Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2

2.0.1 Release Notes

Release Notes for Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2.0.1 Edition 2

Last Updated: 2017-10-19

Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2 2.0.1 Release Notes

Release Notes for Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2.0.1 Edition 2

Mandar Joshi Red Hat Engineering Content Services [email protected]

Misha Husnain Ali Red Hat Engineering Content Services [email protected] Legal Notice

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These release notes contain important information related to Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2.0.1. Read these Release Notes in their entirety before installing Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2.0.1. Table of Contents

Table of Contents

. .H . A. P. .T .E .R . .1 .. .A . B. O. .U . T. .J .B .O . S. .S . E. N. .T .E . R. P. .R .I S. .E . W. . E. B. . S. E. R. .V .E . R...... 3 ...... 1.1. OVERVIEW 3 1.2. CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE 3 1.2.1. Bug Fixes 3 1.2.2. Known Issues 8

.A .P . P. E. N. .D . I.X . A. . .R .E . V. I.S .I O. .N . .H .I S. .T .O . R. Y...... 1 .4 ......

1 2.0.1 Release Notes




JBoss Enterprise Web Server is a fully-integrated and certified set of components for hosting web applications. It is comprised of the industry's leading web server (Apache HTTP Server), the popular Servlet container as well as load balancers (mod_jk and mod_cluster), Hibernate, the Tomcat Native library and others.

Supported Configurations For a comprehensive list of supported configurations for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0 and 2.0.1, refer to the JBoss Enterprise Web Server Supported Configurations page.


1.2.1. Bug Fixes

JON Plugin

865460 - Cannot add a Group to tomcat's UserDatabase

Due to missing parameters a public class, adding a group to Tomcat’s UserDatabase using the JBoss Operations Network (JON) interface displays an error:

DEBUG [ResourceFactory.executor-1] (rhq.core.pc.inventory.CreateResourceRunner)- Throwable was found in creation report for request [10083]. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Name [roles] specified for parameter of operation [createGroup] on MBean [Users:type=UserDatabase,database=UserDatabase] is invalid. The MBean operation does not take a parameter by that name..

A fix is applied to add the missing parameters. As a result, adding a group to Tomcat’s UserDatabase works as expected in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1.

865459 - Cannot add a User to tomcat's UserDatabase

Due to missing parameters in the public class, adding a user to Tomcat’s UserDatabase using the JBoss Operations Network (JON) interface in JBoss Enterprise Web Server displays an error in agent’s log indicating that the MBean parameters are invalid.

A fix is applied to add the missing parameters. As a result, adding users to Tomcat’s UserDatabase using JBoss Operations Network (JON) works as expected in JBoss Operations Network (JON).

688358 - [JBPAPP-6104] JON 2.4.1: User Database "Save" operation fails, but reports Success

The add, modify and remove operations in tomcat 6 and 7 do not manipulate the user database as expected. As a result, the JBoss Operations Network interface fails. The plugin logic is now fixed. To ensure JBoss Operations Network works as expected, set readonly="false" in the UserDatabase resource in the server.xml file.

3 2.0.1 Release Notes

921194 - [tomcat] Connectors are not properly discovered and therefore are unavailable along with all their content

Due to an issue in the JBoss Enterprise Web Server plug in, the connectors ?-8080 and ?-8009 are down. As a result, Tomcat 7 can not be monitored or managed. The bug in the JBoss Enterprise Web Server plug in is now fixed. As a result, the connectors are now discoverable and are named http- bio-8080 and ajp-bio-8009 as expected and Tomcat 7 can be managed and monitored successfully.

921261 - WebModule is reported as DOWN or UNAVAILABLE due to plug-in expecting stateName to return 1 instead of STARTED

The missing MBean for the //localhost/my-simple-webapp WAR file causes all the web applications deployed on Tomcat 7 to be unavailable. The Tomcat 7 support patch contains the updated MBean names. The relevant MBean names are now correct and discoverable as expected.


947579 - httpd 2.2.22 init script does not properly make use of the pid file

OpenShift Enterprise contains a cartridge that requires a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform subscription. The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform channel provides an Apache init script that is incompatible with the httpd 2.2.22 init script in the OpenShift Enterprise cartridge. The JBoss httpd service script does not pass the "-p pidfile" flag to killproc resulting in killing openshift-console and openshift-broker services along with all the end user applications that use httpd. The bug in the init script is now fixed. The patch in the httpd 2.2.22 init script now kills the process using its process ID as expected.

