
Muir College Council Minutes

I. Welcome and Introductions Icebreaker: Which actor / actress would you want to be friends with? Date: 14 April 2016

Start: 6:02 PM

Attendance • Present o Advisors: John, Patty o Internal Members: Moiz, Coleshia, Gus, Danny, Kyler, Sarah, Kylie, Manusha, Mehrin, Tarun, Uma, Sima, Ricky o External Members: Lesly, Jessy, Gabi, Julia, Vylana, Abilene o Guests: Phoebe (Bear Gardens Director), Graham (Festivals Director of ASCE), Michelle (ASCE Chief of Staff) • Excused: Ayesha • Unexcused: Isabelle, Ismael

II. Moment of Silence: Kobe, Warriors Record, Midterms already, Food Waste Study in progress, Democratic Debate tonight, Successful Triton Day, for those who cleaned up the chalking graffiti, Muir Musical Ensemble, Earth Month

III. Approval of Minutes: Move to approve the minutes from April 7, 2016 (Tarun, Sima)

IV. Public Input, Council Announcements, and General Happenings • AS and Events (Graham, Michelle, Phoebe) o Planning and wanted to share changes, what’s going on this year o Lineup has been posted – April 30 from 12-6pm o Registration is already open, so make sure you register o Changes ! only one main entrance – the one by RIMAC ! ambassadors during the festival – medically trained volunteers with water and snacks ! Saturation Patrols the weekend of Sun God – more cop cars around the area to make sure no one is drinking and driving ! No UCSD shuttles running the day of the festival o Health and Safety ! Level 1 detox: staff ! Level 2 detox: professional medical care • opens at noon and accepts the last student at 6:30pm ! Responsible Action Protocol (RAP) – designed to remove barriers to seek medical assistance if you’re breaking student conduct ! CARE at SARC is a great resource if you are iffy about sexual assault o Want to bring down our number of incidents ! went from 7 incidents last year to 1 incident this year at o Every year, we have to reevaluate the festival based on what happened in the previous year ! will be a lot quicker and we can get better artists if safety is not a concern o How do you distinguish ambassadors? ! big red flag coming out of their backpacks o Rumors that cops are going to be more aggressive when it comes to those hosting parties with underage drinking ! Not something that’s done by UCSD – that’s according to City of ’s laws and rules o Is Sun God still going to have rides? ! No, unfortunately not because of budget cuts o What about carnival games? ! There are several different lounges with games in them ! Student org and corporate sponsors so there will be different games happening on the field too o The event ended abruptly this year. Are they going to be more lenient with that this year? ! Last year, the event lasted for about an hour after the last talent left the stage ! This year, there won’t be another hour after the event o What else will be offered at Sun God? ! Music from 12-6pm ! Three different lounges: Games, KSDT Radio station, etc. ! Tons of water there, and lots of food vendors and merchandise vendors on the field as well • Warren College Student Council o Wanted to say hi to everyone and say thanks for being awesome! • Student Council o Still want to hang out and collaborate! ! If interested, contact our VP External • SCERC o gratitude for all you do for Muir o Brought a few gifts and snacks for MCC!

V. Business of the Day: Allocation Requests/ Funding Requests • Muir College Council Stickers o Many different options, but Sarah recommends the black and white options o Just general swag for events Move to reorder to public input – move by consensus o Lot of people wanted colored ones, but it’s up to how much council wants o $59 for 200, and various other options with different sites o Straw poll: ! black and white – majority ! color – about 3 o Move to allocate up to $40 for the MCC Stickers from GU. (Uma, Sarah) 11-0-3 • Transfer Org Fair o ACTA is down to pay $150 for Carne Asada fries ! Only asking MCC for up to $50 to pay for soda ! Katy would be buying and giving us the receipt o What orgs are going to be there? ! College Councils, ACTA, AS Transfer Reps o Move to allocate up to $50 from GU to transfer org fair (gus, Tarun) 8-1-4 • MCC Binders o Vote did not pass last week o Still asking for same amount of money o Move to allocate up to $50 for the binders from GU (Lesly, Sarah) 12-0-3

VI. External Member Reports (Present) ASCE Representative – Metu Ayanno • No report

Food Insecurity Advisory Committee Representative – Lesly Figueroa • Triton Food Pantry has established a relationship with Blue Sky Ranch o Once a week, they bring oranges and lemons • Food demonstration last week, another one this upcoming Wednesday o The one last week was successful! • Meal preps this quarter o Helping students prepare meals for the week • Great job of transitioning new Food Pantry student manager o Making a video for awareness, let Lesly know if you want to be in it • Food Waste Project ongoing o Bins have been distributed o Hopefully people are composting! o Every Sunday, people will be going to pick up the compost from 12-1pm to weigh it at Roger’s Garden

HDH Representative – Renu Singh • No report

J-Board Chair – Jessy Nguyen • Week 5 will be working with HAs and JBoard for a Know Your Rights campaign o week before Sun God to keep people informed o Meeting next week to discuss logistics

JMC / Muirstock Co-Chair – Gabi Haddad and Marissa Meza • JMC Week is next week and Muirstock is on Friday o Been super cool being on council so thanks for the opportunity!

