Vampire the masquerade 5th edition clans pdf

Continue And the Lord said to him, Therefore, whoever killed Cain must be held seven times. And the Lord put a sign on Cain so that anyone finding him must kill him. - Genesis 4:15 And in the end there was only water. My stupid children knew hunger. And loneliness. And fear. And it was good. - Erciyes Fragments attributed to Kane the Vampire: Masquerade is an ex-defunct vampire-themed Gothic horror role-playing game published by White Wolf. What could be entertaining if it actually had any gothic horror in it. With the release of the 5th edition or V5, this trend of emotional immaturity now comes with rules for players who are uncomfortable with a certain intense content - in horror-games (which is also explicitly intended for an adult audience - or at least that was the original intention of Reina Hagen). Yes, we thought you might not expect horror in your horror game, so we issued a horror warning in the horror game. The story in the nutshell (In a nutshell) adopted story of Rod is collected in the Book of Noda, which is similar to the Bible of vampires. The first vampire was Kane, the farmer god cursed for the murder of his shepherd brother Abel. Kane wandered for a while, refusing to repent for killing Abel three times, and each time received a new curse that ended with him being a night, damaged by sunlight, and sub-aicing to human blood. He created vampire disciplines with the help of his father's ex-wife Adam Lilith and went on to create at least three caviar to share his gift/curse. These first vampires lived in the First City as lords, and ended up as gods over the human population. The three collectively created thirteen more vampires, creating a web of politics and a struggle for Kane's favor that caused a lot of grief and abuse for humans (slaves fed special herbs for better blood taste and bleeding to death at banquets were commonplace) and second-generation deaths. It is clear that God became angry at the nervousness and flooded the world (mostly only the Middle East, as Tsimich can attest to who took his flock to Ukraine), the drowning of the First City and the murder of most of humanity there. Kane and the third generation survived, the former cursing the latter for having a bunch of fuckwits that ruined the good that he was going to. The third generation shrugged and continued to make new vampires, passing their curses to their child and become the founders of clans. The third generation became known as the Antediluws (Before the Flood), and Kane passed into myth and legend. Vampires have scoured shadows for millennia, carving out positions of power for themselves wherever they could. the fall of Rome and Constantinople was the time of the Long Night, and then the war of the princes as centralized power was lost. Then came the Inquisition in the HFY show, an anarchist revolt popped up that broke the power of the elders and saw the rise of two major factions that would last in our years: Camarilla and Sabbath. In modern nights, vampires are considered fiction. This is thanks to Camarillo's efforts to hide the truth and police the actions of its members. Among the vampires themselves, Antediluvians are considered fiction. This, again, thanks to Camarilla's efforts to provide the idea that they are all either really dead or so deep in the stupor they will never wake up. Since the last few generations barely express any clan qualities, the kindred fear that the prophecy of the Time of Thin Blood is coming, which foreshadows the Last Nights and the End of the World. That's where you come from, newborn. Make yourself useful to someone in power and you can survive a few more nights. Now you're a vampire, so what's next? First, be drawn to a vampire, don't change your personality. At all. You're still the same dude before you were hugged. Chances are you're not going to stay COMPLETELY the same as the kind of crap freshly-treated vampires go through tend to leave emotional scars, but still, you're not some fallen angel possessing a reanimated corpse. Speaking of which, let's have the elephant in the room aside: your body is dead. Literally a corpse, the time of death at the moment when your dying body was given vampire viti. Now, to go down to the list of what this entails, along with other crap that you should expect to deal with: your body is cold, not breathing and not blinking, which can arouse suspicion from the mortals you interact with. You can't eat or drink anything but blood. Again it can be a problem if you go to a party or dinner. If you're lucky, you may have features that allow you to keep food and bloody drinks, or force yourself to hold it until you can puke outside. Your sense of smell and touch are numb at anything that is not prey, and your sense of taste does not exist. Fun having awkward moments among people when this slob lets out a quiet fart. Your skin doesn't produce clear sweat or sebum, meaning no fingerprints and grip are as reliable as if you're using talc (terrible for swipes on modern touch screens though). Now you're sweating blood, so. No sweat and no sebum also means no body odor. It also means that you can get away with bathing or showering once a month or two if you wander down the sewer, hang up with tramps, fight in (or with) dumpsters, or cover yourself in the blood of your enemies (or sprayed parts of your own body). Which one likely to be how the elders often send you to do your dirty work. On the other hand, most animals instantly choose that you don't smell like a human despite looking like one - a normal reaction to either fear or aggression. On the other hand, dogs have a hard time tracking you by smell because you literally don't have one. Learn some skills so as not to agitate the local fauna. While doesn't make you sweat, steam from hot, humid air will condense on cold dead skin even more than on warm-blooded people. Vampire on a hot wet night pearls with condensation like a cold beer can, so this angle is covered; perpetually dry skin will draw more suspicion ... although this means you would probably sparkle in daylight if you were able to survive. In addition, extreme stress can make you sweat, but you sweat with blood; It is insanely creepy, hunter magnet, and very hard to wash out of your clothes. (... and sheets, if you have nightmares daymares PTSD memories while you sleep, but ... See the entry below on Stasis, why it is extremely unlikely.) Your tears are also made of blood, which is even more creepy - consider it before you make that sensitive poetic Toreador... and then do it anyway. On a note of heat, nothing but a glowing-red category won't hurt you, and not very cold. Your dead flesh can freeze at below zero, slowing down and restricting your movement a bit, so it is recommended to actually wear some practical clothing in winter. Your body is dehydrated and leaner. This means that you lose weight and size, so fat vampires are quite rare. For some reason it never affects breast size. One of the side effects of this (and lack of lung tone) is that vampires lose buoyancy and swim about as well as a bag of bricks - again, no need to breathe makes it a minor problem, and with proper exercise and/or vampire disciplines you can overcome this restriction and even outpace normal people in the water. No blood pressure means no erection, so no sex for you if you're a dude if you're wasting blood to resuscitate some mortal function. If you're a vampgal, you're still severely numbed by sensitivity, and you're cold as a grave, so even if you find enough sick necrophilia, there's not much punch in it for you. You're as tough as nails. The blunt force injury is a slight irritation for you, as you have no blood and no liquid pressure. Blades and bullets, although still dangerous, are much less lethal. If someone manages to actually break your body down you don't actually die, but just enter the catatonic state until you heal yourself into a functional state. You can be Stake through the heart, and while a lone vampire is helpless, if you stake it out, they still fare significantly better than if a normal person had a stake driven through his heart. You are just as like no one else to shoot and claw and teeth supernatural beings like vampires, werewolves and demons (although the flesh created by the claws of Tzimisce or the shape of shifted magicians count as normal sharp weapons, just like the claws of normal animals). Regular weapons can still kill you forever though, but it requires you to cut off (or blow up) your head or completely destroy your heart, so it is highly recommended not to take shotgun explosions in your head, or to catch an RPG rocket in your chest. You've gained a few new weaknesses. Now you are vulnerable to True Faith, an exceptionally blind and powerful belief in anything. (There are reports the banker is scared of a vampire brandishing a credit card and focusing on the power of credit. Looking straight at the sun will end badly for you, although you can survive and move in a very sluggish state if you don't actually face the sun and stay in the shade. Speaking of healing, your dead body no longer regenerates naturally, which is a minor problem since you can use blood to heal injuries in seconds and even grow back lost limbs. Also note that your supernatural regeneration does not push foreign objects out of your body, so if someone has emptied SMG in the chest, it is best to avoid metal detectors at airports until you find a surgeon to remove the bullets. If you're Tremere or Tzimisce, you may be lucky to learn some low-level rituals that will help you push out foreign objects or dissolve them, but outside of this magic of blood, only at the level of elders discipline can get rid of everything you got inside, ranging from bullets to stakes. Generally speaking, if you end up in shootouts a lot it pays a ghoul surgeon, know another vampire who is a ghoul one, or learned a bit of surgery himself. Diseases no longer harm you, but you can't hurt them because your body doesn't have an immune system. If you feed sick people, you will become a carrier of the disease, infecting everyone you feed, which is usually accompanied by a significant social stigma, if not outright ostracism, in the vampire society; even Sabbat knows no shit where they eat. Even a cold can lurk in your blood for months. Related spread of something dangerous like AIDS or hepatitis (or black plague on old nights) can even be banished from the domain, and there are examples of blood hunting called unrererecited carriers of disease. Be careful with what you eat. Your wounds do not bleed, no matter how wide or deep they are. All the blood you have is stored supernaturally in your heart. And when it comes to blood. You're a vampire. You have to drink blood to survive. Ideally human blood, but animal blood may be sufficient, although it is much less potent can cause anger issues, and it's suggesting that your sire has taught you what you can support from animals (most sires don't). The blood of other supernatural (at least those who have it) may work too, but it may have some some Effects like a blood magician gives you an acid trip, and a blood werewolf, though much more powerful, can make you RAGE. Basically, drinking blood tastes like a mixture of everything that the victim ate and smoked. (some discriminatory Kindred support herds with special diets and temperament) Help you with a blood-sucking affair can magically grow fangs to bite people, and the bite itself is not painful, but is actually about halfway between good sex and the first heroine of the trip in terms of pleasure, so it makes the victim completely catatonic and probably with ruined underwear. Oh, and the licking bite mark completely heals him. Most people tend to forget their first bite and a few minutes of memory around it, but long-term victims lose this effect and often develop a strong psychological addiction to vampire bites, which some related uses to build loyal herds of bite addicts (plus it helps maintain health standards in a cohesive community). It's even better for you, and basically just the real physical pleasure you're left with. The blood you sucked from others magically turns into a super-blood called Vitae you can use to instantly heal your wounds if they are caused by the things vampires are weak to, make yourself stronger, tougher or faster, restore your dead body to full human functionality (so you can temporarily scratch all the flaws of the undead body listed above) or just get out of bed (or coffin if you're into it). Vitae is more compact than human blood, and it stores better, so it's better suited to storing extra blood for combat situations (think mana potions), although drinking vitae of other vampires poses a significant risk: Drinking Vitae creates a Bloody Bond that binds the drinker to his victim for every night drinking a drunken vitae. It starts with a soft sympathy with one connection and goes up to a complete sycophantic delight on three ties. This works both on humans and on other vampires, as well as on some other supernatural. Vitae is a powerful magical reagent of coveted occultists of all kinds, ranging from the vampire's own blood magicians (Kane will help you if Tremere or Assamite got your hands on a drop of your blood), hedge wizards (un-awakened linear sorcerers) and awakened magicians (who use it as a mere source of TASS) to demons, to random mortal mafia cartels. This reason for maintaining masquerade around other supernatural is just as important as around normal people: there is always a big fish. Now you're a night creature, waking up after sunset and eating to sleep till dawn. This means that you have less time per day to work with this people do. Despite the fact that Spend all your waking hours at night, you don't have the inherent night vision better than usual do if you don't learn certain disciplines. You can stay awake during the daytime, but it takes quite a bit of concentration and you will probably be very sluggish, weak and sluggish when the sun is, even if you never encounter it directly. Not good for a fight. You have also been affected by an effect called Stasis that changes a lot of changes in your body during daytime sleep. Tattoos will bleach, dyed hair will restore its color, haircut will restore the condition in which you died and so on. It kind of extends to your mental changes as well, so on the one hand, all the horrible things you go through just scars your psyche a bit when it really had to make you flip your shit and go crazy years ago, and on the other hand, it takes you more time and effort to learn and train than people and other supernatural ones take. Have fun getting used to the new-fashioned Internet and Smartphones if you're an elder. Age Fledgling: After the immediate embrace of the mortal, the victim will become Fledgling. The newly minted vampire must be able to stabilize the Beast inside before gaining status. Ultimately, it is Sire's responsibility to ensure that Child is even worthy of a hug. When the vampire has at least gone through the initial stages of vampire existence and no longer needs the protection of Sear, Fledgling will often be treated as a newborn. Either way, it's an idea. However, not every sire and child have a personal relationship. Some Syrians, mostly Gangrel and , simply hug their child and then throw them to the wolves to see if they can survive on their own. If they don't die and order themselves to be survivors, they can accept them. Some bastards didn't even bother to come back and see what happened to their baby. They're such dead parents. Newborn: Neonat is a newly embraced vampire who has gone through the initial stages of vampire existence, the young stage. It is the king's responsibility to make sure that the child does not embarrass himself or his sire in the vampire society. Humiliatingly, the newborn is often referred to as whelp. Newborns are usually slightly involved in the true machinations of the undead society. They are not powerful enough to really matter, and are therefore used primarily as pawns by their elders. Conversely, they still have investments in the mortal world of the 21st century and are less likely to adhere to the feudal nature of vampire society. Auxiliary: Ranking below elders, but above newborns, auxiliary (sing. acilla) are vampires who have established themselves as valuable members of the Kindred society. Some ambitious young people may reach the rank prematurely. Auxiliary often serve as assistants and agents for Or the courts. Auxiliary usually play their own power games as well, although they are of less importance than manipulation manipulation Due to the huge increase in the world's population over the past few centuries, the vast majority of vampires in the world are auxiliary or newborns. Elder: Although there is no strict definition, it usually should be at least two centuries ago, with notable claims to a domain or a host of other assets and far from its mortal past to qualify. The choices and sacrifices they have made to survive for so long instill a degree of immorality and slow caution; It is not uncommon for elders to develop plans that take decades or centuries before being implemented. Such beings are often cold, if not monstrous, and fully focused on their own interests and well-being, although rarely do few struggle to preserve their human feelings. There is a long-standing cycle of jealousy, contempt and resentment between older and younger vampires, being particularly pronounced between the Sirs and their childer. Elders often use their great power and influence to oppress those younger than them for fear of being in the minority, and because most vampires of this age believe they know what is best as mortal elders believe that their is the best way. Younger vampires, of course, get irritated at this treatment and become jealous and resentful of the position and power of elders. It was this cauldron of emotions that gave rise to an uprising of anarchy and all after that. As a rule, the elders of Europe are much older than those who are behind the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the time, the elders are the oldest active vampires in the undead society. Methuselah: Methuselah is a fourth or fifth generation elder who has existed for at least a millennium or more. Many of these elders are usually old enough to know their Antediluvian clan personally, and tend to serve as lieutenants in Jihad. The term is also used to refer to elders who have very little in common with Camarillo or Sabbath: their shenanigans are much deeper, subtle and scary. Methuselahs tend to fall within the boundary of unplayable characters for a vampire: they often break the rules as they exist, (like Mitras surviving his diablerie Monty Coven). Methuselah has a few traits that betray it to those who know what to care for. Their speech is generally toned with the accent of the native dialect, which, in general, did not survive centuries. Their unconscious body movement has completely stopped, and many could be confused with statues when they do not move. Many of them have also reached a point where the blood of kinesa can no longer nourish them, forcing them to eat other vampires. These guys have names such as Odin, Nergal, Uizilopochtli, Kibele, Moloch, Baba Yaga, Belebog, Enkidu, Mitras, Lazarus, Anat, Vepvavet, Tauret, Mikklantekchtli, Abraxes, Azazel, Echidna, Tiamat and Tiamat. You're doing math. Curse for the Vampire: Masquerade, flair in what vampires come to only with amazing abilities, but also with capital C Curse. Eternal life and forces come with a price: The Beast. It is the Beast, depending on who you ask, either some dark things possessing them, the dark part of their own soul, or just the rest of their soul: Freud's description of Id closest. The thing is, he has his own mind, and it's damn stupid, like a stupid animal level. If a vampire is hurt or insulted or threatened or starved by a Beast can take control of his body and start ripping and tearing (which is called Frenzy), and if a vampire encounters fire, or sunlight or some other extremely dangerous supernatural shit (such as true faith) he can also take control and escape to the hills, often killing his way through any obstacles (which is called R'ttschreck). Suffice it to say that both cases are really bad news in a society that values mystery and tries to hide itself from humans and other supernatural, and up to 90% of the troubles of players in V:tM run in are caused by either the players themselves or other vampires flying in Frenzy or R'ttschreck and breaking masquerade. Which brings us to Morality. One of the best planned (but not very well executed) parts of the World of Darkness was Morality. The game isn't about playing the most bully bastard on the block: it's a personal horror coupled with an existential crisis just to be a blood-sucking monster a week after having a barbecue with your family or kissing a loved one. Great, now you're a vampire, and inside you have your id, how to break the world. How are you going to handle it? Humans and many vampires have their morality sensor set for humanity to begin with. In the World of Darkness, the rules of morality have ten commandments of their own, each of which is important. The lung crimes were 10, the worst one. As the smallest violation is done again and again, the moral rating fell to a lower value with the words of the respective crime. Manslaughter, for example, has a rating of 5. This means that regularly doing said crime will set you 4, but won't go lower if you commit a premeditated murder that has a speed of 4, reducing you to 3, and so on. As a vampire violates its code of morality the Beast may try to gain more control over it, and as most vampires follow basic human morality (called the Way of Humanity) it is really easy for them to lose their humanity at record speed, all with a murderous spirit capturing their bodies from time to time, and killing is a pretty immoral thing. The loss of his humanity is always bad, as it reduces the vampire's ability to interact with mortals, makes his vampire traits more obvious (pale skin, fangs, corpse-like appearance, even the smell of a corpse on later and at the lower stages of morality can cause mental disorders and even a partial loss of control over their actions (how GM can capture a low-humanity vampire vampire any moment). If a vampire manages to lose all his Humanity (which is actually quite difficult, because at low levels worldly sins no longer cause the beast), he moves into a pure beastless monster called White. The good news is that the beast being a mute animal has no clue about indirect actions, so it doesn't use, say, organized killing pulled through puppets as a possible alley attack on vampire humanity, and any discipline that needs the likeness of intellectual action can no longer be used by the rough. The bad news is that they are very good fighters and that the elders know this and use it with young vampires serving as their puppets. Have fun with that. In case you're wondering how Sabbat manages to be... Ok... Sabbat, all that survives for more than a year follows an alternative morality system called The Ways, most of which are weird and kinda crazy if you think through them, but they work to keep the beast in check, so whoever cares. That being said, actually embracing the Path is a pretty hard thing to do as a challenger will first have to lose almost all of their humanity and then perform some Olympic-level mental gymnastics with the price of not losing himself to the beast completely (and probably hunt down the kindred guy if they fuck up). Aside from being difficult and dangerous to embrace, the Paths also have a number of drawbacks related to the lack of ties with humanity: those who follow the Path can't hide their undead, spending blood, can't act at all during the day (Kiss goodbye when a hunter finds refuge after a trail of horror you've left behind) and it's often harder to confront the beast, but can actually control it to a certain extent as soon as he takes over. Not all Paths Sabbat-exclusive though... The Path of Harmony, for example, celebrates natural balance, keeps people in high regard (not as high as themselves, but as part of nature, not something to torment) and accepts the beast as part of their being. Theoretically, many of these paths are logical and creative, since the character can no longer feel equal to humanity and must make changes, especially the cool practices of Ventrue Sabbath, such as the Way of The Honourable Concorde. This way, for example, still prohibits the senseless killing of innocent people, but allows killing for the sake of honor and defending Sabbath. Kane's path, a very old path that precedes Sabbath himself, orders his followers to take Kane's view of life, and diablerizing (murderfuckrapeabsorb) of other vampires who disagree with the player's morals (it should be noted that Kane's Way is basically one of the most connivables of Sabbat, who see themselves as agents However, he also ordered to avoid killing people, rationalizing it as if possible, leave Seth's children alone and coexist with them. The emphasis is on if Allowing the player to be a bully killer without going into the Sonic Hedgehog level coldsteel edgelord. Of course, the ways that are utterly evil still wanted to explain murders such as the Path of Death and Soul, streamlining murder in battlefield research. In the toe line, each way is considered the question: What niche does the beast have in me? Some appease him by observing the murder, the Honorary Consent suppresses him with conviction. The path of evil Revelations, or the Way of Orion/Harmony, for example, rides the Beast, allowing it to flow, but directs his blind rage to suitable targets when he hits. Theoretically. In practice, well ... Many Sabbat players (weedy skinny gough children) make it an excuse for torture, rape and murder of mortals to impress the BDSM-curious land that has joined the game. Or explain your Giger fetishes through the discipline of vicissitudes sexually. Needless to say, the narrator may not be popular when he calls the Leopold's Best Hunters Society or Technocracy, when players go on a blind rampage to justify being Sabbat. Vampire sects for most dark ages vampires could more or less get away with that until they obeyed the following six rules: The oldest vampires are in charge because they are closest to Kane. Respect the masters of the domain. If you can save the domain, it's yours; If you can take it from someone else, it's yours. Just hugs with your elder's permission. Until you free your Childer, his sins will not be your own. Don't kill the elders. Do not reveal the secrets of vampires not vampires, so as not to give up the protection of the previous rule. This allowed vampires a greater degree of freedom to dick around with, messing with mortals for lulz. Eventually they were fed up with this and decided to climb in the middle of the 13th century. The fires of the Inquisition are burning brightly, and it turns out that even more powerful vampires are fighting when a crowd with torches (vampires turn over their shit when they dangle fire) and pitchforks (one good punch and the vampire turns helpless) goes at them. The elders quickly came to a solution to the problem: throw enough of their Childer to the problem until it was resolved and keep the door closed at the same time. It turned out to be terrible. The younger vampires claim that they have had enough, and unite not only to destroy vampires, the killers to lynch the mob, but also their elders and try to become rulers of the world. In ancient