fialiu from the Harp of a Tltfuiand Igtarth fawn Jimcs, Strings. McGREGOR, CL.VYTOX COUNTY, IOWA. My beluved Brethcrmg and sigtren— »ni an unlarnt preaehiT, of whom yoaS'a'U na doubt hearn before, and I now appeal v PH N H. ANDRICK, A. P. RICHARDSON. <0 expound the Scripfcrs, and pint oQt a' Barrow way which leads from a vain wMil ^ TERMS OF SUB80ETPTI9N: to the streets of the New Jeroosalem, and : *H* One Copt, for one yoar, $3 54 I* advene*. THE WEEKLY NORTH IOWA TIMES. n»y t-x, wlrch I shall ch use for theewwr^' sion, is in the leds of the Bible, somewhere) R.VTBS OF ADVERTISING. bet wen the second Chronikillsand tho lw* • • Nine lin^i of Nonpareil make a S^te.0 1 S.VOO |*<00 I $12.00 "And they shall gnaw a file and flee flf- 2 Squares | I ->0| 1.50 ~| 4,*6 | 7/xt | lo.ou | lft.00 to the mountains of Hepsidam, whar tbev-f 3 Squares "| 3,00| 4.00| voo | 1«oO WHOLE NO. 471, eth for its first born." v 3 K Column, | "7,50Ti0,00 | 16.00 jtt'oo"| 40,00 | 70,00 Now, my brethering, as I have beGpr* t dd you, I am an unedicated mail, and 1 1, | 14.00 |1SOO [CS OO I 40.00 I 70.10 I V»S "0 WM. M'ctfXToCK n. KICftLK. freeman's Express! W. J* Powers & Bro., For the North Iowa Times, Blttsheo. 1 land b—d b—g. (The latter creature is often- know nothing about grammar talk and CoJ\ BnsiiK's? :iut liv<* lines, £•> per McCIJNTOCK & RIUKLE, '' IN TIIE SOt'TH. I timet, discovered, of a stilly night, in the cham­ li !ge h'ifalutiii; but I'm a pl»in u ilarjiy J ' udum; over five Uiu'8, 50 erntfi |>or lino adtlitl«>nal. A K F.8 regular tripe between the Depot at North WHOLESALK DEALERS til In the last number of Rounds McGregor and the doors of each business house in ber- of carelessly conducted Hotel* snd board­ preacher of the Gospel, what's been fofe ATTORNEYS AT LAW, M & James' CaMnet, the "organ" of one of the city. Is a Safe, Speedy anil Prompt Line through Ik ttMit blossoming time ing houses, and is altogether too base a b--g to be ordained called to expound the Scripttfra WJUT USIOX, FATETTK CO., IOWA, which to ship to and from railroads, residences, stores, Of the sunny, South clime, discussed by pens polite, although he eminent­ the best Printing and Type-furnishing BUSINESS:,'CARDS. •hops. Ac., Ac. to a dyin wirld, and prepare a pei vef**"'•'> (1st door South U. S. Ilotel.) Remember tho Freeman Line when yon ship. 44? FRUIT. E0JIFECTH1IERY. OYSTERS, When the ripple of May filled the air, ly merits being 'cussed Unlike them, how­ houses in America, we find an offhand,' g;neration for the day of wrath. And the pure lily-bells ever, the FLEA has some qualities which must! Will practice in the Federal and State Court*. OHM they shall gnaw a fih», and (1 e into the '• particular attention to the Tnrfttifjation nf Titlei AND FANCY GROCERIES, Strang their resonant shells, awaken, I think, a ripple of admiration even heels over h< ad, racy, - readable, cedar- ' R LOUIS M. AN0R10K, Kock Wells Prilled t In his most ardent enemy. mountains of H< psidatn, whar the lioif and payment of Tain. Cullectinnt 189 Sotith Water Street, With (Vagrant and Illy-toned pmjrer. swamp ical account of "STEm-V recent Attortt«T >t L-x\v, Reynold'* Work, entrance between matlt ami promptly rtmitttd. BT THE Firstly, he is out and out. There are none roareth, and th s whangdoodle mourn^i*,;; 140 afi'T1W D«%rl»orii street, also on Mullson street Ud . a. WIST. C. r. THOXPSO^, . Bailing, sailed on the sea, mosquito about him. Also, he bites as fear­ ing never forgotter. a little incident that My beluved brethering, the te* BnyHJua RRKEK LOIHJB N<> 135. We hare for sale 100,000 Acres of Choico Im­ lessly in the broad light of noon as in the shel­ proved and unimproved land in the countloe of UVPfl AND WW ties desiring anything In our line will do well to Where the waves dark and bright tering darkness of midnight. Nor docs he they may, but ihey sh.ill. Now, there's M'.nday I'vcuinn preceding the Full Fayette, Winneshiek, Bremer. Chickasaw, Pwrltr or call at steam shop, head of Main Street, Mc­ traveled to North McGregor, over worse Floyd. Howard, Mitchell, and <'erro GENERALCOMMISSION MERCHANTS With the shadows of light, slink away after his repast, like the base B—g nior'n one kind of a file. There's (be Muoii in or»rh month. » Gordo. Also valuable town prop­ Gregor, towa. (40"y) Address T. KELLOGG, Bo* 77. just alluded to, but stands his ground and dies ALFRED WINGATE^W. M. AND DEALERS IN WOOL, Swing to music attuned from Above. than Alpine hills, and ventured our lives hand saw fll.