Key Figures Key Vocabulary -First Dog in Space. An object that orbits a Space flight A journey through space. planet or moon. Orbit a repeating path that one Launched To send a space craft on its object in space takes course or journey around another a force which tries to pull A rocket launched Gravity Space shuttle Ham the Chimp- First Chimpanzee in space. two objects toward each able to land and make repeated other journeys between the earth and Apollo 11 was space the space flight that sent the first Space the area that contains Space A large artificial satellite used the entire universe as a long term base for two people to station the moon beyond the earth- outer manned operations or missions Yuri Gagarin- First man in space space. in space

Valentina Tereshkova- First woman in space. Key events The was between and the USA October 1957 Russia sends the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth 1

November 1957 Russia sends the first dog into orbit (Laika) Sputnik 2

January 1961 USA sends the first chimpanzee into space (Ham) Mercury- Neil Armstrong – The first man on the moon Redstone April 1961 Russia completes the first human space flight (Yuri Gagarin) Vostok 1

June 1961 Russia sends the first woman into space (Valentina Vostok 6 Tereshikova) USA wins the race with the first man on the moon (Neil June 1969 Apollo 11 - NASA Armstrong)