Building a thriving community by uniting people, ideas and resources. 2018-2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

OFFICERS Adriana Kong Romero Joel Rohlik, Board Chair Merrill Lynch Arizona Daily Star Mary Rowley, APR Edmund Marquez, Vice Chair NüPoint Marketing Edmund Marquez Agencies Calline K. Sanchez Jennifer J. Phillips, Treasurer IBM Jennifer J. Phillips, CPA, PLLC Jean Savage G. Alfred Kennedy, Secretary Caterpillar, Inc. Independent Business Owner, Author Paul Stapleton-Smith, PALF Chair R. Tony Penn, President & CEO (ex-officio) Pima Area Labor Federation /AFL - CIO United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona Howard N. Stewart, Immediate Past Chair AGM Container Controls Heath Vescovi-Chiordi MEMBERS Town of Marana Lillian Brantley-Thompson Community Volunteer Collette Brown-Rodriguez PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL Freeport-McMoRan Jim & Vicki Click Steven Dasch Cole & Jeannie Davis Citi Allan Norville Linda Drake Larry & Laurie Wetterschneider Trailblazer Advisors Allison Duffy Silverado Technologies CAMPAIGN CABINET Neal Eckel, Board Development Chair Steven Dasch, Campaign Chair Durazzo, Eckel & Hawkins, PC Neal Eckel Board Frank R. Grijalva Development Committee Chair International Brotherhood of Joel Rohlik, Board Chair Electrical Workers Howard Stewart, Tocqueville Chair Lee D. Lambert, JD Addie Liening, Audit & Ethics Chair Pima Community College Addie L. Liening, Audit & Ethics Chair Leidos Jill Malick Wells Fargo Catherine D. Merrill, Women United Chair The University of Arizona Robert D. Ramirez Vantage West Credit Union Allen F. Reid Raytheon Catherine E. Ries TEP Dr. Robert C. Robbins The University of Arizona

02. Imagine. Innovate. Improve.

While most of us were taught early in our careers that there’s no I in TEAM, these three “I”s played a central role in the work that was done at our United Way in 2019.

A team-based approach to addressing community challenges requires imagining what’s possible, innovating with fresh ideas, and continually improving the process- es that connect our programs with the individuals and families that can benefit from them, from early childhood education to end of life care planning.

The needs of our community are diverse. So must be our work to meet them. This comes with a shared understanding that last year’s solutions won’t address this year’s challenges, and I’m proud to say that our United Way continues to evolve alongside the needs of our community to meet people where they are. Joel Rohlik When we look back at 2019, we see several examples of how our work has met the 2018-2019 changing needs of a dynamic community. Board Chair

Imagine: We set out to make the 20th Annual Days of Caring the most impactful yet. To do so, we needed to think outside of the box and imagine new possibilities for com- munity improvement. This led to more than 3,800 volunteers completing 135 projects for our local community, including a community mural in the historic downtown Barrio Viejo.

Innovate: In 2014, our VITA team sought to innovate how we bring free tax services to hard-to-reach populations. Valet VITA was born and has since become a highly re- garded model that has inspired United Ways and community organizations around the globe. This year, our team packaged and developed Valet VITA into a usable Toolkit that enables the program to be deployed globally.

Improve: The Arizona End of Life Care Partnership (EOLCP) anchored at our United Way aims to improve the way we live by fundamentally changing the way we talk about death. Today, the Partnership has become a national model with more than 254 Steven Dasch stakeholders, 14 grantees, and 24 Investing Partners. The EOLCP currently manages 2018-2019 $3.9M in grants and is a thriving collaboration of community organizations, national Campaign Chair coalitions, healthcare organizations, educational institutions, and interested individu- als who are passionate about making sure that people receive the care they desire at the end of life.

As you review our 2019 annual report, you’ll see many more examples of where these “Is” have thrived. Going back to the old adage, the “I”s can’t survive without a dedicated team of staff, volunteers, community partners, investors, and the other stakeholders that make our work so rewarding. That includes you. And even though there’s no U in TEAM, you’re absolutely part of our story that we’ve been blessed to tell every year.

Thank you for your support!

Tony Penn President & CEO


At United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, we transform individual lives and bring long-lasting, system- atic change to our community by focusing on underlying key issues. We fight for quality education, financial sta - bility and healthy communities for every person, in every stage of life, in Tucson and Southern Arizona. Our role as community convener enables us to form strategic part- nerships, mobilize the best resources and be the catalyst for needed positive change.

MISSION: Building a thriving community by uniting people, ideas and resources.

VISION: A community where every child receives a high-quality education from cradle to career, every adult has the op- portunity to thrive financially and in the workplace, and every older person can retire and age with dignity and independence. OUR CORE VALUES: Accountable, Collaborative, Community-Oriented, Inclusive, Respectful, Results-Focused, Service-Oriented, Transparent

04. United Way goes beyond temporary fixes to create lasting change in our community. We convene people and organizations to find innovative solutions that positively impact more than 155,000 lives in Southern Arizona every year.


United Way’s Community Impact 60% 51% 50%

40% 30% 19% 30%


10% Families and Individuals 0 Older People Children, Youth & Caregivers



Collective Impact occurs when organi- zations from different sectors agree to unite together to solve complex prob- lems using a structured form of collab- oration. United Way provides the space and structure to support these efforts and dedicated staff to guide the vision and strategic development to work to- ward large-scale social change right here in Tucson and Southern Arizona. United Way’s efforts help to align ac- tivities and establish shared measure- ment practices to build best practices, leading to the most community-aligned and robust programs and services.

United Way’s Collective Impact Fund supports more than 155,000 residents in Tucson and Southern Arizona from birth to end of life. United Way is fo- cused on generational success and supporting local residents through the entire lifecycle.

07. BIRTH CAREER EDUCATION FINANCIAL ST PROGRAM BREAKDOWN FINANCIAL ST Improve employment and financial security outcomes of adults for lifelong well-being. EDUCATION Improve educational and life outcomes for children, youth and young adults by advancing equity and excellence in education. 25% 6% 11% 36%


27% Family & Y & Income Suppor

Operation United: Early Literacy Opportunity Youth Supporting Veter Teacher & Provider Education Quality Early Learning

Family Support & Education


FINANCIAL STABILITY Improve employment and financial security outcomes of adults for lifelong well-being. HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Improve quality of living and dying for older people.


75% 52%

32% amily & Youth Stability & Income Supports

Operation United: End of Life Care Services Older Adult Core Supporting Veterans Support Services Volunteer Services

09. EDUCATION 200,000 United Way improves educational and life outcomes for children, youth and young adults from Birth to BOOKS Career, by advancing equity and excellence in edu- cation. Every step in a child’s life lays the foundation for future success. Together with our partners, we’re working on a variety of education programs and ini- tiatives. Cradle to Career (C2C) is a partnership of leaders GIVEN TO CHILDREN TO BUILD from both the education and business sectors in THEIR PERSONAL LIBRARIES Pima County who are using data to improve educa- tional outcomes. The Family Support Alliance pro- vides at-risk families the parenting resources they need to raise healthy and engaged children. The Great Expectations Program offers free profession- al development to early childhood educators. Read On Tucson provides support to seven local school districts to improve third grade reading scores. The Quality First Redesign program aims to increase 732 the access of high quality programs to families with FAMILIES RECEIVED GUIDANCE children birth to age 5. FOR RAISING AND NURTURING THEIR CHILD AT HOME



When Izzy first started reading in school, -it be came clear that she was falling behind the rest My Summer Library of her classmates and that her reading compre- hension was not where it should be. Izzy’s parents knew they needed help at this critical point in her education to keep her engaged and excited about school. United Way’s My Summer Library and Par- ents as Teachers programs provided the books and tools they needed to get Izzy on the path to succeeding in school. Through these programs, Izzy was able to self-select twelve free books that she found personally engaging to keep and read over the summer to improve her skills and prevent summer learning loss. Now, at ten, Izzy will be the first to tell you how much she loves to read. Izzy told us that when she grows up, she wants to be a special education teacher so she can help other kids gain confidence in their learning abilities.

Quanisha (Quan) and Aubrey have been lifelong residents of Southern Tucson. While Quan was working hard earning a degree from the Eller Col- lege at The University of Arizona, she was able to enroll Aubrey into the Easter Seals education- al program supported in part by United Way of Tucson. This mother-daughter team of academ- ic achievers found the community support they needed to create an educational foundation nec- essary for success. Quan hopes to help others along their journey as well, “Education excites me because it’s the foundation of how we grow as individuals and has some of the greatest op- portunities for change. I think the idea of sustain- able change within communities of need is key. It’s easy to provide short term answers but the harder question is how to make changes sustain- able across generations. I think United Way goes Family Support beyond temporary fixes to create lasting change in our community.” 11. FINANCIAL STABILITY

United Way’s Financial Stability programs support hardworking, low-wage earners in our community from Career to Retirement. 16,200 Programs and partnerships are focused on low-income IN ARIZONA improving employment and financial security working families RECEIVED for lifelong well-being. FREE TAX The VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assis- PREP tance) program provides free tax preparation to households earning up to $66,000. The Siemer Family Stability Program, in partner- ship with Our Family Services and the Siemer Institute, seeks to help families in crisis sta- bilize and position themselves to improve their quality of life. Prosperity in Schools, in partnership with the Community Schools Ini- tiative, Higher Ground, and AmeriCorps, helps connect families to human service resources in the community. FAMILIES 436 & INDIVIDUALS RECEIVED SERVICES TO HELP IMPROVE 24.4 MILLION FINANCIAL STABILITY IN FEDERAL REFUNDS RETURNED TO LOW-INCOME ARIZONA RESIDENTS 343 HOMELESS VETERANS PROVIDED WITH SUPPORT AND RESOURCES

12. CAREER RETIREMENT Valet VITA The Valet VITA program is an innovative service program developed by United Way of Tucson that has received national recognition. Valet VITA is a model that uses technology to bring free tax preparation to almost any setting. It has been ad- opted by partners across Arizona and the . This development enables VITA services to be brought to schools, the workplace and some of the most remote areas of the country. Rae Pi- larski, Director of Financial Stability at United Way of Tucson, completed and published a VALET Vita Toolkit and workbook in 2019 to ensure ALL United Way and other low income tax services across the country can utilize this innovative and vital service.

