❤ Magenta Level Made with love by Mel Harpur 2016 Levels 0, 1, 2 I am learning to:

Show: picture, cover, letter, word, first, last, top, bottom, Make my reading sound like front, back, page, print, talking story, spine Relate own experiences to the story (prior knowledge). Use them to make Point to the first word. Read predictions about what Re-read to check what I left to right might happen in the story read makes sense

Point and match the words as I say them, one to one Say the first sound of the Answer questions about the word: story s___ c___ t___ Look at the pictures for clues. Use the pictures to make predictions about Expect my reading to sound Retell the story in my own what will happen in the right and make sense words story Red Reading Level Levels 3, 4, 5 I am learning to:

Point to words as I say them Read fluently, with phrasing and expression Recognise and use high Relate my own experiences frequency words: to the story Make my reading sound like where - mother - father - go talking Make the sounds as I try to - you - for -down -this - into say the word - he - away - looking - are - c-a-t looks - looked - on Read text in speech bubbles

Check the picture for a clue. Check the word looks right, Retell the story in sequence Use the picture to make sounds right and makes and include some details predictions. sense

Recognise two words joined Re-read the sentence to Identify rhyming words together (compound words) check I am right and help get - wet - net Into - away self-correct my errors Yellow Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 6, 7, 8 - 5.0-5.5 years

Read with my eyes. Use my Targeted sounds: Use words like: character, fingers if I am stuck a-z th ch sh wh -s -ing -ed -er illustration, plot, fiction and

and word families like: non-fiction Re-read to correct my at-cat-rat en-Ben-hen errors and look for Retell the story with greater in-bin-fin information detail and in sequence op-shop-top

Cross-check the word looks Say two letter blends right, sounds right and correctly like: bl br cl cr dr dw fl Ask and answer questions makes sense fr gl gr sl sr st sm sn sk sc sp sw about the story tr tw

Read my story again Recognise two words joined Think about the characters, fluently with phrasing and together (compound words) settings and problems, so I expression using , , “”!? into-outside-inside-away read for meaning Blue Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 9, 10, 11 - 5.5 years

Scan pictures for clues. Read on to gather more Self-correct by: Search for meaning and information so I can work Re-reading to cross-check detail out the word information, as I think about my reading

Recognise chunks and Check it looks right, sounds sounds in words and say I can find and use word right, makes sense the sounds as I stretch out endings, like: the word -s -ed -ing -er

Discuss new words Make predictions using Comment on the pictures, own experience characters, setting and plot. Talk about the story and knowledge of sounds in Ask and answer questions words sequence. Blue Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 9, 10, 11 - 5.5 years

Find the part in the story that tells me: Identify simple ideas and Why? What? information from non-fiction texts

Phrase my reading and Retell the story with detail make it sound interesting Make a personal response using punctuation: to the text and share with . , “ “ ! ? others

Make comparisons between non-fiction and fiction texts Explain what type of text it Read the story fluently is: Recount, narrative, report, poem Green Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 12, 13, 14 - 5.5-6.0 years

Say or stretch unfamiliar Discuss characters, plot, words looking for: settings, problems, Blends, digraphs, chunks, rhyme and sequence of events and word endings make some predictions Find the error, and correct it and talk about how I Ask questions about new Recognise High Frequency worked out the problem Words and make links to vocabulary and the story. other words, developing a Ask and answer questions reading vocabulary Make predictions using using information from text pictures, own experience and phonological Make the story more Read on to gather more knowledge, use to explain interesting by stressing information - as I think the story and make words in bold print and about what would sound inferences on what will using punctuation right and make sense happed in the end/next effectively. Green Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 12, 13, 14 - 5.5-6.0 years Notice word endings, rhyme, letter clusters and Re-read to cross check, contractions, eg: I’m don’t didn’t confirm and self-correct.

