Isolation of Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria

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Isolation of Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria ISSN:2381-0637 FINE FOCUS AN INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL FOR UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH 82 • FINE FOCUS, VOL. 3 (2) CONTENTS • 83 TABLE OF CONTENTS PERSPECTIVE 85 Objective Lens MISSION John L. McKillip, Ph.D. We publish original research by APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY undergraduate students in microbiology. The Colonization and Establishment of the Neonatal Mammalian Microbiome This includes works in all microbiological 89 Victoria A. Kouritzin, and LeLuo Guan* specialties and microbiology education. 101 Isolation of Halophilic Bacteria from Inland Petroleum- Producing Wells Maedgen Q. Lindsey* and Jennifer R. Huddleston 113 Antibiotic resistant bacteria in an urban freshwater ecosystem in central Texas Annie Kwok, Michael C. Davis, and Sanghoon Kang* SCOPE 129 Predictions of Future Geographical Distribution of Two Vectors of American Trypanosomiasis: Implications for Endemic Chagas disease in Texas, USA We are an international journal dedicated to Helen G. Scott and Catherine A. Wakeman* showcasing undergraduate research in all fields of microbiology. Fine Focus is managed entirely by undergraduate students from PATHOGENS AND ANTIMICROBIAL FACTORS production to print but utilizes an External Editorial Board of experts for double-blind 141 Imatinib Mesylate as an Effective Anti-viral Treatment for Alphavirus Infections peer review of manuscripts. Jessica L. Costlow, Erika S. Krow, and J. Jordan Steel* 155 Organization of the multigene families of African Swine Fever Virus Jacob Imbery and Chris Upton* CONTACT INFORMATION 173 Undergraduate Perspective: The Student Grant Application Process Amanda Baskfield Call: +1-765-285-8820 Email: [email protected] Facebook: Fine Focus Journal RESOURCES Twitter: @focusjournal Online: 187 How To Write a Good Recommendation Letter Barbara Stedman, Ph.D. Copyright 2017, Fine Focus. All rights reserved. 193 Book Review: Lab Manual – “Microbiology– the Laboratory Experience” (Steve Keating) Autumn Trice 196 Fine Focus team and Editorial Board members 198 Call for papers 84• FINE FOCUS, VOL. 3 (2) OBJECTIVE LENS • 85 PERSPECTIVE OBJECTIVE LENS “ JOHN L. MCKILLIP, PH.D. MANAGING EDITOR, FINE FOCUS PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY, BALL STATE UNIVERSITY Copyright 2017, Fine Focus. All rights reserved. 86 • FINE FOCUS, VOL. 3 (2) OBJECTIVE LENS • 87 FINE FOCUS – CATALYZING submissions – as well as becoming well-versed double-blind scientific peer review functions least several key professional contacts in the fields in formal communications with invited reviewers the way it does. The UDM undergraduate of microbiology or industry, considering the STEM OPPORTUNITIES FOR from our existing Fine Focus Editorial Board. Such contributions will come in the form of their degree to which each team will need to foster UNDERGRADUATES “beyond the bench” knowledge is a vital skill individual stories. Everyone has a powerful story off-campus relationships with practitioners in in the hard sciences today, when service to the to tell, and the UDM students represent hidden various disciplines. For example, through regular This fall, our Fine Focus class will be profession is more important than ever before. treasure in terms of what led each of them communication with corresponding authors, engaged in a very different set of activities These soft skills involve not only knowledge, but down a path into the molecular biosciences. members of the external Editorial Board, or compared to recent semesters. The essence of this beneficence, ethics in science, and rigid attention Their respective challenges, opportunities, and the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), project is to use the platform of Fine Focus for to detail. Such skills are not formally taught role models will all play a dominant role in students will gain invaluable professional STEM outreach, in order to allow academically in any traditional curricula, and yet eventually how they will tell their stories to the BSU peer development experience not possible to obtain underrepresented students of color, women, and expected of all professionals in the sciences; thus, mentors, which will be captured and woven into in traditional content courses. those of lower socioeconomic standing, to be the on a very practical level, this STEM outreach a short film powerful enough to inspire, recruit, This level of communication will necessitate authors of, and authorities on, their own education. endeavor will help to rectify this discrepancy and motivate others in similar circumstances. each of them to rise to a multitude of varied Undergraduate students from the University with our target UDM student participants. These