times, most vampires forced their child to drink their blood in three sips, magically tying them to serve their elders. It's called blood bonding, and effectively enslaves the drinker. These newborns don't like this one bit, and coupled with all the other abuse they were getting they started the first anarchic riot. They escaped the blood ties through a ritual granted A bathed, demon associated with the land of Transylvania. Transylvania. The blood-red flower, given to Ciitis Lugoi, was able to create a Wolderi ritual that allowed him to break the blood link and instead create a bond between individual vampires so that they drank each other's blood. As a result, they make for incredibly fanatical warbands, and have launched their rebellion. This vampire civil war started very well, and anarchy received support from the Assamites, who did not object to killing a bunch of elders until they had to snack on their blood. In the initial stages even killed two antediluvets: Cims was diablerized by his great-grandson Lugoa (but not quite) and Lasombra was diablerized by his childe Gratiano de Veronese (but not quite). At this point, the elders of the other clans began to get nervous and decided to unite under the common banner: What of Camarilla. They began to kick the crap out of anarchy to the point where the truce was called in 1493 during the so-called Thorne Convention. Knowing that their fun was more than many of the anarchy survivors decided to throw in their lot with Camarilla, but Lasombra and Tzimisce were angry that other clans would not go try and eat their Antediluvians. It occurred to me where Tzimisce called Myca Vykos invited representative Ventrue Hardestadt Jr. to eat a dick, and was kind enough to provide one by cutting off his dick and balls and throwing them in Hardestadt's face. His last declaration was that he would be out of any gender, as he no longer identified with humanity and took the name Sasha Vykos. Vikos is now one of the scariest vampires of our time, acting as the chief executioner of Sabbath. And given it's Sabbath, it has something to say. With this vivid statement, Camarilla's power was consolidated, the remaining Assamites were appeased by a bloody curse, courtesy of the young Tremer clan, and the remaining vampires formed the Sabbath. Camarilla edit camarillo's symbol. Now that Camarilla has got his shit together he can actually focus on his mission, which ... do exactly what the elders did back that day. Exept this time it is all done in the name of tradition (see below) and masquerade. Of course, maintaining the masquerade means that the second inquisition won't break in anytime soon, and with the current age of camera phones connected to the Internet at all times means that the work is becoming more difficult, but Camarilla is still managed by the Inner Circle: a dark group of elders who pull the strings behind the scenes. Camarilla also denies the existence of Antediluvians and Kane, mainly to make sure that no mass hysteria breaks out in the ranks of the younger Kindred in Camarilla (most of whom are less than 200 years old) or their join the cults of Gehenna to try Antediluvians or directly join Sabbat. Of course, once the neon finds out that they have been cheated they are either old enough to get used to how things are and play along, or pounce and join Sabbat. In hindsight, Camarilla are the best weapon against Gehenna for some players. Avoiding senseless vampire deaths keep Antediluvians asleep as every dying Kindred pushes their ancestors with a mental response, and avoiding caitiff births help order, since every dying Caitiff can upset every Antediluvian, his blood belonging to all. It doesn't even take the human population and the development of science and the power of mortal hands to provide security for vampire populations allowing them to live in peace and avoid mass panic. Of course, Sabbath didn't lie on and massacres, draining innocents awakened vampire hunters and more, especially werewolves seeking to destroy Wyrm leeches, such as vampires. And that definitely didn't make Camarilla's job any easier to suppress the news. But of course Gehenna happened, so it's all controversial now if you're not a vampire 20 canon believers. The traditions of Camarilla Traditions are half a dozen traditions that govern their society. These traditions are strict, but limited in scope, allowing the local prince to rule his domain as they see fit. No two domains ruled the same way, but everyone follows tradition. Failure to do so will bandage the wrath of Camarilla, neighboring domains or even those that are in the domain. Tradition: The titular masquerade entails that none of the Kindred can reveal itself to the outside world. Knowing that a full-scale violation of the masquerade would lead to a world uniting against them out of fear and hatred and the subsequent destruction of Kindred. Princes, as a rule, spend a lot of time and resources covering up violations of masquerade, and those who violate it, will be severely punished. This tradition is the most important, especially in our time. Reasons, despite the police, potential mob of vigilantes and mortal authorities, there are magicians who actively fight vampirism (they can one shot almost any Kindred once powerful enough), werewolves who see vampires as Virma scum (good luck killing one with a steel weapon) and, most importantly, vampire hunters. There are vampire hunters who have extensive knowledge of how to kill Kindred. There are those who are ordained by the Pope himself. In the show's grimdarkness, these useful bags of blood unfortunately only manage to attack the most innocuous, docile Camarilla Kindred life as almost a legal person, because Sabbat not only brutally hits back, but also turns the hunter's family into vampires to spite. Either way, even the most powerful kindred fear hunters. The domain is the domain of any vampire. It is most commonly used for Prince Prince which often covers the city. Some princes believe that this is the only valid definition of the term, but the more liberal allow other vampires to keep smaller domains within their own, as long as they recognize the power of the prince, of course. According to this Tradition, hugs can only be fulfilled with the prince's permission, and failure to obtain this in advance will lead to the destruction of both Sear and Childer. In practice, though, few princes strictly observe this tradition, and those that will not have much more population within their domains to the point of overpopulation. Parents are responsible for the actions of their children and this is no different from vampires. Sires are obliged to teach his children in this way, Kindred and the inability to properly teach one will have Sire punished just like their Childer, in order and including death. When you arrive in a new city, the vampire must introduce himself to a local prince. In return, the prince will have to provide an audience to such a visitor before deciding whether they can stay in his domain. Some princes will keep a hard tab on all their visitors, while others are happy with allowing them to stay until they get involved in local politics and observe tradition. Only the Elders of the Domain can sentence someone to death, and only the Prince can call for the Lextalion, the Hunt of Blood. Such hunting is called only from rare cases and only against the most vile criminals. Kindred who is a blood hunt has called them lost their lives, making them a fair game for other vampires. In fair deal cases Diablerising targets the Blood Hunt is pardoned, and a large number of princes will turn a blind eye to the Blood Hunts coming from outside. Sabbat edit the Sabbat symbol. Sabbath rejects the notions of humanity, but they still needed a way to keep the Beast under control. To this end, they invented the Enlightenment Roads, which is known to some fans as the Edgelight Roads. These inhuman alternatives often justify things like murder, torture, self-harm and other such extremes as a way to keep your act together, albeit with excuses (The Path of Metamorphosis emphasizes the evolution through pain to justify the torture of captives with vicissitudes, and the Way of the Night prohibits the killing of innocent people, but allows the killing of evil mortals to collect their sin). This does not mean that all Sabbaths are complete monsters; some Enlightenment roads tell a vampire not to kill people for kicking. Very few of their founders are even on good terms with humanity like Malkavier Vasantasena. Theoretically, Sabbath is still on their mission to destroy the Antediluvians to save the world. In fact... things aren't quite like that. And not only that in most of them don't really care about Antediluvians or their shenanigans as long as they can kill and torture people for fun, and commit as many atrocities as possible while maintaining a semblance of righteousness. Made even more enduring when only worthy Sabbat, the Way of Harmony followers, getting destroyed during the revised books Sabbat were published, and Ritae, traditional entertainment Sabbat does not make it easier: some of them smell of individual bravery, such as Fire Dance, which is quite a badass by itself, but most of them tend to be sick contests about how people's skin is alive, enslave two people and make them fight each other to death. , regularly hang trapped people from the ceiling, drink them dry and bathe in blood ... and just ways of horribly abusing and torturing everything they catch. For a sect that seems to ignore people or consider them under their notice, it raises a few flags in the minds of mature role-playing players. Even funnier is that Sabbath openly wants to rule the world and subjugate the human race. What is not very likely: not only is the territory of Sabbath confined to Latin America, much of Canada, Spain and the poor parts of the United States without control of the mortal army of any country (Ventrue dominates the U.S. Army, which is the most mighty military machine on the planet), they must also compete with other supernatural forces of the world of darkness. Pentex is everywhere and is their main competition for who can be the most cartoonishly evil and Technocracy has fingers in every pie and has advanced enough to explore other star systems, make Terminators on the side and was able to ONE-SHOT zapatasura when he woke up using space mirrors and magical nuclear charges (and it was only part of the full power of Technocracy, while the Clan Ravnos , while Sabbath's only contribution to this fight was pinning down their Ravnos pack mates and keeping them from joining their Antediluvian. And all that discounting Garu, Kuei-Jin, Hunters, Changelings, Mummies, Tradition and Craft, Fallen and Earthbound, Malfeans, which are The size of Godzilla and can sweep entire cities clean and ... Look, Sabbath's victory is unlikely. Sabbat might have been Camarilla's dark mirror, but in modern nights they are little more than a swarm of borderline mad monsters autisticly raging to beat imaginary monsters while committing atrocities over and above measure. But that is not all. The Sabbats claim that Camarilla are Antediluve puppets, ignoring Masquerade as they see fit, and that only they are capable of destroying the 11 remaining antediluvians to save the world. In practice, Sabbat is almost exactly the same as Camarilla that they claim to hate. Nearest environment True Black Hand, directly Antediluvians, they have their own Masquerade (Lasombra vampires pay Mexican authorities to ignore them, ghouls families (particularly zantos) clean up the messes, and Tzimisce pretend not to be vampires in their fields in the old world), and instead of being a beacon of freedom this tyrannical shithole which mortal population will be extinct in one week if Sabbatt can open their vampires. they blood tied to their pack mates in mental slavery... That's what they vowed to put an end to. And those two Antediluvians who were killed by Sabbath? They're not dead. Lasobra used his own diablization to take his soul out of the body and enter the abyss: now he is trying to merge with it. Meanwhile, Tzimisce has gone through a number of things and is now a massive rise of flesh in the sewers of New York City, bidding its time. So it's good to go there, Sabbath. Codex of Milan, because Sabbat is filled to the brim with assholes, edgelords, and other creepy fucks, the early Sabbat guide realized that they needed code to keep the whole bunch of them bastards in line. Thus, the Milan Code was written and ratified in order to gain at least some sense of coherence without betraying the fundamental principles of Sabbath. Charter: I: Sabbath must remain united in its support for the sect regent. A new regent is elected if necessary. The regent must support liberation from tyranny, granting all freedom Sabbat. Simple enough: The Regent is the boss. It is the regent's job to make sure that Sabbat has the freedom on which it was based, and if necessary a new one can be elected. Note that the wording is vague enough to imply that the Regent can be overthrown in the event that the regent is. II: All Sabbaths do their best to serve their leaders as long as leaders serve the Regency's will. Listen to the people who tell you what the Regent wants you to do. In theory, this is free from the tyranny of elders, because again there is a sense that these leaders can be overthrown. III: All Sabbat must faithfully observe all auctoritas rita. Auctorias Ritae are religious rites that form the basis that binds Sabbath together. All thirteen rites (The Binding, The Blood Feast, The Blood Bath, The Creation Rites, Festivo Dello Estinto, The Fire Dance, Games of Instinct, Monomacy, Palla Grande, The Sermons of Caine, Vaulderie, War Party and Wild Hunt) are observed correctly and their above use will put you in trouble. V.I.: All Sabbaths should keep the word of honor to each other. If you give your word, you have given your word. With so many assholes in one place you will need a way to keep them under hold. The cimies are particularly great in this matter. V: All Sabbat should treat their peers fairly equally, supporting the strength and unity of the Sabbath. If necessary, they must meet the needs of their brothers. Help your peers for the good of Sabbat. Within reason of course: if a particularly dickish package tries to exploit this, they will find that limits to this hospitality. VI: All Sabbaths must put the good of the sect and the Kainite race before their personal needs, despite all costs. Speaks for itself, but the threat has to be pretty big to get the whole Sabbat on the same side. Otherwise some Kindred will be too busy being a dicks. VII: Those who are not honorable under this code will be considered less than equal and therefore unworthy of assistance. Don't be a dick or your ass grass. VIII: As it has always been, it will always be so. Lextalionis should be a model for immortal justice, which should be observed by the whole Sabbat. Be a particularly big asshole and you'll have a wild hunt (name Sabbat for Camarilla Blood Hunt) called on the ass. IX: All Sabbaths must protect each other from the enemies of the sect. Personal enemies must remain a personal responsibility if they do not undermine the security of the sect. Civil wars are bad, so if two Sabbat have beef it's their problem. This means that if you manage to stretch the value of the Security Sect you can make this rule work in your favor with some planted evidence calling for Monomachy. X: All members of the sect must protect the territory of Sabbath from all other powers. There's a lot of Camarilla and anarchy that would like to set up shop in the cities of Sabbath, and they often try to do that. Few Sabbat need encouragement kicking a bunch of Camarilla/Anarchy into a dick, so it's pretty easy to provide. XI: The spirit of freedom must be the fundamental principle of the sect. All Sabbaths should expect and demand freedom from their leaders. An analogue of Charter I and II: leaders must give freedom, while common Sabbat to demand it. XII: Ritus monomagia should be used to settle disputes between all Sabbat. Monomatia is a sacred duel between the two Sabbat, but an alarming number of them will want to use it only to kill people without consequences. XIII: All vacation should support the Black Hand. Black Hand, also known as Manus Nigrum did their job to hunt down adnalists and demons to destroy both, which is considered laudable in Sabbat. Tal'mahe'Ra or True Black Hand is a completely different animal, even with the Magician and other supernatural beings helping him. They are the ones who work for Kane and the Antediluvians, and no one in Sabbat with the idea. On 21 December 1933, the Milan Code was revised after the end of the Second Civil War in Sabbath. This revision added three additions to the Code that should be supported just as the original 13 are: XIV: All Sabbat have to monitor the conduct and activities of their fellow members of the sect in order to ensure that freedom and security. Aka you can spy on everyone as long as it is for the good of the sect. Yes, it is written vaguely for this purpose. XV: All Sabbaths have the right to convene a council of their peers and direct leaders. Sometimes it is better to speak than to fight, which became obvious during the civil war. This gives all Sabbat to call such tips to defuse otherwise violent situations, but at the risk of dealing with violent reprisals if the council was deemed to be bullshit. This wisdom pays off, and the Third Civil War in Sabbath lasts only 100 days and ended in diplomacy. XVI: All Sabbaths act against members of the sect who use the powers and powers that Sabbath gave them for personal gain at the expense of the Sabbath. Actions are taken only with the help of accepted funds approved by the quorum of the Prisy. A counterweight to the statutes VI and IX: if leaders begin as hateful elders, rabble now has the right to remove them... with approval, of course. A symbol of anarchy. In Modern Night they have the spirit of the first Rebellion of Anarchy, softened in live and let's live. Thus, the mostly left-wing libertarian vampires who hold their humanity and just live freely. They are now what Sabbat were, what they are not now, and what they had to stay. They have a serious influence in California, and used to control Russia until Baba Yaga woke up. They make a big return to BJD, with many elders choosing to create their own free states, such as Marcus Wetel (former Prince and Lasombra Antitribu, selling Washington, D.C. in Sabbat, but eager and actually able to take it back from Vykos, who most likely has the greatest pair of balls in Sabbat, hopefully not literally), and Montgomery Coven Mitras (the amazing Ventrue Methuselah, who once worshipped as a god, ruled London since he was a Roman colony, the German Blitz of London, destroyed by Garu the package looking to break it. Independent edit vampires who roar for CLAN! Assamites, followers of Seth, Ness and Giovanni are considered independent clans because they are not affiliated with any sect. They have one thing in common: all these clans revere their antediluvians, alienating them from Camarilla, who (wrongly) believes they don't exist, and Sabbat, who hates the Antediluvians with gusto. Autarkis edit Existing outside of the regular sect and clan structure either by choice or lack of knowledge. Sometimes they adhere to life on the outskirts of civilization, while others have set up shop in small towns and villages. The downside is that in such a situation vampires are easy prey for local werewolves if the middle-generation vampire (6/7th/8th) Elder / he/she can survive a werewolf attack. If the vampire in question Methuselah (4th/5th), that Garou September a pack of werewolves belong to fucked. If someone is Autarkis, expect them to be either very weak vampires, or overwhelmingly strong. Assamites call the Autoarka among their ranks disadvantaged. The symbol of Tal'mah'Ra Tal'mahe'Rae edit from the Gemalish/Enoch language spoken in the ancient biblical city of Enoch, Tal'mahe'Ra translates into English as a Hand without the Sun or a Black Hand. After the destruction of the earthly city of Enoch, Tal'mahe'Ra began as an alliance between the recently homeless Enochian vampires and the magicians of Chakravanti; their original basis was the ghostly shadow of Enoch in the underworld, in which they sheltered and worshipped the ancient snoozing vampires of Arala. In addition to vampires and magicians, membership in Tal'mahe'Ra also includes lishi, abominations (werewolves turned into vampires), retribution, ghosts and mummies. Inconnu'edit' Inconnu is a bunch of Illuminati-on-Steroids-crossed-with-Obfuscate-10 conspirators. Inconnu is a French word meaning incognito/unknown/alien. Inconnu has monitors that vampires are looking for a Goldcond and manipulate things behind the scenes. Members of the Church are the Malcawian, who helped in the plundering of Constantinople as early as 1204, the Prince of Switzerland and Liechtenstein Guillaume and even Vlad Tepes himself. Another such member is the Istanbul Monitor, Mahatma, is the 4th generation Cappadodian, who was trained in the way of Golconda by none other than Saulo himself. Now he is following Istanbul, embracing those he considers promising in the way of the Golconda, while destroying those who pose a threat to the status quo of the city, or those who will attract the attention of the Inquisition. Mahatma acts through intermediaries to do so, and even has an agent at the prince's court. Istanbul is a complete cosmopolitan mess, with Sabbat allowed among most of Camarilla and even has some D'habi, the Baali Revenant family maintaining real estate somewhere along the Bosphorus (which probably explains the strange, seemingly in unused mansions along the IRL coast). In addition, Pentex has its regional headquarters there, and the city has got quite a few silver canines and bone gnawers running around. So whatever the fuck of these Inconnu up to some strange mixture of extreme vampire political correctness, a strange experiment or total insolvency. Their headquarters, Hunedor Castle, is the former castle of Ciitis in western Romania. During the First Anarch uprising, the leaders of Ikonnu, the Council of the Twelve, had no choice, and as such they were forced to summon a demon. The lucky villain was Nikanuuranu, Earthbound Fiend agreed to a pact: the massive human sacrifice and the fall of Vitae every year. This, in turn, leads to the use of The demon, using his powers in the form of Portals 5 and Light 5 to hide Hunedor from his eyes and from physical achievement to protect the place. It's a pretty sweet gig: not only does Nikanuuranu have access to the eight points of all disciplines possessed by the Council of the Twelve, it has an annual mass donation of Faith (this is where the power of the pact comes from: not from the powerful Vitae twelve). On top of that, if one of the twelve pacters leaves the castle grounds for any reason, they have 10 minutes to return. If they fail, they immediately suffer from final death. Of course, the question arises how such a hideous pact associated with mass murder (which is pretty much a minimum of 3 on the scale of sin, most likely 1) does not degenerate humanity vampires to zero, which should keep it at least 7 even for the attempt of The Goldcond ... The three-faced goddess Hecate, a symbol of the hekat vampire Hecata edit sect? Just kidding; Hekat is not mentioned as a sect in published materials, but they should be. In V:tM v5, the White Wolf decided to casually combine all necromantic ancestry together into a single clan; since most necromantic ancestry are cappadosian ancestry, this might make sense, except for the fact that the authors are also concentrated in Nagaraja, which are not cappadocia ancestry. Despite the inclusion of Nagaraji, the authors decided to mislead the established term clan instead of calling the hekata what they really are: a sect known as the Union of ancestry. One advantage of the merger is that any member of one of the combined necromantic ancestry can trade his previous weakness of the pedigree for Giovanni's painful bite. In addition, all necromantic and infrared disciplines were combined into a single Discipline called Oblivion (which would have been cooler if the authors had not nerfed 3D obtenebrous tentacles down to cartoonish 2D shadows). The symbol of Hekata is the three-faced Hecate, the Greek goddess of necromance. Material v5 indicates that Giovanni Antediluvier, August, was diablerized; as Hecata is still described as a clan though, and their default clan Discipline are those of the original Cappadocian clan, all of which mean that Augustus was diablerized by women? Cappadocia methuselah takes place by name/pseudonym Hecate. Thirteen clans of vampires edit each Antediluvian made vampires of their own. They tend to carry curses put on them by Kane for lulz. Also note that clan members can join a group different from what most of their clan should. Not all Toreador follow Camarilla as an example. But he does a lot. And oh, you better believe the shit will hit the fan for you if your clan is almost all part of the sect. Get ready to laugh if you who's trying to go anarchy if you have a powerful powerful because you have to establish a hierarchy because of your nature. And God will help you if you Tzimisce in anything but Sabbat ... except when you're a sorcerer Koldun cooling in Ukraine, or VLAD FUCKING TEPES cooling in America (Yes, he paid Bram Stoker). Assamite edit Antediluvian - Hakim Signature Discipline - Silent (I can kill youz gits even more vile, like, hail Mork!, also creepy alchemy blood) What is Ork do here? Who left the hell/warp portal 40K open? Sect - Independent / Camarilla / Sabbat / Dispossessed (Clan split, formerly independent / Sabbat) Clan Weakness: Warriors: Vitae Addiction (must drink vampire blood) and aura Diablerist, Sorcerers: Always register as a user of blood magic when using Auspex, viziers: Obsessive/compulsive, V20 Edition: Thanks to the machinations of Tremere, the assamites who drink vampire blood, will find an experience equivalent to a puffing drain cleaner, and those who try to diablerie face stuck in the desert sunlight levels of agony. It is mainly located in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Syria and Saudi Arabia. These are Middle Eastern Assassins, scientists and noble vampires, who are accussed to the weak, protect the homeland... as well as kill other vampires and drain their blood and devour their souls, (which Camarilla believes is almost the worst sin Kindred can commit). When they don't commit diablerie, they just freeload on the blood of other vampires regardless. Not only is it addictive it also leads to being Blood Bound by drinking from the same vampire three times. Of course, no one prevents them from doing this because they are good at killing vampires and drinking your goal dry makes slavery controversial. So try everything they could, while these Hashashin wannabes are trying and really believing in making a great show of their piety and selfless work, they can't really get rid of this sign over their heads that says ALERT - VAMPIRE CANNIBAL CANNIBAL not even using Auspex. They need vampire blood because they were tracking down the demon-worshipping vampires of Baali, and did it so well that Baali summoned Decari, 36 aspects of Namtar, a fallen demon associated with disease and decay. And got a damn Tremere too somewhere along the way. Yes, they tend to attract a lot of curses for a reason. Naturally, they use this to paint a history of wrongful