Agenda Item: Ordinary Meeting of 20/02/18

Attachment 6.1.1 MINUTES ORDINARY 200218draft

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Sports Club


Mayor, Councillor CR Bilkey (in the Chair) Councillors A Aquino, GS Campbell, NF Cohen, A Crowe, NH Gorey, AM Mathers, TE Weyrich (at 1:33pm) and GW Wise




The following members of staff were also in attendance:

D Bilske Acting General Manager P Higgins Acting Director Corporate Services J Louw Director Engineering G Bulmer Acting Dir Planning, Environment & Economic Development K Keogh Manager Office of the General Manager (Minute Secretary)


The Mayor opened the meeting with an Acknowledgement of Country.


The Mayor held a short appropriate prayer.


There were no apologies received for the meeting.

The General Manager advised the Council that Councillor TE Weyrich would be arriving late to the meeting.

This is Page No. 1 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club


Councillor NH Gorey declared a conflict of interests in Clauses 3 and 4 of the Director Corporate Services Report on Local Health Medical Trust.

Councillor AM Mathers declared a conflict of interests in Clauses 3 and 4 of the Director Corporate Services Report on Local Health Medical Trust.

Councillor TE Weyrich declared a conflict of interests in Clauses 3 and 4 of the Director Corporate Services Report on Local Health Medical Trust.


Moved Councillor A Aquino Seconded Councillor GW Wise

010218 RESOLVED that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of held on 16 January 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Carried Unanimously.


The deputation to Council by representatives of the Friends of Moama Echuca Botanic Gardens regarding Clause 3 of the General Manager’s Supplementary Report was held later in the meeting.

The deputation to Council by Mark Pearce and/or representative regarding Clause 3 of the Director Planning, Environment & Economic Development Report was held later in the meeting.


A Supplementary Confidential Mayoral Minute will be submitted to the Confidential Committee of the Whole.


There were no standing committee reports submitted to the meeting.

This is Page No. 2 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club



Moved Councillor NF Cohen Seconded Councillor A Aquino

020218 RESOLVED that Council rescind the decision of the Council per General Manager’s Report, Clause 4, of 16 January 2018, Ordinary Meeting of Murray River Council, where the following motion was lost:

That in accordance with Part 7 of Chapter 12 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Act), the Murray River Council (Council) resolves: 1. That the Council inform the Minister for Local Government (Minister) of the Council's endorsement of the Minister recommending to the Governor the establishment of a Joint Organisation (Joint Organisation) in accordance with this resolution; 2. To approve the inclusion of the Council's area in the Joint Organisation's area; 3. That the Joint Organisation be established to cover the Council's area and any one or more of the following Council areas: Albury City, Federation, , , Murray River, Balranald Shire, Wentworth Shire, Narrandera Shire, Leeton Shire, Griffith City, Murrumbidgee, Carrathool Shire and Hay Shire; 4. That on the expiry of a period of 28 days from the making of this resolution, the General Manager provide the Minister: (a) with a copy of this resolution including the date on which Council made this resolution, and (b) inform the Minister that this resolution has not been rescinded, for the purpose of the Minister issuing a certificate under section 400P of the Act.

Carried Unanimously.

Moved Councillor AM Mathers Seconded Councillor GW Wise

030218 FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with Part 7 of Chapter 12 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Act), the Murray River Council (Council) resolves: 1. That the Council inform the Minister for Local Government (Minister) of the Council's endorsement of the Minister recommending to the Governor the establishment of a Joint Organisation (Joint Organisation) in accordance with this resolution; 2. To approve the inclusion of the Council's area in the Joint Organisation's area; 3. That the Joint Organisation be established to cover the Council's area and any one or more of the following Council areas: Albury City, Federation, Berrigan Shire, Edward River, Murray River, Balranald Shire, Wentworth

This is Page No. 3 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

Shire, Narrandera Shire, Leeton Shire, Griffith City, Murrumbidgee, Carrathool Shire and Hay Shire; 4. That on the expiry of a period of 28 days from the making of this resolution, the General Manager provide the Minister: (c) with a copy of this resolution including the date on which Council made this resolution, and (d) inform the Minister that this resolution has not been rescinded, for the purpose of the Minister issuing a certificate under section 400P of the Act.

Carried Unanimously.


Moved Councillor NH Gorey Seconded Councillor AM Mathers

040218 RESOLVED that Council rescind motion number 130314 as adopted at the Ordinary Meeting of former Council now Murray River Council of 19 March 2014 per Replacement of Murray River Bridge at Murray Downs/Swan Hill, as follows: i. That the Officer’s Report be received and noted. ii. That Council confirms its position in relation to the approved option 9a as its preferred solution for the Murray River Bridge Crossing at Swan Hill Murray Downs.

Carried Unanimously.

Moved Councillor NF Cohen Seconded Councillor NH Gorey

050218 FURTHER RESOLVED that Murray River Council writes to VicRoads and requests that they investigate the “John Forrest” bridge proposal as a potential option for the replacement of the Murray River Bridge Crossing at Swan Hill/Murray Downs.

Carried Unanimously.

At this stage of the meeting, being 1:33pm, Councillor TE Weyrich arrived at the meeting.

This is Page No. 4 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club



Moved Councillor GS Campbell Seconded Councillor A Crowe

060218 RESOLVED 1. That Council adopt the Draft Murray River Council Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy (POL103) and that same be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days to allow for public comments/submissions. 2. That all comments/submissions received to the Draft Murray River Council Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy (POL103) be considered, and subsequently adopted, at the next scheduled meeting of the Council following the close of the public exhibition period.

Carried Unanimously.


Moved Councillor TE Weyrich Seconded Councillor GS Campbell

070218 RESOLVED that Council supports the Echuca Moama Apex Club in holding the 2018 Apex Gift on 23 March 2018 at the Moama Recreation Reserve with a financial contribution of $1,000, and also waives the booking fee for use of the Moama Recreation Reserve, being $250 (including GST) as per Council’s 2017/2018 Fees and Charges, based on the Sponsorship Application attached to the Report.

Carried Unanimously.


Moved Councillor NH Gorey Seconded Councillor NF Cohen

080218 RESOLVED that Council sponsors the 2018 Swan Hill Country Music ‘Walk Up’ Event to be held 11-14 October at the Tooleybuc Sporting Club, with a financial contribution of $500 based on the Sponsorship Application attached to the Report.

Carried Unanimously.

This is Page No. 5 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club


Moved Councillor GS Campbell Seconded Councillor GW Wise

090218 RESOLVED that Council supports the 2018 Flavours of Echuca Moama festival to be held 19-20 May in Moama, with a financial contribution sponsorship of $2,000 based on the Sponsorship Application attached to the Report.

Carried Unanimously.


Moved Councillor TE Weyrich Seconded Councillor A Aquino

100218 RESOLVED that the Council approves the transfer of $2,119 from the Country Arts Reserve to the current year’s budget, to be used on the Mathoura Mural Project.

Carried Unanimously.



This Clause was considered by the Council later in the General Manager’s Supplementary Report.


Moved Councillor GS Campbell Seconded Councillor GW Wise

110218 RESOLVED that the Murray River Council resolved that: 1. The Council confirms registration as a Small Business Friendly Council with the Office of the Small Business Commissioner for NSW; 2. The Council delegates authority to the General Manager to enter into a contract with Services NSW for Easy to do Business; and 3. Any necessary documents be authorised for execution under the Common Seal of Council.

Carried Unanimously.

This is Page No. 6 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club


At this stage of the meeting, being 2:00pm, Tim Garden and Bev Rankin made a deputation to the Council regarding Clause 3 of the General Manager’s Supplementary Report – Moama Echuca Botanic Gardens.



Moved Councillor GS Campbell Seconded Councillor GW Wise

120218 RESOLVED that the Murray River Council: 1. Support the proposal of the Friends of Moama Echuca Botanic Gardens to accept the gift of sculpture La Belle Helene 2; 2. Approve of the allocation of $6,000 from General Fund to pay for sculpture repatinate (removal of green oxidation and wax), valuation certificate and installation cost on the island in the centre of the Moama Echuca Botanic Gardens; 3. Write to sculptor David Maughan thanking him for the donation of the piece; 4. Write to Kron Nicholas and Rob Trickey thanking them for their assistance in obtaining and placing of the sculpture; and 5. Write to Friends of Moama Echuca Botanic Gardens thanking them for their assistance in this project.

Carried 8-1.


Moved Councillor NH Gorey Seconded Councillor AM Mathers

130218 RESOLVED that Council receive and note the Acting General Manager’s Report on the February Board Meeting of Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils (RAMROC).

Carried Unanimously.

At this stage of the meeting, being 2:14pm, the meeting adjourned to await the deputation to Council at 2:30pm.

At this stage of the meeting, being 2:28pm, the meeting resumed.

This is Page No. 7 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club


At this stage of the meeting, being 2:30pm, Mark Pearce made a deputation to the Council regarding Clause 3 of the Director Planning, Environment & Economic Development Report – Development Application 133/17.

At this stage of the meeting, being 2:42pm, the meeting immediately considered Clause 3 of the Director Planning, Environment & Economic Development Report.




Moved Councillor GS Campbell Seconded Councillor GW Wise

140218 RESOLVED 1. That the Officer’s Report be received and noted. 2. That Development Application 133/17 for construction of two tier retaining wall, installation of a pump pontoon water supply structure and associated earthworks be granted development consent, subject to the conditions outlined as follows:

Prescribed Conditions in Accordance with Division 8A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 that must be Fulfilled

1. Clause 98: Compliance with Building Code of Australia and Insurance Requirements under the Home Building Act 1989. 2. Clause 98A: Erection of Signs. 3. Clause 98B: Notification of Home Building Act 1989 Requirements. 4. Clause 98C: Conditions Relating to Entertainment Venues. 5. Clause 98D: Conditions Relating to Maximum Capacity Signage. 6. Clause 98E: Conditions Relating to Shoring and Adequacy of Adjoining Property.

This is Page No. 8 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

Please refer to the NSW State legislation for full text of the clauses under Division 8A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 –

General Conditions that must be Fulfilled

1. The development of a retaining wall, installation of a pontoon and walkway as a water supply structure and associated earthworks on Lot 1, DP148355, 91 Perricoota Road, Moama NSW 2731 must be carried out in accordance with the approved plans dated 28 September 2017 (Sheets 1-6 Drawing No. 44482-3B prepared by BM Civil Engineers) and subject to the following conditions: (a) The proponent must ensure and monitor that the development is secured in the approved location. The development must not be relocated without the prior written consent of Council and other government departments or agencies, as may be the case. (b) The proponent must ensure that the development is maintained in a safe and serviceable condition at all times. The use of the development must not detrimentally affect the amenity of the area, including through: i. the transport of materials, goods or commodities to or from the site, and ii. the appearance of any works or materials, and iii. any emission of noise, artificial light, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit or oil. (c) No waste or waste storage facilities are to be placed or stored on the bank or land adjacent to the retaining wall except with the prior written consent of Council and the relevant landowner. (d) No advertising sign that requires the prior approval of Council is to be erected/displayed on the retaining wall unless the advertising sign benefits from a development consent notice issued by Murray River Council. (e) No vessels are permitted to be moored at the site. (f) The walkway and pontoon must be hinged so it is able to rise and fall with the level of the watercourse and be able to be removed in a major flood event. (g) All conditions of consent must be fulfilled to the standard of Council and at the expense of the developer.

Compliance with Government Department Conditions of Consent

1. The proponent must comply with all conditions and requirements outlined on NSW DOI Water – General Terms of Approval (Dated 4 December 2017). It is noted that the General Terms of Approval issued by NSW DOI Water do not constitute an approval under the Water Management Act 2000. 2. The proponent must comply with all conditions outlined on NSW RMS correspondence (Dated 2 December 2017).

This is Page No. 9 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

Conditions that must be Fulfilled Prior to the Issue of a Construction Certificate

1. The Applicant must prepare and submit an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan with the application for a Construction Certificate. This Plan must be approved by Council prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate. These measures must be in place prior to works commencing. Such measures must be maintained throughout the working period and must not be removed until the works are completed. Operations must be conducted in such a manner as not to cause damage or increase erosion of the adjacent banks. 2. The Applicant must provide Council with a detailed report from an appropriate consulting structural engineer demonstrating that the proposed development can withstand the force of flowing floodwaters, including buoyancy forces. 3. The structures must be designed and certified by a practicing and suitably qualified Structural Engineer. 4. The Applicant must supply Council with details of the specific colours being used to complete the structure. Colours must blend with the riverine environment and must be approved by Council prior to the commencement of works. This condition does not apply to the requirements of NSW RMS for navigational safety. 5. Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, the applicant must submit to Council a Landscaping Plan detailing indigenous species of riparian vegetation to be planted to screen and soften the appearance of the development to the riverine environment. This Plan must also assist with stabilising the bank, providing both habitat for wildlife and a trap for silt, nutrients and other substances which may otherwise enter the river and lead to a deterioration of water quality. 6. Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate, the consent holder must obtain a Controlled Activity Approval (CAA) for any controlled activity (works) on waterfront land under the Water Management Act 2000 from NSW DOI Water. Waterfront land for the purposes of this Development Application (DA) is land and material in or within 40 metres of the top of the bank or shore of the river identified. The Construction Certificate will not be issued over any part of the site requiring a Controlled Activity Approval until a copy of the approval has been provided to Council. 7. The requirements of the NSW DOI Water - General Terms of Approval must be shown on the plans accompanying the Construction Certificate prior to the issue of any Construction Certificate.