stories will capture the unique essence challenges. For others in the class interested in of Detroit Mercy (UDM) will be provided However practical and transferable the of this experience – STEM outreach to future marketing, contacts will be made in the fields of with appropriate tools to actively participate disciplinary skills described above are for leaders in science. publishing or the creative arts, during marketing in scientific writing and the double-blind professional development in the sciences, the BSU student peer mentors involved initiatives. Invited speakers we will host at BSU scientific peer-review process by developing stories behind each UDM student will be perhaps in development of Fine Focus, and UDM will serve as key resources for community and promoting a digital and print bound even more impactful. Learning outcomes for the undergraduates, will come away with a working engagement, successful journal management, and journal showcasing research of undergraduates BSU peer mentors will be shaped primarily by knowledge of three fundamental concepts: a) science education and pedagogy, all of which in microbiology internationally. Through this the stories told by each UDM undergraduate and organization of people and resources essential are essential for long-term success of Fine Focus. professional development outreach, undergraduate faculty member featured in the short film. The for success of a scientific research journal; b) Lastly, we will be hosting our inaugural Fine students and their mentors at UDM will also be purpose of these stories will be to illustrate the how to effectively teach and critique scientific Focus Executive Committee meeting. Three asked to tell their individual stories on how each need to involve product-based learning in STEM writing and communicate their assessments to individuals plus myself will constitute our first overcame specific challenges to pursue a higher as early in the undergraduate science curricula as corresponding authors, a vital skill in the hard Executive Committee, the task of which will education in the sciences, which will be woven possible, to motivate and inspire students in the sciences, and; c) how to blend their creativity be to develop a long-term vision statement for into a short film suitable as a recruiting tool for midst of shaping their thought life around a career (in overall design and marketing of the journal) sustainability of Fine Focus into the foreseeable UDM and Ball State. This product, along with a in science. What values fueled each of these UDM with the objective guidelines that govern future. One of our confirmed Executive signature issue of Fine Focus, will showcase UDM students to continue in their pursuit of a higher proper scientific experimental design and strict Committee members will be traveling from student achievement in the molecular biosciences education? What seemingly insurmountable manuscript format. Finland, and the cost of this and all relevant while providing these participants the chance to challenges did some have to overcome (or are How will this happen? Practically speaking, expenses for the Committee meeting are elevate the profile and mission of Fine Focus for still in the process of overcoming) in order to each of the four UDM site visits will be led by included in our operating budget. It is quite future student editors and authors. get to this point in their college careers? What a different blend of BSU student peer mentors important for us to have an in-person meeting As the faculty mentor for the Fine Focus class advice would each offer to those younger than who will shepherd the target undergraduates rather than implementing it using Skype or other at Ball State University (BSU), and Managing they? These answers are in and of themselves through the odyssey of a manuscript upon similar approach, owing to the sheer amount of Editor of the journal, my learning outcomes for learning outcomes, however, nontraditional, that will submission to Fine Focus through our “Open material we will have to cover. this expanded (15 credit-hour) product-based certainly impact our BSU student peer mentors, and Journal System” management system. Step-by- Publishing the signature issue of Fine Focus, and class will be to cultivate a long-term partnership a larger audience, through the film we will produce step, these UDM students will be empowered to production of the film of their stories presents this Fall with UDM faculty and administrators using this alongside the signature feature issue of Fine Focus. act on their training, leading eventually to a final semester with both a technical outcome – the journal opportunity as a precedent. I envision being I envision four site visits to UDM during the decision on one or more Fine Focus manuscripts issue – along with a very influential and inspirational able to involve UDM students in
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