jV - THE" ctilCAGOMARCH 1, 11 PAGE EIGHT BROAD A, i;iHHtlllili)h wi'fTiMiitmi8igiin:tTTgrrTT - - .- HA! "Til WW"--' 'ii'iiinii'i .rrgrTTTm i:!Bii!illiiimi. " '' fiiiHimnmrimii & ' r j; , ,,. ,,, ' " ' "'" vrrv "I" I'nii.ist EDITORIAL PAGE Cat's Value Rcguiatel Pen. Compliment r Thpn I.- .- Inkless Monarch' . i 1 1 yt-- 'I '! nri rutins...... - ,, ..i i;liltli' j SPlms TO pea will wlto- was that Philip 5 4 To make a that write A pretty compliment '" M'l-"n- iv Hi w. ... u,r in , ,. ten- At'i; i uienj get a smau himself a painter, 1nn.,, nm.-j- -. th - t.. ept ins, quanuiy oi r IV of Spain, i "A 1ph mm wii whn I drug store, and Velasquez. tmi ..i S ..i.if.r .!- tn. Was rn!i let aniline from a dered to a greater artist I'nl'il.-f- c H w the Cambrian nrlnns. ! .... fa- nilliil ihTiiwiufa. some gum arable. Dissolve a little Velasquez had finished his eat was sot hv.. n- - -- . . " i P- AX i!i!-iil- only BROAD When J '".v. hut had -T THE ii ""' "ii? ni tiles. - of the gum In warm water, and mix mous picture "Las Menlnas," which IniiiuMlinWl.v Mip laws rpm!i ns fnllmt-o- . m. i PTTBLTSHED EVERY SATURDAY I paste queen, one i" H " missing one single issue. with the violet aniline until a Includes not only Philip and his iu for polltltiil a kitten before it c:.n e u Ib this city Since July J5th. 1899, without hol- hand, 1ivs.mI In tlnRovpnuii,nt formed. Apply It to the Inside himself, brush In News-lette- Republicans, Democrats, Catholics, Protestanta, Single TwcajPnesta, Is but the artist The Boiinn r whs after It can see. lfor it above the "la-- anything reuMtui. oranyone else can have their say as long as low of a new pea nib, Just be aied of the king, newspaper In this " inidels the Inkless pen only," answer- the Knt "- - proper and responsibility is fixed. split. To write with wanting!" "One thing und usually recedes credit n monseXour nonco" Is only necessary to dip It In water. taking the palette from couitry. It ed Philip; and being the pioneer, as It was the is broad enough for away drops, but do not wipe T't--v- ,o imnrla h nalnted on the for The Broad Ax is. a newspaper whose platform Shake the survived. This Initial num- editorial right to speak "its own mind. pen. a few moments it will figure In the pIC first that Be Your Boy's alL ever claiming the only the After breast of the artist's appeared on April 20. 1704. and its Comrade communications will receive attention. Write plainly, be possible to write quite well. the Order or Santi- ber All little fellows , IW - turo the Cross of publication wascontlnued for 72 yeap. am!.ltionst.s on ene side of the paper. ago, the most distinguished In Spain. wiuiiiura i lilt-- in;: uo!- - pJk Subscriptions must be paid in advance. hnv vmirsplf nnil !..t ...... - "" """ iun out Reading by Ear. me. ai me .$2.00 blind en- Doctors' Fees Regulated. aiiu inp time jnm One Year Invention for the Strong instinct r-- 1.00 A'new Animal's De nuiiums a luuire r ears. In- The fees of doctors were prescribed yniirsont Six Months. ables them to read with their remarkable. - u on application. Some animals are days Neb- win ue u niurt- ineraorial! Advertising rates made known Is a machine called an octophone, development by law In Babylon In the of It deed, for the wonderful Hammurapi, muc iiii:iit. to by menns of which flashes of light possess and uchadrezzar. The code of ciidii.c youj. devotion they or oe 1919 No. 24 of love and lawgiver, provided : "If a doc--t- man coma raiMti iiy an t e Vol. XXIV MARCH 1, from the letters as they are printed They are so-acu- the great show toward men.. operated with a bronze lancet ble and crnnlte In the hills of" cause certain sounds, easily distin- sense of their affections that has wonu. communications to In the on a man for a severe wound, and has wnoie Address all guishable by the Initiated. The sounds they seem to perceive the feelings of THE BROAD AX shapes of letters, expres- cured him, or has removed a cataract It Chicago, 111. vary with the the their master In advance of his 6206 South Elizabeth Street, very high resistance telephones have with a bronze lancet for a gentleman i Phone Wentworth 2597. and sions. Masters of dumb animals First United Statss Currency. these to the cars of the blind their and cured the eye of the gentleman, JULIUS P. TAYLOR Editor and Publisher transmit often been heard