Dawson Williams,M.D
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.JN 2797, 19A] . r THE THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. ,-;.41 EDITED BY DAWSON WILLIAMS, M.D. B iI ASSISTED BY ;I CIHARLES LOUIS TAYLOR. ii7-t41 z1-~~~~~O Jeic nF¢.E(t b-190".'SAFC SlDre tga'~~~~~~~.. VOLUME I 1908. JAPIUAFIY TO JZUMEs. I. I 2 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, II 6, CATHERINE STREET,ISTRAND, W.C. I .. I 3 p [ T BRmux JUNE 27, 1908.] [MEDICAL JOURNAL 3 INDEX TO VOLUME I FOR 1908. A. Accrington,1U41; new (7) view of, Albuminuria, orthotl, 415 1331, 1395, 1458; discussed at ALCINDOR, JOHN: Cancer, Its etiology and Abattoirs, the Liverpool, 228, 472 12,r129, treatment by trypsiD, 79 Abdominal aneurysm. See Aneurysm ers, amendment of, 1600 ALCOCK, N. H.: Status lymphaticus, 292 Abdominal cases, some misleading (D'Arcy entists, prosecution under, 844 Alcohol, in treatment of typhoid fever and Power), 185 * ction (I9 )), 116 pneumonia. 227 ; and mental disease (W. I. Abdominal operations and adhesions, 407 riates, and London County Council, Dawson), 623 Abdominal retractor, self-retaining. 454 Alcohol, effect of on protoplasm (W. Henry Abdominal surgeon, the difference, 1088 sfant Life Protection (1897): 164, 228, Kesteven), 923 Abdominal tumours. See Tumours . proposed amendment, 164; annual Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver. See Liver Aberayron and New Quay sanitation, 229 of Miss Zanetti, 228. See also Bill, Alcoholism, pathology of (T. N. Kelynack), Aberdeen, Notification of Births Act in, 2 .firn's 869 territorial army medical corps in, 411, 10 idwves, medical fees under, 1138- ALDOR, Dr. voN: Early diagnosis of stomaeh medical inspection of schools in 6;' * ord and t Act, 1202; County Council cancer, 1248 colour photography in medicine, 711: wives Act ittee, 1203 ALDRBD, WILFRED A.: FJeas, 484 clubs in, 776; hospital ship at, 1015; waE liA oor-lawAqsrmuanperannuation (1896), Alfred Crompton's specific for deafness, com- supply of, 1015; parish council, 1140 * he position of, 1324 of, 1140; amount subscribed to the reisul Provi8i 83 Alimentary canal. &e Canal College, 1190 Public s Amendment (1907), Alkal4es in treatment of bronchial catarrh Aberdeen ispensary. See Dispensary (Alexander Haig), 1100; correspondence oD, Abordoee Royal Infirmary. See1ntlrmais Vac , 44, 226; general order 1216 Aberdeen Anatomical Society. See Soci¢ sued K overnment Board, 44; Alkaline treatmeDt of gastric disorders (Pro- Aberdeen, influenza in, 520 antiv , terature upon, 226. fessor Rayem), 1204 Aberdeen University. See University, ts, mprisonment under, 647 ALLAN, PERCY: Inoperable cancer of cervix, Abnormality, an unusual (R. Malnolm)io. Itsa ompensation, 42, 104, 175, 848 Abortion, attendance on case of, 600 18 7, t°m722. 