Synopsis of the Lepidoptera of . By Niels L. Wolff.

The foundation of the following list of the Lepidoptera of Iceland is: (a) Records compiled from the literature, (b) The Islandic collection in the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen, and (c) The <;oIIections in the Museum at Reykjavik. As Iceland is very far from being satisfactoryly ex­ plored with respect to its insect fauna, the list is not a complete, and future additions preferably of the 11 Micro­ lepidoptera 11 are to be expected; nevertheless it is obvious that the Lepidopterous fauna of Iceland in relation to the extent of the land (104800 km2) in reality is very scanty. As will be seen, abt. 70 species of Lepidoptera have been recorded from Iceland by various authors; a closer in­ vestigation of the records, however, will prove that hardly more than 37 spe<;ies at present are known with certainty from the island. for kind information on the Lepidoptera preserved in the Museum at Reykjavik I wish to tender my sincerest thanks to Mr. B j a rn i S re mu n d s son, Reykjavik; further I am greatly indebted to Mr. K aiL. Hen r i k s e n, Co­ penhagen, for admittance to the collections in the Museum at Copenhagen, to Mr. P. Ben and er, fHidie, Sweden, 23* 340 for examination of a Oelechiid from this collection, and to Mr. R. Ho rri n g, Copenhagen, for most valuable assi­ stance regarding the identification of several of the - often curiously spelled - names of the Icelandic localities given in the records or on the labels.

Pieridae. [Pieris rapae L. (Seitz I p. 46; Staud. & Rebel I no: 48). 1 specimen, taken on board a ship in the harbour of Reykjavik (SW. Iceland) in 1926 or 1927, is preserved in the Reykjavik Museum.]

Nympba/idae. (1). Pyrameis aialal1ta L. (Seitz I p. 198; Staud. & Rebel I no: 152). Vanessa rdalanta J. j. Walker 1922 p. 4. , Bol in Arness Sysla, Reykjavik (SW. Iceland). March (24th 1928, 1 specimen), June (15th 1901, 1 spec­ imen), September (11 th 1927, 1 specimen). Not e: Mr. Sce mu n d ss 0 n informs me that his statement (Walker 1. c.) that "now and then people are seeing butterflies, sometimes in great numbers, without catching them, e. g. Vanessa atalanta ..... 11, is applic­ able not to atalanta but to cm'dui. Probably not a resident of Iceland. (2). Pyrameis cardui L. (Seitz I p. 199; Stand. & Rebel I no: 154). Vanessa cardui f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 222; Jacobson 1899 p. 230; Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71; J. J. Walker 1922 p. 4. Reykjavik (SW. Iceland); HomlehoIt at SncefelIsnes (W. Iceland). July (1894, 5 <,pecimens; 28th 1926, 1 specimen), Oc­ tober (14th 1914, 1 specimen). - See note above. Not e: Probably not a resident of Iceland. 341

Lymantriidae. 3. ?Gen. sp. ? Dasychira sp. Lindroth 1928 p. 11. St. Mork-Stori Dalr (SW. Iceland). A great number of larv

Noctuidae. 5. Etlxoa islandica Staud. (Seitz 1II p. 33; Staud. &: Rebel I no: 1373). Agrotis lslalldica Staudinger 1857 a pp. 232 - 235. A. Obelisca Var. lslandica de la Chavignerie 1857 pp. 7 - 8. A. cursoria f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300. A. islalldica Jacobson 1899 p. 230; Staudinger &: Rebel 1901 p. 149; Pagenstecher 1902 pp. 276 - 277; Spuler 1908 p. 160; Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71; Aurivillius 1913 p. 15; Warren in Seitz 1914 p. 33; Lindroth 1928 p. 11. Staor at Reykjanes (NW. Iceland); Siglufjoror, fridriks­ gafa at Eyjafjoror, Akreyri, , Myvatn (N. Iceland); Oeysir, Armannsfell, (SW. Iceland). July-A~gust. 6. Rhyacia festiva conflua Tr. (Seitz III p. 40; Staud. &: Rebel I no: 1207 b.). 342

PhatfEna vaccinii Mohr 1786 p. 91; Oliemann 1824 p. 165; Oai­ mard 1851 p. 165. Noctua Con/fua Staudinger 1857 a pp. 236-238; de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 8. Pha/fElla vaccinii Paijkull 1868 p. 356. Noctua con/lua f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300, 1889 b p. XXXV; Mason 1889 pp. XXXIV-XXXV, 1890 p. 198; f. A. Walker 1890 b p.377. Agrotis con/tua Jacobson 1899 p.230. A. Primulae Con/tua Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 140. A. con/tua Pagenstecher 1902 p. 276. A. primula: v. con/lua et v. thutei Spuler 1908 p. 151. Noctua con/lua Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. Agrotis con/tua Aurivillius in Klinckowstrom 1913 p. 15. Rhyacia /estiva subsp. con/tua Warren in Seitz 1914 p. 40. Agrotis con/lua Lindroth 1928 p. 11. Sta6r at Reykjanes (NW. IceJand); Siglufjar6r, Akreyri, fnioskadalr, Husavlk, Myvatn (N. Iceland); KnappaveIlir (SE. Iceland); St. Mark, SeJjaJand, Hlf6arendi, flj6tshlf6, Oalta\<£kr, at the river Sag, pingvellir, Hengill, Engey, ReykjavIk (SW. Iceland). June - July. 7. Rhyacia pronuba L. (Seitz III p. 42; Staud. & Rebel I no: 1152). Triphaena Prolluba Staudinger 1857 a p. 238. Tryphwna Pronuba de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 9. TniJhfEna pronuba Mason 1889 pp. XXXIV-XXXV, 1890 p. 198. Agrotis prolluba]acobson 1899 p. 230; Pagenstecher 1902 p. 273. Tryphaena (A.) pronuba Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. Triphaena pronuba ]. J. Walker 1922 p. 6. Oeysir, ReykjavIk (SW. Iceland). June. 2 specimens only. 8. Rhyacia quadrangula Zett. (Seitz III p. 52; Staud. & Rebel I no: 1310). ?PhalfEna lucernea Mohr 1786 p. 90; Oliemann 1824 p. 165; Oaimard 1851 p. 165. Agrotis Rava Herrich-Schaffer 1856 p. 59; Staudinger 1857 a pp. 235 --236; de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 9. ? Pha­ lfEna lucernea Paijkull 1868 p. 356. Agrotis qlladrangula Aurivillius 1890 p. 14; Bang-Haas 1897 p. 181. A. rara Jacobson 1899 p. 230. A. Qlladrangllla Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 146; Pagenstecher 1902 p. 277; Spuler 1908 p. 156. A. rara Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. A. qlladrangula Aurivillius in Klinckowstrom 1913 p. 15. Rhyacia qlla­ drangllla Warren in Seitz 1914 p. 52. Episilia qlladrangllla Poulton 1925 p. XXXVII. Agrotis qaadrangala Lindroth 1928 p. 11. 343