973189 - EWS httpd keeps writing logs to old log file after rotated by logrotate

JBoss Enterprise Web Server httpd does not write logs to new log file after after it is rotated by logrotate. Expected behavior is to write logs to new log file after rotated by logrotate. This occurs because the file path is incorrect in /etc/logrotate.d/httpd script.

This issue is fixed in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. The file path is now corrected in /etc/logrotate.d/httpd script. JBoss Enterprise Server httpd now writes logs to new log file after rotated by log rotate.

900827 - Apache httpd returns 500 status code instead of custom status code when using mod_proxy

An issue with Apache http produces wrong status code when using mod_proxy http as a loadbalancer/proxy and a JSP with a custom status code. Instead of custom status code, 500 status code is returned.

The bug in the Apache http has now been fixed. Using mod_proxy http as a loadbalancer/proxy and a JSP with a custom status code now returns the custom status code.

901126 - Update postinstall script to check for check for conf file before editing

JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0 contained mod_snmp and mod_cluster. However, JBoss Enterprise Application Platform does not require these dependencies and therefore the commands that manipulate mod_snmp and mod_cluster in the .postinstall file are not suitable for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. As a result, the .postinstall file included with JBoss Enterprise


Application Platform 2.0 did not work as expected. This is fixed so that the .postinstall file now includes condition tests in mod_cluster and mod_snmp. As a result, the .postinstall file shipped with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform works as expected.

971861 - Multiple Issues with OCSP

OCSP (mod_ssl) mishandles responses for responders in specific situations. For example, if a responder sends NULL or blank data but does not close the connection, mod_ssl unexpectedly ends the response.

Further information about this issue is available at OCSP-response-data-ASN1-D2I-READ-BIO-not-enough-data-td24437.html

Additionally, OCSP does not work as expected when used in conjunction with an intermediate CA (Certification Authority), for example when a CA is used for Apache configuration.

Further information about this issue is available at id=46037

As a result of these problems, cretin OCSP responders do not work as expected with JBoss Enterprise Web Server and intermediary CAs also do not work as expected. These problems are fixed in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 using a patch. As a result of the fix, third party OCSP responders and intermediary CAs work as expected with JBoss Enterprise Web Server.

896674 - Solaris .postinstall.httpd script fails to configure OPTIONS for apachectl

The post-installation script included in incorrectly configured the OPTIONS parameter in the apachectl script. As a result, installing httpd in a directory other than the default directory (/opt/jboss-ews-2.0/), apachectl fails to launch httpd as it cannot locate the httpd.conf file. The following error message is displayed:

httpd.worker: Could not open configuration file /opt/jboss-ews- 2.0/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: No such file or directory

A fix is added to JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. As a result, httpd locates the configuration files in $INSTALL_DIR/jboss-ews-2.0/etc/httpd/conf/ and is launched successfully.


901145 - mod_cluster returns HTTP 502 or (500 Proxy Error) with https connector

An HTTP error 502 (Bad Gateway) is displayed after a period of inactivity when only HTTPS connector is enabled for balancer-worker communication for mod_cluster with https. Httpd tries to re- use a connection that have been closed already. SSL handshake fails resulting in HTTP error. The bug in mod_cluster has now been fixed. mod_cluster works as expected and does not return an HTTP error 502 (Bad Gateway) after a period of inactivity when only HTTPS connector is enabled for balancer-worker communication.

900997 - mod_cluster: advertising doesn't work in mixed IPv4/IPv6 setting

An issue in the apr library for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6 causes an error to be displayed in the error_log for advertising using mod_cluster. The error message is displayed when IPv6 or a mixed protocol setting (IPv4 and IPv6) is used for advertising using mod_cluster.

5 2.0.1 Release Notes

The bug in the apr library has now been fixed. The latest updated version of the apr library can be downloaded from the RHN channel.


899449 - Upgrade mod_jk to 1.2.3x

Attempts to manage multiple nodes using the status manager URL fails due to an issue with mod_jk version shipped with JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0. JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 contains the updated mod_jk version 1.2.37. As a result, the status manager URL manages multiple nodes as expected.