Give a different ending to Create a personal response Identify simple ideas from the story to the text and share it non-fiction (true) text

Understand there can be Understand that authors more than one point of view Summarise main points write for different purposes through discussion

Point out and name Identify poems, letters, Read my story again features such as heading instructions, notices, plays, fluently and diagrams fiction and non-fiction Orange Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 15, 16 - 6.0-6.5 years

Find and stretch unfamiliar Use terminology, eg: words using blends, print, text, title, cover, spine, digraphs, chunks of sound, author, illustrations rhyme and word endings Re-read to confirm, self-monitor (cross-check) and to self-correct errors Read High Frequency Show features including Words quickly and make headings, diagrams, table of links to other words to Discuss pictures, character, contents and indexes develop vocabulary setting, problem, plot, own experiences and make predictions Read on to gather more Make the story sound more information so I work out interesting by using more words and predict with Be able to show what a print conventions and more accuracy paragraph is indexes Orange Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 15, 16 - 6.0-6.5 years

Identify the differences Read the story fluently and between different types of with accurate phrasing text Identify simple ideas from non-fiction text

Create a personal response Recognise that authors to the text and share. write for different purposes Accept other’s point of view Make inferences and accept and audiences other people’s point of view

Retell the story in correct sequence Make comparisons between Ask and answer questions Turquoise Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 17, 18 - 6.5-7.0 years

Think critically and comment about aspects of plot, Make predictions using the characters, setting, pictures, own experience After attempting a word problem and sequence of and phonological knowledge read on thinking about what word would make events sense and match (cross-check) Give my opinions and Anticipate what might predictions. Make happen next and use this inferences/conclusions and information to unfold the Re-read for more meaning: accept other people’s point story to try the sentence again, to monitor and self-correct of view

At a full stop . stop and Stretch through words Create a personal response check: Did that sound right? using chunks of sound to the text and share with Did that make sense? Did all making links to meaning others the words look right? Turquoise Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 17, 18 - 6.5-7.0 years

Understand more Retell the story in sequence challenging vocabulary and and with detail Make comparisons between sentence structures books

Use references such as Ask and answer questions Compare and describe dictionaries and atlases different styles of illustrations Make the story more interesting by noticing more Identify differences print conventions and using between different types of voice inflections - full stop, Make comparisons between text comma, quotation marks, books exclamation marks, ellipses Purple Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 19, 20 - 7.0-7.5 years

Read a range of texts and Retell the story in sequence and with detail make comparisons between Think critically and share books ideas

Identify rhyming words in Comment on specific Create a personal response text (orally), rhythm and aspects of plot, character to the text and share with alliteration and sequence of events others Use a variety of reading Give my opinion and strategies to solve Make the story more predictions. Anticipate what unknown words: Decode, interesting by noticing and may happen next, use this Read On, Re-Read, using more print information to discuss the Cross-check…...Look right? conventions and using voice story. Sound right? Make sense? inflections Purple Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 19, 20 - 7.0-7.5 years

Make inferences Compare different styles of (conclusions/meaning) and accept other people’s point illustrations Summarise a range of texts of view

Use references such as Understand more dictionaries and atlases Recognise many challenging vocabulary and contractions, sentence structures eg: we’ll, won’t, I’ll

Know and explain such terms as: Identify the differences Ask and answer questions , events, question, comment between different types of about the text texts Gold Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 21, 22 - 7.5-8.0 years

Use my reading strategies independently; Use my Discuss the difference ‘handful of clues’: decode, between fact and fiction read on, re-run. Words match? Make sense? Picture clues Skim read to locate specific information and retell Anticipate what may happen next and use this Make my reading sound information to unfold the fluent, phrased and story expressive Summarise (in detail) in my own words Point out: Cross-check my reading: , , Does it make sense? Look Create a personal response diagrams, glossary, maps, right? Sound right? to the text and share headings, chapters Gold Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 21, 22 - 7.5-8.0 years

Identify concepts such as: setting, theme, plot. Use references such as Comment on characters dictionaries and atlases and sequence of events

Compare and discuss Retell the story in sequence different styles of and with detail illustrations

Read a range of texts and Explain purposes of make comparisons between headings, diagrams, Confidently ask and answer them and identify contents pages, table of questions. Think and differences between text contents, indexes, glossary, search for answers, explain types maps and chapters to others how you got it Silver Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 23, 24 - 8.0-9.0 years

Use my reading strategies independently; Use my ‘handful of clues’: decode, Recognise and use syllables read on, re-run. Skim read to locate specific information and retell and syllable division Words match? Make sense? patterns Picture clues

Make my reading sound Identify key words and Clarify - look closer when fluent, phrased and summarise the main points something is confusing expressive and events. Sequence ideas