LSAC Representative – Julia Li • No report

Spirit Chair – None • No report

SFAB Representative – Vylana Trang • No report

SFAC Representative – None • No report

UCAB Representative – Davina Joshuia • No report

WSCAB Representative – Abilene Valadez • Flyers for Kick the Butts - which will be this Saturday o Cigarette Butt cleanup in front of Plaza o You can sign up through Facebook • Women’s Center is having a pad and tampon drive for homeless women

VII. Chairs Caucus • People’s Choice Awards for graduating seniors o recognize people that may not be getting recognized in another event for Muir Leaders o If you know anyone, keep an eye out for an email for nominations o Started long time ago by council • Sun God Kits o Ordered them and will also be distributing them o Will distribute them Friday of week 5, in the afternoon

VIII. Reports of Committees • Rules Committee o Decided against the intern idea o Had a discussion about the MuirCats chair position ! change in the bylaws says that it is required that they do two spirit events outside of Sprit Night ! Straw poll: • do two events - 10 • not require that they do two events – 7 o Resident Rep and Environmental Rep ! Wanted to change the language to allow them to collaborate with their respective orgs to plan an event o Look for an email next week with these proposed bylaw changes • Visibility and Outreach o Talked about a mascot to have at events (bears, full body costumes, etc.) o Bathroom notes ! If you want to contribute, we can add you to Facebook groups o 1-3pm tomorrow – Student Org Fair o Chancellor Visit ! Talked about how we would want to structure that o Discussed one last office hours and the possibility of getting letter cutouts for MCC o Need new design for the calendar • Campus Improvements o Hand Dryers – Tarun is meeting with some people on Tuesday to discuss cost o Solar Charged Tables o Villages has benches with charging ports o Collecting MCWP Readers ! Will talk to Justin about that o Will reach out to the village about having signage for Glacier point o Need to get dimensions for El Portal partitions

IX. Internal Member Reports President – Moiz Ansari • SFAC o We didn’t get any applications so we’ll do another interim appointment o If you know anyone who’s interested, let Moiz know! • Transitions o We’ll be discussing how we’ll transition new council so that no one comes in • Chancellor is coming to Muir! o Week 5 Wednesday from 6-6:30pm in Mariposa Room o He’ll give a brief intro, then will have some time for Q&A o Thanks for those that submitted questions • Office Hours o Currently working on a few projects o MCC Office Hours “Farewells and Welcomes” or “Goodbyes and Hellos” ! having people that are terming out and those that are terming in so people get to know their new reps and say goodbye to their older reps

Vice President of Administrative Affairs – Coleshia Webb • Committee Absences o If you cannot attend a committee meeting, or any, please email me with a copy of your schedule o Committee Meetings are mandatory so if you do not submit an absence 24 hours in advanced or you do not have a valid excuse, then you will be unexcused – and this counts toward the maximum 4 unexcused absences • Motions o If you make a motion, you are to say “I move to…” ! It’s technically not a valid motion when you say “I motion to…” as that does not follow Robert’s Rules of Order

Vice President of External Affairs – Gus Guerrero • Got a new first year rep o Will orient first year rep to council soon • No SFAC person so we’ll figure that out later • Fill out the questions form – it’s on the pinned post • Keep going to committees o If you can’t go, email Coleshia o Encourage you to go to more than one • Spring Leadership Mixer o Week 5 – Wednesday, April 20th from 5-6pm o RSVP by next Wednesday o Open to everyone • Spring Leadership Conference o Week 7 o Committee that helps plan that – Fridays at 11am in Sequoia Room o Current theme is Scooby Doo – working on food and presentations we want to have to help people grow as leaders

Vice President of Finance – Danny Lim • No report

Vice President of Internal Affairs – Kyler Vaughn • Council Member Recognition o Lesly o Moiz o Kylie o Kyler! • MCC Social o Laser tag Saturday night o Will meet at MOM at 11:15pm o Will pay and get reimbursed • Council Dates for week 3 o Posted on the Facebook page o Do them!!

Vice President of Public Relations – Sarah Main • Working on getting the MCC Banner • Voted to get 250 of one design of square, black and white stickers o if you have more opinions, come to V/O!

