Election Guidelines Election Campaigns for: - the across the UK - Local Government in and

Polling Day: 22ND May 2014 1 Introduction 1.1 The Election Period and when the Guidelines come into effect 1.2 Elections: 22 May 2014 1.3 The Guidelines 1.4 Who the Guidelines apply to 2.0 Mandatory issues and referrals 2.1 During the Election Period 2.2 Polling Day 3.0 Due Impartiality in coverage of parties and issues 3.1 Coverage of the Parties 3.2 Impartiality in Programmes 3.3 Coverage of other political issues, Parliaments and Councils in the UK during the Election Period 3.4 Order of Parties 3.5 Items which may not require contributions from other parties or candidates 4.0 Fairness to candidates – Code of Practice 4.1 Reports on specific Electoral Areas (Regions/Wards) 4.2 Use of candidates in issue based packages and phone-ins 4.3 Welsh and Gaelic Language Services 5.0 Online, Social Media and Audience Contributions 5.1 BBC Editorial Content 5.2 Audience Contributions 5.3 Material from parties or candidates 6.0 Polls and other tests of opinion 6.1 Reporting Polls 6.2 Commissioning Polls 6.3 Vox Pops 6.4 Emails 6.5 SMS/Text Messaging 6.6 Audience Programmes 7.0 Party Leader Interviews 8.0 Polling Day 9.0 Complaints Handling

Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

APPENDIX A: European Elections in Great Britain 2014 Ai Party Coverage Aii Past Results Aiii Party Coverage for broadcasts across the UK Aiv For BBC : Av For BBC : Avi For English Regions and Local Radio (and regional results) Avii Great Britain Full Voting Figures Aviii Lists of candidates on BBC Online

APPENDIX B: European Elections in Northern Ireland 2014 Bi European Parliamentary Election in Northern Ireland Bii Past Results Biii Party Coverage for BBC Northern Ireland and broadcasts across the UK Biv List of Candidates on BBC Online

APPENDIX C: Local Elections In England Ci Party Coverage for Local Elections in England Cii Independents Ciii List of Candidates in Local Elections

APPENDIX D: Local Elections in Northern Ireland Di Party Coverage for Local Elections in Northern Ireland Dii Independents Diii List of Candidates in Local Elections

APPENDIX E: List of Appropriate Programmes for TV and Radio (tbc)

1. Introduction

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1.1 The Election Period and when the Guidelines come into effect.

The election period as defined by Parliament will begin twenty five working days before polling day. Please note the following variations*:

The Election Period for the European Election for: - UK-wide coverage - Output within the South West region of England

begins at 0001 on Friday April 11th*

The Election Period for the European Election for: - coverage within Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland - coverage within England EXCEPT the South West Region.

begins at 0001 on Monday April 14th

The Election Period for the Local Elections for: - UK-wide coverage - Northern Ireland - anywhere within England where elections are taking place

begins at 0001 on April 14th

In all elections, the Election Period continues until the close of polls at 2200 on May 22nd

However, election campaigning is likely to begin before the formal election periods and content producers should be sensitive to the need for care in the period between now and then. Advice is available from the Chief Adviser, Politics.

* the variations are due to some electoral areas having a different number of Bank Holidays this spring, so the calculation of 25 working days does not lead to the same date everywhere for the beginning of the formal election period.

1.2 Elections

The elections to the European Parliament will be fought on a proportional representation system (party list system in Great Britain, single transferable vote in Northern Ireland). The number of seats at stake in the UK is 73 (an increase of one since 2009):

• England is divided into 9 electoral regions of varying sizes which will elect between 3 and 10 candidates each - a total of 60 seats (1 more – in the West Midlands - than in 2009).

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• Scotland is a single electoral area electing 6 candidates

• Wales is a single electoral area electing 4 candidates.

For detailed guidance on the European Election in Great Britain, see Appendix A - Click here.

• Northern Ireland is a single electoral area electing 3 candidates

For detailed guidance on the European Election in Northern Ireland, see Appendix B – click here.

Local Government Elections in England will be contested by first past the post in approximately 4500 seats in:


32 boroughs (32 all-out) 1,991 seats 36 Metropolitan boroughs (all by one-thirds) 822 seats 74 District Councils (most by one-thirds) 1,266 seats 19 Unitary authorities (most by one thirds) 421 seats

In addition, there are five Mayoral elections, each using the supplementary vote system.

For detailed guidance on Local Elections in England, see Appendix C – click here.

In Northern Ireland, 11 new councils are being elected, replacing the old 26 councils. A total of 462 councillors will be elected by STV proportional representation..

For detailed guidance on Local Elections in Northern Ireland, see Appendix D – click here

1.3 The Guidelines

There is no area of broadcasting where the BBC’s commitment to due impartiality is more closely scrutinised than in reporting election campaigns.

These Guidelines are intended to offer a framework within which journalists:

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• can operate in as free and creative an environment as possible,

• deliver to audiences impartial and independent reporting of the campaign, giving fair coverage, rigorous scrutiny and due weight to the policies and campaigns of all parties and candidates..

The BBC is also legally obliged to adopt a Code of Practice with respect to “the participation of candidates at a parliamentary or local government election in items about the constituency or electoral area in question which are included in relevant services during the election period”. This obligation is fulfilled by Section 4 of these Guidelines.

The BBC is also required, under the terms of its Charter and Agreement of 2006 to ensure that political issues are covered with due accuracy and impartiality. These Election Guidelines supplement the Editorial Guidelines (Chapter 4, “Impartiality and Diversity of Opinion” and Chapter 10, “Politics and Public Policy”). They should, in particular, be read in conjunction with the sections in Chapter 10 on “Reporting UK Election and Referendum Campaigns” and “Broadcasting During Elections”, which say we must ensure that:

• news judgements continue to drive editorial decision making in news based programmes.

• news judgements at election time are made within a framework of democratic debate which ensures that due weight is given to hearing the views and examining and challenging the policies of all parties. Significant smaller parties should also receive some network coverage during the campaign.

• when producing UK-wide output, we are aware of the different political structures in the four nations of the and that they are reflected in the election coverage of each nation.

The Guidelines (and the appendices for these particular elections) are publicly available and the BBC can expect to be held accountable for their implementation during the campaign.

1.4 Who the Guidelines apply to

It is the responsibility of each editor to ensure that their content producers are aware of how the Guidelines and Appendices (“the Guidelines”) apply to their output.

These Guidelines apply to any programme or material intended for UK audiences, covering any aspect of the elections and to output areas within which elections are taking place.

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Any programme which does not usually cover political subjects or normally invite politicians to participate must consult the Chief Adviser Politics before finalising any plans to do so.