persecution. Either way, that's their official excuse. Strangely, they get blacker rather than paler as they age; Elders look like statues carved from obsidian. Around the Final Nights, their oldest member except Hakim, your-Shulga lifted Tremer's curse within a week, and announced that from now on, all assamites would worship Hakim through the Blood Path instead of Allah/God/Yahweh, or die the brutal death of Diablry. This caused division in the clan, with those who wanted God or wanted to stay fuck from your-shulga (especially since he may or may not possessed by demons) made his way to sects such as Camarilla and Sabbath, or become Autarkis, their sorcerers giving no little trouble to Tremere. Bruja (editorial) Antediluvier - Ilies Troil, and you do not forget about it. Signature Discipline - Potens, but many clans can use it (HAHA, TIME FOR JUGGLE DUMPSTERS) Sect - Camarilla / Sabbath / Anarchy / Tal'Mahe'Ra / Inconnu They. Have. Everywhere. Weakness of the clan: prone to Frenzying is easier. Drawing on both the Lost Boys and Buffy the tradition of vampire scumbags and the more romantic, Byronic traditions in freedom through reluctant debauchery. Bruja are thugs, anarchists, revolutionaries and other oppressed, or people who were so inclined before they got the power to do everything they dreamed of. Carthage was originally a great, mostly successful social experiment of their own for the vampire man Eden, then Ventrue either crushed him out of jealousy or led to a series of sadly inevitable wars to cleanse both Carthage and Brujah itself by Baali infestation that had already made Carthage hell on earth. Old Brujah were a happy thinker with the power to punch the shit if you would be considered an intelligentsia. Just don't tell them Carthage is not a utopia, but infected Baali so much even other persons as magicians have paid attention. The new Brujah are like those punk teenagers who wear anarchist t-shirts but have no idea about the theory of Marxism, except that they can also beat you to death with your own car when they want to shut you down when you start winning an argument. Generally considered rabble by others, they form the backbone and most in the movement of anarchy. I did some serious shit in the Carthage story, and I haven't done shit since. Of course, they managed to carve out California and some surrounding areas like Anarchy Free State, where no Camarilla or Sabbat could tread easily. Then kuei-jin decided to roll into town like a bastard, and the Free State got distorted pretty badly. The complete opposite of getting the shit done. One of their subclans, African heritage, need a controlling arm or power of sorts in the city, or they resort to indulging in activities such as rape and murder. And there is nothing like a true Brujah. Seth's Followers Edit Antediluvian - Set/Typhon Signature Discipline - Serpentis (Forces based on Egyptian gods such as Set, Ra, Apep, and so on) Sect - Anarchy (formerly Independent) Clan Weakness: Extreme Sensitivity to Sunlight: Even The Lightening of the Sky Will Burn Them. In addition, the abuse of Serpentis will cause Serpentine mutations. The main belief of this clan is that the set was the progenitor of all Kindred, which is damn stupid, but again, given other theories some have postulated why vampirism exists, it's not too bad theory (and There are actual, honest ra mummies kicked around WoD, so some legs). The most popular and famous goes like this. Straight out of the revised clan book, here it is. In ancient times, when the gods lived on Earth and ruled Egypt directly, the sun god Ra joined and decided to retire. Ra chose his great-grandson Osiris as his heir and successor. It's not good with Osiris's brother, Set. Our ancestor was the most mighty warrior among the gods. Every night he guarded the solar bark as it passed under the Earth from the gates of sunset to the gates of dawn. Every night he fought Apep, the Great Snake of Darkness, so that the sun could rise again. Does his prowess mean anything? Seth's jealousy and wounded pride forced him to kill his brother. He created a beautiful coffin, proportioned to the body of Osiris, and said that he would give this princely gift to those who would fit into it. All the gods tried the coffin in vain. Then Osiris took his turn. Immediately Seth and his 72 accomplices slammed the lid of the coffin, nailed it and threw it at the Nile. Osiris drowned. When the goddess Isis, the wife and sister of Osiris, used her magic to take away her husband's body, Seth took more permanent measures: he cut his brother's body to pieces and scattered them across Egypt. Patiently, Isis collected fragments, reassembled Osiris' body and used her magic to conceive the child by her dead husband. When their child Gore grew to masculinity, he defied the Set for king of the gods. Some legends speak of mighty battles between gods and armies. Other tales describe their infighting as a farcical court case full of low tricks and silly contests. Either way, Gore won. Gore lost his eye in their struggle; In retaliation, he neutered the set. Osiris, meanwhile, became king of the dead just as his son became king of the living; and the Pharaja dynasties now claimed to rule by origin from The Avenger Mountain. As compensation Ra gave set two foreign goddesses as concubines and made him a god of storms: He would rattle in the sky and make people afraid. When the other gods learn The Mountain as their new king, Ra turned to his faithful protector and cursed Set to live in the darkness forever. Then the gods thrust set in Duat, the dark underworld of the dead, and the river of death, whose waters come from the very Primordial Ocean. Here the set fought the great Snake Apep once again. He killed the Worm of Darkness and ate his heart. After Apep's death, he took on the dark wisdom of Apepa and learned the secrets hidden from the beginning of the world. When Ra created the world, he gave him life through his own sperm, creating the gods and souls of men. Souls differed in size, but not in naive. Jealous Ra lied to all his children. He told them that he was the richest of all things, the creator of the universe, when he just formed a tiny part of the Primitive Waters. Now, however, Set knew the truth: All souls can grow as mighty as their father and become the creators themselves. The set is back in the world of stealth. Primitive Waters bring life as well as death. Every year the gates of the world open to allow the Primitive Waters to bring new life through the annual flooding of the Nile. The set disguised as a water snake and slipped through the gate with rushing waters. He vowed to overthrow Ra - not for revenge, but for compassion to free the souls of Ra held in slavery. Despite the power received from Apep, Seth still had to hide from the sun; he couldn't break Ra's curse. He also didn't really live because he tried the waters of death. However, as he walked at night, Seth found twelve human disciples to hear his message of rebellion against the tyranny of the gods. The students swore to follow Seth. To seal their oath, they used the rite of the warrior: they mixed their blood with Seth in a bowl and drank from it, swearing in such a way as to become brothers and sisters in the upcoming struggle. Set even granted them equal share in their divine power. They'll be gods, too. However, when the last pupil drank, there was a company of great gods. Insidious Moon, whom Seth trusted to keep quiet, told the other gods about Seth's return. Ra tyrant decreed that all who joined Seth's cause would share his exile from the Sun and his castration, and that, having sealed his pact in the blood of thirteen, they would eat blood alone. Now Seth has learned what vascular flaws people had. Twelve of his disciples wailed at the curse and begged for mercy, saying that Seth had misled them. Their betrayal outraged Seth. (He always had a short temper.) He swore that if they did not help him fight the gods, eventually he gave them, he would destroy them as well, though it would take him a million years! And so, from the curses of Ra and the power of Apep, Seth and his twelve disciples became the first vampires. Over time, they learned to pass on their curse and their power to other mortals, becoming the founders of thirteen clans. The set remained the greatest of the thirteen, for he was a true god and a source of power possessed by his treacherous disciples. Others never forgave their benefactor for witnessing their betrayal and cowardice. Seth's child remained faithful to him: he learned from his mistakes and chose more carefully. The child of the other First Vampires laughed against her sirens. We, Mesu Hishet, the Children of rebellion, remain faithful - and this is like bile in the mouths of Seth's rivals. They taught their child to hate and fear Seth and his clan; they invented fables to hide how they themselves became vampires. It is just one of many, many legends that Setites use to explain their origins. Very, very insidious, they spread corruption throughout the decaying slums of the poor, and the decadent halls of the rich. Their languages exist only to lies, trap and trap their victims ... almost like a snake. It's all part of their great design, and the worship of their gods (that's true, while some cults only worship Setite Antediluvian in whatever form it takes, some also worship other gods along with it, such as the Cult of Tifon Trimegistus, but their patron is always their founder), because when all is pitiful, their Antediluvian will return, and according to their faith, will give them freedom. Planning to awaken them Antediluvian, which is also a great no no, one doubly so for Sabbat, because the superstition is that when fathers wake up, they will quench their thirst with the blood of all their Childer. Basically, no one likes them for having strange snake-fapping weirdo cultists trying to achieve the apocalypse. Since they are out of habit and blood of people involved in vice and corruption, they tend to get into trouble at some point with the law, mortal and immortal. They exist in the form of cults, worshipping the various gods who they believe are the masks of the Anthediluwians who once called themselves a set for Egyptians such as Tifon, Mars, Bacchus, Pluto, Apep, Shiva, Jormungandr, Loki, Tezcalipoca, Echidna and much, much more. Some of his childer has names like Wepwawet and Tawaret, which some would recognize as other Egyptian gods. Unfortunately, this clan was handled very poorly during Gehenna, which is a shame because there is so much that you can do with these guys. They are criminally underrated vampire versions of Word Bearers. In recent nights, the Settites realized the snake thing was a bit silly to watch, and went on what scum slick people tend to do, and start acting as they found God. Now they started calling themselves the ministry, and claimed to always be that way. They also tried to join a group from which they could leach, in Camarilla, but all their Egyptian elders were blown up by a fire bomb. (All according to plan) So they got rejected by their prom, and started hooking up with Emo's younger brother Camarilla, Anarchy, to get back at them. Gangreled Antediluvier - Ennoya - Allegedly the same woman who started the Lupin race (werewolf), an idea that couldn't be further from the truth. Signature Discipline - Protean (Shapeshifters) Sect - All sects have many Gangrel members, with a good piece of Gangrel being Autarkis. Camarilla members are getting rarer every night, however. Weakness of the clan: after each madness, they acquire a rather animal features. This curse first manifests itself as animal behavior and then moves on to the brutal appendages portruding out of the vampire's flesh. This makes Masquerade harder to maintain, of course. The nature of vampires, with many werewolves/animal control powers. You want to talk to that bird, Did you see anything? Go ahead. Call the wolves to break some dude's jugular? The flag is in your hands. It doesn't sound like much, but usually hate and fear Kindred because they may feel that they are undead monsters except Gangrel. Chillaxing with your dudes is very neat, especially when they warn you and fight for you. Despite living in the desert often (but the city, after all, is urban jungle, right?) and generally homeless they are not hippie types. These guys, like another version of nature, one that shows a cute puppy seal cub torn in half by two orcas fighting for meat. While they may be hippie types too, so don't let that stop you if you want to roll up a hippie vampire, but remember that only newborns prefer to become hippies because their elders were barbarians who despoiled myriad civilizations like Schumer, Egypt and Rome through countless millennia. These elders were Mongols, they were Gauns, they were minks, they were Huns, and so on. The migration period was a paradise for them, for the elders had wanted to devastate civilization since the concept had emerged. The curse of Gangrel, they eventually become furry, either to their joy, or to their despair. Unlike the common belief, in modern nights, every six Gangrel out of ten live under the HFY code, while the other four, usually anti-tribune, enjoy becoming a furry. Ironically, the best scientist in modern nights is also a Gangrel named Beckett, who literally experiments with himself as works under sunlight to see how it fits into nature and hypotheses about vampirism, such as the relic evolutionary offshoot of humanity in the form of predatory species. They are evil eternal enemies of the Less clan for several reasons. Ignoring all the myths aside that came before this event regarding their progenitors, one of these reasons was the poaching of the Rroma tribes, and another, this event: a Lithuanian elder Gangrel named Inam, found something that might cure all vampires from their curse, something that could return them to mortal. It could be successful actually, or not. This was important to Gangrel, as they, for quite a few exceptions, despised their a rather animal traits, because these traits made their humanity usually degenerate faster than a normal vampire, and eventually become the beast's thralls. Sure, you can choose the road/path, but it won't be like humanity. Some assholes overheard him and decided to stop this elder, because The Equality glorifies their undead and despises all who want to return to mortality or surpass their undead. As you can guess, they killed Itam. When Gangrell heard that their chance of salvation had been taken away, they went batshit mad, and immediately started RIP and TEAR all the Ravnos they could get their hands on. Gangrel Antitribu, as you would expect, is even less attuned to their humanity, in all but the name really. It's business. there is also a shitload of pedigree due to the inherent mutability of their vitae. One of them makes their houses underwater and they look like residents of Insmuth. They have mutual respect for Nosferatus, due to the fact that both clans are inherently monstrous. Some legends of Gangrel and Nosferatu say that Entoya and Absimilard often hunted together. Other than Absimilard, Entoya doesn't hate her offspring explicitly, she just doesn't care anymore. Giovanni (edited) Antediluvian: Cappadost (HIS BLOOD FELL OFF THE BACK A TRUCK, OK, NOW STOP, asking questions.) August Giovanni Signature Discipline: Necromanti (creepy magic) or Oblivion (Necromantion and Obtenebration) Sect: Independent (They Don't Need Others. Speighty and the Corpses, boss. Italian vampire mafia. No, we're not joking. Probably the second richest clan, bar Ventrue, with Lasombra and Toreador following behind. And this is just the tip of this amazing iceberg. Work in vice, corruption, and soul trade. Literally a family, as well as a pedigree, it is the only clan that exclusively covers the same mortal family. Puts choppy and correct appearance for the public, and for other vampires. They take many mortal traditions from centuries very seriously yet (being originally a merchant family from Venice). They're even serious about their Catholicism and going to church on Sunday - so on top of the rest of the time gay, atheist or worst of all Protestant are all good ways to get on their shitlist. Of course, there is a reason they are known among Kindred: in this church, there is real blood in the cup, and an among the pews between litanies about and prayers to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. yes, they're all incestuous. And it just goes down from there. Necrophilia and bestiality are common pastimes in the family. Kissing cousins is the rule. And no, the whole family didn't hug, in case you thought there was a way out. They are so messed up that by the time you can actually get chosen for a hug, the horrors of vampire life are not real biggie. It's like your most perverted hentai came into life. As you can imagine, this generally does not help their relationship with the outside world and they should be careful not to give anyone an impression otherwise. No one likes them for being a shit-for-brain bullies: they are pretty much fucked in social interactions where they don't have the equivalent of a gun on someone's head, and based the notoriously depraved Diablerist doesn't do them any favors. Now, to their credit, they did expand the gene pool a bit, by incorporating some families into their own. But, of course, they are with something other than normal. Want sister-aunt-granddaughter-wife-to-be-of-German death cultist/necrophiliac/gun dealer family? Or do you prefer it to come from a Scottish family of cannibal bankers? As for their true resource, it is not money, but souls. Dead. They take both tracks - they deal with the world of spirit I got youse, you ghost and now youse is going to tell me everything! The sight of necromanti, and literal beloved brother, just because you're dead now doesn't mean you still won't eat me... zombies raising the genus of necromance. Also not a clan of founders, they stole their vampirism from the cooler clan (Cappadocia, clan of humane and charitable vampire necromantic monks) back in the Middle Ages and then proceeded to destroy it. And assume that they missed a few e present. That doesn't mean you would be wrong... Also, trying to end the world by destroying the human world into the spiritual world so they could lord over the infinite darkness of the Long Night forever and quickly blew up the entire clan when the gateway to the Underworld formed. Thus, the words Nosferatu and Ventrue describe them best: Down the drain we see a lot of crap, but never so much as when Giovanni heads our way. And our stillborn brothers and sisters who have never developed a sense of right and wrong or that did not stick to your rooster's. Ladobra edit Antediluvian - Lasombra - KIA (or at least the elders would like to believe) Signature Discipline - Obtenebration (Infinite void of eternal shadow to help you! Believe me, there is no Antitribe in their rank. Believe me. Weakness of the clan: I do not see my own reflection. It doesn't sound so bad, but... Well, just keep reading. These creepy fucks are like pirates of an ancient era led by antediluvian Laza-Omri Bar, and have always been attracted to endless, dark oceans. They persecuted The Egyptians like hyksos, Romans, and ... pirates, and everyone else, until they could establish roots in Spain, and eventually become aristocratic conquistadors of vampires and privates except for some kinder, less dickish Lasombra, who establish roots in the Islamic world and kept it from decaying, especially the Turkish cities of Adana and Antakya (Antioch). One of the few aristocratic clans in Sabbath, and thus the eternal rivals of Ventrue. It is an obsession to such an extent that some people whisper Lasombra only took charge in Sabbat because Ventrue ran Camarilla. Had more power back in the dark ages, but still a threat today. Rivalry goes back time - Lasombr sought positions of power in the Church (and they still have members there, and all Sabbat Sabbat are derived from the Catholic hierarchy), Ventrue sought positions at the court of the king. When Ventrue held power in the kingdoms and duchys, Lasombr sought power in the republics and bishops. Where Ventru sought the army, Lasombra joined the fleet. Where Ventrue may have helped the zigra (Rhodesians) in the Bush Rhodesian War, Lasombr may have helped THE UNALU. Or both. The fact is that they are parallels in many ways. That's not to say they're just cynical users of their power - indeed, the infiltration of the Catholic Church and the caliphate came to a head during the Reconquista, with the clan splitting religious lines (although interestingly, the Arab Lasombra is still mostly Christian and refuse to convert, and no one wants to risk making them, and Lasombra Muslim Ashirra is not a Muslim. In short, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Their signature calling card is their ability to control the most forces of darkness and shadow. The kingdom they draw this from, the Abyss, was simply to catch all the terms for their authority until they explored deeper. Now we really know that this kingdom is in and out of themselves, and to the horror of other clans, they can't really go there. Used as a neutral venue for meetings or other similar events, it is one of the strongest allies of the clan. Of course, they're not the only residents out there... and there are hints that the kingdom is imbued with the essence of Lasombra himself, and his Childer simply lent him a favor, freeing him from the earthly form. Usually, they are raging assholes who think they know everything that, again, makes them pretty much a mirrored version of Ventrue. Most think they are born to rule, leading to a ruthless meritocracy, while Ventrue work for him, sucking up to his elders every night. Their weakness of the clan is also legendary, in that they can't see their own reflection. It extends to everything imaginable - the clothes they wear also disappear in the mirrors, they can not see the video cameras, they will not appear in the developed photos, they will not even appear as reflections on the glass. They are the only way they know how they look to sit down for a portrait every few years or so. This is, and they often use ghouls as maids to make sure they look great. God will help any ghoul who does not correct said problems, which is strange, since they tend to hate ghouls with passion. In short, the only way they know they have boogers sticking out of their noses is if they stick their finger in themselves. This one of those seems a minor weakness until you really stop thinking about this stuff. Another slight weakness they extra damage from sunlight, but if you encounter this, you're kinda fucked anyway. The main force in the military/administrative positions of the Sabbath, they are the only reason for the reason Sabbat can even remotely organize itself or finance its own operations. Hilariously, they are currently working out of Mexico City because of its size and sky blackout pollution. In ancient times they hugged only those who showed a huge promise to act under the pressure that remains until now, except for the bandits who go mass covers like Tyranids. Tl;dr shadows of fetishistic Gothic Spanish hotties and social Darwinian corrupt priests wearing all BLACK. Hawt, if you're into this kind of thing, I know that I. Malkavier Antediluvier - Malkav - presumably dead, his blood mixed with groundwater all over the Middle East. (Most likely it's in your head right now. Signature Discipline - Dementia (So you think I'm crazy? and you'll find out how crazy soon enough!) Sect - Mostly Camarilla Clan Weakness: They all have some form of neurosis, madness or madness. Some of them can still function, while others have gone too far and are institutionalized. The developers and prophets, they have been offering their words to the advice of Camarilla for millennia. It would be pretty cool, except most of the time, it's a casual gibberish with a rare insight hidden in the sentences. This is because for a vampire, every Malcavier is terminally insane in one way or another. And this is where the controversy comes from, with the term Fishmalk. The term Fishmalk comes from people who have played them like funny lunatics - and there are many people who are tired of this exaggerated way of playing the Drusilla clan. That's not to say you can't make Fishmalks right - the wonderful Bloodlines game was an excellent take on a concept that kept everything awesome with a legitimate comedy conclusion (though not common and clownish), along with surprisingly crafted lulz and spoilers that only make sense on a second pass, such as the muttering of Helter Skelter when you meet a vampire named Skelter, without asking him. As mentioned earlier, they are scouts and prophets, and this is partly because all the Frycats are associated with a kind of ... thing called the Malcavier Madness Network, or the web. Its partly as they can see the future, past, conspiracies, and other omens of doom, even if they or anyone else have no idea what the fuck it means. All that other clans know is that you don't want to know what the hell is in the cobwebs/Malkavian Madness Network/KRAY-I radio station - some assume that this is either the cause of their madness or a way to deter it from reaching critical and raped by the brain all around them, while others even believe that it is Antediluvian Malkav himself, going beyond the material world. And there's a good reason no one bothers trying - that binds to him gets mind raped, Dark Heresy styled. Some Kindred believe that the Malkaws are Malkav Malkava's physical manifestation, and allowing the creation of as many Malkavas as possible, Malkava's mind will be stretched too thin for Antediluvian to be a threat. Even those poor Malks are too insane to be able to care for themselves sometimes kept alive, if only to try and bring this about (it turns out that this theory is correct, but in a different way). During Gehenne, Malkave has her own physical form: a dozen little girls with glowing eyes who all speak in unison. This is what their signature discipline dementation allows them to do with others - they inflict their madness on the victim, from having to make them think they are a frog to a policeman shooting innocent passers-by to cover the escape because a cop suddenly sees monsters from Doom capturing the streets. Take note that this can be any mental flaw. This means that any range of sexual psychosis is also fair game. You show those Toreador loving hambeasts in your group that this is a world of darkness, not twilight. In a strange battle of things, both Malcavia and vampire players suggest that they may actually be getting trolled by their Antediluvian. There was a case when all the Frycavs in the world lost the ability to use Dementia and instead suddenly acquired Dominate. After he came back, the Malkav began to call him the Great Cunning. Truly, MMN is a great thing. The Instant Messenger feature also seems to be a factor of late, as they sometimes across the country drop everything they fuck they did and converge in certain places at the same time. In fact, there are not many subclans, and the Antitribu in Sabbath is much crazy, often immobilized out of battle. Well, for some reason they kept the Dominant instead of re-justifying the Dementation of the Great Cunning. While they can still allow their madness to influence reality in subtle ways that make you hope for God, you are dealing with one of those that have no murderous tendencies. And if you do ... Well, imagine one of the (many) more crazy and violent iterations of the Joker with