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THE WESTFIELD. LEADER Raym••D L D 8 The Leaciing a d Wiciely Circulated Weekly Newspaprr n Most in Union County THE14. WESTFIELD.WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY,'DECEMBER 18, 1918. LEADEROENTB 18 PAGES-6 OTWO BOYSGIVE INFLUENZA TOWN IN KXHT1'0H AUUI!\ISTitATOR EXCE LE NOT OVER L NT MUSIC ENTIRELY No Felt the Board Alarm Impartial institutionService is to Cowperthwaite L E of Health .. ·New Cases 'I'he established rule of this Offici­ P ANN D FOR XMAS &erve ALTJ are enstomers impartially and well, that whether your deposita ally Reported Killed Reporte d so Special Services the Churches to �mall or large you nrc your dealingll 8����� zn arP satisfaction in Raym••d L� ��d by assm·cd LIST N T COMPLETE PARENTS WATCH us. lHE O YET Mark Occasion the First CHILDREN with !'onu· in and get ucqnaintPd. Wr� n111intnin ��veral of horoughl,v re Westfield boys have giv­ Heports hal'o been of dPparlnwnts, nnd Two o t Christma ulJout fifty of Influenzareceiveu in town !•quippPd we an• coulident. that en theirm lives for their country. He­ s 1ri!l facilities of genuine, praatical value. ClU>es our of the deaths of Haymond Peace but tho Jnt uenza has not retumed yo11 iiud lnt!'rest especially welcomed. -portsClark and Harold Cowperthwaite in \Vo:;tfiel<ll in a serious uwnuer. deposits bee last days direase never left us nor entirel haveof fignh tireceived.n were The t Tho& I.Js iued There at o many rt'Jlortsy g w s I' I I 1 U . theit Is confidentlythe expected or ofthat all lrJUGlrA.TGI spreading as to the coutlitions here ·Westfield has a few SOLO AND CHOIR S eneumlJcnt and D uponand inus consequence to toll tho actual it Is conditions. }c> record. Of coursemore nothing casualties of a G1·eat preparations have lJeen nwdP !-!<'OR GO!l AN .todefin· ite ure h b e i ed tl by th churches, Sunday Schools and I'AHT Ul\!ANITY The epidemic of Influenza sui.Jsided ,,1_; e thenat followingas eHems,n rece v o i­ public schools fur the olJserv nce or 11 bemu�o the public assisted and co­ 'itbati e lng llymn, Glad­ n <' are Christmas this a Op u "As With t ev y means to elimi a e ln l e Old." he :rumorstha t New existenceJersoy boys and arebut unverl­ stheti l ce l nt programsyear, have and be ena t aearl!rr cln e>-ged h- theovern disease.ed lu Hegulatlonser were t tn r::.·��f for choir n . 2�--'l'll<'SHhe O(Chri stmas Su mmo lifted so that the pulJlic might live 4ed fro . l comprising solo. a d carol ns. IDI1r llrBtfirlbSQUARE QJrust !- ;w Wordbe hesrd m singing and sre as 3--A Hymn Pence. a normal life and lmmetllately they :;"c ·c was received from tho War I of BANK bounds of care and on t Ly Mrs. John follows: overstepped the Sa urday Clm�h 4-l!nisou Prayer of Dedicat . ion In consequence the number c '�'\Department.-:CTa:rk, 408 South tr e , of of ases The oldest bankl11g institution in Westfield. , s e t MONDAY,First DEC. lllotltlst 23, a 2:30 P. e t f l t W o ; t "ll o.u ! u S ar! e F - of Infl uenza has Increased. That In- · · of h l<Jlmer the BANK CLOSES er son, Corporal 1\1. 6--Iiymlow On " PROGRAM I<�OR XMAS PAHTY ., l crease has no been particularly � P. M. death lar d ed Haymondin acti n t "Welc ," . Hlarming In Its proportions us a whole ·Clark.2 7thCorporal. In his C lustk Jc.tteri home.o Recitation, o e . --Tim CA m . but tho closo location of the casos Ott. Oct. 8th, be had l1een ov r the, Teresa Cline p• 1n II- CHRISTMAS LL OUARDIAN So k . tlrovea that wo must rea er cure ,dat�dtw i e and In very severo flgehtln , ng, Twinkle w n le, Beth. Star UHO c ! T 6- TO Sl!JHVJCE h i · -The Primary Department: or tho disease will soon gasHutm he top bad come out without a ishagp. Play, "Children·� Goodi Time C r s t e t mas." Part e "Their Cllu <'e Christmas Story, alarming character that It had lu the btit though he was kil edm In the On i A " f . t L son f olll , Lands." Part "Away In a Ma n�er Jato al It ls b g drive In the !alterl days of es l' Foreign ' Two, "\Vhll C ild e leep." llecitaticns.Carol, . Influenzl a Is hi hly contagious ; .lilBtOeto ber.i o h r n S ' �: Solo, "That l?lrRt Xmas Morning." 