«, the rnt tail file, single fill) erty. Our list of Lau [ • 4Ml4e opposite National Bank, over Petersen k Lar- insect, with the minutest bowel of compassion, can be purchased at any other store in town. Iff. darling—mine own. STEM for its first b jrn." . atons (400) MeUUKHOR, fQWA.. The public ere invited to test hie ability to satisfy WIGGINS & BENNETT, would be guilty of drawing upon him. But log aforesaid went ilourn and , follow­ JNO. H.FHEEMAN Unto thee—thee alone ( "And now, th re will be some here with '' purchasers, both as to goods aed prices. PRODUCE " again: Fitz Allick, who is round as a porpoise ed, up to the neck tie &c., Jfcj., &c. Well, NNOUXCKS to the public that he has established * kaee] »nd lawara. as I nap^»A ' and rosy as Bacchus, is likewise one of the fine clos j on their bax, brass rinjjs on thuif*"' J. S. GREES, M. D., an INDEPENDENT LINE for the conveyance of That my love flows to thee as we were saying, the printer youth afore­ V Commission ITVerchants, fortunate unbitten. "He sits among men like fingers and lard on their hair, what *0-^ VbSTVtH.K ALLAttXKWW. passenge Cars and Hotels Aatts streams to the sea, of McGrvgor and North McGregor. Every attention a descended God," and while they adjust said never will forget the courtesy which wh'le thear young, and thar be br.»thc?.-f •en lnrt Hi Professional Services to the pnldic. Par- 134 North JvfTersoa Street, . Aad my Jieart shall be true overlnoret ttt*I.Vr dttcntien Riven to Surgical case* and Diseases of will be paid to travelers and their baggage, and reason- Woolliscre Lacy, mosquito bar* and buy the "Exterminator," he we then and there rendered him; and on herj what as long as thar constitutions at®. th* it«Art "F.nns*. »ble charges made. 400 3ml5S Cbleago, Illinois. MACD L. BRAIXEBD. unrafflcdly makes his statistics, and lives on 40 c. nt whiskey last, go it blind; and thar former fitters rr it dully rememberedand futuYsoaet SPMWQ GKEXN, WIS., Oct. 9th, 1865. without .1''scratch." He says with a proud air, all occasions, proper and otherwise, he is be sisUrs here what when they get to r«ip«ctfblly lolieited. M. F. BTHSIIOB^ &KALBRS IN Durand Bros., Powers & Co., that he has no bad blood. l\it I suspect that it pleased to thank us for the "forty-rod" sixteen yeaas old, cut their fillers and so-ind THE MAN WHO WORKS. is too highly tinctured with Havanna cigars;— ' DOUTV! AS I-EMNGVFKLL, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in which in gurgling tones and in elegant with a rush ; but brethering, t»*ke care and—and—bacon always i* rather invincible! don't find when G*brtl blows his kruuijL,, 4.: ney .it Law, Mcare^ar. '»*»• Sign of the Bine Boot, FRViTS of all KtJYOS, H. O. POW»WBKS. f Work with brain, with heart and will; Among the Prairies, Oct. 11th- "setting lien'" ; but in other respects be eth for it's first born." " TIIOMAS UPDEGRAFF, J. B. BRIGGSIGGS. J y442 Chicago. And be sure in life's long journey And, my brothcring. ihrriAa it AT HUHBOLT. seems so grateful for the baptising he got AMlHwy ftt Law, (421) McGRBGOR, IOWA. (470) McGREGOR, IOWA. You can find a place to fill, besides ll~ps:dam. There's Rotterdar, Bubbard, Bird A Co,, and tha whisky with which he deluged his Do not sit down Idly sighing. A Rich Letter. Haddam, Amsterdam, and don't o-ire-a-dnntj"'* K. ODELL, Howard Association! And Provisions, Manufacturers' Agents for i.'fr Because unnoticed, poor, alone;. The following letter floated among onr ex viscera that we cannot avoid the publica­ the lsst of which, uiy dear brethering, fH Attorney and Ceansellor at Law, McGregor, lows PHILADELPHIA, PA. The day will come, if you keep trying, Paints, Oils, Varnish, & Glass When you cannot be unknown. changes several months ago, and as our "out­ tion of his notice of MCGKEGOR. "Prince the worst of all, and reminds me of a cir*.,f. ISEASES of the Urinary and Sexual Systems— 0XX DOOR VAST 0V WOOD'S DRUG STORE, cumstance 1 once knew in the State oC. "" J. C. IIOXSIB, new and reliable treatment. Also the liHIDAIi AND side" this week is devoted to fun generally, Hal'' would have carried his "advice" to a Justice of the Peaee. Office with *»q. Jordan, in D Saw yon Hot the mnnnds Michigan. There was a man thatbuih hits', f 3gft CII AMHKK. an Essay of Warning ftttd InttrurtiuH, sent GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Near the tunnel's mystic Mossrt IIaH building;. y in sealed envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. we throw in this burlesque. The letter was poor market bad be been in the Temper­ a mill on the E st Fork of Manistee Riveij, u 453 McGREGOR, 89 South Water St., CHICAGO, ILL. Resurrected from the qua 8'RII.LIN IIOUUIITON, Howard Association. No. 2 Far beneath the old like' first published in the Boston Po>t, and purport­ ance business when S. P. Jfc A. P. met at and it was a good mill, and ground a site m ~~ BRIGGS HOUSR, S mth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. y463 Referos to A. C. Badger A Co., Bankers, Chicago; Day, ed to have been found on a southern battle-fluid grain, but the min what built it was a mi/*;f (tmmir m—'-'r'- and Welle Streets,...».