Tri moved from Vietnam to Tucson when he was thirteen years old. While going to classes at Pima Community College to become a tax preparer, Tri began volunteering with United Way’s VITA Pro- gram as a tax preparer and was able to gain valu- able experience helping hardworking, low-wage earners receive the highest tax return available to their circumstances. In Tri’s words, “By volunteer- ing as a tax preparer, United Way has given me the opportunity to work individually and in a team to gain experience for my future career. This experi- ence has given me a chance to make a difference in our community. United Way seeks to promote equity and excellence in education, financial stabil- ity and healthy communities through their import- ant programs.” VITA Volunteer 13. HEALTHY COMMUNITIES ELDER ALLIANCE United Way’s Healthy Communities work focuses on improving quality of life for older people in Tucson and Southern Arizona, from Retirement to End of Life. United Way’s ELDER Alliance is a broad collabo- ration of nonprofit organizations, businesses, government agencies, community partners and age 50+ residents. Through its dedicated action teams, the ELDER Alliance has established a strong system to support the rapidly growing older adult population, allowing older people to stay healthy longer, remain active and involved, and maintain maximum independence.

END OF LIFE CARE PARTNERSHIP The Arizona End of Life Care Partnership (EOLCP) formally be- gan in July 2017 subsequent to major funding by the David and Lura Lovell Foundation and Community Foundation for South- ern Arizona. EOLCP is a collaborative partnership, anchored at 7,704 United Way, dedicated to creating a comprehensive network of end of life care support and resources in Tucson and South- SENIORS SERVED ern Arizona. Today, the EOLCP has become a national model that has grown to more than 254 stakeholders, 14 grantees, THROUGH PROGRAMS and 24 Investing Partners. Currently, the partnership manages $3.9M in grants and is a thriving collaboration of communi- ty organizations, national coalitions, healthcare organizations, educational institutions, and interested individuals who are passionate about making sure that people receive the care they desire at the end of life. The mission of the EOLCP is to 3,963 enhance the way we live by fundamentally changing the way we talk about death. EOLCP community partners provide di- SENIORS rect services, including advance care planning workshops that GIVEN TOOLS TO PLAN FOR END emphasize the importance of identifying a trusted person to OF LIFE THROUGH WORKSHOPS serve as a healthcare proxy; hospice and palliative services; AND COACHING SESSIONS education and events that honor diverse cultures, faiths, and communities; bereavement and grief support for children and adults; assisted living; and information about end-of-life care resources in the community. More at azendoflifecare.org. HELPED 12,728 SENIORS ACTIVE SENIOR REMAIN AT HOME 3,566 VOLUNTEERS WITH SUPPORTIVE SERVICES 14. RETIREMENT END OF LIFE

Lavina has been a Tucson resident for the past 47 years and is passionate about equal rights for all. Senior Advocates Lavina volunteers with the ELDER Alliance and for Senior Pride, both United Way of Tucson partner organizations. Both organizations offer inclusive equality and effective support for older popula- tions, providing volunteer services from advocacy and health care to education and housing. It is our collective hope that all older adults thrive and play an active role in shaping livable communities for all ages in Pima County. While working with United Way, Lavina has been able to gain insight, support and confidence as she works to enrich the lives of elders. She knows that “Living United means we live with the values of diversity, inclu- sion, equality and effective support and hopes that our community will continue to unite all of its di- verse people for the benefit of all.”Lavina is show- ing that by Living United we can create a thriving Southern Arizona Community.

Most people find it difficult to talk about death, yet it is the one common thread we all share. Whether it is the loss of a pet, a colleague, a friend, a neighbor, a sibling, a parent, a partner, a spouse, or a child, all humans are irrefutably unified by end of life. Each day, the Arizona End of Life Care Partnership, anchored at United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, inter- acts with fellow Arizonans: stakeholders, in- vestors, grantees, partners, employees of local companies, students, volunteers, educators, health care providers, board members, and colleagues. Time and again, the conversation shifts from conceptual to personal in a matter of minutes as people share their own experi- ence with death and loss. As we listen to these stories, our resolve toward our mission to en- hance the way we live by fundamentally chang- End of Life Care ing the way we talk about death is fortified.



United Way of Tucson’s Days of Caring is South- ern Arizona’s single largest volunteer event. Every year, thousands of people from area businesses, schools and community groups lend their time, talents and energy to volunteer for projects that make a difference in our community. Last year, United Way partnered with Eller College Make a Difference Day, Community Gardens of Tucson, KOLD News 13 and several generous sponsors to make the 20th Annual Days of Caring a great success. Through this event, United Way put 3,823 volunteers from community groups and business- es to work on 135 projects, including events, col- lection drives, landscaping, renovations and other projects that benefit Southern Arizona. Volunteers brought 13,976 hours of community service to the community. BUSINESS BREAKFAST

The 15th annual Business Leaders Breakfast for Early Education, hosted by United Way’s Women United, brings together hundreds of business lead- ers and educators to raise awareness and funds for early childhood education. Educated workers are critical to the 21st century workforce and the health of our local economy. In 2019, more than 750 influential business and community leaders attended the event and more than $100,000 was raised for early childhood literacy. Studies show that children who read proficiently by the end of third grade are more likely to succeed academi- cally and graduate from high school prepared for college and careers. Currently, 47% of children in Pima County are not reaching this crucial bench- mark. The Business Breakfast targets this issue that affects all of us and the future of Tucson and Southern Arizona.


United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizo- na has partnered with Points of Light, the world’s largest organization dedicated to volunteer service, and the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family to offer nonprofit organizations access to the Service Enter- prise Initiative (SEI). The SEI is a national pro- gram that provides training and certification to selected nonprofits committed to imple- menting exemplary volunteer management practices to achieve their missions. To date, United Way has supported six local organi- zations in obtaining their certification with four more on track to complete certification in 2020. During 2019, three organizations were certified as Service Enterprises after completing more than 40 hours of training and coaching provided by United Way. A training/coaching team of six was formed and they helped another four organizations begin their journey to certification VOLUNTEER CENTER