Each programme, strand, website or channel must bear in mind the intended location of its audience in applying these Guidelines.

2. Mandatory issues and referrals

2.1 During the Election Period:

• Any programme which does not usually cover political subjects or normally invite politicians to participate must consult the Chief Adviser Politics before finalising any plans to do so.*

• All bids for interviews with party leaders must be referred to the Chief Adviser Politics before parties are approached. Offers of such interviews must also be referred before being accepted.*

• Any proposal to use a contribution from a politician without an opportunity for comment or response from other parties must be referred to a senior editorial figure and the Chief Adviser Politics. (see 3.5)

• Any proposal to achieve due impartiality over a series of different programmes across a station or channel must be referred to the Chief Adviser, Politics.

• The BBC will not commission voting intention polls

• Any proposal to commission an opinion poll on politics or any other matter of public policy for any BBC service must be referred to the Chief Adviser Politics. *

• There will be no online votes or SMS/text votes attempting to quantify support for a party, a politician or a party political policy issue.

• Any proposal to conduct text voting on any political issue that could have a bearing on any of the elections must be discussed with the Chief Adviser, Politics, as well as being referred to the relevant departmental senior editorial figure and ITACU.

• The BBC will not broadcast or publish numbers of e-mails, texts or other communications received on either side of any issue connected to the campaign.

* referral also mandatory outside election periods.

2.2 Polling day

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• No opinion poll on any issue relating to the election may be published until polling has closed throughout the (ie Sunday 25th May).

• There will be no coverage of any of the issues directly pertinent to the election campaigns on any BBC outlet until after the polls close in the UK.

• It is a criminal offence to broadcast anything about the way in which people have voted in the election while the polls are open in the UK.

3. Due Impartiality in coverage of parties and issues

3.1 Coverage of the Parties

To achieve due impartiality, each bulletin, programme or programme strand, as well as online and interactive services, for each election, must ensure that the parties are covered proportionately over an appropriate period, normally across a week. This means taking into account levels of past and current electoral support (see guidance in Appendices).

Due impartiality should normally be achieved within these categories:

• clips • interviews/discussions of up to 10 minutes • longer form programmes

This does not preclude due impartiality from being otherwise achieved within a series of programmes across the station or channel. But such an arrangement needs clear sign-posting and must be referred to the Chief Adviser Politics.

Previous electoral support in equivalent elections must be taken into account when making judgements about the proportionate levels of coverage between parties.

Other factors should be taken into account where appropriate, including evidence of variation in levels of support in more recent elections, changed political circumstances (e.g. new parties or party splits) as well as other evidence of current support, such as robust and consistent trends in opinion polls. The number of candidates a party is standing may also be a factor.

3.2 Impartiality in Programmes

Daily news magazine programmes should normally achieve proportional and appropriate coverage within the course of each week of the campaign.

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This means that each strand (e.g. a drive time show on radio) is responsible for achieving impartiality itself within the week and cannot rely on other outlets at different times of day (e.g. the breakfast show) to do so for it. This does not preclude programmes, in specific circumstances, co-operating to organise joint coverage, thereby achieving due impartiality across the station or channel. But such an arrangement needs clear sign-posting and must be referred to the Chief Adviser, Politics.

Programme strands should avoid individual editions getting badly out of kilter. There may be days when inevitably one party dominates the news agenda, e.g. when party manifestos are launched, but in that case care must be taken to ensure that appropriate coverage is given to other manifesto launches on the relevant days.

The News Channel and television and radio summaries will divide the 24 hour day into blocks and aim to achieve due impartiality across a week’s output in each one.

Weekly programmes, or running series within daily sequence programmes, which focus on one party or another, should trail both forward and backwards so that it is clear to the audience that due impartiality is built in over time. In these instances, due impartiality should be achieved over the course of the campaign.

Any programme or content giving coverage to any of the elections must achieve due impartiality overall among parties during the course of the whole campaign.

In all elections, the BBC must take care to prevent candidates being given an unfair advantage, for instance, where a candidate’s name is featured through depicting posters or rosettes etc.

Anyone who is in doubt as to how this applies to their own content should contact the Chief Adviser, Politics, for advice.

3.3 Coverage of other political issues, Parliaments and Councils in the UK during the Election Period.

The elections do not happen in isolation and other elected bodies will continue their normal activity during the campaign. Content producers need to comply with the general requirement of due accuracy and due impartiality, aware of the possible influence of any other political coverage on the election campaigns.

This applies to reporting of the Westminster and Scottish Parliaments and Welsh and Northern Ireland Assemblies during the campaign as well as local government business, which will also continue during the election period. These should continue to be covered in the normal way, though any relevant issues relating to the European elections or local government in England or

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Northern Ireland which are discussed must be reported with care to maintain due impartiality.

All content producers need to bear in mind which issues are within the remit of the different bodies and ensure it is clear to the audience when stories have a bearing on an election. They also should be alert to other politicians or public figures who are not involved directly in the elections, including ministers and shadow ministers at Westminster, intervening in issues relevant to any of the elections and ensure that due impartiality is maintained.

Where there are other major news stories, special care is needed to ensure that any political element is covered comprehensively, but also reflects the fact that we are in an election period. How this is achieved will depend on the particular circumstances of each case. For example, where there are major stories which fall outside inter-party rivalry, due impartiality may be achieved by allocating more time than would otherwise be given to those politicians most closely involved, to report fully statements that tell the audience what is happening, and, on occasion, to reflect vigorous internal debates within parties on such issues.

The Election period also falls immediately before the formal Referendum Period beginning in Scotland on 30th May, running up to the vote in September 2014. UK-wide and BBC Scotland output will need to take particular care that issues relevant to the elections also have regard for the due impartiality necessary in coverage of the referendum.

3.4 Order of Parties

The order in which parties appear in packages or are introduced in discussions should normally be editorially driven. However, programme makers should take care to ensure they vary this order, where appropriate, so that no fixed pattern emerges in the course of the campaign.

3.5 Items which may not require contributions from other parties or candidates

In exceptional circumstances, comments from candidates can stand alone, without contributions from other candidates or parties, where to use one might appear insensitive or risk the appearance of a media circus. This might include interviews about a personal tragedy, a public disaster, or where the candidate concerned is an eye witness to a news incident. Any proposal to use a comment in this way must be referred to a senior editorial figure and the Chief Adviser, Politics.

4. Fairness to Candidates - Code of Practice

4.1 Reports on specific Electoral Areas (Regions/Wards)

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The intention of these guidelines is to encourage vigorous debate in all electoral areas and to give a higher profile to candidates in general without giving unfair advantage to one candidate or party over another.

Candidates or parties declining to take part in reports or debates based on a region or ward cannot, by doing so, effectively exercise a veto over such coverage.

