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Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 32, No. 6, October 16, 1923

Stetson University

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STARS Citation Stetson University, "Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 32, No. 6, October 16, 1923" (1923). Stetson Collegiate. 183. STETSON COLLEGIATE WEEKLY Official student Publication of John -B. Stetson University

VOLUME 32 DELAND, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1923. NUMBER 6 KANGAROO COURT PI PHI'S BUSY THIS DR. HlJLLEY SPEAKS STETSON LOSESITO AGAIN CONVENES TRI DELT RUSHING RUSH SEASON; GIRLS BEFORE THE K. KLUB The Old men on tho compus, last PARTY GOES TO SOUTHERN IN LAKELAND week again saw the need of a little Speaking to the Krucible Klub on reminder to the new men that they UP FOR WEEK END last Tuesday night. Dr. Hulley held BY SCORE 14-13 were still Rats and were not as yet LAKELAND S A T the largest attendance of the year allowed to do and say what they Many old Pi Phi's have been back throughout the evening with a lec­ pleased. It seemed, defspite the Marking the close of their 192S / in DeLand for a few days to help on ture on Coal. ' Starting with the first The least we say about this game utes left to play the Hatters opened fact that just the week before there rushing season, the Tri Delts enter— •^ with rushing season; also some of the by-product that was used to any ex­ the better, because if we say too a line attack with Covington and was held a court for their benefit tained their prospective pledges with A .Chaudoin girls got "invites" to stay tent, he brought the interesting srory n uch, w^ might get mad and say Jc^nson hitting the Southern line in Conrad Hall, that several of the a motor party and a dinner after the in town over the week-end. It seem­ of coal and its by-products up to the something we ought not to say. No for eight and ten yardsd at a play. most insubordinate Rats were not Stetson-Southern game at Lake­ ed mighty good to some of the older point where there were seventy-five comments are needed on the game By this method they carried the ball wearing their rat caps and it was land. students here to see some familiar seperate important by-products not because if any are made something from the fifteen yard line to the mid­ , also reported that most of them Leaving Chaudoin at eight, Satur­ faces around the campus and on the counting the some three hundred di­ Is sure to be said that ought not to dle of the field where a pass from could not find the button when they day morning, the girls traveled all .streets. stinct dyes and twelve hundred dif­ be. None are necessary because al­ Covington to Whitnell scored a touch­ passed an old man or a lady. This, through the morning and stopped off Among the alumni membei's of Pi ferent shades. most all of the student body and down! On the try for goal after in iitself, is a most henious crime and for lunch at Max Beach, about ten -Beta Phi, who were here for a while "Coke," said Dr. Hulley, "was the many of the faculty saw the game tohchdown, the kick was close and the penalty should not be less than miles out of Lakeland; from there, were: Madge and Frankie Maxwell, first by-product of coal to be of any while a big gatheriiTg of the old the referee called no goal. Whit­ fifty licks with a barrel stave or- a the party an-ived in Lakeland in from Eustis; Miss Dorothy Klock, of general use. It made one man rich Stetson students were at the game. nell thought otherwise and objected hundred with a belt. A few of the time for the Stetson game. Every­ to;the decision. It is said that Whit Orlando; Miss Martha Moore Patrick and started one of the country's Stetson kicked off to Southern and violators were brought before the one enjoyed this stage as much as got the referee told in no uncertain of Tampa; Miss Lady Lois Town- most important industries." Inu- the South Florida bunch made one High Muckadamuck and had pointed they could under the distressing "Cir­ terms and he was put out of the .send, who is teaching in Daytona merable others were mentioned, many first down. The Hatters held and out to them the necessity of comply­ cumstances, but afterwards they ad­ gable. This was one of the decisions Beach; Miss Judy Collins, who is also of them are not generally known as took the ball from the Methodists. ing with all the rat rules. journed to Hotel Thelma in Lake­ that make us say something if we in Daytona Beach; and Miss Mina by-products of coal, such as perfume, On straight line plays mixed in with Rat Bill Parsons was brought be­ land, where they enjoyed a dinner were to make any comment on the Cunningham, who got out of Chau­ benzol, phenol and others. an attempted forward pass which fore the High and mighty judge on that was very beautifully served and game. With three minutes left to doin some way or other. All this . He further said that the city of failed. Stetson carried the ball over a very serious crime. This crime in also very tasty. play, the Methodists knew that the hunch of girls formed a little house, Pittsburgh in a short time would be for the first touchdown of the game. itself should have been his undoing. The Tri Delts had the dining room Hatters had small chance of scoring party'at Mrs. Townshend's. Others free from dirt and soot caused by the Whitnell kicked goal and the score By glancing over the cases that have to themselves, which was decorated again with Whitnell out of the game. who were here were: Miss Augusta burning of coal in the furnaces and was 7-0. Soon after the second been brought before this court in in the sorority colors, and with flow- t This is all need be said about the Wynn of Kissimmee, who was the the expelling through the smoke quarter started Stetson fumbled and other years there has never been ers. At the close of' the dinner. game directly. gufcpi- of Dorothy Douglass at her stacks of millions of doUai-s worth of Southern recovered. The eiitii*e right such a charge against a measly little Miss Mason Graves rose and thanked , .-^me on West New York avenue; useful gasses that has for so long a rat before. His charge was that he the old girls on behalf of the rushees hand side of th^ Southern lilne was Tiny Tatum, heavy Hatter guard, Miss Abie Lapham of Cocoa, who time been wasted. This smoke that had been the cause of the breaking of for the delightful time that they had off sides, but the officials were was out of the game on account of was the guest of Miss Rebeka Stew­ causes so much trouble will soon be a date that rightfully belonged to "the and were still enjoying; this toast seemingly unable to see such things. an injury to his finger. The end of art; Miss Margaret Moore of Stew­ converted into useful things and the judge that was trying this particular was responded to by one of the old Stetson again took the ball, but on the finger was mashed to the bone art, who was the guest of Miss Ruby money that is now wasted will be case. The court voted to have this girls. After dinner was well over, the first play a pass from the center and it is not known how long he Jackson; Miss Lillian Parks of San­ saved. Rat thrown out of the window on his the merry party "wended their way was missed in the backfield and the will be out of the line-up. Ossinsky, ford, who also spent the week-end The Krucible Klub this year is far eai*, but due to the forgiving nature homeward", arriving in DeLand at Southern men v/ho had broken thru the star tackle, was also out of the with Dot Douglass. The girls were surpassing its past attendance and of the High Muckadamuck