i —— I to fol aa oidM with Man's. Jut inside th« ed at tea and the partners began I companion up, o'oloek of the morning after its it a Court of Probata bald at Sooth Berwick, withn ereak, Junior the dark into way win slung half a soore of bright sharp by aa In-bound sot THE UNION & and for the county of York, on the Ilret Tueadaj if the/ wen rushing through launching, pilot-boat, fcr JOURNAL, Id In tha of oar Lord elxhteei mm, which th« Eimirmlda had Mrtr needed from April, jrt« ruin. Band/ Hook—though oarrylng a larger Is published every Prlday hundred and sixty-four, by tho lloa.E.E.l)ourne K 'i,®0;."till the the before. Each Deacon took on« of of water than of men. paid strictly la advanoe » delayed Judge of aald Courti fflttrj. As they stood together leaning against them, And, weight of the ot Wllllan the eame expiration year. U. BURLEIGH, Guardian the house orer the compan- adopting ioataataoeous thought, laid It wu late la the after noon of the ease day non lit. of Old HELP. From Hwper'i New Monthly windward side of TIIII or ADTIITIIII^ CUARLIST. Lemont, a person coinpoa men FAST Magailne. aeo to himself to work the roof of —when both the Deaeoae had daford. Id aald oounty, having presented his ion the Etmtralda seemed suddenly stsadlly against began pre partag One square, three maertlona or law, $I,W ward foi way, ond account of of hit aald THE 0EUI8E OF THE TWO DEAOOHS on a the house. Little by little it Nail af. themeelvee tar another a the For each adtlionl Insertion, Guanilaiublp .inno* or "twice lo«t." the she had been yielded. night poo Ben, allowance ■ bt tub drop from ridge poised By the ymr, per square, IO,U) notlc< the i ter nail gave way, and in ten minutes more it which should their laet—that OrJtrtii. That the aald Accountant (Ira moment with a that jiw them be, perhape, they established Is twelve line* \ a of thli A TALC Iff Kioirr CUAPTERS. before, jerk The square nonpareil to all perron* Interested, by causing copy while abe was from its and the were taken from their a or Let her lie upon your breast faints, the and their bin- pushed plaoe lay upon raft by lobeter ssaaek, Then set in larger type, displayed, a aomowliat order to l>e In the (/mm* 4r Jturna.'. print feeling of suspension in air, is published weeks sue ulie such a ahort tlioe \ a but a raft larger space allowed Um iqun. •d In lllddefbrd. In aald eounty, three W litre slept ago. showed them deek no longer roof Aroand it boand lor blip, bat driren off the euast by laet at a Probatei/ouri nacle, bow, and mast-head lights that they may appear O *iie'a to he crowned with tho mint* (Concluded.) a coil eeealvely. on th« ! young att as and repassed of rope, nail, night's blow. to be iiolden at Haco, In aald county, a smooth hill of water, reaehing fore and they passed HoM her fiMt, mother do not let her ! first Tuesday In next, at ten of the olooli go CHAPTER YIL eaeh tarn at the edges to keep it from skirt- It waa the next after their reeeae At a Court of Probata held at South Berwick .within May as the could see, whoee summit edge ing moraine In the forenoon and shew cause. If any they have fir eyo and fbr the County of York, on the first Tuesday it to the balwarks, that both the Deaooaa oame each to own same not be allowed. not dead on her ehaeka— A PAHADOXICAI. I* which ttik two Down and dragging poised it, hie In April, la tha rear of oar Lord eighteen why tha should The ro»e* are CflArarv; looked twenty foet above the gunwale. ing, Attest, tieorge 11. Knowltoo, Register. OKA THOUOH AT BECOME CLEAREB the and houee In hundred and sixty-bar, by Um ilon.K. K. Bourne There I* but a piaalng chill on their bloom COMB, ERA, rushed as down a hill lay down npon it, grasped holdfasts, Moskeogno.',1 A true oop v. this sheer elope the wind of said Court > IN THBiK VIEWS THAU ITER BEFORE. over. Its was two Judge Attest. H. Knowl It will go when the atnllos—'when she a— their precious harden it fell It aiaates after that oomlag that MOODY named Executor In a certain Meorre ton.Reglstar.^ speak in land up country, struck the double- bearing pHARL.ES J rolling \ I to ba the last will and liush ! wm not that her roloo In Um room At one o'clock in (be Fire Island went as the last of for each knelt down with his wifb and child, and Instrument, purporting Court of Probate held at South Berwick, within morning like an iron hand upon splash np prayer hope Hannah Preble, lata of At a reefed mainsail prying Uetauient, with codicil, of for of York, on the first Tuei«day on the of the who wake widowi— 'Let as told the of deli rer- and the oounty light lay port quarter Esmeralda, the windward side of the Etmtr- two sleeping wlvee, might saying, pray,' story York, In said county, deceased, having presented In In tha of onr Lord She la looking llko a babe, aa aho Ilea a lever, lifted the saute t April, year eighteen and was astern. Deaoon Allen the an©* and the burden of thanks in one and the for probate hundred and tho IIou.E. R. llourno, With her aalde and rapidly Ruing the three on their backs two slumbering children, whom day might said Executor notice to sixty-four,by rlngleta awept apart | alda till partner* lay OrJtrtU. Tliat the give ol said Court was at the and Mr. Reeve the same b% a or thU Judge tho toara In eyea— again wheel, kept at samo dawn on fatherless. great outpouring. all persons Interested causing oopy ADAMS. Administrator of the estate ol Ah, mother, keep your upon the house, and the time the hill weeks succrasirely watch ware wu on order tc be published three Israel Adams. late of In said If tell upon bar froe, abe may start. with him. raft swam well. Ware after da- It flfteea minutes still farther that at lllddelbrd RODNEY Blddeford, county, they with an avalanche rush, slid The In the t'asea t, Joumml. printed hit tint and final ac- Itself, headlong, at a Pro* deoeaaed, having presented The sea to-night was on flro with phosphorus. under it with a Mrs. Townseod and Mrs. Allen, like and In said that they aiay appear estate of aald de< the one moment almost out of moostrated that, by passing Meroy county, count ot administration of tho aome one break ber heart with a crowded sloop bate Court to he holden at oaoo, In **id Dl*l word, The wateNline of the was drawn in met cawed for allowance sloop oily a across like mountain*—now in their over- Truth, together—like Righteoosnees and In next, at ten aa a f water, and tho next made olean breach roll moving county, on the first Tuesday May the «ald accountant notice to flaring grasped It at flret priaa and shew causa l! OrUtred, That give flame. Under the counter—about the rudder, of the two with a kissed each other. of tlie elock la the toreaooa, ofthia or- a deck and laid her on her beam's flow only smiting the faces IVnoe, Instrument should all peraoa* interested, byoauslng aoopy Did she flatter from hla hand like bird, her nearly any hare, why the aald where the its two streams— they der to be three weeks la the f baok>water joined them It was two moaths yet farther, when, at the not be and allowed as the last published sucoosslvcly Which goes a little way and then dloa end. whiplash of fine spray—now quite soaking proved, approved, Union tr Journal, at Bldderord In salil will and testament ol the aald deceased. printed every bnbble and curl deemed a jet of mlcroscop- eheet. But these were in which Miss beoaaM Mrs. Al- that may at a Probate Court To luff and let the sail shake out if It with a wider, heavier weddiag Beaky Atteet, Ueorge II. Knowlton. Register. eounty. they appear up to be holdeu at tSuoo. in said county, on the llo rcmombera the Joy of herfkee, io fire-works celebrating some submarine Inde- tbe of Um Old their A true was rather than ohoioa* for the nothings—to float was all. len, pastor Meeting joined copy. find In Mar next, at ten of tho clock The lore In her and the would, necessity Attest. Oeorge II. Knowlton. Register. Turwlay amlle, light, pendence-day of tbe animalcules. Sir. Itvcve to a fkrther and ths Stated of the New assist- in the fbronoon. and shew caaaa. If they have was knocked out of the Deacon's When death began hover little hands, Sapply any When ahrlnklng, aba met hla embraoe— wheel almost the aatno should not be allowed. went and over the low bul. with a At a Court of Probate held at South llerw Ick, within why forward, leaning the as she Deacon Town send, for the first time, sol- ed prayer ; after whieh Daddy Priagte II. Knowlton, Bring hltn here i let him look at bar to-night! hands. Slowly Etmtralda righted off, and for the county or York, on the first Tuesday Attest, George Register. half wondered that ho heard on off the same A true warks, explo water the broke the sileooe: and the New School Chorister sang, In April, lu tho year of our Lord eighteen oopy. fell off and half*blinded with junior emnly Attest, George II. Knowlton, Register. carne wander and the lion from that blaxo whioh tho bows hundred and ilxtrdbar. by the Honorable K. E. 0 ! first the doubt. leaping Deacon Townsend set about fbrling 'Deacon Allen, I hare been an orful sinner book, of said Court partners. Bourne. Judge At a Court of Prolwte heldatBouth Berwick, wlthlt And tho pale hope fading day by day » threw off as cleft tbe seat And listened for "Blest be the tie that blads," ofJamee Hans- they the mainsail. A difficult task even for the Dea- Ood and you.' IIANSCOM,widow and for the o«>unty of York,on the first Tuesday o sTio wandered against eom. lute of Lebanon, In said eoanty, deeeaeed, 80 wlntftilly about, at least a faint crackle from the tinder to a tone both knew. I'XPBRIEXCB Id the year of our Lord eighteen hun- tiny the three landsmen a terrible one. To Deacon Townsend, ye harn't sinnsd as they her for her dower In said April, Llko a lost child fta con—for 'Oh, having presented petition dred and alxty-fbur. the lion. K. K. Bourne aaklng way. that rolled to the of the btack Basra and won there '•« ami set out to and that by sparks top water, conse- 1 and !' Meesrs. Bodge, Peavty estate to assigned tier, of aald Court stand across the seas, with the pitching 1 hev agin light knowledge Judge and ran saora Commissioners may be that purpoee In a certalr away, In endless changes of figure and by *Moial invitation. Are they better, appolutedfor COUSENS, named Executor And then camo the alienee and doapalr, on that even though the head 'I have eaid that of you that a Christian to law Iks will nnc quent position, pursuant Instrument, purporting to the Ian Ami the after llko a brightness, to the stern. earnest men than when wa Bret knew theesf Also, her for an allowanoe out of the ENOCH o sighing wings dore, to or the sail not be be ashamed and ateared to say !' peiition ler That the said notice to was a necessity to their young experience Jerri, petitioner glre tfie same fbr Hut all ita wounda from our lora. of this presented probate hiding up considerably since midnight when the other and Him to an in' to be—which goes a grsat way to'rd Wa\ all persona interested, by causing acopy Ordered. That tha said Executor giro notlc* formidable as rolling in the trough. opened His wounds afresh, put order to be three weeks successively turned in. of the Deacon the us published to all Interested by causing a copy olthb watoh By advice tor poor sinners.' in the Union end J»mrn*l, at Blddcforu, paraona It la orer, and the talo ia all told, This the four ra- open shame.' printed order to be In the G'nio* ir Journal been a reef manoeuvring accomplished, that at a Pro- published topsail had hauled down, and single In said euunty. they may appear In lliddelbrd, In aald eounty, three weeki And the white lamb Ilea dmd In the frost 1 to former at the oompan- 'When I think of last night, and those three la said printed turned their position hate Court to beholden at Saeo, County, at a I'robaU taken in tho mitn*nU. With this that they may appear We may covcr up Its lltnba In the cold, precaution to that I druv Linos. on the first Tuesday In May next, at ten of the successively, ion way, and the considerably eased, held souls that I might ha' led Him, Sparo Court to (>e holdou at Saoo, in said County over to as as sloop, clook In tho forenoon and shew cause, II any they Dut we ennuot find a life that Is loat. the sloop lay leeward qulto much on the first Tuesday of next, at ten of thi on steered the from Him and caused to make a mock.' same should not ba May her way, by jib. Have, why the allowed. In the forenoon, and shew oauae If was for an amateur and it re- olock any tliej pleasant sailor; can I meet "a fanner made a Attest, lleorgo II Knowlton, Register. b« wo aho moved : bat her obeek Nono of all that crew knew what the aea had 'When I think of it! Ob, how A contemporary says, have, why tho aald Instrument should not Yet thought that considerable increase of A true quired in their angle aa old crow copy. and allowed as the last will an«l t)ut stirred the breast where It with Him with their blood upon me 7 Ef their boat, scarecrow so very frightful that Attest.(Jeorge II. Knowlton, provad, approved, Waa by lay done for them. Neither Junior partners, Register. testament of the aakl daeeaaed. bifurcation to the pantaloons like Mr. eorn a while we keep Is afore now, went aad back all the he had Attest, 11. Kuowlton, Register. Hearing little, apeak, all the business talent of Pineapd Warren streets as is more'n likely, swamped long brought a Court of Probate held at South Berwick, within George in a stato or motion. At A true With the mute aoba forcing their way. Poavey's upright His and stolen for several and for the of York, on the first Tuesday oopy. —neither Deacons of the Old and New School, they're standln' in preeenoe plntln* days." County At teat, George II. Knowlton. Register, The iky was full of low, shapeless, heavy in April, la the year of our Lord eighteen of doctrine and of seaman- down to me an' 'He made religion a by. did bear swear T Lot tbem coine, mother ! let them coma s with all their wealth sayin', 'Mother, yoa sissy 'No, hundred and sixty-four, by the IIon.K.E.lk>wnie, Court of I'rotiate ho lit at South Berwlek.nrltb.i poor clouds—here and thcro broken in so Ata patches, a to us—Hs whom thou didst of said Court: on You must turn when tsars are all were as themselves word an' hlssin' what did she t* she eaid Judge ami for the County of York, the first Tuemla> your done, that the stars looked them as ship— aware, they grouped my dear, ; say 'Why, A. widow or James II. Ray. through through RAYMOND, In In the vcar of our Lord eighteen huu To a blank In the aweet talk at the binnacle and ordain to teach men the way o' Life—He—'' wasn't to wear her darned -\IARV In saM April, home, nft in the misty light of lamp she going ctoeklage .H mond, late of Lyman. county .deceased, tired ami sixty-four, the lion. E. E. Bourne the deep walls of a ragged camera—but with In by And a name on a little atone. I it. I took ths blessln' from havlug prevented her petition lor her dower aald CourL gray shared the sweet relief of the righted Etmtral- 'Twas begun to eharoh I' set out to and Judgaof the appearance of sooner said estate to be assigned and her, 4 NDHKW HOIt.N, named Executor lo a certain general intending, when were to feed the for that that tho littlo that for hours had been their mouths you tryln' tne uui- that Commissioners may be appointed pur* Instrumcut to t>o tho last wilt ami or to come and tumble da, plank A aneodoU is told or All Paaba, »'V purporting later, togother bodily merciful to me a sin. food pose pursuant to law testament of Sarah A. late of Lebanon, In between them and the realities which dyln' souls I 0 Ood, be Horn, sea. tar had ful- standing tan's Grand Vliler, la Para. A lady Also, her an allowance ont or the per- the same into tho Already, ahead, they nNBtly petitioner said oouuty, deceased, having presented uiu or soh.it if.' <>r said deceased will not Da argued witn ny any ocnooi, ner!' «u Introduced K ft for > filled the first part of this intention, and en- to whom this gentleman Or i.r. That the said notice to probate to me!' j. petitioner give Order*/, That the said Executor give notle* or any business, bad done its best and laat, '0 Ood, be merciful a ol this closed over tho which the New, soiree hazarded the 'U the Saltan all persous Interested, by causing copy to a ol thli Jgricultural. tirely distance into question, all persons interceted. by causing oopy lead us In weeks sueeasslvely Id nn■ trot l'and are not to he good none from comln' of mlasthma.' and lor th« County York, tit* Tuesday ily latoe especially subject steadier, and the painful stretch of nerve with ment—because thou hendereet pathetio—tha ocnsequenoe the ol our Lord At a Court of Probate held itisoulii uerwick.wimin take another reef?' la April, la year eighteen worms or filet. are harvest- and beoauee we are the chief E. E. tlio of York, on the llrat destroyej by They which landsmen wait for flaws died out In the to thy mercy-aeat, Bald ona atudent to anotbar, whom ha naught hundred and »lxty.lour, by the lion. Uourne, and for County Tuesday I she rolls some, of our Lord MVa'al, dunno; nat'rally, we Judge "t **U1Court In April, In the year eighteen ed and cleaned without difficulty, and when bosoms of the junior partners. Mr. Peavey lit of einnere utterly loet without thy help, swinging a soy the moat Inatlly in a field of atout W. CLOIUII. named KiMnlor in a hundred and by the liou.K.H.Uuurne, bein'in the you easin' off siity-four are a trough; s'pose try name of Son. the last Court; for market in compact form and a to talk of in dare to pray unto Thee In the thy what makes work for • liv- «irUin Instrument, purporting to be Judge of Mid ready a pipe and began turning again. grass, 'Frank, yon CIIAKLKs of the ea- the sheet jest leetlo instid.' will and te 'Do you think we're going to have storm, Ordtrtd. That the said Executor give notlee account of administration of New but the farmer are able to look Thou hart whole England, may sell a which worda did and we not op. mean to my living by my wits.' 