Gretton, , . Email: [email protected]

Minutes of the meeting of Gretton Parish Council held on Monday 9th March 2020 at 7. 30pm.

Present: Frances Woolston, Phil Bromhall, Matthew Moore, Mark Thompson, Terri Meechan, Tim Fox, Marshall Ferguson, Julie Smith, Cllr. K.Watt, Mr.D.Sims and Mr.M.Nichol and Clerk. Action 20/24 To receive and approve apologies for absence. RESOLVED: Rob Collis, Safer Corby Team, Cllr. Naden-Horley (NCC), Cllr. Wellings (CBC), Cllr. B.Watts (CBC). 20/25 To receive and approve for signature the minutes of the meeting held on 10th February 2020. RESOLVED: That the minutes be signed by the chairman as a correct record of the meeting. 20/26 To note any matters arising from the minutes not included on this agenda for report only. RESOLVED: None. 20/27 To receive declarations of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct Related to business on the agenda. RESOLVED: No declarations of interest given. 20/28 Public participation session. RESOLVED: No. 20/29 To receive a report from County Councillor. RESOLVED: Councillors’ Monthly Update, March 2020 received and previously distributed to parish council. 20/30 To receive a report from Borough Councillor. Cllr. Wellings report was received by email. “My report for the meeting is as follows; At the Grants Committee last week, Cllrs voted to increase Corby's share of funding by £4,208, as requested by the Sunflower Centre, a partnership that provides support to victims of domestic abuse. Statistics show that Corby has (joint with Northampton) the highest volume of domestic abuse cases, we therefore all felt it appropriate that Corby should contribute the extra requested funding. This will take Corby's total contribution to the partnership to £17,939. We, of course, now need to focus on reducing the number of abuse crimes, especially where there


are repeat cases. This has yet to be approved by full council but we see no objection. At last month's Parish meeting it was pondered as to whether litter picking could be aided by a rehabilitation group. To aid with this query I will add; East Carlton Park use such a group called Sodexo, they cover Beds, Northants, Cambs and Herts. At East Carlton they clear the grounds after storms and help to keep the park tidy. Their website is I haven't had any feedback from the Council on their performance but am happy to enquire if this is of interest.” RESOLVED: Report noted. Cllr.Watt reported that Corby Borough Council set their council tax recently. The tax has not been increased by the borough council for 2020/21. He stated that council rents would increase by 2.6%. North Northants are working to set their budget. The existing eight councils are working together on preparations to create the two new councils. The plans also include creating a Children’s Service Trust that will act on behalf of the two new unitary councils. This could also include Adult Social Care. It was reported that the Government has announced extra funding for policing and this will boost officer numbers even further. Conference Centre is considered best value for money as a venue for the new unitary meetings RESOLVED: Report noted. 20/31 To receive a report from the Police. RESOLVED: No report given. Phil Bromhall reported that the PCSO had recently been in Lydia’s Café to talk to residents. The PCSO was shown damage to a door at the back of St James the Great, Church in Gretton. 20/32 To receive a report from the Neighbourhood Warden Team. RESOLVED: Report sent by email. Safer Corby Team Report March 2020 “Our department has changed the way we work this is in preparation for the future. Our Warden Team have taken on a more proactive role in tackling Anti - Social Behaviour. As well as the key roles that they do with environmental reporting which falls more in our neighbourhood management function these will still continue and wardens when they see anything that needs addressing such as fly tipping, accumulations abandoned cars and more these will still be dealt with. The warden team will now be taking on an Anti - social Behaviour case load for lower risk cases. This is proving a success with many local issues getting resolved at earlier stages. The more high risk cases such as drug dealing from households and serious neighbourhood issues our Community Safety Team oversee these cases. Recently we as a department have in partnership with the have obtained a closure order at Court in relation to an address on the Kingswood Estate in Corby. Our Engagement Officer Suzanne Preston with the assistance of the Warden Team and partners such as Police Fire and other services. • Reduce the fear of crime and promote crime reduction.


• Deliver early intervention activity to tackle local and emerging issues around serious organised crime (e.g., Cuckooing , county lines, child sexual exploitation). • Promote a healthier environment. • Run engagement events such as The great British spring Clean campaign this is running from 23 March - April. A full list of our engagement activity is on the Corby Borough Council website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Please note that many things can be reported via our Customer First Team Tel 01536-464000 If you need to contact the warden Team we are still here on 01536-464603 or use our new E mail address that has changed to [email protected] Kindest regards Ian Holmes, Senior Neighbourhood Warden.”

The Chair asked that the sad news of Jim McCabe’s death be noted. Jim was a very supportive member of the Gretton Neighbourhood Warden Team. 20/33 To receive Finance Report, March 2020 and approve payments listed. RESOLVED: This was approved and noted. M.Moore verified bank reconciliations for NatWest account produced by the RFO between 3rd October 2019 – 1st February as detailed in Gretton Parish Council Financial Regulations 2019: 2.Accounting and audit (internal and external), 2.2 Clerk reported that a cheque to transfer the balance from the Yorkshire Bank account to NatWest account is awaited. 20/34 To receive and note the draft minutes of the Finance sub-committee meeting held on Monday 3rd February 2020. RESOLVED: The minutes were approved for signature by F.Woolston and M.Moore. That the minutes of the Finance sub-committee be noted. The end of year figures will be presented at the April meeting. Clerk 20/35 To receive a report from Jacki Lilley regarding Gretton Neighbourhood Plan. RESOLVED: Reports presented: Process to completion of Neighbourhood Plan. Pre submission consultation responses Response to CBC’s comments 23.01.20 updates

The parish council voted to accept the amendments made to the Neighbourhood Plan and, that where no amendments were made, this is acceptable.