he was al­ an hour that at the present writing, picked up the ball and went for a lineup. Everybody expected to find "honored by the presence of Miss Amy the interest is much greater than ev­ lowed to leave the court in an almost cannot be determined. eouchdown. Southern kicked goal. Tiny ready to play when they got to H. Onken of Chapen, 111., the grand er before. Those that have not as "whole" condition. This affair was by far the most Score 7-7. Lakeland and instead found his arm president of Pi Beta Phi. yet joined our ranks are cordially in­ Rat Scalf has the honor, no mat­ elaborate that any sorority has given In the second half, after playing in a sling which no doubt hurt the vited to come and sign the roll. We ter how painful it might be, of hold­ this fall, and was a fitting climax to Among the other activities of the evenly for a few minutes Southern Hatter chances. Pi Phi's, was a dinner party given are anxious that this year Avill con­ pulled a trick play for a thirty-yard ing the record for attendance at the a very successful rushing season. by the members of their rushees at tinue to be the best year year that gain. Whitnell being the only man The Hatters,play Southern here in court. This rat is literally batting -0- Cataneo's Grill in Daytona on last has ever been known in the club. between the Southern and the goal November and at that time it is cer a thousand when it comes to attend­ Friday night. The girls left Chau­ This can only be accomplished by Southern hit the line with their big tain that one point difference will ance in ifkt court. He has been HOBOES HIS WAY doin in cars at about six for the the cooperation of the chemistry half back and carried the ball to the not lose the football game and it is charged with some crime too serious -coast and returned to DeLand by ten students. We will be looking for ten-yard line. The big half faked certain that the Hatters will not be to relate and brought before the -thirty, thus setting a speed record for you at the next meeting. Don't for­ for the center of the line and went the fynes behind when the fin^l whis­ judge for mercy. We feel for him TO HARVARD all sorority affairs for all time to get the day, Tuesday at s«ven-thir- around right end for a touchdown. tle ftx/^ws. Come to the game when the next time he is in evidence at the t.v. Soutbe^-" itio.i'-."'! <»--'• cf...»-j- •w.j'ii'-i.' -o- ^O- • ern 14: Stetson 7. With four min­ Rat Blakely was another that was he started, Gilbert L. Parks, who MY FATHER WE FOUND THIS on the docket, but as the Old Man hoboed from Oklahoma to Cambridge TARS NOW WORKING sar..* as running into a solid brick who had a charge against him was to attend Harvard College, arrived in Strong of limb and tall among thy Mr. Augustus L. Dunn, HARD ON GRIDIRON wall. That will be the case in his not present to state the nature of the city and received an official wel­ fellow men. Phi Kappa Delta House, college career. With the coaching this Rat's misdemeanor, he was al­ come from Mayor Quinn. Above them all in force, in mind, in DeLand, Fla. Rollins is indeed fortunate in get­ that Wight will be able to give him, lowed to leave the court without sen­ Parks explained to Mayor Quinn soul; Dear Gus: ting so many stellar pigskin chasers Perault will make a demon tackle. tence being passed on him. how he made his way from Okla­ In cleanliness a man apart from those I am writing this letter as a friend to join her i*anks this fall. . The new Next comes Wilson, formerly of Ohio Rat Forbes was charged with non homa to New York City on 13 cents, Who foul their minds or drain the so do not take offense. You do not men are as fine a string of football State University. Wilson was, in the delivery and carelessness with the but rode into Boston on a train be­ foaming bowl! seem to realize that time, is passing men as any school could wish for. days gone by, a backfield man and mail in Conrad Hall. We understand cause he feared to shock the sensi­ in front of you now, it is the one They are in themselves enough to an end. This season in all probabil­ that Rat Forbes is studying for the bilities of persons in and about Bos­ To match thy brain none others need time of your life. It seems that you build a team around. Taking these ity he will play center. Wight has ministry, but we fear that that is not ton. aspire; do not know the value of education men and adding to them the men taken him away from his usual haunts his calling, for in our humble judg­ The youth declared Chicago waa That eye,, that brow, with wisdom's at this time. A man without an edu­ that fought under the Blue and Gold and broken him in until Wilson is as ment we think he should be a law­ the first big city he ever was in. self was lit; cation in these passing days is a for the last two and three years, accurate a passer as any backfield yer. Can " you imagine it? He ar­ He traveled from Chicago to Buffalo "Sparing of speech, in reason strong, waste to the world. I may not know Wight will be able to develop a foot­ man could wish for. He is a strong gued the judge to his side and got working as a deck hand on a lak® thy word and you might not realize how your ball machine that will be practically defensive man as well and will be a away with it. steamship, and after that ^ came To close the argument was deemed father, your mother, brother or sis­ invicible. The new men ' are not big addition to the Blue and Gold dur­ Rats John Kennedy and Vining odd jobs along the highway with most fit. ter are possibly sacrificing the things all of the same type. There are many ing the coming season. were very henious Rats and their lifts from friendly motorists. that are rightfully theirs to send you linemen and many backfield men. LaFroos is the third of the new fate is now in the hands of the jury. Making a little money in New to school and keep you in good com­ Tn lowly walks of life, in humble Eeach is a star in his own depart­ men. He will play at guard. Lafroos In a few more days if the jury does York, Parks thought he had better pany with the world in its rapid toil, ment. There will be no danger in will be in a great many games alter­ not return a verdict a mistrial will ride into Boston in style, so he strides toward greater and higher In service of thy fellow man were putting any one of them in the game. nate with the old guards who are be declared. boarded a train. ideals in life. Now is the time that found They have all received excellent back unler the school colors again Already this week the docket is Parksr who neither smokes nor there should be a turning point in The holy paths of hourly work and coaching and have a great quantity this year. He is a strong man on the rapidly filling, audit seems that this drinks, was congratulated by the your life, this point may be for the praise. of football brains themselves. defense and offense as well. He term we will have a full house. We Mayor, who told the youth he was better or for the worse, however, let And faithful living in Lpve's daily The line is the place they will help should do wonders with a little are under the impression, too, that bound to succeed. ' us hope that it will be for the bet­ round. the most. The team with a weak coachinf. Rat Scalf will be present. _ 0 ter. Your mother and father are line, no matter how strong their back- Donaldson, formerly of Bucknell watching you with the eye of an MOTHER WELLS To clothe the naked sixty years were field may be, is lost when they get University, will play a guard this in the South this year. The back- eagle to see how you will turn out ENTERTAINS WITH given