the ability to see the future in some way. Or better yet, the Vaas montenegro of Farcry 3 will match the perfect Sabbat Malkavian. Nosferatu'edit' Antediluvian - Absimiliard (Hide yo children, hide yo wife) Signature Discipline - Obfuscate (So secretive you are completely invisible, but actually mind trick. fuck camera, man.) Sect - Camarilla/Sabbat, they say lip service to both sects, but the clan is always in the first place. Clan Weakness: Looking really damn ugly and it can't be fixed. They didn't even hide the inspiration for these guys, that's right in the title. Nosferatu is a disgusting vampire freakshow. It just doesn't stop. Every nossie will be, soon after they have embraced, into a fussy mess that is impossible to hide without supernatural help. Some still manage to look pretty good (Mitnick out some look like they got their face burned but otherwise alright (Gary Golden, Bertram, also from Bloodlines), and some look like Nurgle gave them an extra long hug (Imalia, also from Bloodlines, which calls them the look of a Texas chainsaw mascara).). One particular Nosferatu has a massive beak of bone for the mouth, for example, named Rooster Robin. Whisper that this has to do with what your character's worst flaws and worst projection beast, but who knows? An example is how most members are chosen because of the skills and such for embracing, there is another category they would like to embrace, which is in vain people who get into life thanks to their looks alone. Called Cleopatra (from the vain woman in the freaks film who earns herself a suitably awful fate), Nosferatu sometimes Embrace said that people like a form of anger/laughter revenge, or because they feel that said a man has got a brain and they need to learn to use it and develop character. In any case, because of this disability, being seen is usually a form of Masquerade disturbance, although of course slouching around at night can give some form of protection - with some you have to be very close to see what happened to them, so don't be afraid to let your Nossie do anything above ground! Just stay away from street lights or brightly lit clubs, and keep that hoodie on. They spend their time mostly hiding in the shadows of the world because of their condition. Forced to live in a fucking sewer, but actually relatively decent guys. Relatively, of course, because of things like all this cleopatra. They and Toreador hate each other's guts in general, nossies because Toreadors are vain, small, beautiful jabs. Of course, they are right about that. Their main clan discipline, although not unique to them, is obfuscate, which is basically a DZIP of invisibility by taking people to derp and think you're not there. Even the immortal and the supernatural are vulnerable to this, and require detecting ability higher than your obfuscate level to be able to see you. Keep an eye on the cameras though. For those poor souls who are bitter and who hate what they have become, there is a temporary reprieve, through a non-high-level discipline called Mask of Thousands of Persons, allowing them to deceive people's perceptions, seeing them as they used to look, and ultimately how they want to look. So you could kiss some lonely hot chick who was too eager to do it on average at best/10 that you and she could be some fucking ugly vampire and you never know! As you can imagine, Cleopatra are trying to learn this skill as soon as possible. Thanks to their deal in stealth, they have become major information brokers among Kindred and ordinary people. And boy about the boy business boom. No matter how much they despise them, vampires at some point know they they have to go to Nosferatu for that little edge. And Nosferatu knows - passive at best supporters of Camarilla, and openly thrust that they are loyal to the clan in the first place. This even applies to Antitriba, who talk to their faithful brothers somewhat regularly. Start the huge worldwide SchreckNET information network, accessible to all Nosferatu. As has been said, the clan is first. Also said SchreckNET has another purpose ... Their Antediluvian, Absimiliard, is something That Nosferatu do not like to say. He's one of the greatest bastards WoD has ever had, and that says something. Unlike many Andediluwians, who usually consider something less than Methuselah a light snack, Absimilard absolutely hates his clan, and would like nothing better than to destroy it. He had some, but only some Childer. Only one, the matriarch, who assumed that Baba Yaga herself, managed to break the blood connection that enslaved her at absimilard's will, and fled. And since all Nosferatu, who know, can trace their ancestry to the Matriarch, what happened to the other methuselahs absimilar? Welcome to Big Fear - the thing that keeps nossies during stupor. Nictuku, a 4th generation childer absimilar himself, all programmed to kill all non-Nictuku Nosferatu. After Baba Yaga ran after him and hugged many people, Absimilard put his other Childer on a crusade to destroy the errant pedigree. How far will it go? These sewers, remember them? They don't live there just because they're ugly - Nossie sewer fortresses are a great place to create gun turrets, traps, electric arc pits and anything that a 4th generation vampire can die for. And SchreckNET was first started as a means of exchanging observations on Nictuku. The best part? This fear is not groundless at all - Baba Yaga herself, an insanely powerful Methuselah with iron claws among other things, bits of perpetual mud sleep in 1990. The same Baba Yaga, who for decades could maintain a force moisturizing field throughout Russia (think the supernatural Iron Curtain). So when the Nossies are in awe, there's a damn good reason. And if you're a different clan, you better be careful too. They must be mostly asleep, or take the form of innocent children. Seeing one, as with seeing any elder who is missing, is seen as an extremely bad omen. The fact that Baba Yaga is gone and that more have been seen is another reason people believe Gehenna is coming. They have mutual respect for Gangrel, due to the fact that both clans are inherently monstrous. Some legends of Gangrel and Nosferatu say that Absimilard and Enloya often hunted together. Except, unlike Ennoy, Absimilard hates the shit of his Ravnos (edited) Antediluvian - Ravana / zapatasura / Equality (Dead for reais) Signature Discipline - Chimerstry (Sneaky Sneaky Magic Illusion and Card Tricks) Sect - - - The weakness of the clan: the desire to commit a crime. Mostly independent, took a massive hit in 1999. Gypsy/Hindu vampires; instead of madness, they have the motivation to commit the crime of choice. In general, treated with all respect and gratitude to the real life of the gypsies. In addition, their Antedeluvian woke up during a week of nightmares, darkened the sky, and sucked Bangladesh dry. Kuei-jin counterattacked, with a dead end where three Boddhisatvas clashed with a bastard in the Bangladeshi jungle for night and day, eventually threatening to break the masquerade and unleash the supernatural for the world. Ravana's fury ended only when it was literally nuked and then blasted by Technocracy using orbital arrays - they bounced off super-concentrated sunlight from the still-lit side of the Earth, causing it to burn and incurable madness across the clan. Survivors are rare and depressed. Grimdark. Toreador edit Antediluvian - Arikel Signature Discipline - Presence (look at me and feel hot!) sect - Mostly Camarilla, strong presence of anarchy Clan Weakness: When they see something beautiful, they must continue to look at it (this includes, but is not limited to, an attractive sunrise), and leak chromosomes if they are not surrounded by beautiful things (yes, it means that if you are in a beautiful alley, you get a shaft. Drawing on the tradition of vampires as dark romantic lovers before it was irreversibly contaminated by Twilight, Thereadors are the vampire equivalent of the popular girls in your school possessed by Anne Rice. Massively obsessed with art and beauty, if you've ever watched Red Dwarf, then the cat is a great example of Toreador, and they will never let you join them, you nerd. Hate Nosferatu for being ugly, their members in Sabbat are serial killers or disgusting artists who would give Tzimisce a run for their money. Their name means bullfighter because they come from Cretan priestesses who fought bulls. Really get a shitload of more hate than they probably deserve, although actually no more annoying than any other social vampire clan. Plus they didn't wish-washy asshats, and proved useful in the Battle of Crunch, and spawned several capable warriors. (In particular, the Islamic sect called Rayeen-Al-Fen Patron of Arts has brought up many philosophers-warriors with high humanity) The weakness of the clan is a tendency to stop and consider works of art lost in bliss. Tremere (edit) Antediluvian - Saulot/Tzimisce smoothie IMPOSSIBLE, WE, OPAL CAMARILLA, NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE AHAHAHAHAHA. Tremere Signature Discipline - Thaumaturgy (Bloody Magic) Sect - Camarilla (those exposed Vaulderie as part of joining Sabbat suddenly came down with the unpleasant case of turning to ashes, but those who are not still around) Clan Weakness: In the V20 edition, the edition, only takes two doses of vitae, not three, to chain them to a full blood connection. Elders quickly exploit this vulnerability among their smaller GIFT NEONATES TASTE LIFE ELDER BLOOD IN NAME MANYANIMUS SOLIDARITY, And just for this reason! The greatest bastards in V:tM, there with Giovanni, Setites and Tsimshitz, although the last two are undoubtedly more badass, while Tremeer and Giovanni are clans of hate shell. They were once the home of the Order of Hermes (from Mag: Ascension) until their leader Tremere decided that he wanted to become a vampire after he got his first gray hair because their potions of immortality stopped working. Then they became vampires, killing many, many Tsimshitz and making an elixir out of their blood. So, of course, Tsimshice was fucking drunk, and immediately went to war with the shitty wizards Tremer. What did Tremeer do? They created Garguli, from the flesh and blood of the dead Nosferatu, Gangrel and Tsimshice. Guess what? They earned two more enemies, and Tsimshice became even more angry. Then the scumbags managed to diablerize Saulot (who actually played them, since his intention was to stop Tzimsice Antediluvian, more about that on the Crucible of God's section in Gehenna) and almost destroyed Salubri, a sign of a good teammate of all vampires. Tonight, Salubri Antitribu are cutting the crap out of them for it. They also inflicted a bloody curse on the Assamts, earning another enemy. These nights, all these clans want nothing more than the destruction of Tremere. Vies vs. Tzimisce, Lasombra, and Ventrue for most epic complex of supreme and numerous experiments they have performed using members of listed clans over the years. Their main weakness is that they have a social structure that has a zero promotion rate and tries to leave or do anything without the boss's consent leads to you getting the leash pulled tight. However, the compromise is access to one of the most terrible disciplines, Thaumaturgy. Bloody magic for non-members, it allows them to control blood, their own or others', to powerful and fantastic targets, and eventually use it to throw their usual airtight magic from the classic Telekinesis, spell and fireballs (which is really scary for all vampires including Tremere, who uses it) on more exotic things. There's a reason Camarilla keeps holding them, despite the fact the Tremere clan's loyalty goes no further than the Tremere clan and their founder was a despicable diablerist truthful and HONEST ANTEDILUVIAN WHO the only thing that wanted the best for VAMPIRE SOCIETY. Any reports of torture of cameras or usurpation of the power of captive vampires and do sick experiments vile rumors of soul sucking Salubri and vile Tzimisce. Because of this no one likes Tremere, but they are kept around because of how much them, and Tzimisce, Tzimisce, Salubri and even Caitiff on which Tremere's love of experiment would deliver some payback. Surprisingly, the Tremeer clan is also notorious for how easy it is to infiltrate. A huge number of pedigrees that can pass a blood test (with magic, no less!) and thus overlook the time Tremere starts with some three-eyed evangelists and walks around the block, twice ... But then it doesn't make sense how the first Tremere vampires were made with a mixed potion of different clans, so it's not hard to tune in to their blood test. The Tremere clan crashed and burned around Gehenne when Saulot said, Wow, it and recaptured Tremere's body, destroying most of the klan's strongholds. Then Tsimshice Antediluvier woke up and turned the survivors into terrifying creatures. Only Etrius, Goratrix (sealed in the mirror) and Tremera (usurping Horatrix's body when Saulo kicked him out of his own body) survived, and they later joined the dead ranks of his clan. The end of Tremere, in particular, during the crucible of God is exactly what he deserved. Seriously, the asshole deserved it all. Tzimisce (edited) Antediluvian - Tzimisce, Senior Signature Discipline - The Per already (Fleshwarping) Sect - Sabbat, with a good piece of being an independent clan weakness: Have to sleep at least two handfulls of their native land. (pronounced zuh-mee-see) An artist is a vampire who defines art as fleshmolding of unfortunate mortals/vampires/self-in-moro-esque nightmares. Each of them suffers from a complex of superiority; Expect a Bond villain or serial killer of personalities. They worship a giant cathedral of living/inanimate flesh that can move around somehow (it's Tzimisce itself). Also, more so than any other clan, expect many Eastern European types of Old World obsessed with hospitality and talking in vampire whirlwinds - think Count from Sesame Street, except that he's a desimuled birdie in a fleshy nugget if or fuses Ernie and Bert along a la I don't have my mouth and I have to scream. It's also the Dracula clan belongs (although he's a pretty cool guy for Tzimisce and doesn't do anything out of meaty shit). They have a strange form of going independent, a sub-clan called Old Tzimisce, who just do whatever they want in their Eastern European castles without actually giving a shit about Sabbat politics. The etymology points to the ancient Greek surname Cimisce. Ventrue edit Antediluvian - Veddhartha /Ventru Signature Discipline - dominate (Look me in the eye and do as I say.) Sect - only Camarilla, or so they like to talk. Clan Weakness: You'll have to drink from annoyingly a particular kind of sacrifice: natural blondes, men over 50, women who have fallen in love but not married, alcoholics, virgins over 20, and so on. Rich, Ralph-Lauren wears a vampire asshole. Think Gekko from Wall Street, except instead of being imprisoned like a, Gekko Gekko investigators, drains the guys who surrendered it dry, and pins the murder on the tramp. Usually those who answer in Camarilla, because until Tremere appeared no one wanted a job to fight the shit that vampires do, which breaks the masquerade, and their mind-control powers and general dickery helps with that. The tendency to be very selective with hugs, and the newborn can expect to receive extensive and grueling training before being presented with Ventrue in general, mainly to make sure they don't fuck and make their sire look bad. Internally they are a mixture of average girls meets the most backstabbing corporate culture: Ventrue make sure to choose people who would thrive in such an environment. They used to be nobles in Europe, but now they are merchants. Except for their Antitribu, who love to play SKA crusader dress up. The fallen clans edited the above thirteen clans were not the original thirteen clans that ran around. Through shenanigans and clever conspiracy, the two of them were destroyed and replaced by another clan. Cappadocia Antediluwski: Cappadoc (aka Ashur?) Signature Discipline: Necromantism (OG Necromants) Sect: Independent (their destruction preceded by Camarilla and Sabbat) Clan Weakness: A Cadre appearance, or a painful bite of necromants, scientists and all around bro with genuine concern for humanity and God, the Clan of The Cape Vampires from I wake up from numbness and read for the next hundred years variety. They expanded their ranks by embracing famous scholars or promising nobles and women. This has firmly established them in the monasteries, universities and courts of Europe. However, they made the fatal mistake when, embracing a family of merchants and ghost conscripts called Giovanni, and it all went downhill from there. No openly Cappadocians survive this night, except for one incredibly powerful 4th generation Golconda looking for a gentleman of Istanbul named Mahatma, mainly because of Giovanni's intense efforts to make sure that this is the case, and probably because in the world of darkness, being a decent, friendly and harmless vampire scientist gets you killed horribly. However, it is a silly kindred thing that counts on ancient necromancers. See Samedi and Skull Harbingers for proof. In V:tM v5 the White Wolf decided to reintegrate all Cappadoc ancestry back into a single clan, but instead of calling the clan its original name, they renamed it the Hecata clan, only it is more of a sect than a clan because it also carelessly includes the necromants of Nagaraji, who are not Cappadocian ancestry. Salubri'edit' Antediluvian - Saulot Signature Discipline - Obei, (Valeren, if you Sabbat) Sect - Independent (or Sabbat, if you're not a bitch) Clan Weakness: Not to feed from the vessel without consent, consent, feed with the consent of the later Saloubri. Any Salubri with at least two points in Obea / Valeren will grow a third eye in the forehead. Normally, this third eye can be closed, but there are some who can't close them, making them a masquerade disturbance if they wear a bandage or something. What is Salobri? The main Salubri were monk vampires constantly looking for a vampire version of Golconda's internal zen, with a second, warrior caste who were the undead vampire Paladins using ANGELIC POWERS. Why don't you see them again on a modern night? Blame the fucking Tremer. Before the Dark Ages, Saloubri was highly regarded, and cities always had one of them on the council because of how close they were to their humanity. At the time Tremere were still very much a new pedigree composed of high-generation vampires and still very hated because they cheated their way into becoming Cainites. Eventually, however, Tremere and his closest friends learned of Diablry and found the whereabouts of Saulo, Antidiluvian Salubry. After diablerizing it as Saulot intended (see Crucible God below), Tremere told all his friends and Childer to find Salubri and start eating, all the while spreading a propaganda campaign about how Salubri were all wolves in sheep-style psychopaths who worshipped Satan and committed diablerie so often they made Assamites say, yo, cool fuck out. Some Saloubri survivors hid in the Muslim world and they are now known as Al-Amin or trusted by the rest of the local Kindred community. Some went to Africa, and degenerated into the true soul of a sucker. Some of them joined Wu Sao, their brothers in the east. Some of them became wanderers and vagrants. And so the highly regarded Salubri ended up being hunted into near extinction, their remaining numbers rumored to be about seven with all the sires with their Childer Diablerize them, look out for the rumors because everything about Salubri is mired in rumors and myths at the moment. And so Saloubri until recently passed into the legend ... You see, around the 20th century, a Saloubri healer named Adonai completely lost his shit, switched to the side of Sabbath things and forcibly mass-hugged some mortals to stew and MURDERFUCK some Tremere. Meet the Resurrected (the first warrior Casta was around the Bronze Age, extinct fighting Tzimisce and Baali) Warrior Caste Salubri, who are literally opposites of the other Salubri, do not limit their number and bully fighters who will fuck all your shit up and then go out and kill the werewolf for kicking punches after raping Tremere chantry and picking up their teeth with their bones. Of course, the opposite means that they can not feed from others with consent, but this is not a problem, since you know Sabbat. They hate Camarilla because their treatment to their clans near near and they absolutely hate Tremer with a passion as immortal as they are. Both regular Salubri and their Sabbat colleagues technically use the same discipline, but depending on the publication you use it is either Valeren or Obeah (V20 treats them as separate) as a matter of dealing with pain and injury and depending on which version of the discipline you are either healing pain or dishing it out in large portions. As mentioned, there are all sorts of rumors about them, maybe they are the progenitors of Baali, maybe not, maybe they are extinct, maybe not. People even claim that Saulot is not dead, so who even knows what's going on there, maybe ask Tremere if you have a desire to die. Bloody Lines (edit) For various reasons, there are several small types of vampires around around with their own little settings and circumstances that may or may not arise from one of the big clans. Typically, Bloodline is a kind of small clan whose population can roughly fit in a train carriage or two, and the general view is that something of a clan or pedigree usually depends on the point of view of peers and usually if the clan antediluvian its support. For example, the Clan of the Dark Ages of Salubry is now considered the BloodLine, while their clan status was given to Tremere after the successful Tremer Genocide Campaign, in which each other clan saw more good in their friendship with pacifist little homosexuals with three eyes and healing magic. And also because Salubri is probably below one or two hundred members now. Conversely, the Ravnos clan were all but extinct after 1999 after their Antediluvian woke up and ruined the chaos in India and decided for whatever reason, to troll their own clan to death, causing a massive frenzy down a generation of lines that led to about 70% or so of the entire clan going to hell with most survivors either too high a generation to be heavily affected, too isolated to cause any damage or be part of a Sabbat with a package capable of putting them in hell when they start sucking furniture on anything reasonable around them without visible cause. Despite this, they are still considered the clan by most vampires for various reasons, including that they have not completely disappeared, no one is trying to usurp their position, not everyone has received a memo that they are endangered, ravnos themselves call themselves a clan, and no one cares enough about the status quo-es do not care about who calls themselves that. Outside the universe the reasons why Bloodline exists tend to vary between the causes of knowledge and because the white wolf doesn't think the existing clans have been shiny enough, so let's add in Demon Fappers, zombies and vampire/fairy hybrids! Ahrimanes (edited) Antediluvian - Signature Discipline - Spiritus (pre-revised and V20) or Protean (post-revised) Sect - Nominally Sabbat's in Night Clan Weakness: Unable to take in the traditional sense, can not create ghouls or form Bloody Bonds. Have you ever asked yourself: What happens if a writer for the popular desktop RPG will watch too many Catwoman movies? Me too, but here's the result! All women's Bloody Line kawaii neko desu' ^_^ Good well, the cat parts are more of a theme than an actual physical trait, but the fact that someone still thought it was a good idea hurt. In essence, some Gangrel somewhere got the fancy idea of doing some kind of ritual to turn herself into a new breed of vampire and invited her fellow cat fanatics to join her fantasy idea for all women (including a spiritual woman under V20 Dark Ages) a group of crazy vampire cat ladies on the margins of the Kindred Society, which is all the backstory we need. Their discipline, prior to revision, was a mixture between Protean and conversation with animal spirits or plum traits of them. Ania edit Antediluvian - Ennoy Signature Discipline - Protean (suspect) Sect - Independent Clan Weakness: Can't rest long. Created by Gangrel Methuselah named Dobrul the Brave, he wandered the world until finding the Mongols. Developing great respect for his warriors, he embraced a few and appointed them to the spirit of the steppe warriors, watching the Mongolian tribes and protecting them from external threats (which are common in the World of Darkness). Their heyday was the time of Kublai Khan, during which they openly appeared in China. However, after khan's death, Andal began to shrink in the same way as the Mongolian hordes themselves, and none of them, as we know, existed that night. Founder of Azaneali:Azaneal (2nd generation vampire) Signature Discipline: Obtenebration (Calling the dark tentacles from the abyss, etc.) Sect: (Baali) (plus penetration, like Lasombra in related sects) Clan Weakness: Addiction to Obtenebration, or lack of reflection Without obtenebration Lasombra is just a soft few grimdark shadows Ventrue (pun intended), while Baali evoke rich Cthulhu-myths taste, so that more than one White Wolf author understood that the dark Obtenebration belonged to it was such a good idea that it happened on its own twice: once as Angellis Ather (Black Angels) (Lasombr apostate pedigree), and again as Azaneali (baali pedigree); later authors united them in a single pedigree, and one of the founders was an ancient named Azanil. Working out of material in the Black Hand: A guide to Tal'Mahe'Ra, Azaneal is actually the name of a demonic ghost partly diablerized second generation vampire who now possesses the body of the fifth generation Baali methuselah. Azaneal second generation is implied as Sir Ladombra Antediluvian, and he probably Ser Baali Antediluvier. Baali'edit' Antediluvian - Perhaps Saulot or Cappadocius Signature Discipline - Daimonion (Satanic Crap) Sect - Independent, some sects infiltration present clan weakness: Very vulnerable to true faith, killed in full view at the opening, and as Dimonon level rises their appearance becomes more demonic to zero appearance, like Shaytan. Go to the clan for extreme poignancy, Lovecraft levels of horror and pure, pure evil on the surface, but has hidden depths few can enjoy. Somewhere else in the good old days, the happy clans suddenly faced a new threat consisting of an absolutely huge Bloody Line of vampires, openly worshipping the Demons and telling the rest to conform and die, making the enemy with each other clan, especially the Assamites and Saloubri in the bloody campaign of world conquest. In general, they are considered evil in the extreme for appearing to try to destroy the world, with their modern backward counterparts adding to the suspicions. Because of this, even more frankly immoral clans such as The Followers of Seth, Ciitis and Equality make enemies with them. You know you're made fucked when Sabbat, the edgiest immature vampire sect in an environment kills you in plain sight and dedicates a secret inquisition to eradicate anything resembling Baali. Exactly how they came to be obscure, but it is usually thought when Saulot (or Cappadocias /Ashur) takes a walk through Asia, he decided to destroy a monstrous clan of people who fucked their children, mutilated themselves and donated blood to keep the eldritch horrors underground