Survey of renewable electricity and heat projects in South West England April 2007 3 CONTENTS 5 Overview - Renewable Electricity

6 Table & Bar chart all installed renewable electricity capacity 7-8 Renewable electRicity map 9-10 Renewable Heat map

11 Table & Bar chart all installed renewable Heat capacity 13 Overview - renewable heat 14 Former Avon Renewable Electricity 15 Former Avon Renewable Heat 16 and the Renewable Electricity 17 Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Renewable Heat 18 Devon Renewable Electricity 19 Devon Renewable Heat 20 Dorset Renewable Electricity 21 Dorset Renewable Heat 22 Gloucestershire Renewable Electricity 23 Gloucestershire Renewable Heat 24 Somerset Renewable Electricity 25 Somerset Renewable Heat 26 Renewable Electricity 27 Wiltshire Renewable Heat

3 4 Regional Overview Renewable ElectricitY

• the survey identified 215 grid connected wind projects, 31.3%; 47 small hydro schemes renewable electricity projects in the making up 6.2 %; 87 solar PV schemes making South West. An additional 64 projects have up 0.6% and 2 schemes dealing with advanced been identified since the last survey was treatment of waste making up 2.1%. undertaken in March 2006, 47 of which have been installed in the last year. • planning remains a large barrier to the The others are existing schemes which development of renewable energy in the South have been identified due to better reporting, West. The region has a very long way to go to and include two sewage gas schemes, achieving its 2010 renewable electricity target one at Netheridge in Gloucestershire and of securing 11-15% of generating capacity from one in , Wiltshire. renewable sources (approximately 597 MW).

• the installed capacity for renewable electricity • in the last 12 months only two large schemes now stands at 137 MW, up 14.4 MW since the have been approved at committee, a 2 MW last survey. The vast majority of this increase biomass plant in Wiltshire and a 7 MW pyrolosis is due to changes in generator capacity at the plant in Somerset. Two further schemes region’s landfill gas sites, and the identification totalling 20 MW have been approved planning of two sewage gas sites in Wiltshire and permission on appeal. In the last 12 months Gloucestershire. Only approximately 300 kW of 3 schemes equating to 9.1 MW have been this increase is due to new installed electricity refused planning permission at appeal. capacity – other than landfill gas. There are 3 further schemes in the region awaiting appeal totalling 58 MW and a 66 MW • renewable electricity schemes in the region Section 36 application currently with the DTI. are now producing enough electricity to supply the equivalent of 119,828 homes, avoiding the • the region has approximately 40 MW of production of 423,031 tonnes of carbon dioxide projects that have been approved in the last a year. couple of years, waiting to be built. This includes a 6 MW wind farm at Avonmouth where • there are 31 landfill gas schemes making up construction has begun, and an 18 MW wind 51.8% of total installed capacity, 16 sewage farm at Den Brook, Devon, where construction gas schemes making up 7.9%, 32 onshore is due to start next year.

1 a. energy generated has been estimated using typical factors for different renewable energy technologies: lfg 80%, wind 30%; sewage gas 60%; small hydro 25%; advanced technology 80% and PV 30%. b. the number of equivalent homes powered is based on the assumption that an average house consumes 5,000 units of electricity (kWh) a year. c. carbon savings are based on a DTI figure that the average carbon dioxide emission per Wk h of electricity generated in the UK is 0.598 kg.

For a full list of South West renewable electricity projects go to 5 South West England Installed Renewable Electricity Capacity

(MW) Technology

County Number electricity of renewable projectsWind Hydro Landfill GasSewage GAasdvanced treatmentSolar PV Installed renewable% of regional total of waste electricity capacity by County area former Avon 13 0.01 0 5.45 5.75 0.23 0.04 11.47 8.4 Cornwall and IoS 58 39.22 1.58 11.48 0.40 0 0.12 52.79 38.6 Devon 68 3.05 6.47 15.51 1.04 2.70 0.16 28.93 21.1 Dorset 15 0.04 0.01 10.32 1.66 0 0.05 12.07 8.8 Gloucestershire 19 0.51 0.03 7.92 1.21 0 0.23 9.89 7.2 Somerset 23 0.02 0.37 8.73 0.17 0 0.07 9.34 6.8 Wiltshire 19 0.01 0.08 11.45 0.62 0 0.14 12.30 9.0 TOTALS 215 42.84 8.53 70.86 10.83 2.93 0.80 136.79 100 % of regional total by 31.3 6.2 51.8 7.9 2.1 0.6 100 technology South West England Renewable Electricity Capacity (APRIL 2007) 60

50 Advanced Waste Treatment Sewage Gas 40 LandfillG as 30 Hydro

20 Wind

10 ci ty (MW) Capa Installed 0

von IoS A evon orset D D iltshire W Somerset ormer F loucestershire ornwall and G C County

For a full list of South West renewable electricity projects go to 6 South West England Installed Renewable HEAT Capacity (MW)


County Number of renewableBiomass thermalHeat pumps Sewage Gas CHPSolar thermalInstalled renewable% of regional total by heat projects heat capacity C(MountyW) area former Avon 10 0.92 0.08 7.00 0.01 8.01 28.8 Cornwall and IoS 158 4.49 2.01 0.79 0.21 7.50 26.9 Devon 155 2.22 0.71 1.70 0.90 5.52 19.8 Dorset 8 0 0.06 2.10 0.03 2.19 7.9 Gloucestershire 14 0.43 1.07 0 0 1.49 5.4 Somerset 57 1.75 0.33 0.20 0.08 2.36 8.5 Wiltshire 17 0.27 0.13 0.37 0.02 0.78 2.8 TOTALS 419 10.07 4.38 12.15 1.24 27.85 100

% of regional total 36.2 15.7 43.6 4.5 100 by technology South West England Renewable Heat Capacity (APRIL 2007)


8 Solar Thermal 7 Sewage Gas CHP 6

5 Heat Pumps

4 Biomass Thermal 3


1 ci ty (MW) Capa Installed 0

von IoS A evon orset D D iltshire W Somerset ormer F loucestershire ornwall and G C County

For a full list of south west renewable heat projects go to 11 South West Renewable Electricity Overview

Legend Cheltenham Gloucester Onshore wind Landfill gas Sewage gas Small hydro Bio-gas Solar PV Bradley Swindon Stoke Bristol Kingswood Bath

Exmoor National Park Bridgwater Barnstaple Northam Taunton

Yeovil Tiverton

Exeter Poole

Exmouth Weymouth Dartmoor Newton National Park Abbot

Torquay Saltash Plymouth St Austell

Truro St Ives Cambourne Falmouth Penzanze

7 South West Renewable Electricity Overview

Cheltenham Gloucester

Bradley Swindon Stoke Chippenham Bristol Kingswood Bath Trowbridge

Exmoor Warminster National Park Bridgwater Barnstaple Northam Taunton

Yeovil Tiverton

Exeter Poole

Exmouth Weymouth Dartmoor Newton National Park Abbot

Torquay Saltash Plymouth St Austell

Truro St Ives Cambourne Falmouth Penzanze This map does not include domestic renewable electricity projects. South West Renewable Heat Overview

Cheltenham Legend Gloucester Ground-source heat pumps Solar thermal Biomass thermal Air-source heat pump Water-source heat pumps Bradley Swindon Stoke Chippenham Bristol Kingswood Bath Trowbridge

Exmoor Warminster National Park Bridgwater Barnstaple Northam Taunton

Yeovil Tiverton

Exeter Poole

Exmouth Weymouth Dartmoor Newton National Park Abbot

Torquay Saltash Plymouth St Austell

Truro St Ives Cambourne Falmouth Penzanze South West Renewable Heat Overview

Cheltenham Gloucester

Bradley Swindon Stoke Chippenham Bristol Kingswood Bath Trowbridge

Exmoor Warminster National Park Bridgwater Barnstaple Northam Taunton

Yeovil Tiverton

Exeter Poole

Exmouth Weymouth Dartmoor Newton National Park Abbot

Torquay Saltash Plymouth St Austell

Truro St Ives Cambourne Falmouth Penzanze This map does not include domestic renewable heat projects.

10 12 Regional Overview Renewable Heat

• the survey identified 419 renewable heat projects in the South West. The installed capacity of these projects is 27.85 MW. This is an increase of 7.42 MW since the last survey in March 2006.

• the largest renewable heat scheme installed in the last year was a 3 MW biomass thermal boiler in Cornwall, at a plant nursery in Kernock.

• heat pumps make up 4.38 MW or 15.7% of total renewable heat capacity, solar thermal 1.24 MW or 4.5% of capacity, biomass thermal 10.07 MW or 36.2% of capacity, and Sewage Gas CHP makes up 12.15 MW or 43.6% of installed capacity.

• although the installed capacity of renewable heat projects is still small in the South West, the carbon reduction benefit is likely to be significant because many projects are installed off the main gas network, and displace heating oil which has a high carbon content.

For a full list of South West renewable heat projects go to 13 14 renewable electricity renewable electricity • • • t b a For a full listofS outh W Former Former A L

TOTAL N South B installed electricity capacity. produces heat and electricity, with 5.75 M A largest scheme is a sewage gas scheme at electricity needs of 10,048 homes. schemes now generate the equivalent installed capacity. 11.47 M installed renewable electricity capacity to the former over 6 M area in year as construction on a 3 turbine, 6 M scheme at T farm at 2 istrict hasnorecordedrenewable EastSomersetDistrict schemes.Bath andNorth electricity ocal authority district his capacity is largely due to its sewage gas von should increase its capacity in the next he four unitary authorities which make up ristol vonmouth sewage treatment works which ristol orth Somerset Sewage 50.12% G C C S A A loucestershire

ity ity is the top-ranking local authority W G W von, in terms of installed capacity with vonmouth is currently underway. A as , making up 8.4% of the region’s installed, and six projects installed. A

von installed renewable electricity capacity by local authority area A vonmouth. von area have increased their D istrict A von’s renewable electricity


istrict est renewable electricity projects goto W aste

A von dvanced 1.96% T reatment A von’s

connected renewable W electricity projects wind N W umber of grid-

Solar 0.32% 13 4 3 6



W ind

renewable electricity (M I nstalled capacity 11.48 2.15 3.32 6.01 L andfill 47.50%

G 2 W as


renewable heat renewable heat renewable renewable electricity renewable electricity Former 3 TOTAL N B L orth EastSomersetandSouthGloucestershirehaveBath andNorth norecordedrenewable heatschemes For afulllist ofSouthW ocal authority district ristol orth Somerset C S Sewage

ity A

von installed renewable heat capacity by local authority area 88% G as D istrict CHP

est renewable heatprojectsgoto N umber of renewable heat projects • • • b b t 10 6 4

Former A boilers around the city. the nursery boiler and other future woodwhere heating aboricultural arisings can be storedalso for built a wood fuel depot next to the boiler nurseries at the boiler which provides heat to a series of sewage gas site. region, due largely to the heat capacityheat from capacity its of any local authority area in the heat and power site. renewable heat capacity in the region at E is the first of its kind in from the 8.01 M he former nergy ristol ristol

C C W A ity ity A . Some 7 M ward in 2006 for a 400 k vonmouth sewage gas combined i C C A ouncil won a South ouncil has the highest renewable von area has the largest B B laise iomass W renewable heat (M 12% B of this heat capacity is N nstalled capacity T ristol. ursery site. hermal T 8.01 0.23 7.78 von he council has W W est 3 biomass T

he boiler G

W reen

) .

renewable heat renewable heat renewable

15 16 renewable electricity renewable electricity • • • c c n For a full listofS outh W Cornwall installed renewable electricity capacity by local authority area

N district Local authority TOTAL P R C C

renewable electricity capacity. second and third place in the region for installed making up 23 M is due to the district having four wind farms, approved in 2004. equivalent of 46,244 homes. C of the total installed capacity for the region. D M capacity with 52.79 M W both in the county and in the whole region. Is C enwith orth estormel arrick aradon ornwall’s capacity generates power for the istrict ornwall is awaiting the construction of a 1.8 ornwall remains the leading county in South orth W est wind cluster at o 3.27% H l E ydro C C S D ngland for installed renewable electricity C D ornwall ornwall is the leading local authority

D r es of istrict ouncil and D istrict istrict istrict B n orough



wall istrict L of installed capacity. Kerrier andfill R 21.66% C

oscrow arrick W

, making up 38.6% G as est renewable electricity projects goto S D B istrict arton, which was c

& C illy ouncil take connected renewable t electricity projects electricity Sewage Number ofgrid- T 0.75% h his G 58 12 20 e 9 4 8 5 as

Solar 0.26% PV renewable Installed capacity 52.78 12.49 23.52 10.53 electricity 0.38 0.44 5.42


W ind (MW)

renewable heat renewable heat renewable renewable electricity renewable electricity Cornwall installed renewable heat capacity by local authority area R C P Kerrier N C TOTAL I L

H sles of Scilly For afulllist ofSouthW ocal authority district enwith estormel arrick orth aradon eat 26.89% P umps C S D D ornwall

D istrict D istrict istrict istrict B orough


istrict Sewage

10.56% G as est renewable heatprojectsgoto CHP N umber of renewable heat projects Solar • • • 158 i i c 2.58% 42 13 32 39 14 17 T 1 hermal

Is C H installed some 200 the last year. biomass project installed to date in the region. schemes in the region with 158 schemes. M renewable heat capacity in the region at 7.5 N the South n 2006, n 2006 a 3 M ousing Scheme. urseries was installed. ornwall has the second highest installed W , and the highest number of renewable heat o l

r es of C W arrick i n est W G biomass boiler at Kernock H wall reen ousing T G he renewable heat (M S HP H E nstalled capacity T nergy ousing A his is the largest ’s in social housing in ssociation won S 0.82 0.89 0.89 1.02 3.26 7.50 0.58 0.03 A c B A ward for iomass

ssociation has & 59.98% illy t T hermal W

B ) est h


renewable heat renewable heat renewable

17 renewable


• devon has the largest number of renewable recently been given planning permission electricity projects in the region with 68 installed on appeal, and there are two large wind projects and the second highest installed schemes currently in the planning system capacity at 28.93 MW, or 21.1% of the regional in North Devon, totalling some 84 MW. If capacity. Devon’s installed renewable electricity approved, Devon would be close to meeting capacity generates the equivalent electricity its 2010 target of 151 MW, and North Devon needs of 25,343 homes would be at the top of the district rankings

electricity across the region.

• devon has the potential to significantly increase its renewable electricity capacity in the next few • torridge District has the highest installed heat years, and become the leading county in the renewable electricity capacity in Devon, due to region in terms of installed capacity. An 18 MW a 3 MW wind farm at Bradworthy, the 2.7 MW wind scheme at Den Brook, West Devon has Holsworthy Bio-Gas plant and a landfill gas site.

Devon installed renewable electricity capacity by local authority area renewable

Local authority district Number of grid- Installed capacity connected renewable renewable electricity (MW) electricity projects

Torridge District 9 7.72

renewable Plymouth City 8 7.60 Teignbridge District 12 6.66

y West Devon Borough 9 4.67 South Hams District 11 0.70 North Devon District 7 0.67 Exeter City 1 0.66

East Devon District 4 0.12 heat Mid Devon District 6 0.12 Torbay 1 0.005

TOTALS 68 28.93 electricit

renewable Advanced Waste Solar PV Treatment 1% Wind Sewage Gas 9% 11% 4%

LandfillG as Hydro 53% 22%

For a full list of South West renewable electricity projects go to

18 renewable renewable electricity renewable electricity D (data from DARE) Solar thermal schemes TOTAL South P E T N E Mid L T W T orridge orbay eignbridge For afulllist ofSouthW ocal authority district Sewage lymouth ast xeter orth evon installed renewable heat capacity by local authority area est D D 30.71% D evon D H evon S C

evon evon ams G

ity D as C istrict D

ity CHP D D D istrict D D istrict istrict istrict

istrict istrict



T hermal est renewable heatprojectsgoto N umber of renewable heat projects • • 155 d 22 24 26 28 16 13 12 4 1 9 /

DEvon at 1.31 M thermal installations. with 10 biomass projects and 18 solar renewable heat capacity at 5.52 M 155 projects and the third highest installedrenewable heat projects in the region, with capacity of renewable heat projects inMid of renewable heat projects in the evon has the second highest number of D

evon W i D . I istrict has the highest installed t also has the largest number H eat 12.81% B P iomass umps renewable heat (M

40.25% nstalled capacity

T hermal 0.002 5.50 0.34 0.44 0.45 0.46 1.31 0.68 1.24 0.06 0.24 0.28 C W ounty,



W evon


renewable heat renewable heat renewable

19 20 renewable electricity renewable electricity • • • t d For a full listofS outh W D Dorset L

TOTAL E C N W W B P B sewage gas. is from landfill gas and almost 14% is from 10,573 homes. generate power for the equivalent of T a sewage gas scheme at renewable electricity capacity in D to the 85% of to 12.07 M reatment ocal authority district he ast ournemouth urbeck orough of hristchurch orth orset’s renewable electricity schemes now orset has increased its installed capacity orset installed renewable electricity capacity by local authority area est eymouth and B D D orough of W D orset S orset D orset hites

D orset’s renewable electricity capacity Sewage istrict W W P 13.72% D orks. , or 8.8% of the regional total. D oole B D P istrict B istrict orough istrict it landfill gas scheme and P orough P

G ortland

oole has the highest installed as

B P orough est renewable electricity projects goto oole Sewage D Solar 0.38% orset due

PV connected renewable electricity projects N umber of grid- 0.30% 15 W 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 2 ind

0.05% H


renewable heat (M I nstalled capacity 0.006 0.002 0.005 0.008 12.06 0.03 3.44 7.67 L andfill 0.9 85.56%


as W )

renewable heat renewable heat renewable renewable electricity renewable electricity Sewage D istrict haveDorset istrict norecordedrenewable heatschemes. 4 TOTAL W B B L , ocal authority district For afulllist ofSouthW orough of ournemouth orset installed renewable heat capacity by local authority area est 95.98% G D as S orset

CHP P D oole B istrict orough W

eymouth andP

est renewable heatprojectsgoto hristchurch Borough,East Christchurch Dorset istrict, Borough,North ortland Solar 1.51% T N hermal umber of renewable heat projects • • b d 8 5 2 1

Dorset B sewage gas installed capacity in the county with 1.1 M with an installed capacity of 2.19 M erry ournemouth orset has eight renewable heat projects H eat 2.51%

H P ill Sewage umps i CHP

B orough capacity at the T reatment renewable heat (M nstalled capacity C

ouncil has the highest 4

W 2.19 0.07 1.02 orks. 1.1 B ournemouth W

. W


) of

renewable heat renewable heat renewable

21 22 renewable electricity renewable electricity • • g g For a full listofS outh W Gl G L

TOTAL F C T Stroud G landfill gas and a sewage gas site. authority areas in the county due largelyrenewable to a electricity capacity of all the local electricity needs of 8,664 homes. capacity generates power for the equivalentinstalled capacity. M installed renewable electricity capacity to 9.89

ewkesbury ocal authority district orest of otswold loucester loucester loucestershire has slightly increased its loucestershire installed renewable electricity capacity by local authority area W , making up 7.2% of the region’s total S D o

istrict D D ean istrict C C u D Sewage ity ity has the highest installed istrict

12.19% D

ceste istrict

G G loucestershire’s installed


est renewable electricity projects goto Solar 2.34% r PV s connected renewable electricity projects N hir umber of grid- 19 10 2 2 1 4

5.11% e W ind

0.25% H ydro renewable electricity (M I nstalled capacity L andfill 80.11% 0.007 9.88 2.61 0.05 1.84 5.37 G as

W )

renewable heat renewable heat renewable renewable electricity renewable electricity G TOTAL Stroud T F C G L ewkesbury ocal authority district orest of For afulllist ofSouthW otswold loucester loucestershire installed renewable heat capacity by local authority area S D

istrict D D ean istrict C D ity H istrict

eat D 71.52%


P umps

est renewable heatprojectsgoto N umber of renewable heat projects • • g g 14 2 2 3 5 2

Gl P pump ( the county, due to a 650 k renewable heat capacity of any local authority in and 1.49 M olice loucester loucestershire has 14 renewable heat projects

H G o eadquarters. S HP i W C u ity has the highest installed of renewable heat capacity. ) installation at ceste B iomass renewable heat (M 28.48% nstalled capacity T W hermal ground source heat G 1.49 0.02 0.01 0.13 0.66 0.67 loucestershire r s W ) hir


renewable heat renewable heat renewable

23 24 renewable electricity renewable electricity • • •

For a full listofS outh W S L

TOTAL Sedgemoor South Somerset W Mendip T in the county at 5.19 M installed capacity of the local authority areas owned land. up to 12 M C electricity capacity, due to an initiativeto significantly by the increase its installed renewable the equivalent electricity needs of 8,181electricity homes. schemes generate enough powerregion’s for total capacity. Somerset’selectricity renewable capacity, making up 6.8% of the and two landfill gas schemes in the area ( Shooters on appeal in 2006. Somerset’s first wind turbine was approved Somerset has 9.34 M South Somerset Somerset aunton ocal authority district omerset installed renewable electricity capacity by local authority area ounty est Somerset O dcombe). S C D

D ouncil which is looking into installing B istrict eane W ottom. Somerset has the potential D of wind turbines on istrict

B D D D orough istrict istrict istrict has the highest T

his is a 2 M W


of installed renewable


T est renewable electricity projects goto his is due largely to Sewage 1.82% W C turbine at ouncil G as D immer connected renewable

Solar electricity projects 0.70% N umber of grid- PV 23 1 8 6 2 6

0.16% W ind

3.93% H ydro renewable electricity (M I nstalled capacity L andfill 93.39% 9.34 0.01 5.19 0.02 1.52 2.6 G as

W )

renewable heat renewable heat renewable renewable electricity renewable electricity S TOTAL Sedgemoor W T South Somerset Mendip L

For afulllist ofSouthW aunton ocal authority district H omerset installed renewable heat capacity by local authority area est Somerset eat 14.04% P umps S D

D istrict eane D istrict Sewage

B D D orough istrict istrict




CHP est renewable heatprojectsgoto Solar N umber of renewable 3.42% T heat projects hermal • •

15 57 15 12 9 6

Somerset installed capacity. authority area in Somerset with 0.66 M installed renewable heat capacity of any local renewable heat capacity. projects. renewable heat projects in the region with 57 Mendip Somerset has the third highest number of

D T istrict he county has 2.37 M i C ouncil has the highest B renewable heat (M iomass 74.09% nstalled capacity T hermal 2.37 0.44 0.52 0.63 0.12 0.66 W of installed

W W of )

renewable heat renewable heat renewable

25 26 renewable electricity renewable electricity • • n w For a full listofS outh W Wil Wiltshire installed renewable electricity capacity by local authority area L

TOTAL Kennett W N Swindon gas schemes. the county with nine schemes installed.number of renewable electricity projects in authority area in renewable electricity capacity of any local 10,775 homes. power for the equivalent electricity needsrenewable of electricity schemes generate region’senough total installed capacity.electricity capacity, making up 9% of the installed capacity. Some 7.4 M ocal authority district orth orth est iltshire has 12.31 M W W W S iltshire D iltshire iltshire has the highest installed

tshire B D istrict orough istrict W of this capacity is from landfill D D

istrict W istrict

I t also has the highest

iltshire with 7.54 M


of installed renewable est renewable electricity projects goto Sewage W 5.04% iltshire’s G W as connected renewable

of electricity projects N

Solar 1.15% umber of grid- 19 PV 1 1 2 6 9

0.61% H ydro

0.07% W


renewable electricity (M I nstalled capacity 12.31 0.006 L 0.09 1.12 3.55 7.54 andfill 93.13% G


W )

renewable heat renewable heat renewable renewable electricity renewable electricity Sewage Wiltshire installed renewable heat capacity by local authority area TOTAL Kennet Swindon N W Salisbury L For afulllist ofSouthW ocal authority district orth est 46.93% G W W as S D iltshire iltshire

CHP B istrict D orough istrict D

D istrict istrict

est renewable heatprojectsgoto Solar N umber of renewable 2.54% T heat projects hermal • • w 17 2 3 4 3 5 Wil

and a biomass boiler. 0.78 M Salisbury sewage gas installed heat capacity at 0.35 M iltshire has 17 renewable heat projects and

W tshire of installed renewable heat capacity. D i istrict CHP C sites, two ouncil has the highest renewable heat (M H B nstalled capacity eat 16.46% iomass P 34.07% umps G S T 0.78 0.02 0.16 0.15 0.35 HP 0.1 hermal W

with two


W )

renewable heat renewable heat renewable

27 Supported by:

7 BarnfieldC rescent, Exeter, Devon EX1 1QT Email: [email protected] Designed by RH Advertising Printed on recycled paper.