up against a good squad. No team year. Donaldson is a man of four­ field will be one of the most power­ when you reach the wide road of life. To weaving yards of doe skins, one can win with poor defense. The new teen years' gridiron experience. He ful scoring machines ever turned out A THEATRE PARTY From this road thei-e is no turning by one; linemen that are coniing into the Rol­ is a demon for punishment and as of a Florida school. Oct. 13 will offi­ back to accomplish the things, that And into warp and woof were lins fold for the season of 1923 are strong a man on the offense as any cially start the campaign of 1923. Miss Ruth Houston and her soror­ in your past life you have left un­ wrought the beauty first, Clark Perault of Warren, Ohio. school could wish for. With his —Rollins Sandspur. ity sisters of Alpha Zi Delta, were accomplished. You do not seem to Of worthy service truly nobly done. Perault is a man of ample football ex­ years of experience he will be a great delightfully entertained with a the­ realize that the stage of life that you 0 • perience. He has pl'ayed the game aid to Wight in developing a cham­ atre party at the Dreka on Friday are now passing through is the one Heaven grant that I mak take thy all during his high school career and pionship squad for 1923. MERCER PICKS THREE afternoon. stage that may litefally make or This affair was given by Mrs. E. great example. even long before that. Perault is These men will fill the greatest AS RHODES SCHOLARS break you. For the sake of those L. ("Mother") Wells, in honor of And through the years may work in not a heavy man. In fact he is rather gaps in the Blue and Gold squad. back home who are sacrificing to Miss Houston's marriage, which will me the love light for a good lineman. To offset There are many others who are equ­ Macon, Ga., Oct, 13—As candi­ keep you here at the seat of know­ be an event of the near future. The Of noble thoughts, kind deeds, and this he has the speed and fight of ally as good as the ones mentioned. dates for the competitive examina­ ledge and are praying that you may, party, which consisted of the Alpha gentle feeling, a half a dozen ordinary tackles. In They are all backfield men and ends. tion to be given 25 men from the when the point in the wide road that Zi's, and their pledges, and other in­ \Xike those who set their minds on high school it was seldom a man was With these men to alternate with the state at large in Atlanta next De­ is called manhood is reached, turn vited guests, started at the Dreka things above. able to go through his position for regulars ,Rollins is going to have one cember for the purpose of-r-selecting out to be a son that they will be Theatre, where a section roped off any appreciable gain. It was the of the fastest, most shifty outfits two men to represent Georgia at the proud to point out as theirs. For the in Alpha Zi colors had been reserv­ To clothe the naked with the royal University of Oxford, England, three sake of your mother, your father or ed for them, following the presen­ purple students have been selected at Mer­ sweetheart, I am asking you to try tation of "From To Dawn," Of honest work, ^nd noble thought cer University as applicants for the to ' do better. the girls and their friends went to and life Rhodes scholarships. the King Drug Company, and were Let this be mine, my noble worthy Your friend, The three men chosen, as an­ FREE PASSES there served with dainty confections father. GLEN SUNDY. nounced Thursday by Dr. Percy Scott and pastry. The refreshments con­ And may I be as faithful in the O Flippin, chairman of the scholarship sisted of ice cream in the shape of strife. REWARD committee, are Isben Giddens Wilkes, Here's some good news sur^enoughl The Dreka Theatre beautiful roses, with cakes in the 0 Adel; Rabun B. Brantley, Sylvania, is going to give away four free pasSes to its performances every shape of Chrisanthamums. Today Mrs. Hemans would have to For the arrest and conviction of apd W. A. Bootle, Reidsville. •call it a rock-and-rye bound coast. the bloody villian who locked Gilbert week to Stetson students. There will be two girls and two boys Miss Ruth Houston is an alumni of All of these students have been —Boston Herald. May in his room, leaving him only Stetson, but she has made her home O selected each week to get these passes, each pass being good for given honors by the student body one chance of escape, which was over in DeLand for the past year since her Ford's cash balance of $210,293,- two admissions. and faculty of the university and the transom. graduation, and she has continued to ^922 is interesting because it sets a stand high in scholarship. record, but not nearly so thrilling to O These passes \yill be given out irrespective of social stand­ take an active part in all college do­ _! 0 New Yorkers as the fac that he owns Three bricklayers at Welwyn were ing, rating, etc. The names will be taken at random from the ings. After her marriage to Mr. Da­ his own coal-mine. —New York Eve­ recently severely stung by wasps. ning Post, student body. HOW DO I GET A PASS? you ask. It's simple. TESTIMONIAL vid Tuten, she will, no doubt, con­ And yet we have always been given to tinue to make DeLand her home, 0 understand that these insects never Just read the Collegiate ads every week, and there tucked away Dear Doctor: since Mr. Tuten is cashier of the What America needs is currency attack a stationary object.—London in some ad, yoil are likely to find your name. This starts next , with a little more staying power.— Punch. I used to have a wart on the back First National Bank of DeLaiid. Dayton Journal. O week. Look all through the paper till you find your name and of my neck which i used for a collar 0 0 ^— If those foreigners who come over then go to the box office and your pass will be waiting. button, but after taking two bottles First Greece, then Jugo-Slavia. Un­ An expert sports writer is a marf" here in search of liberty find it, we of your medicine to remove it, I can less some nation agrees to fight with who knows the nationality of all the wish they would let us know.—Fi­ him soon, Mussolini is liable to bite American boxers.—London Puncli. nancial America. now hold my pants up with it. himself.—Brooklyn Eagle.

V--i TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1923.

STETSON COLLEGIATE WEEKLY And every subtle influence els from Smyrna in the early fifties Official Student Publication Floats on the summer sea and that they were once a familiar JOHN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY With far more haunting music sight in the California desert. For Greeting Cards i DeLand, Florida In blessed Arcady. Stubio Starligbte a time they flourished and th^ fai* American west promised to become FOR ALL OCCASIONS j Printed By the And would you live in Arcady IS A MOVIE KISS we're wondering just who's lucky! another great breeding gi-ound for Framed Mottoes | SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY And would you know the way DRUDGERY? is now disturbing them. The experiment eventually South Boulevard Picture Books [ That leads to that sweet country? . Since kissing is a universal lan­ the neighbors—has learned the art proved a failure. DeLand, :-: Florida Would it please you there to stay? guage, and since is application to of playing American jazz from the At the present time, camels are Gifts of Every | Then take the nearest' high road Warner Studio orchestra. Lubitsch C W. DUKE, Jr., the movie action often looked upon numerous in California owing to the Description f Past Italy, past Greece, whales a mean fist