Siglufjor6r, fridriksgafa at Eyjafjor6r, Akreyri, Husavfk (N. Iceland); Stafafell, Brei6amerkrsandr, Orrefa (SE. Ice­ land); Hekla at 5095 feet ab. sea level, .Armannsfell, .between Hafnarfjor6r and Krisuvik (SW. Iceland). July-August. 9. Polia pisi L. (Seitz III p. 73; Staud. & Rebel I no: 1471). Mamestra Pisi Staudinger 1857 a pp. 250-251. Hadena Pisi de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 9. Hadena closely allied to H. pisi f. A. Walker 1890 c p. XXXV. Mamestra pisi Jacobson 1899 p. 230. M. Pisi v. Pallens (trans.) Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p.157. M. pisi Pagenstecher 1902 p. 281; Spuler 1908 p. 172; Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. Polia pisi­ pallens Warren in Seitz 1914 p. 73. Mamestra pisi]. J. Walker 1922 p. 7. Akreyri (N. Iceland); Reykjavik (SW. Iceland). May-June. Not e; According to f. A. Walker (1. c.) Hadena pisi is stated by New m a n "to be generally distributed in England, Scotland, and Iceland". This is erroneous. New­ man (post 1868 p. 420) has: H ••••• generally distributed in England, Scotland, and Ireland" (n 0 t Iceland). 10. Cerapteryx graminis L. (Seitz III p. 93; Staud. & Rebel I no: 1438). Re g n - 0 r me (lumbrici terrestres) Anderson 1747 p. 117; 1748 p.l00. Orme (worms) Horrebow 1752 p. 242; 1753 pp. 277-278; 1758 pp. 91-92. ?Ka upmanns-fidrilde (Kiiibm

Seljaland, Hlfoarendi, Flj6tshlfo, pingvellir, between Haf­ narfjaror and Krfsuvfk, Reykjavik (SW. Iceland). July-August. Note: According to e. g. H orrebow, Olafsen, and

Olavius (1. c.) the larva: (Is\.: IIRegn-Ormurll ) have in former times occurred occassionally in countless numbers; in the year of 1701 thus denuding all the grass land in RangervaIla Sysla and Vestr SkaptafeIls Sysla (S. Ice­ land) and in the year of 1702 been very injurious to the grass land in E. Iceland. 11. Crillo sommeri islalldiae Mill. (Seitz III p. 132; Staud. & Rebel I no; 1666). Hadena Sommeri Staudinger 1857 a pp. 246 - 250. H. Borea? de la Chavignerie 1857 pp. 8-9. H. Sommeri Aurivillius 1890 pp. 15 -16. H. contiglla? f. A. Walker 1890 b p. 377. H. Sommefi Bang­ Haas 1897 pp. 182-183; Jacobson 1899 p. 230. H. Sommeri v. Is­ landiae Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 171. H. sommeri Pagenstecher 1902 p. 286. H. sommeri v. islandiae Spuler 1908 p. 1()O. H. sommeri Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. Eumichthis Sommeri Aurivillius in Klinckow­ strom 1913 p. 16. erino sommeri ab. islandiae Warren in Seitz 1914 p. 132. Hadena sommeri ]. J. Walker 1922 p. 6; Lindroth 1928 p. 12. Hofs6s, Rimavatn in Svarfaoardalr, Akreyri, Husavik (N. Iceland); Djupivogr, Bulandsnes (E. Iceland); OsIand and Beru at Hornafjaror (SE. Iceland); Heimaey, St. Mark, Hlioarendi, Flj6tshlfO, pingvellir, Hengill, Ellioavatn, Leir­ vogsa, Reykjavik (SW. Iceland). May-June. Not e: Icelandic specimens are generally considered forming a geographical variety: islandiae Mill. (the type of sommeri Lef. was of Oreenlandic origin), described in P. Mill iere: "Icon. Descr. Chen. Lep. ined.", Lyon 1869 - 74 (Tome Ill. p. 459), a copy of which I have not been able to obtain. The species is very variable. 12. Crymodes exulis Lef. (Seitz III p. 177; Stand. & Rebel I no: 1677b). ? Phalcena maxima (pro p.) Olafsen 1772 p. 602; 1774 p. 320. ? P. oleracea Mohr 1786 p. 90; Oliemann 1824 p. 165. PoUa Oelafa 345

Herrich-Schiiffer 1845 pp. 267 - 268. Neuria Cervilla Herrich-Schaffer 1845 pp. 291-292. ?PhalfEna oleracea Oaimard 1851 p. 165. Hadena (?) Exulis Staudinger 1857 a pp. 238 -- 246. H. Oelaia de la Cha­ vignerie 1857 pp. 6 - 7. ? PhalfEna oleracea Paijkull 1868 p. 356. Cry­ modes exulis Newman post 1868 pp. 411-412; f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300; 1889 b p. XXXV; Mason 1889 pp. XXXIV --XXXV; f. A. Walker 1890 b p. 377; 1890 c pp. XXVII, XXXIII - XXXIV; Mason 1890 p. 198. Hadena exulis Aurivillius 1890 p. 16; Bang-Haas 1897 p. 183; Jacobson 1899 p. 230. H. Maillardi v. Ditflua Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 172. H. maillardi Pagenstecher 1902 p. 285. H. difflua Spuler 1908 p. 191. H. exulis Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. H. Maillardi var. exulis Aurivillius in K!inckowstram 1913 p. 16. Crymodes exulis Warren in Seitz 1914 p. 177. Hadena exulis J. J. Walker 1922 p. 7. H. maillardi Baving 1925 p. 20. H. exulis Lindroth 1928 pp. 11 - 12. Sta6r at Reykjanes, Reykh61ar, Dyrafj6r6r, Isafj6r6r (NW. Iceland); Siglufj6r6r, H6rga, Fnioskadalr, Akreyri, Husavfk, Myvatn, Reykjahli6, Fjallah6fn (N. Iceland); Djupivogr, Bulandsnes (E. Iceland); Homafj6r6r (SE. Ice­ land); HIi6arendi, Flj6tshlf6, OaJtalcekr, Felsmuli, Oeysir, Su6r Reykir, pingvellir, Hengill, Krfsuvik, Reykjavik, Bor­ games, Borg (SW. Iceland) j Stykkisholmr (W. Iceland). June-July. Abundant. 13. Syngrapha interrogation is L. (Seitz III p. 346; Staud. & Rebel I no: 2573). Plusia interrogationis var. Staudinger 1857 a pp. 251 - 252. P. illterrogatiollis de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 8; f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300; Jacobson 1899 p. 230; Pagenstecher 1902 p. 294; 1909 p.71; Aurivillius in Klinckowstram 1913 p. 16. Siglufjor6r, Lj6savatn, Myvatn (N. Iceland); Oeysir, pingvellir (SW. Iceland). July-August. 14. Phytometra gamma L. (Seitz III p. 351; Staud. & Rebel I no: 2562). Plusia gamma f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300; Mason 1889 pp. XXXIV-XXXV; 1890 p. 198; Jacobson 1899 p.230; Pagenstecher 1902 p. 293; 1909 p. 71; Aurivillius in Klinckowstram 1913 p. 16. Reykir, ReykjavIk (SW. Iceland). June or July. 346

