the nlckelodian — on It is, a sure ljet that., as far as Hous- .single attribute is bis ability to lay been working the past week, and M ton fans are contended Yotjtng Bussey, those passes where the receivers are Buyers and Farmer please get in touch someone else's nickel, Or if you are seem to have ironed out some of the with us and Settle the advertising athletically inclined, you can indulge and the pass defense ain't. Louisiana tough spots. Well, anyway, we'll get rates?) in a strenuous game of ping-ping, We soil ShcalTer, Parker. Conklin. sports writers are already comparing a look at them tomorrow. Swan, Wahl-Eversharp and Waterman linn with Sammy Baugh, All-Ameri- - 1 ; : •••; v ....j •J#,; J. L Clark, ex-Roaganite. says: "Rice Then, too, there are just chairs . . . of of the can last year at T. C- U. They say is swell because of its sweet girls; A course, this Is just a freshman's opin- Pens and Pencils. Names engraved Sport Snipes free. Fountain Pen Hospital, 601 Kress that his passes are so deadly that if House is not what it is cracked up to ion and should be taken, if at all, very Bussey had- been throwing hand gre- Why can't Rice have some girl cheer be; Sallyport is a grand place to lightly." Bidg. F. 7H18. lenders? We're taking Our ((tie from | nades in the world war, it wouldn't mingle with upper classmen; and I L, S. U. Boy, they've got something Vm/j i nw/iny have lasted a week. So watch No, 16, have nothing to say about Rice ath- there! Huey may be gone, but not all ATTENTION! folks, and clear, the-mono for whizz- letes after last Saturday's game." Those Rice Owl football players are ICK of Louisiana State's color seems to YY f have waned—The lowly Slime body- Martha Clark Smith, also from Rea- showing more fight than ever. They'll All makes repaired and sold, Points ttuard for our Sammy better protect gan, believes Sallyport will be the be cocked and primed for the Tigers & APARTMENTS | exchanged. Desk sets repaired, Foun- coldest spot on the campus on a windy HOTEL him from that real, live Bengal tiger tomorrow. Turn out tonight at the tain Pen Hospital, 801 Kress Bidg. (the L. S. U. mascot.) — Maybe you day. (Take it from us, Martha, it is!) pep rally at the Rice Hotel at eight I F. 7918. ' didn't know It, but. little Davev O'- She says Rice isn't much harder than o'clock and holler your derndest. Brien. Baugh's successor at T. C. U., high school; she likes Autry House for Learn the yells, had a better passing average than its swell malted milks (fifteen cent Pig'n Whistle Scores Again Sammy had his sophomore year. Ho one's a specialty); and she refused to With That New Sandwich is on the little side, but is plenty commit herself on the subject of ath- letes. Sensation lotiL'h —It was raining footballs last A-iek at Fayetteville. Arkansas and T. Bill Ross views Sallyport a good C U thrtf"/ HI passes. In other words, place to meet people outside; Autry I pass a minute. -That Tulane-Au- House as a nice place to go for recrea- burri gam'e would have been Interest tion when there is nothing- else to do, ing'If it had been played. The field 1 and physical training as work-out rag - only three feet under water. - needed by every freshman. | Guess Coneti Bible of -Texas is kind 1 CI. A. Linenberger of Reagan is very <,f proud oi Ins former team,; Nebras- muchly impressed with the Rice profs Minnesota had been bent; only once and credits them with knowing much Rt'l V-S' Pit; office ' • I before in three years. -^Lopfes like that more than he thought they would. He i T. • C, SET, has over Rice is goinu SOl.ll ONLY AT believes the athletes have a soft job i.: be .MS, hard as ever to beat this year. and that Sallypoi i is a nice place if : I '• n't D'lteh .Meyer ever have a weak you can stay there all the time. mmm - termi';";:"' .• • -jhi'f ; - ! A fi-llow Reaganile with a similar |%'n TgJht^IIe ' . >iiijiM :=! opinion regards the Rice profs as out- The Results in Advance standing citizens and athletes as "not ? ; ICyqry:'other spqrts writer ,is «|tfe'jB so lint since Saturday." He considers Sandwich Shop T iftpfi'itions, » w might as well make Rice hard. t- few. too. With our fingers, missed. ai,(.'i our eyes shut, here we are; ' Patsy Helton, who bails from Sam NOW 1701 S-i ,'1(118 SSI | AKKANS VS-nAYI.OK -The „ Bears' Houston, says "Autry House is Rice's SHOWING I h.ive. shown a great 'deal; of eiirly, sea- official hangout lor hours between classes, where you try to get some- Slain r fl Main ;;|i|p /.trengih. and. Arkansas was. tied ' !>v T. C, If,; last week,! hi(t. we'll take;. thing to drink, then a table, or at least | jhe |o||pl| Champions,1 Arkansas somewhere to sit d-.wn. and drink your MAJESTIC 6500 Harrlsburg : ,! t l,y;--a' ioi^;l idow|-i. drink before the hour is up. Sally- TEXAS A & M. - MISSISSIPPI port is where everyone is supposed to j, STATES Major :SasseV Maroons are meet everyone elm# arid tries to; also ' r; ted as otic .of the strongest teams in the spot where P. E. boys hold up the MURPHY'S BEAUTY AND HA RISER SHOP j (lit ' ibinititv, btit this ; looks< like ihc walls ot the building resting between I'KJfl HisM.net ' J, 21111 i Aiggie's ve.ir A. &. M by a whistler.. classes. I can't see over or around the football boys hut they are for (OME OX OYI-I! AND t'iKT ftKADY FOB THE L. S. t:. CKOWI) -, SOUTHERN METHODIST-WASH- I INGTON UNIVERSITY — Don I know Rice's honor, so I'm all for them.'' Just a feu lilncks from Kite 1 |||fl|i|S 'jbtiut; WnshinjTUin, , but they : .showed plenty of power in cruehing HOARD AND ROOM | William Jewell last Saturday. 45-0. -;S. Garage apartment for three btrys, 'Sep- arate beds With private hath or sleep- I Fountain Pen Hospital repairs all ! ing porch fur three hoys, separate beds intakes of Pens and Pencils. tiOl Kress ; with private hath. Mrs. Oilman. KHS Hldg. F. 7918. West Alabama. Hadley 8304.

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