~—.CIZZCU <70. Aliens >,n., Wholesale Grocers, do; Fuller, Finch A They had lain a thousandI nge^^i^ McGr< gor! CHICAGO MECHANICAL BAKERY i uller' Wholesale Druggists, do; Durand Bros , Powers In th-ir anrient beds of cTayj < • by aa intelligent contraband: erable sinner, and ntver give anything - . W. F. TUCKER & CO., Proprietor!. :\EW IflKAT MARKET! A Co., Wholesale Grocers, do; ,1. H. Reed A Co., Whole­ After a pleasant and rapid trip wc arriv­ Now the sunlight fulls upon them, <• the church, and my bretluting, one nighf;. sale Druggists, do; Lyman Belknap, Boston; Levi J. And they And at last the daj. Darkeyesdalc, Mass , Feb. 10,1865, ed at McGuciioit in the early evening— "" HAYT & BURDICK, On Clinton St., between Lake and Randolph, Heyden, 108 Wall Street, New York. j462 thar cum % dreadful st< rm of wind My Dear Neamire; Your last letter has jes stopping at the FI.ANDKBS Horse, and soon 'IhlUer* 1B Lumber, S'niiigl«« and Lath, Main Street, Tho' you may not be nn ocean,| rain, amd the foundations of the great devjl> * CA WELTI & BERGMAN MANUFACTURE All. KINDS OF JUNEAU HOUHSi " Tho' a drop is not a stream J come teu hand, and t-lie earrings teu. Kezier succeeded in flnd-ng that good old soul, was broken up, and the waters rtishwt^ MoQRKQOR, IOWA. Still, a rain drop may do wnmJm , •ays she's much obleeged teu you: she looks COL. PAT. RICHARDSON, of the Times MM T> F-QT*ESTS the citizens of Mc- (LAT* AMERICAN B0V3I,) down and swept the man's milJainlain inffi' > When you change it into steim.' fust rate in em. I guess that southern gul felt Just six years before, as some of Ihe read J. W. WRUDER, ft J'T|\, Gregor to call and see them at Crackers & Pilot Bread. lias been thoroughly repaired and refurnished with kingdom come, and lo and behold—in tw' QSSmL. their NEW MEAT MARKET, onVHf kinder shaller when yeu took 'em out'u her new and elegant furniture, and will l>c open to the pub­ Strike the hard blow when 'tis needed— ers of the CABI.NKT may remember, PAT. morning when be got up, be found he tfrst#'' Healer in Groceries ami Provision*. Freeh vegetables Main Street, opposite the Murr:y the lua '9 .. . y43$ tt. C. C1ITLDS, Superintendent. The a(>ore House being the most erntratlji loratri of Stronger arms may seize the hammer, not worth a dam. Now, myj-oung friend^/- liven' ou the sweat o' the poor culered men's leading us to the devil's own walk ov^r any in the city, also convenient to the cars. CJ94 and 296 And yeu'll only be too late, when storms and temp'ations overtake jotf,:1* " _ M. MclvlNNlE, East Water street, corner of Detroit,) makes it very breows • • • • Last week, rocks, .stumps—through business and bri­ Secure the Finest Animail ' • a. a. wssfi&an. convenient to Merchants and other having business to Place your foot upon the ladder- Bigelow sent his darter Jemimy a splended take care you don't fall from grace, and bb-°' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Stoves, and Mannfiie transact in Milwaukee. Strike out IwiMlv—do not stop; pvanner he captered from a gothic vandel ars up to Upper McGregor, and then bap lufir ©f Tin, Copper and Sliwt Iron Wtfi, Mail Strctt come I ke that old man—not worth a dant®;; for the tue of o«r patrrtns, and nn rare will be spared to Produce Commission Merch't The Proprietor has spared no expense in procuring But with hesd. hands, pen or muscle, wom-n deown there. She had the itnpetence tiz ng us in the tut bid and tery cold waler "For they shad gnaw a file, and fl?c info*''.7 McG 11EG OR, IOWA. supply all with the MijW DESIRABLE CUT8 that the best hotel help that could be found, and he now Work your way toward the top. of "Bloody Run," and winding up by- can be furnished In our well supplied market. AND COMMERCIAL BROKER, feels confident that he can give perfect satisfaction to teu call him a brute and a thevin' yankee; but the m untains of II. ps;dam, whar the lid®** poisoning us with forty rod whtsky. Time D. A LI.EN, Jr., Vat cattle l>oiight at the highest prices. 410 the traveling public N. A. IIAWKS. Toll Is nature's w ttrhword. ever he got some o' his men teu set fire teu her roareih, and the whangdoodb tuoarrmH fw Office, corner North Clark and North Water Streets, Milwaukee, September 1st, 1805. 464 ToW in Messed words to mnn ; dress, and she soon sung another teune. Your has dealt gently with our old friend, but its first born." (Late Allen and Southmayi,) Ulich's Bleck, 2nd Floor, No. 2, CHICAGO, JUL. God Is working—man must follow brother Job his failed again in business and we regret to add that he is still disinclined » Doa]«r ill 'Wool, Hide*, Vuvt W1 FWwi Peopie'B Jtlarkci! And complete the Maker's pln% • Whar th^s whangdoodb mourneth for ifi}" P. 0. Drawer, 6,418. R. HUBBARD & CO., made atween thirty and forty thousan' dollars, to follow Prince Hal's advice to Jack Fal- Market, Mc»i UKGOR, IOWA. firstborn. This part of the tex, my deif*"* Refers to B. B. Sherman, New York. (Successors to Giles A Dro.,) and neow he's got the handsomest pew in church. slaff - and is still of the earth, earlhy. WILLIAMS & BRO. Dibble, Work A Moore, do Manufacturers and Dealers in The Flea,. The Dillabys aud Mt tcall's and Dewlittles, and brethei ing, is another figger of speech, DR. F. ANDROS PAT, is a ' fellow of infinite jest"—a big Col. J. C. Walker, do a geod many more o' our nabnrs, has gone is not to be taken as it says, it _ Tenders Ills Professional Sefriefs to t}»e citizene of Me- OULD inform the citizens of McGregor and ri- Merchants' Savings, Loan A Trust Co., Chicngo Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, We clip the following pood thing from the heart—a trenchant quill —and pnys