Oeometridae. 15. Cidaria citrata L. (Seitz IV p. 221; Staud. & Rebel I no: 3320). Phaia:na pranata Mohr 1786 p. 91; Gliemann 1824 p. 165; Gai­ mard 1851 p. 165. Oeometra rassata lda Pfeiffer 1852 p. 273. Cidaria Truncata Staudinger 1857 a pp. 252 - 255. C. Rassaria de la Cha­ vignerie 1857 p. 10. Phala:na pranata Paijkull 1868 p. 356. Cidaria trancata, russata, var. cjornensis, immanata, marmorata f'. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300. C. immanata, var. tjornensis, marmorata, thinqllallata Jacobson 1899 p. 230. Laren/ia lmmanata Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 293. Cidaria immanata Pagenstecher 1902 p. 321. C. immllnata var., ajornensis Pagenstec'her 1909 p. 71. Larentia immanata Spuler 1910 p. 42. Cidaria ci/rata Prout in Seitz 1915 p. 222. C. immanata J. J. Walker 1922 p. 7. Larentia immanata Lindroth 1928 p. 12. Sta6r at Reykjanes, Arnarfjor6r, DyrafjorOr, Onundar­ fjor6r, Isafjor6r (NW. Iceland); Siglufjor6r, Akreyri, Ljosa­ vatn, Myvatn (N. Iceland); Hallormsta6r at Lagarfljot, Eski­ fjor6r, Starmyri at Alftafjor6r (E. Iceland); Reynivellir, Hornafjor6r (SE. Iceland); Krfsuvik, Reykjavik (SW. Ice­ land). July-August.

16. Cidaria munitaia Hb. (Seitz IV p. 222; Staud. & Rebel I no: 3327). Phala:na Fiacillata Olafsen 1772 p. 602; 1774 p. 320; Mohr 1786 p. 91; Gliemann 1824 p. 165; Gaimard 1851 p.165. Cidaria Manilata Staudinger 1857 a pp. 255-256. C. Manitaria de la Chavignerie ]857 p. 11. Phala:na jluctuata Paijkull 1868 p. 356. Coremia manitata F. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300; 1889 b p. XXXV; 1890 b p. 377; 1890 c p. XXVII; Mason 1889 pp. XXXIV-XXXV; 1890 p. 198. Cidaria manilata Jacobson 1899 p. 230. Larentia Mandata Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 294. Cidaria mltlzitata Pagenstecher 1902 p. 322; 1909 p. 71. Larentia manilata Spuler 1910 p. 43; Aurivillius in Klinckowstrom 1913 p. 16. Cidaria mllnilata Prout in Seitz 1915 p. 222; J. J. Walker 1922 p. 7. Larentia manilata Lindroth 1928 p. 12. Sta6r at Reykjanes, Dyrafjor6r, Isafjor6r, Sta6arbakki at Hnltafjor6r (NW. Iceland); Siglufjor6r, Akreyri, Myvatn (N. Iceland); Hallormsta6r, Starmyri at Alftafjoror (E. Ice­ land); Reynivellir (SE. Iceland); Seljaiand, Hlf6arendi, 347

flj6tshlfo, felsmuli, Oeysir, Stori Dalr S. of Hekla, Keldur, Arba:r, Marteinstunga, tiraungeroi, pingvellir, Engey, Reyk­ javik, Borgarnes, Borg (SW. Iceland); Stykkisholmr (W. Iceland). June-July. Abundant.

17. Cidaria designata Hufn. (Seitz IV p. 227; Staud. & Rebel I no: 3374). Cidaria propllgnata Staudinger 1857 a pp. 256-257. C. propllg­ naria de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 9. Coremta propinqllata, var. vatus­ myriensis? f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300. Core/nia signata Mason 1890 p. 198. Cidaria propinqllata var. vatllsmyriensis, C. signata, C. de­ signata Jacobson 1899 p. 230. Larelltia Designata v. lslandicaria Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 298. Cidaria designata Pagenstecher 1902 p. 326. C. propinqllata, var. alltimysiensis, C. signata, C. propllgnata Pagenslccher 1909 p. 71. Larentia designata v. islandicaria Spuler 1910 p. 49; Aurivillius in Klinckowstrom 1913 p. 16. Cidaria desig­ nata -- islandicaria Prout in Seitz 1915 p. 228. C. designata J. J. Walker 1922 p. 7. Larentia designata va,.. islandicaria Lindroth 1928 p. 12. Hofs6s, Akreyri, fjallahcHn (N. Iceland); Marteinstunga, Oeysir, Suor Reykir, Laugardalr, pingvellir, fossvogr, Ellioavatn, Leirvogsa, Kollafjoror, Reykjavik, Borg (SW. Iceland). May-July. 18. Cidaria caesiata Sch i ff. (Seitz IV p. 235; Staud. & Rebel I no: 3385). Phal{l?na llndlllata Mohr 1786 p. 91; Oliel11ann 1824 p. 165; Oail11ard 1851 p. 165. Cidaria Caesiata Stalldinger 1857 a pp. 257- 259. Larentia C{I?siaria de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 10. Phal{l?na un­ du/ata Paijkllll 1868 p. 356. Larentia c{I?siata f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300; 1889 b p. XXXV; Mason 1889 pp. XXXIV~XXXV; 1890 p. 198. Cidaria caesiata var. glaciata et ge/ata Jacobson 1899 p. 230. Lw'entia Caesiata Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 299. Cidaria c({esiata Pagenstecher 1902 pp. 328 - 329; 1909 p. 71. Larentia caesiata Splder 1910 p. 51; Aurivillius in Klinckowstrol11 1913 p. 16. Cidaria caesiata Prout in Seitz 1915 p. 235. Larentia c{l?siatll Lindroth 1928 p. 12. Staor at Reykjanes (NW. Iceland); Staoarbakki, Sig!u­ fjoror, fnioskadalr, Akreyri, Lj6savatn, Myvatn, between 348

Dettifoss and Svfnadalr, Asbyrgi at Axarfj6ror (N. Iceland); Hallormstaor (E. IceJand); Reynivellir (SE. Iceland); ping­ ve11ir, Reykjavik (SW. Iceland). June-July.

19. Cidaria hastata tlndearia H.-S. (Seitz IV p. 255; Staud. & Rebel 1 no: 3448). Larentia Thulearia Herrich-Schaffer 1847 p. 156. Oeometra spec. novo Ida Pfeiffer 1852 p. 273. Cidaria Thulearia Staudinger 1857 a pp. 259- 262. Melanippe Thulearia de la Chavignerie 1857 pp. 9 - 10; f'. A. Walker 1890 b p. 377; 1890 c p. XXV!!; Mason 1890 p. 198. Cidaria thlllearia Jacobson 1899 p. 230. Larentia Thulearia Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 303. Cidaria thulearia Pagenstecher 1902 p. 331; 1909 p. 71. Larentia thulearia Spuler 1910 p. 59; Aurivillius in K!inc­ kowstrom 1913 p. 16. Cidaria thlllearia Prout in Seitz 1915 p. 255. /IIIelanippe thalearia J. J. Walker 1922 p. 7. Patreksfj6ror, Dyrafj6ror (NW. Iceland); Fnioskadalr, I-Iusavfk, Myvatn, Fjallah6fn (N. Iceland); Svinafell, Horna­ fjoror (SE. Iceland); pingvellir, Reykjavfk (SW. Iceland); Stykkisholmr (W. Iceland). May-July. Not e: I have not succeeded in finding differences between the genitalia of hastata and thulearia a s appre­ ciable as to justify the supposition that the distinc;tion between them should be of m 0 r e than of subspecific nature.