'Wall, BUI, to all Interested, by eauln: a copy of oeased, fhr allowance 1 Deacon Allen ?' said he. heavy, smouldering grata get persons notice oan at hla one and we hev thli order to be published three weeks successively OrJtrtU. That the aald accountant givo every bushtl he produce own door, not, could not, relieve. commanded aa to love another, yon ean work with dnlier tools than I can,' was in a of this •Wa'al, we may a tech *osuthin stronger, ln the urnta V Jearwa/, at Uiddeford, to all persons interested, hy causing copy and at a get main direct oommaml and hated prlote«l wwki In fairly compensating price. About an hour from the of the gone right agin thy the •aid comity, that they may appear at a Probate order to he puMlahed three successively when we under that thick scud forred. Out furling reply. In aald get Thoa haet told ua to no to lie holden at moo, In said eouuty. the V«j*m *r Journal, printed at Blddelord, In addition to their Increased homeconautnp as Deaoon Allen art against the bulwark, eaoh other. giva place Court 'twon't be nohow. Ye sail, Would yon wish to Ilva without atrial? The* 011 Id neat, at tea of the that tuny appear at a Probate Court I guess much, oughter the first Tuesday May county, they in of the of meat*, came across the our* onto and our he-a-a-rta have ben ao full at in aald ou th< tion, consequence hl^h prioe a strange floating wrath, a man. clock In the forenoon, ami shew cause. If any they to be holden Saco, county, a bed mora ballast in afore ye started, to carry question yon would wish to dit but half With* the said Instrument should not be rtrnt Tuesday of May next, at ten of the olock our armies will need vast quantities, whether rent of his He arose o' wrath that tbero waa no plaoe for thy Spirit! bar*, why How muoh htv deep, painful thoughts. out trial cannot at your own and allowed as the last will and lu the forenoon, ami ahow cauae, If any they hare, all the sail ye spread, though. you guess straogth. approved the war oontinues or not. over the side. And then, rather so- On airth reviledat notagain ; and we who the deceased. the aaiue ahould not be allowed, and looked Thpu on a troved,istainent of said why ye got!' Man do not learn to swim table ; they 11. Atteat, Ueorge 11. Knowlton, Regliter. If should be declared to-morrow, we to his nearest dare to call oaraelves lowest, unworthieet Attest, Ueorge Knowlton, Reginter. peace liloqulslng than speaking ship thy and buflfet tha A A true 'About twenty tons.' must go into deep water, Burgee. trueeopy. eopy. can see no reason a force «* reviled an' I We AtUst, rse II Knowlton, Register why largo standing Mr. Tlodge, ho said : children, have agin agin Attest,Ueorge II Knowlton, Register. 'Thirty wouldn't ha' been a might tow muoh. mate, If you wish to understand their true character, oan be with fur or wa- name our in At i» Court of I'rotMtehcId at South Ilerwick wlthl: dispensed many months, per- 'Seems to me she lays pretty low in the hev taken thy upon lipa prayer, a Court of Probate held at South Berwick, wlthtn Ef it fresh'nln' this way, wo'll hcv to —If you would know their whole strength, of At and for the Count)' of York, on the dratTueaday to come. Beans will bo wanted keeps mid waa in oar heart* oat o* the for of on tha first Tuesday 1 n haps, years ter. I guess I'll try the well.' He walked while anger ; yea, and the county York, In In the year ol our Lord cightoer reef nfore Have looked what are them overboard ! our Lord hun- April, take another long. you they capable,—throw April, In the year of eighteen hundred and the Hon. U.K. Bourne largely by this force, for in tho whole class of and staid for a time. When he re- same mouth haa come blessin' and cursin'. the lion. K. K. Bourne, sixty-four, by ships long are dred and sixty-four, by of aald Court: at the barometer lately?' Over with them, and if they worth aaviag Judge edibles, no dish is more universally or more turned there was a stern visible on While we aald. 'Thy kingdom come,' we have Judge of said Court: ll'ILLlAM KM KRY, Administrator of the eatateoi 'No. I'll and do it now.' expression will ewim ashore tbemeelvee. of Lola N Administra- a go of aoule it they the petition Badger, if Charlca \V. lUtxUil. late of Lebanon, In said highly esteemed, than that of meal of well- in the even for a Dea- headend thy kingdom. The blood of the estate of Hamuel Didder, late down the his fice lamplight—stern ONtor onuuty. deeeaaed, having preaented tila Arstaocounl Mr. Ileevo crept companion-way uf In said county, deceased, reuroscutiug foi ripened, sound, pruperly cooked btkod beans, con, and he to Mr. Reeve. our akirla, 0 God ! We have driven away Klttery, of wliuiiustration of the ealato o( aald decousod, ao as not to the three spoke quietly upon estate of said deceased is not suf softly, disturb sloepers, that the personal 1 with a suitable wisoncr from the barrel ! none o' the world from arose our strifes and Pancreas' Murium.— During ths Mexican he at the allowanoe pork 'Ef Deacon Townsend don't want you thy by jenl> Aclent to pay the lust debt* whleh owed aald accountant no. and found that the mercury had fallen an inch OrUertJ, That the give reason a naine a war ooo the time oi his death the win of ftAvcu hundred w There is anothor why large orop of ootne a leetle ousiea but last we made thy of EnglUh newapapere hurriedly by tlco to all persons Interested. hy causing last. As he was young men, you'd better and take ; night for a llceuse to sell at.d since he looked ascending again dollar*. ami praying of thla order to l>e In tho Un beans should be The ]8 we led to announced an item of new* (iron of said deceased e«>py published produced. pfospcct at tho with me.' mock afore those whom might have ImporUot convey so much of the real estate in In said Mr. thrust his head from the berth and turn pump 'long i«n inti Joumit/. printed Hlddet'ord, Hodge aa a» be for the of said debts now that before a twelvemonth Ef there be with Thee for sich that Genera] Pillow and thlrty-mveu may neeeeeary payment county, three weeka successively,that they tnay ap encouraging, a leak?' asked Mr. Reeve, breath- Thee. mercy Mexico, and incidental charge* said, In a loud whisper, 'Sprung at a Probate Court to be hoMen at Saco, the number of in tho free States 0 Ood come over the mountains of our sine of his men had been luet in a bottle (battle.) O'dmd. That the glre notice thereof pear passes, sheep we, petitioner in aald county, on the first Tuesday in May 'Are we going to havo a storm, Iteevo ?' lessly. to heirs of said deceased, aud to all persous in- will be In order to secure It still be tare those Some other paper Informed the not long the n«\t, at ten of the clock In the forenoon, ami greatly multiplied. we at a Probate ho fclt the vexation natural to human na- In everybody hap lljbt county, they appear A true tion, on. stolen a small os from a to be holden at Maco. In said eounty, copy, promotes ths growth of tho body, in us, ef so be thou canst having (box) lady'a Court Atteat. II. Knowlton. Reglater especially Deacon Towniend ordered hisorew up judgmout agin at ton of the Ueorge ture at tho roan who resnscitatcd il. penod.and on the first Tuesday In May next, and that which is more particularly adapted to with them safe to land, and awaken their work-bag. The stolen property was found is in and shew cause, ifanr they a Court of Probate held at South licrwlck .within ! Go to to tbo Tho four took their places ly bring rlo-k the foreuoon, At 'Storm I No, you gooso sleep till pump. rat ef said should not for the of on the llrat the of wool. Beans may be raised as to the o' Thee. his waistcoat pocket A (raft.) says anoth- have, why the prayer petitiou and county York, Tueadiy growth arms bared to the shoulder. ; down ; up, never-dying eouls knowledge the of our Lord wanted !' Up be In April. In year eighteen as on lands where it you're ua a er the river, came in contaot granted. corn, and light a ! and let tu alnk ; only give low paper, descending Attest, U. Knowlton. Register. hundrvd an 1 sixty-four, by tho lion.K.K.Bourue, profitably droas and go on deck. I down ; not a spout—not gurglo 8ave tk$m, George 'I think I'll myself with a aad so serious waa the of aald Court 1 would not be advisablo to corn, a fair crop at where we can humbly steamboat, injury A true eopy. Judge put a Recvo took his hands from the brake and place thy right band, II. Knewltou, Guardian or Charles P. don't care to stay in ray berth with auoh wind ware Attest, Ueorge Register. LOUD, of beans be with tho addition of a out o' of all the holy of the boat, that great exertions neorseary WILLIAMBarrv and William K Harry,minora and elill. may brought looked at Hodge with a bitter soberness praise Thee forever, sight blowing.' to save it. An onoa stated thai At» Court of I'roluU held at South flcrwick.witnin dren of Charles K. Harry, Ute of Kennebunk, light manuring. We hope a large number of have that valve who have lived to serve Thee, aod thy nsme English paper mwtiur VI niiu I<|I • said he,'diil you ftn«l fur the of York, on til* Br«t Tuo«r t at Probate 8mo, able and with care are aa mer- be God's will that and the enemy were with probata toall In nest crop, good profitable ter seek Him now, if so be that He'll have clean over them, aet It should repulsed great laugh- Or4*rni,Thattha salt! Executor give notlca Mid eounty. on the Srat Tuesday May the next fifteen minutes Mr. Reevo had another a of thla or- In shew oauao.il a the and that ter Again: A waa ra» pcrkoa* IntereeW-d, by causing aopy at ten of the clock the for*noou,aud a* wheat crop. They leave the solt in good them.' only one of ua should reach sbote, (slaughter.) gentleman g iinum that the farm and the smack gosa to aot ba At a Court of Probate lterwlok, three partners, and him, thevhave, the said lastruuicnt should o to tumble. The Ktmtrald lay down why and forth*county ofYork, onthollratTueaday in which waa the beat I ever law. intention there be to ber Tim Fiarr SmiKnro and allowed u tha lut will and huiv drills, crop oat the sei, and nw for ihe lint time bow and whatever personal property Clock.—In the time of prural, approved, April, in the year of oar Lord eighteen to her and now and then tho u|>on testament of tha aaloims K the preceding winter, I apread eight loada of and the two Dea- be saved and I not forever, I diments of a elock. It was a* DANIKL in th« God, forgive me !' Peavey perish—though striking brought Beau, minora and children of Jonathan U. Beau and and pers wet the Deaoon and his two fellows a Probata bald at Smith Berwick,within long manure, immediately ploughed in His infinite a to from At Court of lateol Berwick, In Mid county, deceased havln-j cons formed a oounoii, and talked together hope, through maroy—please yoa preesnt Charlemagne Abdatlah, King ol York, on tba Hr» t Tueeday watoh and Still the Deacon la aad for tha coanly his second account ol Unardlanahip o harrowed the Drilla of furrowa were through through. that she and is to k°r<1 presented ground. earnest voice. say to Miss Townsend Becky of Pereia, by two nonka of Jeruaalem, in the In April, In tha year eighteen hla Mid ward* for allowanoe: steered on into tho darkness, as if it was low, Uia Honorable E. K then made with a light plough, at a distance of grimly surf boat. 8he and that last was that 800. hundred and alxty-lour.by Onltrtd, That UioMid Aooouulant gire notice tr It was resolved to l«nnch the share all, my request year Among other preeents, says Egln- Judr* of said Court some tbeologio mystery which he courted rath Bourne. all Interested, causingaoopr tf this or two and a half teet, and the beans thrown as in a certain Instru- person* by along might it was their latt al'ays be mother and bart, was a of brase, wonderfully con- II. NORTON, named three weeks in th< er than draaded and still Mr. and Mr. live, she not; they'd good daughter horologe testa der to l>e published auceessirely the ; Hodge might ment to be the ImI will aud aald the furrows about the23th of May,by hand, as have some M.VIIV purporting Chioh * Journal, at Biddeford, In each to t'other, they been good wife structed by mechanical artifice, In which inent of Iftealol Norton, lata ol Ualiuton in aaid printed Reeve kept because the Deaoon chanco. that inay at a Probate Court t( at the rate of at least a buabel on the acre. I silence—partly a the same for County, they appear up their thickest coats, and child to me.* the conree of the 19 h*>urs ad verte- county, deceased, having presented be held at Saeo, In Mid eounty, on the ttrsl lest any at conversation H.ntiiy bringing elepaydram then a doubled mold-board plough, whioh did, partly attempt probata in May next, at ten of the olook ir gaged of water, and tho fragments of the 'And Brother Townsend, suppoeln' only one batur. with as littla brum halls, which at OrJrrrd.That the said Mary If. Norton clve notice Tuesday should lead one of them, unaware.*, in the small kog many the forenoon, and ahew oauM, If any they hare, was once between the rowa, and waa fol pros- toall interested, by earning aeop> ol this pa-wed the three partners got into un ua Uvea to see land, let that one take it on the cloee of each hour down on a sort |t*rm»na the miuo should not he allowed. enoe of the to ask the Deaoon if there was last night's supper, dropped order to ba thraa weeks successively why a one-horse roller, which flat- other, published Attest. II. Knowlton, Register. lowed by light that at the oat-heads, and the himaelf to make our two Msetin's love one an* and sounded the end of the In tha aarf at Blddefnrd, Ueorge the liftvbnat hung of bells beneath, (/'aiea prlntad A true The waa twice cleaned any danger. In aalil that may appear at a Probata copy. tened the ridgee crop other as much like true Christians as There weea also twelve of horse- county, thay Attest. Ueorge H. Knowlton. Register, An hoar after Mr. came Mr. Drneons lowered away. they kin, hour. figures Court to ba bolden at Saeo in said oounty. but not earthed. The Hodge above, of weeda by the hoe, by thetaokle,' said Dea. teachln' 'em by and not to when the twelve hours were com- on tba tret Tueeday "> May aext,at tan of tha and Deacon Townund wero also oo 'We will oomedown example preoept men, who, KX a Court of Probate liel.l at South llcrwx»i,wunin bushels Peavey at cloak In tba forenoou.and shew cau«e, II any thev was more than torty-eight by over tbe stern ; 'and as soon the assembUn' of themselves out and lor the of Vork, on the first product was now two o'clock. con Towneend, forsake together, ieeued of twelve windows, which, hare, the aald Instrument should not be proved, county deck. It nearly plated, why In in the year of our Lord e>xhto«a actual measurement.—JV. E. Farmtr. fore-'n-ift no and allowad aa the last will aad tester April, we unhook directly.' ana that there be strifoand doubtin's till then, stood and returning again, abut approved hundred and llun.K. K. Uourne, Draoons both,' said Mr. whose drop, you among open, said deceased. sixtyJbar.bylhe •Well, Peavey, a«nt of the Juiln of wUl Court that Mr. 'em.' windows after them. It is to be rem em Attest U. Kaowlton, Register. oalm self-esteem any feeling of shame In hit exoitement, all Hodge, sitting the Ueorge IOIIN MILLS, Administrator of the estate tl Calves —If for veal let them suck the eow precluded A traeeoay. of thit order was the com- 'And let that one tatob our tew wives to be bered that was an of what • I llenjauiin I'.U -I. II. Ute of Lebanon, deoeaaed, at in the question, 'do you think at the etern. beard Eglnhart sya-witasee AUaat. Uaorca II. Knowltea. Register at If you intend to raise them, being oaught havlu* prweeated hi* tint aoooant of adtuiuuira regular periods. * as toon at the boat struck and let the one that's left a widow here and that he waa an abbot, n within there's any danger? mand to unhook, and good frienda, is dseeribed, AtaCowrtaf frwiiata hebiatttnata llerwtok, tUin of tlip natate of aald deeeaa«d R»r allowance ■ probably the better method Is to 'bring them for of York.ou the trstTueaday in haI «.idec«-a*e>t Is noi *ut&oient to pay In the forenoon, and ahew caute, If any they hare ally to skim milk, and aAer a while changing of Iron. In an imtant the con Allen's laoe as the Utter naked this neesof market gardeniag from tba dabla which ho uwad at tha time of hU death why the aaue should not bo allowed. MVa'al, not jest yet/ said Deaoon Allen, so- rope with handt quee- (ransporting just wholly to skim milk, with some meal added. When the by the tarn of thraa huadrad dollars, and pravlng granted. Deaoon thought of hit wife, from the day be tion ; then put hie arm still farther through Staten Island to New Torfc city. lor a liaenaa to aall aad convey tha whole al tba ealvee which be turned to as berly. Barly may pasture now of and hand in was not favorable he would work hie way real of aald deceased, at auction or Atrwoffi mebbe said Deaoon Townsend, married her till ; Llah. whataort of the holdfest, and took his companion's wind aetata pabllc aoon as and 'There bymby,' a aale tha rexi Juo feed grows, are the least trouble, the boat along by private ial« because by partial a ton he made for a widow ; of tbe three im. his. over the shoals by pushing would be rreatly injured make by far the beat animals. simultaneously. Lei his own shoulder to the pole, aad OrrfereW.f hat the petiUouer give notice thereof to to mortal toult In the boat, not yet to 'I take meanla', Brother Allen. polee, putting The Etmtralda seemed fly. Scarcely any prepared your Mo market ia the heirs of said deceased Aud to ail person* interval, as aver sursto his frstgkt Curvaa.—8ow olover morn her waa visible ex- meet their God—«ad out. Some one in them love each other feel as strong they was very gst ad la aald by causing a aopy of thieorder to In the early lag, o< the water around payed a aetata, The rabsorlbor la prepared to obtain ftoa Gorern thing end This migj always gnus him earn- ba pwhUahad la tba (.'