Site guidelines for land-based tourist-visited sites


64˚41’S, 62˚38’W

Located in the northern Errera Channel

Sensitivity: Low to moderate, depending on conditions.

Key features The largest colony in the .

Description This rocky island lies in the northern Errera Channel between Rongé Island and Arctowski Peninsula. Nearly vertical cliffs surround the island except on its northern coast, which has a narrow cobble beach. South and southwest of the beach is a gently sloping apron of bedrock extending to the base of the island’s cliffs. Barren, rocky areas on the apron and at higher elevations provide nesting sites for gentoo penguins. The apron’s snow cover may be extensive (perhaps extending into January).

Wildlife Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua), (Macronectes giganteus), kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), Antarctic tern (Sterna vittata), snowy sheathbill (Chionis alba), blue-eyed shag (Phalacrocorax atriceps), Wilson’s storm-petrel (Oceanites oceanicus), skuas (Catharacta spp.), snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea), and pintado petrel (Daption capense) are confirmed breeders. Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) and Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) may haul out on the beach, and leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx) often hunt inshore. The plants Deschampsia , Xanthoria spp., Buellia spp., Caloplaca spp., other crustose lichen species, Usnea spp., and swards of moss species are present. The gentoo penguin colony of >4,400 breeding pairs is the largest for this species in the Antarctic Peninsula.

Visitor pressure Cuverville Island is frequently visited. Over thirteen years, 1989-02, this site experienced the 3rd highest number of zodiac landings from ship-visits in the Antarctic Peninsula and the 3rd highest number of visitors in such landings, averaging 41 zodiac landings and 3,265 visitors per season. Peak visits occurred in the 1999-2000 season, with 63 zodiac landings and 4,908 visitors. On a low or falling tide, this site has low sensitivity to potential environmental disruptions. Adequate visitor space, restricted zones, seasonal limitations on visit time per 24 hours and numbers of visitors ashore, and distance and other limitations for approaching wildlife and flora should assist visitors in avoiding disruptions. However, with a high tide, heavy snow cover, or when the shoreline is packed with ice, which crowd penguins, visitor space is more restricted and guided, well-spaced groups should be used to avoid disruptions. Gentoo penguins nesting on the bedrock apron adjacent to the landing beach and at higher elevations are easily approached and disturbed, especially in November and early December when adults will be incubating eggs; thereafter, adults will be guarding and feeding chicks at the nest, then in crèche. Patches of the grass Deschampsia antarctica are readily accessed and may be easily trampled. If snow has melted, the extensive swards of moss on ridges and slopes above the main beach, especially on top of the island, are readily accessed and may be easily trampled. Skuas nesting on ridges and slopes above and west of the main beach are easily accessed and disturbed, particularly, later in the season (from mid- January) when adults are fiercely protecting young. Steep, uphill slopes and ridges may be snow or ice covered, crevassed, wet, and slippery. Snow cornices on the shoreline and at higher elevations are unstable and treacherous, and should not be approached.

Visitor code of conduct Preferred landing area. The cobble beach on the northern end of the island. There is another, very small beach to the east that provides a major access route to the sea for penguins. However, this is too small to accommodate both penguins and visitors, and should be avoided.

Restricted zones. A Small beach where gentoo penguins access the sea. B Cliff edges and high ridges.

Seasonal limitations. During the penguins’ breeding season (November- February), total visit time per 24 hours, all ships included, should not exceed eight hours ashore, where practicable.* Thereafter, the penguins disperse to sea, the risk of disruptions lessens, and the limit on visit time per 24 hours is unnecessary.

Ship limitations. Confined to vessels with visitor capacities of 500 or fewer.

Preferred numbers of visitors ashore. No more than 100 at any time, exclusive of expedition guides and leaders.

Preferred walking routes. Visitors should proceed along the coastline, south, southwest, and northeast from the landing beach. When high tide, ice, snow cover, or concentrations of penguins restrict visitor space, visits should be strictly controlled by organizing guided and well-spaced groups, with everyone following the same path.

Distance and other limitations for approaching wildlife and flora, and avoiding potential hazards. Maintain a precautionary distance of 5 metres from nesting gentoo penguins, increasing this distance if necessary and as appropriate, to avoid changing the birds’ behaviour. At all times, walk slowly and carefully when near nesting, crèching, or molting penguins, and give penguins the right-of-way. Do not impede penguins’ access to and from the water. If there is extensive snow cover, avoid — and do not walk in or block — trails that penguins have made through the snow. Avoid and stay clear of skua territories. If subjected to any aerial attacks by skuas, retreat by retracing steps that have been taken. Avoid and stay clear of any nesting terns. Avoid and stay clear of Antarctic fur seals; these may be aggressive, and should be given a wide berth and not approached.

* The hours ashore provisions apply only to passenger ships. A passenger ship is defined as a vessel which carries more than 12 passengers. Visits to higher ground inland should be controlled by using organised, guided groups, with everyone following the same path. Guides should ensure that trampling of moss and lichen swards is avoided. Stay clear of — and do not walk on — high cliff edges, inland ridges, and snow cornices. Wandering unsupervised should not be allowed.