20. Cidaria alternata M till. (Seilz IV p. 257; Staud. & Rebel I no: 3437). Oeometra alchemillata Ida Pfeiffer 1852 p. 271. Cidaria Alche­ millata Staudinger ] 857 a pp. 262 - 263. Melanippe AlcJzemillaria de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 11. M. biriviata f. A. Walker 1890 b p. 377. M. sodata Mason 1889 pp. XXXIV-XXXV; 1890 p. 198. Cidaria sodata Jacobson 1899 p. 230. Larentia Sodata Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 302. Gdaria sodata Pagenstecher 1902 p. 330; 1909 p. 71. Larentia sociata Spuler 1910 p. 57; Aurivillius in Klinckowstrom 1913 p. 16. Cidaria alternata form. islandica Prout in Seitz 1915 p. 258. Larentia sodata Lindroth 1928 pp. 12·- 13. 349

Onundarfjoror (NW. Iceland); fnioskadalr, Akreyri, Myvatn (N. Iceland); Svinafell (SE. Iceland); Hlfoarendi, flj6tshlfo, pingvellir, between Suor Reykir and ElIioavatn, Leirvogsa, Reykjavik (SW. Iceland). May-July. 21. Cid aria fllrcata Thnbg. (Seitz IV p. 263; Staud. & Rebel I no: 3485). Cidaria Eltdata Staudinger 1857 a pp. 263 - 265. C. Etutaria de la Chavignerie 1857 pp.]O 11. C. sordidata var. infuscata et fus­ eoundata Jacobson 1899 p. 230. Larentia Sordidata Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 306. Cidaria sorditata Pagenstecher 1902 p. 333; 1909 p.71. Larentia sordidata Spuler 1910 p. 64. Larentia sordidata var. fascoundata Lindroth 1928 p. 13. Isafjoror (NW. Iceland); pingvellir, Krfsuvfk (SW. Ice­ land). July-September. 22. Eupithecia? immundata reikjavikaria Staud. (Seitz IV p. 275; Staud. & Rebel I no: 3624 a). Eupithecia Valerianata Staudinger 1857 a pp. 267 -268. E. vale­ rianaria de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 12. E. immUlldata v. reikjavikaria Jacobson 1899 p. 231. Tephroclystia Immundata v. Reikjavikaria Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 316; Spuler 1910 p. 80. Eapitlzecia im- mandata reikjavikaria Prout in Seilz 1915 p. 275. Skalholt, Reykjavik, Engey (SW. Iceland). End of May. Not e: See also Eupithecia valerianata p. 360. 23. Eupithecia satyrata Hb. (Seitz IV p. 284; Staud. & Rebel I no: 3595). Eupithecia Satyrata Staudinger 1857 a pp. 266-267. E. Satyraria de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 11. . E. satyrata v. callunada Jacobson 1899 p. 231. E. sutyrata Pagenstecher 1902 p. 337; 1909 p. 71. E. saty­ rata - callunaria Prout in Seilz 1915 p. 285. E. satyrata Lindroth 1928 p. 13. Vaglir at Akreyri (N. Iceland); Stori Oalr, pingvellir, Kollafjoror, Reykjavik (SW. Iceland). May-July. 350

24. Eupithecia? nanata Bb. (Seitz IV p. 293; Staud. & Rebel I no: 3634). Eupitlzecia ? nanata var. gelidata Lindroth 1928 p. 13. EIli6avatn (SW. Iceland). June. 1 rather rubbed specimen only.

25. Eupithecia sobrinata scoriata Staud. (Seitz IV p. 296; Staud. & Rebel I no: 3656 c). Eupitlzecia Scoriata Staudinger 1857 a pp. 265 - 266. E. Nova Species de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 12. E. scoriata Mason 1889 pp. XXXIV -XXXV; 1890 p. ]98; Jacobson 1899 p. 231. Tephroclystia Sobrinata v.? Scoriata Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 319. Ellpithecia sobrinata var. scoriata Pagenstecher 1902 p. 339. E. scoriata Pagen­ stecher 1909 p. 71. Tepfzroclystia sobrinata v. scoriata Spuler 1910 p. 83. Eupitfzecia sobrillata - scoriata Prout in Seitz 1915 p. 296. E. sobrinata J. J. Walker 1922 p. 7. pingveJIir, Reykjavik (SW. Iceland). July - August.

Pyralidae. 26. Cram bus pascuellus L (Spuler IJ p. 196; Staud. & Rebel 1I no: 125). Cramblls Pascllelllls, C. extindellus Staudinger 1857 a pp. 270-- 272. C. pascllelllls Mason 1889 pp. XXXIV-XXXV; 1890 p. 198. C. pascuellus, C. pascllellus v. extindelllls Jacobson 1899 p. 231. C. Pascllellus Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 8. C. pascllelllls, Var. C. ex­ tindellus Pagenstecher 1902 p. 344. C. pascllelLlls, C. extinriellus Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. C. pascllelllls v. extindella Spuler 1910 p.196. C. pascllelllls Aurivillius in Klinckowstrom 1913 p. 16. C. ex­ tif/deltus J. J. Walker 1922 p. 7. C. pasCllelllls Lindroth 1928 p. 13. Akreyri, Bard, Myvatn (N. IceJand); Hlfoarendi, flj6ts­ hlfd, Su6r Reykir, Oeysir, Laugardalr, pingvellir (SW. Iceland). June.

27. Salebria fusca Hw. (Spuler Il p. 211; Stand. & Rebel II no: 642). Pempelia Carbonariella Staudinger 1857 a p. 272; de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 12. P. jllSca f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300. Pfzycis jllsca f. A. 351

Walker 1890 b p. 377; Mason 1889 pp. XXXIV - XXXV; 1890 p. 199. Pempelia jusca Aurivillius 1890 pp. 24 - 25; Jacobson 1899 p. 231; Pagenstecher 1902 pp. 348 - 349. Pempelia carbomiacella, Plzycis jusca Pagenstecher 1909 p.71. Pempelia jllSca Aurivillius in Klinckowstrom 1913 p. 16. Salebria jusca Lindroth 1928 p. 13. StaM at Reykjanes, Dyrafjoror (NW. Iceland); Hofs6s, Siglufjoror, Akreyri, Husavik, fjallahofn, Myvatn (N. Ice­ land); Onefa S. of Vatnajokull, Svinafell (SE. Iceland); pingvellir, Reykjavik (SW. Iceland). June-July.