on th'e piano and Editor as another of- those three-minute, demands which the motion pitcure And you will reach yon Arcady shoves a meaner blow to the 'cello. C. T. PARSONS, would-be love spasms, Marie Pro­ makes for their services. Over fifty Reeve & Howard ! The land of joy and peace. All the members o "The Marriage Business Manager. vost, the dainty film star who is' camels were used in filming "The The Book Store ! Circle" company are now getting STANLEY CULP, playing one of the leads in "The Ten Commandments" and about half But you shall travel sorely • the fever. Marie Prevost came Sports Marriage Circle" Ernst Lubitsch's that number were employed by A road beset with pain: around with a comb and some tissue George Melford in "The Light That ELVIN BASS, first production for Warner Brothers, WE ALL WOULD The thorns shall press your fore­ paper. Well, this broadcasting sta­ Failed." Circulation Manager took sufficient time recently to ex­ head. plain her ideas to just how kissing tion has forgotten its bedtime story, A buyer recently walked into a The sky be black with rain; so we'll end with a "Good morning" garage and said to the proprietor, Subscription Price $2 per year afects people in various walks of Young Bride (timidly)—"Eh—I'm "I would like to see a first-class, Advertising Rates on Application. Rough stones shall make you stum­ life. instead. not joking—eh—I mean I really second band car," "So would I, want to buy some—quite seriously— ble. Here is what Marie sys: "Fate brother," smilingly replied the pro­ eh— might I ask if you have any ba­ prietor.—The Vibrator. Application made at the post office at And grief shall break your heart. causes a baby to be kissed." YOUNG FAIRBANKS CLIMBS nanas?" And sacrifice along the path FLAGPLOE FOR MOVIE DeLand, Florida for admission as "A kiss is the very life of a lover 0 ECHO ANSWEHS "WHY" necond-class. Shall be your martyr's part. —be it on or off the screen." SCENE In an newspaper you can find pic­ LOGICAL ttESULT "A kiss is a part of a mother's re­ College and "prep" school boyish tures of charming women under- ARCADY But O, the joy of victory ward for her untiring effort." pi-anks come home with comical force neath which it reads: "Miss So- and- The ecstacies of bliss "A kiss is labelled a crime in or in scenes of "Stephen Steps Out," tbe So, twenty years old." ((Why do Oh I have lived in Arcady That lift the drooping heroes out of the movies by reformers." picture starring , those printers always leave out that word "was"?—Whiz Bang. ' Have travelled all its roads In a world transcending this! "To a sailor a kiss is merely a Jr., under Joseph Henabery's direc­ Have known the hills, the fields, the The poor forgets his losses. fleeting mem^ory." tion. A WINNER woods The blind the beauty see. "For authors a kiss is excellent One favorite stunt, that of climb­ Father (reading a letter from his That gladden its abodes, The old the gray, the sad, the gay copy." ing to the top of the school flagpole son at college to mother—"Willie 1 ,bave seen Aurora's blushes Live fair in Arcady. "For the jazz composers it is poe­ in the dead of night and hanging the says he got a beautiful lamp from, As she rises in the East o ; try personified." cl'iss banner to float grandly over the boxing." Have heard the South winds calling "And for the M. D.'s it's just a campus, will be seen when this pic­ Mother—"I just knew he'd win FREEZE OUT INSECT PESTS something in his athletics."—Ex. As they spread the spiiTg-time feast! little risk." ture reaches the screen. Method Is More Economical Than Gas, "After all is said and done a kiss Climbing a lofty spire for this Investigator—Are you still as en­ HER ADVICE In vhat'fair land the glamour is only permissable u,nder Says an Expert on the the scene proved to be as dangerous and thusiastic about spiritualism as ever? Ned—"Darling, say the words that Of tinsel fades and rusts. Subject. moon." exciting as it will be exhilii'ating on Medium—Perfectly entranced I will make me the happiest man in The gifts of youth, the love of truth, lhe screen. The youthful star, How­ the world." The faiths, the loves, the trusts Tlie usual procedure, when flour ever, is 'all boy," anH when it came ALAS, 'TIS TRUE Edna—"Shall I really?" HOLLYWOOD MUMBLINGS Ned—"Oh, if you only would." Of noble hearts are cherished; mills become infested with the Mediter­ time to take the ,?cene and Director ranean moth, the larvae of which get AND MUTTERINGS Edna—"Well, then stay single." The sunsets in the west. Henabery hesitated to allow him to Into the flour, is to close the mill tight­ —Ex. The stars on high, the soft warm ly and "gas" the Insects. Last winter (By Hall E. Wood) make such a climb, he laughingly told days a mill at Williston, N. D., however, re­ Grips, suit cases, hand bags, golf a similar t- . r-. ,10 hirfi played at SHOULD BE BOYCOTTED FOR IT Earth's brightest and her best. quested the local weather bureau office bags, trunks, baggabe and luggage school, when he once hung an imi­ Two very pretty girls met on the- to notify the company whenever a tem­ of all sorts!—that's the impression tation pirate's flag at mid7iight and street and kissed each other raptur­ Love rules in that fair country perature of 20 degrees or lower for at we got when ar­ et.caped punisnn'ienr, by q.r.ik work. ously. Two young men watched the" meeting. "There's another of those And it's not so far away; least several hours could be antici­ rived in Hollywood from New York But even though he was "previous­ pated. As soon as weather sufficiently things that are so unfair," said one. The dwellers in her valleys own to commence the filming of "Beau cold was forecast, the company put out ly experienced" at such a boyish "What is that?" said his friend. Her sceptre and her sway; He pointed to the scene: "Women all fires and opened doors and win­ Brummel" at the Warner studio. prank, Theodore Roberts, Noah Bee­ They heed her faintest wishes John looked like a million dollars— ry, Harry Myars, Frank Currier and doing men's work."—Fiays Lightn­ dows. That night the temperature ing Line. Obey her lightest nod; T€ached 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and did was dolled up in the latest sartorial other members of the cast literally Pump (to Milk Can)—Shake, old man! Her throne is set with jewels not go above 17 degi-ees Fahrenheit the creation that he could find on the had their "hearts in their mouths" ANCHORED Beside tbe throne of God. next day. According to the report of other side of the ocean-—will start until he finv".lly clambeed safely to the company to the United States De­ A GOOD RUNNER "Ah, madam," said the pious vis­ work at the Studio about October the ground. itor, "I am going about giving ad­ partment of Agriculture, through the Yes, I have lived in Arcady; 1st—hear a great cast of players are vice and consolation to unhappy I know its ways right well; weather bureau, all moths and most of wives. Do you know where your hus­ the eggs were frozen, and the process Co surround him. CAST CHOSEN FOR NEXT Its fields are strewn with sorrows. band is every night?" will not have to be repeated for at Wesley Barry got jealous of tlie WILLIAM DEMILLE FILM "Indeed, I do." And joys no tongue can tell; least two .years. Many dollars' worth spectacular for "Luci-etia Lombard" Announcement of the cast of Wil­ "Alas, madam. You think you do^ Gold cannot buy its treasures of chemical insecticides which would but he may be here, there, any­ with Monte Blue and the liam de Mille's forthcoming produc­ Nor pride its secrets know; have been necessary for ^'gassing" oarticipants—let his face catch on where." were saved. tion, "Everyday Love," has just been The lovely ones, the holy ones fire during the filming of "GeOrge "Has that would-be actor ever irone "Well, if he gets out of the place made by Jesse L. Lasky. where he is now, he has to raise a Its utntiost limits go. Washington, Jr.,"—things were quite before an audience?" Once More Extended. Those featured in this production "Yes—at a $2.40 gait." granit'C slab that weighs at least a It Is certain that the limits of Lake lively for a few moments—Fredkles are Agnes Ayres, Jack Holt Nita ton, and he couldn't even lift a scut­ sunshine seems more sweet tle of coal while he was alive." The Erie and Lake Michigan were once WHS wearing a dandy beard a^ a there. Naldi, Robert Edeson and Theodore — O more extended than now. It is reason- disguise, but he let it hang top^ear I^slgji^ Others ip the cast^jC&,_Jy,-. Mil 'America is sfill a "haven for <;he