To enable the Neighbourhood Plan to progress to Regulation 16, signed minutes stating that councillors voted to accept the updates were required. Therefore, an extraordinary parish council meeting will be held on Monday 15th March 2020 to approve minutes for signature.


20/36 To receive a report regarding Welland Wanderer Bus Service Funding 2020/21. RESOLVED: The parish councils are providing £3900 to finance the bus service until 30th September 2020. It is likely, although not yet confirmed, that matched funding of a similar amount will be available via Northamptonshire County Council to extend the service until 31st March 2021. In addition, Corby Borough Council have offered support subject to a matching contribution from Kettering Borough Council, who are again looking at the figures.

It was noted that the parish council, on behalf of the residents of Gretton, are very grateful to Cllr.Watt and Cllr.Watts for their support in keeping the bus service running. 20/37 To discuss forthcoming May 2020 elections. RESOLVED: The Clerk gave an outline of the procedure and dates. 20/38 To adopt Gretton Parish Council Standing Orders 2020 (updated 17th February 2020) RESOLVED: Further information is required regarding page 19, point 16. Responsible Financial Officer a.The Council shall appoint appropriate staff member(s) to undertake the work of the Responsible Financial Officer when the Responsible Financial Officer is absent. Clerk to contact NCALC for advice. Clerk 20/39 To receive a report from Working Groups. RESOLVED: 20/39a Website – Julie Smith and Rob Collis - No report. - Terri Meechan requested that the link to Gretton Street Party is added to the website. 20/39b Police liaison – Mark Thompson - Mark reported that he has received a Neighbourhood Alert email making people aware of courier fraud. He will put this on Facebook. 20/39c School liaison - Terri Meechan - No report. 20/39d Source grant applications – Terri Meechan - Grants available at the moment are mostly project based, therefore, applications can only be made for specific projects. 20/39e Trees and environment - Phil Bromhall - Brian Ogden (Corby & Kettering Shared Services) reported that tree Inspector Greg Waine will be inspecting the tree in Gretton this week. 20/39f Recreation ground – Tim Fox - Report previously distributed, 8th March 2020. - Report noted. 20/40 To discuss and report Matters Arising document. RESOLVED:


185 – Fence repair specification to be sent to J.Milligan, C.Woolston and M.Thompson with request for quotation as specified. 20/33 – Chair to write to T.Forsey and J.Lunt in response to correspondence received from them regarding precept letter sent to residents, and receipt of email received from Mr.A.Sibley, Corby BC. 20/38 – Previous Clerk to be asked to do annual returns to Charity Commission for the Thomas Peach Charity and the Matthew Johnson Education Charity. 20/39 - Ongoing. 20/41 Planning: Planning: To discuss Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) () Regulations 2012 Householder Extensions – Supplementary Planning Document – Consultation Draft. RESOLVED: No comments. 20/00050/HPA Timber shed in rear garden. 9 Finch Hatton Drive, Gretton NN17 3DQ RESOLVED: T.Fox reported that he understood this now came under permitted development. No comments. 20/00055/DPA The erection of a Storage and Welfare Facility (sui generis) comprising of equipment storage space, office accommodation, workshop space, ancillary staff accommodation and facilities, and associated parking, servicing, external storage arrangements, drainage and hard landscaping. Parcel R21A Gretton Road Weldon Northamptonshire. RESOLVED: No comments. 20/00039/DPA Proposed re-cladding of existing barn steel frame and construction of new barn Kirby Hall Farm Fullen Lane Gretton Corby Northamptonshire NN17 3ER RESOLVED: No comments. 20/00046/RVC Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) pursuant to planning permission 16/00406/DPA (Proposed development of five detached dwellings and new vehicular access onto Clay Lane - allowed on appeal): Changes to design of plot 1 and minor amendment to position of plot 4 to allow for gabion retaining wall. 9 Station Road Gretton NN17 3BU RESOLVED: Information not available to base judgement. Clerk to request information regarding height of ridge levels of roofs relevant to dwellings in the vicinity and across the site. 20/00086/HHA Detached garage. 94 Kirby Road, Gretton. NN17 3DB RESOLVED: No comment. 20/42 To receive a report on any correspondence received since previous meeting.


RESOLVED: G.Clasper: Confirmed that she will take responsibility for the tree in her garden that had fallen into the lower graveyard. P.Bromhall agreed to look at the leylandii tree backing onto her garden. Terry Forsey: See agenda item 20/40. Gretton Pocket Park Society, Chairman’s Report 2019-29 distributed: Report noted. 20/43 Any other business. RESOLVED: P.Bromhall: Confirmed that he has given Clerk a number of documents regarding responsibility for the Gretton Lower Churchyard. T.Fox reported that he attended the recent Sports & Social Club AGM. He confirmed that the Club have a cash flow problem and Tim suggested that a representative from the parish council should sit on their committee. T.Fox and M.Thompson plan to attend their next meeting. 20/46 The meeting closed at 9.30 pm. Date of next Meeting to be Monday 16th March 7.00pm.

Signed: ______

Frances Woolston, Chairman, Gretton Parish Council.