To rtricidae. 28. Acalla maccana Tr. (Spnler Il p. 241; Staud. & Rebel II no: 1449). Teras Maccana Staudinger 1857 app. 268-269. Teras Maccana v. Basalticola Bang·Haas 1897 p. 190; Jacobson 1899 p. 231. Acalla Maccana Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p.81. Teras maccana Pagenstecher 1902 pp. 350-351. Terias maccana Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. Acalla maccana Splller 1910 p. 241. SW. Iceland without exact locality. probably vicinity of pingvellir. End of August.

29. Cnepi1asia osseana Scop. (Spuler II p. 252; Stand. & Rebel II no: 1605). ? Plzalcena pratella Mohr 1786 p. 91; Oliemann 1824 p. 165; Oaimard 1851 p. 165. Toririx Pratana Stalldinger 1857 a pp. 269- 270; de la Chavignerie 1857 p. 12. ? Plzalcena pratella Paijkllll 1868 p. 356. Aplzelia osseana f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300; 1390 b p. 377. A. pratana f. A. Walker 1890 c p. XXVII. A. osseana Mason 1890 p. 199. Sciaphila osseana Jacobson 1899 p. 231; Pagenstecher 1902 p. 354. Toririx pratana, Sciaplzila osseana Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. Oraplzolitlza sp. AllrivillillS in Klinckowstrom 1913 p. 17. Cneplzasia osseana Lindroth 1928 pp. 13 -14. Known from a large number of different localities in NW., N., E., SE., S., SW., and W. Iceland. June-August. Very abundant. 352

30. ArgyropJoce sororculafia Zett. (Spuler II p. 264; Staud. & Rebel II no: 1867)'. Penthina Befalefana Staudinger 1857 a p. 270; Jacobson 1899 p. 23l. Olethreutes Sororculana Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 103. Penthind sororculana Pagenstecher 1902 p. 357. P. befuletana Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. Argyroploce sororculana Spuler 1910 p. 264. Penthina soror­ calana Aurivillius in Klinckowstr6m 1913 p. 17. Argyroploce soror­ ca/ana Lindroth 1928 p. 14. fnioskadalr, Vogar (N. Iceland) i pingvellir (SW. Ice­ land). June. Pterophorida.e. 31. Stenoptilia islal1dica Staud. (Spuler Il p. 322; Staud. & Rebel II no: 1407). pterophoras lslandiclls Staudinger 1857 a pp. 280-281. Mimae­ seoptilas lslandicas Bang-Haas 1897 p. 192; Jacobson 1899 p. 231. Stenoptilia lslandica Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 77. Mimaeseoptilus islandicas Pagenstecher 1902 p. 396. Pterop/zoYas islandicus Pagen­ stecher 1909 p. 71. Stenoptilia islandica Spuler 1910 p. 322. ptero­ phorus is/(lndicas J.J. Walker 1922 p. 7. N. Iceland without exact locality, Siglufj6r6r (N. Ice­ land); Armannsfell (SW. Iceland). End of July.

Oelechiida.e. 32. Endrosis ladeella Schiff. (Spuler II p. 349; Staud. & Rebel II no: 3051). Phala:na tota aarea (Melfluga) Olafsen 1772 p. 602, p. 712, p. 996; 1774 p. 320; 1775 p. 51. P. sardtella Mohr 1786 p. 91; Oliemann 1824 p. 165. P. sardtelia Gaimard 1851 p. 165. Endrosis Lacteella Staudinger 1857 a pp. 278-280. Phala:na sardtella Paijkull 1868 p. 356. Endrosis lacteella Mason 1890 p. 199; Bang-Haas 1897 p. 192; Jacobson 1899 p. 231; Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 163; Pagen­ stecher 1902 p. 390; 1909 p. 71;. Spuler 1910 p. 349. Everywhere, in houses (Staudinger l. c.). Probably nearly all the year round. 353

33. Bryotropha thllleella Staud. (Spuler -; Staud. &: Rebel II no: 2529). Oelechia Thllleella, O. sp. Staudinger 1857 a pp. 276 - 278. Bryo­ tropha thllfeeUa, B. sp. Jacobson 1899 p. 231; B. nwleella Staudinger &: Rebel 1901 p. 141. Orledzia thaleella Pagenstecher 1902 p. 382. O. t/utlealla, O. sp.? Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. Bryotrop/za tlzulcella Lindroth 1928 p. 14. N. Iceland without exact locality, Akreyri (N. Iceland); Hlioarendi, fljotshlfa, Suar Reykir, BOI"games (SW. Iceland). June - July. Note: P. Benander who, on my behalf, has ex­ amined the cS genitalia of a very worn Islandic specimen of a Bryotrop/za sp. (ex. colI. Zoo 1. Mus., Copenhagen) apparently agreeing with the description of thuleella Staud.) states that the genitalia of the said specimen differs from that of any Oelechiid species familiar to him (incL terrella and vicinella). B. thuleella is at present the solitary endemic Islandic Lepidopteron known, but the possibility still exists that this species may in the future prove to be identical with some other Bryotrop/za sp.

CoJeophorida.e. 34. Coleophora caespititiella Z. (Spuler Il p. 402; Stand. &: Rebel II no: 3845). ?Coleophora algidella Staudinger 1857a pp. 278-280; Mason 1890 p. 199; Jacobson 1899 p. 231; Staudinger &: Rebel 1901 p. 197; Pagen­ stecher 1902 p. '389; 1909 p.71. C. cCEspititieUa Lindroth 1928 p.14. ? N. Iceland without exact locality; Hlfoarendi, fljots­ hIla, ? pingvellir (SW. Iceland). June-July. Not e: According to Lindroth (I. c.) Islandic specimens ·of a Coleop/zora, having been examined genitalically by P. Benander, have proved to belong to C caespititiella; probably the species described under the name of algid­ ella in Staudinger's paper also belong here. 24 354

Hyponomeutidae. 35. Plutella maculipel1l1is Curt. (Spuler !l p. 452; Staud. & Rebel 1I no: 2447):. Ptllteila cracijerarutn Staudinger 1857 a p. 273; Jacobson 1899- p. 231; Pagenstecher 1902 p. 377, 1909 p. 71. N. Iceland without exact locality, Akreyri (N. Iceland). Time of appearance unrecorded.

36. Plutella scnilella Zett. (Spuler Il p. 452; Sta ud. & Rebel Il no: 2449). Ptutella Dalella, P. Septentrionlltn Staudinger 1857 a pp. 273-· 276. P. dalella, v. septentriOnlltn Jacobson 1899 p. 231. P. Senilella' Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 137. P. se[illella Pagenstecher 1902 pp. 377 - 378. P. daleUa, P. septentriOlllltn Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. P. senilella Spuler 1910 p. 452; Lindroth 1928 p. 14. IsafjorOr (NW. Iceland); SiglufjorOr, fridriksgafa at Eyjafjor6r, Myvatn (N. Iceland); Djupivogr, Bulandsnes (E. Iceland); Hornafjor6r (SE. Iceland); pingvellir (SW. Iceland). lv\ay - September. 2 broods?

