SOUTHERN FOURS AND EIGHTS NEWSLETTER OF THE SOUTHERN MORGAN OWNERS GROUP MOGSOUTH VOL. 9/15 Continued Next Page 1 ots of heady discussions of late! “Now that the big 40th Anniversary has passed - what do we do next?” “Revolution or Evolution?” There are quite a few disparate L thoughts! And, some are louder than others! “Maintain the status quo!” “Build a Tardis!” “The club demographics are changing, change with them!” “Change is bad!” “What’s worked in the past, will work in the future!” “Change is good!” “Sit still and die!” So given all this discord it seems appropriate to toss these various ideas onto the virtual ‘coffee table’ and see what ideas resonate with the membership and what ideas truly belong in the virtual ‘bin’. Of course we welcome any other ideas that haven’t as yet been voiced. This Club is, if nothing else, a democracy. Here’s your chance to speak up. Sit quietly and be subject to druthers of others . Send any comments to the MOGSouth email inbox at
[email protected]. Also, questions or comments that you might want to respond to are in ‘red text’ and numbered for your reference. Please respond to any or all. And, thanks. This discussion also allows us to interweave a few of the results of the recent MOGSouth Survey. Some of the answers we got really do help us in understanding what the membership ‘actually’ looks like, and not just what we ‘think’. Also, there is no need to cover ground that has already been ‘plowed,’ so to speak.