Volunteering is at the core of United Way’s mission. We rely on an army of volunteers who donate their time and talents in support of our goal to create lasting change in our region. In 2019, 168 volunteers were recruit- ed, trained, and deployed at eight United Way VITA free tax preparation sites and 9 Valet VITA “pop-up” sites, a seasonal workforce that generated over $3 million in refunds for low-income individuals and families and nearly $5 million in economic impact for Pima County. We also host an online community hub for volunteering (volunteer. unitedwaytucson.org), aimed at matching community members with various volunteer opportunities throughout Tucson and South- ern Arizona. We work with our corporate partners to coordinate special volunteer op- portunities tailored to their needs. 17. 2018 - 2019 CORPORATE SPONSORS AGM Container Controls, Inc. Northern Trust Andrews Family Foundation Pima Area Labor Federation A COMMUNITY UNITED Association for Supportive Child (PALF)/AFL-CIO Care Pima Community College Bank of America Pima Community College Barrio Co. Presidents & Provost Bayer Rick Engineering Company BeachFleischman Silverado Technologies BMO Harris Bank Simply Bits Caterpillar, Inc. Southern Arizona Arts & Cultural CBRE Alliance (SAACA) Citi Startup Tucson Cox TENWEST Desert Diamond Casinos & Instruments Entertainment Tucson Electric Power Durazzo, Eckel & Hawkins Tucson Local Media Edmund Marquez United Food and Commercial Allstate Agencies Workers (UFCW) Local 99 *Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. University of Arizona *GEICO University of Arizona College of George Kennedy Agricultural and Life Sciences Helios Foundation (CALS) Hudbay Minerals University of Arizona Eller IBM College of Management Jim Click Automotive Team University of Arizona KOLD 13 Government and Community LeCroy & Milligan Relations Lisa Owens-Sredzinski Walbro Morgan Stanley Wells Fargo Nadine Basha/Adelante YELP Foundation *Year Round Corporate Champion FOUNDATION & GRANT FUNDERS Aspen Institute Jewish Community Foundation Every year, individuals, companies Banner Health Foundation of Southern Arizona Boston Medical Center The Children’s Foundation and foundations throughout Tucson Casa de la Luz Foundation Tucson Foundations and Southern Arizona build a stron- Community Foundation for Pima County Southern Arizona Rotary Club of Tucson ger community by supporting United Chris German Memorial Fund The San Francisco Foundation Way’s mission. The 2018/2019 Cam- The David and Lura Lovell Scripps & Howard Foundation paign effort was led by Steven Dasch Foundation Siemer Family Foundation Diamond Family Philanthropies The Stocker Foundation of Citi. More than 25,000 individuals Eliot Foundation US Internal Revenue Service and companies responded to the First Things First Wells Fargo Foundation Freeport-McMoRan Foundation community call. Thank you to all of United Way of Tucson and Southern 2019 CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE AWARDS Arizona’s champions for their excep- Best of the Best ECL of the Year: Karla Morales, University of tional generosity! Arizona LIVE UNITED Award: The David C. and Lura M. Lovell Foundation Building a Better Community Award: Jim Click Automotive Team Cornerstone Award: AGM Container Controls, Inc. Young Leaders Society Company of the Year: The University of Arizona Champions of Caring Award: Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 18. Partnership Award: Tucson Electric Power & IBEW #1116 All American Award: Linda Drake Best Small Company: W.E. O’Neil Construction Co. of Arizona Best Medium Company: Enterprise Holdings Best Large Company: GEICO Michael J. Harris Spirit of Tucson Award: Caterpillar, Inc. TOP 100 CORPORATE CHAMPIONS Aetna US Healthcare IBM Retirees AGM Container Controls, Inc. Illinois Tool Works Inc. Amphitheater Public Schools Interfaith Community Services Anthem Health Insurance Jim Click Automotive Team Arizona Combined Federal Campaign Kalil Bottling Co. Arizona Daily Star Kellogg Co. Arizona Public Service - Saguaro Macy’s Power Plant Meggit/Securaplane Technologies, Inc. ASARCO LLC Nationwide Insurance Association of Universities for Research Niles Investment Corp. in Astronomy Northern Trust, NA AT&T Communications Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems Avanos Medical O’Rielly Chevrolet Bank of America Pacific Premier Bank Banner-University Medical Center Tucson Pima Community College Barker Contracting Pima Council on Aging Bashas’ Master Account Pima County ECAP BBVA Compass Pizza Hut Inc. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Principal Financial Group BMO Harris Bank N.A. QuikTrip Border States Electric Supply Rain Bird Corporation Borderland Construction Company, Inc. Raytheon Company Caterpillar, Inc. RE Darling Co. Inc. Centene Corporation Rick Engineering Company Century Link RICOH Citi Silverado Technologies Inc. City of Tucson ECAP Simply Bits Comcast Communications Insurance Claims CopperPoint Mutual Insurance Company State of Arizona/SECC Costco Wholesale Sunnyside School District Crest Insurance Group Target Stores CSL BEHRING Team Fishel CSL Plasma Texas Instruments Desert Diamond Casinos & Entertainment The Clements Agency Dillard’s TMC HealthCare Diversified Design & Construction TRICO Electric Cooperative Inc. Easterseals Blake Foundation Tucson Electric Power Company Edmund Marquez Allstate Agencies Tucson Unified School District Empire Machinery United Parcel Service Enterprise Holdings United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona ExxonMobil UnitedHealth Group FedEx University of Arizona Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. US Bank Fry’s Vail School District Garmin International Vantage West Credit Union GEICO W.E. O’Neil Construction, Inc. General Electric Corporation Walmart Harlow Gardens Washington Federal Savings Honeywell International Corporation Wells Fargo Hudbay Minerals - Rosemont Copper Zions Management Services IBM Corporation 19. AFFINITY GROUPS

Founded in 1984, the United Way Tocqueville Society is an opportunity for passionate individuals to become more deeply involved in United Way’s mission. The Tocqueville Society recognizes local philanthropic leaders who have devoted time, talent and funds to create change in our community. The Tocqueville Society was founded in honor of French historian Alexis de Tocqueville, who visited America in 1831. His most important observation was that Americans help each other in times of need. In Tucson and Southern Arizona, Tocqueville Soci- ety members demonstrate how generosity today impacts the gener- ations of tomorrow. Last year, United Way’s Tocqueville Society raised $1,022,689 for Southern Arizona.

Women United is a global movement of more than 75,000 diverse women leaders who combine their financial power and talents to- ad dress key issues in their communities. In Southern Arizona, Wom- en United devotes its efforts to early education and literacy. Its local impact can be seen through year-round activities such as volunteer reading and networking events. Their signature event is the Annual Business Leaders for Early Education Breakfast. In 2019, The Busi- ness Breakfast raised $100,000 and 241 local Women United mem- bers raised $938,866.

Young Leaders United (YLU) is a group of passionate, community-fo- cused young professionals who want to connect with peers, serve their community and develop as leaders for change. They achieve these goals by participating in United Way events, engaging in com- munity issues and giving personally. YLU raises funds for Opportuni- ty Youth, 16-24-year-olds who are not connected to work or school. In 2018, YLU raised more than $3,500, donated 8 chess sets, restocked the pantry for Goodwill Metro, donated 2 smart phones, offered in- teractive art workshops and hosted a holiday party for opportunity youth. In addition, YLU oversaw the Backpack Project Distribution Event, at which more than 2,500 backpacks were distributed to or- ganizations supporting Opportunity Youth in Tucson and Southern Arizona. 20. ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY DONORS Debbie & Hal Ashton Cathy & David Hutchens Steven Ponzo Molly & William Assenmacher The Jacob Family Judith Rich Alice & Paul Baker Pattie & Robert Johnston Marcia & George Rieke Lori & Steve Banzhaf Beth & Michael Kasser Dr. Robert C. Robbins Laura & Archibald Brown Margaret & George Larsen Priscilla & William J. Robinson Ty Brown Taylor W. Lawrence Soraya Rohde Amy & Jerry Cacciatore Ryan Lenahan Michael Rusing The Frances Chapin Foundation Helaine Levy Patricia & Ronald Sable Philanthropic Fund The Lohse Family Calline Sanchez & Chad Vicki & James Click Czarina M. & Humberto S. Lopez Driedger David Cohen Sandra Maxfield Jean Savage Kevin Cutter Elizabeth & Ryan McIntyre Drs. Helen & John Schaefer Dr. Charles Davis Catherine & Claude Merrill Carol & Lex Sears Jeannie & Cole Davis Barbara & Russ Miller Laura & Doug Stetson Katy & Ken Day Nexus Foundation Howard Stewart The Donald R. Diamond Family Eleanor & Morgan North Anna & Paul Tees Amy & Rob Draper Charles Northrup Michelle & Manny Trindade Lynne Wood Dusenberry & Bruce Allan Norville Elizabeth Tolbert Trust Dusenberry R.B. “Buck” O’Rielly Kathy & Glenn J. Van Loan Betty & Thomas Fournier Jill & Walter Pearson Paul J. Walker Peggy & Steve Goulding Patricia Raskob & Tom Paulus Laurie & Larry Wetterschneider Pam & Jim Griffith Dorothy & Julius Parker Teuta Williams Charlotte Harris Linda & Tony Penn Charles Huckelberry The Donald Pitt Family


Tracy Benson Katy Gross Pattie Montijo Mary Bouley Summer Groves Lorraine Morales Lillian Brantley-Thompson Denisse Hernandez De Ortiz Lisa Owens-Sredzinski Staycee Conklin Della Hodson Therese Perreault Lindy Cote Ellen Howlett Silvia Salcido Lori Cotten Ashley Janicki Calline Sanchez Angela Coyle Daisy Jenkins Kassondra Silva LaVonne Douville Susan Kasle Anna Spitz Linda Drake Adaline Klemmedson Allison Titcomb Dolores Duran-Cerda Dianne Maki-Sethi Emily Toia Lynne Wood Dusenberry Cat Merrill, Chair Jenny Volpe Aimee Graves Kerry Milligan Arika Wells, Vice Chair

YOUNG LEADERS SOCIETY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Stephanie Abramo Allie Field Bell Monica Kemsley Peyman Amini Chris Gast Rajesh Kumar Molly Bissonette Monica Grivaldo Brenda Rojo Meredith Bode Jeremy Hazen Chris Stemple Matt Brown Marketta Johnson Scott Tobin, Chair Heidi Elizondo Laura Jones 21. APPROACHING

STRATEGIC PLAN The 2017-2022 United Way of Tuc- son strategic plan will take the or- ganization into its 100th year in Tucson and Southern Arizona. This strategic plan was the result of months of community interviews to develop main objectives and strategic imperatives to grow the organization, align its activities with the needs of the community and create sustainability for the future. This year, United Way completed its second year aligning organizational goals with the determined strategic imperatives and is reporting posi- tive progress. 2017-2022 COMMUNITY LEAD STRATEGIC IMPERATIVES

• Support residents of Tucson and Southern Arizona to achieve their full potential from birth to end of life. • Share a clear, concise message to increase engagement. • Equip more people to be messengers, champions and activists for United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona. • Engage with support organizations and public/private partners to change lives. 22. YEARS IN TUCSON AND SOUTHERN ARIZONA

CENTENNIAL FUND Building a thriving community for generations to come.

As United Way approaches its 100th anniversary in 2022, a Cen- tennial Endowment Fund has been established with the goal of reach- ing a $25 million endowment by the centennial celebration to sus- tain United Way’s Collective Impact Fund through the next 100 years.

A $25 million endowment, paying a return of 5% annually, will ensure that vital programs serving the community are sustained, opera- tional needs are met and Tucson and Southern Arizona is poised to grow and thrive with our changing needs.