772, 774, 830, 845, ALLAWAY, FREDERICK JOIN, obituary notice Abortion, Henry II of France on. 699 10 1334, 1402, 1444, 1445, 1461' of, 967 ABBAHAMs, BBRTRAM, obituary notice d hospitals (leading article), ATFLBUTT, Sir THOMAS CLIFFORD (editor): ABUAMs, ALBBRT: Tuberculous c - #,*.;>wtndence on, 175; can a work- A System of Medicine. rev., 87; appointed to 424 mpelled to undergo an ope- consulting staff of Couvalescent Home for Abscess of appendix, three cases (rep . t 4 120; is heat stroke an acei- Officers at Osborne, 1C9; empiricism and D. Ricihmond), 204 practitioners and the Act, 297; instinct in veterinary diagnosis, 231 Abscess, ctArbellar (Wilfred Trot 61;-i Tlinsley Park Coliry, 297; Williams ALLEN, RICHARD C., reports case of status correspondence on, 717 : Park Colliery, 297; hospitals and epilepticus: lumbar puncture: recovery, Abscess, hepatic, Complicating appendicitli tes, 359; Coles v. Great Western Rail- 885, (George P. Bletchly), 1164; corresponden: : mpan, 657; claims under, 772; medi- ALLEN, R. W.: Op8onic Method of Treatment, on, 1331, 1397 s Wferees under. 774; and compulsory rev., 815 Abscess of lung cured by incision and drain- atlon, H30, 845.1318,1334; Fairweather v. ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM, obituary notice of. 420 age (C. H. Cattle and J. EL. Edward), 558 ert and Co., 845; women and, 1071; cer- ALLISON, T. M.: Occipital neuralgia. 483; Abscess, multilocular, and widespread cates of nature of injury for employer, sugar headacbes, 663; preventton of tuber- puration, treatment of (Walter G. 8p 12; proohylactic operations, 1?34: can a culosis, 604; diptheria antitoxin by the 1036 r-law medical officer benefit under the mouth, 664 Abscess, subphrenic (El. L. Barnard), 7:,it ? 1402; curious compensation case, 1402; Alopeca areata, formaldehlyde in J. 429; leading article on, 458 ; corres urance for medical men, 1444; workmen's meInerney), 203 (J. on, 535 pensation insurance, 1445; Malone v. Ambulance dogs, 1190 Abscesses, *cute, method of obtais r yzer Irwtine Company, 1461; what is casual Ambulance training for London boys, 1212 healing of (James Phillips), 1163/ .. ployment ? 1595; Newnham v. Gill, 1612 Ambulance work in Birmingham, 777 Acaddmie de K6decine, election j 50 Ion, against two medical men, 348; for America. See United States Academy of Medicine, Toronto, iegllgence. 525; .for malpraxis (Douglas v. American National Health Committee, 1322 Academy, Royal Irish, 44 .4 0Rta,ger), 772, 785; for damages against sur- American National Tuberculosis Commis- Academy, Royal, of Medicine in Trela :eons (in Austria), 1144 sion. See Tuberculosis 83, 320, 445, 503, 586, 623, 746, 810, 866 tinomycosis (streptotrichosis) of lung and American Public Health League. 168, 1322 1109, 1297. Section of Anatomy and liver successfully treated with a vaccine American specialist. See Mortimer, Bertram ology: 445; anatomy of the iliac col (William H. Wynn), 554 American tinned meats, Manchester 'Port relation to hernia (R. A. Btoney), -ADAMS, H. PERcY: Notes on the construction Sanitary Authority and, 228 specimens, 445. Section of Mfedici of cottage hospitals, 1476 Amsterdam: First sanatorium for tuber- 503, 1046, 1298; diphtheritic fever (8 -;4DAMS, P. E. H.: Contagious conjunctivitis, culosis opened, 1378 Moore), 23; prognosis and treatm 1572 Amyl nitrite, tretment of haemoptysis by nephritis (J. M. rinny), 503; path ADAMSON, H. G.: Skin Affections of Childhood, (Dr. Crace-Calvert) 504 nephritis (Dr. Earl), 604 ; duodenal with special reference to those of more common Anaemia, splenic (I. George Taylor), 308 dhgnosis and treatment (Mr. itch occturrence, and their diagnosis