Stinging Nettle Caterpillar

Any new infestations of stinging nettle To report new infestations caterpillar on Hawai‘i should be reported to the call the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture Stinging Nettle Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture (HDOA), On Hawai‘i, call HDOA at 974-4140, or the UH- Hilo, 974-4140, or the UH-CTAHR Beaumont CTAHR Beaumont Agriculture research Center, Agricultural Research Center, Hilo, 981-5194. 981-6194. On other islands, call HDOA at 973-9534 Caterpillar On other islands, call HDOA offices at 973-9530 (O‘ahu), 873-3555 (Maui), 274-3069 (Kaua‘i). (O‘ahu), 873-3555 (Maui), 274-3069 (Kaua‘i). pallivitta Authors Stacey Chun,1 Arnold Hara,1 Walter Nagamine,2 What to do if you are stung Patrick Conant,3 Clyde Hirayama,3 and Ruth Niino- DuPonte1 ¥ Avoid further contact with the caterpillar’s spines. Wash the area immediately with soap and water 1UH-CTAHR Beaumont Agricultural Research Center, ¥ Hilo; 2,3Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture, Plant Pest to reduce initial pain. Control Branch, 2Honolulu, 3Hilo. Photos of larva and ¥ An oral antihistamine may stop itching and predator wasps by W. Nagamine; other photos by S. Chun swelling. Darna pallivitta and A. Hara. ¥ Hydrocortisone cream may also stop itching and The nettle caterpillar is of major concern swelling. Caution: Pesticide use is governed by state and federal regulations. Read Get medical attention immediately if you the pesticide label to ensure that the intended use is included on it, and follow ¥ all label directions. because of its painful sting, voracious experience difficulty breathing or are stung in the eye. appetite, lengthy larval feeding stage ¥ Skin reactions vary from a red welt to severe References swelling lasting a couple of days. Cock, M.J.W., H.C.J. Godfray, and J.D. Holloway (eds). (2 months), high fecundity (480 eggs per 1987. Slug and nettle caterpillars. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. female), and wide host range. A heavy Conant P., A.H. Hara, L.M.Nakahara, R.A. Heu. Nettle infestation can defoliate a potted plant in caterpillar. New Pest Advisory No. 01-03 March 2002 (revision). Hawaii Department of Agriculture. just a few days. Nagamine, W. (In preparation). Biology of Darna pallivitta Moore. Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Plant Pest PEST Control Branch. ALERT tinging nettle caterpillar was first discovered in Hawai‘i in September, 2001, at a foliage S nursery in Pana‘ewa on the island of Hawai‘i. Nursery workers there experienced an unusual The caterpillar’s spiny burning and itching sensation on their skin after hairs release an irritant handling rhapis palms. Specimens sent to the on contact Smithsonian Institution were identified as Darna pallivitta Moore. The probably arrived from Taiwan and is also found in China, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In Hawai‘i, D. pallivitta has been found Harm to humans so far (Sept. 2005) only on the Big Island, with The nettle caterpillar’s stinging, spiny hairs have a physical Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, infestations radiating from the Pana‘ewa area in Hilo. effect on human skin similar to that of fiberglass. In addition, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/ Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa, Hono- Ultraviolet light traps set out island-wide by the the spines release an irritant (a mixture of histamines) lulu, Hawai‘i 96822. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing pro- grams and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, age, religion, Department of Health to monitor mosquito populations produced by a poison gland. The irritant causes the skin color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual have detected adult D. pallivitta in outlying to burn and itch. If spines get into the eyes, the irritation orientation, or status as a covered veteran. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site . Publication IP-22, Sept. 2005. Kea‘au as well as at the Hilo airport. can be acute; seek medical attention quickly. Identifying and Managing Stinging Nettle Caterpillars