However, this does not weaken in any way the BBC’s obligations of fairness in ensuring the audience is informed of all main strands of argument.

Reports or debates about a specific electoral area, such as a council ward, should give due weight to candidates of parties – or independent candidates - who have demonstrated substantial electoral support, or who can demonstrate substantial current support, in that area. This means that if any candidate takes part in an item about that specific electoral area, then each of these other candidates should also be offered the opportunity to take part, or be given similar coverage across a series of reports.

Programmes may decide to use either candidates or party representatives. But if a candidate from one of the parties is invited to take part, the other participants should, where at all possible, also be candidates (see below 4.3 Welsh and Gaelic Language Services). In exceptional circumstances, if a candidate is genuinely unavailable, the opportunity may be offered instead to a suitable substitute (e.g. party official or agent) but it should normally be made clear to the audience that the missing candidate was invited and why they were unable to take part. If a candidate declines to put forward any representative the item/programme will go ahead without them.

In reports about specific electoral areas where some candidates are appearing, or shorter news pieces which refer only to some candidates, the item should refer – as a minimum - to an online list of all candidates and parties standing (especially in local elections, it is important to ensure an appropriate list exists). If such a report is being broadcast several times on the same channel in a day, the online list of candidates should be referred to on each occasion and, for TV, the list should feature visually at least once. For longer items, especially where not all candidates may be receiving significant coverage, such as debates – or, where there is no online list available for the relevant electoral area - then the candidates should be listed, visually and/or verbally.

Content producers must ensure generally that candidates are not given an unfair advantage; for instance, camera operators should take care where a candidate’s name is featured prominently through depicting posters or rosettes etc, or, for instance, where candidates might be appearing in shot with party leaders.

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Where candidates have other roles – political or non-political - care should be taken to ensure that they do not gain an unfair advantage in the election campaign over other candidates.

Before the close of nominations, content producers need to ensure due impartiality in regard to contributors who may have expressed an intention or who are expected to stand as a candidate. Reports referring to the list of candidates before the close of nominations should make it clear that these are “known candidates so far.”

4.2 Use of Candidates in issue based packages and phone-ins

As well as debates or other items using candidates within particular wards or regions, all types of content may use candidates from different regions, councils or wards to discuss together election issues.

When programmes or other items decide to use a candidate in a package or debate, the other participants should, where at all possible, also be candidates in the same election. (see 4.3 Welsh and Gaelic Language Services).

In order to maintain due impartiality, the choice of parties and candidates represented should be appropriate to the item. The choice of candidate to represent a party will be made on editorial grounds, but care must be taken in the local election campaign to ensure that one candidate is not unduly favoured at the expense of others or that a party spokesperson does not gain disproportionate coverage at the expense of candidates from other parties.

If a candidate is appearing as a national spokesperson, they should not be allowed to gain an unfair advantage over their local opponents by making repeated references to their own area.

This can best be achieved by advising them in advance of the BBC’s due impartiality obligations. If this fails, swift intervention by the presenter of a live programme, or editing before broadcast, will be necessary.

In such issue-based items – including where all the participants are candidates – reasonable references to local examples are allowed, provided they do not cause unfairness for those local candidates who are not appearing.

Callers to phone-ins must be checked to see if they are candidates. They can be encouraged to contribute, though it must be clear to the audience that they are speaking not as ordinary members of the public but as contributors with a political agenda. Care must be taken that over time programmes are not giving undue prominence to one or more parties or undue preference with regard to candidates.

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Further advice on use of candidates can be sought from the Chief Adviser, Politics.

4.3 Welsh and Gaelic Language Services

Some politicians in Wales are not Welsh language speakers. In the event that a party is unable to find a Welsh speaker, Radio Cymru and BBC Wales programmes for S4C may draw both on candidates and other party representatives.

Few politicians are Gaelic speakers. In the event that a party is unable to find a Gaelic speaking candidate, Radio nan Gaidheal and BBC Alba programmes may draw both on candidates and other party representatives

5. Online, Social Media and Audience Contributions

5.1 BBC Editorial Content.

The same guidelines as those for programmes will apply to BBC Editorial content on all .co.uk sites. These will apply to audio and video content as well as text content, e.g. blogs, podcasts and downloads, as well as any social media identified with the BBC, including material that appears on sites operated by third parties.

BBC editorial staff and anyone involved in producing election related content must avoid compromising the BBC’s impartiality or bringing the BBC into disrepute by their activities, such as by expressing their own views on political matters, either on personal websites or social media, eg personal Twitter accounts.

5.2 Audience contributions

Audience contributions offer immediacy and interactivity to the BBC’s output both broadcast and on the web. These contributions are an expression of opinion and are not an indication of the weight of opinion on one side or another of a question. The range selected for inclusion must be chosen to achieve due impartiality, not just by the weight of audience activity.

Audience contributions may come by text, social media message or email, or some other interactivity mechanism, including “vox pop”. They may be unsolicited, or they may arise from calls to action, in either broadcast output or online. However we receive them, content producers should be rigorous about establishing the origins of materials offered as audience contributions and take responsibility for their authenticity. It may be necessary to verify that a contribution apparently from an individual in the public eye is genuine. Where such contributions come from candidates, that must be clearly identified.

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We must not seek to achieve what might be considered “artificial” impartiality by giving a misleading account of the weight of opinion. All web pages prompting debate on the election will be actively hosted and properly moderated to encourage a wide range of views. Those parts of the BBC’s online presence which do not normally engage in political issues should seek advice from the Chief Adviser, Politics, before doing so.

During the Election Period, we must not broadcast or publish numbers of contributions received on any campaign issue to estimate support for any side or party.

If contributions are edited for length, care should be taken to ensure that the contributor’s opinions are fairly and accurately represented.

Content producers should be particularly alert to organised campaigns or lobbying by parties, pressure groups, candidates or people acting on their behalf. If mass mailings or other organised lobbying is suspected during the Election Period, contributors may be asked to provide contact details for verification purposes. The bbc.co.uk escalation strategy must be activated immediately, and it may be necessary to, for example, put a message board into pre-moderation or read only mode.

There will be no online votes attempting to quantify support for a party, politician or policy issue during the election period, nor should other quantitative methods, such as a count of the number of texts or social media contributions, be used to assess the level of support.

Producers must ensure that text votes are not translated into anything that could be construed either as a representation of public opinion as a whole, or the BBC’s opinion. Any proposal to conduct text voting on any political issue that could have a bearing on the elections must be discussed with the Chief Adviser, Politics, as well as being referred to the relevant departmental senior editorial figure and ITACU.