Conditions that must be Fulfilled Prior to the Commencement of Any Works

1. A Construction Certificate must be submitted to, and approved by Council prior to any building works taking place on the subject site. 2. The Applicant may need to obtain a permit under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 or the Water Management Act 2000 if there is to be any excavation within, or filling of the waterway.

This is Page No. 10 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

3. Erosion and sedimentation controls must be installed and maintained on site in accordance with the approved plan for the duration of construction works. Such measures must be maintained throughout the working period and not removed until the works are completed. Operations must be conducted in such a manner as not to cause damage or increase erosion of the bank. Erosion and sediment mitigation devices must be erected in a manner consistent with currently accepted Best Management Practice (i.e. Managing Urban Stormwater: Soils and Construction 4th Edition Landcom, 2004) and the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation “Erosion and Sediment Control – A Resource Guide for Local Councils” to prevent the entry of sediment into the waterway prior to any earthworks being undertaken. These must be maintained in good working order for the whole duration of the works and subsequently until the site has been stabilised and the risk of erosion and sediment movement from the site is minimal. Exposed soil must be reseeded or turfed. 4. A temporary water closet accommodation must be provided onsite during construction. This facility must be located onsite so as to not create a nuisance to any adjoining properties. 5. The NSW DPI Fisheries District Fisheries Officer at Deniliquin (Telephone: 03 5881 9928, Mobile: 0427 897 145, Email: [email protected]) must be notified at least 3 days prior to the commencement of construction (email preferred). 6. If any ground disturbance is to take place, erosion and sediment mitigation devices must be erected in a manner consistent with currently accepted Best Management Practice (i.e. Managing Urban Stormwater: Soils and Construction 4th Edition Landcom, 2004) to prevent the entry of sediment into the waterway prior to any earthworks being undertaken. These must be maintained in good working order for the whole duration of the works and subsequently until the site has been stabilised and the risk of erosion and sediment movement from the site is minimal. Exposed soil must be reseeded or turfed.

Conditions that must be Complied with During Works and in Perpetuity

1. Machinery must not enter, or work from the waterway unnecessarily. 2. No snags (tree trunks, root balls, limbs, branches or other woody debris) in the channel or on the bank of the river are to be moved, removed or otherwise interfered with either during the construction phase or at any time subsequently, without the concurrence of NSW Department of Primary Industries - Fisheries. 3. Native vegetation (including trees such as River Red Gum, Black Box and River Coobah, shrubs, reeds such as Phragmites and grasses) on or adjacent to the river bank must not be cleared, modified or otherwise harmed at any time during the construction or at any time subsequently. This does not include control of noxious or other recognised weeds. 4. NSW Department of Primary Industries Fisheries must be notified immediately if any fish kills occur in the vicinity of the works. In such a case,

This is Page No. 11 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

all works must cease until the issue is rectified and approval is given to proceed. 5. Vehicles must be clean and free of debris prior to leaving the site during construction. Deposited material may be ordered to be removed at the applicant/operator’s expense. 6. The construction site must be maintained in an environmentally sound manner during works. Designated waste containment areas must be provided on site, and maintained so as to prevent any windblown litter escaping from the site. 7. Any damage or deterioration to any portion of the footpath and/or kerb and guttering or other Council property including road reserves, during construction must be reinstated to its original condition at the owner's expense to the satisfaction of Council. 8. During construction the proponent must undertake measures to minimise dust and noise and ensure that the impact on neighbouring properties is minimised. 9. Works must not commence on the site before 7am on weekdays and Saturdays and 8am on Sundays and public holidays. All works must cease by 8pm on any day. 10. There must be no clearing of native vegetation other than that approved by NSW Murray Local Land Services in accordance with the provisions of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.The works associated with the approved development must not disturb the root systems of any native trees present on site. 11. If any Aboriginal object is discovered and/or harmed in, or under the land, while undertaking the proposed development activities, the proponent must:  Not further harm the object;  Immediately cease all work at the particular location;  Secure the area so as to avoid further harm to the Aboriginal object;  Notify NSW OEH as soon as practical on 131 555, providing any details of the Aboriginal object and its location; and  Not recommence any work at the particular location unless authorised in writing by NSW OEH. In the event that skeletal remains are unexpectedly encountered during the activity, work must stop immediately, the area secured to prevent unauthorised access and NSW Police and NSW OEH contacted. All reasonable precautions must be taken to prevent damage to Aboriginal objects. For more information please refer to the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (NSW OEH) document entitled ‘Due Diligence Code of Practice for the Protection of Aboriginal Objects in , available: ddcop.pdf. 12. The proponent must take all necessary precautions and implement measures to prevent pollution of waterways during the proposed works.

This is Page No. 12 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

13. Clean fill only is to be utilised between the retaining wall and the land. There must be no urban rubble or litter in the fill. All backfill material to fill behind the retaining wall must be sourced from off-site. 14. Geotextile material must be placed between the bank and the retaining wall so that soil is retained behind the wall and not washed out by water. The Geotextile material will allow water movement to occur freely, but soil movement is hindered. 15. Operations must be conducted in such a way that there is no diversion of the stream from the existing alignment and conducted in such a manner as not to cause damage or increase erosion of the adjacent banks. 16. Council must be notified of the completion of the works.

Conditions that must be Fulfilled Prior to the Release of the Occupation Certificate or Use of the Development

1. The Applicant must not allow or permit the structure (or part of the structure, in the case of alteration or additions) to be occupied or used, until: (a) All conditions of this consent have been completed in full; (b) An application for an Occupation Certificate has been completed and returned to the Principal Certifying Authority; and (c) The Principal Certifying Authority has issued an Occupation Certificate. 2. Landscaping must be completed to the satisfaction of Council in accordance with the approved Landscaping Plan prior to the use of the development. 3. The structures must have restricted access and appropriate signage to prohibit unauthorised use. The signage must be of minimal size to protect the amenity of the riverine environment. 4. The development consent number (DA 133/17) must be displayed at an acceptable location on the site. 5. On completion of the works, the site must be rehabilitated and stabilised. Surplus construction materials and temporary structures (other than silt fences and other erosion and sediment control devices) installed during the course of the works must be removed. 6. The applicant must ensure that they have adequate Public Liability Insurance to cover the structures.

Advice to Applicant

1. The land subject to this consent may have restrictive covenants applying to it. It is the responsibility of the owner and builder to ensure that covenants are adhered to. Council does not enforce or regulate covenants and therefore accepts no responsibility for checking the compliance of building design with such covenants. 2. It is noted that it is the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that the development is consistent with the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (NSW OEH) document entitled: Due Diligence

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MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

Code of Practice for the Protection of Aboriginal Objects in New South Wales, available: ddcop.pdf. 3. Underground assets may exist in the area that is subject to the application. In the interests of health and safety and in order to protect damage to third party assets please contact Dial Before You Dig at or telephone on 1100 before excavating or erecting structures. If alterations are required to the configuration, size, form or design of the development upon contacting the Dial Before You Dig service, an amendment to the development consent (or a new development application) may be necessary. Individuals owe asset owners a duty of care that must be observed when working in the vicinity of plant or assets on the relevant property via contacting the Dial Before You Dig service in advance of any construction or planning activities. 4. It is the responsibility of the applicant to check, understand and seek assistance where needed so as to ensure full compliance with the conditions of this Development Consent. Please contact Murray River Council on 1300 087 004 or [email protected] if there is any difficulty in understanding or complying with any of the above conditions. 5. The development must be in accordance with the relevant provisions and Regulations of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, the Fisheries Management Act 1994, the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, and all other applicable legislation. 6. The proponent should be aware that under Section 120 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 it is an offence to pollute waters. 7. No agent is exempt from the provisions of the Marine Safety Act 1998, or any other relevant legislation, and all agents must comply with any direction given by NSW RMS officers with regard to the prevention of pollution and safe navigation. 8. Controlled Activity Approval (CAA) is required for that part of the works located on "waterfront land". Waterfront land is considered to be the channel of the Murray River and land within 40 metres of the top of the bank. Please note that any subsequent application for CAA requires the inclusion of the relevant landholders consent.

Carried Unanimously.

FOR: Councillors Aquino, Bilkey, Campbell, Cohen, Crowe, Gorey, Mathers, Weyrich and Wise AGAINST: Nil.

At this stage of the meeting, being 2:53pm, the meeting continued in the order of the Agenda.

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MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club




Moved Councillor GS Campbell Seconded Councillor TE Weyrich

150218 RESOLVED 1. That the report detailing Council’s cashbook balance of $57,453,678.37 as at 31 January 2018 is received by the Council. 2. That the report detailing Council’s investment balance of $53,483,391.69 as at 31 January 2018 is received by the Council.

Carried Unanimously.


Moved Councillor TE Weyrich Seconded Councillor AM Mathers

160218 RESOLVED 1. That the budget variations, as detailed within the Quarterly Budget Review to 31 December 2017 and any subsequent changes made to the votes be included in Council’s estimates of income and expenditure for 2017/2018; and 2. That a further Budget Review to 31 January 2018 be undertaken.

Carried Unanimously.


Councillor NH Gorey declared a significant non-pecuniary conflict of interests in this matter, took no part in discussion, tabled a written notice to the Acting General Manager and left the meeting at 3:00pm.

Councillor AM Mathers declared a less than significant non-pecuniary conflict of interests in this matter, as he is Council’s delegate to the Local Health Medical Trust, took part in discussion, tabled a written notice to the Acting General Manager and stayed in the meeting.

Councillor TE Weyrich declared a pecuniary conflict of interests in this matter, took no part in discussion, tabled a written notice to the Acting General Manager and left the meeting at 3:00pm.

This is Page No. 15 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

Moved Councillor GS Campbell Seconded Councillor A Aquino

170218 RESOLVED that Council continue to require the repayment of the interest free loan from the Local Health Medical Trust, in accordance with the existing repayment schedule.

Carried 4-3.


Councillor NH Gorey declared a significant non-pecuniary conflict of interests in this matter, took no part in discussion, tabled a written notice to the Acting General Manager and as per the above Clause left the meeting at 3:00pm.

Councillor AM Mathers declared a less than significant non-pecuniary conflict of interests in this matter, as he is Council’s delegate to the Local Health Medical Trust, took part in discussion, tabled a written notice to the Acting General Manager and stayed in the meeting.

Councillor TE Weyrich declared a pecuniary conflict of interests in this matter, took no part in discussion, tabled a written notice to the Acting General Manager and as per the above Clause left the meeting at 3:00pm.

Moved Councillor A Crowe Seconded

MOTION that Council provide a 50% rate relief on the sewerage rates and annual charges for the property at 2/15 Mellool Street, Barham, in accordance with the Murray River Council Greater Wakool Ward policy on “Donations, Rates and Charges Assistance Program”.

The motion was LOST for want of a Seconder

Moved Councillor AM Mathers Seconded Councillor GW Wise

180218 RESOLVED that the Council provide rates relief for the property at 2/15 Mellool Street, Barham, by providing a contribution equal to the general, water and sewerage annual charges, subject to confirmation of the not for profit status of the organisation and meeting the advertising requirements of s356 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Carried 4-3.

At this stage of the meeting, being 3:20pm, Councillor NH Gorey and Councillor TE Weyrich returned to the meeting.

This is Page No. 16 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club


Moved Councillor TE Weyrich Seconded Councillor GW Wise

190218 RESOLVED that Council agree to the early repayment of the loan by Moama Anglican Grammar School and approve the Common Seal of Council to be affixed to any legal documents, subject to: (a) the receipt of the calculated accumulated interest and principal on the loan; and (b) Moama Anglican Grammar School being responsible for the costs associated with the mortgage discharge.

Carried Unanimously.



Moved Councillor GW Wise Seconded Councillor AM Mathers

200218 RESOLVED that the capital works progress report be received by the Council.

Carried Unanimously.


Moved Councillor NF Cohen Seconded Councillor AM Mathers

210218 RESOLVED that Council: 1. Notes the revised Terms of Reference for the Project Control Group and the Flood Study Reference Committee as attached to the Report. 2. Appoints Councillor A Aquino as Council’s delegate to the Echuca Moama Torrumbarry Flood Study Project - Flood Study Reference Committee.

Carried Unanimously.

This is Page No. 17 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club


Moved Councillor GS Campbell Seconded Councillor TE Weyrich

220218 RESOLVED 1. That Council approves the closure of a section of unused road, off Millewa Road, Bullatale, through Lot 48, DP75626. 2. That the Common Seal of Council be affixed to all relevant documentation in relation to this matter.

Carried Unanimously.



Moved Councillor TE Weyrich Seconded Councillor NH Gorey

230218 RESOLVED that the information be received and noted by the Council.

Carried Unanimously.