to declare that imiiiriiuuei.v iintT wie battle Associate Editor person, "reading" with highly satisfac- to In them he shall receive ten shekels of silver. MAJORS were quicker detect n, uunKer in Am DR. M. A. animals thp patient be the son of a freed-ma- iiui Street, tory results. anger, were their fel- If currency was IsmuiI ;ml by 4700 South State a spirit of than doctor shall receive five 1773 Phone Drexcl 1416 men. the amount had grown to low shekels." the various states n:ut ' Rum Made in Philadelphia. In,ii 7 NOTICE 111 IMPORTANT was as mucii. u; n:t r.i.rt at write-up- s, Rum distilled from molasses Lizard. Farm. For resolutions, obituary notices, cards of thanks, Trinidad delphln was estaMI-ln- d Tum when charge of admis- among Philadelphia's principal manu- there Is About Roller Skates. t, special announcements of events to happen, a On the Island of Trinidad were patented and or American money srnduaHj opening of new business enterprises, e$a, 15 factures before the revolution. Dr. lizard which Roller skates sion is made, and the today a veritable farm 1819. A few planted the foreign. 6 words or makes one line. Benjamin Rush wrote to "Mad An- success- used In France as early as cents per line: iraction has all the equipment for the Sy-e- rs r an Englishman named Personal-o- social items such as marriages, births, deaths and thony" Wayne after the capture of breeding none too numer- years later interest, published free of charge. ful of these patented them and manufactured everything of a general Stony Point: "Our street rang with ous members of the reptile family Apt Description. You are re- them In London. Syers skate consist- nothing but your name. are now known to be indispens- Jimmy's fiitlier N a tailor ai Office Chicago. M., which jokkl Entered s Second-Cl- Matter, Asut 19, 192. at the Poit at constantly next to our good ed of a sandal mounted on five narrow S, 1879. membered to the sugar planters. In addi- his own Ideas a'mut outline tM fcl Under Act of Marco over able wheels In a single row, so arranged, and great Washington, our claret tion to this enterprise a wider search sipn. A tunii mine were much In however, that only two of thrm could, ninnzthei and madeira." Both toads to help in- Jimmy a on Is being made fqr same Sev-cra- l. day when out thefraj demand at the city's typical entertain- sugar output touch the floor at the time. crease the world's other similar skates were patent- porch and Inquired where a ments of the stranger. "JtM 13 JIM CROWNING NEGRO r THE NEGRO. ed in England during the next 40 man lived. the next Nodi said Jimmy, "in that real talloRj-- l SOLDIERS. Custom Hsrd to Down. years. Keep Up the "Friend Supply." looking stucc,o houe." business people of Chicago Pens made of feathers were common The The success of every life, as well on very largely In the seventh century, but so Inveter- . --crowning Negro soldiers is one are to learn some sober lessons as Its happiness, depends Jim ate was the old habit of writing with Best of Stimulantt. bet- on Its friendships. Take time to make of the disgraces of the white Amer- employing foreigners. They had reeds on parchment and paper that it Barometric Violin. There Is only one stimnlaat friends. Take time to keep then-The- re wise the continued a long time after the first Xbram Moses, a violinist of Balti- never falls, and yet never htaSau ican. Think how silly and how foul ter get to the fact that are n great many unnecessary use of quills. The custom of carry- more, Is the possessor of what might duty. Duty puts a bine Aj such a conduct portrays. Saving the Negro spends the money in things which can be omitted from our era ing a pen behind the ear Is ancient as be called a barometric violin. Some every man up In his heart sajbe-l-nto fairly the community where he makes daily activities and no harm done, world that refuses to treat a keep- may be seen In the life of St Odo: time after Mr. Moses bought It be wheh the skylark. Eiaa, but for the making and for the ex- Negro is industrious, he "He saw a pen sticking in bis ear hi noticed that at certain times It always goes singing. George D. Pro- - man because of his color. What is it. The ing our friendships In repair one of the manner of a writer." haled a strange and subtle fragrance, tlce. reason such works in and out of