Journalists and moderators will have to make fine judgements between remarks that constitute robust debate and personal abuse. The general rule of thumb should be if we would not broadcast it on radio or TV, it should not be online. Filters for harm and offence and personal abuse will operate as usual, but they should not be relied on as a substitute for effective moderation.

Unless specifically hosting election discussions, non-news sites should direct users who want to discuss the election in message boards or comments to appropriate areas of the news site such as political blogs or relevant news articles. All election-related discussion areas on bbc.co.uk must have appropriate moderation, filtering, hosting and escalation in place.

5.3 Material from parties or candidates

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BBC News Online will not normally link to election-related material on the websites either of political parties or individual candidates, unless there is an editorial justification (e.g. a row caused by a prominent figure publishing policy on his/her website contradicting the manifesto on the party’s website) and then it will be promoted only for a limited period and mindful of any impartiality issues. Any such links will depend on sites not giving grounds for concern regarding breaches of the BBC harm and offence guidelines or the law e.g. defamation or incitement to racial hatred. http://www.bbc.co.uk/editorialguidelines/page/guidelines-harm-introduction/

Any speeches or other material published by or contributed by candidates or parties which are carried in full or in part must be selected on news value, while bearing in mind that due impartiality requires that an appropriate range of such material is carried.

6. Polls and other tests of opinion

Section 6 of the Election Guidelines should, where appropriate, be read in conjunction with Chapter 10 of Editorial Guidelines and the Editorial Policy Guidance “Opinion Polls, Surveys, Questionnaires, Votes, Straw Polls”, available on the Editorial Policy website.

6.1 Reporting Polls

During the campaign our reporting of opinion polls should take into account three key factors:

• they are part of the story of the campaign and audiences should, where appropriate, be informed about them;

• context is essential, and we must ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of the language used in reporting them;

• polls can be wrong - there are real dangers in only reporting the most “newsworthy” polls – i.e. those which, on a one-off basis, show dramatic movement.

So, the general rules and guidance about reporting polls need to be scrupulously followed. They are:

• not to lead a news bulletin or programme simply with the results of a voting intention poll;

• not to headline the results of a voting intention poll unless it has prompted a story which itself warrants a headline and reference to the poll’s findings is necessary to make sense of it;

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• not to rely on the interpretation given to a poll’s results by the organisation or publication which commissioned it, but to come to our own view by looking at the questions, the results and the trend;

• to report the findings of voting intentions polls in the context of trend. The trend may consist of the results of all major polls over a period or may be limited to the change in a single pollster’s findings. Poll results which defy trends without convincing explanation should be treated with particular scepticism and caution;

• not to use language which gives greater credibility to the polls than they deserve: polls “suggest” but never “prove” or even “show”;

• to report the expected margin of error if the gap between the contenders is within the margin. On television and online, graphics should always show the margin of error;

• to report the organisation which carried out the poll and the organisation or publication which commissioned it; (eg “a ComRes poll for the BBC” – not “a BBC poll”).

Take particular care with newspaper reviews. Individual polls should not be the lead item in a newspaper review and should always be reported with a sentence of context (e.g: “that’s rather out of line with other polls this week”).

No opinion poll on any subject relating to the election may be published until Sunday, when polls have closed throughout Europe.

6.2 Commissioning Polls

The BBC does not commission voting intention opinion polls during election periods. Editorial Guidelines say “any proposal to commission an opinion poll on politics or any other matter of public policy for any BBC service must be referred to the Chief Adviser Politics”. Care must be taken to ensure that any poll commissioned by the BBC is not used to suggest a BBC view on a particular policy or issue. A poll may be commissioned to help inform the audience’s understanding of a current controversy, but it should not be used to imply BBC intervention in a current controversy.

6.3 Vox Pops

The value of vox pops to programmes is to allow different sides of an issue in question to be expressed through the voices of the man and woman in the street. But the context should always make it clear that they are an expression of an argument, not an indication of the weight of opinion on either side. It follows that special care must be taken with vox pops during an election campaign, for instance, to give consideration to the location in which they are

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014 recorded and to edit them in such a way as to ensure different aspects of the issue are covered.

6.4 Emails

The same principle applies to all e-mails we broadcast. E-mails offer immediacy and interactivity to many programmes, but they too are an expression of opinion, not an indication of the weight of opinion on one side or the other of a question. The range of emails selected for broadcast must reflect due impartiality, not the weight of those we receive.

Content producers should be particularly alert to organised e-mail campaigns by parties and pressure groups. If mass mailings are suspected during the Election Period, e-mail contributors may be asked to include their address and telephone number so that checks can be run purely for that purpose.

During the Election Period, we will not broadcast or publish numbers of e- mails received on either side of any issue connected to the campaign.

6.5 SMS/Text Messaging

Similarly, programme-makers should be as rigorous about establishing the origins of material derived from text messages as they are about material from other sources. We should carefully scrutinize texts relating to the elections before using them. Just as with a phone in, producers must take appropriate steps to ensure the veracity of the message e.g. if a text message is received that appears to be from a person in the public eye, the programme should check the source before publishing it on air/online. Checks could include calling the user back to ask for further verification.

If the programme decides to edit a text message for length, care should be taken to ensure the sender’s opinion is still fairly and accurately presented.

Producers must ensure that text votes are not translated into anything that could be construed either as a representation of public opinion as a whole, or the BBC’s opinion. Any proposal to conduct text voting on any political issue that could have a bearing on any of the elections must be discussed with the Chief Adviser, Politics, as well as being referred to the relevant departmental senior editorial figure and ITACU. (As with commissioned polls, the BBC will not conduct SMS/text votes on voting intention).

6.6 Audience Programmes

Any programme covering elections and planning to use a live audience should consult the Chief Adviser Politics to discuss the selection of the audience and

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014 how to achieve due impartiality. All such procedures must stand up to public scrutiny.

7. Party Leader Interviews

With the exception of brief newsgathering interviews gathered on news value on the day, all bids for party leader interviews must be referred to the Chief Adviser Politics before parties are approached. Unsolicited offers should not be accepted without consultation with senior managers and a reference to the Chief Adviser Politics.

8. Polling Day

There will be no coverage of any of the election campaigns on polling day, from 6am until polls close at 10pm on TV, radio or bbc.co.uk. However, online sites will not have to remove archive reports. Coverage will be restricted to factual accounts with nothing which could be construed as influencing the ballots.

No opinion poll on any issue relating to politics or the election may be published until after the polls have closed throughout the European Union.

Whilst the polls are open, it is a criminal offence to broadcast anything about the way in which people have voted in that election.