Monopidae. 37. Mormpis Hb. (Spuler Il p. 463; Stand. & Rebel 1I no: 4537) •. ?Oesia-Plnga or Lios-fluga Olafsen 1772 p. 603; 1774 p. 320. Tinea rasticella Staudinger 1857 a pp. 272-273; Mason 1890 p. 199. Blabophanes rusticella Jacobson 1899 p. 231. Monopis Rusticella Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 236. Tinea rllsticella Pagenstecher 1902 p. 372, 1909 p. 71. Monopis rllsticella Spuler 1910 p. 463; Lindroth 1628 p. 14. N. Iceland without exact locality; DjLlpivogr, Bulands~ nes (E. Iceland); several localities in SW. Iceland. In houses, noted May - August. 355

The following species have all been recorded from Iceland; in some cases, however, the records prove to be founded positively upon some mistake (wrong determina­ tion, confusion of names or locality, &c.), in others further particulars seem to be wanted before admitting the species in the list of IsIandic Lepidoptera.

Colias Palaello L. (Seilz I p. 63 ;Siand. & Rebel 1 no: 86). Collas Pal(Elw v. Pelidne de Villiers & Ouenee 1835 p.18. Colias Pal(Eno Kirby 1862 p. 126. [Colias pelidne f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 157; J. J. Walker 1922 p. 2]. Erroneously ascribed to Iceland. Colias Ilas tes Bdv. (Seitz [I p. 63]; Staud. & Rebel I no: 88). Colias Phicomolle v. Nastes de Villiers & Ouenee 1835 p. 17. [Colias nas/es f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 157]. Erroneously ascribed to Iceland. Colias phicomolle Esp. (Seilz 1 p. 64; Staud. & Rebel I no: 9 1). Colias Phicomone Kirby 1862 p. 126; U. J. Walker 1922 p. 2]. Erroneously ascribed to Iceland. Colias hecla Lef. (Seitz [I p. 67]; Staud. & Rebel I 110: 109). Colias Hecla Lefebvre 1836 pp. 383~-387; Kirby 1862 p. 127; If. A. Walker 1889 a p. 157; J. ]. Walker 1922 p. 2]. Erroneously ascribed to Iceland; the Type specimens came from Greenland. Oelleis jutta Hb. (Seilz I p. 118; Staud. & Rebel 1 110: 330). Satyrus juUa v. Baider de Villiers & Ouenee 1835 p. 108. Chio~ nobas jutta Kirby 1862 p. 129. [({eneis jutta f. A. Walker 1889 a p.157. Clzionobas jlltfa ]. J. Walker 1922 p. 2]. Erroneously ascribed to Iceland.

24* 356

Geneis crambis Frr. (Seitz I p. 120; Staud. & Rebel I no: 328). Chiollobas (EnD Kirby 1862 p. 129; [P. A. Walker 1889 a p. 157; J. J. Walker 1922 p. 2]. Erroneously ascribed to Iceland. Argynnis chariclea Schneid. (Seitz I p. 231; Stand. & Rebell no: 211). Duponchel loco mihi ign. [Stal1dinger 1857 b pp. 300- 301]. Erroneously ascribed to Iceland. Argynnis Jreija Thnbg. (Seitz I p. 231; Staud. & Rebel I no: 212). Argynnis rreya de Villiers & Ouenee 1835 p. 60; A. Kirby 1862 p. 127; [P. A. Walker 1889 a p. 157]. fritillary Annandale 1905 p.214. Brellthisjreyja J.J. Walker 1922 p. 4. According to Ann and a le (1. c.) specimens of a small "Fritillary" - probably Jreija (]. r Walker 1. - said to have been caught in Iceland, are preserved in the Natural Iiistory Museum at Reykjavik. Mr. B. S (E mu n d s­ son of the Reykjavik Museum has, however, kindly in­ formed me that he knows nothing as to the occurrence Icelandic specimens of this, or allied, species in the collections there. Erroneously recorded from Iceland. Lycaena sp. Symington 1862 p. 105; [P. A. Walker 1889 a]; Jacobson 1899 p. 230; Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. Based upon the following report of Symington (1. c.): "In the neighbourhood of the river we saw many small butterflies - blue and white - both fluttering and flying kinds", Jacobson (1. c.) and through him Pagenstecher (I. c.) introduced a Lvcaena sp. in the list of lslandic Lepidoptera. I see, however, no vaJi,d reason for supposing that Symington by using the term Butterflies just intended to express Rhopalocera in contradistinction to other Lepidop­ tera flying by day. In Iceland the moths are flying in 357

the daylight and e. g. Cidaria hastata thulearia may very well appear to have a bluish tint when fIying. Erroneously recorded from Iceland. Diacrisia santo L. (Seitz II p. 94; Stand. & Rebel I no; 4186). Diacrisia Sanio Standinger & Rebel 1901 p. 367. D. sallnio SpIder 1910 p. 132; Seitz 1913 p. 94. Among the localities of this species, Iceland is included in the Catalogue of Staudinger &: Rebel (\. c.) from where this has been adopted by Spuler (\. c.) and Seitz (I. c.). This is the only record of the occurrence of this species in Iceland, I have seen. Eaxoa cursoria Hufn. (Seitz 1Il p. 30; Staud. L".: Rebel I no; 1358). Agrotis cursoria f. A. Walker 1889 a p. 300; Jacobson 1899 p. 230; Pagenstccher 1909 p. 71. The above records refer to 4 specimens taken at Ak­ reyri (N. Iceland) by f. A. Walker; there can hardly be any doubt, however, that the specimens in question have been Euxoa islandica (no: 5 p. 341), and not E. cursoria. PoLia cOlZtigua Schiff. (Seitz III p. 71; Staud. & Rebel I no; 1469). Hadcna contig'lla? f. A. Walker 1890 b p.377. H. contigua f. A. Walker 1890 c p. XXXV. Doubtless the specimens recorded by Walker (I. c.) as contigaa belong to CrilZo sommeri (no: 11 p. 344). Not e: According to Walker (1890 c) HadelZa cOlZtigaa is stated by New m a n "to be generally distributed in England, Scotland, and Iceland ", This is erroneous. New­ man (post 1868 p. 422) has: ..... "generally distributed in England, Scotland, and Ireland 11 (n 0 t Iceland). [Polia akureyrielZsis. Hadfna akurcyricnsis f.A.Walker 1889a p. 300; H. pis! var.Aku- 358 reyriensis F. A. Walker 1890 c p. XXXV. Mamestraakllreyriensis Jacobson 1899 p. 230. Hadena Alwreyensis Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. A nomen nudum only.]

erino adusta Esp. (Seitz III p. 131; Stand. & Rebel I no: 1665). Hadena adusta (v. minor) Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 171. H. adusta Spuler 1908 p. 190. Among the localities of this species, Iceland is included in the Catalogue of Staudinger & Rebel (I. c.) from where this has been adopted by S p u 1e r (1. c.). This is the only record of the occurrence of this species in Ice­ land, I have seen.