satiated, and fell blood on the pit corpses he filled, killing everyone because hell. Three survivors appeared and swore hateful revenge. Ironically it was the beginning of a rollercoaster shit ride, as said the cultists were doing these atrocities to keep the demons fed, thus keeping the world intact. These assholes, somehow figuring out enough of their condition not to walk in the sunlight, decided that the best way to spend eternity is to continue to worship... things that may be Earthbound, or malfeans and somehow Baali led to a direct opposition to the cause of the existence of this tribe (except Moloch, but we get to that). Overall Baali is believed to have had three Methuselahs (4th generation) vampires leading them, and they were largely extinct sometime after the dark ages when Christianity was established enough that all that was not a cross as its holy symbol was put on the torch. Their other harbors in the Middle East got a shaft from the surge of Islam, which managed to destroy almost all the Baali that remained in the Arabian Peninsula when Muslim assamites shanked every last of the bastards with a stake and left them in the sun after seeing their horrible practices (saving the pit corpses are usually difficult when the Arab civilization develops sanitation and you can not hide the smell). In retaliation Baali is summoned by The Deans, 36 aspects of Namtar, the earthly demon and curse assamites by the thirst for blood. So yes, the Children of Baali worship have qualities that somehow refer to both different persons. Right? But then, Black Hand: A guide to Tal'mahe'Ra suggests that Baali's Children may be malfeans, horrible individuals living in Lovecraft's sleepless phase. These creatures have physical bodies in created tombs on earth, but their souls and minds exist in the Labyrinth, always dreaming. Most baali seek to keep the Malfes from reuniting with their earthly bodies through sacrifices and debauchery, although some try to awaken the essence. If this knowledge were correct, it would suggest, as the Wraith core does, that The Malpheus are indeed the physical manifestations of the pain of death itself (literally taking the form of flesh and soul forever torn). In addition, the Malfeans use Hive Mind for their minions, and Baali's oldest (even pre-vampirism) morality is the Way of the Hive, which sounds suspiciously similar. Thus, Baali can be a tragic group of people trying to stop malfeans before Saulot (or Ashur) thought about riding and doing Nice Work Breaking It Hero. As a last resort, Earthbound doesn't need debauchery, they need faith, directed, organized religious fervor, so Baali committing ritual horror to keep faces satisfied means that the persons they satisfy are malfeans. With the exception of one of the three Baali sects, Moloch's children, named Molohim, show some interest in playing without fucking getting sick. Molohim uses a strange moral code called the Way of the Hive, avoids killing and endangering mortals without a reason, considers Abel the original vampire and thinks of himself as God's shadow on earth, committing the necessary atrocities to keep the Malfeans asleep. Hell, the abuse of the innocent and the feeding force of them level 4 sin (which means more SINFUL than humanity's own values) that should speak volumes in the activities of the world. Kind of like tragic villains, True Black Hand and even a few magicians actively collaborate with them to keep SON BBEG in beyond, because once the malfeans are on the move, the whole politics will fly out of the window with a shitstorm that would gehenna look like a Disneyland story. Several modern Baali usually remain hidden in some isolated chews or sneak into Tremere for protection. Some theories suggest that the reason they do what they do as well everyone and trying to turn the 3rd millennium into the 41st because everyone evil deeds keep kids asleep. This is reinforced by the fact that the Baali symbol is an inverted version of Lucifer Morningstar's personal symbol, but the chronology is a little vague about the issue. The earthly language pretended to be the gods of ancient Phoenicia, and Baali was said to have been their believers, so Lucifer's actions were to take place at the height of the Sumerian Empire. At this time Lucifer empored Baali to be his original agents, only for all this to fall apart in a millennium or two. There's also a chance that this is, because what Baali did empowered them more than anything after 1999, in particular there are a few Earthbound, and dropped openly operating left and right after escaping from the abyss; and Baali did nest shit to change if there would be worse in nervousness. In any Gehenne scenario, they achieve nothing and are trampled upon by political change. Basically, most modern Baali are stereotypical Hollywood Satanists, but in the Middle Ages, they were three times: Edgy Gothic Satanists, Lovecraftian explorers of true-name creatures, and disgusting Hive-Minded literal insect believers who would make captives swallow the larvae they would eat insides, and broke free like flies and/or use their flesh and blood. Baali elders have the opportunity to turn vampires of other pedigrees into Baali's ancestry; such a convert is known as the Apostate, and they replace one of their clan disciplines with Dimonion. Bloody Brothers Edit Antediluvian - No Signature Discipline - Sanguinus (Some Hivemind) Sect - Sabbat Clan Weakness: Can't hug, the pain felt by one is shared by all. Not very smart either. Before Tremere Antitribu were on the receiving end of the burning man curse some apparently worked with some Tzimisce Kolduns to create the perfect troop kick. Created in groups of 3 to 10 Blood Brothers are designed to be both powerful in the fight and loyal to their leaders, without much in the brain department. As part of this goal they get a common consciousness of sorts to allow them to work better as a unit. Members are made to look the same with vicissitude. Their personalities are purified as well in favor of obedience and propensity for violence: while everyone can be made into Blood Brother the easiest way to use people who are thuggish from the beginning. Because of this, the Blood Brothers have trouble acting independently and require the need for the Sabbat master to serve. They make it look up to the point of sycophancy, which is useful for some Sabbat but deeply unnverves others. In another story, the creation of Blood Brothers is made of Kina, not Kindred. In particular, the ritual requires 10 children under the age of 7. These children must be ghouled besides the same vampire who too will die during the The children are spoiled and loved by their Domitor at the same time tortured ritualist until their minds are completely broken and they love their Domitor more than anything. After a three-month period the children must watch their Domitor kill, and must deliver the murder blow itself. At this point the ritual reaches its peak, children die, their minds merge and a united mind pours into the bodies. Most children are not likely to survive, and those who do will be made into a single entity scattered across many bodies: the Blood Brothers. What an actual FUCK, White Wolf. Blood brothers use Potens and Resilience to succeed in battle, but thanks to their acces to Sanguinus they can share their minds, heal each other at a distance, sacrifice their limbs to each other to give their relatives more arms, legs, eyes and mouth, but leaving (temporary) donor unlimited potatoes, can reduce their generation for a short time to allow to spend more Vitae and even strain together in one flesh. Aside from their master they have loyalty only to each other: Blood Brothers become more excited when apart and hate seeing each other as different to the point where they want to dress exactly the same way. As long as they are together they will find almost any Haven nice to live with, and although they are not prone to intrigue or unauthorized violence they will bring a few more mouths to feed to the table. Oddly enough, nothing prevents you from having a really smart Bloody Brother. The game doesn't do much with the Blood Brothers: there are a few pieces of art we've seen of them having members all looking like a bunch of violent skinheads that are way too touchy-feely with each other. Blood Brothers are not designed to have a player's pedigree for all but the most niche games, but make for excellent tough mooks in Camarilla, Anarchy or even Sabbat games. Even then, don't expect to see many of them: use the ultimate power of Sanguinus, Coagulated Entity, all members should be at least 8th generation, which is not only unlikely that it also makes for some powerful food once the thing goes down. If you really want to pay a combat-oriented character in the Game of Sabbat take a look at Brujah (or Ventrue or even Salubri antitribu) instead, or if you want to go the body horror route to play Tzimisce instead. (edited) Antediluvian: Veddhartha Signature Discipline: Sadhana (Hindu Thaumaturgy) Sect: Some in Tal'mahe'Ra, others in unnamed alliance with other Hindu vampires in India clan weakness: Option Ventrue feeding restriction Of Dunawa are Hindu thaumaturges who claim that Ventru are the pedigree of the clan Danava. - Mostly Camarilla, formally independent clan Weakness: Listen to music in their heads all the time. Imagine a song stuck in your head for decades in a row: IT GETS ANNOYING. So somewhere in the Renaissance either Toreador got hot (relatively common thing) for a fairy or something and disappeared with some of them appearing some time later or Malkavian fucked By another or something and it was the result. Either way, it's pretty modern all women's Bloodline who trick sings or with sound, such as making noise seems to be coming from somewhere else than where it is (do you mean Ventriloquism?). Their weakness is that they constantly have music stuck in their heads, making it difficult to concentrate and increasing their difficulty with perception rolls. In a game of personal horror, they probably nail it best, given that it is very possible that they will have to live for centuries with Rebecca Black constantly reminding them of the daily calendar; it's amazing that they're not all crazy after their first fifty years of existence. There used to be males called sons of Discord, but quietly killed them (and probably chewed) somewhere after the revision. Gargoyles (edited) Antediluvian - No signature Discipline - Visceratika (Stone Power, cumulation in making tank sun all day when not moving) Sect - Mostly Camarilla, some rebels independent weaknesses of the clan: Looking like a gogululi makes them walk Masquerade violations, also susceptible to mind control. Once again in the good old days right after Tremere (a guy, not a clan) was Diablerized Saulo and make up plans to play Surprise Genocide with his clan; Tzimisce got Gangrel and Nosferatu on board with a declaration of war against the Usurpers who stole the immortality of Diablerizing one of the most important characters in vampire history, as well as the kidnapping of Tzimisce Elder from his harbor to experiment. Naturally, Tremere was one little bloodline at this point against three now very angry large clans. And right after receiving the Maga is equally drunk, who renounced the sorcerers; so they had to play their cards very carefully and very cleverly, there was no room for a damn second time. Being a squiggly little ayutin who saw more value in having to count in the dark ages than they saw to be able to put up a good fight, they began to kidnap innocent civilians and buy slaves (We're looking at you, Vienna Ventrue), and the occasional Kindred (a very bad move given the clan loyalty trumps factions then) and use their blood magic fantasies to turn them into Gargoels to do all that loyal and thoughtless servants of usurpers. The good news is that it worked; Tremere survived until they helped Ventrue form Camarilla and thus got the whole sect supporting can work in the world to the powerful clan they are today. The bad news is that the gargoyles were not as thoughtless as Tremere originally intended, and some of them began furiously breaking out of the chantries and forming rebel groups focused on liberating their brothers and sisters from Tremere slavery or simply leaving somewhere isolated to live eternity without a collar around their necks; in any case Tremere is not happy that and this is enough for most. Unlike most, gargoyles are not usually considered a large part of the pedigree majority, because most of them do not realize that they are, in fact, vampires; understandably enough, given that they go blocks of stone. They cannot interact with mortals at most of any level what it may be, and walk around the Masquerade breaking if they show that they are more than just a statue. Tremere made an apologetic pact with the clans they used for gargoyles in modern life: new gargoyles should not be made, and those who were slaves were given the choice to leave: most remained, some remained, because perhaps the standard of living was in order. However, who knows what's out there (you can see one in Bloodlines)... Harbingers of Skulls (Edited) Antediluvian - Cappadoc Signature Discipline - Necromantia (different variety from Giovanni) Sect - Sabbat Clan Weakness: Looking like walking corpses, outnumbered, plus Giovanni will look to plot their destruction. Remember the Cappadocia people that Giovanni killed? Death experts and all she had to do with? It turns out it takes more than a few fires, genocide campaigns and their Antediluvian locking them underground to finish them off completely. Back in the days of the Ottoman Turks, there was an event called The Feast of Stupidity, where Cappadocia locked up Cappadocia vampires who: were illiterate were not charities not to help people with community service (It's a miracle to build churches and mosques and hospitals when you can raise whole trees) were irresponsible dickheads Cappadocius threw them into the catacombs of his clan and locked them in the catacombs of his clan and locked them up in the catacombs of their clan and locked them up in the catacombs of their clan. Then he went to the mortal population, and told them to pack up and leave, and he cursed the place. Again, when you read above, it takes more than a little backward lock to destroy thousands of Kindred, even if they're irresponsible dicks. Those who did not go mad or die did some research crash-rate there and left their prison sentence with a spell that opened the passage into the underworld, where they quickly stuck for centuries. Somewhere in the 20th century they managed to recruit a Scythian shaman of the dead from his old clan, who slept in a daze all the clusters of the previous millennia and had only recently woken up, and she drew releasing them into the material world. As soon as they got back into the real world and realized as fucked they got with none lifting a finger to help them, they were understandably pissed off and decided to join Sabbat for a bit of backup while they began discretely picking up from Giovanni one by one; who does said cousin-fuckers shit themselves. They also have a grudge against Camarilla for signing with Giovanni from You Leave Me Alone, I leave you alone variety in this way by selling a few remaining Cappadocians as Giovanni got a free reign to scratch them off his to-do list. Presumably, none of them have embraced since they re-emerged in a world that is relatively stupid, given their goal of counter-destroying a relatively powerful clan (although it is sometimes implied that they lost their original bodies and possessed corpses on their return, thus being unable to cuddle), and their devotion to Sabbat is mostly only on paper. They care very little about Sabbath's goals, and Sabbath has very little to do with their revenge crusade against Guido; both are perfectly normal with this as long as they see face to face on what they are doing and leave each other on their own hobbies. They look like dried, preserved corpses. They can't do shit to hide it if they don't recognize Obfuscate, well for them Sabbat doesn't care about masquerade. That is, if you believe their boasts: there is an extensive clean-up team in Sabbath, and the elders know that they do not inflame a world full of superpowers. If magicians won't fuck their shit up, humanity itself will. Kiasyd'edit' Antediluvian - Lasombra (diverse in the V20 Dark Ages, Lasombra in V20) Signature Discipline - Mytheceria (Riddle-Magic combo'd with fairy shit) Sect - Clan Sabbat Weakness: Look distinctly non-human, and touching any kind of iron makes them have to roll to avoid madness. Actual damage from things is aggravating damage. Somewhere in the dark ages, some Magician managed to con Lasombra Methuselah in buying his secret brew and having a taste. This turned it high, pale white with black eyes and with skin that glows in the moonlight with the ability to see fairies and their magic for what they are. After several decades or so being locked up for what is strange, the first uprising of anarchy occurred, and he and several Childer he was released after the alleged death of Lasombra Antediluvian and quickly joined with what would become Sabbat a few years later and settled somewhere around Belgium or so. They are quite apolitical and most just want to stay in their libraries or pursue curious artifacts and be left alone, so despite their Sabbat-loyalty, most of them don't have much of anything against Camarilla and the content of reading human and cainite books for centuries (One of them loves the Bible and warns the borrower that he will skin it if it damages the book). Most think of them as like (they are nicknamed the Weirdlings) and want little to do with them, even the Changelings stay away from them because those few who came up came back with stories about being tortured for fun and/or for Kiasyd's experiments. but at the expense of previously established knowledge. Again, in the book Lore of the Bloodlines, they were again retconned, explaining the existence of two species of Kiasyd: the original, successfully embraced fairies and then called Maeghar; and new, going down with Marconius, who created the concoction, mixing the dark glamour of the fae, a few blood and receiving the blessing of the dark fairy Tallen. This alchemist thus gave the potion to his sister, and he drained it, all of it being in the abyss, becoming the first of the new Kiasyd. Lamia edit Antediluvian - Cappadocia (via Lamy) Signature Discipline - Necromantia Sect - Independent (though beholden to Cappadocians) Clan Weakness: Their Kiss Inflicts Black Plague as a disease that is more deadly to men than women (easier to resist) that kills in days. Vampires who drink from a vessel infected with the disease become carriers until all Lamia Vitae infected are cleared of their bodies. No, it's not. They are vampires dedicated to the service and protection of cappuccinos. Their sire and namesake were priestesses Lilith, the Dark Mother. Lamia claimed to be Lilith's daughter (which makes her Kane's stepdaughter!), who was embraced by a cappuccino named Lazarus. When she died, Lamia received a vision from the Dark Mother and gave purpose. She and her line will serve and protect members of the Cappadocia clan, with their unlives if necessary. They have never had a great pedigree, partly because of the service, and partly because their bite carried a powerful version of the Black Plague. Lamia were almost exclusively women trained in combat. This makes them ideal bodyguards, especially with their resilience and sweaty disciplines. They, in turn, were seen as royal retainers by their masters, creating a kind of vampire master/maid dynamic. However, their loyalty proved their decline: Lamia was killed by August Giovanni himself, and the last Lamia was killed in 1718 as part of the hunt for Camarilla's blood. Lhiannan'edit' Antediluvian - Crohn's (old Kane teacher) Signature Discipline - Ogham Sect - Independent Clan Weakness: People feel very uncomfortable in the presence of Lhiannan, they are easier to detect with Auspex and if they leave their territory for more than a week they become agitated and their bone pools shrink (minimum th Lhiannan's Stamina). Damn hippie vampires. The story goes that their connected with the spirit of nature to protect the trees. She was a crohn's mysterious figure who taught Kane how to make blood ties. It turned her into some kind of vampire in her own right. While Crohn's was eventually staged by Kane and intends to return with Gehana, she has made her own sire. The downside is that because of its nature the creation of the new Lhiannan not only creates offspring less powerful than their sire, but also reduces sire. Lhiannan were picky in which they cuddled: only those with sufficient respect for nature or enough pagan zeal would attract their attention, and of course none of the Abrahamic denominations. Lhiannan Childer received a good education before being sent to fend for themselves, with the harbors of the Lhiannans to be near, without them communicating a lot. This proved their fall as the pagan paths were pushed back by the march of the Christian world, and around the 14th century they were considered destroyed, aside from the western Gangrel claims of 4s that were painted with blood on the trees. Nagaraja (edited) Antediluvian: No Signature Discipline: Nihilistics/Oblivion (Arms of Oblivionic Energy) Sect: Independent Clan Weakness: You need to consume vitae and flesh, or a painful bite. The deadly magicians of the Indian subcontinent, Idran were the collective Chakravanti Awakening, who set out in search of greater knowledge of necromance to command death like no one had done before. Mix some setite blood in the pool, part spell life from the mummy, and throw in idran magicians who have slit the throat and you get the first brood of Nagaraja. (The word Nagaraja translates from Hindi literally as the Serpentine Regent, or poetically as Wyrm King.) The spell, however, could not erase the karma of choosing to break their avatars and accept the Curse of Kane, and so they emerged with a hunger for flesh along with an endless hunger for blood. Some of these newly created sorcerers swore allegiance to the mummy by joining a sect known as Tal'mahe'Ra, and from there the pedigree grew inside and on the other side. Those in the dead city of Enoch promote their necromance, feed on ghosts, and return to the lands of the living to hug and recruit. Others wandered from the east, embracing sparingly, scattered in the wind by handfuls. Those who served Tal'mahe'Ra however will hunt errant children almost eon. The storms inside the Shadows left many of them screwed up, and a truce was concluded: the outeers told their children about Enoch, and they were always given the opportunity to return. Nagaraja only needs to walk for 3 nights in the Shadows to arrive at the big Enoch gate anchored with soulchains in the Sea of Bury. Of course, cannibalistic necromancers are inexorably associated with Shadow and Magic, they give Giovanni a run for his money at the necromantium front, but again too little in be considered a competition. Giovanni keep an eye on them, especially if they discover one in the city where they live. Needless to say, they pose a serious threat to masquerade if they do not take possession of the morgue with bodies that will not be missed. The curse of their wracks means that their bodies quickly disintegrate and decline for every night they abstain from eating flesh or innards, or for some Nagarajas, bones too. For every pint of blood they drink, you need to eat a pound of flesh. They are gifted with massive, razor-like teeth filling their mouths, meaning they usually keep quiet in polite conversation. The V:tM v5 Nagarajah were carelessly combined with Giovanni, with the first advantage being that instead of consuming the flesh of Nagaraj now have the clan weakness of Giovanni just to have a painful bite; the united clan is called the Hekata Clan. The discipline of nihilistics, which allows Nagaraja to break up targets with pouring energy, has been combined with Necromantism and Obtenebria into a discipline called Oblivion, which means that Nagarajah's Kings of Virma now duly have the abyssal tentacles! Noiad'edit' Antediluvian - Ennoia Signature Discipline - Protean Sect - Independent Weakness of the Clan: You can't drink from animals, and will only drink from non-humans unless possible. An offshoot of Gangrel, Noiad is a bunch of grumpy Kindred serving as the divine protectors of the Sami, the indigenous peoples of northern Scandinavia. They see the Northern Lights as a manifestation of the will of the gods and guide their people accordingly. They also served as protectors against worldly and supernatural threats. Noyad existed openly among his people, who see their defenders as divinely appointed. However, because of their views they see all interlopers as threats that will be turned away or killed. When it became clear that the march of the Christian world could not be stopped, Noyad drove their people further and further north, by which the earth could support them and quickly starved to death, dying with his defenders with fear of change and the outside world. Think grumpy old grandfathers are afraid of these new-fashioned technologies curved to 11. Samedi-edit Antediluvian - Cappadocius Signature Discipline - Thanatosis (Breaking Shit in Ashes) Sect - Independent, some shares with the sects of the Clan Weakness: Look like rotting corpses. Remember when I said there were vampires? Yes, these guys are them. Harbingers of other skulls. The harbingers are dry corpses, these guys are rotting corpses. Because of their rotten looks they have a massive disturbance of Masquerade if they ever saw anything supernatural and could potentially cause them anyway if some police officer happens to find pieces of rotten flesh, falling and causing crime scene investigators to take a closer look at Fortunately, they get confused. Led by some fancy guy calls himself Baron Samedi somewhere around the Caribbean; these guys either come from cappadocias who did not respond to Cappadocia's call, or the Giovanni experiment spelld the binding of the freshly-transformed soul of the mortal to the corpse. Perhaps, oddly enough, while neither Samedi nor Giovanni are very similar to each other, they do not automatically try to kill each other either, Baron Samedi even supposedly met August Giovanni and came out unscathed. Or at least still undead, so we put more on cappados deserters from the court. Some of them work as mercenaries in both Sabbath and Camarilla, and few have fully joined the sects, but most of them simply stay in their place of origin and leave it at the same time. True Brujah 'edit' Antediluvian - Brujah (Ilyes) Signature Discipline - Temporis, Potens Sect - Independent Clan Weakness: Their capacity for emotion goes down the drain: all conscience and belief rolls are at No 2 difficulty and buying virtues and humanity / Ways stands in half. True Brujah are the odd bit of fluff in a quantum state of canonicality. You see, the original Antediluvian of Brujah, Ilyes (known anachronically as Brujah), got the jaded hermaphrodist vampire Troile. True Bruja claims to be direct descendants of Bruj, while the clan, usurped by The Bruja name, was captured by Troyle. Trujah have a strange signature discipline, Temporis, which controls the flow of time. The White Wolf realized that it's really damn stupid power for vampires to have, and put his foot down (the only acceptable use of Trujah is to emulate DIO). During the book The