*************** SOUTHERN-STETSON Southern 14; Stetson 13. Whitnell ******************************^********* * PLAY BY PLAY put off field. Argument with he- * * 9 * feree. Covington kicked forty-five * * * * * stetson kicked at the north goal, Stards, Sbuthern returning ten. * FOA Southern worked fake play for gain * S * fifty yards out. Southern returning DREKA'S * * fifteen. Southern smashed through of thirty yards in beautiful form. DeLand, Florida, Since 1878 * Southern failed to gain. Pass in­ * * five yards off right tackle. Two * * * more yards were added over the same complete. Southern fumbled. Stet­ * hole. Three yards were gained thru son recovering Three passes by Stetson incompleted. Stetson punted * Evening Dresses * CO-EDS left guard. Southern fumbled, Stet­ * * out Southern not returning. South­ * * son covering. Covington got through * * for one yard over right guard. Stet­ ern penalized fifteen yards' for slug­ * and See our Shaker Sweater Coats and * son off side and penalized five yards. ging. Game. Southern, 14; Stetson * 13. * Pullovers an''"^'""'d Colors * Whitnell drew two yards on off tack­ * * le and followed with an incomplete * Dance Frocks * I Also, special showing of Coats, Dresses, Hosiery * pass. Pass fumbled. Whitnell kick­ * Beautiful New Models Just Received * ed out fifty yards. Southern re­ * J and Corsets * SmSONlEUS * * turned kick fifty-five yards. John­ * I 110 N. Boulevard * son got three yards off tackle. John­ Everyone should learn these yells. * C. A. DREKA & CO * DeLand, Florida ^ son ran for two yards off tackle. If you don't have a a copy of the .^. -^^^a.^X^ ^I^—>I^- -^ Covington ran for two yards around JZ* 'T* *i> f^^-rS^ ''IS 'T* ' leaflet, clip this. right end. Covington smashed for &*************************************** MY MOTHER Oh memory! how sweet you make four yards off right tackle. Whit­ STETSON CHEER SONG their singing; nell speedily Vaced for five yards Tune:. ^ A spirit born of earth and fire was 0 cherished friends! my students around right end. Covington failed (There Will Be A Hot Time) thine. ^ and all; to gain around right end. Covington Cheer boy cheer SERVICE My noble mother, fashioned like a 0 faces loved! My soul to you fs got three yards through left guard. Old Stetson's got the ball queen. clinging. Johnson got five yards over right My Oh my And shall on through the years until AT THE Commanding both in dignity and guard. Covington failed to gain Oh won't there be a fall the Father's calL fine around right end. Johnson smash­ And when we hit' that line And when strong hands rny body ed over five yards through right Compelling winsomeness and grace There will be no line at all shall be bringing guard. Covington got five yards and mien. There will be a hot time in To fill its niche beneath the lowly over right guard. Covington smash-: THE PALACE The beauty limned in feature, form, The old town tonight sod. ed his way through for the first * and face, Across the night in that bright day blood of the game, which was there­ The mobile lips, the dancing, spark­ Oh when those Stetson fellows fall your singing after bloody enough for the most ling eye. the in line Shall blend with mine about sanguinary. Whitnell kicked goal 1 G- MUSIC The music of thy thrilling happy We're going to win a game another throne of God. for extra point. Stetson seven, voice ' ' O time. Were like some fiery spirit from on THE SWEET HAPPY SINGERS OF Southern 0. . Gillespie kicked fifty And when we cheer those boys I . 0—EATS yards, Whitnell returning yards high. EARTH We'll yell and yell Quarter over. For Stetson Univei'^ity I 0 -DRINKS Such noble hungers tore thy wo­ In sleep I was still of their fellow­ Second quarter. Courtney smashr We'll yell and yell man's heart; ship ed around the right end for eight And then we'll fight, fight, fight Such power, passion, energy divine; One with Milton, with Shelly, and yards. Johnson fumbled. Southern For every yard I D TOBACCOS Such strength to fill SQ many an ac- Burns; recovering. Southern tearing five Set our backs against that line right , tive part— With the other great singers: Lord yards over right tackle. Southern hard. * * The tragic muse herself was truly Alfred, ran two yards over right • tackle And we'll role old on the sod J . Make our store your headquarters. J thine! Will Shakespere, and Browning by Three yards over left tackle. South­ Qn the sod. turns. ern failed to gain. Two yards over Rah! Rah! Rah! ***************************************t' Untrained, repressed by narrow cir­ right guard. Southern drew four Golly Golly. cumstance. I had left them alone in my study, yards over right tackle. Stetson re­ IF ANYONE HAS— The fire gleamed through and warm­ Had passed through the gateway of ceived the ball on downs. Whitnell Riffity, raffity, riff, raff. ed us just the same; Got married, '' ran for four yards around right end Jiffity, Jiffity, Jiff, Jaff. And though to thee was never given sleep; Borrowed a stamp. \ ^'Make This Week | In my dreams I could follow their Covington ran f6r five yards over Riff, Raff, Jiff, Jaff. the chance Made a speech, discourse right tackle. Covington smashed for Let's give them the Horse Laugh Tuxedo Week," j To claim the laurels, thine was not Robbed a bank. Tho it compassed the earth in its two yards over right tackle. John­ He Haw . the blame. Bought a Ford, sweep. son tore off four yards over right Sold a dog. Say Mr. P. S. Leonard I guard. Johnson failed to gain over Ala-vevo, Ala-vivo , Of music, flowers, and poetry all Lost her wallet, Keats dazzled my senses with beau­ same place. Covington bore through Ala vevo, vivo, vum i compact, Gone fishing, for four yards at right tackle. Cov­ Go get a rat trap bigger'n a cat trap j Join our Club and save I A living fire, bright, flaming in thy ty;; Broken her neck, Was his "name v/rit in water?" I ington drew only one yard over right Go get a cat trap bigger'n a Rat Trap breast. Committed suicide. I money | Said. tackle. Courtney ran for eight yards Cannibal, Cannibal, SiS Boom Bah. Some winged seraph, born to sing Shot a cat, Oh, no! the sweet strings of hi"? lyre around right end. Tear took John­ Stetson, Stetson, Rah, Rah, Rah ! ! ! and act. Been away. U-Need-a Would waken the angels, if dead. son's place. A passed ball was cov­ Played well the part and leaves to Come back home. ered by Southern, Stewart taking the '^la Groo, Groo, Groo, Wahoo, Bah I Tailoring, Cleaning and God the rest. Taken a vacation. With Shelly my feet hurried south­ ball off the ground and running forf •^°'^ Been in a fight. [ Pressing Club O ward THE COLLEGE CHAPEL a touchdown, the point being made Hi hicks. Hi hicks, Got