900793 - JK status manager - mass nodes handling works strange

Due to an issue with the mod_jk version shipped with the JBoss Enterprise Web Server, multiple nodes using status manager URL were not managed properly.

The updated version of mod_jk in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 uses the status manager to manage multiple nodes as expected.


927930 - access denied on tomcat6 rpm running with security manager

Some symbolic links in the JBoss Enterprise Web Server RPM do not work correctly under java security manager. Specifically the links require going one level up (for example, they start with the symbolic address ../) but the security manager’s java does not allow this. Additionally, a required Constant subclass was inaccessible to JBoss Enterprise Web Server. As a result, the following instructions fail to compile under the security manager:

The following error appears as a result of the compile failure: access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "

The symbolic links are now changed in the relevant files and the previously inaccessible Constant classes are instanced in a calling class. As a result, these problems are now fixed and JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 works as expected.


969002 - [EWS-2.0.1-ER2] Error in postinstall scriptlet for tomcat6 and tomcat7 rpm

The tomcat6 and tomcat7 postinstall scripts included in JBoss Enterprise Web Server do not work as expected. This is because the SEModule is expected to be in the /usr/bin/semodule directory, which does not exist. SEModule is available at /usr/sbin/semodule instead, which is the correct location. Additionally, the provided module installation path (%/selinux/packages/tomcat…) is incorrect.


A fix is added for tomcat6 and tomcat7 in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. This fix ensures that the expected path for SEModule is correct and that the installation path is correct. As a result, the module now works as expected.

959841 - Update Tomcat 6 and 7 for EWS 2.0.1

JBoss Enterprise Web Server’s included Tomcat 6 and 7 packages were out of date. The most recent versions of Tomcat 6 (6.0.37) and Tomcat 7 (7.0.40) are now included in JBoss Enterprise 2.0.1. As a result, both versions of Tomcat now work as expected.

971429 - Postinstall scriptlet for tomcat6 and tomcat7 not executed in update

When an existing package was upgraded in JBoss Enterprise Web Server, the postinstall script for tomcat6 and tomcat7 were not run. As a result, selinux policies were not updated after the upgrade.

A fix is included in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 to address this problem. As a result, the postinstall script is run after an upgrade as expected and selinux policies update.

910479 - Need to include full implementation of tomcat-juli.jar and tomcat-juli-adapters.jar

Tomcat (6 and 7) includes a version of the tomcat-juli.jar file that is hard coded to use java.util.logging instead of , which is preferred for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2. As a result, Tomcat cannot be configured to use log4j unless the complete version of tomcat-juli.jar and tomcat-juli-adapters.jar are downloaded.

JBoss Enterprise Web Server 1.x included the full version of tomcat-juli.jar and tomcat- juli-adapters.jar to configure log4j successfully. JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0 did not include the full version of tomcat-juli.jar and excluded tomcat-juli-adapters.jar. As a result, log4j could not be configured with JBoss Enterprise 2.0 as expected.

JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 now contains the correct versions of the tomcat-juli.jar and tomcat-juli-adapters.jar to configure log4j. As a result, log4j configuration now works as expected.

959871 - postinstall.tomcat.bat

The post-installation BAT files for JBoss Enterprise Web Server for Windows and Solaris contain a typo in one of the file names. The file named commons-daemon-1.0.15-redhat-1.jar is listed as commons-daemon-1.0.10.jar in the mklink command line.

A fix is applied for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 to ensure that the commons-daemon file contains the correct version. As a result, the post-installation BAT files for the Windows and Solaris versions of JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 work as expected.

899477 - EWS: decide if jsvc should have capability support

JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0’s version of jsvc did not include libcap support. Additionally, CVE- 2011-2729 prevents the use of libcap support as expected when included. As a result, it is not possible to start Tomcat as a root user and then downgrade it using the Linux capabilities library. The commons daemon code is now fixed and JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 includes libcap. As a result, using jsvc now works as expected.

901134 - jasper-jdt.jar

7 2.0.1 Release Notes

The jaspter-jdt.jar file is packaged in JBoss Enterprise Web Server’s Tomcat 7 library for Windows and Solaris and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 ZIP installation files. Additionally, in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 ZIP files, the file is included in both the Tomcat 6 and 7 libraries. This file’s name contains a typo, which prevents it from working as expected.