«»•• tr Jmante/. print- upon the fTOet-eraeked and the frees- white erests of the waves, tbe boat caet off the hook at the bow. In tba kin ; an' God's blsssin' be upon them, up. ecaoon. l| aald thraa week* ground, oept the great whioh, and be aaensanlatad mon- aa la Btddelbrd, ceanty, and from hence- Ml Ireighis. a Probata ing thawing of the earth wllleover It finely the hither storming the two Deaoonaetood fece to on their and their seed's seed, ■andof successively, that thay may appear at AKREARS OF PAY, like ghosts of drowned, kept flitting twilight seed, ho to build and run l>u held at In aald oa PENSIONS, BOUNTIBS, * After awhile hefan Coart to 8eco, aoaaty, and just deep enough for It to well. in the rather than rising and feoe and alooe. forth, even forever!' ey. tha trat Tweeday la May aext. at taa of tha AND HRIII MOITCTi germinate and thither air, aad he Is now reputed to be worth 1 ■teamboats | clock In the fbraaoon,aad abeweaoae If any thay for aerrleea la th«> Anoy or Nary of the Cnl tr< I on the booom of aa nnscen sea Yet In 'Wa'al,' tald Deaoon Town tend, 'God't will 'Amen I' felling tbaa alaetsea mllllone nt dollars, after biw. why tha pray*' °f **i«timet at tbo worat thai WU1 ooit. Ike lift boat ewam well, and lived piok- gift, idlest, Ueorge U. Kaowltoa, Register. 1»U I11.08X9 EMERY alphabet without getting A B in it. notion, aad w they heard the the of tlx i oatuo and wm at Baltimore, Wo acknowledge receipt op immediately routed. Fj. by th*ir ability to assist their "dear The President Iho 19th in t!io further 00B1ESP0NDEN0E. only a thi , nally, Armv Corps, with flnes! tuodeUd ravels navy, Southern brethren" who are made to suffer so College Crcaoent, paper published by 7000men, ¥Wt came up and chocked tho and held tlio concern thuao veaeeto h "con- inueh by the eneroaahtasnta of the "Liaaoln At the of the great Sanitary of Bitot- it w« learr enemy information iug (From our lUgutar Correspondent.) opening students Collego. Bf until wo off all tho rxnrxx. Lincoln ((round got trains, exert* which fact will account for the Washington despotism." Baltimore recently, President wholo number of student* Inst torn CljcMiuoait Journal traband," Citt, April. 16,18T4. .at that the that of tho cavalry. Tho whole army in fall- TIIK GRKAT I'KnATK. neat in which ho r lack of a more minute tbo following apcocb, was 192,21 of whom wrre Frrshmrn. Th« in* hat*, whew h nwM wail to mwj?tniw 180-1. description. Jmado ItiiUluiurd*iUwU ^11, has a week In tl»e Maxcttqti*, England, March 30th. Government in ref« before further Wo shall continue our remarks of tho S'n- The pnst been memorable declared thn policy of tho term comrocncca next Wednesduy. proceeding towards Shrevc- annals of On Fri. or tuk spring next congressional Washington. Editor Uxion and Journal: massacre : port. Yard, some valuable statistics, last week the Hon. Alexander Lung, crcnce to tho late robel Mrs wifo of Moeea Frcncl vy giving day pf In last of (ho 18th inaL, I gave Charlotte, the date the la- my letter, that bad ta> • *11 t» currvJ|Miad with |.:»yuicnt. ous for the independence of the Southern four finall streams with tho Don, and is about ion could not pass through earlj Evening publishes oxtracte th. »e ami »eo If it U not tiino to concourse of wliilo tho other members ol btters examine d^urc* in scmion for eighteen weeks federacy. On Saturday morning s|>caker Col- 100 miles from London. Theao different lested, and now we hare this large in tho morning from private (rom tho luemlwrs of the change the date. Although and offered a res- to do them honor and were nlwent. A rawr fax descended from tbe chair, sireruus (low brought together tho familj iwighhor, Chicago Mercantile doted i lia.M to to work in the in- through valleya boundod by high peoplt make them comfort- Battn-y, April 12, i ii I i Congress just begun go olution for his expulsion. On Monday for their wants and to seo to tho stock Ac., noticing an to tho effect that on tho after hills, upon which a of the town provido who had engaged day the rrcent earnest. Wo tho of tho terest to hear became so intense, that although quite portion All honor to the brave patriots stilliwm nt th* Inmim at i»«W • Ufe Tard. nccewity are able. women unmaal dintcr to thoiftth e so affected. Tin wan received at •lui'RNAL readera. dowu otot the The debate was Mr. Bliss of Ohio, being stitution of would much dood. following dispatch tho Passing censure. Wo ore to s ?e that opened by slavery tated the fatal of severe glad cour- manufacture of tools, nod were not realised, and at noon the on the Democratic sido, who, without the Efaeoinglisli cutlery, Out these expectation* Navy Department to-day: Portsmouth «fc Concord K It.. which as ailver- has been the is out this to endorse the of his collc>iguc, was stool of all kinds, as well silver, here we are (laughter), and slavery Cairo, I9M.— To Hon. Gideon press speaking upon subject, age speech 80 true April traveller, who baa nut over tince it desirous of his onen avowal of treason, nlated, German silver, and Brittania goods. somewhat affected (great laughter). GENERAL 8UMMARY. re- |mn*xl and if tho members, who are tho causo c! having and God Welles, Secretary of tho Nury :—I havo as an error or and of let- nnd Brittania that man proposes would we considered judgment, I uin told that it is, my friends, of ceived letter* from Red River, ono changed hands, scarcely recognise, was silver-plating bad been in want had arrived ovor private such remissness, will heod tho murmuring* ting it p*M unnoticed. This speech followed were I an in- The world long hundred cavalry the motal first invented hero. paid disposes. freedom.— Eight dated fTrand Eeoro, 10th and ono arrived at Portsmouth in wareh of Thaddeus Stevens, of reuusvlvania, the a correct definition of the word California and tho Union La., inst., of the may savo themselves dis by visit at the steel works of Messrs. there land from joined dated people, they veteran leader of tho House, and the ablest tcrcsting Whilst all to advocate Alexandria, La., 10th iaat., stating "Portsmouth** Yard, which could bo Win it and examined in detail professed liberty, view forcos. that tho Navy comfitures herealt«r. Just think of it,—tho member of this Congress. His s]>eeoh Was a Jetnop Sons, was in the minds of a very opposite nrmy under Gen. Ranks mot with many wcto *nr seen a tailo ncroas into Maine, llore of his whioh had beon as- their of steel, of which they of what was. With one man liberty Rumor tlmt 200 of our mm rovencson the 8th near away House of debutes a whole vindication position, process making liberty says Inst, ManaScld. Our Representative* absence the House. His more than 100 tons to work for and do as he Dick in the was n dilcwiua : wo could crow tho sailed during his from are now making per implied himself, and captured by Taylor army then foil hack, and on tho next tho bridge of the worthinoss of ore With prised day week the to Cox, tho Ohio who had Thomas and Sidney, with the of his labor. our near Alexandria. upon question reply pettifogger, week. The sons, pleased proooods with rear of army, rebels attacked them and were to and then "foot it" lo Kit- in his *o»t that he nn old specch or Steven*s Into an ar- tho former may- others liberty meant to do as you pleased handsomely Kittery depot a member who declare* perverted about 00 years of ago, being two dashed into Lose on both sides. hint on this "I know men One of these of robele Washing* whipped. hoavy or a boatman to gument ngainst ocoasion, rich, still attend other and their labor. Arquad tery proper, employ lorry our armies bo defeat- or, and nlthough very thoy to the near on tbo 30th but hopes may everywhere how perfectly easy it is for the devil to quote them conflicting ideas would have to give way ton, Natchez, ult., we busioeaa. I found vory KY. ua acn»a. Alt'* aomo succeeded and created much to their lie from somo occurrences woro four BATTLE AT FOINT8VILLE, delay ed and tho "Southern acknowl- Scripture pervert it," laugh- cloacly to other. thought, and captured. Confederacy" to cordial and and I am Indobtod that her repulsod tho Tcritahie waterman which Hor- ter and applauso, which Cox did not appear obliging, that had taken place in Maryland, Cincinnati, 20. in finding all tho whilo tho currency of tho these Mr». Lucretia widow of April edged, and relish. them for many kindnesses. were about to determine which of Clay, Henry Clay, to the Cot- people son, A Commercial iroin ace to mentions! in hi* aatiro of for was Into Brown k her died at tho residenco of her dispatch ploosintly is down, down, down, the Mr. Stevens followed by Fernando Wood, them I was introduced views of freedom should control destiny. recently dated tho • country going By refer to a near 82 Ueshurg, Ky.t 19lh, aays Capt. his to Brnndusium and of New York,tho veritable "Phurnaiidy wud," Co. 's largo mills. Ilcro aro mado 150 The President then passed on to John M. Clay, Lexington, Ky., aged journey laok of called for, of rolling was Patrick liius arrived hero with over 100 necessary legislation, who is immortal as tho hero of the Oospcl I saw one armor matter whieh, be said, he supposed just pris- the tons ol Ac. day. years. at Half landing magnificent dry-dock among tho ! Shade of Andrew IVnce. shrewd and as a cat; with a plates per now the minds of tho onera Pointanlfoand Moun- by for by people Keen, and 13 inch- deeply agitating people our captured prayed sly meek—im- rolled. It was 12 foet long an occur- Christ! baa been reoecuniod by a s-ja of littio boati uaed thoao of the em- tho CiOO smooth-shaved and irresistibly plato •11 over the oountry. He alluded to Corpus tain. on tho Licking Rivor. Ilodgm' relwl by Jackson ! d<*i't they expel traitor, es thick when drawn from tho furnace; and and had 800 why tho beholder that danger lurks behind rence whioh was to have taken place forcoa, they captured prisoners. attaoked Col. force at who liro over in Portsmouth, we pressing it reported brigade Gillespie's or still abont it; the woek's in a and an the lirst time it the rollers massacre of several hundred Tho old resident* had all left the ployees keep delay —with smooth, captivating gesture, pnssod through at Fort Pillow, the nearly place Pointsviile but was to offiso of the clboient whose utterances the and Tuesday, repulsed. uiudo our way the matter was of morovnluo than oily tongue verify philoso- was reduced 2 1-2 inolies in thickness, colored soldiers by the Confederates. Many to its discussing tho which to previous reoccupation. tho retreating rolxd* with that "speech is a faculty with less than that cach the last roll reduc- the country did not intend to do its Gillcspio pursued Clerk of tho Yard, Francis llacon, who, phy, time, supposed advieos a skirmish in men on tho 14th in £<*<]., ueck of in tho land. our to tho Admin- color- New Orleans report 800 and them the every copperhead conceal thoughts"; an and caino out in to tho of these surprised opposed ing it 3-8 of inch, it duty regard protection on l>e- his and kiml attentions, has war, he Is to avail him- only all such Point tho 30th ult.v at Half 70 by hospitality are catch- istration and the ready and ed soldiers. He desired to say that Coupoo parish enmp Mountain, capturing pris- Tho pipers eagerly or to 4 1-2 inches thick, about 30 foet long, our Some of our opposition self of every means, whether fair foul were mistaken. When the of employ, tween the rebels and cavalry. The rebels oners. 200 horses. 400 saddles, .100 stand of ua uixlcr obligations. \ tons this was done in question placed the uf in our Government to before 14 ; and all as was left to the twclro ing up aiyings Republican papers compel stoop ignobly weighing ing colored men soldiers gov. wore repulsed and captured. tnnall nrm«, and all thoir camp 85 readers ask wo call tt in- on terms 15 minutes. 12 of these aro mado ev- himself couipago mty why Kittery, or the rebel chief, and sue lor peaco nuy plates ernmont, It rested very muoh with A reference to tho action of Congress, rathor An officer in tho array who has much rebels wero killed and wounds. larjio stead of Yard. It has consistent with the dignity of armed rebels.— 24 hours; an sometimes made whether he should make soldiers of them or paid Portsmouth, Nary ery they to tho states it as a well amount of stolen wa» recovered, its want of action, and charging the Repub- Ho the "friends" of Gov. Seymour armor are not. the matter earefclly, and attention mutter, property tho latter represents weighing 20 tons. Tho plates He pondereJ robol been known by iuhabit and cellars of New York, that it was a duty ascertained fact, that threcrfourths of all tho and returned to tho citizens. A wagon quite generally lican with the folly of this delay. who thosinks fitted and formed in ma- when he became oonvlnced party this element of pinned, powerful not hesitate. He tho army were di- train was also and burnt. Our lorn name from tho first, and wo that a and u the ex|>oucut of leading and beforo to so employ them, ho did dismissals from canned, captured suppose is not all but it is to a ex- to do its humil- chines, (or tho forts vessels, This wrong, great the Democratic party, ready all ready stood before the American responsible or tho uso of was one killed and four wounded. Tho rel>- of our cititeu* in tho I leavo tho works. The manager has people rectlj indirectly, bjr whiskey. very largo majority at this ses- offices—even to tho cutting of the Na- thoy for tho before the Christian ols wero commanded Cola. tent. Tho members iating of act; responsible of tho resignations of officers haro tho by Clay, Prentico, State from tho naroo that tho Yard opposition tional throat. In him is reproduced tho charac- been offered $15,000 a yoar to takochargo world: for it bo should stand in the Many tho anppoacd responsible samo and Johnson. Col. ia among sion havo been noted for their turcasm of Johusou our own for it he stood origin. Blay CJ.iy speech making ter to whom tho poetic lieu. u largo rolling mill in country. eyes of tho historian; responsible woi locvted in Portamouth, or, at least, in de> and tho number of mo- was 1 next formed tho of Messrs. before Qod, and he did not shrink from the Tho Union cavalry, 4000 strong, occupied prisoners. eagerness, dilatory applicable. acqunintanco was Now nnd therefore had no man- cision ho had made, for he believed it right. after a resistance from tho Hampshire, they to and eiubar- ••This follow Iloger*, tho old and celebrated cutlery Eagle Pass, slight tions brought forward impede I Dut when Government determined to make mora to tnko a local interest in tho For six sols inoro could plead against his maker." ufacturers; went their works nnd rebels. Kaglo IWi is 400 miles af>ovo Browns- li right on Cntlln Market. right in tho and through of these colored ho thought it ruw minority, a soldiers peoplo, a tor legislation. Being «v»v saw tho of which I heard when villo, and has boon great rebel Yard than they had in that nt Penaacola. wn mis occasion nu new ur^uim-ius j».v- knife boy. only just that thoy should have tho same pro. highway a ono at havo ueted as of which cotton and other articles into Mexi- Wkdsksdav. April JO. miscruhlo that, they fented; and this debate from MliBltlto end It now has 1801 blades, all but 40 tection as the white soldiers. (Applause ) And running Tho in Portsmouth nnd Dorer Atmnrhct— CaHIo 1333 i and L»uil»a 6.193 t newspapers duties to their will bo nu nbsuluto dearth of liavo and will and shut not to declare that the Government co. It wasdotcrmincd tlmt tho Sheep though the highost pertaining distinguished by springs open roidily. he hesitated troopsshould Bsrlno 2JU). to on side. Fernando of its always refer "Portmaouth" Navy Yard, and argument the opposition Three other blades aro soon to bo added, and would so protoct them to the utmost occupy tho placo. I'nieca—U«rX#f llrtf -Extrn. >13 00 a N .'<> llr«t otSee were to resort to making speeches contented himself with rcit- permanently tlilrd.9 Jim aro other Wood, like others, ono for timo unknown. jiuwtrr. 11 00* II dOtaocond.lOOi« lO.'iOj and these article l»v pa- which for then for cvory year, On tho 11th Inst, 400 Texas cava I nr at quality, Ulluw quoted to tactic* to stave off necewa- erntiug tho thread-bare arguments Whenever a clear authenticated ease should 0 7*> itr 10) It**., (tho toUl weight of hides, parliamentary The Mcol and filo works of John Martin & a fcturula and thus a erroneous thre« uarn have been the stock of tho would follow. It had to camp of 240 and <1 rcMcd licet pers, very impression iu w n »n- j capital bo mailt out, retribution tempted surprise rv UCllon, until prnvncv ewmwi in Richmond: Co. also attracted a share of my atten- with that on Arkansas river, but wors HUti—101 a -e per lb. and eu- rebels both in Washington and large hitherto been difficult to ascertain at Rossville, the h.u been almost everywhere received bccomo Tali*if—'.'laOJo per lb. and tho House ordered tho such as, tho arc Abolitionists, nnd tion ; but lost so much iron and stool which should a decision in a with a loss of twolvo killed and a tue, previous Republicans certainty govern repulsed Hkttp M/n»—fV-0 a -1.23c ti-rtuin d. The will boar ventila- are for the commence- to I will afhir at Fort Pil- »u'»joct tho of Abolitionists responsible burdonsomo you and your readers, matter so serious, but In the number wounded. Our loss was fire Umb .VKm-I3..V) 4 W>. Thus Cos has aong praises of the a largo : question. ment, nnd the continuance war,&c.,Ato. and next of low he thought were likely to And clear SUm»—'t> a 2V». i»r ]T>. tion leavo Sheffield speak they killed. Calf a his 1 noticed Wood his audience u no direct evidence Slnrrt—Yearling* t'« to 00 | two JTf.old.OO OOj on is McClellan and covered alrondy setting that Mr. gavo caie. The Oovernment had In 1805 tho inland which the Yard LONDON. states that on DO m ui. littlo of tho of life," to wit: variety— to confirm the in existence relative to A from Louisville three yra. old, fame with a sunset down amid "spico reports dispatch H'orLina 300. ICO, ISO a NO— located wiw a of and. of course, glow, going not included in the ••airings" which nnd a littlo but ho foarod that the foots as re- Col. while back to Oxtn.-$210. 173, part Kittery, stereotyped I arrived here Saturday night, the massacre, Thursday, Gallup, falling Trade dull. thus their "views." In does — of to tho Province of Maine. It con- a halo of poetry and magniloquence ; other disuniotiist* gave tiino tho next was at servioe in lated wcro true. When the Government an attacked 1.000 Milch ('♦«*.