End Times Gehenna, Ilies stated that Troil was his only Child and True Brujah turned out to be nothing more than a bunch of tough, emotionless, boring scientists who stumbled upon the long-lost timporis of the Ilies discipline (which is why Brujah stuck with Potence, Curious and Celerity. Ilyes claims Celerity just watered down Temporis with a slowing time focus) and got selfish to stick them up about it. Ilyes announced that he IS FUCKING HATES AND BRUJAH for claiming he made the mistake of siring more than one Childe and continued to destroy their shit. Lultz. Oddities (edited) Antitribu (edited) Antediluvian - Changes Signature Discipline - Changes Sect - Mostly Sabbat Clan Weakness: How Their Parent Clan. Anti-Tribe are the vampires who went against the grain of the mainstream clan. Collectively known as Antitribu, they are made up of iconoclasts in their own clans and have banded together to make sure they are not taken off by their annoying relatives. Anti-tribune include: Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavier, Nosferatu, Toreador, and Ventrue, who think that no shit and joined Sabbat. Bruja Bruja to date the most common of these antitribu. Tremere, who was annoyed under the pyramids and went to do his job under the leadership of former right-hand man Tremere Goratrix back in the 18th century. This did not sit well with Tremere, which cursed their renegade kin SO that all Tremere who passed Vaulderie were marked with a symbol of treason on their foreheads, only visible to Tremere. This was followed by an event in 1998 when a great curse turned all those Tremere into dust, but those who did not undergone Vaulderie escaped this fate. In 1999, Saulot won his centuries-old battle with Tremer kicked the guy out of his body and into Goratrix', who then destroyed his upstart apprentice. Another split in Tremer takes place sometime in the 2010s, when a small milwaukee ancestor named Karna receives a piece of blood magic volume called The Book of Grave Wars, giving her the opportunity to break bloody bonds like the ones that bind her to the Pyramid of Tremere. Having received a crude Pyramid Deal from the 1410s, she books for the Anarchy of the Free State in California with a book and a crew of followers, creating Carne's house. By 2018, she has amassed a decent power base and is slowly refining Tremere's traditions, using neo-paganism and witchcraft as a basis with a distinct progressive- feminist bias. She is also afraid that the Pyramid will finally try to track her down for her escape. Then the Second Inquisition of virtually nuclear weapons the Inner Council in Vienna and Camarilla start pulling all their higher windows into the conflict with Sabath in the Middle East. So the bullet dodged! And now we don't have to make excuses for driving anarch Tremera! Wu! Assamites who believe that their own clan is compromised but are still dedicated to their mission to fuck antediluvians. The main clan is surprisingly cool about it, and the two groups never draw swords against each other. An equal who rejects the culture of the mainstream clan and went to do his job. There is an even greater degree of honor between thieves, and Ravnos consider giving their word sacred. Networks that reject the fetishism of snakes and the worship of their parent clan. They set up shop in the Caribbean and replaced the entire Egyptian iconography of their clan with a style inspired by Voodoo, and began to call themselves the Serpents of Light. They're still all about vice. Tsimiche who don't want to join Saturday and just want to do their thing. It is the Old Cimice clan and stick to their castles in Eastern Europe outside of the affairs of Kindred Society. Some of them even reject the vicissitudes and instead practice the Witch, which gives them all sorts of magical powers. Because of their insular nature, Camarilla, Sabbath and Tsimisse are generally beautifully left alone. has a small number of European elders who believe that Camarilla have a better chance of defeating the Antediluvians than Sabbat does. These people are rare, and those who live long, even less often. The most notable example of such Lasombra to pull off his stunt is Giangaleazzo, the archbishop-turned-prince of Milan, whose spectacular getaway (burning all the sick fucks in the mansion while shit-telling them as they are monstrous brakes) earned him the respect of Camarilla and a high spot in the shit list of Sabbat. In addition, in Mecca and Medina is Ashirra (Islamic Kindra), which houses a significant Lasobra, Suleiman ibn Abdullah, who met with Muhammad himself, saw his true faith and devoted himself to the protection of humanity and Islamic lands. Pretty cool guy, good luck taking him to True Faith 10 Burning City. Giovanni Antitribu doesn't exist. Of course, there are always a couple of troublemakers and upstarts who need to cool their heads, but vitae is thicker than even blood, and such hot heads are kept under the control of the family, and at worst forced to sit down for a conversation to clean the air. After such conversations there will be no more problems, but the books are vague if it is because of the interpersonal skills of family leaders, the use of a large amount of discipline to dominate or because of the troublemaker ... Removed. Cateff edit Antediluvian - Options Signature Discipline - Sect Options - Whoever will take them; as such they are most common with anarchy, and a few Sabbat under Joseph Panders. Clan Weakness: No, but often being Caitiff has enough problems as is. Cateff is not so much a clan as a clan's absence. If Kindred refuses and renounces his child before teaching them about his new condition, the newborn is considered caitiff, devoid of the clan's support structure and depends on what little goodwill he can scrape out of the shadows. Another type of Caitiff is becoming more common in modern nights: new vampires sired, which do not express the traits of the clan. With nothing better to inform them, they develop psychosomatic weaknesses based on what they think should harm them: garlic, running water, crosses, y'know. Their existence was always feared as a harbinger of the final nights; Camarilla treats them like second grade at best and Sabbat treats them like cannon fodder until a cool guy named Joseph Panders ripped the shit into Sabbat Civil was and intimidated Sabbat himself into making them. These Kindred, especially the 14th and 15th generations, are interchangeable called Thinbloods for their weak Vitae and difficulty in passing on the curse. Caitiff do not have Clan Discipline, so they do not receive a discount or markup to purchase or improve them. This can make fighting Caitiff dangerous because they can spring all kinds of disciplines on you that you can't plan on, unlike other clans. This is tempered by the fact that Katiff is almost always a very high generation, making them unable to use the more powerful abilities of the discipline. Cateff is often tracked down because they are seen as Gehenne's messengers. This turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy; The constant creation and destruction of the new Kindred in recent nights called The Antediluvians through the blood after the death of every vampire pushes his sire into all sorts in the led up to Antediluvian, which is awakened by thousands of psychic pokes. This led to the awakening of zapatasura, who took most of his clan with him when he was destroyed. Thin Blood Edit Antediluvian - Options Signature Discipline - Options / According to the Parent Clan (V20), Thin Blood Alchemy (a combination of bootleg chemistry and old style brewing potion) (V5) sect - Mostly anarchy, although some live in camarillos as yes men (see below). Clan Weakness: Being stuck running with low-level clan credentials (lvl 4/3 for the 14th/15th respectively), less blood pool to play, plus all that your parent shortage clan (V20). Being all a bitch, being at vampire level (although this has some advantage) of being stuck with cooking as your power (V5). Don't you feel oppressed enough to work like Caitiff? Or are you just as weak? Thin blood can be for you. Although in V20, not every thin blood caitiff by default, they seem to get the same treatment because of being seen as a sign of the end of times and probably a little jealousy because of the 15th generation of vampires able to find it easier to tolerate things like the sun. Almost all thin blood is between the 14th-16th generation (although one, Smiling Jack Child is about the 11th generation) and often come with reduced ease of use for their pools of blood and having to waste extra blood to do basically nothing but wake up. Bloody Line 1 was the thin blood of the community in E, Lily, Julius, Rose and Copper, a poor bunch of fucks who basically got turned around and abandoned their former sirs for being a bitch tier of vampires. We then get a V5 that changed the thin blood massively, almost to the point of being another supernatural completely, more like a halfway house between a ghoul and a vampire. First, all the thin blood caitiff by default, their blood is too weak to show either the traits of the clan or even many typical vampire traits. Second, they have no disciplines other than one: Thin Bloody Alchemy, which is like a bargain bin replacement for the usual powers you get as a kindred, allowing them to mix blood with all sorts of weird shit to do a lot of things related can do, just by focusing, with some strange abilities thrown in for good measure. Third, they now have their pros and cons. they can take include slowly metabolizing food, seeming alive or even being able to walk during the day (without authority, of course, but its its but with a lack of flaws, including the lack of fangs, the actual curse of the clan or unable to heal like a vampire, and this not to mention all the other reasons, it sucks to be thin blood (kill in plain sight in many cities of Camarilla, pushed around anarchy, used as a one-time ghoul with a weak promise that you could diablerise the criminal and become a member of the clan). When in this position, most people either try to become mortals again, or diablerise their way into becoming gen 13, a full-fledged vampire, losing all their subtle blood virtues (including their alchemy), but in exchange for existence not sucking for every moment of your life/unlife/halflife, just for most of them. Children of Osiris Antediluvian - Osiris (according to their statement: no other sources relating to the identity or line of Osiris) Signature Discipline - Bardo Sect - Independent (technically they are a sect, but they are small) The weakness of the clan: According to their clan of origin, plus their blood becomes inert and sterile, and they can neither hug nor create. One of the most famous stories from Egyptian mythology is how Seth was a member of his brother Osiris. Except it's not a myth: it actually happened. But the details are off. Osiris was a scientist and philosopher at the court of the pharaoh (which is forgotten). About embraced by a vampire who wanted to use his knowledge, Osiris was horrified by what he had become. Instead of resting himself, though he decided to make the beast his bitch. Thanks to careful study and moderation, he was able to start his journey to The Golconda. Except that before he reached it Osiris was killed by his brother Seth, chopped and scattered all over the earth. Osiris's sister (whether she is a vampire or not) collected him and revived him from death. This feat took its toll: Osiris was no longer able to create The Childer, but that did not stop him from continuing his journey (given the member of Osiris was lost ... some fancy double entendre out there). Any Kindred who wants to join them is allowed (except for the Form Setites, but they don't want to) after some testing, and those who pass and give up their old bonds will be welcomed into the fold. The children of Osiris are a secretive bunch however, sticking to the shadows rather than acting in the open. Given their relationship with followers Set it a smart thing to do. Basically literally a good vampire sub-clan, they can't take people or kill. All to the last disappeared in Gehenne, will ascend to heaven. Panders (edit) Antediluvian - Options Signature Discipline - Options Sect - Sabbat Clan Weakness: Just like Caitiff, but Panders at least have SOME rights. Kaitiff of Sabbath came together in 1957 under the leadership of Joseph Pner. Sick is seen as the crap of their relatives, it's the ultimate sparked Sabbat's third civil war. Pander Pander developed a ritual called One of My Tribe, which separates Kindred from all the connections that run across the line, making one true Caitiff. It is powerful enough to separate the Malkawi people from the Malkava Madness Network, and can in theory even protect someone from the effects of the curse put on Tremere by going through Vaulderie or the connection between man and Tzimisce through the blood/Wikistituda. Within 100 days a combination of violence and diplomacy eventually saw the Panders (what they began to call themselves) officially recognized as part of Sabbat, much to the chagrin of several existing clans. But self-indulgent have established themselves as faithful and as such have been recognized as equal. Joseph Pander is alive to this day: as Prisk of Sabbath he has no formal power, but a great influence that suits him just fine. Even then, there are many related inside Sabbat who would like to see him dead, but no one has managed to leave it just yet. In return, he is smart enough not to jockey too much power and prefers to stay out of the spotlight by doing the rounds with his pack and acting wisely as an old Kindred for the younger generation, proving to older vampires that even a Ketiff star can climb high. Regional Blood Lines (edited) Some vampires stick to specific regions in the world of Kuei-jin'edit' Antediluvian - Auguste Character Jade (aka God) Signature Discipline - Dharmatic Abilities That Use the qi Sect - Independent (They stick together, both in Asia and the West Coast of America) vampires of Asia, they are reincarnated in an unusual way to give them a second shot in life. They are the player characters in Kindred of the East. Relatives kindred on the way, not relatives in the other. The same Celestine named God cursed them, but in a different way. Unfulfilled Asian people rise from the grave like cannibalistic monsters, but replace qi (vital energy) in different ways depending on their spiritual sophistication. They start with human flesh, get exquisite until they can draw energy from the blood. Then further clarification causes them to scoop chi out of people's breath, and finally just absorb the surrounding qi from the world. Make a blood point in qi and you get the point. As for the generation, they all start with one year, namely the Dharma. 10 Dharma means climbing and re-entering the reincarnation cycle. Three 9 Dharmich Kuei-Jin knocked the shit out of zapatashura, though badly disfigured in the process, so you will judge their strength. Kuei-jin start as flesh-eating On-like Asian monsters, and get a herd of higher ups and hit some sense in them until they become more civilized on which they are represented in the courts with their own goals and way of life. Sunlight doesn't burn them in some ways, they just rot and start to fall apart. One passage in Zapatashura mentions not even 9 Dharma Boddhisatva can resist focused focused Unlike Kindred, their Curse is more of a personal aspiration than a permanent situation. They can rise, return to the cycle of reincarnation, if the Dharma is reconciled. Min Gio of Vampire: Bloodlines is a hot piece that can turn into a monster tentacles pestering a player's character, we wish we had done it. Laibon edit Antediluvian - Distinguished depending on their Legacy Signature Discipline - Abombwe, Dur-an-Ki Sect - The Independent (They Stick to Africa) Laibon are an interesting gameplay choice. They are mostly normal vampire clans that have changed the surrounding magic of Africa for thousands of years. Even the weak points of the clan mutate: Guruhi, the first offshoot of Nosferatu, is not ugly: the degree of their attractiveness reflects their mood, and they play the role of Ventrue, the ruling African kingdom at night when Ventra is kicked out (Rhodesia comes to mind). Naglopers, an offshoot of Tzimisce just need any African soil to sleep in. Osebo, the African descendants of Bruja need the presence of a local ruler to follow him so they feel like beating people. Ishtarri, the African mutation of Toreador, change its shape as mortal: will fat when drinking too much blood, or looking muscular if wasting the experience in effect. Kinyonyi are an offshoot of Ravnos who are somehow damned to be unwanted and hated if they stay too long, even if they have done nothing. Akunanse are branches of Gangrel that begin to take the features of local animals the longer they stay there. Bonsam are the second offshoot of Nosferatu, a quasi Gangrel-Nosferatu blend with a normal appearance except for the terrifying true form of transformation. Impundulu are necromantic Kindred who have been made with local witchcraft, forced to feed only from their mortal sisters, the witches of Bomkazi. Shango is an assamites who have gone to their families, and Si Dundu is Lasombra, who encounter local Guruha elders. In addition, African culture has a different, dual moral code. Ai (Heaven) and Orun (Earth). The appearance of the lybon varies depending on each (the appearance of Guruha depends on the mood). Discipline or cool vampire superpowers. Without them, vampirism would just be Cher's disease with the only advantage being long life expectancy. Core Disciplines[edit] Disciplines of the Thirteen Clans Animalism X X X X Auspex X X X X Celerity X X X Chimerstry X Dementation X Dominate X X X X Fortitude X X X Necromancy X Obfuscate X X X X Obtenebration X Potence X X X X Presence X X X X Protean X Quietus X Serpentis X Thaumaturgy X Vicissitude X Below are the 17 core Disciplines. The clans all have access to at least two of them, which are common among other clans, with all but a few having a third, which is for them. Most unique clan disciplines can be studied by other clans, although they require more XP, teacher and sometimes drink blood of those who already know that That being said, knowing out clan discipline can lead to false identification that can go either way, especially given some clans with the most interesting disciplines are on the kill-in-sight list for many other clans, and you may not have time to explain that you're not actually a Sabbath scumbag or Kane damned Usurper. And the animal: control over animals, possessing them extracts the primitive fear of both vampires and humans. It also keeps the animals from freaking around you and instantly giving you up to vampire hunters. Auspex: ESP, including supernatural intuition, heightened feelings (enhanced vision is a must if you don't know Protean as vampires don't have innate night vision) aura of vision, psychometry, telepathy and astral projection. Without at least two points in it you would feel blind in most investigative and half combat situations. It is also the main counterweight to the illusion of disciplines like chimes and obfuscate. Let you see ghosts and tell vampires and other supernatural from people at first sight that really helps to avoid trouble. Celerity: Vampire super-speed that adds extra action for the turn. Fighting discipline as it turns a vampire into a live blender if he's even half competent in the noble art of stabbing shit out of people. In more combative scenarios it is considered broken as a fuck and homerule-nerfed to the ground. In less combat scenarios, however, the high cost of vitae its use makes Celerity largely useless, and potentially break the masquerade. Chimerstry: Illusions capable of influencing any normal meaning, starting with simple static images of illusions so powerful illusory fire can burn someone to death. At higher levels, this can constantly change objects, and at the highest published level Chimerstry can spawn a universe. Dementation: The power of madness, starting with emotions stirred all in the direction of direct madness from one person to whole cities go crazy in one explosion. Higher levels include the stubborn Malkavyan's ability to make his/her delusions real, such as denying the existence of a material object to the point that it becomes intangible to a vampire. Dominate: Traditional forces control the mind of a vampire, and they often require eye contact. Even on lower levels it does a hunting walk in the park (sometimes literally). On higest levels you can possess people with this. You may have other people perform your agency with this, but it suppresses their independent thoughts, so don't expect to get more than the basic task out of your victim. Includes the ability to edit memories, which is always always always always always always always always always in demand in Camarilla's endless quest to cover all the inevitable disturbances of Masquerade, so if you find out that it expects more responsibility to be thrown at you by the Elders, even though they come with a healthy dose of power and prestige. Fortitude: Vampire Vampires be tough enough as is, but with resilience they can become supernaturally so. This adds Stamina points to dunk bashing and fatal damage alike, but more importantly aggravating damage like Lupine claws and teeth, fire, magic, sunlight and the like. One of the Antediluvians had this discipline leveled so high he could walk quietly in the sun. Necromancy: The magic of death of all kinds. He can command ghosts and interact with the land of the dead, as well as use the powerful magic of death. It has many ways, see below for all their use. Obfuscation: Invisibility and mymicist powers. It doesn't really make you invisible or change your appearance, it just tricks people into not seeing you or seeing you as something else. This is incredibly useful for clans that look like corpses. Beware that the cameras can still see you as you really are, like vampires with Auspex and about half the other supernatural, and it has the ultimate (if long) range, so sneaking up on a sniper can take some experience in actual sneaking. Obtenebration: An ominous shadow-based magic that allows you to sneak around, create dark tentacles, become a shadowy version of yourself and manipulate the shadow of things in the abyss. No, not from the Demon: Fallen. Or from the movie Werewolf: Apocalypse. Or Ghost Storm: Oblivion. There's a lot of abyss in the world of darkness, and they're all different, okay? Potens: Vampire super-power. Aside from the fact that all your close combat hurts like a bastard it has almost limitless potential combined with other skills: from jumping three floors high to punching through walls, dismantling locked doors to breaking handcuffs, fighting down a frenzying/r'ttschrecking Kindred before they could break a masquerade, to forging cold metal with their bare hands. If you want a fighting character who isn't minmaxing Celerity bowls and can really promote non-fighting things you go potence. It's important to note that this doesn't give you some necessary extra powers for super-strength (well, until you reach the elders-level stuff you probably won't), so, for example, you can't punch a hole through a brick wall with a bare fist without a high level of durability because your fist is less durable than a brick and will break first, and you can't use the car as an effective weapon, even if you have enough strength to lift it easily, because the momentum preservation is still there and you weigh much less than the car, and probably fly along with the car in the air you have to presence: You can turn into some pretty hot stuff and get people to do what you want without destroying their initiative or independent thought as they do. In addition, unlike Dominate, this does not require contact or even line of sight, and if you have both can help you make your future future make this eye contact from the beginning. Whether it makes people obedient, but the stupid personal zombie life that turns them into your adoring believers who can and will go overboard in their desire to please you. Excessive use tends to turn people (including other vampires) into creepy stalkers who kill all your friends to get more of your attention, so proceed with caution. Protean: The forces of vampire transformation: seeing in the dark (by transforming the eyes), growing deadly claws and/or giant fangs, plunging into the ground, turning into wolves or bats, turn into fog and so on. The claws that deal are compounded by the damage (shit vampires run away from), in particular seems to be the most sought-after ability, and given that they are only two points, it has become quite common for every damn combat character to get to know them once they get some Gangrel contacts. Higher levels make you into fog, or even GODDAMN SUN. Silent: The power of the Assamite killer. The mixture of secret and veyanide powers are mixed with the ability to spit Vitae like acid. At the highest level you can affect entire generations of vampires in this way. Serpentis: Snake powers and powers associated with snakes. It is also possible to remove someone's heart and put it in a jar for storage or blackmail. The most powerful of the methuselahs can do it on the spot and even turn into giant snakes out of the darkness. Thaumaturgy: Bloody magic that can do almost anything. See below for their many apps. Vicissitude: Fleshcrafting that allows you to do anything, as long as it is made of meat and bones. Infamous for allowing all sorts of sharp body horror, but can also turn you into a killing machine, a sensible puddle of Vitae, turn your blood acid for better or worse, and even breathe fire. Also the hardest core is Discipline to pronounce and spell. Rumor has it to be demonic (or at least Deep Umbral) by origin, universally hated by everyone, and most likely the discipline to have you killed on the spot if you Sabbat. The highest published level allows the ghost of a vampire whose body has completely disintegrated, slowly reforming its body atom by atom. Bloodline Discipline Edit Many of the various Bloodlines have their own unique disciplines that give them unique powers that are not available to mainstream clans. Abombwe: An African cousin of Animalism, more dedicated to giving self-animal credentials than to others. Bardot: Taught by the children of Osiris, Bardot gives one skill over his own humanity. Carries the extra Egyptian flavor minus the snake stuff that Setites use. In addition to things to help them hold on to their They get a couple of cool defensive forces and ways to counteract the stuff of other vampires. Daimoinon: The creepy demon of the things used by Baali. Includes curses, skill over fire and even the call of demons. Dur-an-Ki: Silent mixed with Tamaturgia, Tamatturgia, many ways like Tremere blood witchcraft. The specialty of Africa. Flight: The fourth discipline used by gargoyles is not exactly a discipline and is more a measure of how fast a gargoyle can fly. Melpominee: Singing powers Of the Daughters of the cacophony. Dominance meets Dementia in one handy package that allows the vampire to influence others on their own will and even destroy things by shouting. Mytherceria: Fey powers equally the fairies of Kiasyd. This involves discovering the truth and seeing what is real, hiding things and the powerful powers of the mind at the highest level. Both: Used by the true Saloubri and gives them the power to heal and protect, as well as to master the soul at higher