about tiregor. Will attmid to ci»Hs in the country. Particu­ A. a. Wheeler, Banker, Plymouth, Ind. 42oy doown teu Savanner teu git a holt 0' confisca­ mean the howlen' wilderness, where John^ cirJty, that they hare opened their NKW "correspondent" column of Pomcroy's most as much attention to business as docs a lar atteutioii given to Surgical r.aees. 366 W SILVER-WARE, PIANO FORTES, ted property. Your father thinks they've went the Hard Shell Bibtisf, was fed on locu&tfc J. M. H0ISINGT0N, interesting daily. Fleas are not '-fashionable" doown a leetle mite teu soon; for he says ontil "setting hen." This, however, is no draw­ MURRAY HOUSE, MELODEONS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, and wild a se«, but it means, my bre!h<$r- ' FANCY GOODS, AC., at McGregor—mopquitos monopolize the busi­ them southern confcdertcussee iseout and eout back to the success of the firm, as ANDKICK, ing, the city ot N<-w Yoilcans, the tnolhwHi Main Street, McGregor, Iowa. A desirable home for SL BI2NT3DBR exteiinitiated, he ea.lates they'll be likely teu the junior, is a sharp and ohrtwd business the traveling public, with good barns and sheds attach­ Main Street, next door to) ,r nnnn/>n ness of blootl letting—but the article is so of harlots anil hard lots—whar corn sliQf One door IIrcst of the Empire Saloon, 1st National Bank, / Mc GREG OR. I reowl areound o' nights and murdur and set inan. ed for the safu protection of b«>r*<»« au be understood, then, that eighteen hundred and her any silk dresses yet; she says mebby yeou ly lips, no m ire than they know how to barn yard; where they lave cream colored AMERICA!! HOUSE, i B**r PECIAL attention paid to the manufactureuCacturc of jpjr.ff.vJK: KERz.njiJY sixty five is not the year of our Lord, but the got some sweet-herrt doown there teu give 'em make diamonds from charcoal. And yet horses, gilded carriages, mat hie salooni^K S BLANK BOOKS 'for Counties', Banks, Merchants, year !>• th# Flea. Consequently it is a great ^-Opposite Forry I.auding, MiGn-gor. Rc-furnUlied eic. teu, but I gess that's only her fun, fer she it is easy, at least for us! This little item wi.h brandy and sugar in '(ta- whar h«nea4# 4Uid fitted "J) in <»" i ' Jgublk Sqnue, McGregor, low®. 1 ' Pistols. Game Bags, Flasks, well wade ami promptly put up. irrepressible. An oid inhabitant .'ays that pre­ extermination. He says that if he hud his woman on the neck, on the ear, on the cor­ file, ami fieo into the mountains of Hep-#*^ ... ,W ' Cartridges. Powder, Shot. Lead, STOVES AND STOVE PIPES FURNISHKD AND cisely twelve years ago the city was infested way he'd soak the hull confederacy iu kerosecn ner of her forth'-ad, on the end of her nose, dam, whar tke l?nn roareth, and the whacg- BASS &, ELV1ENDORF, DENTIST, Caps, Guu-wails. Cutlery. Ac., 4c., by an army of the^e animated a> d blood thirsty nearly opposite Klanderii House, 465 SET UP TO ORDER. ile, and set fi~c te\i 'em, men, wimmen nnd or slop over on her waterfall, or bonnet doodle mourr.eth for its first born." , ^ WOULD respectfully inform the public tfcrt ho and that since that period they have Commission, Storage & Forwarding Business McGREGOR, IOWA. beings, children, all but the colored folks. V\> like ribbon, in haste to get through. The gen will continue the practireof Dentistry »t the old given comparatively little trouble until the Pass the ho4P Brother flint, let,ev^rj|-a Public Sijuaro, MCGREGOR, IOWA. office, four iltnrs l.elow Scott * . McGregor. Repairing of all kinds belonging to the gun and loek •MRS. him better than any minister we ever bad in tleman should be a little (he tailest. lie hard shell —sttjll Dut. Amci); . .. All work made by the late firm ihat is nat satisfac­ smith line d<» promptly. present time. Twelve years ago it was a com­ Darkej esdale, he's so good. should have a d sn face, a kind eye, a . .JACOB YEKIIEI, tory. I will make «o. I also wish to thank my friends Charges mi»ente and all work warranted* (Successor to Mrs. n. C. Scott,) mon sight to see people at church hitching and There's so many o' the men folks gone away for'the many favors I have received, and shall continue jerking ubout in their seats as if under weekly mouth full of expression instead of tobacco. The following dialogue is reported nifK BOOT AND SIIOK MAKER, to m:\ke Mi. li efforts as will merit a kind appreciation from here, it seems as if there wan't nothiii' D^n't kiss everybody, including nasty lit attacks of St. Vitus; and it wns under serious left but wimmin, and they're cuttin' up wus twecn a negro guide to a battleground in • door to Schmidt's "Market Saloon.'" pm* aud l oiitiuued patronage. lie dogs, male or female. Don't sit down work and repairing carefully done M( warrant- w DR. C. n. HUNT. SUP FLY STORE! MILLINER & DRESS MAKER, contemplation that small buildings alter the than satin. I don't know whut'll become o' the South, a^U a visitor btnt on undeT- ed. shape of sentry boxes, should be erected at the critters if the southern confederacy ain't to it; stand up. Need not to be anxious sanding the locale: Guide, "Yes sah, I MCGBEOOR, Aug. 9, '65. 