-fV)«ition, vf shaking of tho eminent phil&nthrophist where know the facts from official and they a Milch Cow* depend alto&iUi* r upon tlio fanoy wan Sweat ol this District at every pore t. Paul's Cathedral. tho sources, robots, killing and wounding 23, including tained about acres, and railed Fer- porvpires he ventilated his S:ist Upon spot t he retribution will be sure the sixty scholar, Gixirgo wan fintt substantiate reports, 50 100 purehnoer. which devolve Thompson, to that this building now stands, a ohnroli reltcl colonel, and rebels, 3kt§m a*4 //**ti—l'rloc* frnm 7 to 'Jo. per ll>., us over tho vast a dignified allusion "Kngllsh capturing nald's Island, used for responsibilities splet-u by ly given. [Oreat applause.] lata 0 to 9|e. Trado nut ao actUo. Iniing uyard drying whom ho asserted had erected in G10, und after boing many times be horsoi and 200 saddles. amall extra, in the Democratic vagabond, Thompson" Ilut how should retribution administered, 8 to Do per Ib.j retail 9 to had but ono house it. In him par- was Sirinr—Wliulo-alu foil, and it upon upon preserving come here a* tho truest of his "fellow disunion- fire, and rebuilt, it was a still to be settled. Would it bo advices a Iwtwoen I)idly damaged by question Pensacola report fight II f F»t IIoi*, atlll Pod.'Ji to 9|. and Fernando has had his turn at to wituess the harvest" of tho in fire In tho year it was by the ty, "prac- isU," "bloody 1000, in tho great right to take the life of prisoners Washing- Schmidt and men, and following purchased totally destroyed retalia- Capt. thirty cavalry his woodland a blunder oaten war. which consumed 13,000 houses and 87 par- ton, in Fort Delaware or elsewhere, in under of tho Gth Unitod States of Capt William Dennett, ticing lays upon of the were fifty rebels Major Randolph On the evening Monday galleries Tho structuro was tion for acts in which they had not shared? more than that of ish churches. present Alabama noar that Aftor NOTICES. and tlit) wa* It was for- (lender Tityrus, crowded to overflowing by an audience, many Would it bo right to take prisoners captured, cavalry, placo. SPECIAL. prieo paid $•"»,.VM). pipo" commenced Juno 1675, and was com- to hand tho rebels di.-cord and of whom lud their raits since tho com- 21st, at and shoot them Xor acts of ton minutes hand lighting, our whoso refrain has been disloyal- kept say, Vicksburg, ceded to the Government, by Leg- the session in tho The in 1711. It is built of stone, in tho ft loss was 15 killed and wounded mally mencement of morning. pleted which thoy were not guilty, and which prob- fled. Their DR. TOIIIAM' to of Brooks, Pendleton, to the Hou«o were u 500 feet islature in 1822, wo believe, for the purposes ty, say nothing halls and leading lorin of Latin cross, being long, ably will be found wero the murdering of only and 11 Our lorn wns 3 slightly passages a priaonors. IIOItMti LTNIMKNT. tt »'r. p&*t long ferred to canvas it well placed forty five fret the President's remarks the)' a shot was fired from tho Intncnc**. bruluc*. colic, wo a to cx- might Throughout harbor, recently, Horn IJnlmi nt for kick*. was as from those from whoiu had right of our Direct- nbovo tho floor of the church, nnd 305 feet lio»t this reason alono it known the PorU- tho historic paintings country. warmly applauded : especially his enuaoiation cuttor which full a short distanco astern of and euta, and In every liiaUnoo found it the of and turniug in his above the Of tho interior of this for the ever tried In thl* olrcui cotnmny. I'leaae more and energetic action. ly in front Mr. Davis, ground. of a determination to vis!t retribution boat and so »no of tho men- •rtlclu I juoutli Yard. Tho inland is distant, poet appropriate tho frighted r<\ l< t llniuientWlMl Navy seat so as to look him in the eye as he spoke, cathedral, it* line decorations, costly monu- barbarous deeds of the rebels. •end doten,as It lieOllf Ono source of and ono which contrib- James Rush—that ho commenced bleeding ii<*v. Wo hare ItH Iwnw, aotno vory v.iluaMu.and a«:ros« the channel of the one mile evil, sit Colfax, wlm, until this moment had I shnll us havo Pi*catai|ua, speaker tuents, fai., say nothing, they in about min- du uot wtint to leave town without It. is tho boon at work his in at tho and died twenty Now and t!»u di»uneo to utes to them* scions, busily preparing speech been s » of ten described others. lung* HYATT PH')HT, from Hampshire. largely prulong dis- by camo to tho support of his resolution. Nearby sat the XXXVIII CONGRESS—First Session. utes alter. Tho boat up city Van Amburjrh A Co.'i Menarerlc. ruinous manner in which member* are Sihbath I in conversation Manser Portsmouth by land is at least two milca, paid tinguished Secretary of the Navy, rendered evening spent and Coronor Gould was called, but ho con- Price and 3<>*snUa buttle. Sold by all drujc- wo his immense white with a who is now, and has been 50 C'orthuidt *U New York. luili while betwoeit tlte island sod runs a and nntll this is remedied may conspicuous by celebrated gontlemau A bill has tho Senato to enable tho sidored an inouest unnecessary, and ordered l^iU. Oflica, Kittery by salary, a a Parliament. Mon- passod whiskers. Tho Scnato was unable to secure lor 31 years, mctnhcrof to form n Constitution in of tho in widths this state of to exist. of Nebmskn tho to do delivered charge channel not twenty rod» If, then, cxpcct things n, nnd many of its members had "ad- I visited Green nnd St. James* Park«, pooplo body A Now Tli I up under the Sun. quoru day, and State Government. It also tlm friends. Tho deceased was 55 years of ugo, to tho House, and could now be seen, 50 acres, pnsscd In lla effect—InaUntanaou*. location has to do withlliv name, it journal" each containing nnd Hyde Park, and ono anything of tho which can naval bill, equalizing and in Rath. iti earnest spectators scene, covers an area of 289 ncrcs. In tho appropriation belonged in o<4orin£ power—uiatohlew. or as murh which tho may lie called Dover, Kliot, with Tax Bill.—'The Boston Advcr* never be by any who witnessed it. A tho of officcra in navy, Jn Itn Ingredient*—vegetable. The Ni\r forgotten latter I saw tho Prince of Wales nnd his wlfo grade providing hundred and thou stand rebels drawn up in that no olfiocr than commouoro shall In lu operation—natural. as Yard. ''Hut it ti>er has the abstract of tho new fifty In tho Park tho higher WAR FA0T8 AND BUMORS. In 1U retulu—enduring. propriety Portsmouth.Navy following were within miles of the in nn carriage. beautifying line of battle sixty riding open bo rotirod. In It* is in tho collection district of fortswouth." were tho of tendency—prtuervative. tax bill in last itself ono vast camp pro- carriages innumerable, display n from presented Congress Thursday: capital. Washington Mr. Sumnor presented petition 42,- Port tho Robola. In IU popularity—unequalled. tho tected batteries extending in every direction dress magnificent, nnd 1 saw certainly tens of Pillow Captured by Kxactly so, but what has that to do with It has ono hundred and sec- by 218 citizens for tho abolition of sla- CrUlntloro'e Hair l>ye! seventy-three for thirty miles arouud it—in daily expectation thousands of nnd I was told that praying is live Tho ra- people, yet very. Ia tfio /IV/rf of Seimrr anmln£* of Nature. ol live to three. Incomes and which in tho nature of things, it will require in gold and exchnngo. Cairo, III., 14, Manufactured by J. CllWTAf)<)Itt>, No. tl Actor ul the Boston Yard? Then prviportion which have been crowncd all tho British sov- April Navy suppose manufactures, for instance, are taxed livo in- the sacrifice of tweuty thousand loyal soldiers Tho constitutional amendment, forovor On Forrest attacked Port llouto, Naw York. Hold by all DruirrUU. Ap tho Confessor to tho Tuesday morning I uit.* (m inoiuucu wiinin mo An avowed with armed ereigns Iroin Edward and Terri- plied by all Hair Pre*»cr*. that II10 luiM rIioiiIU ste.id «»f threo jn»r cent. Malt liquor* are toRnlHf sympathizer vlavcry in tho States Pillow. Soon after the attack Forrest Bent was on in the for a of them aro also bur- prohibiting r rebels trial House, speech, reigning Queen. Many was tho Senato on "Collection District of Kennobunk," how taxed ono dollar instead of sixty cents j« torial, in Friday, a lias ol truco demanding tlio surrender of every sentence of which would be applauded ied here, as well as heroes, and others, passed IVr.iMi-.nf Full IVnblfa, who are aubject to barrel, and suit six instead of four cents a poets, tho decisivo voto of 38 to G. Tho follow- tlio fort and in the meanwhilo so manifestly impropr it would tx> to call it in the shoots of Richmond; and tho Houso in who have hccomo in all by garrison, Caitlvcne*.*. Ilmidache, Ulddlnv*.*, Drowainei*, and Taxes above tho distinguished nearly is tho resolution: us to In tho curn, InMn too great a (low <>f bundled pounds. general a session ) rotractod from noon till miduight to ing his forces tako tlio advanuigo ainglng arising tho Kcnnebank Y.ird! the ol life. Tho monuments disposing blood U» tho head, ahotrld never Imj wlthont ||IUR< Navy ratio are laid on several leading articles. was unable to rcnch a vote. depaittnente the Senate and ITouse of of our forco. •" » of are beautiful and Tho lie it Rewired, by MtBTil'a 1'ii.t.a, and many highly dangeroa*aymp- in in different of I IKIIT MUCH Dirvuilieiliiivm UI v many them, costly. It reeognixcd departments Crude pars nothing, but refined is mv; of the United States of Ameri- Booth, who refused tlio turn will bo removed thofr I in mod la to »«e petroleum was in existence as far haok as Representatives Major commnmfed, by of in slave holding Maryland rose building itself two-thirds of both Tho Hon. J. Hint of Iff tick flrr ft. I', !& tlii (iovernment t>ot!i twine* ; the ISurenu taxed twenty insteud of ten cents gallon. pion Liberty ca, in Congress assembled, of truco, and tho fighting was renamed. Co, by j*»r to the House. Mr. Davis has tlic ;ip- tho hut was or near- articlo flag of age, has n«od brand roth'* PI II* for twenty- with the stems in is taxed address 7th ccntury, completed, Houses concurring, that the following oame won year* Smoking tobacco Afterward* a second m, which ,i« Wlion hofb*l« Inm- «>l construction and that of ir.wicc of « HUM ot ; his manner Its is 511 foot, and to of tho several (lug five year* hi*medicine. provisions desig- and lino cut pe thirty-ti\o ly so, in 1245. length bo proposed the Legislatures bo A-Hi- lilteen instead of five cents, plug ho is wide and three fourths of also refused. Both llig» gsvu tho rebels tho rolf lndl*p»aed. It for (Told, lUieuinatiam, tut while other is free from constraint ; awake, breadth ol 203 feet. Nine Stntoj which, when ratified by or nate it Portsmouth, nil the ol transept chapels rear uia, lleadaehe, llllllou* Aflteetlon*, Co*tlvene*a. five instead tiftccn. as a* a > to fcUli and businoM suit, short tailed coat, as a ut the said Constitu- The hattlo wan until 3 r. >r., when but tiko a few dote*of llrnndrcth'a Pilla, department!*, Kittery. Cigars u|>- dinary jaunty a time both and purposes, part up ing to one could long kept Ilia u-hi*I inctlnxl la to tako .«i * and redueo Fast order of tho Comuiodant, all wurdi, There will l>e no increase on distilled low crowned hat ; and when he rises tq>eaK spend profitably tion, namely : Ilootli was killed and Major Bradford pill*, day, l»jr nnd for time, with Major the iloao each night ono In every attack of until Julv lir*t. All manufactured generally rolls up his coat sleeves enough to ngreeably. Boing pressed Ahticlr Xtir, Sncrioi* 1. Neither slavery command. pill. ud was took o!ekne*a f»r twrniy.flv«« yeara, thla method work tho Yard tho Gov- liquors show his wristbands, and to"sail in," much to do nnd soe, wo roluctantly turned as a simple auspvnded, after that date til) is taxed ono dol- prepares nor Involuntary servitude, except punish- Tho rebels now made such a furious attack ha* never failed to reatoro hliu to health i ami flm January his inv IMM •• Mm. MW... us to re- ns the havo it. Tliero is little in ftp. liutr ment crime whereof the shall have uii-n lire to bo lound ao active and aa ho. ernment thus recognising it hound one dollar nnd a boys UVYIIy% D|R-liuiai^ for party were to mirrender. hearty lar, all after quar- if such a the Uni- that our men January pcarnncc to indicato the statesman, within those tuno-honored wall*. been duly convicted, shall exist within compdied Mar I(illi. Insi. tho o'morvancos of thisStato. The ter. The tux on is increased from tho surrender a scene en- l)r. JMYDKN and cord pay- gas" sixty- is indicative of severe dignity, and but will mention ted or any placo subject to their juris Immediately upon Hold hy SMITH, lMildefbrd, position I cannot describe, dimply States, to all dealer* In modlclnea. linlS of tho Yard it tho six to ono hundred cent. Licenses and none would select him ns the nuthor of tho«c sued which bafllm all by ro»pectable roll Mad*, "employed per tho Dank or where tnoro tlinn 1000 diction. description. Up increased. efforts in and the Kngland, shall have to en- few of our men had stamp duties aro considerably magnificent Congress upon Palace Sect. 2. Congress power that timo comparatively Kittery Yard;*' the regulations road, a ure ; the 23 Cents to Have 25 Do'lnr*. Navy The of the bill are be- platform, which have gained him place among persons employed Crystal force this article by appropriate legislation. heun killed, hut on taking posses- following provisions on with its statues, instantly CONCKNTRATKD DKNZINR re. "at tho Yard in and tho the ablest statesmen of the land. His spceoli and surrounding ground*, an in- IIKIIISMAN-S Navy Kittery," lieved to be oorrect. Tho tax on manufac In the House, a resolution censuring Long sion of tho fort the fiends commenced Urease and this occasion has been one of the curiosities or all kinds, both useful and move* Palut, bunts. Ae, Instantly, of tho it in the tures furs is increased. Tho sched- pronounced goods rondo in dehato show- discriuicnuto of tho whites and •iimi* llibli.in*, Uhivoa. Ao.. to new. Secretary Navy recognises ol largely ever nmdo in of Ohio, for remarks butchering Hllks, c<|unl finest efforts Congress. Many ornamental, Ac. »tc.; Kensing- ii ocuU Sold ulo of animals is altered in the machinory, him to be in favor of tho of blacks, those of Initli colors who Unix ptr buttle. »»y OruiftlsU. mine way by iwuing his cotumiiwioiu "to ho slaughtered who were present in the galleries of the House with its numberless curiosities ing recognition including llliUKMAN A CO., so ns to ton Museum, was to wounded. Tlio black of tho ngc of cattlo, prevent on lust night must have been carried, the Southern Confederacy, passed, 78 had been Cbeiulata ami New York. Clerk (or whutvtcr offoo U designated) of rcspect Monday and fine of Regent's previously Druggists, frauds in returns. A tax is on in back to the times when "thero gf timber. stead of each sheet of paper which it is the delivery speech, frequently interrupt- ering pipo lij tho Inst Legislature. unahlo to from wounds, wero shot A Delightful Cordial and Valuoblo Tonlo. qotnttlkf chip Tn1u|IMb> > with wa- speak no on ed enthusiastic or as he turned to tho sid of the rails, and filled hands is divided alkiut at written. Then? is duty by applause, by Mr. to dead and their bodies thrown into tho river. A Co.* Cordmt KJUir of Mar*. ber of stamp receipts, some the Soo. Chase has ordered Cisco liegeman employed on ridicule position of copperheads, by ter, which is thus forccd into the trndor. no Increase of the tax advertisements, and up Tho dead and wounded negroes wero in pesse«#lng the active and well known properties of follows: and laborer*, IKK); roars of laughter, which wen of course very itn In tho with me came a moaiber of the of of in- piled Um Peruvian Hark In a moot form. It ship-carpenter* no increase on distiller*' licenses. carriugo anticipate payment $16,000,000 and and several citisons who acrcenitle proper, and was promptly subdued by tho ho said ho heaps burned, will to found a valnnhls Tonlo In all eui*«. but par 100 ; Ilia ; cuulk- Parliament from Manchester, and on tho lat of blacksmith*, ship-joiners, hammer. It was a complete vindi- terest duo May. bad ioined our forces for wero tlsularly a* a preventive to Heverand Fever and Speaker's did not think Lairds rams could bo protection ot the and a re- legally Ague It la a pleasant and palatible cordial, aud cr»« 60; maker*, oti; borer*. cation Government, scorching — carao near killed and wounded. Out of the of gun-carriage hut that tho law would ho so stretched Qen. Grant very being garrison Isumeh to tits ooannon and rum Clkiic.il> ArroutTXDrn.—At the Mains buke to rebel sympathisers in Congress. No held, alive. superior whlakey 50; 40; machinists Sta- GOO, but 1200 remained bitter* *o much Id uae. boh) by DnigsUls. 