9. Complaints Handling

Complaints will be handled at the appropriate level from programme editors upwards. The aim is to ensure that whether a complaint has come via BBC Information, direct to a programme or to a correspondent or individual journalist, from a politician or member of the public (who may or may not be a political activist), from a senior party official or an individual candidate, the BBC’s response is consistent, robust and swift. For that reason, normally, on first receiving a formal complaint, details should be taken and referred to the appropriate person before any initial response – other than a timescale - is given to the complainant.

Anyone requiring further advice on the application of these guidelines should consult the Chief Adviser Politics:

Ric Bailey: internal: 02 81805

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mobile: 07889 852195 or email: [email protected]


European Parliamentary Elections in Great Britain 2014: England, Scotland and Wales.

Ai Party Coverage

The level of coverage given to political parties in each electoral area should reflect levels of past and/or current electoral support. In considering this, the following factors should be taken into account: their performance at the last equivalent election (i.e. the 2009 European election) in terms of representation and share of the vote. their performance in subsequent elections, where relevant other evidence of current electoral support

the number of candidates they are fielding in the election

Aii Past Results

These are the results for the leading parties at the 2009 European election in different electoral areas: (see Avii for full results)

England - 2009 European Election

England Votes 09 % MEP

Conservative 3,867,407 29.0 23 Labour 2,013,055 15.1 10 Lib Dem 1,880,493 14.1 10 UKIP 2,352,853 17.6 12 Green 1,185,143 8.9 2 BNP 879,310 6.6 2 Others 1,169,639 8.8

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Total votes cast 13,347,900 59 Turnout 37.0

Scotland – 2009 European Election

Scotland Votes 09 % MEP

Conservative 185,794 16.8 1 Labour 229,853 20.8 2 Lib Dem 127,038 11.5 1 SNP 321,007 29.1 2 UKIP 57,788 5.2 Green 80,442 7.3 Scottish Socialist 10,404 0.9 BNP 27,174 2.5 Others 65,012 5.9

Total votes cast 1,104,512 6 Turnout 28.5

Wales - 2009 European Election

Wales Votes 09 % MEP

Conservative 145,193 21.2 1 Labour 138,852 20.3 1 Lib Dem 73,082 10.7 126,702 18.5 1 UKIP 87,585 12.8 1 Green 38,160 5.6 BNP 37,114 5.4 Others 37,832 5.5

Total votes cast 684,520 4 Turnout 30.4

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

Great Britain - 2009 European Election

(England, Scotland, Wales – combined)

Great Britain Votes 09 % MEP

Conservative 4,198,394 27.7 25 Labour 2,381,760 15.7 13 Lib Dem 2,080,613 13.7 11 Plaid Cymru 126,702 0.8 1 SNP 321,007 2.1 2 UKIP 2,498,226 16.5 13 Green 1,303,745 8.6 2 BNP 943,598 6.2 2 Others 1,282,887 8.5

Total votes cast 15,136,932 69 Turnout 33.4

Aiii Party Coverage for broadcasts across the UK:

Where coverage relates purely to the European Election or matters decided in the European Parliament – and taking account of the factors set out in Ai - the the following parties will receive similar levels of coverage:

Conservative, UKIP, Labour and Lib Dems,.

The Green Party of England and Wales and the won significant support and representation and should receive some coverage, proportionate to the four leading parties.

UK-wide programmes must ensure that, where either SNP or Plaid Cymru or both have distinctive policies on matters decided in the European Parliament these parties are featured in a substantial number of items on such matters in which the UK-wide parties take part. This should not preclude network programmes using SNP and Plaid Cymru spokespeople on other major election news stories.

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

All parties which are standing a full slate of candidates (ie as many candidates as there are seats available) in one or more of the nations of Great Britain will have – as a minimum – their manifesto launch (or equivalent event) covered on appropriate network TV and radio news programmes. (* see appendix E)

All parties which are standing candidates, as well as serious independent candidates, will, where appropriate and possible, have their manifesto launches (or some equivalent event) covered online.

Aiv For BBC Scotland:

Taking account of the factors set out in Ai, the following parties will receive similar levels of coverage:

Labour, SNP, Conservatives and Lib Dems.

Other parties fielding a full slate of candidates in Scotland (i.e. 6) will have – as a minimum – their manifesto launch (or equivalent event) covered on appropriate TV and radio news and current affairs programmes. (* see appendix E)

Parties not standing a complete list of candidates, but which are running serious campaigns, should also receive coverage at some stage in the campaign, as should serious independent candidates.

Av For BBC Wales:

Where coverage relates purely to the European Election or matters decided in the European Parliament – and taking account of the factors set out in Ai - the following parties will receive similar levels of coverage

Labour, Conservative, Plaid Cymru, UKIP and Lib Dems.

Other parties fielding a full slate of candidates in Wales (i.e. 4) will have – as a minimum – their manifesto launch (or equivalent event) covered on appropriate TV and radio news and current affairs programmes. (* see appendix E)

Parties not standing a complete list of candidates, but which are running serious campaigns, should also receive coverage at some stage in the campaign, as should serious independent candidates.

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

Avi For English Regions and Local Radio (and regional results):

There were some variations in voting patterns and representation across the nine European Parliamentary regions in England at the 2009 European elections. In their own areas, regional and local programmes should take account of those differing levels of support in the way they cover issues relating to the European election. (see Appendix D for regional breakdown in 2009)

For each party standing a complete list of candidates in their region, as a minimum, each English Region should carry at least two TV items during the campaign - either separate pieces or as part of a longer package. At least one of these series of items should be on the 6.30 programme. Parties not standing a complete list of candidates in their region, but which are running serious campaigns, should also receive coverage at some stage in the campaign, as should serious independent candidates.

Local radio stations should do at least one substantial item during each week of the campaign on each party standing a complete list of candidates in their region. Parties not standing a complete list of candidates in their region, but which are running serious campaigns, should also receive coverage at some stage in the campaign, as should serious independent candidates.