7·---'l'iie Junior Depai'lment: disease that cuna ensgl!y ue controlled Carol, "c'oftly t Sleep ng" by tho SUNDAY, DIW. h e Night Is i publlr. rather thou bY tho 29 Hecltulion, "A Christmas Song." Health Department of any city or AFTERNOON 8·--Hesp town. lsolntlon or tho pnttont Is onsive Heading f our household Inventory (22 ages). or p secures fair ad­ lecltatlon, "Welcome," . 9-- from Two I•'ronts. the most esson!lul L�Onilltlon, and by JustmontD on'tn ovent of loss.Guess---Know Stmtl I 1t Jean Honsber;;c:· HI--Address.Storh'R that IIIC:tllt tltf! l • in of tho a!cl1 wL p � lfH Us�lc�H to for moro lnuurunco thun you could collect 1ong, Is "Twinkle, Twinkle, Bothlehelll --An ou·ering ror llw 1\:hq:- individual in their own room until loss [lilY If the " was total. Star, , . .... , . rln 11 \Vorlc\ tho physlclltll, attenderl . Hsllro unt hnslueNH to carry lnsurn !l o thun you need for ndoQUate lccltatlon, Where. thol' t'tl Y U{ltn. Ootl of llontH, rolensod!hiring theh)' Illness on who wlll (: Li1t1··• 11 protoction. 1l1ss Jesus,""0 ...... Hazel ' hy Child Is 12-llymJ,, "l.u�·cJ, .. car" nntl by no c·ru't. Kw u�o Pl'flJWI' e oPe your eyes nnrl enumerate everything In any one tecllatlon, "Christmas is Here,''So--:c·r \\'lHH'<' l'tll' Jlosc•, :'>:eV!>l' rvhtg." "11e dnrlng tho eour"o ofvlslteil tho dlsonRc. room\'ou In youlr homo Teresa 13----lleuedlctlon. On th'.l pnrt tho�e who urn woll' ,\u<l If you . have usto would ro ulr lolo, "Away In Manger," Ciitw tho 1luty<lf of not . HWOI'nyet l u ory �houltlof tho leaH. a tlre, tho adj r Q e a a . mo t l{atherlno Au· dovoll'o«thom clv or thoir !'xposln�to t hlH l1ooh snlvc•H I llo.'.y s nH This it is nhsolutoly free and will 3rocesslonal, "Oh, Como ll in I' ( A ,ch!ldro11 uny d 'l't·iuii nwans to ad ress UHlroquoHt, JII'Ohlnm, 1 be qent '\'(1 Spel'ittl pe:·ml�"ion hafl nnt · Faithful. 'hllt'('h, I'I'- - or1to tuuy calling other nponcontugeon. tho sick That uud not U[JOil . O'Connl -�arol, "'I11e l�lrst Noel." J wonor, I travclllnt� tha n noeeRsary. " 111ot·o Jmmiii'Y IH Inve-ntory month. �arol, An els 1rrom tho He:dm ed li� H\. He;tlw J. Nc•wulrJ.k , D.,to 'J'horoun1 too many fo11rlIH pnro11tH who of d Glory," :til rectum i g Bishop lJin• <'SOMidn of ght l\la�s are takl11� children who nn1 not In 1 s. • eadlng ....... Miss Ruth llohlen this Christmato ILl\'<l t e best of health on shopping tours. 'Jarol, "It Camo Upon the lloly Trinity Mh ny of those children are not YElt l l\fl!lnight Tile }c'all:lfo ··enlrtmlo at actuullyn Ill but nre in a highly ln- nil Mussws: nt 12:05 \ntheClear."m, "Though Poor Bothe Chnm- wilMitlnillhtl lle f ctlou tate, spr adi n a ion u. m e ng co t ber." (Solo). Miss Jessie Winters which wlll !Je a Solemn Mass with.; umonge st she well child en wellg as h t Carol, "Hark, the Herald full c oir; Low Masses a pttrents. The Westfieldr Honsn lth Do- Sorr)'" " 16 an t 10:30 In Sing ,\ngeiH d High Mas,; a 7:15, I!:15, . pnrtmont asks tho co�'peratlon of the "Bettor bo htsluml Hum . Winifred Grant !l:Tho mus cal pro�ram: a. e o Reading, .... Miss p ople of Westfield in stamping ut 214 IMST DllOAD S1'HEET " le Prelude: iBodle Chrlstus Nntus t Jolo, Oh Little Ton of B eth hem," Ea . Influenza rupi!Jly. "I•rotA!ctlng WosUleld Jli'O[Il'l'ty tor noa Al Winters Bruno Oscar Klein's Mass o the r m�\v'����t' Miss lee f Stop tnltlng tho kltldles to the Jarg!l l)' $81000,000.00 , Recessional, "Silent Night." Nativity of Ou rendered cities to do tho Christmas shoi>PIIlg. Kyrlo Eleleon:r Lord willSolo, b e �'Iorence. Ecpeclally at this time, tho Board of • Congregational H tma , 1 a n and cbolr. Health feels It to be Its duty to su - ,,_,;, · · Dit :.:: : ; MORNING SERVICE AT 10:30 Chrr isto Elelson, Duet, Julius tus gest to the parents that horo Is g t a , , , Raymond Clark wus the second boy , ifr da g r ch d r 'i Or an and Win ed Eller. real element of n e to the il on -to enlist In Co, 2nd: g Prelude. ; Gloria In Excelsis !Jeo, r tn h e h r ce i m .. Her- gnu e t natural contamination t at ox- .�l::':�:Reg :·In lment,Westtleld war w s deK,la red. P o ss on l Hy Hark, the a c �: Ch r h crowd.
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