1 Coalition Name: Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Warren County Date of Initial Review: 10/19/18 – REVISE & RESUBMIT Date of Second Review: 1/25/19 – No changes were made to this document, please see rebuttal form; APPROVED 1/25/2019 Ohio’s Strategic Prevention Framework – Partnerships for Success (SPF‐PFS) Media and Social Norms Campaign – Final Campaign Materials Review Form Draft: 9‐21‐2018

For media and social norms campaigns, final campaign materials must be submitted to the EBP Workgroup for review prior to implementation. Please include the following materials for review:  Final Strategic Plan Map  Final Strategy Proposal Form for your media or social norms campaign  Artwork/graphics for your campaign (if applicable)

Campaign Name: Talk They Hear You!

1. Are you working with a media company? x Yes □ No

a. If yes, who are you working with? Please provide: Name of media company: Cox Media Media company’s website: https://www.coxmediagroup.com

b. If no, who developed your content? Please provide the name(s) of the individual(s) developing your coalition’s content and describe each individual’s expertise. Please type your response here.

2. Who is coordinating the media plan?

Kim Dooley, SPF Project Director

3. What is the message for your media campaign (include any text and hashtags)?

The message of our media campaign is that parents need to start talking to their children about the dangers of alcohol early on. #WETALKED

4. How does the message of your media campaign meet the needs of the priority population? How do you know it will meet the needs of the priority population?

The message of our media campaign aims to reduce underage drinking among youth by providing parents and caregivers with information and resources they need to start addressing the issue of alcohol with their children early.

5. How is this message grounded in evidence? 2 Per SAMHSA: research shows that parents are the leading influence on their child’s decisions about alcohol. Although it may not seem like it, when parents talk about underage drinking, their children do hear them. To prevent young people from starting to drink, the campaign focuses on ages 9‐15. Around 9, children begin thinking alcohol may not be just for adults. By 15, many young people are drinking. Young people who start drinking before age 15 are five times more likely to develop alcohol problems as adults than those who begin drinking at 21 or older. The TALK THEY HEAR YOU campaign aims to increase parents awareness of the prevalence and risk of underage drinking and then to equip parents with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to prevent underage drinking, in turn increasing a parents’ action to prevent underage drinking.

6. How does this message relate to your coalition’s Theory of Change? Please reference your shorter‐term, mid‐term and longer‐term outcomes?

The TALK THEY HEAR YOU message relates to our coalitions Theory of Change because if parental knowledge, skills, and attitudes about how and when to have conversations about alcohol increases, then the percentage of youth reporting family communication around alcohol use will increase. If the increased family communication around alcohol use includes elements related to parental disapproval, then the percentage of youth reporting perceptions of parental disapproval will increase as measured by the Pride Student Drug Use Survey. If perceptions of parental disapproval increase, then the percentage of youth reporting past 30‐day use will decrease among 8th‐10th graders as measured by the Pride Student Drug Use Survey.

7. If your media campaign addresses family communication around drug use, how does this campaign incorporate an additional intervening variable(s) to articulate the causal relationship between family communication around drug use and decreased consumption?

Our coalition has added an additional intervening variable of “parental disapproval” of underage drinking to articulate the casual relationship between family communication around underage drinking and decreased consumption.

8. Do you have artwork/graphics associated with your campaign? x Yes (If yes, please remember to submit files with this proposal form.) Talk They HEAR YOU logos. □ No

9. What types of outlets are you using for your campaign? □ TV (List TV Station(s): Please type your response here.) X Radio (List radio station(s): WHKO Radio Station, K99.1 FM X Newspaper(s) (List newspaper(s): https://scanmail.trustwave.com/?c=12185&d=uoW72wDSQM765mXJ8GOspQuT5ARuGj3GuZk90uQXkA&s=12&u=https %3a%2f%2fwww%2edaytondailynews%2ecom%2f

