PENGUIN READERS Activity worksheets LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

The Jungle Book Photocopiable

Chapters 1–2 e and fought. Akela fell. c 1 Which of these are right about ? f talked to Mowgli. He said: Correct the wrong sentences. ‘Get the red flower.’ c a He came to Father Wolf’s cave in the Seeonee g Mowgli left his wolf family and went to Mountains on a hot evening. the village. c b He had white clothes on. Chapters 3–4 c Mother Wolf had five other cubs. 4 Who says these words? What are they talking d Shere Khan wanted the cub for food. about? e Mother Wolf called him Mowgli. His name a ‘No he doesn’t have to be afraid of anybody.’ means ‘the small monkey’. b ‘The Bandar-log do that.’ f When Mowgli was in front of the Pack, c ‘Their way is not our way’ and Bagheera spoke for him. The black d ‘What is your name, brother?’ panther bought him for a dead bull. e ‘I, too, am hungry.’ g Mowgli lived with the wolves for eleven years. f ‘They are taking him across the river to the He learnt the well. monkey city.’ h Sometimes, he went to the village and played g ‘They are dangerous in large numbers.’ with the boys and girls there. h ‘ To the water. Fight your way to the water.’ 2 Match the letters (a–g) with the numbers 5 Answer the questions. (1–7) to complete the sentences: a What do the monkeys do when Baloo is a The animals don’t like Tabaqui, the jungle talking to Mowgli about the Bandar-log? dog, … b What do Baloo and Bagheera do when the b Shere Khan screamed … monkeys carry Mowgli up into the treetops? c Raksha wanted … c What does Chil use to see who has given a d Akela, the great grey wolf, … bird call? e Baloo, the brown bear, … d Who are the monkeys afraid of? f Bagheera, the black panther, … e What is Monkey City like? g The red flower … f Why does Mowgli make the snake call? 1 … because he wanted to hunt man. g What made the monkeys quiet? 2 … taught the wolf cubs the law of the 6 Say why …? jungle. a Baloo was happy with Mowgli. 3 … is fire in a pot. b Mowgli doesn’t have to be afraid of anybody. 4 … because he makes men angry and then c will help Baloo and Bagheera. they hunt. d The monkeys bring Mowgli some food. 5 … was very dangerous and nobody wanted e Mowgli cannot help Bagheera when he starts to fight with him. fighting. 6 … was the leader of the Pack. 7 Find the mistakes. Make the sentences right. 7 … the man cub to stay with her cubs. a The monkeys shout angrily when Baloo is in 3 What happened first? Put the sentences in the water. order. Write the numbers 1–7. b Kaa hears Bagheera’s bird call and comes a Mowgli was eleven years old. Shere Khan down the mountain fast. wanted to make friends with him and the c Old monkeys are afraid of Kaa. young wolves. c d The snakes with Mowgli want him to stay. b Shere Khan and the young wolves left the e The snakes aren’t Mowgli’s friends. mountain. c f Kaa pushes the wall with his tail. c Mowgli went to the village and got a fire g The moon is going up and Kaa starts dancing. pot from a house. c h Mowgli puts his hands on Baloo and Bagheera d He threw the fire pot on the ground and and the animals danced. the animals were afraid. c i Mowgli is sorry because he spoke to Kaa.

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The Jungle Book Photocopiable