The spelling error is corrected and the file is now named jasper-jdt.jar. As a result, the file works as expected in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1.


961617 - Tomcat7 - possible memory leak when stopping it

JBoss Enterprise Web Server’s Tomcat 7 did not stop correctly when used with the Windows operating system and instead displayed an error in the catalina.out file.

This issue is fixed in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. As a result, when Tomcat 7 is used with Windows, it stops as expected and does not display any errors.

923825 - Cannot create virtual host for tomcat7 rpm

Due to permissions issues in the JBoss Enterprise Web Server RPM installation, a virtual host can not be created as expected. This occurs when the user tomcat is created in the tomcat- users.xml file and then navigating to localhost:8080/host-manager/html to sign in as user tomcat, then attempting to create a virtual host. This task fails with the following error:

FAIL - Failed to create appBase [/usr/share/tomcat7/testwebapps] for host [test]

A fix is applied in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 to create a virtual host as expected.

969023 - Tomcat7: ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory

Due to incorrect naming for packages (o.a.tomcatdbcp instead of o.a.commons.dbcp) in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution of the JBoss Enterprise Web Server files, an exception displayed when a lookup is attempted for a Tomcat JNDI datasource:

ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory

The naming is now corrected and the correct class is located as expected in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1.

1.2.2. Known Issues

JON Plugin

738826 - [tomcat] Start/Stop/Restart operation should support RPM System V init script with different service names

When configuring JBoss Enterprise Server’s Tomcat server which utilizes System V Init service scripts, the service name cannot be changed.


This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. Currently, no workaround exists for this issue because JBoss Enterprise Server’s JBoss Operations Network (JON) does not allow service name changes.

703562 - Tomcat plugin missing support for JNDI configured Datasources

The JBoss Enterprise Web Server’s Tomcat plugin is used to expose configured JNDI Datasources. The plugin should provide relevant Datasource/Connection Pool information but instead it does not provide any information for JNDI Tomcat Datasources.

This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 and there is currently no workaround for this problem.

803093 - [Tomcat Plugin] Changing an existing connector type results in new connector type not being discovered

In JBoss Enterprise Web Server, when an existing Tomcat connector is changed by modifying the Tomcat server.xml file, JBoss Operations Network (JON) does not discover the new connector. The old connector is kept in the inventory and it is not valid.

This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. As a workaround for this issue, remove the old connector resource from the JBoss Operations Network (JON) inventory and force service discovery to discover the new connector.

963264 - RFE - JON Tomcat plugin + Tomcat as Windows service

When JBoss Enterprise Web Server’s Tomcat is installed as a windows service, expected behavior is for it to start and stop as a service (using net start tomcat6 and net stop tomcat6). However, JBoss Operations Network uses the startup.bat and shutdown.bat files, which start Tomcat in a windows console instead of as a service.

This is known issue for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. As a workaround for this issue, create two scripts in the CATALINA_HOME\bin directory and update the startup.bat and shutdown.bat script fields in the JBoss Operations Network interface’s Tomcat configuration tab.

952674 - JON Tomcat user database - union displayed names of tomcat groups, roles and users

JBoss Enterprise Web Server’s JBoss Operations Network (JON) plugin user interface displays the names of groups and users enclosed within quotation marks ("") but the names of roles are not within quotation marks.

This is a known issue in the JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 JBoss Operations Network (JON) plugin and there is currently no workaround for this problem.

583996 - EWS Tomcat: "Store Configuration" operation doesn't appear to do anything?

In a running implementation of JBoss Enterprise Web Server’s JBoss Operations Network (JON), selecting the Store Configuration option in the Operations menu does not update the server.xml file. This occurs because the StoreConfig MBean used to persist changes to server.xml was not included in the version of Tomcat that shipped with JBoss Enterprise Web Server.

This is a known issue for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 and currently no workaround is available for this issue.

9 2.0.1 Release Notes


962819 - Apache Use of LDAP+SSL Doesn't Work on Windows

Httpd partially supports the Windows operating system LDAP SDK. The SSL for secure LDAP should be stored in the registry but this is not supported by httpd/apr. On Windows, a combination of LDAP and SSL does not work properly and an error displays:

LDAP: SSL support unavailable: LDAP: CA certificates cannot be set using this method, as they are stored in the registry instead.