Host Plants LIfe Cycle Control Methods

In Hawai‘i, the nettle caterpillar has been found on more Life cycle Physical control than 30 plants including palms, pasture and ornamental The nettle caterpillar’s life span from egg to adult is 75Ð The adult is instinctively attracted to light, so minimize grasses, weeds, and foliage plants. The nursery industry 99 days, depending on the number of larval stages outdoor lighting at night and use bug-zappers with has a very low tolerance for the nettle caterpillar—any (instars), which ranges from 8 to 11 (45Ð72 days total). ultraviolet bulbs to reduce the numbers of this pest. feeding by the larvae significantly damages and reduces Adult female and male moths live for approximately 10 Position the unit away from any potential host plants and the value of ornamental and landscape plants. Many of and 11 days, respectively. As the larvae develop over the under protected eaves, and place a bucket of soapy water the host plants are of high economic value for export and 7-day incubation period, the C-shaped embryos are directly beneath it to capture fallen moths. are common in residential and commercial landscaping. clearly visible. When the larvae are ready to pupate, they The pest has been observed to complete its life cycle migrate toward the base of the host plant to find protected Eggs Incubating Newly hatched Larva Cultural control on palms, including areca, fishtail, manila, rhapis, , crevices in dried leaves and overlapping plant parts, and larvae larvae Control weeds and modify landscape plantings to limit and ; it also reproduces on (cultivars they often pupate in clusters. The larva’s underside cater-pillar food availability. To avoid transporting the eggs, ‘Lisa’, ‘Compacta’, and Massangeana’) and on starfruit, ti, darkens to orange just before pupation. The prepupa spins which are difficult to detect, to new areas, don’t bring in , coffee, honohono grass, the beach pea (indigenous brown silk around itself, eventually forming a hardened known host plants from any infested area. 5 ) and the endemic mamaki. outer shell. The round cocoons are ⁄8 inch (16 mm) long, Biological control The caterpillar has been observed feeding (but not re- and pupation occurs within the cocoon after 5 days. producing) on many other plants, including bamboo orchid, HDOA staff discovered a locally established tricho- banana, ‘Pink Quill’ bromeliad, chickweed, Chinese star Eggs grammatid wasp depositing its eggs into D. pallivitta eggs, The female adult moth deposits eggs in small clusters, a Size of a larva relative Prepupa Pupa which provide a food source for the wasp larvae, which jasmine, cigar plant, rabbitsfoot fern, gardenia, glory bush to a quarter (), ‘Golden Glory’ perennial peanut, california- line, or singly, usually on the undersides of older leaves. eventually emerge as adults. This wasp, however, has 1 grass, hilograss, mondograss, napiergrass, vaseygrass, Eggs are flattened, transparent ovals, ⁄32 inch (0.8 mm) had only limited effect on the nettle caterpillar population 1 wainakugrass, guava, Koster’s curse, , maunaloa wide and ⁄16 inch (1.6 mm) long, appearing as a glassy on Hawai‘i. Therefore, HDOA has worked with researchers vine, , ponytail palm, red and shampoo gingers, sheen on the leaf surface that can easily be overlooked. in Indonesia and Taiwan to identify other biological control sleeping grass, Spanish clover (silverleaf desmodium), agents of D. pallivitta. Larva walking iris, , whaleback, and the endemics maile A parasitic wasp from Indo- and (data gathered by UH-CTAHR and HDOA). The larva can be up to 1 inch (25 mm) long and is covered with many rows of stinging spines. Larvae vary from white nesia (Nesolynx species), to light gray, with a dark longitudinal stripe down the back. lays many eggs in the cocoon of D. pallivitta but Prepupa, pupa Smaller larvae damage by Adult moth was rejected for release in Nesolynx Larvae begin feeding 2 days after hatching. Onset of feeding on the leaf surface, Hawai‘i because it is not pupation depends on food availability and environmental creating “window pane” effect. specific to the pest. Larvae conditions. The pupal period ranges from 17 to 21 days. of another wasp (Aroplec- trus dimerus) from Taiwan Adult are being evaluated; they The adult moth is approx- feed and develop on the 1 Aroplectrus imately ⁄2 inch (12.7 mm) nettle caterpillar, killing it. A long. The forewing is divided cytoplasmic polyhedrosis by a white diagonal marking, virus found infecting D. with the upper portion rust- pallivitta larvae in Waiakea colored and the lower portion has potential to help lighter brown; the hind wings Adults, resting control heavy infestations. trichogrammatid are uniform light brown. wasp These nocturnal moths have Chemical control not been observed feeding. Some pesticides (pyrethroid, organophosphate, carbamate, Mating begins about two days and microbial types including Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt) after emergence. During the are effective against the larval stage of the nettle caterpillar. day they are inactive and Consult a UH-CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service agent retreat into vegetation, or an agricultural products professional for help in choosing usually in an upside-down, Damage by feeding of large larvae on (clockwise from upper Larvae often pupate in clusters in sheltered spots at the an insecticide. left) rhapis, coconut, dracaena, mondograss, and ti. base of the host plant. perching position. Male Female