460 JL. M. WRIGHT, S now receiving and opening a full assortment of all tated intervals along the streets, at which to get in a crowd. Two persons are plenty the LATEST STYLES OF FASHIONABLE MIL­ exterminated soon; so that their husbauils can was cook rn de Stbenteenth Ree giment ' * 1 * (Late' of Burton A Wright,) •' ^ X. GOLDSCHMIT & CO., T frenzied pedestrians could stop nnd relieve to corner and catch a kiss. More persons ' I^YINDOVV LOCK LINERY AND DRESS TRIMMINGS, selected in New git home from Canady teu see teu 'em. Most right 'lorg- here." Tourist, "Then yoil« AVE purchased the FAMILY GROCERY ES­ York, which will bo sold at the themselves—lor the intelligent reader will at all the officers deown south from these parts spoil the sport; Stand Grm ; It won't hurt know all aboui th3 disposition of the PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, TABLISHMENT of Charles Budde, on Main once perceive that "St. Vitus" was no more or has been sendin' home pyamiers an' pictures any after you are used to it; Take the left JOSEPH KELLTNGER, Street,H above the Flanders House. Southern troops in these woiks?" Guid*^ Fire Proof warehouse, 136 Kinsie street, Lowest Living Rates. less than a I LKA. At the present time they an marvel stattcrs; but I think they'd a good hand of the lady in your right hnnd. Let Agent of Cliivton Oonnty for tho sale of CT.ARK'S Hou««--keepers in the city will be supplied on REAS­ have again appeared in such large and voracious "Well, sah, dvy had de same disposition MM PATBNT WINDOW MXJKS. For durability, saletjr (Between Welle and LaSalls,) ONABLE TERMS, and country visitors may assure deal better send on siik dresses an'jewelry, an' vour hat go to—any place out of the way ! against robers, coiivi-iiieucij and low prii'o, tbo Clark A corps of competent Milliners and Dress Makers numbers that the City Atarshal might be justi­ most whhe folks ; nvghiy unsartin^.could? CHICAGO. themselves of the BEST PRICES for all home produce. will employ their best energies to meet the wants ot let the sojers burn the statters and picters — Throw the left hand gently over the shoul­ {Htsnt emj»ll all others in itao. For sale at my shop, Butter, Eggs an.I all marketable vegetables bought and customers in the KE£T, LATEST AND MOST AP­ fied in placing a bounty on their heads. A The pyanners '11 deu well cuough for the young n't count on %tn " Off. T. Buckley'* Uitnlware ktorc. sold. Main Street, McGregor. 3m44S F der of the lady, and let the hand fall down Jf)SKPII KELLINCBR PROVED STYLES. LEA hunt would be by no means, an unprece­ folks teu pound ontu, but the jewelry an "FRA SIS DRAKE" dented tiling, for doesn't an ancient poet say: upon the right side towards the belt.— IThen Woore was getting his potfhu^' 43r Retuemer the place, Mrs. II. C. Scott'sold stand, dresses is jest the same as cash. Your father 1 "Go af to swiite Ireland, and there you will see, Don't be in a hurry. Draw her gently, ,t.rJW..X. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. next door to Buckley's Hardware House, Main Street, says yeou must hurry up au' git the south ex pa'ntcd by Newton, Sydney Smisli nccotn*® Commission Merchant, 1 caNfc McGregor, Iowa. 464 Ten thousand bi^ paddies u chiuin' a flea." terminated as soon as yeou can, for then we're 1 >ving'.y to your heart. Her head will fall panied the poet, and said to the nrtisf't?J ^ A. H. WHURLER, —which implies that at some epoch there comin' deown there teu confiscate an' locutc an' lightly upon y rnr shoulder—and a hand ANGUS SMITH & CO., "Couldn't you contr ve to throw i»to vuntictiirer and Deafer, H'Wiafc and RftftiK Main 11$ South Water Street, occurred in this Emerald Isle, not only n hunt, so is the most of the folks about here and yeour some shoulder strap it makes ! Don't be Street, M«Griu!>l.». If he wears trowijt® UB Giard Land Company would utinounro that they And Dealer in all kibda of her, au' yeour brother Job says if yeou can but a g ntle clasp, lull of electiieity, BOOKS, STATIONERY, WALB PAPERS, Proprietors of the meagreness of the bill of fare—I never yet capter a good gold watch an' a diamon pin he ers, the police artest him on suspicion that have for sale about six hundred Lots, appropriate thought and respect. Don't be in a hur YANKEES NOTIONS, McGRKQOR. Tfor business and residences, which they will sell at rea­ LARGE ELEVATOR WAREHOUSE, LEATHER, SHOE FIXDTXG.% AND SADDLERY made myself fully acquaitit<-d with Flea nature, don't mind alleowing yeou a fair second-hand he is a woman in disgivse. When he dons sonable prices and until westward I and the Star of Empire took ry! Her head l:es carelessly on your pdticoa's ttvey avrebt hltn on suspicion that At tbo terminus of and connected the with HARDWARE, price for 'em in petrolyum stock, which he's the MCGREGOR FANNING MILL. ACCOMODATING TERMS. our way. I came out to the prairies to study president of the company. Exterminate as shoulder! You are neatly heart to heart! he is a wan. Milwaukee and Afi*ti**ippi and the Milwaukt McGrecor, Iowa. W* the habits of the Prairie Hen, and to test ihe DICKEY A WELLIVER, To parties who wish to improve the same. many of the gothic vaudels as yeou can, aud Look down into her half closed eye.