This is a known issue for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 and currently no workaround exists for this issue.

978084 - CVE-2013-1862 httpd: mod_rewrite allows terminal escape sequences to be written to the log file [jbews-2]

It was found that enabling mod_rewrite on 64-bit versions of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 running Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2.0.1 could cause an httpd thread to crash, and the httpd process to restart.


958990 - mod_cluster core when use ProxyPass / balancer://bal and CreateBalancers 1

In JBoss Enterprise Web Server, setting CreateBalancers 1 in /conf.d/mod_cluster.conf without setting the stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid configuration displays the following segmentation fault information:

[notice] child pid 7787 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. As a workaround, add the stickysession element to the CreateBalancers configuration. For example:

CreateBalancers 1 ProxyPass / balancer://qacluster stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid

960246 - Regression in ProxyPass integration

Due to a regression from an earlier version of included in JBoss Enterprise Web Server, accessing a directory (for example /app/clusterbench/requestinfo/ returns a HTTP 503 error.

This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 and currently no workaround is available for this problem.

963723 - mod_cluster: proxy DNS lookup failure with IPv6 on Solaris

Java returns IPv6 with a zone value similar to 2001:db8:0:f101::1%2. Subsequently, when returning a node address, the modcluster subsystem sends the IPv6 information as it exists in Java. In Solaris, apr_sockaddr_info_get() does not support the returned format and fails to resolve the IP as a host name. As a result, httpd mod_cluster does not work as expected IPv6 node addresses.


This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. The workaround for this issue is to use address="hostname" in the web subsystem connector.


901010 - mod_jk doesn't support IPv6

The version of mod_jk included with JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2 does not support IPv6.

This is an upstream bug and a known issue for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. No workaround is currently available for this issue.

900273 - On RHEL 6 mod_jk unable to handle space after equal '=' sign in where worker name includes a hyphen '-'

When a worker name includes the - character and a space is added after the = character in the file, the following error appears in the mod_jk logs:

[25736:139832971024352] [error] uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (506): Could not find worker with name

jk-stauus in uri map post processing. [25736:139832971024352] [error] uri_worker_map_ext::jk_uri_worker_map.c (506): Could not find worker with name

jk-stauus in uri map post processing.

This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. A workaround for this issue is to remove the space after the = sign. Therefore, /jk-status|/* = jk-status is changed to /jk- status|/* =jk-status.

900794 - Mod_jk: recover_time is not properly used

The recover_time value is only applied correctly once (the first time). The problem manifests when recover_time is set to a value greater than 60 seconds and is greater than the value of worker.maintain. After the first recovery attempt concludes and the worker errors return to the global error state, the worker is placed in recovery mode again on the next invocation of the worker.maintain method.

This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 and currently no workaround is available for this issue.


900978 - IPv6 :: address slowing down Tomcat6/7 on MS Windows

When an IPv6 address is used to start Tomcat 6 or 7 on Windows and them the relevant version of Tomcat is shut down, the shutdown process is unexpectedly slow. Additionaly, during the shutdown process, the catalina.log file logs the following warning:

WARNING: Acceptor thread [http-0%3A0%3A0%3A0%3A0%3A0%3A0%3A0-8080- Acceptor-0] failed to unlock. Forcing hard socket shutdown

11 2.0.1 Release Notes

This is a known issue for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 and currently no workaround is available.

979423 - Tomcat files not relabeled after installation of selinux policy

After installing SELinux policy for Tomcat rpms, the Tomcat files are not relabelled in JBoss Enterprise Web Server, resulting in incorrect context based on the newly installed policy.

This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. As a workaround for this issue, relabel the filesystem by using any of the following commands as a user with root privileges:

fixfiles restore /

restorecon -r /

901173 - Tomcat6 and tomcat7 installs the EL API package to alternatives using the same name "el_api"

During the RPM installation for tomcat6 and tomcat7, alternatives are configured for el_api. Both versions of tomcat use the same name (el_api)), due to which the tomcat version installed later overwrites the version installed first. Additionally, both builds use the alternatives el_api and el_api_1_0 instead of the correct version (tomcat6 uses version 2.1 while tomcat7 uses 2.1).

This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. A workaround for this issue is to use update-alternatives to install the desired version of the EL API.