and treatment, Anaesthesia in &merica, 1447 promotion of uniformit.y in the reg rev., 151 Anaesthesia, Chloroform, mechanism of, 2'M of diseases in hospitals (hir. Tobi Advertisements, analyses and, 1263 Anaesthesia, electric, 524, 724, 788 Section of Obstetrics: 83, 566, 810, 11 Advertisements, Indecent, 1275 Anaesibesia, etber, by the open method, 54, ing of practical obstetrics (Sir Adverttsements, objectionable, 721 145, 477; (H. Bellamy Gardner) 145 Smyly), 83; pregnancies in bicor AdvertIsing, 181. 904, 100, 1265,1335 Anaesthesia, general, status lymphaticus in ( R.H. Tweedy), b66; modifl Advertising in India, 1265 relation to (W. J. McCardie), 196 Seville's forceps (Sir A. Macan),if 1 Advertising of medical and surgisal homes, Anaesthesia foroperations on haemorrhoids, culous salpingitis (R. D Purl 181 64 treatment of puerperal infecti Advertising a speciality, 901. .l030, 1265 Anaestbesia, intraspinal injeetions of Macan), 1109. Section of Pathology: Advice to intending speakers at medical stovaine to produce, 715. 1018, 1330 cirrhosis of liver (Dr. Peacoke). meetings, 424 Anaesthesia. legal responsibility in cases of kin's disease (F. C Purser), 129 ;;a Aelius Aristides, 698 death during, 45 abnormality (Dr. Harvey), 1297.r. AFFLECK, J. 0., Honorarv LL.D. of Edin- Anaesthesia, local, death after, 120 State Medicine: 623 * alcohol and, burgh conferred upon, 965 Anaesthesiain private practice, 948 ease (W. B. Dawson), 623 8ectio 8 Afghans. 1275i Anaesthesia, spinal (H. Percy Dean), 870 320, 746, 866; graftiog of fibulal Africa, British Central: Colonial Office Anaesthetics. deaths from, questions in Par- Atkinson Stoney), 320; po si a report, 1143 liament, 832, 1199, 1553 vomiting (Dr. Gunn), 320; a Africa, South. See South Anaethetics, deaths under in general hos- goitre (Sir Thomas Miles) 321; Africa, tropical, hygienic conquest of, 1196 pitals. 119,181, 363, 405, 544, 598. 782, 1264 goItre (WilliamI Taylor), 746; Africa, West. See West AnaeRthetist. legal liability of the (R. Hens- culin (Frank Dunne), 866; dt After-care Association. See Association lowe Wellington), 747 pacted ureteral calculus (C. Age of the earth, P23 Analgesia, spinal, clinical experiences with 866 Agreements not to practise within an area, (ArthurE. Barker). 244 Accidents iu factories. See Factq8s 120,297 Analgesia, spinal, 715, 1018, 1330 Accrington, Notification of Bii1Ra * Agriculture, Board of. See Board Analyses and advertisements, 1263 1141 9., AICKIN, WILLIAM GRAVES, obituary notice of, Anastnmosti. uretero-trigonal (J. Scott Acidosis in pregnancy (J B. Leat 1025 Riddell). 975 ACL&ND, T. 1).: Bubphrenic absc AIKIN, CHARLES A., obituary notice of, 482 Anatomy of pancreas. See Pancreas Act, Notification of Births, 190 Air, compressed, effects of exposure to (M. Anatomy, review of books on, 1363 178, 229, 287, 294, 350, 414, 4R6, 484 Greenwood), 914. 983 Ancient surgical instruments. 695 712, 783, 786. 827, 831, 1016, 1023, 1 Air, compressed, few cases of illness of, with &NDERS, J,&ies M.: Textbook of the Prac ice of 1259, 1261, 1331, 1395, 1458, 15h-. remarks (C. Graham Grant), 1567. See also 4fedicine, rev., 993 dence on, 52, 115, 178, 484, 537, Ii,. 4 Caieson dtsease AND1ERSON, A. W : The work