licked. I Phone 28 Arcade Entrance I To the warrn scenes of fair Italy; , by a Wck off Gillespie's foot. Stet­ la Backa, Dominacha, Ala Backa, Made a bad bet. Sky, storm, mountain, sea, valley, son 7; Southern 7. Covington kick­ Bah , It's News. i DREKA BtIILDIN(? h Within this holy place I hear the landscape ed fifty-five yards .and the ball wasj Stetson, Stetson, Rah! Rah! Rah! Send it to the Editor at once!!!! students singing Cast a spell over Shelley and mc. Oooooooooo Rah! Oooooooo Rah! returned ten yardt- by Southern, —Hill Top. "Praise Ye the Father," with rever­ Stetson, Stetson, Rah! Rah! Rah! ent voice and face. failed to gain over right , tackle. O Don^t eat Peanuts with your All the roads around Leghoin we Southern was thrown for a loss of In some quarters it is thought Through many year&\ I hear their threaded. eyes, voices bringing four yards around left end. South­ J. B. -S. U. J. B. S. U. that Dr. Voronoff's activities in the Roamed the far famed Eugancan rejuvination of women should be Judge by flavor, not by size. Praise to the Father for His unfail­ ern penalized five yards for off-side. Rah Rah Rah Rah Hills, Half, Stetson, 7; Southern 7. Ball (Take four times acfalerating, end supprest. It is alarming to think ing grace. that he weilds the dreadful power of in mid-field Alone here in the silence I still can Gazed with tenderness out on the with Yaaaaaaaaa) turning loose on the world hordes of waters, hear them phrasing Second Half giddy young flappers with half a "SNOWNUT'' Oh, the raptures, the longings, the S U S U Cha-Hu, Cha-Hu century's experience.—London Opin­ Their daily offering to the Lord of thrills! Covington kicked fifty-seven ion. life and love. Cha-Hu, Cha-Ha, Cha-Hu, Cha-Ha! yards. Southern returning twenty- Stetson, Stetson, Rah! Rah! Rah! 0 SALTED PEANUTS And all my soul joins in their royal Milton played stirring strains on an five. Southern collected two yards Llod George intends to win his last praising organ. American enemy. His visit to this over right tackle. Southern gained **The dainty, delicious kind" The Good Almighty Giver of bless­ Music Lawes wrote for "Comus, a Give them the axe country will not be a lecture tour.—- ten yards around right end, a beau­ Little Rock Arkansas Gazette. ings from above. Masque," Give them the axe While the great heart was young and tiful run being made. Southern Give them the axe ——0 FULL DRESS , again gained for three.yards around Where They are filming the Ten Com­ the artist mandments, but movie censors may A couple who desired to attend an Had not yet begun his great task. right end. Southern smashed^ for Right in the neck cut out four or five.—Worcester amateur theatrical left their six- four yards over left guard. South­ Right in the neck Evening Post. year-old son with some neighbors. Oh the lyric sweet tones of that mu­ ern made a couple over left tackle. Right in the neck -0- The woman, thinking to make a nice Southern punted out. Stetson return­ It is quite impossible for a man to remark about the little boy's moth­ sic There maintain a grapevine without arous­ ing five yards. Teare tore off five er, said: Floating softly down into my brain. Yeh Team! Yeh- -Team ing suspcicion that he has ulterior mo­ "Your mother certainly looked Swelling out in a burst of strong yards over left tackle. Covington Fight Em! Fight Em! Fight Em! tives.—New York American. nice. She was all dressed up, wasn't Gee!! passion failed to gain. Whitnell failed to 0 she?" American politicians ought to be in "Yes'm," replied the boy. "She Then meling to silence again! make gain, Whitnell kicked fifty- Goooo Mama OoooMama five yards. Southern returning one great demand in Ireland now. They had on everything she got for Christ- Wants her OooooMama have been studying how to conti'ol the man, 'ceptin her-.p,erGulator." • SOME yard over center. ' Southern gained But when Browning rrctched wits Irish vote longer than the Irishmen —: _oL_: ^ COMFORT IN with the master seven yards over right end. South­ Hit Em High! Hit Em Low! have. —Detroit Free Press. 0 • ACCOMMODATING And Tennyson joined the two, then ern gained thirty yards on fake play, Yea Stetson Let's Go! which was run over a blank space at We often suspect that the bone of "Is this the weather bureau? How My quivei-ing spirit up.^-tarted. contention in Europe is located just right guard. Southern got two about a shower tonight?" With wonder again and again. Get a Bottle! Gpt a,Bottle! above the ears of statesmen — "Don't ask me. If you need one, i u yards over left tackle. Pass incom­ Get a Bottle! Quick Springfield State Register. take one." Sure Fit They say that the stars in their plete. \Southern made play for pass, They look sick! courses but ran for gain of twelve yai-ds. Southern gained four yards over **************************************** Once sang to the world at its birth; We're loyal to you I wonder if God's holy angels right tackle. Southern played for five yards over left tackle. South­ Stetson U. Caps" Can match his sweet singers on We're green and the white ern by Gillespie carried the ball over earth! right end for a touchdown. Gille­ Stetson U. We'll Iback you to stand I STUDENTS : i -0- spie kicking for point. Southern, They're Adjustable j Gas will decide future wars, says 14; Stetsonj 7. Stetson kicked for­ Gainst the best in the land ii •' , , ' - * an Army expert. It has already de­ ty yards. Southern returning eight. For we know you've got sand * ^ ' * cided many a political^ battle—Dallas A cross buck netted four yards. Stetson U. Times Herald. Rah! Rah! -0- Southern failed to gain over left end I are invited to place i their | Among the notables at the ring­ Quarter up. So smash that blockade side was Mr. Dempsey, in that first Stetson U. round.—Brooklyn Eagle, Fourth Quarter—Southern gained Go crashing ahead I accounts here i O one yard over center. Southern lost Stetson U. The Men's Shop Those who are predicting that both two yard.- over center. Stetson re­ Our team is our fame protector France and Germany will fall may be ceived ball on downs. Johnson gain­ certain that France will fall on top. Our boys for we expect the victory —Rockford Republic. ed five yards over center. Johnson JFrom you added five more through center. Stetson U. Covington gained nine yards in Our Facilities are at Your crash over right tackle. Johnson Cha-he, cha-ha failed to gain. Covington gained six Cha-ha ha ha yards over right tackle. Covington Cha-he, cha ha Service gained three yards over right tackle Cha-ha ha ha Johnson ran two yards ' over left Stetson Stetson BARR'S guard. Johnson tore off six yards Rah! Rah! Rah! NEW ARRIVALS IN over right tackle. Johnson repeated on left side. Covington gained three More work for the undertaker yards over left guard. Covington Another little job for the casket gained three yards- over left guard. maker Volusia County Bank I SLIPPERS la:"" Co\-ington gained in brilliant play In the local Cemetery thirteen yards over right tackle. They are very very busy In Black and Log Cabin and Hose to Match Whitnell got ten yards over left end. On a bran new grave. Pass Covington to Whitnell for & Trust Co. I Pictorial Review Patterns. Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes No hopes for touchijown. Whitnell kicked goal Hi Yi I'SS North Boulevard DeLand, Florida but referee failed to give point., t • s 0 0 Yah. ***********************************^e***^i TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1923. ** ttt't'ttt »^K»:i:-**'*****************^^^^^^^^^^^»^^*************jj^ * TUXEDO SUITS f ' Vests and All the Other Things | v. M. FOUNTAIN CO.