“Claude and I believe in the future of this community. By investing in United Way’s Centennial Fund, we know we’re playing a part in laying the foundation for supportive pro- grams that will reap dividends long into the future. Our community is our legacy, and we are proud to do our part to make Southern Arizona strong and healthy for generations to come.” - Catherine and Claude Merrill, Centennial Fund Donors

23. FINANCIALS EXPENSES United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona Collective Impact: $10,783,030

United Way is proud Fundraising: $1,173,414 to have the highest possible ratings from Management & General: $865,684 Charity Navigator and GuideStar. These ratings and national REVENUE accolades reflect United Way’s com- Contributions and Grants: $5,220,186 mitment to responsi- ble stewardship and Government Contracts: $6,120,822 transparency. Donor Designations: $843,336

Rent Revenue: $655,388

Investment Income: $265,865

Program Fees & Other Income: $124,667

TOTAL EXPENSES: $12,822,128 84% Collective Impact

America’s Top Charities 2019 9% Fundraising 7% Management & General

24. TOTAL REVENUE: $13,230,264* *Total revenues and expenses include amounts raised on behalf of others

40% Contributions & Grants 46%

Government Contracts

6% 5% Donor Rent Designations Revenue 1% 2% Program Fees & Other Income Investment Income

25. Margaret & George John Galaska Don Cope Larsen DIAMOND Estela Garcia Jason Cowan THANK Timothy Cuestas Taylor W. Lawrence $7,500 - $9,999 Joel Hauff Hanjalika Hazwezwe Justin Depinto Ryan Lenahan Naomi Karp Isaac Hernandez Debra & Steven Dirks Helaine Levy Susan Kettlewell YOU TO Todd Jaeger Linda & Thomas Drake Dawn Sabers & Neal The Lohse Family Anna & George Leila Duncan Czarina M. & Eckel Nanette & Tom Slusser Kennedy Patricia Eisenberg OUR Humberto S. Lopez Daryl Koeppel Cara Forbregd Sandra Maxfield Howell Lindsay Glenn Fournie Elizabeth & Ryan PLATINUM Amber Mathewson Anna Fretheim DONORS McIntyre $5,000 - $7,499 Susannah Myerson Nicholas Fuller Catherine & Claude Dennis Anhalt Theodore Navarrete Mary Furphy Merrill Vicki Balentine Michael Ness Bonnie Galaska Barbara & Russ Miller Gregory Cook Gigi Ng-Deguia Jeffrey Goldberg Nexus Foundation Sally Damiani Scott Odom Viola Gould TOCQUEVILLE Eleanor & Morgan Paul Deneke Lauren Ortega Richard Green North Jerry Doorenbos John Otto Katy Gross SOCIETY Charles Northrup LaVonne Douville & Timothy Pecenka Joseph Gulotta Allan Norville Chet Hedden Karyn Prechtel-Altman Sharon Gumbs $10,000+ Lon Drenten R.B. “Buck” O’Rielly Julia & Allen Reid Jeffrey Hall George Kalil Jill & Walter Pearson David Rhoades Ronald Hammer Debbie & Hal Ashton Brian Peterson Patricia Raskob & Michael Rodriguez Anthony Haswell Molly & William Patricia & Charles Mary Rowley Michael Henrikson Tom Paulus Assenmacher Pettis Daniel Scott Ricardo Hernandez Dorothy & Julius Alice & Paul Baker Jeremy Ruiz Marilyn & Howard Della Hodson Parker Lori & Steve Banzhaf John “Jack” Schannep Steele Karen Kabakoff Laura & Archibald Linda & Tony Penn Suzanne Shields Allison Titcomb Blake Kelly Brown The Donald Pitt Richard Snodgrass Brian Weber James Kirker Ty Brown Family Jessica Walker Carol Weber Margaret Kish Amy & Jerry Steven Ponzo Bruce Westberg Douglas Wylie Janice & Alvin Kivel Cacciatore Judith Rich Daryl Knott The Frances Chapin Marcia & George GOLD SILVER Adriana Kong Romero Foundation Rieke & Frank Romero Philanthropic Fund Dr. Robert C. Robbins $2,500 - $4,999 $1,500 - $2,499 Edwin Konrath Vicki & James Click Priscilla & William J. Jesse Alford Laura & John Almquist Susan & Stephen Lace David Cohen Robinson David Andrews Roy Archer Arizona Lamas Kevin Cutter Soraya Rohde Christine Aronoff Aimee Arrington Lee Lambert George Ashton Patrick Lane Dr. Charles Davis Michael Rusing Mary Ann & Dennis Julie Auvil Paul Lierheimer Jeannie & Cole Davis Patricia & Ronald Bate Edmond Beck Amber Backman Jill Malick Katy & Ken Day Sable Calline Kathy & Larry Clay Bacon Frank Marino The Donald R. Paige W. Bausman Sanchez-Driedger & Berkbigler Wendy & Edmund Diamond Family Gary Bell Marquez Chad Driedger Carla Blackwell Amy & Rob Draper Lillian David Benavidez Christopher Martin Jean Savage Lynne Wood & Bruce Brantley-Thompson Tracy Bissell Charla & Jeffrey Drs. Helen & John Dusenberry & Jimmy L. Lewis Brandes McCord Betty & Thomas Schaefer Thompson Sr. Beatriz Briseno James McCorry Fournier Carol & Lex Sears Joseph Broschak Francois Brown Thomas Mendoza Peggy & Steve Laura & Doug Stetson Mary Bruckmeier Teresa & Wardell Steven Merrill Goulding Howard Stewart Sharon & Craig B. “Buck” Brown Donald Mey Pam & Jim Griffith Anna & Paul Tees Campbell Terri Brown Sergio Moraila Charlotte Harris Michelle & Manny Barbara & John Carter Collette Donald Myers Charles Huckelberry Trindade Jeana & Robert Brown-Rodriguez Benjamin Nafarrate Cathy & David Elizabeth Tolbert Darling Peter Byra Kathy & Clayton Niles Hutchens Trust Sandra & Gary Darling Mary & Kenneth Laurie & Vincent Nitido The Jacob Family Kathy & Glenn J. Van Jennifer & Steven Carpenter Jesus Olivas Pattie & Robert Loan Dasch Julie Castaneda Eduardo O’Takara Hector Castellanos John Padilla Johnston Paul J. Walker Carmine Debonis Peter Cates Bruce Paton Beth & Michael Laurie & Larry Michael Donoghue Albert Elias Thomas Christie Karl Phelps Kasser Wetterschneider Teuta Williams Lary Evans Robert Cline Martin Philpot Fred Felix John Combs Lynda Robinson 26. Barton Rochman Ken Briggs Carlos Favela Ema Kammeyer Linda Morales & Frank Eric Rodriguez Ralph Bristol Gil Federico Maureen Kane Grijalva Molly & Joel Rohlik Philip Brobeck Daniel Fernandez Carol Karp Nicole Morris Sam Rugel Joshua Brown Gilbert Fernandez Susan & Jon Kasle William Morrison James Sakrison Larry Brown Nancy Ferrell Shelbie Kellogg Glenn Moyer Dee Ann & Jim Sakrison Nikki Brullo Jesse Ferris Gary Kelly Lynn Muir Kyle Sanders Jonathan Buick Debra Figueroa Jerome W. Kemp Michele Murphy George Santiago Gerald Buras Camille Finn Elizabeth Kepley Thomas Murphy Thomas Sarama Gail Burd Jeffrey Fitch Jay Kittle Daniel Mutty J. Clinton Schild David Caballero Richard Fontaine Al Kivel Edward Narus Michelle Simon Howard Canfield Karen Fowler Roy Kline Balu Natarajan Deepak Sodhi Juan Cardenas Jane Froemel Nancy Kluge Fernando Negrette Brian K. Spencer Kathy & Jack “Donny” Jeremy Fry Gabriel Klyber Michael D. Nelson Bernard Stokes Carlisle Jean Gage Jose Knagge James Newton Scott Summerford Cristian Caro Francisco Galindo Kathleen Konecny Scott Nielson Keith Taylor Jose Carrasco Leslie Gallaher Shelley Kroska Tyler Noble Earl Thompson Phillip Carrasco Amelia Gallardo Julie Kudrna Dane Noecker Lisa Thompson Patricia Carrillo-Duarte Rocio Galvez Rajesh Kumar Alfredo Nogales Aditya Vighnesh David Caspers Angel Garcia Jarrad Kutz James Noyes Ramakanth Fadila Castaneda Brittany Garcia Hilary Lace & Aaron Stephanie Ochoa Bommireddipalli Katrina Catto Francisco Garcia Skoczen James Oehlerking Donna & Herbert Christopher Cawein Kimberly Garcia Jeffrey Ladderud Jill Oliver Wagner Anthony Cazzato Scott Gault John Lane Natalie Olson Stanley Walkup Margaretha Cochran Andrew Geiger Jacob Lanier Timothy O’Moore Sharon Warrior Casey Cochran Edward Gelardin Amelia Lansdowne James Ortega Shane Wheeler Melvin Cohen Jeffrey Gerwe Aaron Larson Faith Ortiz Douglas Williams Sara Cohen Megan Gibbar Kelly Larson Silvia Parra David Wright Albert Coit Carrie Gillespie Daniel Latt Carolyn Pataconi Brian Young Joshua Condon Jennifer Gillihan Karen & Derek John Payne Dr. Heather Connally & Stephanie M. Gillmore Lawrence Norma Pearsall BRONZE $1,000 - $1,499 Martin Fettman Ellen & David Goldstein John Leavitt Barbara & Hank Peck Gary Acosta Christopher Cooper Patricia Gonzales James Leonard Ramon Pedrego Katie Adams Ronald Corbin Robert Graham Helen & Gerald Lessells Ben Pena Sherryl Aken Joseph Corrado Ellen Grombacher Daniel Lewis Jesus Peraza David Allen Lindy Cote Stacy Guinn Addie L. Liening Gerald Perry John Alutto Lori Cotten Tracey Gutheim Evette Lopez Veronica Peru Timothy Alvarado Bryce Crump Kevin Hale Miguel Lopez Angela Pholphiboun Christy Anderson Rochelle Cunningham Melissa Hall-Cohn Paul Lovelis Encizo John Anderson Terrance Curley Dianne Hartley-Barnes Michael Lubatkin Stephen Piechura Robby Anderson Duane Dalen Nicolas Hayes Bernadette Lucero Richard Pierce Kathryn Apalategui Jason Davis William Heck Martin Lyders David Pierce David Aronson Misha & Wesley Denisse Hernandez De Tammy Magallanes Scott Plum Harold Ashton Dawson Ortiz Dianne Maki-Sethi Evelyn & Shaol Pozez Jacqueline Atkins Amanda Day Howell Herring George Malesky Jacob Prietto Jeffrey Atwater Kimberly Dees Lorraine Hightower Xavier Manrique Jennifer Psillas Darcy Baab Frank Demer Jami Hittson Mark Mansfield Mayvis Rdialul Christof Babler Jane DeNigris Michelle Hoeflinger Anthony Marshall Bruce Read Maxwell Bailey Peggy & Steve Denny Jonathan Hogan David G. Martin Wendy Reynolds Vicki & John Balentine Daniel Dewey William Hoover Rodolfo Martin Amy