season, and he must find time, whatever else is ne- there in color? The for like an aroma of Oriental Incense. Pit in- glected. foolish action on the part of white does not strike. He is the only Later, be observed that this fragrance Poor Relative's Figure. the-weat- her Makes r officers on the Olympic is very well dustrious worker that is really de- was noticeable only when Necessity Prosperity. ir. sigh, "My. how glad people never fairly begiu Negro family Really True. She said with a was about to become damp. He A known by the race. We do not pre- pendable. The has his poor fig- Is An Indianapolis seventh grade was Iaro that I have a relative's obtained the violin In Paris some prosper till necessity treadinri dev- support as the foreigner has, 1 growing tend that we notice lots of there to just studying the gender of nouns. As a ure I can wear anything from the years ago when be was studying there. its heels. The want of Anne, who Is Is one sources of clvlllai ilish designs, but we see the contempt and he should not Be denied work. final review the teacher asked the pu- frocks made for Cousin of the & Jlnscu-lln- e nearly six feet and looks like a clothes- Population Is power, but it mnsti useless nonsensical prejudice o pil to give a few definitions. and the gender was defined and then came pin, to the suits built for Cousin Jane, Inconstancy Ever Unpopular. a population that, in growls;. EDUCATION. hun- apprehensive of in full operatian all the time. Some the request for a definition of the who Is five feet and weighs one Nothing that Is not a real crime made daily day the great white race will come to feminine. Alice, whose mother is a dred and eighty." makes a man appear so contemptible morrow. SImms. greatest asset "Fem- and little In the eyes of the senses, and see how utterly fool- Education is the of rather noted feminist, recited: its gender gender that op- world as Inconstancy, especially when any race, but, since all cannot go inine Is the Black Marble. ish it has acted for centuries. poses masculine." It regards religion or party. In either FROM THIS DATE (Ml high may be cleaned with a Trying to belittle noble men, whose through the university or the Black marble of these cases, though a man perhaps mixture of equal parts of pearlash and does but his duty In changing his THE BROAD AX overbalance school, it is a very good thing to CM courage and faithfulness Boots Waterproof. soft soap. Apply this with a flannel side, he not only makes himself hated some kind of a trade, which min- their shortcomings is too small and learn To make boots waterproof mix equal and let It remain on for some by those he left, but Is seldom WAYS BE FOUND OS! utes. Then rinse, with warm and people. when mastered may pave the. way parts of mutton fat, beeswax and, first heartily esteemed by those be comes narrow for a great There cold When dry pol- higher step intellectually. sweet oil. together In a small pan. heat then with water. over to. Addison. AT THE FOLL0W1H could have been no just ground for for a ish with a paraflln cloth until It shines. o over stove until melted, then after this cruelty and mistreatment of Neg- the mixture has cooled a little apply NEWS STANDS: Ivl More or Lets? Kl ro officers of the United States Army, It to the boots plentifully, particularly Ntw Word. Cleaning Bottles. about the seam's and edge of soles, and Hlckop had decided to turn over a -- exchanges tells about a and less to soldiers who laid their When the Inside of a bottle contains really them perfect- One of our new leaf, and he couldn't help letting that will render man who "anthoughtedly" left his Mrs. L. Graves, The Provide lives on the altar of their country. some deposit which cannot be removed ly waterproof. everybody know. "I have resolved for by mere rinsing It will be found that a pocketbook, containing $5, on a counter the New Year." he said, feeling If his Candy Shop, Notion Store and Nei This sort of thing must stop. The In a railway station. As an addition te&spoonful of ordinary silver sand, Sunny Disposition. halo was on straight, "that I shall not Stand, 15 W. 36th; Street, near Stat got down to the to theEngllsh language we maintain fel- Negro has to get together with a little water, If well was Carlyle who said: drink any more." "But my dear I think it that unthoughtcdly