Moved Councillor NH Gorey Seconded Councillor AM Mathers

240218 RESOLVED 1. That the Officer’s Report be received and noted; 2. Council request NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) amend Condition 1 of the relevant Gateway Determination from: (a) Council is to review the draft Murray Shire Strategic Land Use Plan including the preferred staging of residential land releases around Moama. Demand and supply data must be updated to accurately reflect development activity. The revised draft Murray Strategic Land Use Plan is to be endorsed by the Department prior to community consultation. Council is to amend the planning proposal to reflect the outcomes of this work and seek approval from the Department prior to undertaking community consultation. to: (b) Council is to update its demand and supply detail and land release sequencing data. This work should include up to date housing supply and demand figures, from development application/construction certificate numbers and include both land zoned for development and

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MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

land subject to existing planning proposals. The work is to also include the preferred staging of residential land releases around Moama. Council is to amend the planning proposal to reflect the outcomes of this work and seek approval from the Department prior to undertaking community consultation.

Carried Unanimously.

FOR: Councillors Aquino, Bilkey, Campbell, Cohen, Crowe, Gorey, Mathers, Weyrich and Wise AGAINST: Nil.


This Clause was considered by the Council earlier in the meeting, when a deputation was made to the Council.


There were no questions on notice submitted to the meeting.


Moved Councillor AM Mathers Seconded Councillor GS Campbell

250218 RESOLVED that the Correspondence Report be received and the information be noted by the Council.

Carried Unanimously.

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MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club


The Mayor, Councillor CR Bilkey reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions:  16 Jan: Pre-Council Meeting Briefing – Mathoura  16 Jan: Ordinary Meeting of Council – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Social Health & Wellbeing Plan – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Community Strategic Plan / Budget / Strategic Objectives – Mathoura  24 Jan: Echuca Moama Tourism Board Meeting – Echuca  25 Jan: Australia Day Eve Dinner with Australia Day Ambassador, Robyn Moore – Moama  26 Jan: Murray River Council Australia Day Celebration & Citizenship Ceremony – Moama  30 Jan: Swan Hill Rural City Council & Murray River Council Joint Meeting – Barham  30 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Consultation on Proposed Councillor Induction & Professional Development Guidelines and Draft Model Code of Meeting Practice – Barham  5 Feb: Meeting with RAMROC/REROC General Managers & Mayors RE: Joint Organisations and potential structures – Narrandera  6 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 1 – Moama, Mathoura, Bunnaloo, Barham, O/N Murray Downs  6 Feb: General Manager Recruitment Meeting  7 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 2 – Murray Downs, Koraleigh, Goodnight, Tooleybuc, Moulamein, Wakool  13 Feb: General Manager Interviews – Moama  15 Feb: 'Meet the Council' Session – Tooleybuc  16 Feb: General Manager Interviews – Moama

The Deputy Mayor, Councillor GS Campbell reported on her attendance at the following meetings and functions:  16 Jan: Pre-Council Meeting Briefing – Mathoura  16 Jan: Ordinary Meeting of Council – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Social Health & Wellbeing Plan – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Community Strategic Plan / Budget / Strategic Objectives – Mathoura  24 Jan: Echuca Moama Tourism Board Meeting – Echuca  30 Jan: Swan Hill Rural City Council & Murray River Council Joint Meeting – Barham  30 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Consultation on Proposed Councillor Induction & Professional Development Guidelines and Draft Model Code of Meeting Practice – Barham  6 Feb: Echuca Moama Rotary Club Breakfast – Moama

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MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

 6 Feb: Murray River Council (Southern) Liquor Accord Committee Meeting – Echuca  6 Feb: General Manager Recruitment Meeting  8 Feb: Murray River Council Community Services Client Advocacy Meeting – Moama  13 Feb: General Manager Interviews – Moama  13 Feb: Community BBQ Lunch for 10th Anniversary of National Apology to the Stolen Generations – Echuca  14 Feb: Moama Preschool Committee Meeting – Moama  15 Feb: 'Meet the Council' Session – Tooleybuc  16 Feb: General Manager Interviews – Moama

Councillor A Aquino reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions:  16 Jan: Pre-Council Meeting Briefing – Mathoura  16 Jan: Ordinary Meeting of Council – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Social Health & Wellbeing Plan – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Community Strategic Plan / Budget / Strategic Objectives – Mathoura  26 Jan: Murray River Council Australia Day Celebration – Moama  30 Jan: Swan Hill Rural City Council & Murray River Council Joint Meeting – Barham  30 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Consultation on Proposed Councillor Induction & Professional Development Guidelines and Draft Model Code of Meeting Practice – Barham  6 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 1 – Moama, Mathoura, Bunnaloo, Barham, O/N Murray Downs  7 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 2 – Murray Downs, Koraleigh, Goodnight, Tooleybuc, Moulamein, Wakool  15 Feb: 'Meet the Council' Session – Tooleybuc

Councillor NF Cohen reported on her attendance at the following meetings and functions:  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Social Health & Wellbeing Plan – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Community Strategic Plan / Budget / Strategic Objectives – Mathoura  26 Jan: Murray River Council Australia Day Celebration – Moama  30 Jan: Swan Hill Rural City Council & Murray River Council Joint Meeting – Barham  30 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Consultation on Proposed Councillor Induction & Professional Development Guidelines and Draft Model Code of Meeting Practice – Barham  6 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 1 – Moama, Mathoura, Bunnaloo, Barham, O/N Murray Downs

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MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

 7 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 2 – Murray Downs, Koraleigh, Goodnight, Tooleybuc, Moulamein, Wakool  13 Feb: Moama Recreation Reserve Management Committee Meeting – Moama

Councillor A Crowe reported on her attendance at the following meetings and functions:  16 Jan: Pre-Council Meeting Briefing – Mathoura  16 Jan: Ordinary Meeting of Council – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Social Health & Wellbeing Plan – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Community Strategic Plan / Budget / Strategic Objectives – Mathoura  23 Jan: Tooleybuc Recreation Reserve Meeting – Tooleybuc  26 Jan: Australia Day Celebration – Tooleybuc  30 Jan: Swan Hill Rural City Council & Murray River Council Joint Meeting – Barham  30 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Consultation on Proposed Councillor Induction & Professional Development Guidelines and Draft Model Code of Meeting Practice – Barham  6 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 1 – Moama, Mathoura, Bunnaloo, Barham, O/N Murray Downs  7 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 2 – Murray Downs, Koraleigh, Goodnight, Tooleybuc, Moulamein, Wakool  8 Feb: Murray River Council Community Services Client Advocacy Meeting – Murray Downs  15 Feb: 'Meet the Council' Session – Tooleybuc

Councillor NH Gorey reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions:  16 Jan: Pre-Council Meeting Briefing – Mathoura  16 Jan: Ordinary Meeting of Council – Mathoura  22 Jan: Meeting with Councillor Mathers; Council's Director Engineering, Johan Louw; and Council's Manager Parks, Gardens & Waste, Luke Keogh to discuss planning options for Riverside Park, Barham  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Social Health & Wellbeing Plan – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Community Strategic Plan / Budget / Strategic Objectives – Mathoura  26 Jan: Australia Day Celebration – Moulamein  30 Jan: Swan Hill Rural City Council & Murray River Council Joint Meeting – Barham  30 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Consultation on Proposed Councillor Induction & Professional Development Guidelines and Draft Model Code of Meeting Practice – Barham

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MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

 6 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 1 – Moama, Mathoura, Bunnaloo, Barham, O/N Murray Downs  6 Feb: General Manager Recruitment Meeting  7 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 2 – Murray Downs, Koraleigh, Goodnight, Tooleybuc, Moulamein, Wakool  8 Feb: Murray River Council Community Services Client Advocacy Meeting – Murray Downs  9 Feb: Meeting with local business owner to discuss negative impacts of Container Deposit Collection Scheme – Barham  12 Feb: Barham Recreation Reserve Committee Meeting – Barham  13 Feb: General Manager Interviews – Moama  15 Feb: 'Meet the Council' Session – Tooleybuc  16 Feb: General Manager Interviews – Moama

Councillor AM Mathers reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions:  16 Jan: Pre-Council Meeting Briefing – Mathoura  16 Jan: Ordinary Meeting of Council – Mathoura  22 Jan: Meeting with Councillor Gorey; Council's Director Engineering, Johan Louw; and Council's Manager Parks, Gardens & Waste, Luke Keogh to discuss planning options for Riverside Park, Barham  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Social Health & Wellbeing Plan – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Community Strategic Plan / Budget / Strategic Objectives – Mathoura  24 Jan: Local Health Medical Trust Meeting – Barham  26 Jan: Australia Day Celebration & Presentation of Awards – Barham  30 Jan: Swan Hill Rural City Council & Murray River Council Joint Meeting – Barham  30 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Consultation on Proposed Councillor Induction & Professional Development Guidelines and Draft Model Code of Meeting Practice – Barham  6 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 1 – Moama, Mathoura, Bunnaloo, Barham, O/N Murray Downs  6 Feb: General Manager Recruitment Meeting  7 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 2 – Murray Downs, Koraleigh, Goodnight, Tooleybuc, Moulamein, Wakool  13 Feb: General Manager Interviews – Moama  13 Feb: Community BBQ Lunch for 10th Anniversary of National Apology to the Stolen Generations – Echuca  16 Feb: General Manager Interviews – Moama

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MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

Councillor TE Weyrich reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions:  16 Jan: Ordinary Meeting of Council – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Social Health & Wellbeing Plan – Mathoura  26 Jan: Australia Day Celebration & Presentation of Award – Wakool  30 Jan: Swan Hill Rural City Council & Murray River Council Joint Meeting – Barham  6 Feb: Meet Councillor Bus Tour on-site at Picnic Point – Mathoura

Councillor GW Wise reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions:  16 Jan: Pre-Council Meeting Briefing – Mathoura  16 Jan: Ordinary Meeting of Council – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Social Health & Wellbeing Plan – Mathoura  23 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Murray River Council Community Strategic Plan / Budget / Strategic Objectives – Mathoura  26 Jan: Murray River Council Australia Day Celebration – Moama  30 Jan: Swan Hill Rural City Council & Murray River Council Joint Meeting – Barham  30 Jan: Councillor Workshop on Consultation on Proposed Councillor Induction & Professional Development Guidelines and Draft Model Code of Meeting Practice – Barham  6 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 1 – Moama, Mathoura, Bunnaloo, Barham, O/N Murray Downs  7 Feb: Councillor Bus Tour of Murray River Council Day 2 – Murray Downs, Koraleigh, Goodnight, Tooleybuc, Moulamein, Wakool  9 Feb: Meeting with representative from Echuca Neighbourhood House – Moama  12 Feb: Meeting with Acting General Manager, Des Bilske; Manager Parks, Gardens & Waste, Luke Keogh; and landowner RE: Noxious Weeds control – Moama  12 Feb: Meeting with Acting General Manager, Des Bilske and local developer – Moama

Moved Councillor A Crowe Seconded Councillor NF Cohen

260218 RESOLVED that the Sundry Delegates Reports of the Mayor and Councillors be received by the Council and reasonable out of pocket expenses be met by Council.

Carried Unanimously.

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MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club


There were no notices of births or deaths submitted to the meeting.


Moved Councillor NF Cohen Seconded Councillor A Crowe

270218 RESOLVED that as provided in the Local Government Act 1993, Section 10A(2): Subsection (a) being personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors); and Subsection (d)(iii) being commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, reveal a trade secret, and the public interest in protecting confidential information outweighs the public interest in ensuring accountability through open meetings, the Council move into Committee of the Whole at 3:47pm.

Carried Unanimously.



Moved Councillor AM Mathers Seconded Councillor A Aquino

RECOMMENDED that Council approves that Tender Number C2017/2018-009 for Natural Disaster Flood Restoration Works for Local and Regional Roads be awarded to Hezem Pty Ltd T/A Gleeson Excavations based on a schedule of rates in its alternative tender with a commitment capped at $1,360,917.99, subject to budget.

Carried Unanimously.


Moved Councillor TE Weyrich Seconded Councillor GS Campbell

RECOMMENDED that Council approves that Tender Number C2017/2018-007 for the Construction of Reinforced Concrete Bridges on Colenso Park Road at

This is Page No. 25 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.

MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club

Yarrien Creek, Barham; and Fountain Road at Merran Creek, Mellool be awarded to Murray Constructions Pty Ltd for the sum of $1,336,820 (excluding GST).

Carried Unanimously.



Moved Councillor AM Mathers Seconded Councillor A Crowe

RECOMMENDED 1. That Council accept and sign the letter of offer for the Round One Stronger Country Communities Fund. 2. That the information contained within this Report remain confidential, as per the NSW State Government requirements until a formal announcement is made by the NSW Government.

Carried Unanimously.

At this stage of the meeting, being 4:00pm, D Bilske, P Higgins, J Louw, G Bulmer and K Keogh left the meeting.



Moved Councillor AM Mathers Seconded Councillor NH Gorey

RECOMMENDED that the Murray River Council Selection Panel for the position of General Manager recommends that Mr Des Bilske be appointed as Murray River Council’s General Manager for a term of three (3) years, subject to the negotiation of a package agreeable to both parties.

Carried Unanimously.

At this stage of the meeting, being 4:23pm, D Bilske, P Higgins, J Louw, G Bulmer and K Keogh returned to the meeting.

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MINUTES of the Ordinary Meeting 20 February 2018, 1:03pm Moama Sports Club


Cr GS Campbell requested that Council investigate options for the removal of rubbish at the 3 Mile (Perricoota Road, Moama) after the Southern 80 Water Ski Event. General Manager advised that a report would be prepared for consideration by the Council.