Ridyard Cynthia Bates Sidy Dieng Ellen Howlett Olivia Martinez-Deleon Lavonda Riley Michael Beals Gregory Dischler John Hughes Mary Martinson Mario Rivera Joshua Bedyk Alan Dominguez Peggy Humes Melanie Massey Joanna Robertson Travis Behrens Allison Duffy & Dr. Basel Gabriel Hursh Alexandra & Gene Dave Robinson Mark Bell Skeif Sara Hyde Master-Judge Rodolfo B. Robles Laura Bergan Rachelle Duncan Gregory Jackson Patrick McCullough Rogelio Robles Luis Bernal Ryan Dunham Dayanna Jacquez David McCurdy Lizeth Robles de Macias Barbara Beyer Dolores Duran-Cerda Urquijo Hunter McDermitt Irene Robles-Lopez Pam Boone Felix Durazo Frederic Jandrey Scott McGinnis Bryan Rodriguez Stephanie Boreale Nona Eath Ashley Janicki Thomas McGovern Gerardo Rodriguez Mary Bouley Jody Eckrote Martha & John T. Jarboe Cruz Mendez Hugo Rodriguez Michael Bowling Alexander Egan Daisy & Fred Jenkins Lela Messick Keith Rogers Mark Boyce Beverely & Robert Elliott Christina Johnson Jennifer Midgley Lee F. Rogers Andres Bracamonte Christopher Ercoli Christopher Johnson Cynthia Miller Sara Rogers Jennie Bragdon Kjersten Erickson James Jones Joseph Miller Franco Romero Henry Brandt Jaime Esparza Laura Jones William Miller Ramon Romero John G. Brauneis Edward Espinoza Jared Judy Eric Moen Susan & Thomas Roof Daniel Farmer Amanda Jurkiewicz Patricia Montijo Clarisa Rosales-Logue 27. James Roush William Vickery Bruce Anderson Michael Baruch Patricia Brescia Frank Ruiz Rebecca Volavka Jordan Anderson Joseph Bastian Justin Brevik Raul Ruiz Jennifer Volpe Cody Andrews Mary Bates Erin Brietske Rebecca Ruopp John Voorhees Randall Andrews Robert Battaglia James Brislawn Dawn Sabers Silvia Wallis Maricela Anduaga Michael Bauer Amanda Brockman Michael Sabori Jon Wang Scott Angeley John Baum Robert Brooks William Sage Scott Washburn Christopher Aparisi Michael Baumann Jamil Brooks Silvia Salcido Gregory Waterfall Francisco Apodaca Alexis Beal Cory Brown Mikhail Samoylov Colin Watson Bradley Appleby Martin Beal Elena Brown Anna Sanchez Jeremy Watson Scott Appleby Aaron Beaver Forest Brown Daniel Sanchez Daniel Webb Charles Applegate Opal Becerra Jessica Brown Juan Sanchez Michael Webb Ana Aracely Lucero Michael Beck John Brown Eugene H. Sanders Kurt Weibel Anna Arakelova John Beeman Katrina Brown Richard Sarti Courtney West Bernadette Aranda Leah Beenken Kenneth Brown Ronald Savageau Kevin Weston Kayla Archer Michael Beenken Robert Brown Justin Saxton Savannah Whitehead Leanndra Craig Beier Tinisia Brown Lisa Schlink Michael Whiting Arechederra-Romero Terrence Beirne William Brown William Schneider Andre Whittington Deborah Armstrong Wade Ben Brian Brumfield Jill Schultz John Wickham Rececca & James Jazmine Benavidez Alison Brunet Anna Seebach-York Robert Wieland Arnold Ramon Benavidez Charla R. Bryant Andrew Seiger Margaret Wilkie Tabitha Arnold Mark Bennett Jolyn Bryant Joseph Serritella Frank R. Williams Thomas Arnold Scott Bentley Sara Bryant Beatriz Settles Linda Williams Javier Arredondo Timothy Berg Cindy Buchler Jonathan Sharp Patricia Williams Jayson Arter Michael Bergan Cassandra Buelna Chet Shiflet Michael Wilson Sarah Ascher Kim Bernal Courtney Buller Sarah Shreeves Michael Windsor Larry Ash Thomas Berning Cassie Bunch Kassondra Silva David Wiseley Abhishekh Ashok Janie Berry Meghan Bunker Karen Simms Alisa Wren Parmar Pamela Berry Philicia Bupp Sudhanshu Singh Daniel Wyatt Jane Askew Thomas Berry Bradley Burbridge Laurie Skalenda Fred Yamashita Whitney Atterberry Lisa Bibbens Barbara Burczynski Basel Skeif Benny J. Young Leigh Aubuchon Karla Bickley Michael Burel Kathryn Skinner Eric Yrigolla Edward Audi Anthony Biggers Darius Burgess Rocky Snider Joseph Yslas Ana Avechuco Edwin Biggers Theodore Burhans Michael Soroka Bruce Ayers Eric Birch Frank Burke Kyle Spaulding Sharon Bach Neill Bird Mary Burke Conrad Spencer PIONEER $500 - $999 Timothy Bacon Timothy Bishop Thomas Burket Anna Spitz Arthur Abalos Emma Baese Molly Bissonette Jonathan Burnham Stacey Sprague Amanda Abens Keaton Bailey Tomeka Blake Breyanna Burns Mary Anne & Bill Khelil Abida Lisa Bailey Barbara Blanchard Mindi Burns Springer Stephanie Abramo Michelle Bailey Breona Blanton Jesus Burrola Erich Stahlman Daniel Abrams Andrew Baker Matthew Boal Alexis Bustamante Christine Stark John Acedo Calvin Baker America Bodine Francisco Bustamante Charles Stemple Leonard Acosta Elirichard Baker Eric Bohorquez Dwight Byrd Brian Stewart Melissa Acuna John Baker Henry Boice Vaughn Byrd Daniel Strickler Tabitha Adamic Mitchell Baker Bladimir Bojorquez James Caccavale Mohan Subramanian Bret Adams Paul Balak Rosanna Bojorquez Kevin Caddell Hamdaweh Sulemana Lydia Adams Tiani Baker Travis Boland Sherri Cadeaux Matthew Sullivan Todd Adams Charissa Ballard Cole Melissa Bomar Kayci Cagle Glen Sutton Vincent Adams Charles Balser Bethani Bonmon Genie Caid Pamela Swanson Jason Addington Chelsea Banker Jordan Bontrager Larry Cain Jesus Tapia Richard V. Ageton Richard Bansberg Braxton Booth Gabrielle Camacho Charles Tapp Zachary Aguayo Ernesto Banuelos Jesse Booth Karen Camacho Justin Templin Gerald Ahern Lucio Barajas Enrique Borboa Christine Camargo Andreas Theodorou Zusel Alarid Karina Barajas Lynn Borders Stephen J. Cambalik Brenda Tison Raymond Albrecht Greg Bargar Cole Borg-James Joseph Cammarota James Todsen Marisa Alejandro Noah Barber Alexis Borquez Bernardino Campas Emily & Michael Toia Rich Alejos Cynthia Barnes Nicole Bourdeau Beatrice Campbell Aline Torres Hayssam Alkhayat Shawn Barnes Sarah Bowden Christopher Campos Catherine Townsend Stephen Allamanno Zachary Barnes Robert Bowyer Mickey Campos John Trow Delma Allen Charmaine Barnett Michael Boyless Yesenia Campos Marjorie Trujillo-Farmer Kristina Altamirano Maria Barnett Glenda Bracamonte Jasmine Canaletti Maureen Valdepena John Aluto Angelica Barragan Steven Bracamonte Annette Candelaria Christopher Valdez Jessica Alvarado Wendy Barragan Catherine Bradley Kelly Caneff Jesus Valenzuela Francisco Alvarez Natalie Barragan Cindy Brainer James Cannon Amanda Vallentine Joe Alvarez Dojaque Kelsey Braun-Shirley Maeve Capizzi Cherie Vargas Minerva Alvarez Rachel Barrick Vivian Bravo-Duarte Keith Carender Brandi Ventura Daniel Amaro Courtney Bartley Amanda Breen John Carlson 28. Alex Carlton David Clor Dorely DalPozzo Steven Eddy Jose Fraijo Jennessa Carmona Jenni Clor Marc Damon James Edington Michael Franchino Stephanie Caro Dustin Coale Megan Dancy Charles Edwards Dane Frandsen Christopher Carpenter Garfield Cobham Tracy Daniel John Edwards Paul Franek Jamie Carpenter Adam Cohen Daniel Davis Kathleen Eichhorst Tara Frazee Tracy Carrasquillo Nadine Coker Sarah Davis Clinton Elder Christina Frazer Adele Carrillo Brandon Collins Tanya Davis Scott Eldridge Steven R. Freeland Macy Carrington Diana Collins Teresa Davis Heidi Elizondo Mia Freeman Tatum Raymond Carroll Rasheda Collins Rogelio De La Hoya Brian Eller Diane Frisch Brittany Carter Angel Colon Juan De Oliveira Jeff Ellingboe Damaris Fritts David Casarez Yolanda Colpo Jeffrey Dean Casey Ellwood Dennis Froehlich Rebecca Casillas Wayne Comeaux Robert Deangelo Lucy Elmer Paul Frost Nathan Cass William Condit Brian Deblois Samson Elsas Alyssa Fry Eliza Castillo Andrew Connor Kristina Deblois Travis Elster Tim Frydenlund Johnny J. Castillo Susannah Connor Sarah Dechter Linda Enochs Shawn Fullen Jose Castillo Joanna Contreras Isabella Delaney Nicole Enos Nicole Fyffe Juan Castillo Kevin Coombs Steven Delaossa Pamela Erickson Stephen Gaarder Casey Castle John Coons Jose Delgado Ronnie Ermert Patricia Gabrielson Martha Castleberry Elisha Cooper Veronica Delgado Isamar Escalera-Bellos Shannon Galanek Adrian Castro Russell Coopwood Barry Delka Gilbert Esparza Anthony Galaz Damian Castro Faith Copeland Hank Dellos Dina Espinoza Rogelio Galaz Francisco Castro Mackenzie Copley Pasquale DeMartines Michele Estavillo Viviana Galindo Karen Cathers Kristina Corbin Sara Demeter Kara Estes Michelle D. Galindo Mark Catterton Annalisa Cordova Bre Denning Ruth Estrada Kristen Gallagher John Cayce Jesus Cordova Jason Denning Camille Evans Gerald Gallardo Suellyn Caywood Jose Cordova Carra Depillo Justin Evans Miguel Gallego Gabriela Cervantes Lorena Cordova Jeanine DeSalvo Mark Evans Kristina Gamboa Nicholas Cesar Matthew Cordova William Detor Mike Evans Abel Garcia Adam Chacon Jesus Cordova Fuentes Catherine Devine Linda Everett Aimee Garcia Stephen Chambers Heather Corkins Gustavo Diaz Michael Everett Andrea Garcia Carranna Chaney Laura Corona Marco Diaz Kimberly Everhart Anna Garcia Shauna Charette Diana Coronado Pedro Diaz Brandon Evers Anthony Garcia Debra Chargin Mark Coronado Donald Diesner Lori Falkenheiner Giovannah Garcia Ryan Charoenmit Adan Corrales Adam Dietz Shelby Faries James Garcia Michele Chase-Helms Brittany Cortinas Daniel Dietz Joshua Farnsworth Luis Garcia Alex Chavez Clark Corwin Sally Digges Chris Faulkner Monique Garcia Alexandra Chavez Lynn Cosgrove Dustin Dill John Feckner Oleta Garcia Jaime Chavez Magaly Cosme Maya Dillard Daniel Feddor