Is unthinkable. Thomas, right principle of things, and fight shaken up In the bottle, will get rid "The man who can laugh way down low," protested a Doubting Scraps paper and tea leaves St Louis Republic. "you couldn't' drink any more. The George I. Martin, Cigar, Not for his rights at all times, anywhere of it. of deep In his diaphragm can never com- can be used with water for the same point is have you resolved to drink Stand, 18 W. 31 would mit murder." And he should have Store and News and everywhere. He who be purpose. whistling any less?" London Answers. IA I added that the man with a Now You'll Take Better. St, near State. B! must strike the blow. mean, free himself disposition can never be abuse Because flashlight powders are not chlldT betray a friend or refuse to There are a great many things to Costlier Than Fires. a swift enough for the most rapid pho- Understanding Other. Insects pay his rent Fern Howard, in Mil- r Each Edward Felix, Notions, Cigani be brought to light in the near future Insects cause the destruction of tography, an electrical device has been Those who fancy themselves not un- waukee Sentinel. powder Dearborn S. concerning our boys "over there," more timber that would otherwise be Invented which lights the and derstood by the people with whom they News Stand, 3002 S. ti available for building? purposes than then snaps the camera shutter when have to associate might find some con- who are now-ov- er here. All has not according to Investiga- the burning powder Is at Its greatest do forest fires, Bad for Discipline. solation In the fact that they them- gone smooth "with our soldiers in tions made by the bureau of entomol- brilliancy. selves are not taking any great trouble F. Bishop, Cigars, Tobacco 1 T understand a tendency to there's Street, te si Prance. Duplicity and double cross- ogy at Washington. People's Home drop 'Aye, aye, sir, In 'the navy." to understand others. We are really News Stand, 8 W. 27th Sj Journal. "That would never do." "Of course not so complex or peculiar as we often State.. ing and skulduddery has held high x-- The "Classic" one of Imagine, and perhaps we, are not f: not It's of the traditions the of classic carnival on .the part of some eminent service. If that sort of thing were Perhaps the best definition worth so much study ns we demand. Hickory Best Fuel Wood. Is given by 2Owell: "Something XH personages, in whom we-- have allowed encouraged it wouldn't be long before that Exchange. A. D. Hayes, Cigars, Tobacco, lfl Hickory of the nonreslnous woods can be simple without being vul- l a 'gob' would be saying Yep to an that Sfc ourvelves over much trust. Is said to have the highest fuel value gar, elevated without being tion, Stationery and News admiraL" Birmingham Age-Heral- d. distant per unit volume of wood, and has that Is neither ancient nor modern, al- Reptiles That Shed Their . 3640 S. State Street other advantages. It burns evenly ways new and incapable of growing Among the reptiles inany. like the and holds the heat The oaks come Coral Beads. old." lizards and snakes, shed the whole APPRECIATION AND GRATITUDE next, followed by beech, birch and contrive to Shoe Shining ParlorU Coral beads are apt to lose-the-ir akin at once, which they Dodson's i By. DB, M. A. MAJORS maple. fresh appearance. To clean .them put cast In a single piece, wriggling out of News Stand, So. West Corner Seeing as Well. the old skin and leaving It behind them a piece of soda about the size of a pea and State Streets. Into a bowl of water hot enough to By a Frenchman's Invention as a lan- In the form of a hollow .sheath, a m Higher and higher we ascend on the All Writing Own Epitaph. by dissolve the soda. Rub some ordinary guage student bears a word spoken mere ghost of the wearer. The frogs we build We are all busy busy writing a phonograph he also sees It appear to make some profit ladder mast soap on the fingers, then rub on to the and toads contrive Trare epitaphs. We do not let a day pass on a printed roll ia conjunction with on the transaction, since they eat their Lawrence M. Heard, as we meant the rang, on rung beads between the hands. Rinse them ' And. doing something In this line, tongue. -- stani without In clean cold water. its translation In his own own castoff garments. News Aeent with news we are learning hew to