Moved Councillor AM Mathers Seconded Councillor NH Gorey

280218 RESOLVED that the Council move into Open Council at 4:25pm.


The Acting General Manager, on behalf of the Mayor, advised the decisions of the Confidential Committee in Open Council.

Moved Councillor AM Mathers Seconded Councillor NH Gorey

290218 RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Confidential Committee be adopted.



The next Ordinary Meeting of Murray River Council will be held on Tuesday 20 March 2018, commencing at 1:00pm, in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.


...... MAYOR

This is Page No. 27 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of MURRAY RIVER COUNCIL held on Tuesday 20 February 2018 in the Meeting Room (Ground Floor), Moama Sports Club, Perricoota Road, Moama.


Agenda Item: Notice of Rescission A

Attachment 10.1.1 RESCISSION MOTION A 200318 SIGNED


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 6. Request for Sponsorship - 2018 NAIDOC Week School Initiatives

Attachment 11.6.1 AAA NAIDOC School Initiatives Proposal 2018 - NSW 1

The NAIDOC Week School Initiative Competitions have brought a coordinated educational component to the week-long celebrations. The competitions have been overwhelmingly successful and last year was no exception which produced over 206,127 entries from schools who participated in a variety of competitions and we are delighted to announce this year’s “2018 NAIDOC Week” Colouring-in/short story and Creative/Essay writing Competitions. Entry is open to all primary and secondary school students in communities.

NAIDOC Week 2018 July 8th – 15th

The ultimate aim of these initiatives is to provide our kids with a greater understanding on the importance of friendship and cultural diversity. The competitions reflect Aboriginal ancestry and promote the growth of positive attitudes in all students towards Aboriginal people. They are broadly based around each year’s national NAIDOC theme. The colouring-in/ Short-Story competitions are open to all primary school students and the creative writing/ Essay Writing competition will be open to all secondary students. The winning students are each year awarded prizes from our major sponsors.

As part of National NAIDOC Week celebrations Koori Kids coordinates, with the support of various government departments and local councils an educational component to provide a link of cultural diversity to our kids with the NAIDOC Week School Initiative Competitions. These competitions have been a successful part of NAIDOC Week and to date we have received over 2,224,910 entries which include colouring-in, short story, creative writing and essay writing. As a result we have awarded over 450 major prizes including; Computers, Televisions, Mountain Bikes, XBox consoles, DVD Players, MP3 Players, Mini Stereos, and Encyclopedia’s. We have presented some 4950 encouragement awards including; CDS, DVDS, Movie Tickets and certificates to all participants

This year our highlighted Indigenous role models include a broader spectre recognising Indigenous talent in entertainment and sport and their contribution to the national identity Jessica Mauboy (Indigenous Singer) and Jonathan Thurston (Indigenous sportsman). Our message this year is that education is knowledge and knowledge is GOLD

The logistics of the initiatives involve packages being sent to all school principals inviting students to participate in the competitions. Prizes will be awarded to the winning students along with the “NAIDOC Medal of Excellence” The Prime Minister has previously provided a message of support for the initiatives encouraging students to participate. “The wonderful work of student winners – and indeed all entrants – gives me great confidence for the future and our ability to forge a more united, harmonious and respectful future together in the spirit of reconciliation. We can draw inspiration from their idealism and creativity, and their instinctive sense of possibility and openness to change. That is why I am so delighted to be associated with the successful NAIDOC Week School Initiatives”

The judging of entries last year was adjudicated by a panel including; our patron, Aboriginal Elders and Sponsoring agency delegates. The judging this year will take a similar precedent. At an awards presentation held during NAIDOC Week the Minister praised the competitions and their purpose “The initiative we are here to celebrate today provides a perfect illustration of how general public awareness has been raised around these issues in recent times. The NAIDOC School Initiative competitions are a perfect opportunity to bring Australians together. They have clearly done so”.

We acknowledge and appreciate the support of the council last year and seek your involvement again in this year’s competitions. We are asking that you assist this year by preparing a report to council and continuing your support to the initiative with a $450.00 contribution towards printing and distribution for students within councils LGA. Support last year was recognised by the Prime Minister and Minister – Indigenous Affairs at the NAIDOC Awards presentation held during NAIDOC Week. Logo was displayed on all materials sent to both principals and student’s across council’s LGA and a proof the 2018 competition entry forms for your information is attached. Support was also recognised in all media which included the Advertiser, National Indigenous Times, ABC Radio, Local media and ABC TV’s Message Sticks.

Presentation of NAIDOC Medals of Excellence were presented to the winning students were held at special school assemblies and were attended by Elders, Executive Director, NAIDOC Week School Initiatives, Director, Social Wellbeing & Community – Koori Kids, local Mayor or representatives, Regional Director of Schools, Delegates from the Department Education NSW and Australia Post. I would particularly like to acknowledge; Hon. Rob Stokes M.P – Minister for Education, Hon. Leslie Williams M.P – Minister for Early Childhood Education and Aboriginal Affairs, Ms Mary Senj (NSW CEC), Local Mayors and Mayoral Representatives; , Gunnedah Shire Council, Wollongong City Council, Sutherland Shire Council, Parkes Shire Council, Orange City Council, Shoalhaven City Council, Queanbeyan-Palarang Regional Council, Albury City Council, Hawkesbury City Council, Tamworth Regional Council, City of Canada Bay, Kiama Municipal Council, Cowra Shire Council, Eurobodalla Shire Council, Canterbury Bankstown Council, Hornsby Shire Council, Ku-Ring-Gai Council, Wollondilly Shire Council, Goulburn- Mulwaree Council, Tweed Council, City of Ryde, Walcha Council, , North Council, Bega Valley Shire Council, Broken Hill City Council, Waverley Council, Mid Coast Council, Strathfield Council, Wingecarribee Shire Council and Representatives of the Aboriginal Land Council for taking time out of their schedules to attend the school presentations. .

Without support these initiatives would not have been an overwhelming success and we hope that you will be able to assist us with this small community contribution. For further please contact the co- ordinator on (02) 8088-0791 or send an Email to [email protected]

Warm Regards

Dylan Williams Executive Director NAIDOC Week 2018 School Initiative Competitions


NAIDOC Week 2018 School Initiatives Koori Kids – Request for financial partnership

Mayor, Chief Executive Officer CC: Director: Community Services


Koori Kids is a community organisation that engages young people in a range of school initiatives to promote education and awareness of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander culture. Each year Koori Kids conducts the NAIDOC Week School Initiative Competitions for school aged children. This is broken up into primary and secondary school categories being; colouring‐in, short story writing and creative and essay writing. Koori Kids is seeking continued support from council and request consideration of council to be an associate partner with a $450 towards the program


The purpose of this annexure to the proposal is to inform council of the Koori Kids 2018 School Initiatives program. The initiatives are coordinated in partnership with Department of Education & Communities, Department of Education, Department of Health, Transport NSW, NSW Catholic Education Commission and Department of Premier & Cabinet.

Koori Kids has provided a proposal and draft entry forms for the 2018 initiatives. The contribution sought ($450) will be utelised towards the costs for printing and distribution of information packs, posters and entry forms to schools across councils LGA. These initiatives are designed to educate all students on cultural diversity and involve a whole of community approach in the spirit of reconciliation and bringing us ‘all together as one community’.

Costing Description Cost Printing Entry forms – (LGA Schools) 325.00 Distribution Postage and Delivery 125.00


This worthwhile cross cultural initiative has been operating very successfully since 2001 and is aligned with NAIDOC Week, celebrated in July each year. Hundreds of entries are received each year from schools within councils LGA, and the success of the program is due in part to the support of councils and partner organisations. The contribution sought ($450) will be utilised towards the costs for printing and distribution of information packs, posters and entry forms for colouring‐in, short story writing and creative essay writing competitions held in schools across the local government area (LGA). These initiatives are designed to educate all students on cultural diversity and involve a whole of community approach in the spirit of reconciliation and bringing us 'all together as one community'.


Strategic Plan – People and Culture

 A harmonious community based on respect and responsibility, where everyone is valued  Recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander heritage  Cultural and community activity encouraging harmony and reconciliation


The initiatives will enable participants to explore concepts linking environmental; and social/ cultural issues and foster harmony in the community.


The initiatives enables a diverse range of children to benefit from discussion and curriculum topics focused around the development of NAIDOC Week and the broader history of Indigenous culture.


Each year at some of the winning schools Koori Kids host some ‘Healthy Lifestyle Clinics’ with visiting celebrity sports persons the ultimate aim of these clinics is to encourage an active lifestyle; including nutrition, sportsmanship and skill development. All Students participating are provided a T‐Shirt, Water Bottle and Ball.

Council Acknowledgement

Council is acknowledged through logo inclusion as an associate partner on information packs sent to schools throughout councils LGA. If there is a winner from a school within council LGA, an invitation for the Mayor and or a representative is invited to attend the school, along with Executive Director, NAIDOC Week Initiatives, Director, Social Wellbeing and other dignitaries to make special presentation of the NAIDOC Medal of Excellence and the student’s prize. (only 30 Medals issued across the state). Media release for the winning school is prepared in consultation with council’s media officer. Council is also forwarded a final report and a special NAIDOC plaque.


The NAIDOC Week School Initiatives are the only activity throughout NAIDOC Week that provides students with an educational component to NAIDOC Week and Indigenous culture and heritage.


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 6. Request for Sponsorship - 2018 NAIDOC Week School Initiatives

Attachment 11.6.2 NAIDOC Week School Initiative s 2018 Entry Forms - NSW WEEK

NAIDOC Week Celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples WEEK COLOURING-IN COMPETITION Entry is open to all students in Years K-2 SPONSORS





Name______Age______School ______Year ______

All competitions: Entries must be recieved by close of business on Friday 22 June 2018 at the co-ordination centre, GPO Box 454, Sydney NSW 2001. Judging will take place on Thursday 28th June 2018. Winners will be notified through principals, presentations will take place at school assemblies with your local Mayor, Elders and other dignitaries. WEEK

NAIDOC Week Celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal WEEK and Torres Strait Islander Peoples poetry Entry is open to all students competition in Years 3-6 Write a poem entitled

“Spirit Dreaming”

INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS TO ASPIRE TO **Entry must be typed and on A4 Paper. Entries will be judged on quality, meaning and creativity. Please ensure the name grade and class are clearly included on both your story and on the official NAIDOC School Initiatives entry form.

Jessica Mauboy Jonathan Thurston Indigenous Recording Artist Indigenous Rugby League Player




Name______Age_____School ______Year _____

All competitions: Entries must be recieved by close of business on Friday 22 June 2018 at the co-ordination centre, GPO Box 454, Sydney NSW 2001. Judging will take place on Thursday 28th June 2018. Winners will be notified through principals, presentations will take place at school assemblies with your local Mayor, Elders and other dignitaries. WEEK

NAIDOC Week Celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal WEEK and Torres Strait Islander Peoples creative writing Entry is open to all students competition in Years 7-9

”Choose an Aboriginal song or film and explain what it means to you and why you have chosen this particular song or film.”

INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS TO ASPIRE TO **1000 words or less. Entry must be typed and on A4 paper. Please ensure name and grade are clearly included on both your work and on the official NAIDOC School Initiatives entry form.

Jessica Mauboy Jonathan Thurston Indigenous Recording Artist Indigenous Rugby League Player PRIZES SPONSORS



Name______Age_____School ______Year ______

All competitions: Entries must be recieved by close of business on Friday 22 June 2018 at the co-ordination centre, GPO Box 454, Sydney NSW 2001. Judging will take place on Thursday 28th June 2018. Winners will be notified through principals, presentations will take place at school assemblies with your local Mayor, Elders and other dignitaries. WEEK

NAIDOC Week Celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal WEEK and Torres Strait Islander Peoples essay writing Entry is open to all students competition in Years 10-12

“Discuss justice initiatives in Australia and how they have impacted on Aboriginal people over the last ten years.” Maximum words 1500 (entries will be judged on knowledge of subject and quality of essay)

INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS TO ASPIRE TO **Please ensure name grade are clearly included on both your work and on the official NAIDOC School Initiatives entry form.

Jessica Mauboy Jonathan Thurston Indigenous Recording Artist Indigenous Rugby League Player PRIZES SPONSORS



Name______Age_____School ______Year ______

All competitions: Entries must be recieved by close of business on Friday 22 June 2018 at the co-ordination centre, GPO Box 454, Sydney NSW 2001. Judging will take place on Thursday 28th June 2018. Winners will be notified through principals, presentations will take place at school assemblies with your local Mayor, Elders and other dignitaries.