Cross-check my reading: Relate ideas to own Does it make sense? Look Create a personal response experiences and the wider right? Sound right? to the text and share world Silver Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 23, 24 - 8.0-9.0 years

Read a range of texts and Actively take part in all make comparisons between group activities them and identify Explain purposes of differences between text headings, diagrams, types contents pages, table of Identify question types and contents, indexes, glossary, maps and chapters ask a variety of questions Know the meaning of some as part of research/inquiry common prefixes: be- to- in- im- pre- un- ex- dis- Use references such as Confidently ask and answer dictionaries and atlases questions. Think and Know the meaning of some search for answers, explain common suffixes: to others how you got it Make simple inferences -er -ly -est -ed -es -less -ful Emerald Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 25, 26 - 9.0-10.0 years

Use and explain several strategies for finding and Monitor my reading to read Locate information in a learning the meaning of for accuracy and meaning variety of texts and ICT unknown words

Clarify - ask questions when Select a variety of texts for Compare and evaluate something is confusing personal reading information and ideas across a small range of texts and ICT State the main ideas about Understand specific what I have just read language features, structures of common text Discuss ways in which types and grammar to Read for sustained periods writers use language and assist comprehension independently ideas to suit their purposes Emerald Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 25, 26 - 9.0-10.0 years

Use a variety of graphic Choose to read in spare Discuss an author’s choice organisers independently time and have a positive of words/phrases to evaluate; and compare attitude towards reading cause and effect Use references such as Be willing to meet the dictionaries, thesauruses, challenges of more difficult Take an active role and atlases and ICT/Google texts work cooperatively in reading groups and literacy circles Explain a synonym, Make inferences from what antonym and homonym is read Actively contribute to discussions and listen and Read and respond to an Connect ideas in text to my respond to the ideas of increasing range of fiction life or something else I have others and non-fiction texts read Ruby Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 27, 28 - 10.0-11.0 years

Use and explain several strategies for finding and Clarify - ask questions when learning the meaning of something is confusing unknown words

Select a variety of texts for Locate and share in my own Monitor my reading to read personal reading words information from a for accuracy and meaning variety of texts and ICT

Understand specific language features, Compare and evaluate structures of common text information and ideas types and grammar to across a variety of texts assist comprehension and ICT Ruby Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 27, 28 - 10.0-11.0 years

Discuss ways in which Read and recognise writers use language and different types of texts: ideas to suit their purposes Descriptive, expository, over a variety of text types journals and letters, (genres) narrative, persuasive and poetic Read for sustained periods Be the best that I can be in independently and can instructional and Complete routines with sustain meaning in longer independent reading reading without prompting novels and texts activities (school and home)

Use a variety of graphic organisers independently Use references such as to evaluate, compare and dictionaries, thesauruses, show cause and effect atlases and ICT/Google Ruby Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 27, 28 - 10.0-11.0 years

Discuss favourite books Make inferences from what and recommend to others is read

Predict, check, confirm and self-correct while I am Work cooperatively, taking Analyse, interpret and reading turns and accepting that discuss the author’s others have different points message of view

Retell in sequence and with detail a story or explain Connect ideas in text to my Identify the main idea in a ideas from an expository life or something else I have text text read Sapphire Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 29,30 - 11.0-12.0 years

Use a range of strategies to Use a range of comprehension strategies Identify and evaluate the read a variety of text types writer’s purpose independently to assist my understanding of information and ideas in texts Select texts at my level to Recognise correct grammar meet specific reading Know what to do when I lose and know when my reading purposes, eg: locating comprehension and I can sounds correct or incorrect information and personal justify my choice of reading strategy

Predict, check, confirm and Recognise an increasing Understand academic self-correct as I read for range of text types/genres high levels of vocabulary relevant to etc. I can state their main comprehension/understanding what I am studying characteristics Sapphire Reading Level I am learning to: Levels 29,30 - 11.0-12.0 years

Identify key points when Be willing to attempt more reading and I can ask Make inferences from what difficult texts questions and discuss is read these

Always actively contribute Respond in detail when Use references such as to discussions; listen and answering questions dictionaries, thesauruses, respond to the ideas of atlases and ICT/Google others

Recognise that certain words and phrases can Discuss favourite books Be the best that I can be in create particular responses and recommend to others my learning in the reader