-! Gent­ WatertoxBH and Baraboo Valley Railroad*. virtues of a highly lauded fowling piece; but 1 Tin: Boston Advertiser seldom j-'Sfs, but Manafactnrers of the McGregor Fanning Mill anl 0r,Un The llailroau track will be in ruuning order in a few capter all the property yeou can find, and ly, yet manfully, press her to your bosom ! weeks, and North McGregor will offer inducemsnts to All property transferred Trout cars to vessels without Mrs. MARY MARTIN. am not ashamed to confess that (while tossing don't forgit teu read yeour bible steddv, Stand firm, and providence will give you when it does, it is highly entertaining1;- aA Separator, on West Market Square, corner Maiu and business men unsurpassed by any other tuwu or cjty on cartagtt. . A^nn Streets, McGregor, Iowa. 415y in incipient madness on my bed at the ——— is the wish an' prayer of yeour affecshenit strength for the ordeal. BJ brave, but for exampl- \ "Boston undoubtedly the Mlwdssippl river. Liberal advances made on consignments to Mil­ HAS JUST 0PKVED A NEW Lumlier dealers and manufacturers are especially re­ waukee, or shipments to Eastern markets. House) the idea of distancing the FLEA, and mother. HA*N;:a TIKHJNS. don't be in a hurry ; Her lips almost very good place to live in, but it will .ni^v$p. " JOSEPH STYER & J lt wagnerT" quested to pay the town a visit and examine the facili­ leaving him behind me w ith other city nuisan- Oh! P. S. I forget teu tell yeou that deacon open ! Lean lightly forward with your he appreciateJ bcvatijje of the modiyty gi Hare opened a new and attractive HI I.I.I ARD SALOON ties for business. Millinery and Fancy Dry Goods ces, occupied a prominent position in the "ad Pardon's darter, Mehitable, is goin' teu be mar­ its citizens." " ' ' '!--"*TS in PkoohiU, IOWA, 'l'taere are three excellent table*— l.and Lots leased for* term of years, whon desired. LUMBER YARD. vantage" of a country tramp. Vain idea! I head, not the body. Take good aim ; the- eeeohd floor—irrominodutingelericn, liberal propri- tors, Parties wishing to purchase or lease will call upon STOUK, ried next harvest time teu a colored man that lips meet; the eyes close; the heart opens; WM. GREENE or think if I were to wander even to where the It is estimated that Ike tobacco eropilii fine liquors and cigars, lager, ale and "all the modern HAYT & BURDICK. skewered his libity from bondigc in the futheru the soul rides the storms, troubles and sor Improvements." Call and see them when you visit 0. McOllANEY, Ona door eairof Cory's ohl Stand, Main Street, wild Oregon rolls "and hears no sounds save climes, by settin' fire to his gothic master's the valley of the Connecticut this year 439y 304 General Ag'ts 0««rd Land Company rows of life (don't be in a h:irry ;) heaven Decorah. his own dashing, ' that the Flea would be there. manshun an' burnin' up the family, an' skewriu' bo iijoal to the value ol $0,0uu,0u0,^- •till continue to keep on hand a full assortment of At any rate he is here, aud why Flea before opens before you ; the world shoots from w McGregor, Iowa. their jewelry an' then scapin' intcu Massachu­ J. McIIOSE & Ct?., J, Me HOSE 4t CO., him? und%r your feet as a meteor fl it-lies across Lug' quantities of Connecticut seed. are. LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES setts, the 'sylutn o' the pressed colored man — exported to Cuba. • ' • Storage, They say that love unclierished dies; but the He's guod an' noble an' pious, though he ain't the evening sky (don't be afraid;) the Storage Forwarding and rommissioa. DRY GOODS, Groceries, way the Flea continues to love me. and the 4Li;ai —ALSO— to say good lookin'. Mi-thitable brought him nerves dance before the ju*t erected altar The oldest of »WAreltolse No.- 1,- on the- -L«vee, • —10R. way I don't cherish that love, refutes at once the ladies oi the R 879 Consignments Solltited. FORWARDING & COMMISSION CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, reouud teu eour house tothereveniu' ou a visit: of ioye as r. phyrs d:tn:e With thj dew court, c< untess Maria Rasu'mowaki,- died the poetic il falsehood alluded to. lu fact 1 the room was pooty warm an' smelt a little M1CHCHANTB, Sash, Boors and Blinds. think if anything dies it will be myself unless trimmed fl >wers-; Ihe heart forgets the bit­ at Stit. Petersburg on the 21st; jult. Shy J. T. 8T0XEMAN. Of every kind needed by the citicens of town or coun­ Icoud, but Mehit says she's fond o' the sent, terness, and the irt of kissing ia learned! •AMDCL NDRDOCC. WaruliOU*# Mo. on Levee, the FLU-YEAR is speedily terminated. But was born ii» 1772, and was inaiii" of hotict Our doors are a superior article, being made of kiln try, for sale at tho 'cause mister Genatien that wrote a book liout No noise, no fuas, no flattering and squinn MURTX)OK 4 STONE MAN, MoGREGOR,... •• ^ee^iMii IOWA. dried Lumber, Glued and Wedged. let me drop my personal feelings ia the matter it. says it is healthy. Old uoppcrhcad Stan- to