Muir Senators – Ayesha Sayeed & Isabelle Pinard • No report

Student Org Ambassadors – Ismael Ramirez & Kylie Etter • Triton Day was successful o Good number of orgs out there o Shout out to John for bugging orgs to get them to come!

Commuter Student Representative – Manusha Jayasinghe • No report

Coordinator of Student Activities (Adviser) – John Weng • Thank you for helping with Triton Day • Celebrating John Muir Week is week 4 o Monday: barnyard cuties o Tuesday pancakes o Wednesday: happy hour and organic taste test o Thursday: Rock wall o Friday: Muirstock • Invite your friends to the Celebrating John Muir Week Facebook event page!! • Theme for Welcome Week is Pirates of the Caribbean o Revelle’s theme is Set Sail though they will not be using their theme in their dance so we should be good! o Welcome week meetings: Mondays at 4pm in Half Dome Lounge

Dean of Student Affairs (Adviser) – Patty Mahaffey • Chairing Marshall Dean of Student Affairs search • Parking ban going into effect for first year students, unless you have an exception o Can petition but will not be automatically granted • Tuolumne will be getting renovated and some things happening over the summer o ADA code needs to be brought up to compliance ! Two spaces: N lounge and Half Dome lounge ! Half Dome will lose 2% of its meeting space, will be taking out the island in the kitchen and putting it in a space that everyone can walk around, new stove and oven, double sink, getting rid of dishwasher, new flooring, new cabinets Move to extend time by 3 minutes – move by consensus • LGBTQIA Community has received 25 applications for continuing students • Really successful Triton Day – lots of students and parents here • Chalking incidents on campus o Some chalkings that happened overnight from Friday o Pro-Trump and some phrases used were offensive and targeting minority communities o Inviting all Muir students to come to an open town hall in the college center – Monday night at 6pm o Cleaned it up in time for students to come on campus for Triton Day but we anticipate there will be a lot more to come because elections are coming this way o More info coming out tomorrow via community message we’re sending Move to reorder to new council business – move by consensus

Diversity Advocate – Mehrin Saleem • The Cross Cultural Center o Chalk Talks are happening there if you have any concerns o April 21st from 12-1pm o Another one will be held on April 19th from 2-4pm at the Raza Resource Center • Women’s Resource Center o Women feel like their accomplishments aren’t valid – showing how these issues affect women ! April 21st from 4-5:30pm • #PRIDE on Marshall Field o Celebrating LGBTQ community o Giving out 100 free white t-shirts to decorate with paints o Sunday from 12-3pm

Environment Advocate – Tarun Pasumarthi • Patty redirected him to Christa and others who would be helping with the installation of hand dryers o Making sure the bathrooms near Roots has the proper electrical equipment in the walls

International Representative – Uma Mahto • Sponsored Trivia – advertised the Chancellor coming, MCC apps, etc. • New Outreach Coordinator for Marshall, Muir, and ERC – Stephanie Collins • Little Italy Farmer’s Market sold out! o Outreach is getting a bus and will be taking people to the Farmer’s Market • Both of the outreach coordinators have posted apps for Outreach Interns for next year o $10.60/hour o lots of free food from different cultures o super fun! • Also having applications for mentors for international students via email for those coming into UCSD • Still working on compiling lists of places people could store things if they live further away

Resident Student Representative – Sima Navid • Paint a Pot will be next Thursday during JMC week • Culture Event will be in May – with music and pizza o Culture: Music ( / rap, Kpop, , Alternative Rock)

Transfer Student Representative – Ricky Flahive • Transfer Org Fair coming up soon! • Dance will be Saturday, April 23rd o More details to come after the org fair

1st year Representative – None • No report

2nd year Representative – None • No report

3rd year Representative – None • No report

4th year Representative – None • No report

X. New Council Business • Move to move into executive session (Kylie, Sarah) 11-0-3 • move to move out of executive session (Coleshia, Tarun) 12-0-1 Move to reorder to internal member reports – move by consensus • John Weng o Sun God on April 30th – do you want to do something after the event? ! Maybe since there are not that many activities happening after Sun God for those that may not have plans ! If we want an event, then we need to plan it ASAP ! Revelle is doing A LOT after Sun God so if we do something, we’re not just going to have pizza o Straw poll: ! let’s do something after Sun God - 1 ! Let’s not do something after Sun God - majority

XI. Old Council Business • Agenda

XII. Looking Ahead • None

XIII. 2nd Roll Call • Present o Advisors: John o Internal Members: Moiz, Coleshia, Gus, Danny, Kyler, Sarah, Ayesha, Kylie, Manusha, Mehrin, Tarun, Uma, Sima, Ricky o External Members: none o Guests: none • Excused: none • Unexcused: Isabelle, Ismael

XIV. Adjournment 8:16 PM (Kylie, Uma)