899180 - CR1: /host-manager application doesn't persist newly created virtual hosts

When a virtual host is created using the /host-manager/html application, it is successfully created but the newly created host is not persistently added to the Tomcat configuration. The new host is added after Tomcat is restarted, which is not expected behavior.

This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. No workaround is available for this problem.

971866 - Remove libcap-devel requirement from apache-commons-daemon-jsvc-eap6

JBoss Enterprise Web Server’s apache-commons-daemon-jsvc-eap6 file requires the missing libcap-devel package instead of the libcap package, which is available.

This is a known issue for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 and currently no workaround is available for this problem.

956509 - add storeconfig to EWS 2.0.1

JBoss Operations Network did not work as expected because the storeconfig components in tomcat 6 and 7 were missing. The missing StoreConfig components are now available in RPM distribution.

RPM users can install the distribution using the executable jar in the /usr/share/tomcat7/lib directory.


This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. As a workaround, ZIP distribution users can open the RPM using the rpm2cio [rpmname] | cpio -idv command. From the output, copy the JAR file to the tomcat lib directory.

StoreConfig uses a LifecycleListener which must be configured as a Listener in server.xml.

900901 - Tomcat6/7 doesn't allow character ':' in several properties (server.xml)

JBoss Enterprise Web Server’s version of Tomcat 6 and 7 does not allow the semi-colon character (:) in the server.xml for several attributes and displays an exception for an invalid character instead. This character is normally used as a group delimiter for the IPv6 addressed.

This is a known issue for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1. No workaround currently exists for this issue.

901081 - Tomcat[6,7]: Start with security manager fails on RHEL with jdk-ibm16,ibm17

When using JBoss Enterprise Web Server with Red Hat Enterprise Linux with either the IBM JDK 1.6 or 1.7, the -security command does not start tomcat (6 or 7) but posts exceptions to the logs instead.

This is a known issue in JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 and there is currently no workaround for this problem.


956346 - Hibernate4 javadoc must be installed to versioned directory with unversioned symlink

As part of productization, aggregate javadocs are installed into a naming scheme similar to "_javadocdir"/%"name"-%"namedversion", where %"name" is the package name and %"namedversion" is the full productized version (this is not the same as the RPM %"version"). Subsequently, an unversioned symbolic link is added. The hibernate4 javadoc currently uses an unversioned directory, which does not match packages. As a result, wildcards used in the file exacerbate this problem.

This is a known issue for JBoss Enterprise Web Server 2.0.1 and currently no workaround exists to fix this problem.

13 2.0.1 Release Notes


Revision 2.0.1-17.1 Wed Feb 11 2015 Lucas Costi Updated the Product Name to reflect the new name grouping for the product. No update was made to details in the guide.

Revision 2.0.1-17 Mon Aug 09 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Added known issue instead of security information.

Revision 2.0.1-16 Mon Aug 05 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Update for security patch information.

Revision 2.0.1-15 Tue July 02 2013 Mandar Joshi Updating for QE review.

Revision 2.0.1-14 Tue July 02 2013 Mandar Joshi Minor change for QE review.

Revision 2.0.1-13 Tue July 02 2013 Mandar Joshi Final build for 2.0.1.

Revision 2.0.1-12 Fri June 21 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Moved BZ-901010 to mod_jk section. Moved BZ-901173 to tomcat6 and tomcat7 sections.

Revision 2.0.1-11 Thurs June 20 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Final bugs added.

Revision 2.0.1-10 Mon June 17 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Updated report a bug link.

Revision 2.0.1-9 Fri June 14 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Added 22 new bugs.

Revision 2.0.1-8 Mon June 10 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Added a final bug (BZ-971861)

Revision 2.0.1-7 Fri June 07 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Removed one bug.

Revision 2.0.1-6 Fri June 07 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Final bug added.

Revision 2.0.1-5 Wed June 05 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Updated with new JBoss brand.

Revision 2.0.1-4 Mon June 03 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Updated two release notes.

Revision 2.0.1-3 Mon June 03 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Release notes for all bugs but one added.

Revision 2.0.1-2 Thur May 30 2013 Misha Husnain Ali Updated with correct markup.

Revision 2.0.1-1 Thur May 30 2013 Misha Husnain Ali First draft.