60; riggers, painters, can do it justice. It is sufficient to as to their to America. a few since, at Bri*tow'a Annual Conformed of tho Methodist description prevent going captured day* our wounded officer* of colored 11 KUKMaN A CO., This force Episco- that it was jf tho name and fuiuo of whilo with a Among and mouldars, 280. belong*ehief- say worthy Yesterday, riding gentleman Tho robel cuine on a raid 3mll CbemliU and Druggists, New York. which closed its session thin Davis. tion. cavalry up are Poster, Lieut. Tiltbotts and and 1 Church, llr>KY Winter a fow miles out of Bradford, wo witmiwod troo|M Copt. in this State, New Nmm* pal un- was Six wero ly Hampshire On Thursday, the resolution being still a as the train Adjt Semming. guns by week nt Bath, the following from an elevated point of land, Hag chase. just disappearing. captured IMPOIITANT TO FEMALE*. chusetts. The will givo a appointments der const leratiou, and most of the members tho rebels and carried off. A ninount following very1 The was about 20 and ——• Farmer thinks that tho ox largo in the Portland District: an to ventilate their stag pursued by dogs Tho Maino idea of tho busine** of tho Yard at tho were made hvrfag had opportunity of stores w as destroyed or carried off. Tho good the an- 150 horsemen, and away thoy wont through at Mr. Col rax addressed House, Uorcnlos slaughters! August*, seems to to move on George Webber, Providing Elder. Sneo, opinions, ditches and recently intontion of tho rebels lie Dr. Cliecscuinu's Pill*. present time: nlyzing Mr. Loug's and showing hl Eeore. Federal lag all Irregularities, Painful JlenMruatluns, re* the S. V. Gerry ; Kcnnebunk, There was one mounted and in woll says that italics, writing, machinery. Cajw Porpobo, when his time ex- lady lott 2,090. Hen. Ransom wound- whether from ould or otb. had not finished his spccch sport. in severely moving all obstmetloas, — John M. Caldwell; and a crowd of oaths in conversation, woakness iron clad—of 3000 Konnebunkport, Uoorgo Iu accordance with tho the choso, spectators. implying ed. Our Troops /ailing back. In the of Paaaaoonaway tont, Wont A. C. pired. arrangement,he quite crwlse, headaoho. pain aide, palpitation NYingato ; Kennebunk, Trafton, a to which It is doubtlul if I titno to write or or in all doable turreted, and with sides of asked for few additional minutes, get you evidence, argument intellect, tke all nervous aJfcetions, bystcricr, fourteen John Collin* ; James Arm- as heart, whiten, York, Kittery, Mr. Chandler, of New York, objected. Mr. (or businoss accumulates the tnao • from Grand Kcore, of tho 10th again, three. fatigue, In the bask and limbs. Aondhturbod inehee of iron ; recently commenced. ; A. R. ; Scotland, that "he asked no favor nud shall sail for dtar na Dispatches pain strong Eliot, Sylvester Colfax replied when I my and 11th inst., state that a hattlo was fought of nature. was an of approaches sleep, which arise from Interruption Contocook, a screw steamer of 2000 tons, 0. M. Couscns ; South Berwick, Uriel Hide- would take his seat." This ontrage tiw. land. -—Gen. Sherman has been directed to at Pleasant in which the Union and llill, La., Dr. Pills waa the oumuiouoe* oot to bo : which even the Democrats were ashamed, Clirrermais'e be a first sea ; Berwick, supplied forces were scvorelv second dis- and to class steamer ; Maryland a thereto. make a careful of tho Fort Pil- repulsed. A of a new era In the treatment of those Irreg- designed Hideo, J<**> Stone ; John hastened to disclaim being party investigation ment Alfred, Cobb ; tho ao commenced. would have been with- New Publications. maaaacro a view to oxaot retaliation. patch gives following particulars: ularities and obstructions which have consigned recently Mollis, Marcus W ight ; Goodwin's Mtllt*. W. The objection gladly low with Colfax Tcry refused Our had bocn tho No female can enjoy S. Xowtield, Francis C. drawn, but Mr. properly been cavalry driving enemy many toayrrmefkrv grawt. New Hampshire, ship-of-tho-line, recently Junes; Ay*r; from the A congreeaional has also an Shap- to accept any repenting concession The Northern for is received investigation for two days, but on tho forenoon of the 8th health unless she Is regular, and whmovcr and loi«h and Aeton, George Uoit; York. During tho re- Monthly April food launched nearly completed. Cornish, gentleman from New & Portland. This ordered. sent back word for Gen. obstruction takes ylaoe the funeral health begins Kinsman Atkinson ; Buxton, C, W. who followed Mr. Colfax, from Messrs. Bally Noyes, Infantry supports. a first class stoam under- Black- marks of Mr. Long, in command of the and 4th di- Colorado, frigate, man. is an the first. — Ransom, 2u to doollns. an incident which may be mentioned. number upon A hanl of blockade runners has occurred improvement largo to Pllla are the tnoet effectu- the Mili- a fur three vision* of the 13th was ordered Or. CbscsfMaii's going extensive repair*. Qen. Schenck, of Ohio, Chairman of Terms: $2,00 year; $5,00 copiee. boon mado within tho last throo months. Corps, asked leave to say send forward a and be did so. Re- al remedy over known for all oomplalnU peculiar side-wheel steamer, re- W PTIIN Ei.htio.ns.—Tlio return* tary Committee of the House, brigade, Alatama, being from a in all to To all classes they ere Invaluable,fo* a word. Mr. Long refused jiermiasion, saying, Recently, tho South Carolina made capture inforcements oarao up amounting to remain- for sea. Ohio, Indiana. Illi- of the Friend has on rrfm/arilf. They and fitted out—nearly ready Michigan, Minnesota, ,"You do not command in this department ; Tho May number Indy's 2400 when the rebels advanced dueirng, with c*rltU» y, ptri»4ie»i paired Wi«eon*in worth Our Jack tan are infantry, used then at nois, Iowa, and NV«r lmve are not a bt on this floor, received. It is filled with choice en* $250,000. reap- at thousands, who have ar.d York, | you igadier general been us in numbers, estimated knows to Ag.iwum, gunboat, being repaired come in nnd are a overwhelming the country, having gloriousl*. fully up to the thank G«d." "It I were," said Gen. Schenck, and reading matter, and is offered ing rich harvest. of Ball's Bluff fame, different periods, throughout to bo for sea. see that graving* 10,000, Oon. Stone, moat tmment tuppotfd ready [Wo victoria* o! last Fall. Tho tido which hit i "I would have sent you over tho Hues long low rato of Ran- sanation or wm of the FtpH ut tho $2 per year. The new Gold bill for the was in command of oar foveas. Oon. the since arrival in Portlaod New Khodo provldSng sbo has harbor.] swept Hampshire. Maine, Island a^o." front, timt in JmrrU*...... The resolution that "Alexander Long, be, som all tho available when should m* re- and luishorna the cause sale of works the wrong way. got directions, stating Ihey and I'ortfiro, screw Connecticut, Union is of Treasury gold, on the rebels. The lost Explicit lllurlight tugboats, and hereby declared an unworthy member Wo have receivod several of the and enemy boi-the Prise One Dollar per on to Cincinnati a numben its as a opened the with eaoh in their victory. givea Union this House," was then a vote of N) We never had moch faith in paaaage but advanoed ; soon all bo need, cently launched—taking machinery. by Now*, n and fashion heavinr, steadily from 80 to W Pills. of 4'JOS. Toledo 227. Cleveland to 70. it is to the Illustrated pictorial pa« The Do*, oontalnlng minority 1,* Although bo regretted that financial measure to reduoo the of bul- gave way and fell back. panlo to the In the naar the whiob, so on tho at No. 90 Beekman St., New price otvnlry srul matUpramfHf, by reasltUsg ship-house bridge, 500, ami through different coun- House did not summarily per so the that nil' punish by expulsion published have a terror to of tho cavalry demoralised turiny one in tho home of the one who uttered treasonable ssnti- York, W. J. Deraorust. The last cum- lion ; for it could not great Hold by OrugvlsU generally. tli* way, U pronounced of the best ties. Dayton, traitor exile, defiantly by became a rout. The Chi- Proprietors. by a the retreat general A II !Icd splendid pattern they depth cago Morenntile lost all its funs. the country, frigate resolution of censure will havo n iutla- oontuins speculators Battery 81 Cedar street. Mew York. St. Val. to "watch and wait over the Uir- healthy eaah (taper patterns, pictorial illus- could eo easi- was 2000. While whose is «ice the of the and Our loss largo, i A. liidde- J-'ranklta. of 3000 tons, machinery upou copperheads in Congress, who and a number Secretary'i pocket, probably It. II. Hoy * Co.. Portland Sawyer, der," hissing, luennwhils, his counsels for a trations mieoellany. and re- division was back in disorder, never utter a word of sympathy for the Govern- Buy calculate aftor oaoh sale the balanoo the 4th Tailing 8.0. Mitehsll. baeo, AgenU. lyrll now and which will bo launched m-rvilo wnr. The elections in tho sec it ura not with it. Terms : ly 1800 «eo, lord, and being built, utWrStotas meal, bat are coutinaally aid *nd cum- you pleased tbo 3d division, numbering only giving six tho coining fall. The Frauklin i» ouo of tho tnontioucd show equally gratifying results. loct to the rebels to an extcut which is limited $1,75 for month*—$3,50 yor year. maining.. , Professional Wotlot^ i'jl/ NElH5uSmKG.iAMU— LOCAL * COUNTY INTELLIGENCE. fV. 1882. TAX NOTICE. 1862. The *uece.r affection* Ml DISK'S treatment (by Inli»l*t»«n> L tbo lit OI'KMNO or a hw cauud jjich an Use* fur remaining unpaid yu ol TJirwtf ami Luoe«, mi® the 1I«> dams were abundant I oat week after the Head, at hu kmlM||| lay or May next, will b« ®«»Trrti»e«l •wonHnj Saco & lucre*** of tualauat A SUMMERJSOOP.S. Potflfttfd, P&rtsmoutV' we proftraideoiu fil» ro;;ul-u *Uita nt lolfcw. " aturm a oil 90 were the diggers. lulrfU Iw vu to dieoontlnue AW?;., obliged will be to watt on NOVELTIES, campaign ^BAILBOAD^ Sim and nfd*irft>r»1- lie happy ,''*1^C611wot™FW'- NOVELTIES, Spring heard the statement made that there were five and nil others who may n*th ja,\icfc*«i. April i'i. »ea. an* t.f hit old ftifnda. »>X ic i| al Hhq out fur tb« at hi* r»«Uence corner Smith »n<1 i NU to each clsm but do vouch to ovnxult him. NEW SPRING "GOODS tfllllfe AB&AlfOKXEirTt;; Uipgm where he may r>« found Con.'m m rtwtt. Portland, ofthedims were Tery STATE OF MAINE. WOULD annouao* to Uiu cltlsons ArOlL IM4. ourself. Sums m 9 rwpttlftilly COMNRXC1HQ MONDAY, in, etary at all tlinea. _ ... X 2 Smith street lyr T or ifcc®, DidJelurl sad vicinity, that 1 iluUcuu- to ten So- ■ measuring from eight inohes in Kutrance Judicial Court, January < larj^ YORK, ss.—Supreme tlnno the sale or /. /\ j TRAILS LKAVK AS rOLLOWBi Wo heard of one dam from which a term, A. I). IWS4. { t ; /r j ; ; ATTRACTIONS! jawsiiioovl length. GREAT IMPORTANT FROM A.*. I>.M. ronfrssion* nnil of an Jr. w. Brown, Portland for nun and his wife made a sufficient dinner and Thf Exppricnre Ji'. Tripp ftUr offered Portsmouth and ft! Ml w 7 > Cmrgt AM) F.W'fV GOODS! larrt*t «toek «>r fAHCtflOOTWevor Do*ton, M0„ , DRY • and | now on to the court thai * v or Uiddcford, Saoo rlcinlty. then aold tho remainder for ten ccnta! A fbr the benefit, and aa a warnlnc and K .Xft nngj»<4tion 'T to the Lndlc* 11 do PablUhed of the of rHE bo found Sort«Prboro\*(£lckili Jio IS ■*• A CAUTION TO rODXd MEf the defendant at the time scrvice iu the thom uiay WsfBoftrtw** do do Cl# GlP®'} exhibition ac- V AtKtoro No-1, CALEK BLOCK, Saco, known Among *»'• very interesting of^ytnnastics of this State, •"*■•?ok bf Now 1U11I «l niqdrfbrd, do do 9M 3.43 had no tenant, ajrwit lirg* onu 1 an4 oftrtiff Valenciennes Lace*, J Miss tkr Mfimi »f Stir Curt. Ity who baa care * asute hate been I cmtirncln all t!io Ucei, Kennel last evening by s Wtf or Fruit Spri*'i Goodt, (Jalropure K«,.b,rt. 4.., Hall, Saco, Wednes«h*y tlm uite; th»t goods Drew floods. M»1U Cm*. U«««. Banks' and that hcLuhUto Now nr.il Norel Stylei llrai.'cli Lace*, I Smyrna Weill. JM4M Detmison's class. We are to seo this sul>- attn«b#l in this action, Department! glad attachment: does encloalnx a poet-paW addrwwed enrelouejia- notice of said suit and attracting so mnch attention as It Jnst By of the ject «lo eopiea may U> had of the author. U »» OrJeYrt. That notice pendency and Paul Bald now.——C. Swe*tslr, Win. N. Perry, NATIUNrV.L MAY PAIR. E*q.. of this suit be given to tho defendant, by I SILKS I JtaiJ-'Uii.T Vrolis Y. au SILKS EMBROIDERIES! chosen School ljf« iiodX«jxvl^vU>in Cuuutj\M. liiui in hand with attested copy ol i: lists Sands were on Wednesday nerving || • C. Caiubrlo and Inicrtlag*. i* .1 •>! with an abstract of thfc Colored, which I iball Mil at Edglag* and Flouncing. No. 1 In Sacu. From the this onler, tojjttluT la DUok and Fftoay Ckmbrlo Band* a/ Agents of District than fourteen low sas-"*^ ijftis writ,not lew days (or by extromoly prlcoj. I lmro remored ■' we learn there are pUlntittn' my lloadf|uarteri to tho new and of the the rame three weeks auooc«siv«ly in a rarl«tf of .. i re;»ort Supervisor publlahing Alio, great IpMlOU* BtOfe, JtootoB for -Jortlud, ftt 7JO 3.00 nt -• 1953 scholars in the town. Total uumber regis- the Union aud Journal, a aewspajier priutod -r I'orunoith do I0i» ftjp. of tho last Ininu In' Waiit*.,; ( .'Xkl' with an aTer. in said County York, pub., tered at the term last winter 1183, Uiddefonl, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, lication thoreot to bo not leea tliau thirty days) ot *"7.1$ raoil rv)» .tno'rt y-s lists; of 787. Mr. Merrill, keeper sHFi.-'s: do I0J4 6J8 Hgo attendance bef.iro the next term of wiid uourt, to bo bold- In Hew Spring Styles. COLLARS! Janet., Or't Fall* Branch, COLLARS! M. Borwlok Joint I cm. II.A M.ltdo 10.40 410 of the Storer St. House, was knocked down on «ii at Alfred, iu and for said comity, on the A * pin nil id anerUnent of So. 5 Union North Darwlok dav 4* IOM CM of May, A. D. 1804, that said Block, J Main St. !a*t Saturday afternoon and for a fourth Tueslay ..... : i.» do "do 11.08 tJM thou —4 ihfns and uu Balmorals In new Ileal Thread and Malta Collars, It (h'Mibuit io*y appear j, styles, Vakncionno Collars. II* «E time was bettered to b« seriously injured. if he shall sec cause. ^n.n*^fk' 1°do 4° ewer to oaid suit, Cambrle Collar*, <>} Oi'.I B/W#ll«,Iddefbrd, do 11.43 T.II that his wounds were 8. T.—1860.—X. 1 C. B. Clerk. with ft lino of 100,2 d0 "•** TJ» now appears however Attest: LORD, together complete Catabrlo 8«U, v 4* 8«U. W*ifSoMboro». do Zo 1103 7J3 habits troubled with vetl* Linen Wbcro I ra a *ad doeliablo Four arrests were made, and on Mon- Per«*as of scueutary novoponlnic largo HcarWoro', Oak Oo 12JI slight. lack uT of took o( flU14o 7.41 mm, latitude, palpitation ui tho heart, ap- [Mutnwt i'laintUTi^'rltl k Portland arrlro 7^ Allen of and Catin were fined au account Annexed to tho I r-'ir"'? 7. i.:' : 1 day Portland, A*"uuipi.t upon HOUSE GOODS! , petite, dlitres* after eating, torpid liver, eon«tlpa- FURNISHING Bf Pint in/N ««*!• /*m ten and half the eost eseh, by Justice writ in said action, for svrriccs nnd labor In dollars suffer lr will nut try at the offloe, than whoa lnlhoMrt. t. >ii, Jko., deserve tu they thea amount- •aeh uTiihl*Linen, Napkins, Tow- !0h. jk- parehaaod paid wo add that Mr. inakiugand bindins Congress boots, IViylea, KID GLOVES! In this connection Covers. 4o. Luring. celebrated In to Also, a count for money had •11 nK, Kuiboemd A In all tba dotlmble Color* and FRANCIS CHASE, his and the f $38,00. »plonilld'iln« Merrill has, we learn, taken in sign PLANTATION B1TTKRS, nnd received for the sum of 9100,00, Number*. Silk TaOkU (Jlore*. Llala Thread and Cotton too. SrrxEiirsxouiT. now This with the the medi- writ is in of the case.ie dated Uloros, SPRING & SUMMER GOODS!'' Storer St. Mouse is closed. which are now reoomosoaiJcd by hixbost Said pirn July DOMESTICS, DOMESTICS. Portland .April Ith. IMi. 441If to imme. nnd is returnablo to the J a on the Wand last week by authorities and warranted produeean C, 1NJ3, September l of place cal «. ... closing term of said Court* A. D. 1883. r'< i. rum the less. if* t»'u*flcUl effect. They f rv exocortlngly agree- ailEETINO, tJlIIUTINU, HTItU'RS, Portland and A, Y. Steamers: tho polico make* juit two shops Ui $100. TICKINQ, Ac, hosieryThosiery. must all other Addamntim DKNIM8, Ladle*', 3li«*c*'and Children'*, In White and color*. a nice fence in able, |>erfeet ly pure, ami supersede of of with abstract Mr. Hanks Is building very A true copy order court, Embracing *11 Mm noroHloa In Droaa flood*, Ut.Ic.-i where a heathy, scntlostimulant Is required. at less than manufacturers' prlcos. BEXT-WEEKLY LUfB. , \ front of his residence on South St., besides niak- of the writ. together with alull lino of They parity, strengthen and luvlgorate. 13 Attest: C. B. LOUD. Clerk. CORSETS! CORSETS! other around the premises. iug improvements era*to a healthy appotite. Drab and Uray, with Tliey CLOTHS! CLOTHS! Ileal Freuoh Corset*, iu White, side-walk in front is to be graded water and diet. tSMttOSlSieSSra The They arc an antidote to changeof STATU OFMA1NH. all numbofa. ) ;H!i' tf-YQ/3 I'oiuinnr, Capt.Sherwood, will, un- of Mcmrs. Stock or fbr liriak by the individual enterprise They overcome effbctsofdhnlpatton A late hour*. A c>uiplet" Woolens, }.D/.!HTOJ Ml farther notfoe. run as follows Judicial Coart. wear. res- YORK, *v—Supremo January ileu'4 and Hoys' Leave nrown'i Wharf. Portland, ev*ry Wedaoa. and Meade, in front of their Th siren-then cull von rhoinlod. PLAIN BLACK AND COLORED Fields, Hanks iy thnsystomund L>. 1804. FANCY *n«t at 4 o'clock P. If., and Plor# luiiuiuatiu and Intermittent fever*. Term, A- day ttatutday. lecture advertised Tliey prevent Hirer. New and tot- pective residences.—The the breath .t neldlty of the stoaiach. William Jonrt ri. Leander If. Jonet. German Dromlclotht, Dorikiut, Fancy Cat' Dress -North York, erery Wednesday ^ They purify Trimmings! unlay, at 3 o'clock P. M. to be Miss Evans was |>ost- euro and Con*tipatlon. timtret, SatinrU, Tire* Is, Repel' Colored Vol* but week given by Tiny Oy»p«)p*la > now on to tho court that Iliiitln Plain (limp, nil color*. .I These vessels are fitted with An* aooommoda- au I Cholera Morbu*, (limps, op They cure Dlarrlxra *ugge*tion Janlt, Flan nth, ret all ihadaa. eonirfofiM moat so that she lectured in at of tb« service tfC> lllltboiK, Alpacca llnld*, (narrow) gmwa*! tloni Tor paaeencore, making tiila the speedy, It happcued oure Liver Jfc Nervous Headache the defendant, tho timo puned. They Complaint VNI comfortable rout* for traveler* betweea the and make the weak strong, tho languid brll of was uot au inhabitant oi this State, safband Manchester, IT. II., Jfnlluwlng evening, The.i the writ, with a full line of SILKS! New Vork and Mama. and are exha*i*t*d nature* great restorer. or together iU ■ lUnt, ml I h id no tenant, ageut attorney within Far* and Btato Rooms, Ihcrt* wc writ to ace mm war. auij theoelebrated bark, VEILS. Passage, $7.00, Including I>eing They are composed of Calisaya that his or e»tato have been VEILS, VEILS, this Una to and from Moo and all tin- saiuu; goods forwarded by and the who U sn«saftas, root* herb*, pre- » H ill wu well filial, lady, quite wlntcncreeu, attached in this actiou, aud that he has had French Lac<* VuU*. troal, Quebec, Bangor. Uatli, Augusta, Kaatport served in perfectly pare Nt. Croix mm. For par- GOODS! lllaok and White Bilk Veil*. about an hour. The s FANCY spoke for gallant, tee circular* and testimonial* around each uo uoticc of lid suit and attachment: Oreuadtuo and Tissue Veil*, to wbioli attention U called, aa I (ball m!1 pretty, ticulars, ot the fprclnl are fur bottle. it OrJtreJ% That notice pendency such (is arc koj»t In a First Cl&»« all color*. them M a very amall udvanoo iron coil ry of editors (and they proverbial that) Hoe usually lie ware of Examine ench bottle, be to the suid defendant, floods Store. taste Impostor*. of this suit given by Dry "the oratrem," but good *ur S. uumut Hated calls her young t'ni it liaa private U. btainp sowing him in hand with nn attested copy of SSlfflSIPWWI*For freight or Passage anplr to over cork, with scene, and our sis- aaa thing, beg to bo excused. the plantation with nn abstract of tho that I no llohrmtnrt icovde BALMORAL SKIRTS. Jlrown*! Portland. would, general *ido label. Nee that our this order, together I would also stato keep KSfBRIrS FOX, muirt, nature on a tine steel plate and rot t« s (or tlint have been n i W ^ U 1 .Miss Evans brave, girl bottle ta not refilled with spurious ami to eel! Plantation jtliiintilF's thf name tlitre week* saccitsive. sou kith*, but shall keep frtih />»r/>ci mmds, Vor*. is in the causa of tha temperance reform; she •tuff. Any person pretending ity publishing lowest cash l>.vkee|t Portland, Dm. I. IBM. 41 the or in liulk, I* an Impostor. in the Union aud a newspaper and raU.At.tlm prteet—hoping Dltter* t>y pkllon ly Journal, tu merit a liU»r»l SKI ,, or any print, kwi' I j»*> h|* and fl»1r trkde UTS! SKIRTS! and appears perfectly composed Any |>er*on Imitating thi* boUle, selling at in Mil of the tii|C npeaks prettily 1<> n ed Biddefjrd, County York, share of ic fiber whether I'la'i t it |»nti. ji.i!it>n»zo. The latent from 'J to 3t PORTLAND m BOSTON UNE. we cannot aa much of material therein, OAUfd thereof to be not less than thir- to new ami styles, yards yardsround. BALMORALS. upon the stage, Imt say I o. loM buy frtth h of Misses' aua Children's BALMORALS, Dltter* or nut, is a criminal under fate U#| publication G!7"l'Rp,nflubcr«pliioo Also. great variety V A I I _ have before the next term of said oourt, to Uati'io HUMMKR it was common- sod will b« *o by ui. We alrcvlv ty da\«) goods Skirts. ARRlirOBMlXTII her discourse. Ia fact, very pro*ecuted in and on ua our buttle.