Catherine II. . , »ng, like' (foot: "tmfHnwl Wlruis. "Kissing ^ We offer our stock at the lowest living cash prices. iowei it Ratei and address myself more closely to the subject chard stept in a short spell arler they went eout AJ7<)f)NEYS ^COUNSELLORS AT LAW. 353 of this paper: don't hurt; it doqs not require a , bras§ Pr,of, Snell, ogioia.1 re^%*. «WiU practi<-« in the Siipp>uiu and District Courts of and we couldn't beat it eout of his stubbern seven- years, says he river reenidft\^so BtW. QUce opposite 1st National Bank, McGregor. COAL, SAIT a chine*, Reaper«, Plows, Uor*t Rake*, nouiic« to the public that their stock of WALTER & BRO.'S developed, aud >114 face iu its compressed re fo~ a roauddlin kiss is worse than tho itch 'dHomoepathic Physician and Surgeon, feraer. much yonnger man, who had never Ijeen in Ussi. 'Horse Hon, and Wrapping hz»~ Horses and Carriages, either for business or pose, has an intcnselj haggard appearaucc.— to a del'cate, loving, sensible woman. wraps and it waa wont of "Revolutionary" to First door below the Biuik, 378 pleasure, is not excelled in the West. fI«0AEOOR, IOWA. The most reasonable prices characterize their "PIO­ WholesaU and Retail No. 2 was captured by gas-Iighfcin Milwaukee. P. S — A lady says tte first time sbe ,'teTl the people of the hard-hips he had endhr- NEER LIVERY STABLE, located about half-wvy up He is of a large, well developed species, en- THE ANC.EL IN THE HOUSE.—Watkius bores I ed. S?nid he: 1*;. me. Although he has only been married a was Kissed, she felt like a big tub of t©;es, ! Houuspsthic Books, Mxdioiuej, and Cases furnished Main Street, near the Flanders House. Call on them if eased in remarkably tough sides—the better to swiintn ng in honey, cologne, nuttnigs and "Feliow-citizena. I have fought and bled- for m •: ^ FURNITURE. % yon would be suited with team or saddle horses. ! • Lake Winds—his face, even in twelvemonth, his spouse has already had the PEARSALL A CHURCH* ' withstand the cranb rries. She also f It as if something my eouut'y; I have ludpeil to whip the Bntjih its flat and defunct condition, has an cxpres-ion absurdity to present biui with a miniature of M«Gregor, Iowa, September 27{h. 1864 | was runnir g through her nerves < n fret of and Ihe Imliaiu. I have slept iijion the fiiftd CHARLES A. 0PITZ Henry Scholer, : FURKITUnt NIUSE! of indomitable will and courage, and his gen­ himself. So Watkius i>orcs me nvith the baby. of battle with no covering but the canopy of His moved his Shoe Shop down eral physique indicates his having lived iu u 1 can't drop in for a quiet talk with Watkius, diam tuds, escerted by sewral litile cupi Is heaven. I have walked over frozen ground till Opposite Peamall A Church's Livery SUblo, Main St., without being bored with the latest absurdities Main Street, one door wrtlt of the Wes- McGREGOR, •H. |OWA bracing climate with an abundant patronage of in chariots drawn by angel*, nhnded by evorv footstep was maik-ed with blood " , t.rn Hotel, where ho may be found at all times UPPER AND LOWER ROOMS, KEEP COOL! of Watkin's baby. The house is iu a continual nn OOTS sleek Germaus. No. 3—the tlc.a from La honey-suckles, and the "whole" s»r«ad Just about this time one of the ''sovr'i^ns,'* ready toU accommodate customers with welt-mudu B EEPS oil hand various kiads of Furniture. Re­ atmosphere of terror and anxiety about baby. end Suocs of any size, style or quality. 1 reapectlully pairing of all kinds done promptly. Cano-seated Crosse—ia the largest of the specimens.— with tnelted rainbow*. » in i j ; who had become very much a*\ ted by Ms K I Am a modest man; they show me baby's pink solicit a share of public patronage. Repairing neatly chairs menilod; also UphuUturilig done. E invite the public and par­ Aliiiunliveness, combativcness and secretive- \.»le of wfH!, walks tvp in front of the speaker, ticularly dealers throughout! legs. I atu a bachelor; they use baby as a _ ICK1 1CK! ICE! W ness, strikingly developed, combine to make wiping the te.vs froiu his eye# wifU COFFINS OF ALL 317.ES CON-^ta^ North Iowa, South Minnesota undj means of making me out an ass. I am natur­ A PCZZLE.—Mr, O'Flathnty ntiiferfook STANTLY ON HAND. that part of Wisconsin adjacent to4 him the most formidable of the Flea tribe jet esti '.'uiUy of Im coat tail, and int'Triiptiu^luai, ILL furnish Ice to private families during the ally nervous; they place babv ou my kneas, to tell how many w^re At the party ; "The t F|RST NATIONAL BANK of McGREGOR. All work warranted. A few Ice BoxeaT r sale. this point, to discovered. His liuib* are remarkably long j s^id: J-season at the rate of TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY and his fangs sharp and glittering (kept so from like soup in a basin, till 1 tremble with horror two Crogans were one; myself was two; SncceaHor to the M«Gr«gor, May 10th. ISfiS. y44T CENTENTB per month, provided the contract is made early • Did yon sa" yon' fought t'ie liritish and we ,i, . f McGregor Branch of the State Bank of Iowa. in the season. For 100 lbs. I charge 50 cents; for less the way he purposely sharpens