CAREERS IN DEMAND AI will need transdisciplinary STAYING POWER How to keep AI scientists in FACEBOOK Follow us at researchers academia JENS SCHLUETER/EPA-EFE/SHUTTERSTOCK

Artificial-intelligence researchers are finding ways to try out and to combine academic and industry work.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE A field in flux Can researchers find a balance between academia and industry?

rtificial-intelligence (AI) researchers hub of AI training and employment. Other tenure-track computer-science faculty posi- across all academic career stages are hotspots include China, the United Kingdom tions with start dates in 2019 at 409 institu- feeling the lure of industry, thanks to and Germany. But demand is outstripping tions, mainly in the United States (C. E. Wills Ahigher salaries and perks such as access to large supply, says Yoan Mantha, market-intelligence Comput. Res. News 31 (1); 2019). Since 2015, the data sets and computing resources. Businesses lead at Element AI. The company estimates percentage of ads seeking specialists in AI, data are recruiting AI specialists for projects rang- that in the United States, there are around mining and roughly doubled, ing from modelling risk in finance to designing 144,000 AI-related job openings and only about he reports. And in a study of 176 institutions crop-harvesting robots. 26,000 developers and specialists seeking work. published earlier that year, Wills found that 42% In the past year, the number of PhD gradu- The hiring frenzy is affecting recruitment of searches for computer-science faculty mem- ates on LinkedIn who say they have AI exper- of AI faculty members. In a March survey of bers by top US graduate schools failed to yield tise has risen by 66%, according to a report 111 AI researchers and university administra- the desired number of new hires (C. E. Wills published in April by the software provider Ele- tors by Times Higher Education and Micro- Comput. Res. News 30 (7); 2018). However, AI- ment AI in Montreal, Canada. And the number soft, 89% said that it was “difficult” or “very related searches seemed to fare no worse than of researchers publishing at top machine- difficult” to hire and retain AI experts (see other subfields. learning conferences increased by 19% (see How are these forces reshaping the career From a sample of In a 2018 study, computer scientist Craig paths of junior researchers, and what do they 4,500 researchers, the report authors found Wills at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in mean for the health of the field? Nature asked that the United States continues to be a major Massachusetts analysed advertisements for six AI experts to share their views.