* YOU SIMPLY HATE * TO LEAVE * * SPORTS you go to, you should feel proud of At Fayetteville, Ark.- -Baylor vs. KAMPUS KONVERSATIONS even after you have long the showing which the Gators made University of Arkansas. Among the Girl's Fraternities against the Army and Tech as they 0—— since finished your dinner at * The University of Florida did not See that girl over there in black? this restaurant. The sui- * fail their supporters in the game are from our own state. If you go FOOTBALL RULES ARE Well, Lucille told me she used to go * with Georgia Tech. Although some to Stetson, pull for the Gators against CHANGED FOR YEAR'S PLAY out with this Prof, apd he flunked roundings are so pleasant, * out of state teams and pull for the * thought that Florida would win it her. It's really just what you'd ex­ the service so courteous, the * was too much'to expect. The Tech Hatters when they play in the state. Dozen New Notations Are Recorded pect, though, because . memory of the dinner so * Yellow Jacket has not been defeated This game with Tech may give Flor­ in Season's Guide for Elevens, It's a shame, dearie. Anyone with pleasant, you love to linger * ida a claim to the Football champ­ * by a Southern Football t^am on Tech your looks and the clothes you've and enjoy a little quiet talk. ionship of the South this year. Changes in the football rules for field since 1919 and the sting of the got should have gotten at least a That sound tempting? Well, Yellow Jacket is hot on their own 0 1923, according to the Spaulding B. But then —. * field. The Gators got away to an FOOTBALL SCHEDULE guide, are as follows: come and enjoy the reality. * When I saw her she had on a blue * early lead in the second quarter when In Rule III, Section 2, which re­ tafetta thing with panels on the * 'Ark Newton, sensational halfback, Thursday, Oct. 18 lates to substitution, there has been sides. A perfectly stunnin' thing, * intercepted a forward pass and start- At Raleigh, N. C.—University of a slight expansion in the wording but her face . * North Carolina vs. North Carolina for the purpose of making the intent * a Florida drive which netted a I don't see how she ever got that * touchdown. He kicked goal after State. of the rule less likely to misinterpre­ man. They were married last June. The Metropolitan Cafe * touchdown. The Gators weakened At Jackson, Miss—Millsaps vs. Bir­ tation, and the same is true in Se(2- You remernber ho\^ she used to * in the second half when the Tech mingham-Southern. tion 3. throw herself at all of those men ***************************************** mentor began rushing in fresh men At Arkadelphia, Ark.—Henderson- In Rule IV, Section 1, a paragraph last year and . and the Jackets pushed over a touch, Brown vs. Austin College. has been added that provides a pen­ It just seems as though all the good But what good does it me, I ask? Stetson linesmen would not let the down and kicked goal, thus tieing the Friday, Oct. 19. alty against the team which deliber­ lookin' men graduated last year. But, Though my clothes are uqite fine Southern men by. It was a shame score. Florida's lack of reserves no At Jackson, Miss. —Mississippi ately delays the start of the game. that's the way it always is when And I tote a good line, to treatt hose Southern fellows that doubt cost her a victory as the tir^d College vs. Howard. The wording of Section 4 has been you're popular with the seniors and I might as well live in a cask, way. They were lucky to get the forward who had been pounded At Columbia, S. C.—Newberry vs. altered in order to make it clear that For I've tried and see score as it stands. Oh, yes, send in throughout the game were unable to University of South Carolina, after a fair catch made at the expira­ Just then the fone rang, and what (You can take it from me). all those contributions so we will withstand the Tech rushes. Coach At Batesville, Arki—Ozark vs. Ar­ tion of a period the kick is allowed do you think tee-hee-hee You can never please man have only the best of material to Alexander of Tech, used no less than kansas College. and also the subsequent play result­ it was Jim. An' he says . When you're five feet and ten. publish. nineteen substitutes in the game Saturday, October 20 ing from that kick, until the ball is —ED. U. KATOR. —J. 0. ItER. while Florida had but four. The At Knoxville, Tenn|—Georgia vs. declared dead by the referee: and I pass and men stare; 0^ : Tech team tried two field goals and Tennessee. also that the try-for-point is allowed Then , "My word, gimmie air," CAUTIOUS missed both. As we haye said be­ At Atlanta, Ga. —Georgetown vs. if the touchhdown is made just as NATURAL HISTORY SERIES Behold the KNOCK-OUT! Is all that my passing provokes. The dear old lady entered a drug fore, when Tech tries for field goals Georgia Tech. time has expired. I might walk like a queen store and looked doubtfully at the they are wanting a score and don't At Birmingham, Ala.—Sewanee vs In Rule VI, Section 1 has been She goeth to the football game; And write checks by the ream youthful clerk behind the counter. mean maybe ( as that is not Tech's Alabama. made a little clearer, and the same She knoweth all the players by name; But I'm doomed to a home for Old "I suppose," she began, "that you style of Football. At Lexington, Ky.—Georgetown is true of Section 13 (d) of the same She discourseth on 'off tackle plays; are a properly qualified druggist?" Jokes. "Yes, madam." ((Ky.) vs. Kentucky. rule and of Section 16 (b), second She hath a delicate complexion; The hardest part of the Gator For I'm always a dub "You have passed all the examina­ At New Orleans, La.—Louisiana paragraph, relating to safety. She hath a stunnin' voice; Tho' I drive my own tub. tions?" schedule has been passed and the Poly vs. Tulane. She hath such a graceful pose; "Certainly." Gators came through with flying col­ In Rule VII, Section 2, relating to And,I'll never please men At Greenville, S. C.^—Citadel vs. a kick-off crossing the goal line and She hath an ever-attractive eye; "Never poisoned anybody by mis­ ors. It does not matter what school 'Cause I'm five feet and ten. take?" Furman. then going out of bounds, the ap­ She giveth a most enchanting smile; She hath a most wonderful cheek; "Not to my knowledge." At Charlottsville, Va.—V. M. I. vs. proved ruling that the ball is still in That darn five and ten— "Very well, then," she replied, She hath a most appealing form; Virginia. play and a touchdown possible, has I could put in the pen heaving a sigh of relief, and laying She weareth nifty clothes; a coin on the counter, "you may give At Lexington, Va.—St. Johns vs. been incorporated; subject of course, Those who s^y, "Dear me, how Washington and Lee. to the approved ground rules. She begetteth much attantion; me a nickle's worth of cough drops. ifehe ith not from Stetson; you've grown." At Washington, D. C.—University In Rule IX, Section 1, third para­ So I'll cut my life short, O ALL STETSON She ith not from Chaudoin! of Maryland vs. V. P. I. graph, the position of players on and Sing this chant de la mort SYSTEM ith from Southern! At Rocky Mount, N. C.— Trinity behind the line of scrimmage has tehe And you'll hear a big splash and a "Mandy, what fo' you gib dat baby ith not from college! STUDENTS vs. William and Mary. been more thoroughly amplified in he moan; I a big piece ob po'k to chaw on? Don' —SPEARMINT. you'all know de po chile'll choke on At West Point—Auburn vs. Ai-my, the interest of officials, and the sam 'Round iTiy neck I will fasten a rock' it?" mi mn FRIEKDS At Jackson, Miss. — Mississippi is true in Section 5 of the same rule And IfU lower myself off the dock "Dinah, don't yo' see de string tied University vs. Mississippi A. & M. relating to players in motion. Almost unintentionally this is be­ And I'll see if men to that piece ob po'k? De oder end's will find a hearty At Gainesville, Fla. —Rollins vs. tied to dat chile's toe. Ef he chokes Changes in wording have been coming a CO-ED special for the Miss this darn five and ten. he'll je'k the po'k out. Ah reckon welcome at the University of Florida. made in Rule X (a), (b) and (c), |rat trap. The contributions select­ —DEVILETTE. you'all don' learn me nuthin' bout At Macon, Ga.