8 Finish these sentences. answers the bulls’ call. The bulls meet the a Bagheera heard Mowgli. He now knew that …………… . Shere Khan is …………… . the boy … 11 Answer the questions. b Baloo hit the monkeys and threw dead a What did Mowgli do to become a village boy? monkeys to the … ……………………………………………… c Kaa killed a lot of monkeys and the others … b How did Grey Brother and Akela help d Baloo’s coat was stronger than Bagheera’s Mowgli kill the tiger? but … ……………………………………………… e Kaa broke down … c What did the villagers do when Mowgli came f Mowgli didn’t kill but he … back after killing the tiger? g Kaa began with the snake dance and the ……………………………………………… monkeys … d Why did Messua cry when Mowgli left the h Mowgli was wrong so Baloo and Bagheera … village? Chapters 5–6 ……………………………………………… e Why were Mother Wolf’s eyes happy when 9 Who’s who? Choose the right words and Mowgli came back? complete the sentences. ……………………………………………… The Fat Man Messua Mowgli 12 Match A and B Grey Brother Shere Khan Buldeo Akela Mother Wolf A B a ……………… has got Messua’s boy’s face. Mowgli didn’t stop at but he followed her. b ……………… will come back when he has a the first village … new coat. The small boys saw and told stories about c ……………… thinks Mowgli has to work. Mowgli … the animals in the He tells the boy to look after the village jungle. buffaloes. Mowgli didn’t and looked for a way d ……………… takes the buffaloes through understand when out of the river. the jungle to the river. Messua spoke to e ……………… is angry with Mowgli because him … he thinks the boy didn’t look after the herd. Buldeo sat under a and quickly there were f ……………… is very kind with Mowgli. tree … two. g ……………… stays with the cows. The wolves ran in and because some animals h ……………… was happy when she saw the out of the herd … there hated him. tiger’s skin. Shere Khan heard and ran away. 10 Find words in the story and write them in the the herd of buffalo spaces. bulls … …………… shouts down the river and the sleepy …………… answers back ‘Who is it?’ After reading Mowgli wants to take the tiger back with him to 13 Work in small groups with other students. Look the mountain top. at the names of the chapters in the book. Write a Then, …………… gives the great hunting call different name for each chapter and write one of the …………… and the herd starts sentence to say what happens in that chapter. …………… . The bulls run into the dry river. 14 Work in pairs. Look back at the pictures of the The …………… run faster and faster. Rama, animals in this book on page 6. How many the biggest buffalo, sees Shere Khan and calls animals can you name? e.g. the bear = Baloo. loudly to the other bulls. 15 Talk to two other students. Did you enjoy this Shere Khan hears them and looks for a way out story? Why or why not? Write down what you of the …………… . But the …………… are think. Then read it to the class. Do other too high. A call from the cows at the other end students think the same as you?

c Pearson Education Limited 2008 The Jungle Book - Activity worksheets 2 of 2 PENGUIN READERS Progress test LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

The Jungle Book Photocopiable

Chapters 1–2 Chapters 5–6 1 Say who is talking to whom and what they are 4 Which is right? 1, 2 or 3? talking about. a Messua took Mowgli to her house because … a ‘I want my food. A man-cub came here. Give it to 1 She was a kind woman. me.’ 2 She was sure Mowgli was her son. …………………………………………………… 3 Mowgli had her son’s face. b ‘What will our Pack say?’ b Mowgli took the buffaloes near the jungle … …………………………………………………… 1 because there was better vegetation there. c ‘Take him away. Teach him to be a brave wolf.’ 2 because the animals had to drink water from the …………………………………………………… Waingunga River. d ‘Be careful of Shere Khan. One day you will have to 3 because he wanted to meet his brothers, the kill him.’ wolves. …………………………………………………… c Grey Brother got information about Shere Khan … e ‘Now I know you are a man.’ 1 because the Pack came back to the mountain …………………………………………………… top. 2 Are these sentences right ( 3) or wrong (7)? Change 2 because Tabaqui told him everything. the wrong sentences. 3 because Akela met Tabaqui in the mountains a Mowgli grew strong and brave in the jungle and told him about the tiger. and he helped the wolves when they cut their d Mowgli thought the tiger was stupid … feet in the jungle. c 1 because he was afraid of bulls. b Bagheera said: ‘When Akela is old and weak, 2 because he was waiting for Mowgli in the big he will not be the leader of the Pack. You will dry river bed. take his place.’ c 3 because he ate before meeting Mowgli. c When Akela is not the leader, the pack will e Shere Khan was not brave because … fight Mowgli. c 1 he did not try to fight. d Mowgli used the fire to make the animals 2 he wanted to kill the boy in the dry river. afraid and help Akela against the tiger. c 3 he needed Tabaqui’s help. e Mowgli went to the village after the fight. 5 Put these in the right order. Write the numbers, He asked Bagheera to tell mother wolf. c 1–10. Chapters 3–4 a Grey Brother and Akela helped him with the herd. b Messua ran to Mowgli and told him to go or the 3 Match the numbers (1–5) with the letters (a–e). villagers would kill him. 1 Baloo is … c When they arrived at the first houses in the village, 2 Bagheera is … they heard noises. 3 Kaa is … d She was happy the tiger was dead. 4 Mowgli has … e Mowgli went to Mother Wolf’s cave and brought 5 The young monkeys are … her the skin of Shere Khan. a friends everywhere. f In the evening, Mowgli finished pulling off Shere b not so quick but is very strong. Khan’s great skin. c afraid of Kaa. g Mowgli thought they were happy because Shere d a fast panther. Khan was dead. e quick and quiet. h But the villagers were not happy. They shouted ‘Go away’ to Mowgli. i So he had to take the buffaloes back home. j Mowgli took Shere Khan’s coat and left the village.

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