□ Press Release (List outlets: Please type your response here.) □ Op‐ed (List newspaper(s): Please type your response here.) □ Newsletter(s) (List name(s): Please type your response here.) □ Billboard (List location(s): Please type your response here.) 3 □ Event Signage ‐ including community and sporting events: (List event(s): Please type your response here.) □ Posters (List locations where posted: Please type your response here.) □ Fliers (List locations where posted/distributed: Please type your response here.) □ Promotional material/swag (List item(s) and where distributed: Please type your response here.) X Website (List URL(s): Various Websites, only targeting our relevant audience. Digital Reach: only to Warren County Zip Code GEO Target to the Parents/Guardians in Particular School districts. https://scanmail.trustwave.com/?c=12185&d=uoW72wDSQM765mXJ8GOspQuT5ARuGj3GuZk90uQXkA&s=12&u=https %3a%2f%2fwww%2edaytondailynews%2ecom%2f https://scanmail.trustwave.com/?c=12185&d=uoW72wDSQM765mXJ8GOspQuT5ARuGj3GuZtlg‐ AZyw&s=12&u=https%3a%2f%2fwww%2ewhio%2ecom%2f https://scanmail.trustwave.com/?c=12185&d=uoW72wDSQM765mXJ8GOspQuT5ARuGj3GuZ06gLVJyg&s=12&u=https% 3a%2f%2fwww%2ek99online%2ecom%2f https://scanmail.trustwave.com/?c=12185&d=uoW72wDSQM765mXJ8GOspQuT5ARuGj3GuZ9s0uAfww&s=12&u=https %3a%2f%2fwww%2edayton%2ecom%2f https://scanmail.trustwave.com/?c=12185&d=uoW72wDSQM765mXJ8GOspQuT5ARuGj3GuZps0‐ UYkw&s=12&u=https%3a%2f%2fwww%2ejournal‐news%2ecom%2f

X Website ads (List URL(s): The digital banner ads will link to this URL address: http://scanmail.trustwave.com/?c=12185&d=uoW72wDSQM765mXJ8GOspQuT5ARuGj3Guchpg7UZyw&s=12&u=http% 3a%2f%2fwww%2eSAPCWarrenCounty%2eorg □ Movie theater ads (List theater name(s): Please type your response here.) X Facebook (List user name(s): Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Warren County @SAPCOW X Twitter (List handle(s): Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Warren County @SAPCWC Instagram (List user name(s): Please type your response here.) □ Pinterest (List user name/board(s): Please type your response here.) □ Snapchat (List user name: Please type your response here.) □ Other (Describe: Please type your response here.)

10. Why did you select these outlets for your media campaign? Describe how these outlets are appropriate for reaching your community’s priority population.

Our coalition chose these outlets for our media campaign because we wanted to reach a large portion of our parent population and we felt media strategies with radio, websites, newspaper, and digital ads were the best way to do that in the time we have allotted for the campaign.

11. When will the media campaign kick‐off?

Our coalition has decided to kick off the campaign mid‐February 2019 for a 7‐week period once the approval is given to move forward.

12. How long will the campaign last?

7 weeks. Responses to the Ohio EPB Workgroup Final Review on Media Campaign for Warren County, Ohio

Ohio EBP Workgroup Review:

For Media or Social Norms Campaigns focused on Family Communication around Drug Use:

7. Does the campaign address an additional intervening variable to articulate the causal relationship between family communication around drug use and decrease consumption?

X No

SAPC response: Our additional intervening variable of parental disapproval will increase once parents are taught the tools on how to frame disapproval about underage drinking and the risks involved by way of the “Talk They Hear You” campaign materials. If we teach parents how to provide correct and effective communication around this topic, it will lead to effective messaging. Youth will decrease consumption based on the conversations and parental disapproval they receive from these conversations. The public service announcements for the Talk They Hear You campaign have a lot of language and clear examples about parental disapproval in them. In essence, that is what the campaign materials are really about. Parents can utilize an interactive “create your own” action plan provided by the campaign to produce tips on when and how to talk to their children about alcohol. This action plan can be modified to a child’s gender and age. There is also a family agreement tool that can be downloaded that allows parents and children to pledge their commitment to avoid underage drinking together. Other tools include items such as: A. answers to children’s frequently asked questions about alcohol and five primary conversational goals for parents emphasizing the importance of parental disapproval of underage drinking. B. demonstrating concern for their child’s overall well‐being, C. establishing themselves as a trustworthy source of information D. showing children they are paying attention and will notice alcohol use E. building children’s skills and strategies for avoiding underage drinking ((Chapter 5: Evaluation of the National Media Campaign: “Talk They Hear You”)

This information is located in Chapter. 5, page 259 of the 2017 Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of UAD which specifically references the Evaluation of the National Media Campaign: Talk They Hear You.” The radio ads are only about 15 seconds in length. Our goal with the media messages on the radio is to drive traffic to the SAPC website which contains much more information on the “Talk They Hear You” Public Service Announcements and other tool provided by this specific campaign.

Required Revisions:

 On slide 6, the document states that the target audience is “parents and kinship grandparents”, but the messages on slide 9 are exclusively for parents.

SAPC Response: In response to this feedback we would like to clarify that when we refer to “parents” in our radio ads, we are referring to all parents, whether they are biological parents, adoptive parents, or kinship relatives or grandparents. We only get 15 seconds for each radio ad and our coalition decided to remain with the word “parent” which encompasses all types of “parents.” We had Cox Media change slide 9 to read just “parents.”