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 2. Annual Financial Statements - 30 June 2017

Attachment 12.2.1 MRC Annual Statements 16.17 ( selected information)


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 3. Murray River Council 2018/2019 Budget

Attachment 12.3.1 Budget Timetable 2018-19


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 5. Sponsorship Request - Echuca & District Poultry Club

Attachment 12.5.1 Echuca and District Poultry C lub Inc


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 6. Sponsorship Request - Border Tall & All Game Group

Attachment 12.6.1 Border Tall and All Game Grou p Inc


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 7. Sponsorship Request - Moama Local Aboriginal Land Council

Attachment 12.7.1 MLALC - Donation Application Form


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 8. Sponsorship Request - Moama Public School

Attachment 12.8.1 Moama Public School - Funding Request


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 9. Sponsorship Request - Good Friday Appeal Twilight Market Fundraiser

Attachment 12.9.1 Good Friday Appeal - Funding Request


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 10. S355 Committee Dollar-for-Dollar Grant - Barham Recreation Reserve Committee

Attachment 12.10.1 $ for $ Grant Application - P aint interior of rental prope rty


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 10. S355 Committee Dollar-for-Dollar Grant - Barham Recreation Reserve Committee

Attachment 12.10.2 $ for $ Grant Application - M odernise electrical amenities


Agenda Item: CLAUSE 12. Sponsorship Request - Mathoura Events Committee

Attachment 12.12.1 Mathoura Events Committee Fun ding Request


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.1 APPENDIX 1 - CORRO Barham HS Thank You


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.2 APPENDIX 2 - CORRO Love Your Library - Valentine's Day timely reminder for NSW Government From: Local Government NSW To: Kerri Keogh Subject: Love Your Library - Valentine"s Day timely reminder for NSW Government Date: Monday, 12 February 2018 3:39:51 PM

To view this email as a web page, go here.

If this email does not display properly, view online

Local Government Weekly 12 Feb 2018

Media Release

Forget roses and chocolates on Valentine's Day - February 14 is the time for the state government to show our local libraries some love, according to Local Government NSW (LGNSW).

LGNSW President Linda Scott said the 450 council-run public libraries in NSW received less state government funding than in any other state or territory in Australia.

February 14 has been named "Library Lovers Day" by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), a move LGNSW strongly supports.

"NSW public libraries are visited by more than 34.8 million people each year," Cr Scott said.

"To put this in context, the Sydney Cricket Ground, Allianz and ANZ stadiums combined attract an average 3.1 million visits per year.

"Our council-run libraries operate as important community and literacy hubs, both in rural and regional NSW and in metropolitan areas.

"They're open to everyone and they're free, offering a wide range of services that can include children's story time, homework help for students, and activities for seniors - no entry ticket required.

"Yet the NSW Government contributes $3.76 per capita; well under than the next lowest government contribution of $6.07 provided in Queensland.

"The South Australian Government contributes $25.69, which is a strong recognition of the vital community services our libraries provide.

"The NSW Government tells us it's committed to investing the State Budget surplus in better public infrastructure, yet we're still lagging at the bottom of the league table when it comes to public library funding. "It's well past time for the NSW Government to 'share the love' with our public libraries by boosting funding support."

Cr Scott said the government's forecasts for dramatic population growth in NSW made it even more important to boost funding for underlying community infrastructure now.

"The NSW Department of Planning and Environment is projecting a NSW population of 9.9 million people by 2036, and the state government is pushing for faster development to support this growth," she said.

"Let's make sure that community infrastructure and services such as those provided by public libraries aren't left to fall even further behind the rest of Australia.

"The last thing anyone wants to see are council-run libraries being left with no choice other than to reduce library collections, services and opening hours."

Media Enquiries

LGNSW President Linda Scott: 0412 272 746 Media Toni Allan: 0412 774 441

Cr Linda Scott President Local Government NSW

T: 02 9242 4000 | F: 02 9242 4111 | E: [email protected] | W: GPO Box 7003, Sydney NSW 2001 | Level 8, 28 Margaret St, Sydney NSW 2000

Email Subscription Subscribe to receive the Local Government Weekly and Media Releases directly by email on the LGNSW website If you no longer wish to receive Local Government Weekly please update your preferences.


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.3 APPENDIX 3 - CORRO NSW Government Funding for Veterans Projects - Wakool

MEDIA RELEASE 14 February 2018


Member for Murray Austin Evans and Minister for Veterans Affairs David Elliott today announced Memorial Walk Action Group at Wakool will receive NSW Government funding of $1,000 as part of a proud commitment to help the community project of a Wakool Soldier Settlers Memorial Walk Stage 2.

Mr Evans said such Memorials to our Soldier Settlers have significant heritage value and meaning for the local community.

More than $175,000 has been allocated to assist communities across NSW to protect and repair local war memorials and support projects, which commemorate the service and sacrifice of service men and women.

Mr Elliott said the NSW Government was investing in communities like Wakool across the state, ensuring locals have a place to commemorate the service and sacrifice of our diggers.

“As we commemorate the Centenary of the Armistice it is important that young people understand the sacrifices made during the First World War.”

Mr Elliott also called for applications in the latest round of CWMF which is open until Anzac Day. “New grants of up to $10,000 are now available and I encourage all communities who believe their local memorial needs conservation or protection to apply,” he said. The next round of applications to the ACGP will open later in the year.

For more information, including application forms are available here


Media contact: Murray Electorate Office: (02) 6962 6644


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.4 APPENDIX 4 - CORRO MDA position on senate disallowance [email protected] T (03) 5480 3805 ABN: 64 636 490 493

463 High Street P.O. Box 1268 Echuca, Vic 3564


Councils from across the Basin call on all governments to ‘stay the course’

Local government is calling on the Government and Opposition to reach agreement over the way forward after a vote in the Senate last night to disallow a key amendment threatens to derail the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

The Basin Plan was struck a critical blow when the Senate voted 32-30 to disallow the Northern Basin Amendment, which reduced the water recovery target in the Northern Basin from 390GL to 320GL. The vote has caused NSW and to consider withdrawing from the Plan.

Murray Darling Association National President Cr Thurley said the economic impacts of the Senate’s vote would be felt soon and social impacts were immediate, with communities already reporting feelings of disbelief, devastation and uncertainty.

“We urge all governments to reach agreement on a way forward as soon as possible and demonstrate to all Basin communities that they are acting in their best interests,” he said.

“There must also be unity against the second disallowance motion, which would make the Basin Plan completely untenable if it passed. Communities must have confidence that the mechanisms in the Plan that provide for adaptive management will be respected.”

A disallowance motion against the 605GL of Sustainable Diversion Limit adjustment projects was deferred by the Senate yesterday, with a vote to be held on or before May 8.

Cr David Thurley said in voting against the Northern Basin Amendment, the Senate had compromised the Basin Plan for political purposes and shown a disappointing lack of regard for a process agreed to and signed by all states.

“This is an irresponsible vote that puts political interests before Basin communities and threatens to destabilise the entire Basin Plan,” he said.

“The Basin Plan was always designed to be adaptive and open to review to incorporate new information. The Basin Plan Amendment was agreed in 2016 on recommendation of all state Water Ministers following an extensive scientific review process by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, which also recommended measures to protect environmental water.

“In contrast, the disallowance motion provides no additional environmental benefit to the Basin and leaves our communities reeling.”

Cr Thurley acknowledged that allegations of water theft had highlighted serious and genuine issues with monitoring and compliance, but said work was already being done to address these matters.

“We demand that this work continues, but these issues should not be conflated with the Basin Plan Amendments,” he said.

MDA CEO Emma Bradbury said the challenge for all Basin governments was to work together in their commitment to a healthy river system and stability for communities.

“We urge all governments to continue discussions to find a way forward and deliver certainty and stability for our communities,” she said.


For more information, contact MDA CEO Emma Bradbury on 0429 905 017 or Cr David Thurley on 0419 510 274. All Region Chairs are also available for comment.

Contact information for the Chairs of the Murray Darling Association Region Name Organisation Mobile Phone Email Address/ Chair Region Cr David Albury City Council 0419 510 274 [email protected] 1 Thurley Region Cr Peter Moira Shire Council 0428 574 433 [email protected] 2 Mansfield Region Cr Leigh Balranald Shire 0428 201 301 [email protected] 3 Byron Council Region Cr Darriea Broken Hill City 0429 848 480 [email protected] 4 Turley Council Region Cr Peter Renmark Paringa 0447 177 341 [email protected] 5 Hunter Council Region Cr Barry Alexandrina Council 0417 808 565 [email protected] 6 Featherston Region Cr David Town of Walkerville 0414 631 442 [email protected] 7 Shetliffe Region Cr Denis Northern Areas 0408 148 725 [email protected] 8 Clark Council Region Cr Paul Leeton Shire Council 0447 293 829 [email protected] 9 Maytom Region Vacant 10 Region Cr John Gunnedah Shire 0408 421 065 [email protected] 11 Campbell Council (guest) Region Cr Richard Balonne Shire Council 0409 692 299 [email protected] 12 Marsh


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.5 APPENDIX 5 - CORRO Rethink mandatory IHAPS, says local government From: Local Government NSW To: Kerri Keogh Subject: Rethink mandatory IHAPS, says local government Date: Monday, 19 February 2018 3:06:53 PM

To view this email as a web page, go here.

If this email does not display properly, view online

Local Government Weekly 16 Feb 2018

Media Release

Local Government NSW President Linda Scott has urged Planning Minister Anthony Roberts to rethink the mandatory imposition of new local planning panels known as Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels (IHAPs).

Planning Minister Anthony Roberts has claimed the IHAPs are all about probity, but the local government sector says they actually erode the community's democratic right to help determine what happens in their neighbourhood.

"IHAPs have the potential to actually reduce the accountability and transparency of planning decisions," Clr Scott said.

"Councillors are elected by and accountable to the community, while panels are not.

"And to make matters worse, ratepayers will have to foot the bill for this new layer of bureaucracy being introduced from next month for Sydney and Wollongong.

"The legislation requires councils to bear the full cost of these panels - about $100,000 each, according to estimates by the Department of Planning and Environment.

"This means less funding for local parks, childcare centres and libraries in local communities.

"Councils will be keeping close track of the costs and will take the Government up on its commitment to recover net costs from the beneficiaries of development."

Less than 3% of development applications (DAs) are currently referred to a council meeting for determination, with 97% being approved by professional planning staff under delegation.

LGNSW has consistently argued that councils and communities should not have an additional layer of bureaucracy imposed on them.

"Democratically-elected councils should be able to determine whether the panel option is the right choice for their area and whether there are real benefits to the community," Clr Scott said.

"Ratepayers should be able to have confidence that they have a voice at the table via their elected representatives.

"A one-size-fits-all approach will never work in the many and varied neighbourhoods that make up Sydney and Wollongong.

"I'd urge the Planning Minister to rethink this move, and work in partnership with the local government sector to develop a better local planning system."

Cr Linda Scott President Local Government NSW

T: 02 9242 4000 | F: 02 9242 4111 | E: [email protected] | W: GPO Box 7003, Sydney NSW 2001 | Level 8, 28 Margaret St, Sydney NSW 2000

Email Subscription Subscribe to receive the Local Government Weekly and Media Releases directly by email on the LGNSW website If you no longer wish to receive Local Government Weekly please update your preferences.


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.6 APPENDIX 6 - CORRO New report urges action to capture surging Inclusive Tourism Market From: Local Government NSW To: Kerri Keogh Subject: Media Release - New report urges action to capture surging Inclusive Tourism Market Date: Monday, 19 February 2018 3:54:51 PM

To view this email as a web page, go here.

If this email does not display properly, view online

Local Government Weekly 18 Feb 2013

Media Release

More than 95,000 tourism operators and businesses in NSW are missing out on a potential windfall by not providing better information and services for people with a disability, older people and young families, according to a new report into the inclusive tourism market.

Inclusive Tourism: Economic Opportunities was commissioned by Local Government NSW (LGNSW) and co-funded by NSW Department of Industry, NSW Family and Community Services, LGNSW and the University of Technology Sydney.

It looked at the latest domestic tourism data, analysed international tourism trends and case studies as well as the level of potential growth in the Australian inclusive tourism market.

It comes as a new inclusive tourism on-line training course is released, providing the clear steps businesses can take to capitalise on the growing market.

"People with a disability have a right to enjoy travel and holidays like us all, and for the first time there is a clear business case for inclusive tourism," LGNSW President Linda Scott said today.

"It tells us that the inclusive tourism market is growing rapidly and that there is potential for even greater growth if businesses make a few simple improvements.

"And as the industry gathers deeper insights, we'll get a better picture of the potential of the market. It's likely the opportunities are even greater than what we're seeing today."

The report found:

$8.9 billion was spent on overnight or day trips in Australia by people with a disability, older people or young families from January to March 2017 Inclusive Tourism expenditure is expected to reach 25% of total tourism market by 2020 There is a multiplier effect of 0.5 that can be applied to expenditure of people with a disability because they often travel with companions The size of the inclusive tourism market is likely to double over the next 40 years The Chinese, UK, European and US markets of people travelling with a disability could be worth up to $10 billion a year.

Clr Scott said business, tourism and local government representatives had been working closely to develop more resources to help businesses understand how they can provide better services to the inclusive tourism market.

This included:

A series of 2017 roadshows on how to cater to the inclusive tourism market An expanded set of mandatory questions for tourism operators to answer as part of their listing with the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse; and An online training course targeted at councils and businesses.

"The on-line course is the first of its kind in Australia," she said. "It's a practical, easy to use guide on what tourism operators or councils can do to help provide better services to the inclusive tourism market.

"It focuses on how to provide better information, access and great customer service. And this doesn't always mean extra cost."

Media Enquiries Media Toni Allan: 0412 774 441

Cr Linda Scott President Local Government NSW

T: 02 9242 4000 | F: 02 9242 4111 | E: [email protected] | W: GPO Box 7003, Sydney NSW 2001 | Level 8, 28 Margaret St, Sydney NSW 2000

Email Subscription Subscribe to receive the Local Government Weekly and Media Releases directly by email on the LGNSW website If you no longer wish to receive Local Government Weekly please update your preferences.


