Assembly Communicator

For the Young at Heart January 2020 Homeward Bound! A Living Snowman (continued from December)

Last month we read about a young Korean boy, Kim Bin Lin. Kim wanted to purchase a Bible with a big bag of beans he had saved. He had traveled alone over the mountain pass under extremely bad weather conditions. When he arrived at his destination he was covered with snow. His face was icy cold, but it also glowed with excitement. His legs were stiff from the cold, because his clothes were heavy with ice and snow. He walked very slowly toward the man who was selling the Bibles. Kim said “I want to buy a Bible with these beans. May I have one?” “Yes, you certainly may have a Bible,” answered the man. “Now tell me, how did you find your way in this storm?” “I lost the trail a couple of times. Once I nearly fell over the edge. The path was so slippery and narrow; I could hardly find it because of the snow. I was afraid I wouldn’t get here in time. I hurried as much as I could, because this was my only chance to get a Bible.” Kim got his Bible. He stayed in the building until the blizzard was over. Then a very happy Kim started for home. He carefully carried the well-wrapped Book for which he had risked so much. He was taking I have a wonderful treasure; home the Word of God! The gift of God without measure; How many of us who have a We will travel together; Bible in our home prize it the way My Bible and I. Kim did? We will we stop to think about its wonderful message. I have a wonderful Savior, It explains how God loves us so He took me into His favor, much that He sent the Lord Jesus, Governs all my behavior, the only Son He had, to go Since I made Him mine. through an awful death. He died for us so that we can be free from the burden of sin. The Bible also shows us how we can live to please the Lord Jesus. Something else it tells us is that He is coming back very soon, maybe even today, to take everyone to heaven who have believed on Him as their Lord and Savior. HAVE YOU ASKED THE LORD JESUS TO TAKE AWAY YOUR SINS SO THAT YOU CAN GO TO HEAVEN TOO? How wonderful it is to have a copy of God’s Word! ARE YOU READING IT EVERY DAY? A Meeting On A Corner

On a recent Lord’s Day evening, I was at a street corner looking for a streetcar that could take me to a certain meeting I wished to attend. A young boy about twelve years old stood near and, desiring not to make a mistake, I asked him about which streetcar I Image from Google Images should take. He answered very politely, so after thanking him, I offered him a couple of tracts. One had the title, “The Precious Blood of Christ,” and the other, “The Best of Men Before the Throne of God.” He looked at their titles, then started to return them, saying: “I don’t care for them.” “Why not?” I asked. “Because I don’t belong to the same church that you do,” he answered. “How do you know this?” I asked. “Why, are you a Catholic?” “I belong to the Roman Catholic church.” “I once knew a young lady,” said I, “who also belonged to the Roman Catholic church. She knew that I had given tracts to some of her companions who were not Catholics, and she asked me one day if I would give her some. I then gave her several that spoke of the blood of Christ as the only way to be saved. The next day she told me that the blood of Christ, of which those tracts spoke, was her constant meditation. Now, John,” said I (he had told me his name), “there is but one true Church. It is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, of which He is the Head. There isn’t any other mentioned in the Bible. All true Christians are members of that one and only Church. The only way you can come into this Church of Jesus Christ is by having your sins washed away through His precious blood shed on Calvary.” “That’s so,” said John, “but do you believe in the Virgin Mary?” “I believe exactly as she did,” I answered. “In the Gospel of Luke she is recorded as saying: ‘My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.’” John was familiar with the words and repeated them with me. “You see, John,” I said, “Mary rejoiced in God her Savior, who was our Lord Jesus Christ. And so do I. I can call Him God my Savior. He was God’s own Son, having come down from heaven to save sinners like you and me. He bore our sins and shed His blood on the cross to save us.” “Yes,” answered John. “He saved the thief on the cross, didn’t He? Our Lord said to the thief who trusted Him, ‘Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with Me in paradise.’ “You see, John, that thief didn’t have time to do any good works in order to be saved. He trusted in the Lord Jesus just as he was, and was saved right there on the cross where he was. Remember, Jesus said, ‘Today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.’ So, when we put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, His blood cleanses us and we are saved. There is a verse in your Catholic Bible in St. John, chapter 5, verse 24, that reads like this: ‘Amen, amen, I say unto you, that he who heareth My Word, and believeth Him that sent Me, hath life everlasting, and cometh not into judgment, but is passed from death unto life.’ These are the words of our blessed Lord. They show that as soon as we believe what He has said and put our trust in Him, we are saved. No works of ours need to be added. Only just come to Him, sinners as we are, and put our trust in Him.” I had a long talk on the car that evening with my young acquaintance, who seemed to know quite a little about God’s precious Son. Dear reader, like John, being a member of this or that church or assembly cannot make us fit for heaven. “There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved” than Jesus, the Son of God. The one way to God is through His Son, Jesus Christ, and the only way to be free from our sins and the judgment for them, is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. His blood alone can cleanse us from our sins. Adapted from: The Children’s Hour - 1962

Find and circle the word Salvation

Can you find the word 25 times?

Happy New Year to all!

May the Lord give you Peace and Joy.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6 NKJV Code Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 A B C D E F 2 G H I J K L 3 M N O P Q R 4 S T U V W X 5 Y Z

Using the above chart, write the letter above the numbers in the list below to spell out 2 Bible verses. Use the Red numbers down the left side first. Example 11 =A and 34 = P - Verses are in NKJV

-42--22--15--36--15--16--33--36--15-, /// -23--16- /// -11--32--51--33--32--15- /// -23--41- /// -23--32- /// -13--22--36--23--41--42-, /// -22--15- /// -23--41- /// -11- /// -32--15--45- /// -13--36--15--11--42--23--33--32-; /// -33--26--14- /// -42--22--23--32--21--41- /// -22--11--44--15- /// -34--11--41--41--15--14- /// -11--45--11--51-; /// -12--15--22--33--26--14-, /// -11--26--26- /// -42--22--23--32--21--41- /// -22--11--44--15- /// -12--15--13--33--31--15- /// -32--15--45-. /// -16--33--36- /// -23--32- /// -13--22--36--23--41--42- /// -24--15--41--43--41- /// -32--15--23--42--22--15--36- /// -13--23--36--13--43--31--13--23--41--23--33--32- /// -32--33--36- /// -43--32--13--23--36--13--43--31--13--23--41--23--33--32- /// -11--44--11--23--26--41- /// -11--32--51--42--22--23--32--21-, /// -12--43--42- /// -11- /// -32--15--45- /// -13--36--15--11--42--23--33--32-. Editors: Richard & Ruth Spiering É Phone & Fax: 619.501.1959 email: [email protected] É Website: