Better education now Better protection for our future Alamo Area Council of Governments 8700 Tesoro Drive, Suite. 700 (210) 362-5200
[email protected] 2 The Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) would like to thank the following agencies for permission to use and adapt their education resources for this curriculum: Alliance to Save Energy (ASE) Department of Earth Science at the University of Northern Iowa Energy Information Administration (EIA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Texas State Energy Conservation Office West Michigan Clean Air Coalition 3 4 Table of Contents Key to Symbols: = Air Quality Lesson/Activity = Transportation Lesson/Activity = Activity = Lesson Activity/Lesson Grades Page Introduction 7 Learning from Stories K-5 33 Making an Alphabet Book K-5 31 Moving Air! K-5 27 What is Air? K-5 9 What is Air? Air is a Gas! K-5 13 What is Air? It Moves and It Smells! K-5 15 How we Know Air is There 1-3 55 What is Air? How Living Things Use It 1-3 19 Air Quality and Transportation 2 37 Conserving Electricity: Turn It Off 2 39 The Day the Air Pollution Gremlins Came to Town 2-4 49 Acid Rain: The Disappearing Statue 2-5 35 What is Air? Is It clean? 2-5 23 Air Pollution Word Search 2-12 45 Discovering Ways to Use Energy Wisely 3-5 67 5 Exploring Alternative-Fuel