guild, . and we are all busy, not In writing 3129 S. State St and So. East The sames ef ear great dead, who epitaphs for others, but In writing our CoBgregaUonalist, Keep Children 35th and State Streets. own. Grease on Leather. Erect Billion. living played their part, To make a child maintain an erect is a lightly with ether and In the United States a billion, shining honors high Bub the stain position while writing at a school desk Britain And lift their then If there are any marks left sponge thousand mllliofts. In Great A Real Peat a German has Invented a rod to be at- and European countries, the progres- Charles F. Barber gladdening the races' heart. "One away with a weak solution of oxalic MaUors Said the facetious feller: of tached to a desk, terminating In a'xap sion runs regularly, tens of millions, SW child-hoo- yoa are to trust your News 313 E. 35th the greatest mysteries of my d add. If afraid against the child's chla. mil- and Stand, to remove hundreds of millions, thousands of meviag to where the soul Is how Little Jack Homer suc- own ability the stain take millions, We are fast the grip to a leather store where bags lions; tens of thousands- of ceeded with that plum palling oat af- thousands- of millions, ef HebJe races lead are aekL hundreds of Boon" fair with, only one thumb." Keeps Hands and Feet Out thousands of thousands of millions, W. D. Scott's Lunch part all the things produced a And take oar a N A Greek Inventor has billions (that la a million of millions). Restaarant, 248 E. 35th Street that gxewg people aeed, machine which automatically cleans Where Life - Leafeet Great Truth. aad packs more than ISO cases of cur- er aehle things the average leagth great- mach forty as 1 J&i. if te $e f The of life is If we knew half as at rants an hpur without contact of hu- Excuse. coun- Willie's Leais Wimhley's Shoe er la Norway thaa te aay other we" joaght we knew at twenty, we man hand-o- r foot The slang expression "hardcpelled i Is te tbe-fa-ct that drawing prlacely salaries as Stand, 2946 ' Uvea aehlemea te try. T attributed ceaklbe disagreeable persea Parlors aad'News WeH rive ear as Is cool aad uniform praphYts, Instead grabbing aloag at eg to denote a the temperature ef us a youngster who coald State $ make the wheJe twW'Kb., ftbreagheat the year. wer Exchange. Relieves Pain ef Stlna. reminds of Street ; Bta set eat an egg without feeling dis- - . Savoyards a clove e The rah crashed one day for speaking ef garlic upon a spot that has been tressed. Chlded redely his be said; "I can't News Sfc WAKE UrVAlffiRICANS! Maktea Cewveraatlea. The Head ef the Family. stung by a wasp or beev This make to aunt Mis. F. 'A. Peyton, she affects me t like Always re cmhor that many a ma Aa Inaalnttlve scientist states that the swelling go down aad drives away help It mother: Cenfeetienary Store, 5012 S. who iaaalres after year health really the average Amertcaa .family Is com- the pain. aa egg." Boston Transcript v "- eheers Street The Ctrtinnam - e 4eesa't care a rap whether R' geed. posed ef S peepl. Who la .the --8? tit Gem. Feb. fe-e- er ereati Jamesea Why, eM mea, cearse. rty seek Header, laf the ef ' TrewWee ef an Expert -ef-ia-Felt Want feeiThe jeyfai peke wants St 'ilt Ml te A ,peclp of cactus jrrowlas proltfl "Another member of the staff Tayler, 1728 Fulton Him. a raiee says be caa't live ea his sal- Saaael 'jiafciUda treat Jrriag heart te ear Haaa naWlaael flaaaaaaaal rally In Aleerin has ben , mtji h aeetaeeeeaaer: MWhea JUgfat ary of 40 a week." "Wfce Is tV w- - terrer 84 thea always stea, hat eae caat Trench rjnt!t"tn yfeM,14 por rrn hcre heye, sarvm- - 4e atetare despair aeta-raH- y a a the ef always wait M0 years te see it da K. p at sear nd about per W aicW jBallem. the bachelor edHer ef ear ! mt anv of tater-eetia- g ir,. :.. he aa anheppy frame ef Qlehe-D- o wemaa's page. He writes these fiar. Jala Leal ocrat. to W America! Yearifcgre articles oa bow te sapperr. a aheva mtm feeeBis vricr a v Wt . Bir-- & A-- , !rttrnatlndlty , famMy ef fear ea $15 a week." day atetaeags eaeh week, wr- -- "-- ef WalKa, ' -- 1i miOjnfani Afe-Herat- d. S( ntr" " way lake fee cefeaus of nf-itf- ''fl their Tut t w Jrake aa, m y the aetee 'mi4 !mrn of HTKfc earlh J 3eai h aet, hat my rcwttWry'r1 tM nrhr teca. read Ax. .

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