levels. On the second level Salubri grows the signature of the third eye of the clan on his forehead. This Discipline is what Tremere used to slander the Salubri clan because it allows them to pull the soul out of the body, leaving that Salubri to use this power to repair the damaged souls. Ogham: Discipline of nature Lhiannan. Part nature of power, part blood sheep, this discipline allows the user to communicate with spirits and even drink life from the Earth itself beneath them to empower them (but not through blood points). Sanguinus: Famous Blood Brothers, it allows them to communicate with each other, split the trauma between them and even lift the limbs to add to each other, eventually allowing them to form a large gestalt body of flesh and limbs. Spiritus: The signature discipline of the Arimans, it allows them to speak with spirits, evoke the spirit of the beasts and even give them the abilities of the animals and provides them with a cat war form. Temporis: This gives vampire skill over time. Yes, you too can WARUDO shit out of the world of darkness. Much like the Sphere of Time in The Magician: Ascension it begins by seeing the flow of time and quickly sharpens things from accelerating itself, slowing things down, ageing things with touch, getting out of time or directly sending yourself images of the future to change it, proving that the vampire works on multiverse theory. Thanatosis: Discipline Samedi, which uses death in its aspect of decay. Decay flesh, withering limbs, inflict necrosis, create zombies or turn into ashes and (at higher levels) move around as usual. Almost all forces are either not strong enough or frankly terrible. Valeren: Discipline warrior Salubry, seen as an anti-tribune clan these days. It also provides Saulo's third eye on the second level. It can heal and cause pain with a touch as well as protect and use their third eye to hit true. Higher levels give the user incredible fighting powers and angelic abilities such as being a welcome guest in the local city, so the hunters are talking off the mortals. Visceratika: Mastery over stone and earth used by gargoyles. They can disguise themselves With this force, detect any location inside the building, merge with the stone, tighten your skin and move freely between any form of rock, stone and concrete to allow them to move unseen. Bloody magic is technically disciplined, but they have versatility and applications on par with the magical ways of the sorcerer's splatbook. Almost all of them have unique strength on a scale of 1-5 points, allowing them to learn all kinds of scary forces. Unlike actual disciplines, however, Blood Magic is not an innate part of the Beast, but the acquired skills are similar to the linear magic of untested human sorcerers modified to work on blood rather than willpower (although some ways to use both). As a result, when the Beast takes control, it cannot use Blood Magic, which puts practitioners in a serious disadvantage in battles if they lose control; which is pretty easy considering even insults can cause Frenzy, and taking the damage have a decent chance of frenzying even the steely kind of. Speaking of acquired skills, in the case of the magician covers and his shunted to the next incarnation, now the dead vampire ex-mag can spend half of the XP of his former life points to Blood Magic. Types include: Necromantia edit Many different clans and pedigree practice it, often with its own ethnic variations. The hosts, of course, are Cappadosian and Giovanni. The path of the ashes interacts with the land of the dead, allowing the necromantic to look inside, touch things there, visit the place or make it difficult for ghosts to visit the material world. Bone Path is that of zombies: make a dead step, turn them into (crap) servants or warriors, snatch souls from people or stick souls in a recently deceased body. Of course, it will still decay as usual, but the shower can use the body for a week or so. The Way of Kentafa interacts with Shadow, a place between the worlds of the living and the dead. This allows them to interact with the recently deceased and generally fuck the shit Wraiths. The corpse in the monster provides the skill of the undead form, allowing the necroman to make himself more dead for a while or avoid damage, to make the undead target a little more alive (like needing shit) and the most powerful ability allows for a temporary suppression of their vampire status. This requires a staggering 12 points to be spent on one go and you don't want to fail this roll so you don't die. The decay of the Grave is a tool of physical entropy that vampires are immune to. The path of four humor can do all sorts of nasty things with these old classics: the damage becomes much more powerful, soak up more harm and exhale the cloud what makes mortals try to kill themselves immerses vampires in a daze. The path of the Holy Sepulchre allows necromantus to see, summon and command the undead. The five-volume version allows them to whine ghosts without attacking back. Vitreous Team Path of Energy of Death. This includes entropy, decay, allows the necromancine to eat ghosts and has a powerful cry that inflicts aggravating damage to mortals, vampires and ghosts. Taumatturgia (edited) Which treme clan took with them when they separated from the Order of Hermes. Different Ways: Elementary Mastery deals with inanimate objects: talk to the spirits of inanimate objects, animate objects to whoop some or directly evoke Elements. Green Way of Plant Magic, just like that. Learn from plants, make things grow, manipulate vines, create a powerful haven or team trees to go ahead and whoop some Kindred. Hands of Destruction are rumoured to be of demonic origin. True or not, it's still a powerful path, able to rot things with a touch, create acid or age mortals in dust, Indiana Jones and the latest crusade style. As the title says, all forces on this Path require physical touch. The lure of flame is rightly afraid of many vampires because of their ability to constantly kill them. It does damage over time, however, so while it can't kill Kindred in one go to three levels of aggravated damage for turn nothing to scoff. First of all, however, the lure of flame is scary because any uncontrolled fire scares the shit out of the beast inside every vampire, resulting in R'tschreck. Note that Thaumaturgist casting Lure is not immune to R'ttschreck either, nor its related allies, which can lead to some hilarious shenanigans. Well there are rituals that can reduce or even directly suppress the fear of fire at a time, but none of these rituals are easy or even safe. Mortal Shell's skill gives you the ability to mess with the bodies of your enemies and even control them. The Movement of Reason Telekinesis, just like that. You can move things around, with more powerful versions able to throw things around. Three points should be enough to raise a fair amount of vampires, although picking up that bulky brujah dude (100 kg/200 pounds) requires four. Oh, and at three points you can use it to fly. Can Neptune is the odd duck, given the general lack of water ties that vampires. However, it is a powerful path capable of seeing the past, creating prisons or walls, messing with people's blood (turning it into water) or at five points just to snatch water from someone's body. This latter is also very useful for drying clothes. Upon reaching the third level, the practitioner may choose to specialize in salt or fresh water, reducing the complexity of one, raising the what's different. The Blood Path manipulates Vitae. It is one of the most pathways for Tremere and the most frequently studied. The way to conjure allows you to summon things. Unusually, the power stays the same throughout the levels, instead increasing the area of a single point of ability. You start with simple things (leading pipes, bets, stones), but as you level you can make objects permanent (always start with at least two points in this way if you like to spend large amounts of willpower on things), cause complex things like guns and vehicles, drive it back and even cause life (if thoughtless) things like animals and even people. To stop it from completely OP you need to know how to create something without conjuring to make it conjure, so don't rocket launchers out of thin air unless you're a professional gunsmith with military permission. There's also a key limitation that you can't conjure things up bigger or heavier than you are, although there's a ritual that will allow you to get around it in case you want to crush your enemies with road rollers (this is really the only justifiable way to use it). The way corruption does just that. He fucks with the minds of his victims, turn people to benefit each other and create a powerful addiction. The path of Mars cries chaos and allows the dogs to slip into war. This makes their attacks much more powerful, increases their stats and transmits the forces of this Path to allies. The way Mercury allows you to teleport safely within sight, unsafe to remote locations you're familiar with and telethan to yourself in remote places you're not familiar with. It is noteworthy that it is specially designed for the lasombra troll. The Path of Spirit Manipulation is the Sphere of the Spirit, but for the hermetic wizard. The way Of Technomanism is quite new, but with a bully concept: CYBER VAMPIRES. With this Path they can figure out the technology, destroy devices, encrypt data to supernatural degrees (Vampire DRM!), access devices without touching them and at five points capstone SEND THEIR MINDS THEIR THEIR INTERNETS and participate in PSYCHIC VAMPIRE HACKING. The Shadowrunners wish they had this awesome. The path of his father's revenge is the magic of the Vampire Bible. Taking out Noda's Book this way is basically used to punish vampires when they step out of line. It shows blood ties, reduces the appearance of someone to 0 per night (for Toreador it may also be the Last Death), forces the vampire to live on ashes instead of blood for a week or makes them extremely susceptible to light to the point where flashlights can kill them. But the scariest of all is Valediction, which returns the vampire to their original generation within a week. This greatly reduces their and makes them a lot easier to kill for a high generation vampire and steal their powers. Powers. The focused mind has a number of magical zen powers that allows you to focus and think better. Levinbolt's path is a set of lightning-fast forces, from disabling electrical devices and providing small strikes to command thor force by rushing around lightning that are difficult to absorb. Weather control ... Well, what do you think? This can conjure up weather from fog, breezes and temperature changes all the way to major temperature changes, storms and lightning strikes (10 bones of fatal damage, bitch!) Dark Taumatturgia is the magic of blood, subject to experimentation and research. Dark Taumaturgia is instead provided by demons with whom vampires can contract in exchange for these Paths. It is the shortest path to power that leads to the dark side and makes a person hellish. Thus, the use of Dark Thaumaturgy is as risky as almost any Kindred: the Camarilla Tremer have a monopoly on magic and do not like it when someone steps on their territory: in Sabbat infernalism is a very big no-no and anarchy lacks the resources and knowledge for Dark Thaumtura. As part of the pact to get it, all Paths have a price that affects either the infernal or limits the usefulness of the Path under certain conditions. Like its usual counterpart, Dark Thaumaturgy has a number of ways that everyone does something different: Hell's Fires is more or less a flame bait, except for the flames of painful green. Said green flames tarnish the user's aura, making them even easier to identify as hellish. The path of the Evil Revelations or its original name, Video Nefas, allows you to see the future, into the spiritual world and the souls of mortals and use this knowledge to form demons. Phobos's path deals with causing fear to others in increasingly gruesome ways to the point where said fear can be feasted as if it were Vitae. It also causes the user to suffer terrible nightmares. The way the pain causes pain, protects the user from pain and can even make the vampire's blood rip them apart from the inside. As the price the user becomes addicted to pain. The path of pleasure allows you to inflict great pleasure on the goal, eventually making them stunned and even catatonic. The Spirit's path allows you to conjure up demons and damage all kinds of spirits. The path of the Invocation makes it possible to summon powerful demons, but it spoils the area in which man is called. Dehiler's path spreads the corruption of the spirit, playing on people's fears and shortcomings to the point where you turn someone's self-loathing into a strain. This makes one jealous and possessive of its victims. The Path of the Unspoken provides access to knowledge: you can learn it from books, voices entropy, talk to the shadows of peoples and evne make someone fall out of the collective consciousness at the cost of Dips. The taking of the Spirit allows you to deplete the power of the Will: the higher the rank, the more Will power you exhaust. This makes the user an arrogant magalaganac. The tyranny of Wyrm or its original and much more bully German name, Die Herrschaft Des Wyrm, is a unique path that does not traffic with normal demons. Instead he fended off the three-headed dragon himself. And no, it's not the Azhi Dahaka that Cimsche look for: it's none other than Triatic Wyrm Werewolf: Apocalypse. Created by hessian Malkawian, it serves a force greater than even the most powerful demons: the very essence of the destructive third of the universe. After the creation of the Path, all his practitioners were betrayed by Virma Harold Graver, one of the members of the bondage, who later disappeared. His writings are remarkably well preserved, allowing for the creation of many new hellish in the area. This Path allows for the manipulation of the Malpheus demons, allowing them to possess either the purpose of the infernalist in the thaumaturgist itself, giving anything from constant pain and suffering to a massive impulse due to what possessed the aspect of Maeljin, which for those of you not entrusted in the way of the werewolf is both really BAD IDEA, and also really bad for any Path has one great weakness. If the victim realizes that she is playing, they get a Wiets and Occult roll against the willpower of the adnalist and points on the Path: if the victim wins the curse bounces on the hellish. On top of this, the blessing from someone with True Faith immediately eliminates any negative consequences caused by Discipline. What happened to Harold Graver? No one knows, but there is a powerful Malkavyan (probably a Malkarian apostate) on the board of directors of Pentex, which makes him a servant of Virm. He happens to be the name of Harold zettler, who becomes much more sinister when you realize that the German word for engraver ... (Jha, zettler bedeutet Graver Auf Englisch) (In fact, zettler seems to be an outdated term for work performed in a weaving mill: someone who transfers the threads to another machine to have them included in a large weave. Sadhana edit Sadhana is a Hindi word meaning Thaumaturgy; it is basically just Thaumaturgy as practiced by Danawa and other Hindu pedigrees such as Nagaraja, Daitya, Ravnos, and even Salubri of pedigree Watcher, who stayed in India after Saulot left there. As rakta-sadhus (bloodsmen) primarily worship Shiva, Sadhana also includes some dark paths and rituals of Tamatturgia. The witchcraft edited by a bunch of groups have their own insert-name-Here witchcraft, even anarchs. Assamite witchcraft: used exclusively by assamites, this brand of magical grants Weeaboo Fightan Magic. Witch Koldunic: Practiced by Tzimisce, this brand of magic requires not only skill but perfection. This gives you skill over one of the elements as you avatar. No, not that one or that one: it's a bald monk baby one. Five points per element, each of which has both usefulness and powerful, possibly masking forces. Rituals edit vampire ritual magic that requires spells, ingredients and preparation, not vitae and willpower (although blood is a very common ingredient). Technically speaking, everyone can use it, but in practice Blood Magic users keep it to themselves (although they often share rituals between schools, so having Tremere using necromantic rituals or assamite sorcerer performing the Koldunic ritual is not that unusual). There's literally thousands of rituals of almost nothing - from finding lost keys to filling the blade with green lights that eat through anything, to emulating almost any effect of discipline, to avoiding tax collectors (or siccing them on someone you don't like) to creating Frankenstein monsters. Generally speaking, a more powerful ritual is the more exotic and/or immoral actions and ingredients needed, right down to self-mutilation and mass human/related sacrifices, although some necromantic rituals manage to break through the horizon of moral events even at level 1. It is noteworthy to create a Vampire Batman archetype that relies on a deep bag of tricks a few dozen rituals and a lot of training can provide. It is especially infuriating when the narrator makes an antagonist of this type. Ghouls and Revenants 'edit' Ghouls' edit Whenever a vampire feeds his blood to a man, his aging stops and he can use a diluted (2 generations less since Kane's own ghoul, Jabal, Master Servant uses the 3rd generation as his blood potency ...) version of vampire disciplines. However, once the blood supply of ghoul is zero, aging returns with a year to day. Needless to say, ghouls pose a danger to masquerade and liability if their loyalty is suspect. The good news is that the ghouls suffer from Blood Bonds just as related, so that a ghoul who drank the blood of the same vampire three times three separate nights becomes his slave, making the problem of loyalty quite rare, since only exceptionally free subjects can resist bonds even for a short time. The bad news is the long-term Ghouls evolve diluted down version of Frenzy alongside diluted down versions of clan weakness and ultimately the occasional mental disorder and tendencies for some sick bastard even Sabbat would find abhorrent. However, he shows a serious gateway for mortals to ascend into the world of eternal night. Vlad Tepes in oWoD is a bully Romanian warlord who put vampires and collected their blood for strength, ultimately bullying T'imisCE all vampire vampires embracing him, diablerizing his sire and telling him to fuck off which he did as a bitch. If you follow this, it also brings a dangerous source of energy to vampire hunters. Make of this what you will ... And yes, leopold's elite know this and drain all the vampires they can for longevity and longevity. Again, humanity is developing another way to destroy and absorb ancient forces without their flaws. Revenants'edit, when two ghouls conceive a child, it is retribution, with a (small) congenital pool of blood of parental clans with a mild discrepancy between mother and father. Tzimisce has several families of retribution that the player can mow down in the vampire: Masquerade . Baali also have their own ghoul revenant pedigree, D'habi, which somehow has an estate in Istanbul of all places. We don't know whether the extra vitae will pump up their blood pool. Gehenna: the end of Masquerade as all things die, just a vampire: Masquerade setting. The Late Times book for Vampire brought us four different Gehenna scenarios of different spheres and awesomeness, giving players four different balances of violence/diplomacy tweaking for their tastes. Details of Gehenna were printed and established in 2004. With the rise of YouTube early next year ontop the increasing spread of CCTV and phone cameras, all of which bring serious problems to the masquerade, this dubious setting could last much longer than it did. Wormwood edit god was enough Camarilla, Sabbath, Anarchy and Inconnu all up, kidnapping and raping the lives of countless innocent people. Seeing Sapatashura getting his shit kicked in the nerdy technocrat guide by a bunch of satellites and a few bombers dropping their payload, God abandons Kane's repentance and goes Fuck It, deciding to destroy all vampirism in one blow, declaring people fit to inherit the world, and that all monsters deserve to die for trying to stop them. Even without disturbing his human children in his sleep, he blows up the planet with a red deluge of invisible (for humans) fogs, and comes from Anthelios, the red star that influenced the storylines of all the settings of the White Wolf. And just like Noah last time. This time he is a fundamentalist Christian Gargolia in sunglasses and has half vampire Mary Sue wards a young girl and tells you to meet in a church or temple of the Abrahamic faith. The duo then tell the players to sit and wait, and the players watch the fog of earth bombing, slowly wilted all the vampires into nothing. All Kindred outside churches are losing their discipline, becoming unable to keep the blood down and their generation keeps going up until they die. Now God begins to subtly test players: Are you remorseful? Do you feel remorse? Do you want to be human again? You would for your own sake? Of course, questions come in such as a suicidal man who wants to jump off a roof. Will you risk death from sunlight or withering to save the tormented soul? It is obvious that God (or GM) must understand and judge the player and his intentions. Such troubles should haunt all players, such as the situation requiring them to leave the temple, that loved ones beg for help on the phone, and other dark events, checking your heart and humanity. The book states that even the 10- level Path of Enlightenment after the Beast should be given a choice to feel remorse. So this is God your psychiatrist and you are a patient who needs an epiphany in 40 days. On the fortieth day, the eastern wall collapses, allowing sunlight. Those who feel remorse and want to be human suddenly feel the heartbeat and flash of life. Those who harbor evil burn the ashes painfully. Gargoyle, who never doubted God's will and would do anything for her, even kill the children, was also burned to the ground. Wormwood is more of a calm, calm, socially oriented LARP session or a relaxed social role-playing game with little room to fight. But it's compatible with other settings and surprisingly useful and focused on reconciliation, a rare oasis in the Edgy gaming market. The fair is Foley Edith, Lilith is back, baby, and she's angry. Gathering the craziest, most rejected bastards in an environment where she plans to kill Kane. Crohn's (Kane's old teacher), Bruja (Ilies, not Troil), the human sister of Malkava and Lucifer Morningstar are just one of the few guests where Lilith takes wonders in his garden. In short, she carves the Cabal Koro under the city to move some lanes, uses some sea monsters for lulz, and tries to encourage Abel to forgive Kane and kill him. You can betray Lilith Laza-Omri Bara (Lasombr), so he consumes her and the garden. If you are stupid enough to help this colossal asshole you get eaten as well, then what you deserve. If Lilith wins, Kane will die, and his killer will avenge them seven times god, but the players can survive by subjudging Lilith and living in her garden for the rest of his life. The rest of the vampires are dead a la Wormwood. Just like wormwood, when properly played, it can be done without even ruffling masquerade. It's more combat-oriented though. The night-time editing masquerade is broken. Ventrue's iconic character Jan Pieterzoon gathers players to kill what turns out Tzimisce Antediluvian works beside himself. Once they succeed, the world will realize that the shit vampires are real. Players meet several vampire celebrities (including the famous dickflinger Sasha Vykos) and go on a world race against time to kill the remaining Andediluwians. But they all wake up and order all the vampires to some place in the Middle East for trial. Humanity is losing its and holds an incomparable eye from afar, not wanting to upset the blood-sucking blood-sucking Just for now. As it turned out, Sabbath was right: the Antediluv people found their children willing and killed most of them. The surviving newborns were ordered to come together. The bitter irony is that this mass execution is most likely a self-fulfilling prophecy because The Sabbath were a bunch of monsters committing crimes that caused a deluge in ancient history. At this point it is the players' job to find a revived Saulot and a vial of blood containing Kane's blood, which would usually destroy any vampire drinking it. Saulo still submits it, an angel appears, accepts Saulo's repentance and destroys the collective shit of the remaining vampires. (5 points aggravating the damage all so if you're more than halfway injured, kiss your goodbye, otherwise your feet are like God puts right on the vampires...) Crucible Of God (edited) The most realistic, combative heavy and story scenario. She needs some duct tape to fix things, but when it's a patch of holes filled and some of the stupid shit that the script harbors is flushed down the toilet, it makes for an amazing scenario. Crucible God sees the planet as a transphoto in something from the early days of the struggle era. The masquerade is broken and it breaks the HARD. Humanity, on the whole, is appalled, and seeing a sudden and once- hidden threat, they prove the words of Durga Shin at the Thorn Convention right, and pounce in fear, destroying Kindred wherever they find them. As it turns out, vampires are not suitable for whole SWAT teams with phosphorous cartridges and high-tech equipment, and they are slaughered in the crowd. Elders, subtle and dangerous, as always, meet the sabotage of human life and civilization ever. No more electricity, no more sewerage systems, hell, some elders even get their hands on nuclear warheads. Think about it for a moment, though any player who unleashes a nuclear weapon will have his humanity destroyed as not even nervousness can even what he/she/he did. There is also a withe, a mystical phenomenon that suddenly causes the blood of all Cainites to thinning. This conflict eventually leads to World War II, a war between Kainit and Kiene that continues to go equally badly for both sides. Until all the deaths, all the massacres, all the carnage, finally wake up the Antediluvians ... and they wake up, turning the war against the people and the Cainites alike. Basically, all the antediluvians save a few to destroy the planet and dot it with their sick fission where they rule humanity: Absimiliard fucks Russia, and finally destroys Nosferatu with the beasts he bred in the depths of the oceans. He rules the Russians Kine and Kindred, so with an iron fist made of terror. His reign turns Russia as a whole a worse place than Tenochtitlan (a forerunner of Mexico City, once ruled by Baali Methuselah Nergal under the name (Former city in Israel cursed by Jesus in the Bible, another piece of land Nergal, terrifying Malfei ruled), Mashkan-Shapiro (Nergal again) Carthage (BLOOD FOR BA'AL HAMMON!), and Transylvania under Tzimisce Voivodate reign and shadow of Kupala. As you can see, devoid of the protection of Baba Yaga and tightly squeezed in Absimilard's fist, Russia is on the way to becoming another case of the First and Second City, where the mortal and immortal, so the slave trader for the antediluve. Worse, his plans after the consumption of his fellow