*.\c. he ho Met! at Alfred, for Mid connty, our eye several te-llllln. aaw Steam- at Navy Yard parties iuto el«*o D. that a Una The apleadld sealing place.—-The pay-roll Kittery who will succeed in getting thoiujolve* the fourth- Tuesday of May, A. lt*>4, Cash Storo, Also, great varlcty'FuBKMAN W0J18TEM. Just In, n iplandld of BnlinoralflklrU. and fur Drake*! Plantation Bit- and un hind, Working Patterns, Can- era Pernl Cltr, Lewltteai for last mouth, amounted to $82,090,14.— i|oarter*. The dernaud said defendant may then nnd there appear Sa^yor's^hgap Ki constantly uatll fkrthor to .to., I* in- J MiMiMl will ter* froiu ladle*, clergymen, merchants, he shall see cause. '' vas, Ac., Ac. f 'M **vC has sold out his stock of stoves Is the evi- answer to said suit, if Tldii CnlH Blwliiiiic*. tlce run aa follows J ;»seph Edward* oredlble. Tho simple trial of a bottle Clerk. ir worth and Attest: C. B. LORD, to Moses Lowell, of 8aoo. The dence* wo present iiftbi »u|H>riority. rover Rnkor'o In Grrnt Leave Atlantlo Whart Portland, evhrr Moaday and tinware Ci & Hoop Skirts Variety. 7 They are H»14 by nil ro*j>«clabludruib(l*U, grocer*. ^ Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, at is new mils put under it, the and country Plaintiff's Writ) CKLRItltATBO every Imildiag bating pby*lclaa*, hotel*.*aloon*,steamboat* {Abstractof April 4, ISdl. o'clock P. M., and Central wnarf, Boston, store*. P. II. IIKAXK K CO.. u|K)ii an account annexed to tbe and Frl« old ones as rotten as the foundations of Assumpsit Monday, Tuesday, Wedneaday, Thursday being Iy% H02 iiroadway. N. Y. writ in *.»id to lion, amouutin;; to the miui of at 7 o'clock P. M. not DOMESTICS. dly, the Democratic party, enough frmalniug Also a count for money bad nml ro- TO THE LADIES DOMESTICS, Par®—In Cabin, $ I .'ii. Oa Dook, $ I AX {$'£17,43. Sewing: Machines, number b« fitted and of Said writ !m in fur nolo. Puce and Also. Honing ✓ v r.* «i v.iiM N. II. Kacli Uoat Is foraisbod with a large Hound to in ike • match. It will up etived f>»r the Hiiui {<300,00. >IV1" upwards. r.w of ladle* Machine Necdios. bilk Thread, Ac., Ac. nf Ktate Ilooms, Air the accommodation as a of the case, is dated December 22,1802, M. J. are r«iulnded that theson of Mr. Lowell tinshop. MAIUUACH^. plea MRS. DAVIS, • and laintltea. aud travellers by occupied by • ___ nlso in itora n atmk of Homo nnd is returnable to tlie January term of said I liavo yood Kooplng tills Unr, much saving or time aud extMiu* 0. of O. P., celebrated their 10th Inform tlio ladies thitsho (looda, auch us T^ulo Linen, Napklna, Doy- taking The I. Court, A. I>. 1N i.'t. Addamnum §300,00. WOULD raspectfully It r member the Place, will be mad*, and that U»e Inconvenience or arrt J » r bu a ctioioo auurtucut of llei, Towrlllnic, Krcncli Einboaand b* at their kali last Friday evening. Ucv. J.T. G. Nichols, Mr. true of order of with abstract Boston ut lato hours of the nigbt will anniversary Sico—April lfl, by A copy court, S. k. Table Coverings, Tollot and vlngln able to be Thorn is Jr., anil Miss Uratui M. Spear, of the writ. BSWfS, Lancaster Quilt*. avoided. were fortunate iu being present Dyer, Bound*, The boaOearrlvu la season fbr paoseagert to tok* of 3. 13 Attest: C. B. LOUI>, Clerk. LM1EIITY STREET, H1DDEPORD. the festivities of the occisicn. both the earl loot train* out of the city. nnd in Uev. H. n. Sawyer. Mr. ItibboiiM, 7' / A » I i-1 ti i ir-I IV to participate Kliot—.March 27, by At« Court of Probate held il£oui& Iterwick.wttMn April, ISC I. The Company are not responsible lor baggag* were made E Iward P. Burn- E 15^ Short speeches by Joseph It. Williams and Miss Katie Chick, ami fur tho County of York, on thu first Tuesday Lnccs and an amount exceeding $.'>0 In value,and Uiat person- llotiorablo Justices or the Judicial AND MKN'8 WEAR. Mid at thu District John D. all of in In tlio .rear ot our Lord eighteen To tlio Supreme BOYS' I al, unless ooUco li given and fur rat* 01 ham, 1*. Q. M., and Deputy Kittcry. A|irll, Flower*, next tu lie Imlden at Koco, within and add I liana 1 vain*. the stme, Mr. Charles hundred apd«lxty-four, by the liuo.b.R.Uuuriu.<, Court, one passenger fbr every t->00 Berwick, reviewing the Or- Wills—April 17, by fur tho County of York, on tho first Tuesday of taken as usual. Ntally, of South aui Miil Sarah J. Novell J»i«Irw of said Court: 27* Freight II. Spinney of Eliot, of theestato IN GKEAT VARIETYI NEWEST STYLES, A I). 14041 L. BILLINUIT and suooesses, all oi which were A. SFILES, Administrator January, (lern»n Clotbi aw! Doaaklna.M Fauoy ('outing*. der, its objects of tn said J. A MAMS, hushaml of Clara Adams, 99. IMS. Kittery. of Edward Stiles, lato of Saco, county, Selected bcr for the trade, and ft>r:*%lo pLKMKNT IUrrla (Jnods. Fnnoy Caaalinerea, rmhrafllnn nil of Portland, Nov. A|j*aL The company Adelaide's Church EDVVAKD second neenunt by Hprlng v ot Nuwfti respectfully 111 els and gives this interesting and appropriate. Malta—March I7,at Queen deceased, hnvlng presented his of rates as sliu thinks caunotfbllol Id, tlio Ucit nMnuftoturea, nil of wbioli will b* auld m tho Uev. John at such pleasing honorable tturt to M Informed that ho was lawful- of the of St. Valletta, by i'leush, administration of tlio estato of *aid deoeused for low ai ikt lowitl. then "fell in" and partook chowder, FWli her to ma snld Clara Adams nl In son of the late Paul allowance. patrons. ly married Chicago, 51. A., Charles Breed, Ky- A. I). l that libelant, slnco their an 1 fruit which the members, aided by That tho Mid accountant givo no* Mil roll, ; your pastry of this 1*1 in 1, and Isabella, fourth Onlrrtd, Bleached and behaved himself as a 11. stock la new and norer baring naud, causing a Bonnots Bopairod, Prossed, Intermarriage lias always N. My fteah, and ar- of llidde tlco to all pernons lutcroitcd, by husband towards soaked in anil waUr. their ladies, had tastefully prepared of U?niamiD Staples, Esq., — faithful, chaste ami alTrivtignato b««n daughter of this order to he thrco weeks ANU t f SPRING copy published tho said Clara ami that the aaid Clara Ad- f »y:j, j j. ^ GOODS, were with tonl, M Un?—MtilUt Timet. in tho Union tr Journal, at Adains, -ry »#y rt ranged. The exerslso interspersed successively printed on hand. and libelant cohahltoil as lius- In said county that they limy appear Mourning Goods constantly nins your together (14) E.H.BANKS. very IHddeford, and wifo at said Newfkld alter tliolr Inter- _niddclon1.JUrcl.nl. singing, and the evening passed away Court to be lidded at 8aoo, In baml at a I'roluito Thankful for past slio hopes to rc- but that tho raid Clara Adams, wholly a of ours on tho Brst In uoxt, patronage, marriage, are sorry that remark raid county, Tuesday .May u of tho tame. 8PRINC AND SUMMER pli*asantly.—We and show eel vo oontluutiuco ol tier marr ago covenant awl duty, on DEATHS. at ten of tlio e'.ock in tho forenoon, -A.. DAY'S. , a few to moan a "hit" Please call at vers days mid times slnco tho said Intermarriage, F. last week is construed by cause Ifany have, why tho same should not 3gardlnss of deaths, nut exaeedinj sir lines, thoy to wit on tlio 25th 11 A I). I8—April 17, Mr. In C. Foss, 39 yrs. Judiroof Mid Courti It IMA without any good reason, hut wrongfully loft Dress Goods* on the 03 Executrix or tho PHAIiOtK'S EXT ACT borne of and dosorted your II- ing some of our streets. More light L>*) ton—March 21), Mrs. Deborah Smith, HATIKNCB L. TUOMraON, tho your libelant, Hwll Opposite York Hotel, Main st. Haco. will of Ezra lato of Khapleigh, U'lant, and Ium over slnoe nor said desertion rr- Nathan Dane, I mo*. 1 Thompson, nubject has long been needed.—— yr* county having her first suscd mid -till refuses to rcturu as iu duty bound South It, Anna S., oldest lt> said .dceensed. presented farm and account of of tho estato of said to live with her lawftil husband, your libelant ; Jr., of Kennebuuk, has sold his Ilerwlok—April X> ndmlniatratlon Esq., daughter of .lohn 0. Thompson, yrs. dntaat«ilor allowance: that m divorce in-in tho bonds of matrimony l»e- of Jacob Smith, notice to his CLAN TARTAN other projierty to John Roberts, Jr., Esq., Waterboroujjh—Ajiril 11, Mr. CtrJrrrJ, That tlio said Accountant glvo twecn your libelant and the said Clara Adauis, Interested, by causing a copy of this CEREUS! Wife, would b« conducive t«» donteslln harmony and that hear that tho parties arrest- 05 yrs 9 mos. all persons WIGHT BLOOMING place.—We 7l» order to be three woks suoccsslvujy iu consistent with tho |»oo«c and of soeiety. a. r, r-t Iter wick—April 11, Mrs Abigail Ilaycs, published for the handkerchief morality STYLES, ed for the assault on Merrill, elsewhere men* the Union nmt Journal, printed at Mldrtelord, In said moat splendid perfkinn When lore libelant prays right and Ju«llcc. 2 mos 5 day s mlo In thin 70 etnlt your l>e yrs that they may appear at a IWialo Court overofterod lor city—pricr and that tlio bonds or matrimony may dissolved camc nrar from jail Saturday Mr. James U. county, TUG tiik orhuutk. As bound tioned, escaping Waterboroujh—Dec. 10,1803, to be held at Sacu, la cuid county, un the a bottfr—vr AnuA*n:n between him and his said tvlfo. In duty were not at first in 32 In next, at ten of tho olook will over CLEMENT J. ADAMS- nfteruoon. They placed Earl, yrs. first Tuesday May l'erfumery of all kinds, from 10 pray. religion June last. Ilia hope In the forenoon, nnd allow cause. If nnv lliey have, or liOwvacelul tho ruosday Juuuary thoyoarofour ! CRARL6S B. ORANOER, they At a Court orpfebaMhelitat South llerwfek.wlttifn lln.iMiitly deceased, AtaCourtof in haud with aa "(Inly but lour hours earlier. pleasure, h nmi'. with Uoiinehuiik|Nirt. Iu laid county, having of on tho first ilny of May next, serving her "•Freo Irotn rol»on«." pupers, Iurat«.*l«n. thu aald aooouutant glvo no- elghtovu sacoxsdvelv In tho L'nlon and a against Courier is one of tho most readablo pajtcrs of STKPilKN EYKRKTT. OrUjtd, That K Bourne. of *aM Court: weeks Journal, Wholeaale In all law cltlci. ti«n Inquire causing a Judge at Ulddofonl. In said County of H7"8ol«l noma r. Tartar, ItMI. 8*17* tlcp'to all iM.'r*oni Interested, liy BKAN. widow of Jatnes Bean, late of lienspapor printed all Druggist*«u>l retailors orerywhere. | l)M Mnikuarl. comes to our table, We are informed nitMcfnnl, April ii, iu tho Union \ to bo tJr.told t>y tlut copy of this order to bo uuMlshod "IfARY lu said county, deceased, having pre- York, tholast publioatlon thereof thlrtyda's) IIt.wauk !!Tor all wortlilou Imitation*. *»ld three ill York, or said that she ^Tl!! W. that (Jen. Xeal Dow will in City Hall, Journal, printed In lUddcfbnL In Oounty, her lor allowance out of the per at least before the sitting Court, thai "Coota a's" nauio la on aaeli Ik)*, Bot- IV. DAY. speak ire. at a sented petition show cause. t^'See Freedom JVol weeks tli.it they uiay appear mid deceased i may then and there In our said Court and Flaak before offers his house jucrssiv.ily, in said sonal estate of tle you buy. Anetiom nod Comrnisaioa IttehMl, soon.—Stepbsu Everett, £«q., uu *ive unto luy ui.IiU county, all person# Interested,by canning copy granted. anmgolyal Depot ». Y. Cinte II and vicinity. that he has taken *«t Uooaoo to of tlmo until Mio teu the clock in the (bronoou. and ah«w oituae, tf week# In the Attesti 0. D. LORD. Clark. Burwhatu, Ui« rnui*lu«l«r hur oi tier to ho three successively 4«Jipyrff, sell at Auction for all who may lfc**r klm with a liuslm-M h the waiu should not bo al- published In said Coun- A truo of tho Libel and onlwr of Court ■hall l>«c<>iuo of lawful are, t<> transact any lli«y ive, why Union If Journal, printed at Blddcford copy mill. Also, all kinds of 8$t»nd Hm4 fWeAsri Ut'lUMlAM. iened. a Prohato Court to he thereon. FRENCH For Cold* and Conaitmpllan, for herself. MOKAvfi P. that they may appear at koufkt mi seM oa reasonable terms. Bossad haad Concha, U. Knowlton, Register. ty. on the first Iff Attest 0. B. LORD, Clerk. Witm«.«—Hkiiit V. Uoumham. Attest, (Jeorgc lioMen at Faoo. In mid Count}', Stores ol all hinds oa band. Caae Beat Ckalre r*. Tl* PI'L WON A it Y HALS AM It IT tho clock In VBORTADLR Dlddelord, April VB, IMt. A truo cop r In May next, at ten of bott'imed. Feather i>*4s oa kaad I ho inoet m-dlcluo tier discovered. It H. Knowlton. Register. Tuesday oonstanUy approved Attei-t.Oeorgo tho forenoon, and whew mine, If any they hare, SOFT HATS ! Place of bnilness h*» »/»W lit t>ft ail I fit, Ttmt, harlnK bad an OF COMFORT Liberty slreat, •/ tho same should not bo allowed. ACUUkB uf ftrtu It Is roo- At a Court »r I'robnie, held at SuutUUorwicit,wiimn why •Yo. .1 Golkie uiiprvocdcutcd sale thirty frort. Wanted, Attect, Ueorgc II. Knowlton. Register. Block, BiLtford, Mt. l>e.«t <4n, imr W"»t eiui- i«n«t Air the of York, on thoflrst Tuesday FOll WORKINO rCOPLE. * W ' i>iumfliMU'«t by our p* t'* YOt'Wl MAN 16 Ip-.'n jr«*r»«ir »tu. V> wnrkt>n< county Decern tmr 3d. |M 8tf In fact *11 \ at in In the your of our Lont eighteen A truo cony. MUtfjlttiM, the JVm, tlio Tr*lf, by .Aahrm. This Is a rant opportunity. Inquire April (lcorco IT. Knowlton, Registor. t.e turn IrtM iind tb* Moii.K.K.llourno, Attest, vim know It. For ccrtltteutes, which eau girvu tki* omen. it sixty-h»ur, by 73 of Court: my Work Boxex, ccuta. EVERY STILE AMD QTOlirY, !•> alim»i say oitrnt. «m wrapper* t<> noli battle. Jii'l^i* said held at South Berwlck.withln I Miiliog t. A, Court: 03 ccnta. PRANK poiitlraly wtthoatpain.hjr Um un s of said Good Hoop Skirt*, FOOT, O'TLKR A CO.. Wliolnili) Druggists, lloaton.— of tid deem tel. lor Allowance; Judge Trustee ofNItrou* Oxide notice to HERRICK. testamentary of| Skirls, 20 to 30 centa. Uu.it tho office of N'U In Uiddcfbrd dtalon generally. tiuil Machines, nr,trrr,t. That tho aaid accountant giro will and testa- Children'« Hoop by Mowing a of this Louisa SafThrd, under the last all |*r*ons Interested, by causing copy CHARLRM In Best Skirt*, very low. 8wl4 York Hotel, Mala at., Haeo. William SaflorU. late of Keunuhunk. Hoop Oppoilte DR. or Jer to Iks published three woekt mMernlvrly In ment of 73 worth HALEY, dco at a Prut ato Court account us such Trustee, [/YORK county, apue»r said accountant no. Biddeford, Nor. 13. V c ma i\M ks ru rk k*s fbp* to ho holUcu at Saco. In said county, on tho Ordered, That tho give Oeut'a Lioco ltoiuiiiM, cheap. n.oruns, a 30 cents. tlrst of next, at ten of the clock tlcc to all pcraous Interested, by causing UciiI'm Hntnlkerelilela from 17 to Fire Cents Saving? Institution, TuefHay May In tho l/nhn *r I Mmitl* la the (brenoost ami »how mow, If any copy ol this order to be published Linen Hnudkrrcliicfa 10 oenla. ORGANIZED MARCH 1800. Celebrated Feuntie (ktlil bjr they haro, »a!d three 1 27, the .'.mho should uot bo allowed. Journal,printed In lllddefbrd, In county, 23 ccuta. from a of Hlr J Clarke. M. why at a Pro- Three Cotton Handkerchief* fur B. F. Prepared preaerlptlnn AtUst.tieorgo 11. Kuowlteu, weeks successively, that they may appear HAMILTON, to the yueeu. I. Register. conn- Best 3 ucnta a President. Jomh M. Uoodwix. K*tnM>nlln*ry CHOIKiK UUODWINi coi>>-. bate Court to be held at Kac-j. fn said Nee (►««»*». and at u la no bat at ten of ^ v Counsellor TM« tell kuoa medicine iuipM#iUnu, Attest. II. Know I toil tl", on tho first Tuesday In May next, 7 oisuta a-p*t"i*. ^ aDracii Attorney Law, Difficulties ami 8wl? York Hank Uulldlu£, Haco. Uoorxe llcVlster. Ifitu* ttecretary and Treasurer, 8ii A. Boomer | nun1 ami aafe rciaedy for Female theolnck In tho forenoon, and shew cause, If any White 10 otut.*. OHoe^-NOMES altho' Xiu** Lily BLOCK, Obstructions (Voui any ctuse wh itover, and. have why the samo should not he allowed. and William IL TiioMraon, to they A superior article for removing Krtoklea, mk. a U couLuus n»Unn- harVul Small Farm for Sale, II, David Falkh, biddbtord. |>uw«i£il reusHy. *700 llarrch Attest,Ueorgo Knowlton, Register. Vi.