Orrhodia vaccinii L. (Seitz III p. 147; Stand. & Rebel I no: 2164). POrrhodia vaccinii Jacobson 1899 p. 230. O. vaccinii Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. The records of this species from Iceland are due to wrong identification of Phalama vaccinii Moh r (1786 p. 91) which has to be referred to Rhyacia /estiva con/lua Tr. (no: 6 p. 342).

Oligia haworthii Curt. (Seitz 1II p. 174; Stand. & Rebel I no: 1621). Lllperina haworthii Pagenstecher 1902 p. 284. According to Pagenstecher (I. c.) this species is stated by S p eye r (1862 pp. 167-168) to occur in Iceland. This is erroneous; Speyer (L c.) has " ..... von Irland bis zur Wolga ... ", not Island Iceland).

Athetis clavipalpis Scap. (Seitz III p. 211; Stand. & Rebel I no: 2000). Caradrina cabiclllaris F. A. Walker 1890 b p. 377. Recorded by Wa I k e r (I. c.) from bnundarfjoror (N. Iceland), but probably some misdetermination has oc­ curred. 359

Autographa parilis Hb. (Seitz 1lI p. 345; Stand. 8:; Rebel I no: 2579). Plusia parilis Pagenstecher 1902 p. 294. According to Pagenstecher (I. c.) this species is stated by Ban g-H a a s (1897 p. 184) to occur in Iceland. This 1is erroneous; Bang-Haas (I. c.) has" ... , frau Island, ... ", In 0 t Island (= Iceland).

Caloealpe undulata L. (Seitz IV p. 201; Staud. 8:; Rebel I no: 3270). Ellcosmia und/lZutu Jacobson 1899 p. 230; Pagenstecher 1909 p.71. The records of this species from Iceland are due to wrong identification of Phalcena undulata Moh r (1786 p. 91) which has to be referred to Cidaria eaesiata Schiff. (no: 18 p. 347). Lygris prullata L. (Seitz IV p. 211; Staud. 8:; Rebel I no: 3291). Lygris prunuta Jacobson 1899 p. 230; Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. The records of this species from Iceland are due to wrong identification of Phalcella prunata Moh r (1786 p. 91) which has to be referred to Cidaria cltrata L. (no; 15 p. 346). Cidaria trulleata Hufn. (Seitz IV p. 221; Staud. 8:; Rebel. I no: 3319). Cidaria imncata Pagenstecher 1902 p.321, 1909 p. 71;]. J. Walker 1922 p. 7. The records of this species from Iceland are to be referred to Cidaria cltrata L. (no: 15 p. 346). Cidaria fluetuata L. (Seitz IV p. 223; Staud. 8:; Rebel I no; 3344). Cidaria jtllctuata Jacobson 1899 p. 230; Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. The records of this species from Iceland are due to wrong identification of Phalcena fluctuata Moh r (1786 p. 91) which has to be referred to Cidaria mUllitata Hb. (no: 16 p. 346). 360

Cidaria didymata L. (Seitz IV p. 231; Staud. & Rebel I no; Cidaria didymllta f. A. Walker 1890 a p. 96. Affixing an asterisk to Cidaria didymata, mentioned in a paper dealing with the faroe Islands, Wa 1k e r (I. indicates that this species is also met with in Iceland. I have seen no other records of didymata from Iceland and this species is not mentioned in any of Walker's lists of Islandic Lepidoptera*); it therefore seems most likely that some mistake must have occurred.

Cidaria alchemillata L. (Seitz IV p. 260; Staud. & Rebel I uo; Cidaria alchernillata (rivulata) Pagenstecher 1902 p. 332, 1909 p.71. By an mistake of Staudinger (1857a p. 262) C. alchemillata has got the author name of L(inne), instead of that of liub(ner), added. It is, however, obvious that the question is about alchemillata Hb. CC" altemata MulL (sociata Bkh.) and the above records of alchemillata L. (rivulata Curt.), based upon the report of Staudinger, are erroneous. [Eupithecia variata. Eupithecia variata Pagenstecher 1902 p. 215. According to Pagenstecher (I. c.), Staudinger (1857 a) is said to record a Lepidopterous species, named as above, from Iceland. This is due to one of the numerous mis­ prints in Pagenstecher's publications (i. e. scoriata, no: 25 p. 350).] Eupithecia valerianata Hb. (Seitz IV p. 278; Slaud. & Rebel I no; 3626). Eupithecia valerianata Jacobson 1899 p. 23]; Pagenstecher 1902 p. 215, p. 339, 1909 p. 71; ]. J. Walker 1922 p. 7.

*) Besides the papers referred to p. 365, F. A. Wa I ke r has published a paper on Iceland in the "Journal of the Transactions of the Victorian Institnte, or Philos. Sac, Great Britain", XXIV. London 1891 (pp. 226-251), a copy of which I have not been able to obtain. 361

The species recorded by Staudinger (1857a) under this name has later on (correctly?) been referred to E. immundata Z. (no: 22 p. 349). E. valerianata Hb. has not been found in Iceland.

BistOll betalaria L. (Seitz IV p. 358; Stand. & Rebel I no: 3832). Phala?lla Betalaria Olavius 1780 p. 362; MohI' 1786 p. 90; OJie­ mann 1824 p. 165; Oaimard 1851 p. 165; Paijkull 1868 p. 356. Amphidasys betalarias Jacobson 1899 p. 230; Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. The above records are all to be referred to the state­ ment of 0 I a v ius (1. c.) who communicates, that he wa s told that lIunusual worms" 30 years ago (i· e. 1750) were destructive to the trees in fnioskadalr, and adds that the reported worms will hardly be other than Phalcella Beta­ laria, which generally feeds on the leaves of birch. He gives, however, not the slightest additional foundation for the supposition that just the said species might be guilty of this attack, than the fact that Phalcella Betalaria is known to feed on birch (!). Erroneously recorded from Iceland. Laspeyresia sp. Orapholitha sp. Aurivillius in Klinckowsiriim 1913 p. 17. According to Hamfelt (1917 p. 8) the specimens re~ corded above have proved to be Cllep/zasia ossealZa Scop. (no: 29 p. 351).

Lita streliciella H.-S. (Spuler II p. 365; Staud. & Rebel II no: 2627). uta strelitziella Mason 1890 p. 199; Jacobson 1899 p. 231; Pagen­ stecher 1909 p. 7l. Reported from Reykjavik (SW. Iceland) by M a son (1. c.); confirmation of the determination wanted (?- Bryo­ trop/za thuleella Staud.). [ita acamilZatella Sirc. (Spuler Il p. 368; Staud. & Rebel II no: 2688);. 362

Uta aCllminate/la Mason 1890 p. 199; Jacobson 1899 p. 231. ·Oelechia Acaminatella Staudinger & Rebel 1901 p. 148; ("?lsl."). Uta aeuminateUa Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71; Spuler 1910 p. 368 ("ob in Island ?"). Reported from Reykjavik (SW. Iceland) by M a son (I. c.); confirmation of the determination wanted (? =-c: B. thuleella Staud.).