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.7 APPENDIX 7 - CORRO Mobile Black Spot Program Update Niemur From: Des Bilske To: g.Councillors; ext.Geoff Wise; Tony Aquino; ext.Thomas Weyrich; Kerri Keogh Subject: FW: Mobile Black Spot Program Update Niemur Date: Tuesday, 27 February 2018 1:02:56 PM


Des Bilske | Acting General Manager Murray River Council | Mathoura Office | 21 - 25 Conargo St Mathoura, NSW 2710 PO Box 21, Mathoura, NSW 2710 p 03 5880 3541 | m 0437 032 358 | f 03 5884 3417 1300 087 004 |

Barham 03 5453 3200 | Mathoura 03 5880 3500 | Moama 03 5481 0900 | Moulamein 03 5887 5007

From: Cummins, Fiona [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of ! Telstra North West Vic Sent: Monday, 19 February 2018 12:57 PM Subject: Mobile Black Spot Program Update Niemur

Mobile Black Spot Program Update

I am pleased to be writing to inform you the community of Niemur is now benefitting from state of the art mobile technology following the activation of a new Telstra mobile base station in the area under the Federal Government’s Mobile Black Spot Program (MBSP).

Telstra is a proud long-time member, service provider and employer in the Victorian community, and we know that increased coverage is the number one priority for people and businesses in regional Australia.

Niemur and the surrounding area now has access to Telstra’s 3G and superfast 4GX mobile coverage, allowing the community to keep in contact with family and friends and run their businesses more effectively, whether by speaking on the phone or using a range of online services over our fast mobile internet network.

Once activated, all our sites undergo rigorous testing and monitoring to optimise the new services. At times, this may result in some disruption to the new coverage in the first few weeks while we work to ensure the best outcome is achieved for the community. The network stabilises once we have finished optimising and configuring the base station.

Telstra is rolling out a total of 577 new mobile base stations across rural and regional Australia under the MBSP, representing more than $486 million worth of co-investment between Telstra, the Federal and State Governments as well as numerous local councils to improve mobile coverage along major regional transport routes, in small communities and in locations prone to natural disasters.

In addition to the new mobile base stations, Telstra is installing a number of 4G small cells to deliver high speed 4G data services in some small country towns where suitable Telstra infrastructure is available.

This builds upon significant investment already undertaken by Telstra to expand and upgrade our wireless networks for the long term.

Telstra has a proud 100-year history of investing in rural and regional Australia and we are excited to be connecting so many more Australians under the MBSP.


Steve Tinker Area General Manager –Western & Northern Victoria Telstra Country Wide [email protected]

Telstra Intranet | | Telstra Exchange | Telstra Facebook | Telstra Twitter | CrowdSupport | Telstra Google+


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.8 APPENDIX 8 - CORRO Incubator Event Fund Round 2

MEDIA RELEASE 20 February 2018


Organisers of new and second-year events to be held between July and December 2018 are being encouraged to apply for the NSW Government’s 2018 Incubator Event Fund, which supports events held in rural and regional NSW.

Member for Murray Austin Evans said the Fund offers a one-off grant of up to $20,000 for new and existing smaller-scale events.

Mr Evans said this is a fantastic opportunity for event owners in our region who need extra support to help their event get off the ground or help it grow into something bigger.

“Whether it’s for marketing, public relations, venue hire or attendee research, this $20,000 grant will assist in attracting more overnight visitors, in the hope they stay longer and spend more time exploring our wonderful region.

“I encourage those eligible to apply soon so they don’t miss out on this wonderful NSW Government initiative.”

NSW Minister for Tourism and Major Events Adam Marshall said the Fund is part of the NSW Government’s record $43 million investment aimed at increasing overnight visitation and expenditure across rural and regional NSW.

“As a country-based Minister I am determined to ensure that we continue to empower and support event proponents, tour operators, hoteliers and visitor attractions, and that means investing in activities which help to turbocharge local economies and create more jobs,” Mr Marshall said.

“The more events we support across our regions, the more heads on hotel beds, diners in restaurants and shoppers in boutiques.”

The Regional Flagship Events Program is managed and administered through the NSW Government’s tourism and major events agency, Destination NSW.

Applications for round two of the 2018 Incubator Event Fund are open until Sunday 18 March 2018. To lodge an application and view the criteria visit, ENDS Media contact: Murray Electorate Office: Anne Lyons (02) 6962 6644


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.9 APPENDIX 9 - CORRO MDA meeting with Member for Farrer Sussan Ley [email protected] T (03) 5480 3805 ABN: 64 636 490 493

463 High Street P.O. Box 1268 Echuca, Vic 3564

MEDIA RELEASE 20/02/2018

Basin Plan the best option for communities, the environment and regional economies

Murray Darling Association National President Cr David Thurley and Member for Farrer Sussan Ley met in Albury yesterday to discuss the electorate’s position on the future of the Murray- Darling Basin Plan.

The two elected members found common ground during the meeting, after being reported to be at odds over responses to the Senate vote to disallow the Northern Basin Amendment, which would reduce the water recovery target in the Northern Bain from 390GL to 320GL.

While both staunchly supported the Northern Basin Amendment, Ms Ley responded to the Senate vote by urging the New South Wales Government to withdraw from the Plan, while Cr Thurley and the MDA councils across the Basin have called on all governments to stay the course and reach agreement on a way forward.

In their meeting, Cr Thurley said local government in the electorate of Farrer was outraged by the Senate vote but didn’t want to see the Plan fall apart as a result.

All 13 local government areas within Farrer are members of the Murray Darling Association, from Wentworth in the west to Greater Hume in the east.

“The councils we represent across the electorate have told us their communities have already given too much and come too far to walk away from the Plan now,” Cr Thurley said.

Ms Ley said a reliable, working Basin Plan was “the first best option” but she could not abide a “political exercise” that created further uncertainty in the communities she represents, particularly given the threat of a second disallowance motion against the 605GL of Sustainable Diversion Limit projects.

“I can’t stand by while my communities in the Murray and Murrumbidgee valleys are threatened by more buybacks after already losing so much water,” Ms Ley said.

Cr Thurley agreed that the Senate had shown a disappointing lack of regard for the principle of adaptiveness that underpins the Basin Plan, and in doing so had created grave uncertainty, and put at risk millions of dollars’ worth of project investments for the region.

“The best way to restore confidence in the plan is for Basin governments to stay the course and work together on implementing the Plan, which at the moment means reaching agreement on the Northern Basin Amendment and the Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment Mechanism.

Both leaders agreed that a reliable, accountable Basin Plan is the best option for achieving positive and balanced outcomes for communities, the environment and regional economies.


For more information, contact MDA CEO Emma Bradbury on 0429 905 017 or Cr David Thurley on 0419 510 274. All Region Chairs are also available for comment.

Contact information for the Chairs of the Murray Darling Association Region Name Organisation Mobile Phone Email Address/ Chair Region Cr David Albury City Council 0419 510 274 [email protected] 1 Thurley Region Cr Peter Moira Shire Council 0428 574 433 [email protected] 2 Mansfield Region Cr Leigh Balranald Shire 0428 201 301 [email protected] 3 Byron Council Region Cr Darriea Broken Hill City 0429 848 480 [email protected] 4 Turley Council Region Cr Peter Renmark Paringa 0447 177 341 [email protected] 5 Hunter Council Region Cr Barry Alexandrina Council 0417 808 565 [email protected] 6 Featherston Region Cr David Town of Walkerville 0414 631 442 [email protected] 7 Shetliffe Region Cr Denis Northern Areas 0408 148 725 [email protected] 8 Clark Council Region Cr Paul Leeton Shire Council 0447 293 829 [email protected] 9 Maytom Region Vacant 10 Region Cr John Gunnedah Shire 0408 421 065 [email protected] 11 Campbell Council (guest) Region Cr Richard Balonne Shire Council 0409 692 299 [email protected] 12 Marsh


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.10 APPENDIX 10 - CORRO Barham MPS sod turning

MEDIA RELEASE 23 February 2018


Member for Murray Austin Evans has turned the first sod to mark the start of construction on the $20 million Barham Multipurpose Service (MPS).

Following the award of the construction contract to Cockram Constructions the ceremony marked the beginning of construction with work scheduled to be completed in early 2020.

Mr Evans said I am very proud to be here representing the NSW Health Minister for this very important event.

Murrumbidgee Local Health District Chief Executive Jill Ludford agreed.

“The redevelopment of the Barham MPS is an important achievement for Barham and the surrounding communities,” Ms Ludford said.

“The purpose-built health service will work in collaboration with Murray Haven Homes (MHH), an established Barham aged care provider to provide holistic care to this community.”

The new Barham MPS will be built on the existing grounds on the corner of Gonn Street and Punt Road, with a new entrance from Punt Road.

The Barham MPS will be delivered from two connected but independent facilities. Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) will provide acute health services, emergency department and community health services while MHH will provide expanded residential aged care services.

The new facility will incorporate: - 24-hour care - Inpatient service – six beds including palliative care - Emergency services – two resuscitation/holding bays - Triage room - Interview room - Treatment/consult room - X-ray facilities - Community Health services – four consult rooms and one interview room - Community programs – meeting/activity room

- Staff accommodation – three beds - NSW Ambulance – access for two vehicles

“The Barham MPS will ensure our older residents experience supportive and seamless care as they move between community, residential and hospital based services,” Mr Evans said.

“Extensive community consultation has taken place over the past 12 months ensuring that all members of the community had an opportunity to provide input to this exciting new facility.

“Thank you to all community members including the council, representatives from the Local Health Advisory Committee and Hospital Auxiliary and other members of the public for working towards delivering this state-of-the-art facility,” he said.

The Barham MPS is part of the broader $300-million State-wide program of works to upgrade existing, or build new, MPS facilities in a number of rural and remote communities across NSW.

The MPS model tailors healthcare needs for the local community by integrating health, aged care services, and emergency services, to provide flexible health service delivery – from primary health care to acute and residential aged care.


Media contact: Murray Electorate Office: Anne Lyons (02) 6962 6644


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.11 APPENDIX 11 - CORRO Stronger Communities Fund Murray River Council

MEDIA RELEASE 23 February 2018


Member for Murray Austin Evans today announced Murray has received $6.4 million in funding to breathe life into local community projects as part of the NSW Government’s $200 million Stronger Country Communities fund.

Mr Evans said Murray River Council is set to benefit from over $2 million in funding. The money will be spent on projects at Moama Recreation Reserve, Moulamein Swimming Pool, Tooleybuc Recreation Reserve Amenities building, pontoons at both Barham and Tooleybuc, along with outdoor court upgrades at a number of recreation reserves across the council area.

“The NSW Government’s significant investment in the Murray electorate will provide residents with improved facilities the whole region can enjoy.

“This is fantastic news for Murray,” Mr Evans said.

“Our community has been calling out for upgrades to local facilities and I’m thrilled these can now be carried out.

“Stronger Country Communities funding is an investment in local infrastructure to improve the lives of residents and enhance the attractiveness of our region – this funding will help us do exactly that,” Mr Evans said. Murray River Council Mayor, Cr Chris Bilkey welcomed the funding and said it will go a long way in helping deliver the services and infrastructure the local community needs now and into the future. “All of these successful projects are initiatives that were put forward by our community with the view to enhance the attractiveness, liveability and vibrancy of the local area.”

“It’s great to be working in partnership with the NSW Government to help make these critical ventures come to fruition and we look forward to now delivering these projects to the community,” Cr Bilkey said.

The Stronger Country Communities fund is one of the six funds that make up the NSW Government’s $1.3 billion Regional Growth Fund, which is designed to improve economic growth and productivity through investment in regional communities.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW John Barilaro said the Stronger Country Communities Fund targets smaller-sized projects that nevertheless have the capacity to make a big difference to the lives of country people.

“The NSW Government is committed to supporting the people of regional NSW, by investing in the facilities, parks, halls and playgrounds they need, want and deserve,” Mr Barilaro said.

“The Stronger Country Communities fund is a once-in-a-generation investment and I’m excited for the people of regional NSW to start seeing these projects pop up all over the place,” he said.

Applications for Round Two of funding will open in March 2018 and further details can be found at


Media contact: Murray Electorate Office: Anne Lyons (02) 6962 6644


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.12 APPENDIX 12 - CORRO Early childhood incentive scholarships Mathoura

MEDIA RELEASE 28 February 2018


Member for Murray Austin Evans today congratulated Michelle O’Sullivan from Mathoura Preschool on being awarded an Incentive Scholarship for early childhood teaching.

Mr Evans said through this scholarship program, the NSW government will increase the numbers of degree qualified teaching staff in early childhood education services in Murray.

“This is a great opportunity for educators in Murray to receive up to $9,000 in funding to help with the costs of study, making it easier for more students to complete their Bachelor’s degree.

“These scholarships are a great initiative to support early childhood educators working outside of the big cities, in rural and remote areas like Murray,” Mr Evans said.

“We want our educators to have degree qualifications so we can give more children access to the benefits of qualified teachers in their local service,” he said.

The Incentive Scholarship program provides scholarships to early childhood educators who have already enrolled and commenced their degree.

“I congratulate Michelle on her success. This boost will help support her financially as she continues to pursue her studies. I wish her well in the future.”