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Last year, I came back to Berkeley as an assis- trend in industry. There are truly important GIREEJA RANADE tant teaching professor because I like the idea fundamental problems to be solved. At the of training the next generation. I’m a better California Institute of Technology (Caltech), we Industry perks teacher now; I can connect real-world work to have an initiative called AI4science, which asks material that the students are learning. how AI can have an impact on scientific discov- eries. Can we develop algorithms for biology, AI researcher at the University of chemistry, astronomy and materials science, for California, Berkeley. ANIMA ANANDKUMAR example? At the moment, it is Caltech-centred, but we invite many external researchers to give After getting my PhD in electrical engineer- Fluid barriers talks; interested people can reach out to us. ing and computer sciences at the University of There is a lot of media coverage of faculty California, Berkeley, I did a postdoc and then members leaving for industry. But this is not worked as a full-time researcher at Co-director of decision, optimization a zero-sum game. It’s important to have a Research in Redmond, Washington. I loved and learning at the California Institute healthy pipeline and give opportunities to a the idea that it would be different from an of Technology in Pasadena; director of new crowd, especially from under-represented academic postdoc and give me exposure to machine-learning research at , communities. Universities should be forward- real problems. It makes you more aware of the a company in Santa Clara, California, thinking and ask themselves what kinds of issues that product teams face; it helps you see that makes graphics processing units. people they can hire. the real challenges. For example, I collaborated with people who Many students who are finishing PhDs are were flying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). stressed — they’re confused about how to SAMEER MASKEY As an undergraduate, I worked with robots, choose between career options, and they worry but for my PhD, I only proved theorems. Talk- that they’re making a mistake. But it’s much The entrepreneur ing to the UAV researchers made me think more fluid these days. There’s unprecedented about other problems, such as concerns about openness between academia and industry: the safety of systems. How do you know when more collaboration, researchers moving back Chief executive of the machine-learning a system is getting into a dangerous zone? Is the and forth, and people like me with dual roles. company Fusemachines in New UAV going to crash into the ceiling or floor? In the past, there were fewer research labs York; teaches AI courses at Columbia One of the most exciting projects I worked in industry and it was harder to publish. Now, University in New York City. on was studying the spread and impact of many companies have an open-publication pol- fake news and misinformation. Microsoft icy, and that means you’re participating in peer I did my PhD at Columbia and then worked at Research collected Internet browsing logs review and embedded in a research community. the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center with users’ permission. We looked at website It’s easy to go back to academia. It’s certainly not in Yorktown Heights, New York, on speech- visitation patterns during the 2016 US presi- held against a faculty candidate if they were in to-speech translation systems. Even at IBM, it dential election. Social media had a huge role industry for a few years, as long as they contin- was fundamental research. Our performance in spreading misinformation. But there was ued to publish. In fact, industry experience is was reviewed on the basis of publications, and one category of online stories, labelled as fake highly valued. we presented at conferences. There was a lot of news by fact-checkers and other organiza- I hear second-hand that junior faculty creative freedom, but I didn’t see us making a tions, that did not rely on social media. In one members worry about senior colleagues get- broad impact around the world. case, a news-aggregator website drove a lot of ting hired away. They’re asking who do I get I wanted to do something with a direct traffic to a misinformation site; in other cases, mentorship from? My advice is to seek mentors impact on more people’s lives so I left IBM in people might have been directed to those sites outside the university. Visit industry labs and 2012 and started my company Fusemachines. through e-mail (A. Fourney et al. Proc. 2017 other institutions, give talks and spend time The mission is to democratize AI by making ACM Conf. Informat. Knowledge Manage. making connections. AI education accessible to underprivileged 2071–2074; 2017). In academia, I would not Junior faculty members shouldn’t choose a communities in developing countries and have had access to these data. research topic just because it’s the current hot the United States. There are a lot of talented engineers who have completed undergradu- ate or master’s degrees in these regions, but because they did not go to fancy universities, they might not get amazing work opportuni- ties. They are good at programming but may not have a strong background in maths. So we provide them with one year of free training in machine learning through online courses and on-site office hours. We have pro- CALTECH EAS COMMUNICATIONS, grammes in Nepal, the Dominican Repub- lic, Rwanda, Burkina Faso and New York. Afterwards, some engineers work for us, or we connect them with companies, mainly in North America. I’m also an adjunct associate professor at Columbia. I usually teach one or two classes per semester, on topics such as natural- language processing, , and AI in public policy. Education made a fundamental difference in my life; I grew up fairly poor in Anima Anandkumar divides her time between academia and industry. Nepal and got a full scholarship to come to