East Midlands Scoreboard Pre-Election Data Turnout: 1228065 (37.1%) Electorate: 3312944 Change: -178638 (-6.6%) Seats: 5

2009 2004

Seats Party Votes Share% Seats Change Votes Share Seats Adj Seats Conservative 370275 30.2 2 0 371359 26.4 2 2 Labour 206945 16.9 1 0 294918 21.0 1 1 UK Independence Party 201984 16.4 1 -1 366498 26.1 2 2 Liberal Democrat 151428 12.3 1 1 181964 12.9 1 0 British National Party 106319 8.7 0 0 91860 6.5 0 0 Green 83939 6.8 0 0 76633 5.4 0 0 Party 28498 2.3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 United Kingdom First Party 20561 1.7 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Christian Party-Christian Peoples Alliance 17907 1.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Socialist Labour Party 13590 1.1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 NO2EU 11375 0.9 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Libertas 7882 0.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 7362 0.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Elected Members Party Rank Helmer, Roger CON 1 McClarkin, Emma NEW CON 2 Willmott, Glenis LAB 1 Newton Dunn, William LD 1 Clark, Derek UKIP 1

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East of England Scoreboard Pre-Election Data Turnout: 1603340 (37.7%) Electorate: 4252669 Change: 93116 (1.2%) Seats: 7

2009 2004

Seats Party Votes Share% Seats Change Votes Share Seats Adj Seats Conservative 500331 31.2 3 0 465526 30.8 3 3 UK Independence Party 313921 19.6 2 0 296160 19.6 2 2 Liberal Democrat 221235 13.8 1 0 211378 14.0 1 1 Labour 167833 10.5 1 0 244929 16.2 1 1 Green 141016 8.8 0 0 84068 5.6 0 0 British National Party 97013 6.1 0 0 65557 4.3 0 0 United Kingdom First Party 38185 2.4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 English Democrats Party 32211 2.0 0 0 26807 1.8 0 0 Christian Party-Christian Peoples Alliance 24646 1.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 NO2EU 13939 0.9 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Socialist Labour Party 13599 0.8 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Animals Count 13201 0.8 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Libertas 9940 0.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Independent 9916 0.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Jury Team 6354 0.4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Elected Members Party Rank Van Orden, Geoffrey CON 1 Sturdy, Robert CON 2 Ford, Victoria NEW CON 3 Howitt, Richard LAB 1 Duff, Andrew LD 1 Campbell Bannerman, David NEW UKIP 1 Agnew, John NEW UKIP 2 London Scoreboard Pre-Election Data Turnout: 1751296 (33.3%) Electorate: 5257624 Change: -134153 (-4%) Seats: 8

2009 2004

Seats Party Votes Share% Seats Change Votes Share Seats Adj Seats Conservative 479307 27.4 3 0 504941 26.8 3 3 Labour 372590 21.3 2 0 466584 24.7 3 2 Liberal Democrat 240156 13.7 1 0 288790 15.3 1 1 Green 190589 10.9 1 0 158986 8.4 1 1 UK Independence Party 188440 10.8 1 0 232633 12.3 1 1 British National Party 86420 4.9 0 0 76152 4.0 0 0 Christian Party-Christian Peoples Alliance 51336 2.9 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Independent 50014 2.9 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 English Democrats Party 24477 1.4 0 0 15945 0.8 0 0 NO2EU 17758 1.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

Socialist Labour Party 15306 0.9 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Libertas 8444 0.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Jury Team 7284 0.4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Independent 4918 0.3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Socialist Party of GB 4050 0.2 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Yes 2 Europe 3384 0.2 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Independent 3248 0.2 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Independent 1972 0.1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Independent 1603 0.1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Elected Members Party Rank Tannock, Timothy CON 1 Kamall, Syed CON 2 Yannakoudakis, Marina NEW CON 3 Lambert, Jean GRN 1 Moraes, Claude LAB 1 Honeyball, Mary NEW LAB 2 Ludford, Sarah LD 1 Batten, Gerard UKIP 1

North East Scoreboard Pre-Election Data Turnout: 589862 (30.4%) Electorate: 1939709 Change: -190629 (-10.6%) Seats: 3

2009 2004

Seats Party Votes Share% Seats Change Votes Share Seats Adj Seats Labour 147338 25.0 1 0 266057 34.1 1 1 Conservative 116911 19.8 1 0 144969 18.6 1 1 Liberal Democrat 103644 17.6 1 0 138791 17.8 1 1 UK Independence Party 90700 15.4 0 0 94887 12.2 0 0 British National Party 52700 8.9 0 0 50249 6.4 0 0 Green 34081 5.8 0 0 37247 4.8 0 0 English Democrats Party 13007 2.2 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Socialist Labour Party 10238 1.7 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 NO2EU 8066 1.4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Christian Party-Christian Peoples Alliance 7263 1.2 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Libertas 3010 0.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Jury Team 2904 0.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Elected Members Party Rank Callanan, Martin CON 1 Hughes, Stephen LAB 1 Hall, Fiona LD 1

North West Scoreboard Pre-Election Data Turnout: 1651825 (31.7%) Electorate: 5206474 Change: -463338 (-9.3%) Seats: 8

2009 2004

Seats Party Votes Share% Seats Change Votes Share Seats Adj Seats Conservative 423174 25.6 3 0 509446 24.1 3 3 Labour 336831 20.4 2 -1 576388 27.3 3 3 UK Independence Party 261740 15.8 1 0 257158 12.2 1 1 Liberal Democrat 235639 14.3 1 0 335063 15.8 2 1

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British National Party 132094 8.0 1 1 134959 6.4 0 0 Green 127133 7.7 0 0 117393 5.6 0 0 English Democrats Party 40027 2.4 0 0 34110 1.6 0 0 Socialist Labour Party 26224 1.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Christian Party-Christian Peoples Alliance 25999 1.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 NO2EU 23580 1.4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Jury Team 8783 0.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Libertas 6980 0.4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Independent 3621 0.2 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Elected Members Party Rank Griffin, Nick NEW BNP 1 Atkins, Robert CON 1 Karim, Sajjad CON 2 Foster, Jacqueline NEW CON 3 McCarthy, Arlene LAB 1 Simpson, Brian LAB 2 Davies, Chris LD 1 Nuttall, Paul NEW UKIP 1

South East Scoreboard Pre-Election Data Turnout: 2334858 (37.5%) Electorate: 6231875 Change: 127441 (0.9%) Seats: 10

2009 2004

Seats Party Votes Share% Seats Change Votes Share Seats Adj Seats Conservative 812288 34.8 4 0 776370 35.2 4 4 UK Independence Party 440002 18.8 2 0 431111 19.5 2 2 Liberal Democrat 330340 14.1 2 0 338342 15.3 2 2 Green 271506 11.6 1 0 173351 7.9 1 1 Labour 192592 8.2 1 0 301398 13.7 1 1 British National Party 101769 4.4 0 0 64877 2.9 0 0 English Democrats Party 52526 2.2 0 0 29126 1.3 0 0 Christian Party-Christian Peoples Alliance 35712 1.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 NO2EU 21455 0.9 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Libertas 16767 0.7 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Socialist Labour Party 15484 0.7 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 United Kingdom First Party 15261 0.7 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Jury Team 14172 0.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 The Peace Party 9534 0.4 0 0 12572 0.6 0 0 The Roman Party 5450 0.2 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Elected Members Party Rank Hannan, Daniel CON 1 Ashworth, Richard CON 2 Diva, Nirj CON 3 Elles, James CON 4 Lucas, Caroline GRN 1 Skinner, Peter LAB 1 Bowles, Sharon LD 1 Bearder, Catherine NEW LD 2 Farage, Nigel UKIP 1 Andreasen, Marta NEW UKIP 2