 The intervening variable of parental disapproval of underage drinking is not addressed in the campaign materials.

SAPC Response: Our coalition respectfully disagrees with this finding. The public service announcements for the “Talk They Hear You” campaign depict parents in all of the videos talking to their children about the risks of underage drinking and their conversations involve parental disapproval of alcohol use. This is specifically why we chose this campaign for our media message. Cox media will be providing radio airtime to provide parents with the “Talk They Hear You” message as well as using other methods of getting this message out in our community (i.e., social media websites such as schools, Facebook, and twitter, newspaper ads, digital banner impressions). This campaign equips parents to address the issue of UAD by increasing their level of comfort with the topic, which in turn will encourage open communication between parent and child. The campaign addresses all components identified as important to our effort in addressing UAD in Warren County such as:

A. provides the skills and knowledge for parents to have conversations with confidence and accurate information of alcohol use

B. shows parents how to take advantage of teachable moments and have more frequent conversations with their children, and

C. shows parents how to communicate their disapproval of underage drinking and how to implement strategies to help avoid underage drinking. This can all be found in Chapter 5 (Evaluation of the National Media Campaign “Talk They Hear You”) of the 2017 Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of UAD.

 The goal/message slide (slide 7) does not address the intervening variable of parental disapproval.

SAPC Response: Our coalition respectfully disagrees with this finding. The “Talk They Hear You” public service announcements show parents using opportunities on a daily basis to talk with their children about alcohol and the risks, and the messages also reinforces the importance of starting these conversations with your child at an early age. The public service announcements direct the individuals that hear or view the message to the campaign website for additional information and resources, as well as the ability to download versions of radio, print, video, and public service announcements. (http://www.samhsa.gov/underagedrinking) Our goal/message for the overall campaign on slide 7 is about telling your children to abstain from alcohol, not to drink, and why not to drink, which is stressing parental disapproval in the public service announcements for the “Talk They Hear You” campaign. Our first radio script on slide 9 states that parents have the power to prevent underage drinking by talking to their children which is another form of parental disapproval. Our goal is to get parents talking about underage drinking with their children, the risks involved, and why they shouldn’t do it. Our campaign goals for using “Talk They Hear You” are to provide messages and materials by way of dissemination through radio, television, print, and public service announcements, social media, the coalition website, partner networks in our community, and direct outreach. Our campaign goals for the messages encompass the tasks of:

 Emphasizing the significance of parents talking to their kids about underage drinking before they reach the age when alcohol use typically starts (before age 15).  Offering guidance to parents about preparing their children to deal with peer pressure issues that may lead to alcohol use.  Featuring underage drinking statistics that will get parent’s to pay attention to the issue that is going on in our county regarding UAD.  Concentrate on helping parents address the issue of underage drinking in a way that emphasizes their children’s ability to make individual decisions.  Model behaviors and situations when parents can begin the conversation about the dangers of alcohol with their children. (Chapter 5: Evaluation of the National Media Campaign: “Talk They Hear You”)

 On the “Rotating 3 Approved Scripts” slide in the Cox Media proposal (slide 9). Script 1 addresses risk/harm. Script 2 addresses increased communication but doesn’t address what parents should be saying to their children. Script 3 discusses the need for a strong message but doesn’t address what that message should be.

 SAPC Response: Our coalition would like to clarify the goal behind each script. The entire premise of the “Talk They Hear You” campaign is to educate parents on how to have conversations with their children about the risks of underage drinking (what they should be saying) and to send a clear message as to why their children shouldn’t drink or do drugs (parental disapproval). Once again, our airtime for the radio commercials are about 15 seconds per commercial with the goal of driving parents to the SAPC website that has more information about the “Talk They Hear You” materials and the SAMHSA underage drinking website: http://www.samhsa.gov/underagedrinking). The links on our website will educate parents and provide them with examples of how to start the conversations about underage drinking and how to have effective conversations with their children. Our goal is to get parents to understand that they should be talking to their children sooner than later about underage drinking and the risks involved and then to drive them to “Talk They Hear You” resources on our coalition website. Increasing the conversations between parents and youth about underage drinking and what the risks are in essence will reduce the likelihood that youth will use alcohol due to parental disapproval.  We have attached some documents for this review that substantiate our claims that the campaign materials do address parental disapproval, what parents should be saying to their children about UAD, and the desired goals around family communication and decreased alcohol consumption among youth. We have also provided you with pages from the 2017 Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of UAD which specifically references the Evaluation of the National Media Campaign: Talk They Hear You” and provides a background on the campaign. Also included in attachments are the 5 conversation goals mentioned in our responses regarding parental disapproval and communication, as well as an attachment regarding Early and Promising Evaluation Findings regarding the use of the “Talk They Hear You” campaign.