Antediluvians are nothing short of conquering the world. Can you imagine? Hitler, Stalin and almost all the tyrants of this world have ever had (with the possible exception of Kane) got nothing from this bastard. It looks like a deformed creature from the Cthulhu myths, as expected from the progenitor Nosferatu. He is easily one of the scariest things in the script, not just because of the way he looks, but because of his inhuman debauchery and cruelty that can only fit either Tzimisce (and even he didn't want all of humanity to be tortured in eternity, but took a child or two for education and common sense not to drain his flock) or Lasombra (who is usually a sharp bitch of brooding about the sea). Hakim rules the Middle East with the reasonable justice he always wanted, once a man, fighting to prey on the corruption of the Cinites. Under his rule, the Middle East is actually getting better than it was. Compared to Absimilard's reign, Hakim turns the Middle East into an echo of Eden. He had the best start in Gehenne, as his clan was a well-oiled war machine that worshipped him and was ready for Gehenne. They lacked sword, witchcraft, guns, planes, tanks, ships, supplies, etc. Assamites then clear the infidels of their own (who are either Web knives or schismatics, depending on how Hakim is portrayed) and other clans led by Hakim, who steadily regains his power. After his awakening, all who have been tied to the blood to the Assamite become connected to Hakim himself, through the power he has over his own Vitae. Despite this, Hakim never consumes the willpower and free will of his descendants, and his human/related servants live heavily in order. What a tough guy. Then it goes to hell after something dislocated him. What, did you expect him to win the World of Grimdark? Entomia becomes the Predator of the Summit, merging with the planet, turning into nature itself. However, her transformation was not complete, so she must eat people all over the place, the shit that she has already done for at least ten millennia, something that annoys her to the end of Gehenna, when she completes her transformation and achieves piety, no longer need to devour blood and soul. She is one of two Gehenna survivors are merging tightly into the planet. Good tablecloth road. Laza-Omri-Bara darkens WHOLE PLANET with a lid of shadows, drink all the souls that die during this month. Needless to say, plant life almost died out, and a new ice age began. A month after his appearance, he finally dies, a shadow that had his body turning into blood and rains down, almost drowning the earth in him. Our bets are placed on the sun itself, which in the World of Darkness has supernatural properties. Troil went missing because he was buried near Carthage with Moloch. Oof. An unknown Antediluvian named Shaper helps you, her goal goes beyond the vampire state and achieves piety. She could be Thoredor Antediluvian, working under a pseudonym. She succeeds in her goal by diablerizing Absimilard, going beyond the vampire state. Thus, one of the greatest bastards of the VD was destroyed by it, leaving no trace of his existence, not even his soul, except the atrocities he committed in the world. Malkav fucks reality through his baby and mortal thralls, and tears consensus the new asshole... Imagine how much chaos this causes when the number of Awakened and Marauders is rapidly increasing. Think Silent Hill, except this time, the whole world is prone to reality-bending madness and horror, not one city. The set is already dead, apparently. So all setites leave themselves to be with him. Ventru is also very dead. To be fair, all posh and the board going to hell, he's better dead. Cappadocia dies after the Sixth Great Maelstrom, which takes place before Gehenne. August gets his kicking by being a blood-threading Guido, who thinks he can outsmart Eldritch's humanoid horrors as a result of what was expected. Tremere is currently inhabiting Horatrix's body. He was not sane enough to use Chimerstri to survive the Spirit of Nukes, appearantly. The fates of Saulot and Tsimice will be explained below, as they are an integral part of the plot. Don't scoff at the fact that most antediluvians are absent and die for reasons that are never specified, because it has been written that way to get you to fill in the gaps. For example: Did your Shulgi, Hakim's kettle and a suspected hellish adnalist, be killed? Lasombra soaked the sunlight for a month through The Resistance and failed his roll for a month, or was he betrayed by his faithful slave, a Malkavian mefusal named Luhi, one of the most experienced masters of Taumatturgia, which Malkav himself could possess? Although there is no excuse for the absence of Ventrue, Set, Cappadocius and Troile. (Toredor Antediluvian too, but she may be a Shaper.) Anyway, sometime after the ascent of Shaper, Tremeer himself approaches the players with a plan to save humanity. This will include hijacking minds humanity, including vampires, using his true name, then ordering all into the sunlight. Of course, Tremere himself and the players will not be affected, which will make him the most powerful of all vampires. But hey, it's not a problem right now. The party goes to Utah, Salt Lake City, where they break into the headquarters of the Mormons, who somehow just finished the creation of the ichoha tree of all mankind. Using this family tree, which is cd-shattered and blessed with magic, Tremear deciphers the true name of humanity and begins to work on its ritual to use the greatest ritual ever created. And then, it happens ... Blood to blood, let my mind cover every son of Adam and daughter Eve. Let every child of Kane, Abel or Seth hear my voice. I have your name! I have your pedigree! I have your soul! [...] It's done. Hear me, Adam's Children. I'm in charge... Be from me. There is one little clue in this clockwork though. You see, Tremeer turned himself and his relatives into vampires through the blood of Cimice. Salobri and other sources of blood came later. The fact is that Tsimice can control everything that possesses his blood. Only now did he gain control of Tremere when he was at his most powerful and most vulnerable. As planned. Cimice changed the ritual a little: before Tremeer gave his command, he took over and instead of connecting all of humanity, he connected it with himself, making everyone in the world part of Cimitz. OH SHIT does not BEGIN to cover what it does. Survivors of this train in the world begin to go into horrible fleshy abominations as Tzimiscemania runs wild. Tremere himself warped into a gruesome Vozhd that only barely gets put down by the party. By now, every man and vampire has become one with Tzimsice to keep player characters who were protected thanks to the ritual, with one exception: Saulot. He foresaw all these events millennia ago and prepared himself accordingly, although there were events that surprised even him. He sacrificed himself and his clan- hungry fangs to Tremere, for this last step of Jihad, for not only vampires and mortals, but for the World of Darkness as a whole, to stop Tsimice, who would otherwise be the eternal winner of Jihad. It tells players to believe in God, believe in the potential of humanity and believe in themselves before everything is either preserved or absorbed. He gives them a little moment to rest with each other and with their destiny. After they say their last words, the band, backed by Saulo, prepares to do the shit. The ritual begins, the players and Saulot allow themselves to be eaten by Cimice through the blood of Cimice in the veins of Saulo, but they are not yet absorbed. Somewhat The Power of Will and Humanity rolls later, through the power of HFY, the players somehow manage to beckon the Wrath of God, and direct it to Saulot, the Lamb of God, who then uses it, Destroy Tzimisce. However, Saulot and perish because of the channels of God's wrath. All the other vampires who have come round with Tsimshitz (mostly every vampire on earth save Entoy and Schaper, who managed to overcome Kane's curse) also die. Perhaps for the first time in history, The Get of Caine has finally done a good thing for the world, instead of fucking it as always, saving the earth and extinct. Humanity is changing back into its old forms, but they continue nightmares about their changes and there are still strips of flesh deformed beasts in the wild. Meanwhile the players get ressurected by God immediately after the destruction of Tzimisce Antediluvian, their hearts beat again. They also get quite a boost of power as a sign of God's favor. Now their choice is whether they want to make the same mistakes as their ancestors, or create a better, new world from the ashes of the old, and guide humanity towards a greater purpose, bringing unity and a sense of purpose so that only an immortal and wise leader can bring, to this new era. There is another epilogue to all the endings however, if GM continue the legend. In a shallow grave somewhere in the Middle East, a man digs himself up and curses the heavens for not allowing him to die... but all he hears is God's sneering laughter when Jihad starts all over again. Make of it what you will. Vampire V: And then there was no editing ad for the fifth edition of Vampire was met with a combination of excitement and strain. The V20 will still be strong, and even if it takes some time for the next edition to be released it meant that the current one dies. Some people were encouraged by the announcement that Kenneth Heath of GUMSHOE fame was hired as a lead designer and then immediately discouraged when he said that the White Wolf had already vetoed some of his ideas. May 2017 saw the release of the first pre-alpha playtest and... people were not impressed. Of course, it was only before the alpha, but the retooling of the game was significant. The big change is in how the damage works, how the pool of blood works, how hunger works, how Frenzy and related forced work and what skills like (the same physical/mental/social-split Chronicles of Darkness instead of Talents/Skills/Knowledge split in the past). And the weakness of the Bruja clan was literally called triggered. Overall the game feels like a dumbed-down version of previous editions, but since it was only before Alpha was still a hope. As for the meta- seal... Well, vampire society went into shit. The second Inquisition, made up of the Leopold Society, which now carries papal approval along with every alphabet soup intelligence agency around the world, learned about SchreckNet and is now hunting Kindred as a dog in a secret war. Intelligence agencies know they are against it, even though they hide it from the public and leadership, using post-9/11 anti-terrorism measures as a cover for operations and red tape. Vampires are forced to hide even deeper, with Camarilla closing its doors except for exceptional relatives, resorting to messenger birds, dead drops and graffiti for commuincation. Anarchs are not so low tech opt for phone burners and disposable letters and have become the most welcoming faction for any new Kindred without a home. And all the elders of the 8th generation or below suddenly stretch to the Middle East. It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here I don't very much start a nightshade situation, but much more is drawn into its own setting. The knowledge is mostly explained in the V5 corebook and Jydhad Diary of Beckett, but the first taste was in the preliminary Alpha Test module Last night. Unfortunately, the test is one of the most god-awful rail canteens ever released by the White Wolf, and it's discounting all the virtues of signalling out there. Not to mention the fact that one of the finished characters of the script was literally a serial killer who could only feed on children. The White Wolf has form in this. The basic set of rules for Vampire V was released on August 2, 2018, and the early reactions are pretty damn negative: All works of art have been replaced by banal photo shoots, as in the semi-official Mind's Eye Theater LARP book, because the head of the new White Wolf was a vampire LARPer in its heyday, there is an absolute lack of material compared to the V20 (there are no rules for Sabbat or Anarchs in the main book, to begin with with the former seemingly destroyed/forced deep into the knowledge), none of the clunkiness crunch has been corrected, and the fluff actually encourages to be the kind of sharp, psychotic, superficial asshole that made the White Wolf players a fucking joke. This is naturally the same book where they held a full page warning the reader of the fun in a distressed manner after a bunch of lunatics interpreted an example of a roll like a Nazi dog whistle. What's even more humorous is when you can go back to previous publications and see references to skinheads and neo-Nazis saying that are usually in the ranks of Brujah. Camarilla splatbook that came out after will become a straw that broke the back lolcow for one simple and very important reason: They retconned the anti-homosexual purges in Chechnya, in a real-life atrocity that was in the process at the time of writing as a vampire cover-up conspiracy. Sure, they've done less-than-taste hints at real events before, but even when Wraith did splatbook about the Holocaust, they at least had good taste to put all their efforts in a respectful way, because even the company that published Legion Freak knew where to draw the line. In previous editions, it was even a rule not to talk about current or even recent events. These LARPers claimed that the real people involved in the murders were completely sick vampires just for some cheap angst and unoriginal conspiracy hook. The paradox pulled out all copies of Camarilla and Anarchy splatbooks for a complete rewrite, and each manager was thrown out ass first and replaced by seatwarmers. White Wolf as a game development company no longer exists; they are now a glorified holding company folded into the corporate structure of Paradox, which will license their properties to other publishers (read: Onyx Path, who are currently working on a V5 upgrade in Chicago at night, by-the-way) for future World of Darkness books. That's how much of the trainwreck White Wolf has become, they can't be trusted to write their own stuff anymore. Unconfirmed rumors that Ramzan Kadyrov (head of the Chechen Republic) is angry and considering a lawsuit, and that one of the destructor products of the White Wolf was arrested in Russia (of which Chechnya is a federal entity), meaning that not only did these fuckheaded retarded destroyed their own company, they may have kickstarted an international incident. Two attempts were made to port the game format to the PC. VtM: Redemption was a low-quality system, but (for its time) a high-quality 3D game that had a game mechanic that was a Diablo clone, but in the title. The main character began as a crusader man fighting against Eastern European pagans who were wounded and separated from their comrades, performing several errands until Bruja hugged him, after which he continued to hunt down the nun who healed him while he was alive. He had a very interesting plot and chronology; Game time began in the Middle Ages of Prague, and eventually on New Year's Eve, 2000, in New York. However, it has a very repetitive stream consisting of dungeons with three or four levels with an increase of encounters of several vampires by 20-30 meters. On the final levels of dungeons you kill the boss, blah blah, the story of the achievements, you make the choice of humanity and so on, until you come across the FOURTH CIMICHE VOIVODE, who wants to rape the world. (And rapes the party, if you do not know, freeze the spell and kill it by the flesh portal) Honestly, the mechanics of the game had almost nothing to do with the board game: a one-time scrolling discipline that did not use blood, a teleportation spell that took the player back to town called Walk the Abyss and many other features directly ripped from Diablo 2 along with volumes for Discipline Training. yes, Diablo 2 with vampires. And guns when the plot progresses to the present day. If they don't bother you, then it's worth a shot with the word warning being a slow start where you have a hard time hitting nothing and FUCKING Tremere Chantry in the mid-to-late Dark Ages campaign section... Just spam agility and hit the hit and supplement the lack of power by Potensom and Selenity. Everything's going to be all right. And don't worry with modern guns, keep the Aincourt sword on your main character at all times, and the game is a cakewalk. If you have GOT to use a long-range weapon, give a powerful one-time gun shot to your mates because they can't use automatic fire because of backward AI. Or just give them modern crossbows and bows. His brilliant grace was that a multiplayer game, full script countertops can be made of scripts and a bit of careful sandbox design, spawning furniture, scripts, items and missions. It even had two pre-made perfectly fun multiplayer games. Tl;dr. 100 Dexterity, Ainkurn Sword, volume of bloody rituals from the level of Haus de Hexe 3 and Black Gloves from Setite Temple Level 1 for your comrades make you win automatically. VtM: Bloodlines (edit) Bloody Lines, while pleasant and faithful fluff, suffers the same problem as Knights of the Old Republic II and Soulstorm in that it takes 1GB worth of fan patches, fashion, and restored content to make the game work. The story of Los Angeles, you accidentally sired a vampire whose sire is executed. The Prince of the city spares you because the leader of anarchy has stepped up for your neck. So it's your job to start small, beat off Sabbat, talk to Anarchs and Kuei-Jin and find out that a mysterious artifact is fueling the city. And baby, it's epic. It even has the usual vampire intrigues and dickery, although you still get the railroad before the final decision. Even then, some shit just can't be fixed, despite all the heroic bastards who to this day work on fan patches. The game runs up to the HL2 version of Source Engine, despite being released after HL2 due to crappy contracts with Valve and Activision, and it shows. Characters fly, if you so much as spit on them, prostitutes can teleport, the game still falls randomly, there are serious memory leaks, NPC vision is completely broken, and so on and on. Huge chunks of the game have been cut before they can be finished, not to mention that they are flat out there was no time. In the top, the final act of the game is referred to the Film by John Wu complete with a Matrix-style shootout in an office building. If you created your character as a smooth- talking diplomat or a hidden ninja, the game became unwinnable as hordes of AI thugs armed with the best weapons in the game reduced to a pile of smouldering ashes if you didn't have very high durability. The ending is Monster-a-go-go. Yes, really. Despite all this, the game is pretty fun to end the sections where you could tell the tempo was kind of slowing down and winding down - you could really, really say when they were more pressed on time. Voice and letter at the highest (for the main characters anyway; the background voices sound like someone hired his cousin to come into the studio and read read places to be memorable, the nature of the animation during conversations is usually better than Half-Life 2, which had a superb version of the engine (although they locked you in, unlike HL2, and their eyes skitter around like bones in a cup), basic and side quests can basically be solved in several ways, and each vampire clan feels separate (with Malkavians being an extra lulzy and pseudo-spolier). Unfortunately, he had to suffer from Half-Life syndrome. And seriously, fuck Activision. The fact that they put it on Steam and GOG for twenty dollars is a mockery in many ways. They gutted the big game from being significantly better, not paying them for it. Fans patch the game as good as it can be, and also made several mods with the same history and new tricks, like Last Nights where you can play like Baali, Laibon, Samedi, Salubri and other pedigrees with much more hardcore ruleset, or Companion Mod (which is also integrated into many other popular transformations, but not Last Nights) where you can keep, well, comrades helping them (like Ash and Hunter Yuki) Also, Prince gives you the right hug for your ghoul Heather (with a full voice). So you can storm Venture Tower with 4 vampires rain machine gun fire and disciplines. Finally, starting with the v.4.0 Clan Of the Mod quest contains a completely fan-made story arc in a brand new Sabbat-controlled location. Along with tons of new voiced characters, the chance to join Sabbat and diablerize other Kindred. VtM: Coteries of New York (edited) Is largely a visual novel set in the vampire settings of The Masquerade. Can choose to play as Brujah, Toreador or Ventrue. It provides a very atmospheric introduction to the setting and Camerilla as a faction, as well as some high quality art and colorful characters. However it is lacking in length, the player's choice affects very little, and the ending is an extremely sharp cliffhanger. The scenes are fast paced, engaging and intelligent, but the comprehensive story fails to match these pieces together in a satisfying way. This makes for yet another vampire game that is depressingly close to greatness but falls unfortunately short. VtM: Shadows of New York Edit Sequel to VtM: New York Coteries. Further development edit There also was MMORPG done by the guys who made EVE Online. It was due to be released around 2015 and will focus on political and social interactions. It was canceled in Nightmare Week, about a day after the anon on /v/leaked some internal alpha screenshots. And now, thus, all chances for a good VtM game are dashed... really, it's Gehenne. There is even glimpses in motion of the footage in the WoD documentary (it's basically bleh outside of that) which are excellent for MMO of the time, especially in the inner Alpha. The best we've had is the effort that's been put Project Dogmat, a vampire MMO who has tried pulling many similar qualities out of the myths/World of Darkness MMORPG at the same time functionally being a different setting. But unfortunately, he died. Paradox Interactive Europa Universalis fame now owns the rights to the world of darkness and have released a new game inspired to choose your own adventure book called Vampire Masquerade: We Eat Blood. Here's an advertisement from the press release: The Vampire Masquerade: We Eat Blood You're a Young Artist Who Wakes Up at Night to Find You're No Longer a Man... But what are you and why are you so rapaciously hungry to the blood?!? Told entirely through innovative mobile message point of view, we eat blood is a sharp, mature, and scary story about your first nights as a reluctant predator and prey. Will you join the ancient vampire conspiracies, or will you turn the tables on repressive power and seek your own future? The temptation is real. The game is written and illustrated by Sababat and Sarah Horrocks. Let's just say that the game wasn't very good and the author was outed as sexpest, leading to it being pulled from online stores. Bloodlines 2 edit The second Bloodlines game was announced by Paradox for release on March 31, 2020. It was announced using a trailer without gameplay and minimal gameplay details, the developers proudly announcing that they would inject personal policies into it - par for the course with an IP operated by Onyx Path - and including a pronoun choice in creating a character, just like The Battletech Game, which will be good, as the options are cool. In addition, Cara Ellison (best known in /v/territory for getting Hotline Miami 2 banned in Australia by writing an article semi-truthfully claiming there was a rape scene) is on the writing team, leaving some people with problems. The main author of the original game is at least in the team as well, and he will also have the support of fashion at launch according to Devs. Chris Avellone (from Fallout 2 /New Vegas and Planescape: Torment fame) was on the writing team at his beginning, but it was ironic that through the iterative letter all his contributions had gone the way of the Dodo - this was said in response to the allegations coming against Chris Avellone, from several women on Twitter (mostly that he acted predatoryly, whatever that was). In addition, Paradox fired narrative presenter Brian Mitzod (who worked on the first game) without explanation or compensation, lowering all hopes that remained for the game even more. Even with the usual PC boogeyman, the first impression of Bloodlines 2 is that another current year of video games™ mixed with the usual head-up-his-own-ness-ness-ness White Wolf trying to adapt to current trends, especially after a very underwhelming first gameplay. The game will include trigger warnings for quests as an additional feature you can activate, which is at least pretty silly given that it's literally a horror game about horrible things, and moreover, literally be an abomination against everything that's good, and the epitome of the dark, uncomfortable nature of human existence - warning people that there can be horror in a game that is also rated as M and has the usual content. Yes. Malkavians are also downgraded because some people think it's offensive to portray the mentally ill in this way (but that doesn't stop them from using so crazy you can talk to the stopign gag original to sell the pre-order DLC). What is remarkable so far is that you start as a thin blood and have to earn your clan (although can you choose to stay alone and complete the game in a way unknown at the time of writing) and that standard pre-order edition gives you blade gear. Most traditional Camarilla Bloodlines will play, with the exception of Nosferatu and Gangrel. This may be because both pedigrees tend to become walking masquerade disturbances, making mixing the in-the-herd aspect of the game almost impossible. Which in turn will force game designers to make alternative routes for these clans, so instead they just relegated the two clans to NPC status just for now. However, it is equally likely that the two clans get held so that they can be released as DLC soon after the game's launch - they've already promised two DLC and one extension - rather than for gameplay reasons, especially since the Gangrels only become the walking Masquarade of violations after they are madness a bunch of times make them omisson out of the playing line, and more suspect, then Nofersatus. This may also be due to the timeline/canon they are going to, since depending on which one you choose (they are pretty clusterfuck with all the VtM re-release), Gangrel may or may not be part of Camarilla. Either way, all future DLC will be released for free. Installation (through April 2019): Seattle, early 2020. Fifteen years later from Bloodlines, west coast still feels the effects of the Ankara Sarcophagus Incident and the destruction of LA Camarilla. In one foggy night, a swarm of Kindred descend on The Pioneer Square, making a massive hug to pedestrians unhappy enough to be on and about. Some time later, you howed in front of local authorities players as a key witness to the attack and will be executed soon after. As the room goes into small squabbles, the fire has engulfed the building and you barely make it alive-ish. So here you are, plopped like a naked kid in the woods with hardly any idea what to do next. Oh, and you Cateff too! Wow, you really screwed up. In fact, the same start as the original Bloodline, except for the whole thin-blooded thing. 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