A Group Portrait with an Austrian Marshal, an Honorary Citizen of Ljubljana
A GROUP PORTRAIT WITH AN AUSTRIAN MARSHAL, AN HONORARY CITIZEN OF LJUBLJANA BOŽIDAR JEZERNIK This article deals with two public monuments in Ljubljana Članek obravnava dva spomenika v Ljubljani, posvečena dedicated to Field Marshal Radetzky, who lived in Ljubljana feldmaršalu Radeckemu, ki je v mestu živel med letoma 1852 between 1852 and 1856 and was made an honorary citizen of in 1856 in je prejel naziv častnega meščana. Prva javna spo- the town. The first two public monuments erected in Ljublja- menika v Ljubljani sta bila posvečena »očetu Radeckemu«, na were dedicated to “Father Radetzky,” who was considered ki je med Slovenci veljal za »pravega narodnega heroja«. a “real national hero” by the Slovenians. However, when Ko pa je bila leta 1918 ustanovljena nova južnoslovanska Yugoslavia was established as a South Slavic state in 1918, država, spomenika, posvečena zmagovitemu avstrijskemu the two monuments dedicated to this victorious Austrian junaku, nista več ustrezala spremenjeni identiteti Slovencev. hero were no longer consistent with Slovenians’ changed self- V Ljubljani ni bilo več prostora za tega junaškega maršala, -identification. There was no room left in Ljubljana for this ki se je nekdaj bojeval z italijanskimi uporniki. heroic marshal, who once fought the Italian rebels. Ključne besede: avstrijski patriotizem, deavstrizacija, feld- Keywords: Austrian patriotism, de-Austrianization, Fi- maršal Radecki, politični simboli, javni spomeniki, »Ra- eld Marshal Radetzky, political symbols, public monu- deckijevo mesto«, spomenikomanija ments, “Radetzky’s city,” statuemania In the second half of the nineteenth century, the public monument joined the museum and theatre in the role of a representative object. It was Paris monuments that first represented republican meritocracy, as opposed to those based on aristocratic leanings.
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