Rebekah Garcia Jorge Chavez Robert Coste Laura Dinardo Nicholas Feddor Robert Garcia Kathleen Chavez Luis Cota Randall Dings Joel Feinman Tony Garcia Marcela Chavez Javier Cota Jacob Dinkel Jesus Felix Jesus Garcia Andrade Marcelo Chavez Thomas Cothran Nancy Dionicio Maritza Felix Christopher Gardner Oscar Chavez Amanda Countryman Garth Dixon David Fenn Joyce Garland Ramon Chavez Cathy Counts Hilton Dixon Crystal Few-Polanco Kellie Garman Juan Chavira Katie Courtnage Phillip Dixon J. Fiastro Rachel Garman Rachel Cheeseman Mary Couture Lindsay Dobbie Marco Figueroa Patricia Gebell Tenise Childs Dylan Cowan Glenn Donahoe Erin Fila Brandi Geddings Lechele Chilton Elizabeth Cox Thomas Donahue Natalia Fimbres Jay Gentille Ronald Choate Scott Craig David Dore Richard Fimbres Danielle Gentles Leanne Chong Patrick Crandall Mary Dossett Rickey Fisher Andrew Gentz Morris Christensen Chandra Crisp Russell W. Doty Azucena Fisher Julia Gerbracht Ryan Christianson Shane Crist Jessica Douglas Dana Fitzgerald Ali Gericke Ruth Christopherson Michael Croft Carlos Dow Ashley Fitzharris Mark Ghio Brandt Christy Daniel Cross John Doyle Theresa Fleming Gaines Gibson Matthew Church David Crowell David M. Dresher Renika Flemister John Gibson Marta Civil Edith Croxen Christopher Duarte Garrett Fletcher Gail Giclas Ryan Clancy Jenny Crusenberry Timothy Duggan Carlos Flores Briana Gil Adora Clardy Cristina Cruz Emma Dunlap Fernando Flores Susan Gilkey Bernard Clark Michael Cruz Michael Duran Lambert Flores Thomas Glancy John Clark Meghan Cubillas Anais Durazo Manuel Flores Kimberly Glass Mark Clark Ryan Cummings Diana Durazo-Grubb Ralph Foree Leslie Glasscock Cynthia Clark-Burnett Luana Cunningham Jessica Duttle Miranda Foreman Julia Gleason Stephen Clay Ryan Cunningham David Eaker Lance Forhan Erik Glenn Justin Clayborn Christina A. Cutshaw Sky Earl Brandon Forster Matthew Gold Thomas Clayton Thomas Dabney Brian East Veronica Forte Jim Golden Beth Cleveland Jessika Daiber Hope Eberhardt Anna Fragozo Melody Goldsmith Nancy Cline Michael Dalo Brenda Eddy Rick Fragoso 29. Aseneath A. Faith Harrison Mario Ibarra Dylan Kinard Leonardo Lopez Golembiewski Emily Harty Yolanda Ibarra Alicia Kingma Roseanne Lopez Alex Gomez Kevin Hay Paul Iezzi Ryan Kirin Sonny Lopez Julie Gomez Rocky Haynes Joseph Iglesias Stephen Kiser Viani Lopez Augustine Gonzalez Joyce Hays Katrina Inclan William Kleiner Manuel Lopez Cassandra Gonzales Kenneth Head Aaron Ishikawa Nicole Kline Michelle Lopez McKay Isela Gonzalez Jacqueline Hearn Monica Islas David Knight Carmen Lopez-Davila Luis Gonzalez Kenneth Hedrick Brian Jackson Sarah Knight Charles Lopiccolo Vanessa Gonzalez Aaron Hefner Elize Jackson Deborah Knutson Ryan Lounsberry Jeanne Goodblanket Alfred Heimpel Palmer Jackson Derek Koltunovich Jeffery Lovato Joshua Goossen Bethany Heltzer Shannon Jackson Charles Komadina Gary Love Holly Gordon Maya Hemingway Tiffany Jackson Neil Konigsberg Susan Lovegrove Kimberly Gordon Donald Henderson Melanie Jacobs Gabrijela Kontic Lindsey Lovitt Joyce Gorrell Kevin Hendricks Kolby Jacobson Blake Koomar Taylor Lozano Cordell Gossen Richard Hendricks Rufus Jacques Stephanie Koontz Lawrence Lucero Cleve Gouby Taylor Henry Jennie James Robert Kornack Kara Luebbering Jaymes Grace Carlos Heredia Heather Janssen David Kosha Claudia Lugo Paola Gracia Angel Hernandez Ashley Jarosz Charles Kot Krista Lugo Nancy Graham Cesar Hernandez Pilar Jauregui Ahmad Koussa Diana Luna LaRay Graner Erik Hernandez Jackson Jenkins April Kovari Susan Lutton Jose Granillo Jose Hernandez Jacquelyn Jepsen Brian Kowalski John Macgorman Randy Graves Priscila Hernandez Laura Jestings William Krause William MacHarg Michael Gray Raul Hernandez Reudl Jethro Brian C. Kristofitz Julie Machen Susan Gray Rene Hernandez Dana Jimenez Vanessa Kroh Julie Mack Michael Green Santiago Hernandez Graciela Jimenez Lee Kryszewski Dorothy Madara Patricia Green Sergio Hernandez Nancy Johannesmeyer Linda Kubiak Plessis Madjibeye Aaron Greenberg Richard Herran Alan Johnson Jack Kucienski Joseph Madrid Andrew Greenhill Laura Hersey Ashley Johnson Carli Kuefler Robert Madril Adam Greenleaf Joanne Hershenhorn Cameron Johnson Robert Kulze Jocelyn Maez Sally Greenleaf Ted Hess Carter Johnson Rachel Kuro Chris Magnus Bernard Gregorio David Hestand Clairice Johnson Kevin Kyrish Hilary Maitin Estevan Gregory Cyris Hickman David Johnson Ronnie Laguna Matthew Malcolm Paige Gregory Abram Hicks Jeffrey Johnson Mariah Lahrman Markeisha Malone Stephen Greth Richard Hicks Jonathon Johnson Wendy Lakatos Tiffany Malotte Izabella Griggs Gilbert Hill Kimberly Johnson Jennifer Lambert Richard Mangen Shelaine Grijalva Rebecca Hill Marguerite Johnson Peilin Lan Lillian Manis Xenia Grijalva Seth Hill Nicholas Johnson Landry Luis A. Manjarrez Monica Grimaldo Stephen Hinchliffe Robert Johnson Joseph Lanius Steven Mankee Chad Grimes Erin Hinton Leslie Johnson Klix Bryan Larkin Bryan Manley Aaron Grosekemper Myeshia Hinton Bernadette Jones Rebecca Laughlin Edward Mansfield Summer Groves Jackie Hittson Carli Jones Andrew Law Matthew Marchiando Clinton Grozdanich Todd Hixon Curley Jones William Layton Michael Marietti Veronica Guadarrama Htay Hla Dansiea Jones Morris Bethany Leahy Wilfrido Marinez Ruben Guerrero John Hobbs Andrew Jordan Linda Leatherman Adriana Mariscal Sumeet Gupta Karen Hochede Alder Joseph Chih-Yu Lee Garrett Markve Karla Gutierrez Lee Hockaday Lisa Josker Jasmine Lee Andi Marquez Marco Gutierrez Elsbeth Hoggatt Doni Jove Shawn Lee Kathleen Marrero Mary Gutierrez Andrea Holguin Leonard Juan Brian Lenharth William Marshall Norma Gutierrez Bill Holland Rebecca Juarez Cynthia Leo Adam Martin Ruben Gutierrez David Hollis Brian Kahn Ronald Leon Ernesto Martin Johana Guzman Jasmine Holman Kristina Kaiser Lee Leonard Fern Martin Victor Guzman Sharon Holzman-Cox Richard Kalvaitis Janet Lesher Joe Martin Jason Hadlock Francis Homewytewa Linda Kangas Jonathan Levy Martha Martin Joel Halbert Kelly Hook Stephen Kaplan Harry Lewis Sherry Martin Christopher Hale Brice Hooper Laura Kaplan-Burns Lillian Lewis Thomas Martin Jessica Hale Angelique Hopkins Ryan Karttunen Esteban Leyva Andres Martinez Daniel Hall Jeri Ben Horin Phillip Kashin Amy Liakos Christopher Martinez Roger Hall Linda Hough Julie Katsel Iva Licavoli Danielle Martinez Shanese Hall Burgundy Houk John Kavathas Ernestina Limon Gerardo Martinez James Hallsted Brandon Howell Stephanie Kay Teresa Linn Isaiah Martinez Emily Halvorson Valerie Huerta Alexiah Keiper Richard Liska Sarah Martinez Marie Hamill Jamie Huffman Guy Kelly Jonathan Little Noe Martinez Tiana Hamilton Rosie Huffman Susan Kelly Terrie Locke Teresee Martinez Tracy Hamilton Bryce Hughes Peter Kemme Karen Lockwood Vanessa Martinez Fredrick Hammer James Hull Elaine Kempert Kyle Long Rafael Martinez-Chavez Earl Hammond Joshua Humbert Monica Kemsley Daniel Longanecker Michael Mason Douglas Hanna Robert Humphrey Tarah Kendall Rachel Longenecker Hilda Massa Malyree Harper Daniel Hunt Michele Kennedy Kelly Loomis Tiffany Massie William Harper Brian Hunt Mary Kewin Edwin Lopez Ray Masterson Brad Harris Samuel Hunt Kirti Khandelwal Elsa Lopez Lana Matherne Carla Harris Patricia Hyatt Yves Khawam Erik Lopez William G. Matola David Harris Brian Hyland Jonathan Kilpatrick Fernanda Lopez Cody Matte Todd Harris Adrianna Iarossi Stephen Kimball Gabriel Lopez Savannah Mattfield 30. Allie Matthews Catherine Merrill John Murphy Marcus Palm Ryan Pugh Emmett Matthews Jordan Merrill Jivonna Muse Jeffrey Palmer Aiyonna Puglia Ervin Matthews Joshua Merrill Lisa Musselwhite Jennifer Palmer Elizabeth Purvis Nikki Matthews Karin Merritt Kristie Mutchler Kevin Palmer Catalina Qasem Elizabeth Andrea Mersereau Stephen Myers-Fulgham Cristian Palomares Joseph Qualls Matthias-Loghry Dean Mescudi Stuart Naidich Nunez Antonia Quick Scott Maudlin Michael Metzinger Jeffrey Nakamura Adam Paredes Kristian Quihuiz Jerald Maughan Troy Meyer Alyssa Nason Dana Paredes Erick Quijada Kristina Mavros TJ Mikkelson Ronald Nason Guadalupe Pargas Michelle Quillin Kevin May Richard Milbauer Margot Natividad Stephen Parker Janet Quillman Ravneet Mayall Jessica Millea Lizeth Nava Adriana Parker Riggi Roberto Quintero Sarah Maynard James Miller Sandra Navarrete Sabastian Parker-Estes Fernando Rabago Michael Mayou Jennifer Miller Juan Navarro Gilbert Parra Tracy Ragazzo Teresa Mayou Michael Miller Declan Neal Terri Parsons Margaret Ramirez Linda Mayro Tiffany Millican John Neeley William Paschen Alicia Ramirez Denisse Mazza Brandon Milligan Jennifer Neely Roger Patnode David Ramirez Patrick Mazzone David L. Milne Julie Neff-Encinas Erik G. Patterson Erika Ramirez Rachel McAllister Cristina Minor Melissa Negri Kathleen Patton Jaime Ramos Christopher McAlpin Keith Minton Celina Nelson Scott Patty Maritza Ramos Rebecca McCarthy Mitchell Miramontes Richard Nelson Brian Paul Samuel Ramos Kori McClain Miranda Misner Wanda Nerney James Pauley Laurel Randall Misha-Ray McCleese Matthew Missimer Peter Newbegin Aaron Paxton