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

Pre-Election Data South West Scoreboard Turnout: 1549708 (38.8%) Electorate: 3998479 Change: 101291 (1.1%) Seats: 6

2009 2004

Seats Party Votes Share% Seats Change Votes Share Seats Adj Seats Conservative 468742 30.2 3 1 457371 31.6 3 2 UK Independence Party 341845 22.1 2 0 326784 22.6 2 2 Liberal Democrat 266253 17.2 1 0 265619 18.3 1 1 Green 144179 9.3 0 0 103821 7.2 0 0 Labour 118716 7.7 0 -1 209908 14.5 1 1 British National Party 60889 3.9 0 0 43653 3.0 0 0 Pensioners Party 37785 2.4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 English Democrats Party 25313 1.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Christian Party-Christian Peoples Alliance 21329 1.4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 14922 1.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Socialist Labour Party 10033 0.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 NO2EU 9741 0.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Independent 8971 0.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Libertas 7292 0.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Fair Play Fair Trade Party 7151 0.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Jury Team 5758 0.4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Wai D 789 0.1 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Elected Members Party Rank Chichester, Giles CON 1 Girling, Julie NEW CON 2 Fox, Ashley NEW CON 3 Watson, Graham LD 1 Colman, Bernard UKIP 1 Dartmouth, William NEW UKIP 2

West Midlands Scoreboard Pre-Election Data Turnout: 1413036 (34.8%) Electorate: 4056370 Change: -23999 (-1.5%) Seats: 6

2009 2004

Seats Party Votes Share% Seats Change Votes Share Seats Adj Seats Conservative 396847 28.1 2 0 392937 27.3 3 2 UK Independence Party 300471 21.3 2 1 251366 17.5 1 1 Labour 240201 17.0 1 -1 336613 23.4 2 2

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Liberal Democrat 170246 12.0 1 0 197479 13.7 1 1 British National Party 121967 8.6 0 0 107794 7.5 0 0 Green 88244 6.2 0 0 73991 5.1 0 0 English Democrats Party 32455 2.3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Christian Party-Christian Peoples Alliance 18784 1.3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Socialist Labour Party 14724 1.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 NO2EU 13415 0.9 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Jury Team 8721 0.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Libertas 6961 0.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Elected Members Party Rank Bradbourn, Philip CON 1 Harbour, Malcolm CON 2 Cashman, Michael LAB 1 Lynne, Liz LD 1 Nattrass, Mike UKIP 1 Sinclaire, Nikki NEW UKIP 2

Yorkshire and The Humber Scoreboard Pre-Election Data Turnout: 1226180 (32.3%) Electorate: 3792415 Change: -347021 (-10%) Seats: 6

2009 2004

Seats Party Votes Share% Seats Change Votes Share Seats Adj Seats Conservative 299802 24.5 2 0 387369 24.6 2 2 Labour 230009 18.8 1 -1 413213 26.3 2 2 UK Independence Party 213750 17.4 1 0 228666 14.5 1 1 Liberal Democrat 161552 13.2 1 0 244607 15.5 1 1 British National Party 120139 9.8 1 1 126538 8.0 0 0 Green 104456 8.5 0 0 90337 5.7 0 0 English Democrats Party 31287 2.6 0 0 24068 1.5 0 0 Socialist Labour Party 19380 1.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Christian Party-Christian Peoples Alliance 16742 1.4 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 NO2EU 15614 1.3 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Jury Team 7181 0.6 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Libertas 6268 0.5 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Elected Members Party Rank Brons, Andrew NEW BNP 1 McMillan-Scott, Edward CON 1 Kirkhope, Timothy CON 2 McAvan, Linda LAB 1 Wallis, Diana LD 1 Bloom, Godfrey UKIP 1

Avii Great Britain Full Voting Figures

RESULTS SEATS: 72 TURNOUT: 15,625,823 ELECTORATE: 45,315,669 Votes MEPs Party Total % Total +/-

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

Votes MEPs Party Total % Total +/- Conservative 4,198,394 27.7 *26 +1 (+1.0) UK 2,498,226 16.5 13 +1 Independence (+0.3) Party Labour 2,381,760 15.7 13 -5 (-6.9) Liberal 2,080,613 13.7 11 +1 Democrats (-1.2) Green Party 1,303,745 8.6 2 0 (+2.4) British 943,598 6.2 2 +2 National Party (+1.3) Scottish 321,007 2.1 2 0 National Party (+0.7) Plaid Cymru 126,702 0.8 1 0 (-0.1) Sinn Féin – – 1 0 Democratic – – 1 0 Unionist Party English 279,801 1.8 0 0 Democrats (+1.1) Christian 249,493 1.6 0 0 Party (+1.6) "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship"** Socialist 173,115 1.1 0 0 Labour Party (+1.1) No2EU - Yes 153,236 1.0 0 0 to Democracy (+1.0) Jury Team 78,569 0.5 0 0 (+0.5) United 74,007 0.5 0 0 Kingdom First (+0.5) Libertas 73,544 0.5 0 0 (+0.5) Independent - 50,014 0.3 0 0 Jan (+0.3) Jananayagam Pensioners 37,785 0.2 0 0 Party (+0.0) Mebyon 14,922 0.1 0 0 Kernow (+0.1)

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

Votes MEPs Party Total % Total +/- Animals 13,201 0.1 0 0 Count (+0.1) Scottish 10,404 0.1 0 0 Socialist Party (-0.3) Independent - 10,189 0.1 0 0 Duncan (+0.1) Robertson Independent - 9,916 0.1 0 0 Peter Rigby (+0.1) The Peace 9,534 0.1 0 0 Party (+0.0) Independent - 8,971 0.1 0 0 Katie Hopkins (+0.1) Fair Play Fair 7,151 0.0 0 0 Trade Party (+0.0) The Roman 5,450 0.0 0 0 Party (+0.0) Independent - 4,918 0.0 0 0 Steven (+0.0) Cheung Socialist Party 4,050 0.0 0 0 of Great (+0.0) Britain Independent - 3,621 0.0 0 0 Francis (+0.0) Apaloo Yes 2 Europe 3,384 0.0 0 0 (+0.0) Independent - 3,248 0.0 0 0 Sohale (+0.0) Rahman Independent - 1,972 0.0 0 0 Gene (+0.0) Alcantara Independent - 1,603 0.0 0 0 Haroon Saad (+0.0) Wai D 789 0.0 0 0 (+0.0)

Aviii Lists of candidates on BBC Online

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

For the European elections, BBC News Online, the Nations’ and English Regions’ websites (in close liaison with each other to ensure a consistent BBC wide approach) will publish a complete list of candidates in each European region, which can be referred to by programmes.