them in the at the thought of spilling it. I call to have, a Mike Finncgan was three; arid—and—who IXARIBI OUR SVOEX chat with Watkius; 1 am regaled instead with i InginsT* •' ' Vbis Bank is now o)teu fop tha transaction of a (en- than 1U0 I.ask at the rate of 00 cents per 100 pounds. sand, which abounds in that eity ) The ardu­ the devil was funr * Lat me see (counting | " Y es» sW»" quickly responded the w • upe FINE LIQUORS Persons desiring Ice daily or otherwise, will please before they make their purchases, as we ft>al sure that, an extemporaiK ous concert Iroin baby. I am •Ml banking business. Drafts on Europe in sums to ous life of long leaps over the 6ands iu which his ftng'r>)-the two Ciog^m was owe, • lutioiru-*,1 ' • . .j. , mN. S'SAMUEL MERRILL, President, inform u>«. ^.. , AL &. BOYLE- our (aciiitius aad lung experience cuable us to the Klea-race most delights to revel, has iin taken up stairs to see baby sleep. I am ex- McUre** ^jklll tttii, llflti J* fa 4m445 Mike Fmnegan was two, myself was three I ' Did you say you had slept on tno grotflM J, II. MERRILL, Vice President. parted to him the powerful frame ol a Flea p e'ed to go into ecstacies of delight when r- 392 • • Q.n 1JllL'LVE U LV'ERSOX. Cashier. AT —and — and bedad ! there was f>ur of us, I while serving your country, w Ilhout a kimr*- Defy all Conipelition! athlete. He evades pursuit with unrivalled baby, having obviously htd too much to driuk, 1S49. 1864. makes eyes at the cradle. Baby, 1 perceive, but Saint Patrick eouU'nt tell the name of |iiigl" • • I' FLANDERS HOUSB, Noonan & NcMab, in onr line. Onr only motto is QUICK SAUit A^'D agility and dies, when caught, with the most "Yes, sir, I did " - , Wholesale and Retail. SMALL PROFITS. supernatural struggles The specimen before renders somebody miserable; and seeing this, the other. Now it's myself that has it.— I "Did vou siv that vott had followed flu .1^corner Main and Fourth Streets, McQpegor, Iowa. pRoriUEtons or THS Owvples tho entire Flanders blot |c, is new and well 461 CALL AND BE CONVINCED. me valiat'lly refused to kick his last kick, until I ami expected to envy my friend's felicity. I Mike Ivnnegan was one, tho two Crogans I enemv of your'country over frozen'gW- fu} nished, with goo«| uud ''ouveniuiit barns and yards iu one leg was tout 01T, his head broken, and his *,,li't do «n>thing of the kind, llnng baby 1 vyas two, oneself was three —and —and by till every footstep left l«hiud a •' rear on Ann street. There is no more pluusantly situ­ HUMBOLDT AND MENOMONEE whole corpo osity completely crushed uud<-r a there are more h.ibies than one in the world. ated and desirable homo in this city for the traveling gu&jusis s my sowl, I think there was but threo of N Allen A Southwayd's Block, 49* East Side Public PAPER MILLS. heavy silver pencil. Even now—as 1 gaze Am 1, Jones, to be deprived of my relaxation, lj!U'°Yei," csultingly replied old 'KevQlutlm- pul He. A large ajid easy ltus proiuptlyon time to ccuv- Square, you can pivchase us, after all." m passengers to and from the boats and cars. I S. IIOSKNTHAL, shudtleringly at him through the mieroecope— becausc baby is a respectable first production, > 7(,414 U. II. FLANDERS, Proprietor. T the Headquarters, near Pearsall A Church's Liv­ his bulged eyes gleam with an uuqueucbcd and reflects great credit on Mrs. W.T "Wei', then,'" said the tearful ( • _ _. IMPORTED MALBRS IV whichA he offers at 1 reduced to poverty by ihe war, reniaiked. a few Buy a Boine. The FLKA wascrcated after the declaration A letter writer, describing fashionable cos­ enough for your country, and HI ^ LIQWJORS, COAR6E AND FINE PAPERS. that nothing was made in vain, aud Ihe most days since, that he wouldn't always be poor.— kDESIRAItLK Resilience I«>ts are offered for K WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, tumes as he saw them on Chestnut street, He haita plan. He said I'm going to take one other mau," • ... v,» Jsalu in McGregor, williin SO to 130 rods of the Cards, Card Boardt, Straw Board, Printing 7nl|L4i" diligent inquiry cannot elucidate the why and Philadelphia, says, "I observed that the pre udors Uotwa. pitiesporfeet,termsreartonable. Also Wines, Ales and Cigars, Twine' such a crcature's existence. He of my old college sermons, put on a ?had-belly, on terms corresponding with the reduction In Gold. vailing style of garters waa b'.ue." The style go to Henry Ward Beechcr and get a letter of A Massachusetts judge S Minber of lot* ranging from 1 to A acres. Toboecos of all kind* for salo, and tho patronage of is a malignant consumer who produces nothing, seated for probate, oa the ground Apply to WM. GREEN, or At rates that will astonish yon. Call and prove tho ? M*'21wahSistreet,)Milwaukee. respectfully ! i!irite.|, of dress enabled him to make the observa­ introduction to a petroleum widow and uiitrry truth or falsity of this statement. smokers aud ch like his amiable competitors—the Mosquito tion! dictited by a spiritual medium. ORLANDO McClttNKY, R McGregor, Msv 17th, 1^- 448 36Q W D. TOWXSEND. T.A.KIMIS. '<»>* MC SAD. her. • : -'*4 • ••