Generating Lexical Representations of Frames Using Lexical Substitution
Generating Lexical Representations of Frames using Lexical Substitution Saba Anwar Artem Shelmanov Universitat¨ Hamburg Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Germany Russia Alexander Panchenko Chris Biemann Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Universitat¨ Hamburg Russia Germany Abstract Seed sentence: I hope PattiHelper can helpAssistance youBenefited party soonTime . Semantic frames are formal linguistic struc- Substitutes for Assistance: assist, aid tures describing situations/actions/events, e.g. Substitutes for Helper: she, I, he, you, we, someone, Commercial transfer of goods. Each frame they, it, lori, hannah, paul, sarah, melanie, pam, riley Substitutes for Benefited party: me, him, folk, her, provides a set of roles corresponding to the sit- everyone, people uation participants, e.g. Buyer and Goods, and Substitutes for Time: tomorrow, now, shortly, sooner, lexical units (LUs) – words and phrases that tonight, today, later can evoke this particular frame in texts, e.g. Sell. The scarcity of annotated resources hin- Table 1: An example of the induced lexical represen- ders wider adoption of frame semantics across tation (roles and LUs) of the Assistance FrameNet languages and domains. We investigate a sim- frame using lexical substitutes from a single seed sen- ple yet effective method, lexical substitution tence. with word representation models, to automat- ically expand a small set of frame-annotated annotated resources. Some publicly available re- sentences with new words for their respective sources are FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998) and roles and LUs. We evaluate the expansion PropBank (Palmer et al., 2005), yet for many lan- quality using FrameNet.
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