For more information on the scholarships and how to apply, visit the Department of Education website at education/working-in-early-childhood-education/professional-development-and- scholarships ENDS

Media contact: Murray Electorate Office: Anne Lyons (02) 6962 6644


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.13 APPENDIX 13 - CORRO Democratic representation in planning reduced from March 1 From: Local Government NSW To: Kerri Keogh Subject: Democratic representation in planning reduced from March 1 Date: Thursday, 1 March 2018 9:21:52 AM

To view this email as a web page, go here.

If this email does not display properly, view online

Local Government Weekly 1 March 2018

Media Release

New planning legislation which could increase the cost of development approvals, reduce accountability and potentially delay turnaround times has come into effect in Sydney and Wollongong from today, March 1.

The legislation, which imposes mandatory Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels (IHAPs) on councils in the greater Sydney and Wollongong area - has been widely criticised by councils as an expensive and unnecessary layer of bureaucracy, Local Government NSW President Linda Scott said today.

IHAPs, consisting of three experts approved by the planning minister and one council- nominated community member, will decide on all Development Applications (DAs) worth between $5 million and $30 million, or those which have received 10 or more objections.

"Ratepayers will foot the annual bill of operating an IHAP, estimated by the NSW Department of Planning at around $100,000," Clr Scott said today.

"But our members are telling us the actual costs could be much more than that figure.

"The cost is not part of any council's budget preparation and can only be funded by redistributing from core local government services.

"This means less funding for local parks, childcare centres and libraries in local communities.

"Councils will be keeping close track of the costs and will take the Government up on its commitment to recover net costs from the beneficiaries of development."

Clr Scott said councils were also concerned that the additional bureaucracy would actually slow the speed with which DAs could be determined.

"Less than 3% of development applications are currently referred to a council meeting for determination, with 97% being approved by professional planning staff under delegation," she said.

"Meanwhile, IHAPs have the potential to reduce the accountability and transparency of planning decisions, because their members are neither elected nor accountable to the community.

"IHAPs aren't about probity - they're about eroding the community's democratic right to have a say in what happens in their neighbourhood."

Clr Scott said it was disappointing the Parliament had pushed ahead with the IHAPs legislation, despite rapidly reducing DA turnaround times at councils.

"These things obviously take time, but I noted Liverpool Council recently announced an online tool that had reduced turnaround times to one day for 170 housing DAs," she said.

Media Toni Allan: 0412 774 441

Email Subscription Subscribe to receive the Local Government Weekly and Media Releases directly by email on the LGNSW website If you no longer wish to receive Local Government Weekly please update your preferences.


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.14 APPENDIX 14 - CORRO Heritage Activation Grants Open

MEDIA RELEASE 2 March 2018

$2.8 million in grants to bring local heritage to life

Member for Murray Austin Evans has encouraged heritage managers or owners in the region that protect unique local heritage to apply for the new round of grants under the NSW Government’s Heritage Near Me program.

“The Heritage Activation grants are for projects that actively encourage community interaction and participation with publicly accessible heritage items that are listed on a local council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP),” Mr Evans said.

“This program supports local communities in their efforts to conserve and celebrate their stories, places and values.

“I encourage all heritage managers or owners across the area to apply for this funding,” Mr Evans said.

Past grants have allowed heritage managers or owners—most often community groups and local councils—to undertake conservation work, improve accessibility to their heritage item, add interpretation to a site, or reuse an old site for a new purpose.

Applicants can apply for support for their projects for amounts from $10,000 to $100,000.

Applications close on 20 April 2018 for projects that begin after 1 July 2018.

For more information on the Heritage Near Me program, visit, call 02 9873 8544 or email [email protected]


Media contact: Murray Electorate Office: (02) 6962 6644


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.15 APPENDIX 15 - CORRO Regional- Growth-Fund-Initial- Applicati ons-Open

John McVeigh Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government

Media Statement Friday 2 March 2018

‘Think Big’ Regional Australia – the Regional Growth Fund is Now Open

 Coalition Government announces Regional Growth Fund  Fund focused on major projects valued over $20 million  Initial Applications now open

The Coalition Government’s highly anticipated $272 million Regional Growth Fund is officially open for applications from across regional Australia.

Speaking in Toowoomba today, Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government John McVeigh officially released the program’s guidelines and encouraged potential applicants to come forward with great ideas to boost regional, rural and remote Australia.

“The Regional Growth Fund will be a game-changer across Australia by unlocking government funding for projects that have the capacity to transform regional areas,” Dr McVeigh said.

“The Coalition Government will invest a minimum of $10 million toward each successful infrastructure project, which will represent a maximum of 50 percent of project costs.

“We are focused on significantly leveraging our investment by working closely with local communities and other levels of government to drive the delivery of major projects.”

Dr McVeigh said the Regional Growth Fund would focus on capitalising on the natural economic advantages of individual communities.

“I encourage regional communities to think big when it comes to projects under the Regional Growth Fund,” he said.

“Successful projects will provide greater support for existing industries such as agriculture, tourism and manufacturing, allowing them to innovate and flourish.”

Dr McVeigh said the Regional Growth Fund was a key pillar of the Coalition’s unwavering commitment to delivering vibrant regional communities, and was supported by a record $75 billion infrastructure investment across the nation.

“The Regional Growth Fund is an open invitation to everyone eligible who believes in regional and remote Australia to partner with the Coalition Government to support positive change for the future,” he said.

“Every community has unique strengths that the Regional Growth Fund will build on. I encourage all interested parties to get cracking on their Initial Application and get them in by 27 April 2018.”

For more information on the program, including the guidelines and application process, please visit

Media Contact: Clare Siddins 0427 200 674


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.16 APPENDIX 16 - CORRO Ganawarra Times 2 March 2018 - Snagging a chat with new council


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.17 APPENDIX 17 - CORRO Double header - $100M for Stronger Country Communities and $100M for regional sport From: Admin To: MANEX Subject: FW: Media release - Double header - $100M for Stronger Country Communities and $100M for regional sport Date: Friday, 2 March 2018 11:37:38 AM Attachments: image003.png

Sandy Paterson | Records Officer Murray River Council | Moulamein Office | 20 Tualka Terrace Moulamein, NSW 2733 PO Box 21, Mathoura, NSW 2710 p 03 5887 5007 | f 03 5887 5103 1300 087 004 |

Barham 03 5453 3200 | Mathoura 03 5880 3500 | Moama 03 5481 0900 | Moulamein 03 5887 5007

From: ElectorateOffice Murray [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, 2 March 2018 11:14 AM To: ElectorateOffice Murray Subject: Media release - Double header - $100M for Stronger Country Communities and $100M for regional sport

MEDIA RELEASE DOUBLE HEADER: $100M FOR STRONGER COUNTRY COMMUNITIES AND $100M FOR REGIONAL SPORT Member for Murray Austin Evans today announced an additional $200 million will be available for regional towns and cities across NSW, as part of Round Two of the Stronger Country Communities Fund.

The new funding comes on top of the $100 million announced in Round One, which has already been allocated to projects across regional areas that will improve local amenities and community facilities.

Mr Evans said that of the fresh $200 million available in the second round of funding, half of it, $100 million, will be allocated specifically towards for sports projects in the bush.

“There was such an overwhelming response to Round One of this Fund, the NSW Government has decided to increase the funding for Round Two, and include dedicated funding for sports projects in the regions,” Mr Evans said.

“Sport has a major role in making towns and cities exciting and vibrant places to live.

“With 50 per cent of round two funding dedicated to local sport, we’ll see a mix of projects including better fields for kids to play on, amenity upgrades, new parks, new playgrounds and much more.”

Mr Evans said Round One of the Stronger Country Communities Fund injected some significant funding into the Murray electorate. “I encourage locals and community groups to speak with your local council and myself, to put forward ideas for projects that you’d like to see happen as part of Round Two,” Mr Evans said.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW said in the 2017/18 financial year alone, the NSW Government’s total spend on infrastructure projects currently in planning or construction in regional area has topped $15 billion.

Mr Barilaro said he is thrilled to see the impact this huge investment has had on regional communities, as projects start jumping off paper, and popping up in the real world.

“Surpassing the $15 billion mark, plus the extra $200 million announced today for local amenities and sports infrastructure, is an incredible financial milestone for our regional communities,” Mr Barilaro said.

“We have been working hard to ensure regional cities and towns reap the benefit of the NSW Government’s economic success – we are already seeing results in real life with new hospitals, new schools, better roads and now in sport infrastructure.

Stronger Country Communities applications for Round Two open on 12 March and will close 4 May 2018.

Further details can be found at


Kind regards

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Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.18 APPENDIX 18 - CORRO Appreciat ion Support - 2018 Junior Cyc ling Carnival - Echuca Moama Cycling Club


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.19 APPENDIX 19 - CORRO Thanking Council for support to assist 2018 Border ~ Hume Riverina Community Legal Service


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.20 APPENDIX 20 - CORRO Media rel ease - MDA elections [email protected] T (03) 5480 3805 ABN: 64 636 490 493

463 High Street P.O. Box 1268 Echuca, Vic 3564

MEDIA RELEASE 09/03/2018

MDA leadership team reinstated for the year ahead

The peak body for local government in the Murray-Darling Basin has reappointed its leadership team for the year ahead.

All three office-bearers were returned unopposed to their roles at the Murray Darling Association’s most recent Board meeting, with Cr David Thurley reinstated as National President, Cr Barry Featherston as National Vice President and Pete George as Treasurer.

Cr Thurley, a councillor with Albury City Council and a retired environmental research scientist, has been National President since 2015.

“I appreciate the confidence shown in me by the other Board members and I look forward to working with a great team,” Cr Thurley said.

“We face lots of challenges, but the MDA has shown stability and strength and provided great representation for communities across the Basin. I look forward to another year of achievements.”

Cr Featherston has also held his role since 2015, bringing significant experience in business, the private sector and local government, including 15 years as a councillor with Alexandrina Council.

“During the next 12 months the MDA will continue to seek maximum economic and community benefit from Murray-Darling Basin resources while protecting our environment,” Cr Featherston said.

Pete George was appointed Treasurer in April 2017, bringing immense professional skills as a Partner and Associate of M+S Accounting.

“Membership of the MDA is very minimal relative to the influence it has, so it is a very affordable proposition for Basin councils,” Mr George said.

MDA CEO Emma Bradbury said the continuity of leadership reflected a period of immense stability, productivity and growth for the organisation.

“The current board and leadership team has proven extremely effective, applying the highest standards of good governance and effective leadership, ensuring the MDA has never been better placed to represent the interests of its member councils at the state and national level,” she said.


For more information, contact MDA CEO Emma Bradbury on 0429 905 017, Cr David Thurley on 0419 510 274, Cr Barry Featherston on 0417 808 565, or Pete George on 0407 874 007.


Agenda Item: Correspondence Report

Attachment 16.1.21 APPENDIX 21 - CORRO Media rel ease - Social and economic im pacts in Southern Basin commu nities [email protected] T (03) 5480 3805 ABN: 64 636 490 493

463 High Street P.O. Box 1268 Echuca, Vic 3564

MEDIA RELEASE 09/03/2018

Data shows social and economic impacts of water recovery

Local government’s peak body in the Murray-Darling Basin welcomes the release of data by the MDBA showing the profound social and economic impacts of water recovery on Southern Basin communities.

The data has been released by the MDBA in the form of 45 Southern Basin community profiles. It was collated as part of the MDBA’s 2017 Basin Plan Evaluation and will form the basis of the Authority’s analysis of the social and economic impacts of the Basin Plan on Southern Basin communities, due to be released in April this year.

The Murray Darling Association says the new data shows unequivocally what Basin councils have long been saying – that water recovery is having a significant impact on local economies and communities.

The data shows that there has been a significant reduction in the agricultural workforce across Southern Basin communities over the past 15 years, and that there is a clear correlation between the loss of water and loss of jobs.

MDA National President Cr David Thurley said local government was concerned the significance of the data may be diluted by an over-emphasis on other factors impacting farming economies.

“Local government recognises that other factors cause change to our rural economic indicators, and these must be distinguished. However, any analysis of the social and economic impacts of the Basin Plan must clearly acknowledge the direct and the flow-on social and economic impact of water loss on our rural communities,” he said.

“We are pleased to see that the data presented by the MDBA clearly affirms what we have been saying for years – that the social and economic impact of the Basin Plan on towns and communities is significant.

“We cannot afford to diminish the recognition of the impacts of water recovery, as this will only cause greater community angst about the Basin Plan and increase opposition to the 450GL.”

Cr Thurley said the job loss figures came as no surprise to local government, which has been bearing the social and economic impacts of water recovery since the commencement of buybacks, now widely acknowledged to be adverse to community interest.

MDA CEO Emma Bradbury said there needed to be full recognition of how water recovery affects communities and regional economies so that these impacts can be offset.

“All governments - local, state and federal - need to work together to ensure that any further water recovery meets a fair and rigorous social and economic neutrality test,” Ms Bradbury said.


For more information, contact MDA CEO Emma Bradbury on 0429 905 017 or Cr David Thurley on 0419 510 274. All Region Chairs are also available for comment.