—Chattanooga vs. neither of which, however, alters the ed have naturally made it so. Ho\^- bringin' up chilluns." Mercer. accepted understanding of the play. ever, contribs. about co-eds will be DUKE SMIXTURE was a little . At Charlotte, N. C.—Davidson vs. in order at all times; so don't be An ambitious young physician, who Rule XIV, Section 1 , has been previous "about his epitaph for Sou­ was treating a patient for blindness, TULIP Wake Forest. slightly altered in order to make disappointed foK. not having yours thern College, but as it will be quite after several weeks of the treatment, At Elon, N. C—Hampden Sidney clear that neither side may attempt sent in. Send it at once for the next appropriate after Nov. 3rd, we will received the following letter: vs. Elon. to extend the privileges of "time issue. put it in now. . "Dear Doctor: Iwas totally blind. We invite you to make At Dallas, Tex.—Vandervilt vs. But since your treatments I can now out." Southern thought now see—my finish." our place headquarters Texas. Rule XV, Section 5, has been re­ I tell you this life is no joke; It could win a game when downtown. At Jackson, Miss. —Birmingham- worded in order to make clear the I'tell you me heart is nigh broke; Now, it's team 0 Southern vs. Millsaps. lights of both sides when more than This life is one r-— Exists only in name A magazine article on lunacy says At New Orleans, La.—Loyola Uni­ one player signals for a fair catch, -hard for us ladies; that many inmates of insane asylums Soda Fountain —DUKE SMIXTURE. are capable of earning their own liv­ versity vs. SpHnghill. and the same is true of Rule XVI, Oh, let's all go out and croak. ings. Apparently many of them are Service At Salem, Va.—Randolph-Macon Section 3 (b), relating to fouls on a C . SPEAKING OF FOOTBALL doing so 'by writing our popular vs. Roanoke College. forward pass. songs. — Nashville Southern Lum­ We were just thinking how the berman. Is the best and our Can- At Richmond, Va.—University of In Rule XVII, Sections 1 and 3, That's too bad you feel about it Richmond vs. Lynchburg College. Stetson fellows carried themselves O the word "hand" has been inserted like that, C . Here's one from on. The way Johnson and Coving­ j dies are homemade and At Clarkesville, Ark.—College of American women spent $70,000r with a view to making clear the fact H. E., that may encourage your ton tore holes in the Southei'n was a 000 on cosmetics and perfumery in a always fresh. Ozark vs. Arkansas College. that a ball handed to a player ahead tribe a little. fright. And, Whitnell would run year. Which shows what a few scents At Hickory, N.C.—Lenoir vs. King. here and there amount to in the ag­ 128 N. Boulevard-Phone 18 of the holder is a forwar dpass. It HOME SWEET HOME away from the Southern men so they At Danville, Ky.—Oglethorpe vs. gregate. — Louisville Courier-Jour- is Iso made clear that the penalty (With apologies to the Author) could not get the ball. And, those "Where Good Things and Centre. Journal. Good People Meet" for an illegal forward pass may be Oh, there's no place like home, boys. At Shreveport, La, — Louisiana declined, but that the penalty for an There's no place like home. i State Normal vs. Centenary. incomplete forward pass may not be Through highways and by-ways H^************************************** declined, Though you may roam, teration has been made which elim- When you're looking for a place to In Rule XVIII, an important al- park &*************************************** inates the last vestige of the "on- Thei'e's no place like HER home! * * side" kick. No player on the kicker's —H. E. YOUR Church Home side, even if he was behind the kick­ i What About the Folks Back er, may recover the ball . until it C is not the only one that has touches an opjponent except in case a complaint. Devillette is sending Home? the ball did not cross the scrimmage a moanful one for us to publish, so line. here goes: The First Baptist I In Rule XXI, Section 2, the place THE BALAD OF WOOLWORTH'S Don't you just know that the folks back home would from which the penalty is inflicted I've got nice curley hair * be tickled to death to have the news of what you and is the spot of the down, while rough­ And I love to dance like a bear, * ing a forward passer inflicts the pen­ J******************^ your fellow students do up at Stetson? How about alty from the spot of the foul, and it, don't you want them to see your name when you clipping gives the privilege to the ************************************************************ offended side of electing whether the make your frat. or sorority or when you get your "S", *• penalty shall be measured from the or when you are in a play or make a speech in Liter­ spot of the down or of the foul. John B. Stetson University * ary Societies? In Rule XXIII, Section 11, the LINCOLN HULLEY. PH. D., LITT, P., PRESIDENT * wording is made clear as to infliction * DeLand, Florida * THE COLLEGE GRADUATE DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND SCIENCE—Courses leading to the * If you will just fill in the coupon below and en­ of penalties for fouls occurring after degrees of Master of Arts and Sciences. touchhdown, touchback or safety. THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS FOR MEN—Sixteen Carnegie units required for admission. * close the necessary money and send it to the business J Twenty-one departments in all. * At the 1923 meeting of the Foot­ THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS FOR WOMEN—A womanidean, separate dormitories for women, * manager, Box 902, The Collegiate will be sent regu- * ball Rules comn-ittee, it was decided and a separate gymnasium. * to publish as supplemental y to, but THE COLLEGE OF LAW—Course leading to the LL: B. degree. Graduates admitted to practice in * larly to the address mentioned in the coupon. * Florida without examination. * * not as a part of, the football rules THE COLLEGE^OF ENGINEERING—Courses in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical engineer­ * ing leadng to degrees. * * themselves, an official list of ap­ THE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS^Espccially for Flordia teachers, strong normal courses and special * proved rulings or decisions. New teachers' courses. * I would like to have The Collegiate sent every S THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS—Besides Banking, Book-keeping. Accounting, Shorthand. Typewriting, * Rulings will be added from year to courses n History, Law, Economics and Finance. * year as action may seem to require. THE ACADEMY—Sixteen units for graduation. Prepares for Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Chicago, and all high grade colleges. * week to J O-^ THE SCHOOL OF MECHANIC ARTS—Fori boys and young men desiring manual training, mechan­ * * ical drawing, etc. * * Because he presided over the sen­ THE SCHOOL 'OF MUSIC—Separate teachers for piano, pipe organ, violin, voice, harmony, and * ate for two years and recognizes the chorus work. * futility of talk may be the reason THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS—Free hand and life drawing. Painting in oil, water color, pastel etc * year for which I enclose $2.00 SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO For President Coolidge is so silent. — 1. THE PRELIMINARY COURSES IN AGRICULTURE—BoUny, Biology, Organic and Inorganic * a term .75 Pittsburgh Gazette-Times. Chemistry, qualitative and quantitative analysis. Agricultural Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geolo­ * O— gy, etc. Scientists describe Greece as the 2. THE PRE-MEDICAL COURSE—Physiology, Biology, Anatomy, Bacteriology", Histology, Zoology, 9 Botany, General- Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Qualitative and Quantitative Chemistry.. cradle of human civilization. Anc. 3. THE COURSE FOR RELIGIOUS WORKERS—In Bibical Literature, History, English, Psychol­ * (Signed) somebody is always rocking the cra­ * ogy, Pedagogy, Ethics, Logic and Theism. * dle.—Nashvhille Southern Lumber­ J '9[{'Jt!'Jt! Jg-Jl- Jl> Jt- Jt- Jl- .1. A'* 1* 1» 1* 1» 1* 1* '»^ 'I" 'I' '^ '»^ 1> '4^ l^ .J» .js /!« /J» /Jv >!» /J. »jv »i» .J. ^ /Jl» yj» '!» vf? man. ************************************************************