Lita vicinella Dougl. (Splder II p. 370; Staud. & Rebel II no: 2725). Uta vicinella Mason 1890 p. 199; Jacobson 1899 p. 231; Staud­ inger & Rebel 1901 p. 149 (,,? Is!."). L. ricinella Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. L. vidnella Spuler 1910 p. 370 ("ob in lsld.?"). Reported from Reykjavik (SW. Iceland) by M a son

(1. c.); confirmation of the determination wanted (? ,'-CC B. thuleella Staud.).

Bryotropha terrella Hb. (Spider II p. 370; Staud. & Rebel II no: 2510). Bryotropha terrella Mason 1890 p. 199; Jacobson 1899 p. 231. B. terreella Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. Reported from Reykjavik (SW. Iceland) by M a son (I. c.); confirmation of the determination wanted (? cc:: B . ..thuleella Staud.). Tinea tapetzella L. (Splder II p. 458; Staud. & Rebel II no: 4539). Phalrena tapezf'lla Mohr 1786 p. 91; Oliemann 1824 p. 165. P. topezella Oaimard 1851 p. 165; Paijkull 1868 p. 356. Tinea tapezella Jacobson 1899 p. 231. T. tapetzella Pagenstecher 1909 p. 71. The above records refer all to Moh r (I. c.); probably ,erroneously determined (? = Endrosis ladeella (no: 32 p. 352) or Monopis rusticella (no: 37 p. 354).

Tinea peliionella L. (Spuler II p. 461; Stand. & Rebel lJ uo: 4584). Phalrena pellionella Mohr 1786 p. 91; Oliemann 1824 p. 165; Oaimard 1851 p. 165; Paijkull 1868 p. 356. Tinea pellionella Jacobson 1899 p. 231; Pagenstecher ]909 p. 71. 363

The above records refer all to Moh r (L c.); probably erroneously determined (? = Monopis rusticella (no: 37 p. 354) or Endrosis ladeella (no: 32 p. 352)).

References. Alldersoll, D. J., 1747: Nachrichten von Island, Gronlalld und del' Strasse Davis. Frankfurt & Leipzig. 1748: Uohann Andersons] Efterretninger om Island, Gr0nland og Strat Davis. Ki0benhavn. Ann and ale, Ne 1son, 1905: The Faroes and Iceland. Oxford. Allrivillius, Chr., 1890: Gronlands lnsektfauna. (Bihang till K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar. Band 15, Afd. IV, No. 1. Stock­ holm. 1913: Lepidoptera in Klinckowstrom, A.: Ueber die lnsekten­ und Spinnenfallna Islands und der Faeroer (Arkiv f

Jacobson, G., 1899: Zoological Investigations in Novaya Zemlya in 1896. Insects of Novaya Zemlya. (lvlemoires de i' Academie Imp. des Sciences de St.-pelersbourg, Classe des Sciences Phys. et ivlathem., Vllle Serie, Tome VIlI). St.-Petersbourg. [In Russian]. Kirby, W. P., 1862: A Mannal of European Butterflies. London & Edinburgh. Lefebvre, M. A., 1836: Description d'une nouvelle espece de Coliade. (Annales de la Societe Entomologique de france, Tome Paris. Lindroth, C. H., 1928: Zur LaTJd-Evertebratenfauna Islands L (Gcite­ borgs Kungl. Vetenskabs- och Vitterheds-Samhiillets Handlingar, femle fiiljden, Ser. B, Band I, No. 4). Giiteborg. Mason, P. 8., 1889: [Exhibitions &c.]. (Proceed. of Trans. Ent. Soc. London ]889). London. 1890: Insects and Arachnida captured in Iceland in 1889. (Ent. Mo. Mag., VoL XXVI). London. Moh r, N., 1786: fors0g lil en lslandsk Naturhistorie. Ki0benhavn. New m an, E d w., (without year, post 1868): An Illustrated Natural History of British Butterflies and Moths. London. Olafsen, Eggert, 1772: Vice-Lavmand Eggert Olafsens og Land­ Physici Biarne Povelsens Reise igiennem Island foranstaltet af Videnskabemes Sa:lskab i Kiobenhavl1, I --I!. Some. 177 4 - 1775: Des Vice-Lavmands Eggert Olafsclls und des Land­ pbysici Biarne Povelsens Reise durch Island veranstaltet von der kiiniglichen Societiit der Wissenschaften in Kopenhagen, I -H. Kopenhagen & Leipzig. Olavius, Olalls, 1780: Oeconomisk Reise igiennem de nordvestlige, llordlige, og nordostlige Kanter af Island. 11. Kiobenhavll. Pagenstecher, A" 1902: Die arktische Lepidopterenfauna (Riimer & Schaudinn: fauna Arctica, I1). Jena. 1909: Die geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge. Jena. Paijkull, C. W., 1868: A Summer in Iceland. London. Pfeiffer, Ida, 1852: A Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North. London. Po 11 1ton, 1925' Episilia quadrangula Zett. (Noctuidae: Agrotinae) captured on the Summit of Mount Hekla, Iceland. (Proceed. of Trans. Ent. Soc. London 1925). London. Seitz, A., 1906-15: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde, I Abt., I-IV Band. Stuttgart. Speyer, Adolf & August, 1862: Die geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge Dentschlands und der Schweitz. 11. Leipzig. Spuler, A., 1908-10: Die Schmetterlinge Europas. I-I! Band. Stuttgart. 365

Stalldinger, 0., 1857 a: Heise nach Island zu entomologischen Zweckcn unternommen. (Entomo!. Zeitung, Stettin, 18. Jahrg.). Stettin. 1857 b: Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-fauna Orbnlands. (Entomo!. Zeitung, Stettin, 18. Jahrg.). Stettin. Staudinger, O. & Rebel, H., 1901: Catolog der Lepidopteren des palaearctischen faullengebietes. III AufL I ~ 11. Berlin. Symington, A. J., 1862: Pen and Pencil Sketches of farCie and Ice­ land. London. Wa I ker, f. A., 1889 a: Entomology of Iceland. (The l':ntomologist, VoL XXII). London. 1889 b: [Exhibitions &c.] (Proceed. of Trans. Ent. Soc. London 1889). London. 1890 a: faroe Islands. (The Entomologist, VoL XXIII). London. 1890 b: List of Insects Taken in the faroe and Westmann Isles, and in Iceland 1890. (The Entomologist, Vo!. XXIII). London. 1890 c: [Exhibitions &c.] (Proceed. of Trans. Ent. Soc. London 1890). London. Wa lker, J. J., 1922: On the Occassional Occurrence of Bntterflies in Iceland; with Notes on the Lepidopterous fanna of the North Atlantic Islands. (Ent. Mo. Mag., VoL LVIlJ). London. de Villiers, f. & Ouenee, A., 1835: Tableaux Synoptiqnes des Lcpidoptcres d' Europe, Tome I, Diurnes, Paris,