Contact information for the Chairs of the Murray Darling Association Region Name Organisation Mobile Phone Email Address/ Chair Region Cr David Albury City Council 0419 510 274 [email protected] 1 Thurley Region Cr Peter Moira Shire Council 0428 574 433 [email protected] 2 Mansfield Region Cr Leigh Balranald Shire 0428 201 301 [email protected] 3 Byron Council Region Cr Darriea Broken Hill City 0429 848 480 [email protected] 4 Turley Council Region Cr Peter Renmark Paringa 0447 177 341 [email protected] 5 Hunter Council Region Cr Barry Alexandrina Council 0417 808 565 [email protected] 6 Featherston Region Cr David Town of Walkerville 0414 631 442 [email protected] 7 Shetliffe Region Cr Denis Northern Areas 0408 148 725 [email protected] 8 Clark Council Region Cr Paul Leeton Shire Council 0447 293 829 [email protected] 9 Maytom Region Vacant 10 Region Cr John Gunnedah Shire 0408 421 065 [email protected] 11 Campbell Council Region Cr Richard Balonne Shire Council 0409 692 299 [email protected] 12 Marsh


Agenda Item: Mayor, Councillor CR Bilkey

Attachment 17.1.1 CMA Minutes 2 March 2018 Country Mayors Association of NEW SOUTH WALES

Chairperson: Cr Katrina Humphries PO Box 420 Moree NSW 2400 02 6757 3222 ABN 92 803 490 533




The meeting opened at 9.02 a.m.


Armidale Regional Council, Cr Simon Murray, Mayor Armidale Regional Council, Mr Peter Dennis, CEO Bathurst Regional Council, Cr Graeme Hanger, Mayor Bega Valley Shire Council, Cr Kristy McBain, Mayor Bland Shire Council, Cr Tony Lord, Mayor Blayney Shire Council, Cr Scott Ferguson, Mayor Blayney Shire Council, Ms Rebecca Ryan, General Manager Carrathool Shire Council, Cr Peter Laird, Mayor Carrathool Shire Council, Ms Joanne Treacy, General Manager Coffs Harbour City Council, Cr George Cecato, Deputy Mayor Coffs Harbour City Council, Mr Stephen McGrath, General Manager Coolamon Shire Council, Cr John Seymour, Mayor Coolamon Shire Council, Mr Tony Donoghue, General Manager Cowra Shire Council, Cr Bill West, Mayor , Mr Michael McMahon, Acting General Manager Federation Council, Cr Patrick Bourke, Mayor Federation Council, Mr Adrian Butler, Acting General Manager Forbes Shire Council, Mr Steve Loane, General Manager Gilgandra Shire Council, Cr Doug Batten, Mayor Glen Innes Shire Council, Cr Steve Toms, Mayor Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Cr Bob Kirk, Mayor Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Mr Warrick Bennett, General Manager Griffith City Council, Cr John Dal Broi, Mayor Griffith City Council, Mr Brett Stonestreet, General Manager Gunnedah Shire Council, Cr Jamie Chaffey, Mayor Inverell Shire Council, Cr Paul Harmon, Mayor Kempsey Shire Council, Cr Liz Campbell, Mayor Kiama Municipal Council, Cr Mark Honey, Mayor

Page 2 Kiama Municipal Council, Ms Kerry McMurray, Director Corporate, Commercial and Community Services Leeton Shire Council, Cr Paul Maytom, Mayor Leeton Shire Council, Ms Jackie Kruger, General Manager Mid-Western/Mudgee Regional Council, Cr Des Kennedy, Mayor Mid-Western/Mudgee Regional Council, Mr Brad Cam, General Manager Moree Plains Shire Council, Cr Katrina Humphries, Mayor Moree Plains Shire Council, Mr Lester Rogers, General Manager Murray River Council, Cr Christopher Bilkey, Mayor Murray River Council, Mr Des Bilske, General Manager , Cr Ruth McRae, Mayor Murrumbidgee Council, Mr Craig Moffitt, General Manager Narrabri Shire Council, Cr Catherine Redding, Mayor Narrabri Shire Council, Mr Stewart Todd, General Manager Narromine Shire Council, Cr Craig Davies, Mayor Narromine Shire Council, Mr Phil Johnston, Executive Manager Economic Development Oberon Shire Council, Cr Kathy Sajowitz, Mayor Oberon Shire Council, Mr Garry Wallace, General Manager Parkes Shire Council, Cr Barbara Newton, Deputy May Shellharbour City Council, Cr Marianne Saliba, Mayor Singleton Council, Cr Sue Moore, Mayor Snowy Monaro Regional Council, Cr John Rooney, Mayor Tamworth Regional Council, Cr Col Murray, Mayor Tamworth Regional Council, Mr Paul Bennett, General Manager Temora Shire Council, Cr Rick Firman, Mayor Temora Shire Council, Mr Gary Lavelle, General Manager Tenterfield Shire Council, Cr Peter Petty, Mayor Upper Lachlan Shire Council, Cr Brian McCormack, Mayor Upper Lachlan Shire Council, Mr John Bell, General Manager Uralla Shire Council, Cr Michael Pearce, Mayor Wagga Wagga City Council, Cr Greg Conkey, Mayor Wagga Wagga City Council, Mr Peter Thompson, General Manager Walcha Council, Cr Eric Noakes, Mayor Warren Shire Council, Cr Rex Wilson, Mayor Warren Shire Council, Mr Glen Wilcox, General Manager Warrumbungle Shire Council, Cr Peter Shinton, Mayor Warrumbungle Shire Council, Mr Roger Bailey, General Manager LGNSW, Cr Linda Scott, President Premier and Cabinet, Mr Don Murray Premier and Cabinet, Mr Harry Henderson Premier and Cabinet, Mr Bruce Whitehill Premier and Cabinet, Mr Nick White Telstra, Mr Michael Marom


As submitted

SPECIAL GUESTS: • Deputy Police Commissioner Regional NSW Field Operations, Gary Worboys Page 3 • Peter Primrose, Shadow Minister for Local Government • Acting Consul General Linda Daetwyler, US Consul General, Sydney • Lindsay Cane, CEO, Royal Far West


RESOLVED that the minutes of the General Meeting held on 3 November 2017 be accepted as a true and accurate record (Temora Shire Council / Glen Innes Severn Council).

3. Matters Arising from the Minutes • Letter to Premier Re Establishment of Minister and Department of Local Government – no reply • Recycling issue and China • The $50 million for Telco blackspots needs to be kept track of

4. Membership RESOLVED That Warren Shire Council and Dungog Shire Council be admitted as members of the Association (Singleton Council/Gilgandra Shire Council)

5. CORRESPONDENCE Outward (a) Cr Craig Davies, Mayor, Narromine Shire Council, advising that Narromine Shire Council has been admitted as a member of the Association (b) Cr Neville Kschenka, Mayor, Narrendera Shire Council, advising that Narrendera Shire Council has been admitted as a member of the Association (c) The Hon John Barilaro MP, Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional New South Wales, Minister for Skills and Minister for Small Business thanking him for his presentation to the 3 November meeting (d) The Hon Melinda Pavey MP, Minister for Roads and Maritime and Freight thanking her for her presentation to the 3 November meeting (e) Mr Mark Smethurst, Commissioner, State Emergency Services thanking him for his presentation to the 3 November meeting (f) Ms Margaret Crawford, Auditor General of NSW thanking her for her presentation to the 3 November meeting (g) Hon Gabrielle Upton MP, Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government and Minister for Heritage enquiring into the affect of China’s decision to stop importing 24 different types of solid waste by the end of 2017 (h) The Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP, Premier requesting consideration of establishing a Department of Local Government with only Local Government responsibilities (i) The Hon Andrew Constance MP, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure asking for the closing date for submissions to the Transport Strategy 2056 be extended to 18 February 2018

Inward (a) Carmen Dwyer, Acting Executive Director Waste and Resource Recovery, EPA, Re China’s decision to stop importing various solid waste (Copy Attached) Page 4


RESOLVED That the Association follow up with the Premier on the matter of having a separate Minister for Local Government with only Local Government responsibilities (Temora Shire Council/Singleton Council)


RESOLVED That the financial reports for the last quarter were tabled and accepted (Singleton Council / Gunnedah Shire Council)

7. Local Government Remuneration RESOLVED That the Association lobby the State Government, Local Politicians and the Remuneration Tribunal or the appropriate body to reassess the very poor level of remuneration for NSW Mayors Deputy Mayors and Elected Members (Narromine Shire Council/ Tenterfield Shire Council)

8. Grant Funding RESOLVED That the Association lobby the NSW Government and specifically the Premier and Deputy Premier to instigate protocols surrounding Grant funding that leads to an outcome in line with councils needs and expectations (Narromine Shire Council/Leeton Shire Council)

9. Water Utility Privatisation RESOLVED That the Hon Niall Blair, Minister for Regional Water, Minister for Trade and Industry, and Minister for Primary Industry and the CEO of Water NSW be invited to the next meeting of the Association (Upper Lachlan Shire Council/Shellharbour City Council)

10. Deputy Police Commissioner Regional NSW Field Operations, Gary Worboys The Deputy Police Commissioner spoke on the reengineering of the police force in NSW with the formation of Police Districts with an officer in charge model replacing Local Area Commands. There has been a 34% drop in property crime and a search warrant issued every three days. The police districts have renewed the enthusiasm for policing. By the end of March the formation of Police Districts will be completed. Mayors and General Managers should have a regular interaction with their local police. The Commissioner is passionate about change and is repositioning senior police from the city to the country. There is a primary focus on domestic violence with officers specifically allocated to those crimes

11. Peter Primrose, Shadow Minister for Local Government and Michael Daley, Shadow Minister for Planning and Infrastructure Both Peter Primrose and Michael Daley answered questions from the floor. A copy of Peter Primroses intended address is attached to the minutes

12. Acting Consul General Linda Daetwyler, US Consul General, Sydney

Page 5 The Consul General in Sydney runs consular operations for US citizens as well as issuing visas for entry into the United States. The office also visits American prisoners in NSW prisons most of whom are there for drug offences. The United States is visited by three million Australians each year who spend approximately $9 billion whilst there They generally visit the larger cities and don’t experience the smaller cities that have a lot to offer. Likewise when Linda was first posted to Sydney twelve months ago she concentrated on seeing what Sydney has to offer but is now exploring country NSW and was impressed when she recently travelled to Moree and Lightning Ridge. She has learnt a lot about opals, solar farming and pecans which are exported to the United States for the traditional pecan pie eaten on Thanksgiving Day. There are many connections between our two countries and the relationship on both sides is cherished.

13. Lindsay Cane, CEO, Royal Far West The key drivers for Royal Far West are to improve the health and wellbeing of country children, to ensure that all country children have access to essential services, to reduce the impact of physical, social, emotional and mental disorders and trauma on childrens’ health and to enhance service delivery, access and advocacy for vulnerable country children and families. Royal Far West has 150 fulltime staff who run their guest house, health service social support services. Childhood vulnerability in Australia is 22% but is two to three times that in rural Australia. When children start school they are vulnerable in physical health, social competence, emotional maturity, speech/language and communication. Vulnerable children have poorer educational outcomes, higher levels of functional disability, chronic mental health problems, higher risk of unemployment, difficulty establishing relationships, contact with the criminal justice system and higher risk of homelessness. Royal Far West is campaigning to have the National Regional Development Agenda to include “Reduce National Childhood Vulnerability from 22% to 10%”

14. Telephone Blackspots Mr Harry Henderson, Premier and Cabinet, advised that both Telstra and Vodaphone were having problems with Forestry and Crown Lands with black spots. It appears that government is stopping government doing their jobs

15. Retaining Banking Services in Country Towns Each Council needs to liaise with their banking prover to ensure the retention of existing services or seek a new provider

16. Lobbying Priorities Priorities identified 1. A better rating system (rate pegging to go) and also more funds given to rural and regional councils from State Government which acknowledges the challenges of large areas/small rate bases; 2. Fairer distribution of FAGs; 3. State Forestry Corporation and National Parks being asked to pay rates (yes there is a working group on this already but a letter from CMA adds weight to their argument); 4. Review of the NDRRA funding criteria – it currently doesn’t cover recreational assets and after our east coast low in 2016 I can tell you that we have lost $3 million in assets that we can’t recover now.

Page 6 5. Push for State Government to look at affordable housing criteria for rural and regional areas – assistance in some form??? 6. Review of Seniors SEPP (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 which requires in many instances access to a bus stop for public transport, walking distance to the CBD etc which is hard ot achieve in some regional and rural areas which just leads to people leaving an area. 7. State Governemnt incentives for business relocation out of metro NSW to regional/rural NSW 8. Cost of power 9. Sale of Snowy Hydro 10. Auditor Generals report on performance reporting.

Each member of the Executive to nominate the areas they would like to Chair and members be invited to participate in committees

17. Newcastle Container Terminal RESOLVED That the Association forward a letter of support to Freight and Ports supporting the Newcastle Container Terminal (Gunnedah Shire Council/Narromine Shire Council)

18. Superannuation RESOLVED That David Smith CEO Local Government Super be invited to address the next meeting on the Defined Benefits Scheme Contribution Employer Contribution Rates and he asked to supply the Association with a copy of the Trust document (Upper Lachlan Shire Council/Goulburn Mulwaree Council)

19. Grant Funding Adam Marshall advised that the Stronger Communities Fund had been increased by $100 million up to $300 million and grants will be twice the level of the first round of funding. With the sale of the Snowy Hydro and funding coming to regional NSW councils will need to come up with some big picture projects

There being no further business the meeting closed at 1.00pm.

Cr Katrina Humphries Chair – Country Mayor’s Association of NSW

Page 7