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college. So I’ve always been keen on education. Employers’ list of desired skills often doesn’t When you see the light in your students’ eyes as TOP TIPS make much sense — for instance, a request for they learn something new, it’s very satisfying. ten years’ experience with a framework that To create a business, you need to convert Advice for AI researchers has existed for only two. So make sure you tick research into product and product into busi- lots of the boxes, but don’t feel inhibited if you ness. That requires different skill sets. I’ve Gireeja Ranade: Explore different parts don’t tick every one. seen many engineers go down the rabbit hole of the field. Spending time in industry is of building something without thinking about a good way to gain broader exposure. the business model. Anima Anandkumar: Keep an open HERMAN HERMAN mind, and realize that nothing’s set in Step up MAHSA MOHAGHEGH stone. Sameer Maskey: If you have an Director of the National Robotics After hours entrepreneurial itch, think about the Engineering Center at Carnegie Mellon problem you’re going to solve and how it University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. AI researcher at Auckland University creates value for target users. of Technology, New Zealand; founder For junior faculty members who are putting and director of She#, a non-profit Mahsa Mohaghegh: Develop together their own team, attracting top-notch organization that encourages women’s connections with people at companies, postdocs and other researchers is always a development and networking in the even if you don’t plan to enter industry problem. The key is to find people who want to technology sector. right now. pursue the same goals. A PhD graduate might get much better pay in industry, but they might Almost every other week, I get approached by Jilles Vreeken: Be ambitious. Apply for be working on the best way to advertise prod- companies to have coffee or a chat. They want the job you can see yourself doing in ucts and convince people to buy more stuff. insights about how AI can have an impact on a little while, rather than what you can So one way that junior faculty members their field. They ask desperately whether I have easily do right now. can convince a researcher to join is to make any good students they can hire. Some ask me it clear that they are working on something to join their advisory board. Next, they offer a Herman Herman: Don’t be afraid to take worthwhile. For example, one of our projects is contract to help them for a few hours a week. opportunities for more responsibility as developing robotic systems to clear landmines Later, they offer a job. One firm wanted me to they come. R.K. in Cambodia and Laos so that the land can be become their chief AI officer. These offers are reused for farming and other purposes. all very tempting — the salaries are so much Another point that junior faculty members bigger than in academia. more money, reasonable hours and much more need to get across to candidates is that in small At my university, we can spend some of our choice in where to live. teams, you can make a bigger impact. Most time giving advice to industry and you can earn I’m both very concerned and very happy. I’m academic projects are much smaller than in income from consulting. But teaching, adminis- happy for early-career researchers, because the industry. Because resources are scarce, people trative and research responsibilities don’t really academic system was and is pretty rotten. are forced to be more creative. Sometimes it allow you that time. My time working with com- In the past, many PhD graduates worked produces better research than if you work in panies is mainly outside standard work hours. for four to ten years as postdocs, even though an organization with a few thousand engineers. Universities need to give faculty members academia might not have been a realistic When colleagues leave for industry, some more freedom to work closely with industry. dream, given the competition for jobs. They junior faculty members ask themselves, When they look at track records of achieve- were somewhat exploited and wasted years “Should I leave too?” They need to think about ment, they shouldn’t focus on publications. when they could have gotten valuable experi- pluses and minuses. In academia, you basically Industry collaboration should be the main ence in industry. run a small company, in the sense that you carry focus, otherwise sooner or later they’re going After they finally quit academia, they often out a wide gamut of activities; you have head- to lose staff (see ‘Top tips’). That’s the only way got an industry job with little or no focus on aches such as getting funding, but you also have you can keep people in a cutting-edge field in research. Now, they can stop hopping from the freedom to execute your vision. In indus- academia. contract to contract and get a research-oriented try, you will make more money, but somebody position at a company. For them, this is great. might dictate what you work on. Don’t panic For academia, it is really bad. A lot of and follow someone to a company just because JILLES VREEKEN research relies on these foot soldiers. There is you have ‘FOMO’ — fear of missing out. a huge demand from industry for AI research- When senior faculty members leave, some- Good and bad ers, but we have not been training enough peo- times it opens up an opportunity for junior ple. Who’s going to teach students if the pool researchers to step up and assume much of faculty members dries up? Few people will more responsibility. For example, an assis- Machine-learning researcher at the need to shoulder the greater demand, and it’s tant professor could become the co-principal Helmholtz Center for Information almost impossible to broaden the base because investigator of a large team. Some people say, Security and the Max Planck Institute people get hired away quickly. “Hey, am I ready for this?” There is too much for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Many AI researchers can now choose second-guessing of their capabilities. I’ve seen Germany. between jobs that fit them, rather than being junior faculty members take over research stuck in one that doesn’t. Academic research projects; fast-forward a few years, and they At the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, is relatively solitary. In industry, you typi- are very successful. ■ we’ve seen quite a few colleagues in non-ten- cally work in teams, which is more social and ured senior researcher positions jump ship to can make it easier to tackle bigger problems. INTERVIEWS BY ROBERTA KWOK industry. These are often people on the thresh- Which resonates most with you? That’s where These interviews have been edited for clarity and old: they like research but don’t mind having you should go. length.

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