Education Campaign Media Plan, 7 Weeks February 11-March 31, 2019 MEDIA PLAN DETAILS :

Over 7 Week Period

Radio Commercials, 15’s on K99.1 FM every Week (135 Total) includes over 50,000 streaming impressions on k99online.com of your commercial message Plus 30 more ads at zero charge for nonprofit (165)

Digital Ads on Cox Media Websites only Targeted Warren County Zips: Run of Network Static Banners in All Sizes (Across All CMGO Sites), Mobile & App(s)) Over 500,000 Geo Targeted Impressions will be delivered evenly

BANNER DISPLAY Ads with a LINK to URL (your website) or landing page www.SAPCWarrenCounty.org

Each Listener/Viewer will be exposed at least 10 times or more to your messages over 7 weeks. 7 Weeks, Starting February 14-March 31, 2018

Over 50,000 Digital Banner Impressions Served to WARREN County Only

15 Radio Commercials on K99.1 FM PRODUCTS for CAMPAIGN

WHKO is #1 Among Adults and #1 in format

Cox Digital Brands have millions of weekly sessions DIGITAL REACH:


ZIP CODE GEO Target to the Parents/Guardians and Particular Schools PLANNING SUMMARY:

• Radio and Digital Banner Ads including Audio Streaming of Commercials, over a half a million impressions

• Start Date Mid November for 7 weeks, target Holiday Breaks and New Year’s Eve, events when underage drinking is prevalent

• Target Warren County School Districts/Residents

• Target Parents and Kinship Grandparents aged 35 to 65, over 120,000 persons and reaching a bonus audience of kids aged 12-24 - one out of 3 listen to K99.1FM

• $10,005.00 Investment over 7 weeks

• Approved by:______Date:______

Each Listener/Viewer will be exposed at least 10 times or more to your messages over 7 weeks.

Source Nielson, 4-book average Sp18-Su17, five county metro area GOAL/MESSAGE:

Needing an ad campaign that gives parents the tools to take opportunities to talk to their youth about the risks of underage drinking verses just talking about the other drugs that are risky.


1. Abstain from Alcohol 2. Do Not Drink 3. And Why?

Utilize idea, Talk/They Hear You campaign that SAMSHA has. There are a lot of video’s and information to incorporate into a campaign in working with Cox Media. MISSION to EDUCATE:

Our coalition has identified that youth in grades 8th-10th have an increase in drinking alcohol during the past few survey cycles that we have administered in schools in Warren County.

We use the PRIDE Student drug use survey. A local condition contributing to this is that youth report parents don’t communicate about the risks of alcohol as much as they do about the risks of other drugs.

Parents have communicated to us that although they talk to their kids about alcohol and don’t want them to use it, they educate with risk reduction conversations verses abstaining from alcohol.

Example: if you are at a party and you end up drinking, call your parents for a ride verses saying do not drink, it’s illegal because you are under the age of 21 and your brain is not fully developed until age 25. Rotating 3 Approved Scripts Equally every Week: •Script Parents, you have the power to help prevent underage drinking by talking to your children early and often about the dangers of alcohol. TALK/THEY HEAR YOU! For more information, visit us at: www.SAPCWarrenCounty.org •Script Research shows that parents are the Number One reason young people decide not to drink. So, start talking to your children about alcohol as early as 9 years old and before they start drinking. TALK/They Hear You! For more information, visit us at: www.SAPCWarrenCounty.org

•Script Over 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision to drink or not drink. So, they really are listening, and it’s important that you send a clear and strong message. TALK/They hear you! (FOR MORE INFORMATION) Visit: SAPCWarrenCounty.org Media Contact:

Sally McNamara [email protected] 937-259-2048

Answers to your Questions: 1. WHKO Radio Station, K99.1 FM

2. URL, The Digital Banner Ads will Link to this URL Address: www.SAPCWarrenCounty.org

3. No on Facebook, No on Twitter: You can do that on your own, I can give you instructions on how to do it.

3. Websites URL: Various Cox Media Group Websites, only targeting YOUR relevant audience: DIGITAL REACH: ONLY to WARREN COUNTY ZIP CODE GEO Target to the Parents/Guardians and Particular Schools https://www.daytondailynews.com/ https://www.whio.com/ https://www.k99online.com/ https://www.dayton.com/ https://www.journal-news.com/