European Election In Northern Ireland 2014

Bi European Parliamentary Election in Northern Ireland

In the European election, Northern Ireland has a different electoral system from the rest of the UK – Single Transferable Vote. For this reason, all parties, irrespective of size and electoral support, have normally fielded only a single candidate for the three seats available.

The level of coverage given to political parties in Northern Ireland is based on: their performance at the last equivalent election (i.e. the 2009 European election) in terms of representation and share of the vote their performance in subsequent elections other evidence of current electoral support.

Bii Past Election Results

Northern Ireland – 2009 European Election

Electorate: 1,141,979 Turnout: 488,891 (42.81%)

Party share of first preference votes

Northern Ireland Scoreboard Pre-Election Data Turnout: 488,891 (42.81%) Electorate: 1,141,979 Electoral Quota 121,144 Seats: 3


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Party Votes Share% Change Transfer Total Transfer Total Steven Agnew Green 15,764 3.3 +2.4 - - - - TUV 66,197 13.7 4,284 70,481 - - Bairbre de Brún SF 126,184 26.0 -0.3 - - - - Diane Dodds DUP 88,346 18.2 -13.8 2,914 91,260 24,462 115,722

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

Alban Maginnes SDLP 78,489 16.2 +0.3 16,325 94,814 2,614 97,428 Jim Nicholson UCUNF 82,893 17.1 +0.5 11,392 94,285 37,942 132,227 Ian James Parsley AP 26,699 5.5 - - - - Elected Members Party Elected Bairbre de Brún SF Stage 1 Jim Nicholson UCUNF Stage 3 Diane Dodds DUP Stage 3

Biii Party Coverage for BBC Northern Ireland and broadcasts across the UK

This appendix to the guidelines applies primarily to coverage by BBC Northern Ireland, but applies with equal rigour where network programmes are covering the Northern Ireland aspect of the European election.

Taking account of the factors set out in Bi, the following parties will receive similar levels of coverage: the DUP, Sinn Fein, the SDLP and the UUP (who stood under the title: “Ulster Conservatives and Unionists” in 2009),

The Alliance Party and the TUV have also received significant levels of support and these parties will receive similar coverage proportionate to the larger four parties.

Other parties which have representation in the European Parliament, the House of Commons or the Northern Ireland Assembly should receive some coverage, proportionate to the larger parties. These include the Green Party, UKIP and NI21.

Other parties which stand a candidate, as well as independent candidates, will receive – as a minimum – coverage of their manifesto launch (or equivalent event).

Biv List of Candidates on BBC Online

For the European elections, BBC News Online and BBC Northern Ireland websites (in close liaison with each other to ensure a consistent BBC wide approach) will publish a complete list of candidates in Northern Ireland which can be referred to by programmes.

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014


Local Elections in England

Ci Party Coverage for Local Elections in England

The three largest parties in relation to the English local elections are Labour, the Conservatives and the Lib Dems.

In any coverage relating primarily to the council elections, these three parties will receive similar coverage.

There is some variation in support for other parties and independents in parts of England and regional and local output should take account of differing levels of past and current electoral strength in their areas.

Across England, the Green Party has some support in those parts of local government up for election and should receive some coverage proportionate to the larger parties. At last year’s local elections, UKIP won substantial electoral support and representation and should also, therefore, receive a similarly proportionate level of coverage.

Other parties which are standing candidates in at least one sixth of the seats available (either in England as a whole for network programmes or in particular areas for local and regional output), will receive some proportionate coverage.

Appropriate network news and current affairs programmes will cover, as a minimum, the manifesto launch (or equivalent event relating to the council elections) of all parties which are standing candidates in at least one sixth of the seats being contested.

Cii Independents

Independent candidates attract significant levels of support in many local elections and the audience will expect that to be reflected in relevant coverage. Independent candidates should be given proportionate coverage (up to similar levels to the larger parties in some wards or councils), where they have demonstrated:

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014 significant previous electoral support (eg are incumbents) there is evidence of significant current electoral support.

In addition, there wil be circumstances in which there is a possibility of No Overall Control within a council, meaning it will be editorially appropriate for any one or more independent candidates to receive more coverage, for instance, in the context of “coalition-building.”

Relevant output should also take into account the political context in which candidates are standing: for instance, where an Independent candidate indicates some support for a political party, or where a group of independents are acting together, whether or not on a common manifesto; the objective will be to ensure the audience is given clear and accurate information and that due weight is applied to the various political perspectives.

Further advice on coverage of independents is available from the Chief Adviser, Politics.

Ciii Lists of Candidates in Local Elections

For the local elections, where there is a report featuring candidates or parties in an electoral area (a ward or a whole council), it is the responsibility of the programme concerned to provide details of links to a website with a full and accurate list of candidates, or for that list to be part of the report.


Local Election in Northern Ireland

Di Party Coverage for Local Elections in Northern Ireland

Local elections were last contested in Northern Ireland in 2011 on the old local council structure. Parties which gained a substantial share of the vote and of representation were: the DUP, Sinn Fein, the UUP and the SDLP.

In any coverage relating primarily to the council elections, these four parties will receive similar coverage.

The Alliance Party also received significant support and representation and should receive some coverage proportionate to the larger parties.

Other parties which are standing candidates in at least one sixth of the seats available will receive some proportionate coverage.

Dii Independents

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Editorial Policy Election Guidelines: 11th April – 22nd May 2014

Independent candidates attracted significant levels of support in previous local elections and the audience will expect that to be reflected in relevant coverage. Independent candidates should be given proportionate coverage (up to similar levels to the larger parties in some wards or councils), where they have demonstrated:

• significant previous electoral support (eg are incumbents) • there is evidence of significant current electoral support.

In addition, there wil be circumstances in which there is a possibility of No Overall Control within a council, meaning it will be editorially appropriate for any one or more independent candidates to receive more coverage, for instance, in the context of “coalition-building.”

Relevant output should also take into account the political context in which candidates are standing: for instance, where an Independent candidate indicates some support for a political party, or where a group of independents are acting together, whether or not on a common manifesto; the objective will be to ensure the audience is given clear and accurate information and that due weight is applied to the various political perspectives.

Further advice on coverage of independents is available from the Chief Adviser, Politics.

Diii Lists of Candidates in Local Elections

For the local elections, where there is a report featuring candidates or parties in an electoral area (a ward or a whole council), it is the responsibility of the programme concerned to provide details of links to a website with a full and accurate list of candidates, or for that list to be part of the report.

Appendix E:

List of Appropriate Programmes for TV and Radio (tbc)

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