Matthew Randall Aamir McClendon Andrea Mitchell Ann Nichols Patrick Payne Teresa Rangel Pat McConaughey Molly Mitchell Alma Nicholson Joanne Peacher Janice Rast Jeffrey S. McConnell Victoria Mitchell Darrin Nicholson Angie Peck Scott Rast Kelly McCormick Gary L. Molenda Thomas Nielsen Barrie Pedersen Brady Rathbun Tara McCormick Basilio Molina Allison Nixon Francisca Pedrego Claudia Ratto Brandon McCown Fernando Molina Connery Nixon Vanessa Pemberton Tanna Ray Mark McCown Maria Molina Celina Nogales Alday Kemp Penn Cory Rees Katrina McDonald Sylvia Molina Kymberly Norris Alyce Pennington John Reese Richard A. McDonnell Barbra Molnar Kathy Novelly John Peradotto James Reeves Sharon McDonough Jerome V. Moloney Rosanna Nowak Yolanda Perez Charles Reeves II Jimmy McFarland Jules Mondeau Charlene Nugent Liana Perez Richard Reiners Mildred McFerren Michelle Montagnino Gabino Nunez Christopher Perreault Pam Reinke Laura McGill Cynthia Montalvo Pauline Nunez Waco Perry Melissa Rembold Sherri McGinnis Eutimio Montano Maureen Ochoa Michael Peru Laura Replinger Derek McKinney Maryanne Montano Emery Ochoa Santos Lou Peters Braydon Reyes Seth McKinney Roberto Montano Evan O’Donnell Christine Petersen Holly Reynolds Adrienne M. McLeod Claudia Montelongo Deborah Oebker Troy Peterson Kevin Reynolds Sean McMillan Jesse Montoy Jennifer Oehlerking Derrek Petroff Kirsten Reynolds Christopher Mcmillen Amanda Mooberry Anthony Offret Jeffrey Petrovic Richard Reynolds Deborah McMorrow Sharon Mooney Dianah Ogden Susanne Petty Stanley S. Reynolds Christopher McNamara Kimberly Moore Kimberly Ohl Rebecca Pferdeort Kali Rhea Michael McNamara Edward Moore Abigail Okrent Alexander Pflug Paul Rheinheimer Mary Belle McCorkle Shawn Moore Janice O’Leary Caleb Phelan John Rhodes David McQuillan Jesus Morales Joseph Olexa Courtney R. Phelan Ann Rice Katrina McRae Karla Morales Ana Olivares Laura Phelps Garrett Rich Nikki McRae Keela Moran Rebecca Olivera Latasha Phillips Elisa Richard Sheldon Meacham Eternity Moreau Craig Olson Tenecia Phillips Christine Richards George Medina Carlos Moreno Christopher Olson Thomas Phillips Lynda Richards Meredith Medina Geovanna Moreno Heidi Olson Wesley Phillips Thomas Richardson Andrew Medler Jose Moreno Jared Olsen William Phillips Denise Richerson Jason Medlock Yesenia Moreno Logan Piekosz Brianna Rickman Patrick Meeker James Moreno Ryan Olsen Richard Pierson Catherine Ries Lance Meeks Lydia Moreno Gretchen Olszewski Daniel Pinda Alisa Riley Michael Meiss Clorice Morgan Therese Ontiveros Jose Pineda George Riley Steven Melendez Susan Morman James Orlando Leonel Pinuelas Gregory Riley Carmen Melero Melanie Mormann Clifford Orosco William Pisani Justin Riordon Jesus Melero Francisco Moroyoqui Heriberto Orozco Rhonda Pisciotta Tori Rios Stuart Mellan Ronald Morris Elizabeth Orr Lori Pittman Victoria Rios Margarita Mendez Jacqueline Morrow Michael Ortega Stephen Placencia Tonya Risley Ricardo Mendez Brough Carlos Ortiz Mary Placencia Michelle Ritza Erika Mendez Joseph Moschera Javier Orton Leslie Polito Matthew Ritzel Granadino Pamela Moseley Amber Ott P Porter Ivette Rivas Daniel David Mosley Charles W. Otto Carlos Portillo David Rivera Mendez-Gutierrez Max Mote Donald Ouellette Alexandra Potter Savas Rivera Jeffrey Mendola Margaret Moton Laura Overstreet Rebecca Precup Justin Roberts Melisa Mendoza Eleanor Moty Enrique Oviedo Paul Predick Michael Roberts Noe Mendoza David Mungo Lisa Owens-Sredzinski Shawn Preston Dewayne Robertson Vanessa Mendoza Michelle Munn Arsenio Paco-Beltran Liza Pretto Kayle Roberts-Starkey Raymundo Meranza Sheri Munoz Sara Padia Brenda L. Pries Larry Robinson Elaine Meredith Lori Munro Armando Padilla Brian Prince Julie Robinson Veronica Murillo Jesus Padilla Darrell Pritchard Alberto Robles 31. Esteban Robles Virgie Sandoval Trisha Sjoblom Michael Sweeney Annabelle Valenzuela Melissa Robson Rocio Sands Andrew Skaggs Olivia Sweeney Desiree Valenzuela Renee Rodela Nicole Santa Cruz Kiley Skaggs Jessyca Sweeten Laura Valenzuela Crystal Rodriguez Joe Santana Andrew Slater Russell Taliaferro Luis Valenzuela Dulce Rodriguez Karissa Sargent Christopher Smith Louis Tancredi Ralph Valenzuela Heidi Rodriguez Tyrone Sawyer Kathleen Smith Scott Tankersley Gilberto Valenzuela Jesus Rodriguez Stephanie Scavelli Keri Smith Jonathan Taracena Quijada Leonardo Rodriguez Brittani Schadier Mary Jo Smith Valerie Tarwater Carrie Van Dyke Patricia Rodriguez Margaret Schafer Natasha Smith Daniel Tavison Ciara Varin Sharon Rodriguez Sarah Schagel Richard Smith Brent Tayah Armando Vasquez Shawna Rodriguez Robert Schaller Scott Smith Barbara Taylor Leann Vaughn Alan Rogers Lori Scheffing Zackery Smith Gayle Taylor Alberto Vazquez Samantha Rogers Anahi Scherling Georgina Smith-Gunn Kevin Taylor Ramon Vazquez Russell Rogers Craig Schessler Nathaniel Smitley Maribeth Taylor Lizjael Vejar Brenda Rojo Michael Schierling Harold Snellen Mark Taylor Javier Velarde Susana Roles Daniel Schildberg Kelli Sobieski Sunny Taylor Georgia Velarde Alisa Roman Stuart Schillinger Andrew Soderman Todd Taylor Adriana Velazquez Frances Rome George Schlecht Robert Soltero John Teager Phyllis Verdugo Alexis Romero Isaac Schmidt Matthew Somers Amy Teller Richard Verdugo Anthony Romero Adam Schoen Ashley Soorani Christina Tellez Edward Vergara Deseret Romero Mark Schoolman Michelle Soper Dylan Tellez Brooke VerMilyea Hilario Romero Gary Schott Shaun Sorensen Jim Testerman Susan Vernon Lisa B. Romero Daniel Schulter Adan Sotelo David Theel Steve Vidal Manuel Romero Robin Schulzkump Octavio Sotelo Bobby Thomas Christine Viecelli Raymond Romero Joey Schwanz Alejandro Soto Vega Margaret Thomas Gregory Villa Vanessa Romero Brett Scott Alicia Soucy-Dunbar Tamra Thomas Dileni Villalobos Elvia Romero Rodriguez Brian Scott Michael Spencer Garrett Thompson Chavarria Christal Roquemore Michael Scott Monica Spencer Timothy Thomure Martha Villicana-Hoeff Paul Rosales Nicole Scumaci Thomas Spencer Linda Tiarks Reyna Viramontez Daniel Rosene Erika Sdobnev Steven Speth Gloria Tileston-Tharp Linda Volkerink Cholpon Rosengren Timothy Secomb Dillon Spoon Jody Tillison Sherry Voorhees John Ross Beverly Secoy Laura Spradlin Shawn Tinsley Melissa Wade Michael Ross David Sedlak Stephen Sprague Scott Tobin Torrence Wade Wayne Rossi Gilbert Segovia Chad Springetti Selina Tolano Danielle Wagner Jonathan Roth Mark Sellers Jennifer Stack Judy Tolle David Wagner William Roubos Brian Sellner Matthew Stagi Julie Tollefsen Patrick Wagner Kara Rowley James Sevic Roberta Stahl John Tolo Nancy Wahl Kimberly Rowsell Mary Shaffer Kalyn Staliski Jamie Torgersen William Wahl Miranda Royal Donna Shand Caleb Stanton Monica Torralba Denise Waldo Mary Rude Dennis Shannon Jessica Starcevich Arnoldo Torres Frances Ann Walker Charlie Ruiz Michael Shannon Adam Steffen Guadalupe Torres Bayley Walker Jaime Ruiz Robert Shay Darren Steinhoff Monique Torres Matthew Walker Jose Ruiz Yvonne Shealy Patrick Stergion Roberto Torres Michael Walker Lourdes Ruiz Caren Shepard Ben Sternberg Yvette Torres Karen K. Wallace Raymond Ruiz Stephen Shepherd Dustin Stevens Sarah Toscano Michael Walsh Ann Runge Stuart Sherman Lynne Stevens Steven Toy Valerie Walsh Sarah Russell Trey Sherwood Courtney Stevenson Trudi Treat Bryson Wampler Jeffrey Ryals Kelly Shields Pepper Stevenson Daeshon Trent Arthur Warrick Jason Ryan Kathy Shipp Andrew Stewart Christina Trimm Danielle Wasson Peter Rybaczyk Benjamin Shivanonda Dawn Stewart Michael J. Trueba Brett Waterman Steven Saavedra Ronald E. Showalter Francis Steward Christina Trujillo Renee Waters Lilliana Salais Camela Shreves Jessica Stewart Francisco Trujillo Kayla Watkins Eric Salazar Rebecca Sicilian Sean Stewart Jomay Tsang-Scollick Shelby Watkins Michael Salazar Stacy Sickels Dalamar Stieber-Ibarra John Tsosie McKenna Wayne Jennifer Salcido Marsha Siegel Mark Stoll John Tugade Sandra Webb Jesus Salcido Raymond Siegel Brenda Stopani Tara Turek Jeremy Weber Rigoberto Salcido James Siffermann Denise Strang Robert Turley Larry Weigel Ronnie Salcido Joneen Sigette MIchael Strawn Dontrelle Turner Tammy Weiss Marianna Salgado Michael Sihler Timothy Strong Lonnie Turner Amy Welander Joseph Salinas Cruz Silva Ericka Stropka Veronica Upton Brandon Welch Betty Salinas Luis Silva Garrison Stutsman Sergio Urcadez Jodean D. Wendt Estella Samorano Miguel Silva Damian Suarez Ana Urena Renee Wentworth Christopher Sample Shawn Simmer German Suarez-Valle Andre Urena Scott Wert Brian Sanchez Charles Simmons Michael Suggs Ana Urquijo Charles Wesselhoft Mary Sanchez Katherine Simmons Randy Sullivan Arturo Valdenegro Wade Wessels Meylin Sanchez Moreno Lori SImmons Kristen Surgenor Andrew Valdez Geoffrey West Rachel Sanders Amanda Sinner Elizabeth Swagzdis Marco Valdillez Glen Whalen Wade Sanders Alberto Siqueiros Ashleigh Swanson Manuel Valencia John Wheat Cecilia Sanders Diaz Joanna Siqueiros Barbara Swanson Sandra Valencia Chester Whinery Jr. Steven Sandoval Geoff Sjoblom Evelyn Sweeney Albert Valenzuela Stephen Whipp