> 30 omit* For Male, Situated on tho Doom Road In Saco, two truo and Tiiomas II. I ha ron-tituOon. ^ A copy. Col*. I ) <■ from tho village. Contain* about 25 II. Toilet all kiode, from 3 to 17 omta. IIORACI TO VJKRICIi LJPIKS i^C^nlles Attest,Ooorgc Knowlton, Reglstor. Soap. FORP, Trustees. | about IS is mowing amt tillage, and Picture and Book*. K. IL Bases. a short isjCsTv* Story U nilUd. Jt wilLin time, arc about 2 acre* of ■ It peculiarly COE'S •L- In In pasture. There At a of Probata held at Soul h within I China V.imw. Abel II. Jbllcio*, tSShPiSSife'JfciBKfcs Court Berwick, "| ou t*io l> ■ The Glcpiiit 11* briug monthly poru-d villi regulai vituti'4 jfrewih nf wood on the place. build awl for the County of York.oa tho Qrst Tuesday in Le.tthrt- Cult*.' WlLLUN BsRRT, In all easea of Nervous and >pln*l Affect! >nv stunted. Persons do- Ktinncllcd ~ inir* nr< t'**! awl ple*antly In tho year or oar Lord hun- cent a. UabsralL Prise*. ta the llaek a ad Liuihs. Katigve on alight e*. are April, olghUou Ladies' t'-otton Ifoao, 40 and I'aai OF LIME • Inn^ to purchase a small fariu requested to drad and by tha Honorable K. E C Jnn* 31. UOOPWIIf, of the Wean, ll>slerics, ami SUPERPHOSPHATE oti sixty-four, Bjok Mum!in. rAim^roirsale?- rrtion, Palpltatlou % call and we this, a* It will be fold nvMooahle Bourne. Juilyo of said Court Investing Cora, ^ Laos Alio Aaumsw*, White*. these Pills will effect a curt when allother It n desirable iilnce. For Cambria. The UNDER*OOO htm, oo Mm —IT— ttitn*. Titer will find C. tJPINNRY, Kxeeutor of tlie will of Wliito {William Uaaar. means liav« failed » rem- fioin the i ami, although powerful farther iutiuiro of UKKHY «t YOl'NU, P. Dunn, lata or In aaldcoun Linen Thread. recelfcd Duiton Road, Ihm bIIm eont-\ln or paiticulars j lUchard Klttory, Black ty Deposits every day during Banking bar- do not Iron, calomel, antimony, YOUNU. (fPHIUlM _ Hmu will b« Mid ata edy, FUotory Island,Hacu. PANIKI. L. dooi-a*cd, baring preseutod his flrsL aooouut ol U'allHs from 13 centa to $ 1. Uoura. »yU|j Iluauis Liberty 8L WHs Depot unv thlug haitfai ta thaaousbtaluw. 8wl7 UEORUE I. U0UUW1N, 8aco. awia* ty. (jUjMWuik If for *000. it SMo. _ ol the estato of said for coq% April administration deceased, • ECC»ln applied Full directions In the puupUWt around aach Sun Umbrella—Binl Cagea. u *o 1 off of which la corcrvd with ■ um, which aUuuld Ue careluUr preferred. allowance ^EWOE n' or fRiaree package. ""LIST OF LKTTF.KS For Snie* That the said aoouuntaut slvo notice to Parasols, very chcup. KKOWtT^.'" growth. Will aeil tho h«UdInra aai M For lull (it a Uee, ol the Ordered, 10 cents. ' particulars, pamphlet. ooo a ol Nieo Shaving Hoap, " d#" to Jooeph uncalled for la IIm l'oot Ol!io«, UiJ. A l-STOUY UOl'SU. lk»rn, and about all persons Interested, liy aauslng copy this Appl/ wweks DolU from 3 ccuta to 91.W. anfl Couriwll m! rooms In It. that may appoar Court tfc'» ceuta. Alfted, Me. Seoo rUUco. jnod over M pilla.li> return It) Drag conducted. county, Uey Mpaldiug'a Iloeen».»ry, JOCKPli IIODSuN. Ilrown Jane Martin on the »W««f thihiol at Haeo. iu said ou thn J011MOMiS. V t'ortlandt IL, N.Y. Ahbl© It la »ttiiat*d North-east to bo holdun county, Bat Bills, 10 ceuU. WMI rire particular attention to Inroetigation oi I is gists. and abosttnn of next, at ten or the olock Ilubber 8aoo, April 10. ISM. lii itolc United State* Agent. Ueu«*u JaiiMta >Urt Kliab« D t road. about live inilvs from tho mills, first Tuesday Jfay (and titles. and other matters appearing on the y she v causa, If Largo Humming Tope. reo-1 AND I'hw C Moors reds brvin a oiam bed— an vsoollentall- In tba forenoon. and any they hare, ardf In tho public odlcea nt Alfred. |8tr X AM OOI.NU TO MOVE TO PORTLAND. EUJah Lonii P good being i»>l be allowed. Beat 3 centa a bottle. ualion for claming or fishing. Will U> sjid ciiesp U)0 samo should Ink, WANT TO MAKE ALL THE MONEY A to lurnlldu. Caine I.iwrctico Mr* Mulntire lUehel E why JL 13 centa. Cnnl fir cash. For further Inquire of Attest, Uoorgo Knowlton, lUglstcr, I'lujhit Cnrla. I CAN DEPORB I 00 t llavis U J Mm MoKiuuci Siuaq particulars A Clergrman. while raaldlng la South America • J. GOM»snKl)lUII.__ A true oopy. Union Carda, 33 cent#. a ami reu». l>rvw Sarah E Prentiss Fannie A Usorgo II. Register. of aa a misasloaary, diaoorered safe almple Attest, Knowlton, Utter paper, frum 0 etnU up. •9 ACRES OF WOOD ISLAND, villi the lions* 1 will Nil n/ slosh euro uf Nsnrous Waakucaa, Karly Do l»a»is Wnt Mr* Pat rrwo J 3 ceuta. " «d> fox the Mary DREW k HAMILTON. U.1 Buff KiiTrlojxv, and Barn. Thl» la an excellent ohanoe (br a of tha Urinary and Seminal Organs, Eira I) at I'pobato held at Booth Berwlck.wlthln cay, Dlsuases Fay Annie tV»T*y *i\>mrtof Fine 8 uwila up. • ou AT LAW, on tha flret Combe, yotmg bui an4 lf« ta tain Buraaet B«trtUrs,a*d ami tba whole train of disorders brought by Kianam Clarimla M Sulliran Fannie J COUXSIUl^IsORS county of York, Tuesday bare aminVthe ol our Watches, Jewelry, baneful and riclous habits. Ureal numbers In Iu the year Lord, olijhUen follow The aortof a lilwanN K U Steven* Hannah ALPRKl), MR \urll. call and examine at Pishing, Farming, ic. right cured UuaaoMe roiumly. I*roinpu and sl rty-Mir, by the Hon. K.R. Bourne, Please WARE, t'ofn already by Etta Smith Jcra»ha M hundred party can have tba oso of the building for a term SILVER * PLATED rd ii.v a dealrc to beaeflt the amiatad and wfortu- Fogs Will give special attention to the oollcetion of Stevens Octaviu or tho will of for little or Ao., na»p. I will aewd the aria* UootUin A Duck lh>unllra and Konaioss, Mil to t'le proaecutltfO ol Kxeeutor years nothing. 8 PJCC7XA.OX-Ka, r*Hp*K>r|>r«par1ntan. iImmmI having preMoM fjr pHooa. Gove Julia II Foci 13, No charge unless successful. of PAHTUIllNO to UC gwl»» out at ooal I w JOSKPIl T. I>MAM, CU.O ..I.I CITY Addroaa, dill Marjrarrl Taylor Luey 1»A T. 1M;i.w. BUXXiDHTO-, _Also,1 Button 1>. nitd« House. IfyrAJJ Sakukl K. 1U MIL TPS bow Tar box Letaml K OWEN a MOULTOIC, Joat racolred, (t/lot 3m'17 >awV«rkUly. OoKkn Margaret "Tha *the said Aecoantant glvo notice 14 DIDDBKUIID. 3w Gordon O A Mrs Tattle Maria If you wish to buy pur* a of this FIMQER £1100, Intcrostcd•»» by causing oopy SAB KNOBS, (Oto^llncrsons ailpei»on» L- Journal. nrlnL. PUTS, Hall C M Thomas Mary l'MH. SMITH'S the ftilr one* of the Pine Tree state. Ther m uat be Is Hanson Waterbou* Catherine Drug Store, drmand, la made from tho rkelrral materials. Mary « Street. refined and liberally educated, of an amiable dl* ^^^WKKfel. H wttinuM A Warren E M Lll>crty ir tor Bad Faralihiag No. a Ualaiwat Blooft. wild and *M*llleNl la Us aature, (ragraailr M»ry In the and shew«nse any they hara, poiitlon and good ftimlly. Object motoal la. Readjf-Hade Clothiog Warren Jonathan Mr*3 foronoon, be allewea. Caadi,| FMtofy ^Bt». Joint Washington D J. L. the same should not and perhap* matrimony whoa the war aww •rrwirtl, ami citrciugly brarlrlal In Its action ALLKN, M. D„ wnywhr prorement, One door West of York Bank, I.underpin Iktsey Walan Patrick Attost,Ueorge II. Knowlton. Register. Unrer. Add rem II All RY IKtA'AlU) or KKANK Uuth tiUus Oft* tipou the ahln. Fur sale by all Druggists aad Faucy I) C York HKLTOIIT, Co. K l,t Malm, Army or the prlatod LcvuuUu LiU'ra A trne Cavalry, 21 arW»ddiag • -» II Knowltun. U. 0. Mais Hiaani.tUco. t ;r; Goods l>«alors, lyti I CAROLINE F. CO WAN. P. II. U. 8. EimiIdIbs borjton fur fttulou*. yU* qwf|a Register. Potomac, Wa»klnjtoa. l>» lyr The All Itfleitil Three PARTICULAR NOTICE. to the J. GOLD8BROUGH, Glad Nowb for the Unfortunate Important Afflleted. Maau&cturerof NEW STOCK OF BEMOVAL- TBI LOISBOOAITFOR DR. DOWMtlHN to be conceit*! at hlaoOeo. GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Not. »n«l 9 Laat! THE Fmh Draft St Medicines! 7 KmllcottBtreet, Boeton.on all ditto*. GREAT Disoorered at Mofa PRIVATE OR OBLIGATE i4aT0RE. Kmwb m HdaM#i aabaorlber a Freeh jt having Jwt parehaaed » long eouree of atrnly awl practical C. H. SELLEA, BARGAINS! Stock of Mediclnea, Ac.. invlUa the it* experience it Dm I row of a la hi* baalooea, the Spinning Cylinders! nil TUB Druga, unlimited extent. Or. D. haa bow the cratlfiratleft to talking obup — — Genuine Preparation®, »J>ore net. Has itoioiid ud tentloa of the public lo the of Um inlbrtautt with remedlee nbfcnbcr offer* hi* STOCK of (oodi fbr lea* pmntlBf thM EXT*ACT "DVCHU* have never. alnce tie Int Introduced them, tolled In Doaton or Now HZLMBOLD'S than Ibo wholeaale prlo* MULE DRUM8! 'CURES' SJRSJPAR1LLA to cure the won ilirmmi; caaea or con«tnaeted body the U*« of the Ckeroktt Remedy and Cktr. Indisposition of beautiful Black, should try It. It Ta feellag and the Injurious a See la BT By Lou of Memory, Difficulty Breathing, uncomfortable Best ,80 okte Injection—Iho two medloinea at tha aame time the of clothing usually worn by Cashmeret, and the Weak Nerves. Trembling, 70 Cents per Box I can«ed \>y weight SPLENDID COMPOUND —all improper discharges are removed, Wakefulness. Only DR. and Surgeon, No. 7 A f En* lea. to full Horror of Disease, aa other whleh aell lor ft. DOW, Phyalelan lad for weakened organs are speedily restored vigor Pain In the Beck, and Uia same aiae l>yee dlcott Street, U eoneultad dally for all dis- The Coraet skirt Supporter laalao adap- Tweed, ,45 Dimness of Vision. and la not aatladod that It la Duaton, perfectly SPLENDID COMPOUND and the Body, Any one tbat trie* It, eases to tha tomala system. meet the new of drea, >» Boat strength. Universal Lassitude of Floshlngof the box Incident Prolaptus ted to atyle (trine Best All-Wool Por Hill get onr pamphlet from on the the knt Dye they ever uaed, by returning tba Womb, Kluor Alhus, fullness to the aklrta. Filling Tweed, ,62 fJT particulars the Muscular System, Eruptions Faee, re- Uteri, or tolling or hup. em»*n aufflclent any store In the or write us and we with the bottles aan have their money SPLENDID COMPOUND drug conntry, Hot Pallid Countsnanoe, kmf/ /all aad utbar menstrual ara Mi-a. I*dally receiving U*Uuionlala of the a full treatise. Hands, them. prcsalon, derangements, foy Denims and Corsot '28 will mail free, to any address, of the 8kln. turned to now treated new farer with whleb ft la regarded by ladle* who bar* Jeans, or three Dryness R. and sold at npon pathological principles,and Price, ckeroktt Remedy, %2 per bottle, Prepared by PARKER LIDBY, rallal In ft rary tow days. No it a trial. to on, which * Sweetslr** Block tpcedy guaranteed (Iran bottles for $5. These if allowed go hla Hair Drajlng Room.Qulnby certain U tha new mode or treatmcat. A thorough Inapeetlon and Mr trial la ropect- And other things at low rate*, no Oil and but of or three symptoms, removes, soon follow Pout Offlce. Btddeford, Me. 3Jtf Invariably eorreapondlng containing Alcohol, composed Price, Cktroktt injection, %2 per bottle, this medicine invariably oppoalte the that moit obstinate yield under It, and IU11 v aollelUd. I bottle* for in one of complaints Including $3. Fittt SH ED tlie afflicted perron soon rejolaaa la perfrrt health. Kent to addroaa on of Fatuity, Epileptic ESTABLI 17~0CT by express any receipt price. Impotence, Who can say Dr. Dow baa no doubt had greater In all which the patient may expire. experience Void by druggists everywhere. those the cure or dlscaacs or women and children, than KED VEGETABLE EXTRACTS! R. A that are not followed by peter~TorTllard, GLOVES, l)r. W. MERWIN CO., they frequently other la Boston. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Bole diseases," any phyalelan Of the boat Culorwd and Whit*. Proprietor*, "direfal AND TOBACCO MAMJFAl'TUBBR, accommodations for patlenU who may quality—la VEGETABLE EXTRACTS! No. 119 atrcet. New York. 8NUPP Hoarding Liberty wish to In Boeton ft tow a under hla treat- the boat A 3d Hanover INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. 10 and IS Chambers Streat, atay da) 4 53r Also, 0. C. floodwln Co., street, Boston, ment. EMBROIDERIES, VEGETABLE EXTRACTS! New York Wholesale Agent*. aware of the oanse of their suffer- 42 Chatham Street. J Dr. I confined hla whole for 8aoo. Many are (Formerly Dow,rtnco MR, baring MITCHELL agent yleowtf the ar- tor the cure or Prl- LACES. ing, but none will oonfcM. The records of WOULD eall the attention of Dealer* to the attention to an offloe practice, and the melancholy deaths Tr tloleg ol hla manufoctnre, rli t rata dlseasesand PeuialeComulalnU,a«knowIedgo Machines THE GKEAT Insane Asylums, by In the United Btatea. DRESS TRIMMINGS, Sewing bear witness to the truth BROWN 8NUFF. no auperlor chemically combined and elegantly perfumed. Consumption, ample N. It.—All lettora muat oontoln tour rod aUmpe In the from to of the asiertion. Maeaboy, Demlgroa. will not be answered. UNDERSLEEVES, market, $30 |73. Indian Medicine! Fine Pure Virginia, or tbey one* with Organic Rappee. Offlco bonra Iron 8 a. v. to 9 r. *. COMPOUNDS!) KROM TAs Constitution, ajicttd Coarse Naobltochea, tftakntu, Rappee, COLLARS. See. C. Q. BURLEIGH. if. American gentleman Copenhagen,! BEST DRESSING! the aid of medicine to strengthen alt Saeo, Feb. 1,1864. 6 Requires YELLOW SNUFP. Certain Cure in Case*, the system, which Hilmbold'i Honey Daw Scotch. BEST DRESSING! and invigorate Scotch, Or No Chnrte Made. Extract Buchu invariably does. A trial will High Toaat Scotch, Fresh y Dew Scotch, NEW STORE Irish High Toast, F Scotch, Dr Dow la eonaulted dally, from 8 a. a. to ft r. w. BEST convince the most skeptical. ot — DRESSING! HOOP SKIRTS! and or Lundyfbot, m above, upon all diffloult and chronic dleeaee* The Largeet and Beat Aaeortment to b* found In the Jltrnti*n it ea11td It tkt I org* reduction in prtett •very natno and nature, having by bla unwearied a ref- State. oonalaUng In part of Femalet< of Vint Cut Cktwmg and Smoking Tokaccot, ickiek attention and aueeeea pined Femalen% extraordinary of the NEW will kt a trior utation which call* patient* from all parte GOODS! in the world. OR found of Suf Quality. J. W. Bradley's celebrated (Patented) Hoop OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, TOBACCO. oountry to obtain advlee. MARRIAGE. the In Beeton, none etand Will stop and pre rent hair from CONTEMPLATING rurt cm chkwixo. awoxixa. Among pbvelclane Skirt*, Pride of the World, Pari* Gore BMOKixa. In the than the celebrated 1)11. MES8R8. HILL A BOND the P. A. L. or 8. Jago. higher profcaelon In many affections peculiar to Females Long. plain, No. 7 Endlcott Street, Uoeton. Theee who Ac. or Sweet, DOW, Trail, LaPetite, Quaker Gore, K received a and is other rem- No. 1, Cavendish Spanish, ecrvlcea of an and Just Urge Extract Buchu unequalled by any Sweet Soented Uronooo, Canartor, need the experienced phyalcian well selected stock of Foreign No. 2, ahunld him a call. Alao, the Belle Monte, Bon Ton MAV FALLING OFF! as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, and 2 Turklah, aurgeon giro and American Cloths of *11 edy, Not. 1 mixed, Dr. Dow and baa lor tale a new gni'lfs or of the customary Tin Foil Cavendish. P. 8. Iraporta and Floe Blaok Painfulness, Suppression Granulated, beoruU Order by 2 and Skirts. styles, comprising state of will be aent on article oalled the French mall, Plimpton and FALLING OFF! Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schlrrous N. B. A ciroular of prlcei appll* Fancy 19—lyr" for |l, and a red atamp. CHEROKEE CUBE. tho Uterus, Leuchorrhoea or Whites, Sterility, oatlon. notion. IM3. lylS Lidirsi' Skirti from li to SO. FALLING OFF! wheth- April Springs 0E1UIAN, ENGLISH * SCOTCH jy An unfailing enre for Spermatorrhea, Seminal and for all complaints incident to the sex, 44 »♦ »♦ and all dlteatet BUFUB SMALL & HUN, AMERICAN it FOHKIGN PATENTS." liuei' 4 2i. ll'eakneie, Nocturnal Emiittoni, er srising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipa- euch at Lot' Memory, i CLOTHS, muted by lelfpollution ; of tion, or In the AUCTIONEERS, A large atock of Univerial Laitilude, Paint in Ike Hack, Dtmnett of Will promote* Pition, Premature Old Age. Ifeal Her vet, Difficulty LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS, R* H. EDDY an Declino or of Life. FRKfCII LRATHER nAOS. .Ciissimercs, Doeskins, of Breathing, Trembling, Ifaiefulnett. Eruption! Change Mb. the Fare, Pale Insanity, Coneumption, Office in City Building, Biddeford, PORTE MONNA1EH. CoM*frna*re, sss srwrroMs aboyr. OF JYJ1MEL, and all the direfulcomplainttcauiedby departingfrom SOLICITOR* PATENTS, POCKET •f wliER JXYI TOJYS and to Lot* of V. 8. Patent Ofllrr, tftukington, BOOKS, the vatk of nature. Wt art our whole tlmo attention Agent NEW GROWTH! NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. gl ring tkl act PERH'MKItY, Tlili medicine !« a ilinple vegetable extract, the abort bualncaa, ami repreaent the following (mrdtr e/ IW.) ftC. (3T Mu- SATINETT8, TWEEDS, and one on which all can rely, a* It haa been uted M Agent*, rli:— The Miutacktutlli TOILET NEW GROWTH! or Med- Companlea 70 Slate Streett opposite Kllbjr Street, ARTICLES.J PLAIN SILK r Pa- VESTS & have entirely oome away. okkk Cunr Secret Disease§ 000, and Aaalgnmenta, Papera Drawlnge COATS, PANTS, and after all quaek doctor* have railed ! rate aa Agent* for tne following Are oompanleai tenta, executed on liberal terma and with despatch, GIFTS! »n«l Price, made In the most HOLIDAY of every Style Will remove For full a Circular from any at little or Cktltta Mutual, of Chelaea. Musi., quincy Mutu- flcecarchea made Into American or Foreign worka, warranted to particulars, get in all tbeir stages; little expense; reliable manner, and store or write the and ls>n uat. utabiiitu of inutnlioni. Pec. 21. 1*63. DANDRUFF! and inflammation, so in course Blddeford, No. 60 Liberty itreet, New York. allaying pain frequent fUlly and promptly performed. During eight month* the subecrU>er, la of READY MADE CLOTHING! 0. C. Goodwin A Co., 38 llanovcr street, Uocton, this class of diseases, and expelling Pouonoiu, Ill Hid SMALL A SON. lila larce practice, made on tirtre rejected appllca. A Dittattil and IVorn-Out Matter. 