32. Josie Whitaker Julie White Kendal White Monty White Stephan Whitney Jasmine Wiederrick Antoine Williams Cynthia Williams Diontez Williams Eric Williams Natalie Wilkins Kelsey Williams Paula Williams Theodore Williams Teri Williamson Fleet Willoughby Amanda Wilson Cory Wilson Doyace Wilson Shelby Wilson Teresa Wilson Chelsea Wiltse Jeniffer Wilyat Scott Winchell James Winstanley Corey Wittman Dennis Wittmann Melissa Wodecki Jennifer Wolf Renee Wolin Ryan Wolter Bernadette Woodson Carrie Wooters Susan Wortman Darlene Wright Rob Wright Danny Wyatt Beat Wyrsch Bruce Wyzykowski Bridget Yeager Guy Yeager Diane Yepiz Abdullah Yilmaz Carlos Yoshitaro Christopher Young Jorde Young Ryan Young Michaela Young-Mitchell Priscilla Yrigolla Marie Yslas Richard Ysmael David Zaleski Gayl Zambo Yade Zatarain Monica Zavala Donna Zazworsky David Ziegler Karl Zimmel Jami Zimmerman Craig Zingg Eric Zuercher

33. UnitedWayTucson.org P. 520.903.9000 | F. 520.903.9002 330 N. Commerce Park Loop Ste. 200 Tucson, AZ 85745