186a lyr!8 tlona SIX TKKN APFKAL8. EVF.RY one of which ot the latent out and made by Wholesale Kent*. Illddeford, JuneaS, style, hand, M ITCH for 8aoo. y leow8 waa decldcd In An by the Commissioner ot which will be told as low as can With it is ELL, agent thousands who have been favor everybody Thousands upon SHERMAN'S IMPROVED Fatents. JL II. EDDY. be bought elsewhere. WISTAK'S BALSAM the viotims of CLOTHES WRINGER, GENT'S FURNISHING TESTIMONIALS. GOODS, DELIGHTED! QUACKS, "I Mr. aa one of the mo»t why It will par to bur one lat They regard Eddy eajahto of the finest WILD CHERRY and who hnve heavy feet to be cured in a and meeiiifml with whom 1 have had quality, comprising >oa hiailv paid art In oouatrucUon.and not llablt to gtt practitioner* DELIGHTED! iias aim iuid were and REASONSalmplt oRlclal intercourse." short time, havo found they deceived, out of order. White Col- CHARLES Under Shirts, Drawers, Shirts, HALF A CENTURY, that the "Poison" has, by the use of "Power- 3d. i with proper care they will MASON. DELIGHTED! Theyarodurablo Commlaaloner of Patent*. lars, Neck White Silk and Linen with thi moit AafoBitning acccsaa id cobibo ful been dried in the laat a lifetime. Ties, Astringents," up system, "I have nohealtatlon In inventora thai Bora out in an ft and 3d. will aart their wholt coat trery alx aaaurlng lldk'fs, Black Fino Cougha, Colda, Hoaraeneaa, Throat, to break aggravated rm, They cannot a more and do.,Suspenders, montha In alone, at the prtatot high pn- they employ poraon eomptlenl Influenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. clothing more of their Kid, Cloth und Iluck Gloves, Ota ol olotha. /m«(i»er/*ir,and oapable putting ap- Liver Complaint. Bronchitis, In a form to aecure for them an Fur Ac. beautiful hair and wish to 4th. aart a deal of bard work. plications early PIANO FORTES FOR SALE, Driving Glovee, To all who have Difficulty of Uroftthlng, Thty great and (bvorable oomlderatlon at the Patent Ofltoe." and USE For rait at T. L. KIM HALL'S Al I Crystal Arra4i>, upsi«ir«, it! whose hair has fallen or is Asthma, every EDMUND BURKE, a of preserve falling affection of i»tf Hardware Also, One assortment Helm hold's Extract Buchn _ Store.^ Late Commlaaloner of Patent*. BlddvforU, Muino. a beautifier ! this LONGS AND CHEST. off! whoso hair needs prepa- THE THROAT, ••Mr. R. II. Eddy haa made for me T1I1RTF.KN K> POND. even For all Affections and Diseases of Works! D. ration is especially adapted. Including Biddeford Marble applications, ou all but one of which patenU have HATS AND GAPS! THE URINARY ORGANS, been granted, and that la •«» pending. Such un- |7* To Ladies' and children's use this prepa- CONSUMPTION. mlataleable proof of great talent atra ability on whether in Male or from aoajisTa CO. Mr. D»nd would take this to thank at once. existlnr Female, his Icada mo to recommend all inventora to opportunity ration commends itself There It (carvel/ one Individual Id announce to tht citiitna oi part Mends and the for the liberal whatever cause originating, and to him to procure their they may his publlo generally hart apply patents,aa for the nasi (bur HENRY A. BERRY, Chemist, Ulddtford and rlclolty that they vptntd be euro of the moat Aiiibftil attention b*. patronage bestowed him Dm who How Respectfully having HATS! upon { community wholly escapes, No Matter of Long Standing! on Linooln atreet, In the caatern end oi on reaaonahle years, and hopos by strict attention to his business, Proprietor, 2£>i Congress sLt aahop atowed their caeca, and at very char- made to the Qulnby A Swee tier Blocker the manufacture oi JOHN TAUUART. and well eut and thoroughly garments, Portland, Me. a from lonu how- o gea." The subscriber has In star* a and well se- jllwrlng season, one, Diseases of these Organs require the aid a ISM. large merit a continuance of the same. Sold by all Grave Boaton. February. Iyr9 lected STOCK of * Druggists. Dicextic. Stones, Tablets, WM. C. W. DOND. •ver of th« above HILL, Price, AO Ceata per Itottle. lyS slight)/ developed, MOUTTIVIENTS, D. ttereral Coat and Pantaloon Mskers Important to Farmert. N. good of which Helmbold'u Ext, Buehu wanted. # : NEW •yinptoms—a neglect might TABLE AND COUNTER TOPS, *C.. ftC SOFT HATS! IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, Alao, Soap Stent Holler Tope. Funnel Stone* The auheerlbera hart fbr Mil at th«lr Foundry oa AM JEWELRY STORE. leap to Um last named, and mott to be WATCH and it is certain to have the desired effect In all Store Lining*, Ac. hprlng'a liland. »»• TAKE NOTICE. done with neatneaa and and war Uf erery coneeirahla 5fy/», Color and Oualtlg, Irvaded disease In the whole catalogue. Diseases for whioh it is recommended. Work dlapatch rylnj lu pfloe frota #1 to $i. Also, TWAMBLEY & CLEAVES, rantad to girt aatla&ctlon. Ordtra aolloited. Plows, The of the "medicinal of I8tf respeotfally announce to the eitisens of power gum" BLOOD I BLOOD! BLOOD Dlddefbnl, July 4,1962. PLOW CULTIVATOR WOULDBlddefora, Saco and vicinity, that they hare POINTS, TKBT1I, »' Hats, the Wild Cherry Tree over this class of Books ! Books ! MECHANICS, opened store Flelmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Cnuldrou Kettles, Ash Mouths, FARMERS, a A resile, aubacrlber offora for aale valuable a**ort N*. 3 Crystal Is well so Is ia graat rwitly, comprising all the lata styles. AND complaint! known) great mentor SCHOOL, MUSIC and MISCRLLANE- formerly Shaw A Clark, where they TIIE WHEEL occupied by (be good It has pe rforned, and m great Ihe popularity Fluid Extract OUS HOOKS, Photograph Album*, Hlank Hooka, HUBS, lor sale a new and beautlfbl assortment of offer It has acquired. Sarsaparilla. Portfolloa, Kngrarlnga, Phot4>graplia, Not* and Let Cloth and tilazed MANUFACTURERS! the e-jrrpnii/rs. at Cups, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, In thie preparation, beeidee virtue* of tkt tar Pit per, Wrapping Paper, Pocket Cutlery, Ac., WHEEL, BOXES. Cherry, there are commingled with it other ingri' This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks tht lawtl cath priet$\ Tour attention Is called to the stock of and all artloles found In a well appointed t*iiue ten We will make For MKN*S and HOT* wear, uf all the regular usually dienti of like ra/ur, (tui increasing its of the Na. t Blddrftrd. Mr* any and all of Cast* Store. Strlot attention to the 8exual Organs, Linings Nose, Ears, CryaMl Arcade, descriptions •tries, and many new and Ftmev Pattrrm. Jewelry paid Repairing fold and forming a Remedy whoee power to lootht, In-' uicd liy fanners and otliera at tne eborteat no- Clocks and Throat, and other Mucus Surfsoes, liORACR PIPRR. 1 bar* aa a stock aa can be found in any re- Watches. Jewelry. to heal, to relieve, and to euro du»a»e,exuti in no Windpipe, yl8 tice, and at the loweit lane* and at short no- its in the form of Ulcers.— prleea. tail More Id New Kaglaad, striae to customers aa Coflo Plates furnished Engraved other medicine wet dtecorcred. making appearanoe A aUare of your patronage la aollelted. and other kinds of enrrn vlnic done. HUM'S K. Helmbold's Extract the good a chance for selection aa they can find In Boa. HARDWARE! tlee, From IIon. OOODENOW, Sarsaparilla purifies lloHACa The are Invited to call. a Member of from Maine. WOODMAH, toa or elsewhere. publlo respeotAilly Formerly Congress Blood, and removes all Eruptions of the $5....FIVE DOLLARS....$5. Juum II. UcaaNAM we SAMUliL U. TWAMBLKY, hare tried Wietar'i llaham Wild for Scaly QTUo My of the above goods we think can ••I of Cherry to the a Clear and Blddeford. June 18, IM1. It) ALBERT K.CLEAVES. waa Skin, giving Complexion make 11 fbr the late rest of customers to (Ire us a an aasodlngly troublesome cough. The eflect all It for Farmers' »>tf um Color. being prepared expressly eall befora aa we then as Blddefbrd, May. 1963. " that could l>e <1r»lred. The of leH than on* bottle Healthy purchasing, shall sail — •. «•. -Arrm imM i». ^ this class of its Blood as ni. relieved me Among great rarletlei of medi- complaints, Purifying cheap the cheapest. AUHn.WVO AilU imvn entirely. FRANCIS YORK cines which I have used, I hare foil nil none tqual to Properties are preserved to a greater extent served two I cases $1(0 Dounty to thoee who have years, "Wuhtr'e." Its curative properties,In of cough, than any other of Sarsaparilla. PRANK to wldowa and preparation Will eontlnno at the FOSS, or b««n wounded In battle—and I regard aa Invaluable." GEORGE H. KNOWTiTON, to keep old sUrd, heirs. From QROKOE W. MILLETT, Km)., Will Lountlea and Peaalon* lor Na •wll Opposite York Hotel. Main St., Saoo. Pensions to Invalid Soldiers and 8eamen—also to Editor of the "Norway Advertiser." Hclmbold'n Rose wash. procure $3. Partlea at a dlitance can wldowa and mothera,and orphan sisters, "Seveial years sine* I llrst became aeqoalnted with tkmrgn m*tenluceeit/ul. AT 2EXZSTGPB dependant An exoellent Lotion for Disease* of a baalne*a to a CORNER, THE BOSTON FIRE BRICK MACHINISTS' children under sixteen. this llalsam at a Ume of a distressing cough aod Syphil- baro tholr atUnded by forwarding TOOLS! and cold, nod m an in Disease* atatement or tlielr rate the mall. I hare unusual facilities fbr prosecuting the which took such firm hold wf my lungs aa to render m« Itio nature, Injection of through Addrtat above claim* and elieaply. Hare al- until for business, and lu operation produced a s|ieelw« of see assortment of MASurACvtiuEa or and It has to be very reliable and efficacious In For medjoal properties HUCHU, Dispensa- GREAT BARGAIS8 Alao, a general and (toll LOCOMOT1VK FIRS BLOCKS, proved the United States. the treatment of severe and long standing csn*he. I tory of THIS STOCK IS NEW, DLfTLLS' valuable works on Dakar's Oraa and Oraan-houae Tllea. Clay Ratorts O OPFINSJ! know of one patient, uow In comfortable health, who See Professor ths Tllaa to aat Fire this and but lor use con- Praetlce of Physio. aad the aacaaaary thaoi, Barea, arar feaa St., BkMcleid* lias taken remedy who, Its I Oucnt. fir* ud Kaolin. and will b« sold very low forcash,u Ipurpose(It- sider would not now be lliing. R D. Bee remarks bkId by the late eslsbrated Or. Family Groceries, Clay tarnished to order, at low FELLOWS, >1, Mf-Choice lag my whole attention to other business. Robes and Plates price From a highly Respectable Merchant. PHYSIC*. Philadelphia. at tan on Furniture repaired. BawKlllngand Job Work don See remarks inado by Dr. EPIIRAIM Me DO IT- OAHPBTBt Tha aadarslrnad fire thalr 11 that Persons Intending to balld this season will do Fumocti, Ma., Aug. 10,1M0. will be »old at the LOWK8T Market Prlee. ipaolal at short notloe. 18 a oelehrated aod Member of which all ordara for toe above manuiaoture arc cieouted to avail themselree of thl» to Messrs. 8. W. Fowls ft Co.i ELL, Pbyslelan, the well opportunity or ▲T for the liberal of hie Irlenda wlto prMaataaaa. JAMBS KOMOND A CO.. their NA1L8, TRIMMINGS, 4o., whloh dents:—»'or a long time I ha re suffered mora or let* (loyal College Sargeoos, Ireland, and published THE CARPET 8T0RK OF tlratefal patronage purchase KrafEitiTlf In la the TraasMtloas of the and Queen's J oar- woald talO SalllMc Afanta, 13 Liberty Square, Boatoa. a »hort time Ik afforded then. with that distressing affliction—fhthyeic— Its went king and In the Mr. York reepeeW for sal. patrom |»aet, call and examine. in Biddefbrd. forms, and hare resorted to various so-called remedlee. not. Please For 8al« Review, aollclt a oontlnuanee of the CHARLES 1IARDY. to no purpose as affording the desired relief. Deprived See Medloo-Cklrurgieal published by V. A. tally Coffin Warehouse. •irtf Tk* 5*re ffntrr Potttr ce. Fellow DAY, I7tf of my sleep by reason of the severity of the disease, It BENJAMIN TRAFERS, of the Royal Cot- Dlddeford. April 17, I8M. Offers (br sale at reduced prices, from one to one was only too ertdent that I waa fas' breaking down un- Wtf 3 ' M- MILITARY of the late on No. City Bulldlnj, niJJeri.nl. X>~E"A. RING, hundred acres of good forming land, part of whloh der It. I resorted to Dr. Wutar'e Haleam of Wtid See most Standard Works Medietas. More. acccaaaou to t. p. a. marima, with wood, and located within about with but little eoofldence as to Its curative Conimimiioii la oorered Cherry prop- Buehu. *till comiru to a new mo Cxtraet %IJMptrMtle%*rtiM far $840. three-fourths of mllo from the city blook. erties, bat the use of one bottle has entirely rid of " ** Particular Notice. Sartapari/U, 1.00 r>JXX O OO O ,fc* a number of house and store lota In the monster and to the I can command 14 o DWIN, I«r««» •»< Brat Aaa*rtaa«ai Also large this i public safoly 60 «• underlined hare thla formed a conart- ! >mpr»t*4 Kmc Wmth, day • CommImIon Htore at the oor- UNIFORMS the Bills. Terms easy. It as every way worthy their eon Me nee. 3,80. under th« nam* oimmabd OP ALL KINDS, From E. T. QUIMBY, M. A., Principal ">l the "Nov < ilent to core the most obstinate eases. If directions DOT. he he- for eale all arUelee at eaeh JL CARD. Ipswich Appletoa Academy." I ire adhered to. and leased the itora known as Uio "Rock Store,' atoree. Cath paid for Heoond-lland Furniture a ad at short la as Oct Junk. *1 Katie by the subscriber notice, good Naw IrswicH, N. H 4, IMO. Delivered to any from Pepperell Square, Saco, where inay be found old at To ids and Invalids. address, securely packed and at LESS PRICK than any oth- Physiol Meters 8. W. Fowxa ft t <>.— , style >bservation. noar er establishment In Maine. 11* keeps Rer. Ciaiui E. Xno, fbrmerly Secretary Gentlemen:—This eertlOes that for aora than fifteen HOUSE, Liberty St., Curerod and V Describe la all ooamnafeatlons*— CORN, FLOUR AND MEAL, constantly on hand to the London Evangelical Alliance, re- yeara I have frequently used Dr. WUtor'e Bottom of symptoms Urldre, Blddalbrd. Valentine Free la prepared TUB Minister and hires Adviee gratia. a assortment of DYE UKORGE C. YKATON. cently connected, as resident Physi- Wild Cherry for Coushs, Colds, and Sore Throat, to guaranteed. and general to dye allklnda of Linen. Cotton, 811k ana ouiea with the Venesnelan Mission, will send Free which I, In common with the real of mankind, «m sub. Uood*. of any color. In the »>ett manner. Coats ami at olan, with whleh he AFFIDAVIT. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIBH, Attorney Couuaellor Law * ARMY BI..UE CI..OTH, the PreMrlpllaai ject, and It gives me to say that I consider It VetU. Panta,Cape*. Raj(laae, Daaqnlna, Ae.,nleana. SOUTH •fCeal^Q the pleasure before an of BtkWlCK, ML., aucoeufUlTv Itreated, while In charge or large the i*ry beet remedy lor such which I am ac- Personally appeared me, Alderman •d and oolorod without being and la casea,wtth be of If. T. 11 sum whloh will ba sold at tha l»w*i market prtaa. ripped, pat Will attention to and Air Mission upward nf ear hundred eesrs if I should know how to do wlthoat It. elty Philadelphia, solo, who,be. | food order. All coloring dose by htm la warranted fire special murine !>*»*».. snltablitrlmmlnp lloapltal, quainted. hardly doth his in tht firtt.ttendmnd third »tmgn. yours, E. T. QUIMBY. ng duly swora, say, preparatloas oontaia fbr Ooods. nottoamuL lyrlf CONSUMPTION Respectfully to no or other Prodaoa taken In eiehanja The remedy Is equally adapted to the treatment From the Publisher of the "Piscataquis Observer," j nareotle, mercury, ln|urloasdran, Country all aflectlons ' >ut are vegetable. H. T. HELM BOLD. W. **• alatere,Ac.,who ara entitled thereto. Officers' Astuma.Catarrh, Buonrams,and Dover, Ma. purely L. JOHNSON. Llmerisfc AnufTin (eats, Overcoats, Pants while It Swore and subscribed before me. this ZM or tut tlr with Adams A to., H®?£v paraoa or ky laMar. to URU. C. of the lAtngn, Thr—t and Jir-I'tu*agei j Wietar'e BaJtam of Wild CArrry—This Balaam I day tut YKatI.N, ■ foveasber. I8M. WM. P. >' Su. fftrvut use of oan HIBBARD. Oct __ S5£ «F Berwick. lie, speedily Invigorates the enfeebled Sfiltm, have made myself, and In my family, and 8*00, 1.1*3- Mowing Machines! AND "VESTS. 3i*m~ Ninth street, above Phlla. and eaerglies the deranged functions of the safely rroommsad It to the paMlo aa being an article Alderman, Raee, uaT pli/mb* Nathaniel kobbsT and Beieri*. well worth tor whleh It Is It la na hum meh. /Jesr using, adapted. Address Letters for Information la eonfldenoe, for and Jmcktlt. to refor to the Presidents and We hare tiled It and eaa to _ dental ArtUItrf Serceants' Permission is given bog! thoroughly, testify H. T. ItELMBOLD, C.fVFG.f *n<* Cherroas and I*. Med leal Colleges of the Its effeota. UEORUE V. EDEs, Chrmitt, CHIEF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corporals' tttripea, Professors ef the several good , IM Sooth Tenth si, below Chestnut, Phlla. had eltr. and to the Rev. Messrs. Adams, Potter. Sayres November, MOO. >epot ©ESTABLISHMENT,. The Beat Machine fbr the Leaet WORTH BERWICK, ML. rjflUTlnx eousldamble experlenoe Id the v- | mm4 t CrjMmi ArcaJf, Money, essare and Duren. his em«omers that entire Van Prepared by 8ETH W. FOWLS ft sad Sewers C»unl*rfiU» and • BIDDEFORD BUILT AND satisfaction2S2J2l will with CO., Boston, e/ Unprlnctptrd Dtmleri, BOLD BT be (Wen In all eases. Address, stamp. all and 1 UBKRTYHTRRET, Clmmt m lU Oeasruwmt for IVnalona, CHARLES R. KINU, sold by Druggists dealers in Medicines. Srowmfi Vbo endeavor to dlspeee tkrir «m" and other PHlad and EztraoUd with. Bounty, Rev. N.rras Killed. Teeth WOODMAN k Back I'ay and Priao Money. pn-ocutr-l at raaaona O G. BURLEIGH, Station D, Bible House. articles on the reputation attained by administration ol Uas, Ether or BURN QAM, ** HOUSE LSD LOT FOR-8ALB." *-aS by kla char jat. No charge ualaaa sucoeaafol. ty I Cnloa Block. Factory Island, Saoo. New Yortr. Helmboldl Uenulne Preparations, I8tf Dlddeford, Malae. P. & I wish publicly to acknowledge the gener- Ttio sultaorlhor offsra Ibr sale a story and a ** M Extract Buehu, M, IM. _ W. P M ^■kgSa.AptO IWL FRF.KMAN. osity of Uioae publishers who, from motives of hu- jfflftliair house OB mil street, ttaco, In thorough • • " Sarsaparllla, KIT ITS MM ALL * Shoemakers Wanted. connected •• ** HOFT« Attorney anil Counsellor at manity, have given this advertisement frt* fassr- jjftrepalr, and thsrawlth about hair Improved Hose Wash. PROGRAMMES AND TICKET8 SIIOKMAKKK-H on and aewed Law.! (•«a. are to an aero of land wall atoeked with fruit and "P0STER8. AUCTIONEERS. a; waalail pegged Religious papers earnestly requested plan Sold by all Druggists every where. roa rsunn, balls abb corcbbtb Z•) work, by 8, NRWCOMU k M1LLIKKN. Prise —PT- ysia trees Bald house oontalns nine good sited rooms, Ronnty. Money and Pensions seenred Ait Htlmh^UTt—Tmh* Nt Other. »«»•*• aa< Dlepauk at LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE March 17. ia»t. B W and adjoining Is a wood-house aod stable far Prlaisd wlik A0ENT8, Btddeford, « NtHMble TAit*. p>od for M Particular This house and laud will be sold at a bargain. If Cat oat the advertlsesDent, and sead II, T111B OFFICE OSo, In Ciljr DulMtpf, IJidd.ro rd, M«. II attention to Collecting. Bronzed Label* 4 Buk Chaokj at thia ofioa. paid for soon. JOSEPH I10B80N. < I lid md