Web Engineering (1)

Basic Information Course Name: Web Engineering (1) Course Code: NWE304 Credit hours: 3 Knowledge Domain: Networks and Web Engineering. Prerequisite(s): Computer Networks (1) (NWE302)

Learning Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Present web Engineering applications. 2. Grasp the basic aspects of HTTP. 3. Identify Markup languages: HTML and XML. 4. Apply web support from Java and JavaBeans.

Learning Outcomes: 1. Grasping the basic concepts of Web Engineering. 2. Acquaintance with the basic phases needed for implementing Web applications. 3. Grasping the basic tools.

Overview and Syllabus Introduction to Web engineering. Engineering Web applications. Transfer Protocol (HTTP). HyperText Markup Language (HTML). Extended Markup Language (XML). Java and Java Beans.

Course Outline

Lecture Topic Hours 1 Introduction to Web Engineering 6 - Introduction - Objectives - Evolution Of Network Computing - Principles Of Client-Server Applications, With Emphasis On Client-End Interface - Fundamentals Of Web Application Development And Associated Tools &Web Site - Summary

2 Engineering Web applications 6 - Introduction - Objectives - Modeling Web Applications - Web Application Architectures - Web Application Design - Web Metrics - Testing Web Application - Summary

3 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 6 - Introduction - Objectives - Fundamentals For Web Application - SMTP-Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - HTTP-Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP Client-Server Transactions - Performance Problems and Measurements - Summary 4 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 6 - Introduction - Objectives - HTML Page - LINKS - TABLES - Frames and List - Advacned HTML - DHTML -CSS - Summary 5 Extended Markup Language (XML) 9 - Introduction - Objectives - Introduction to XML Markup - XML Syntax - XML Applications - Webpage Style Sheets: CSS - XML Style Sheets - Summary 6 Web Support From Java 9 - Introduction - Objectives - Java I/O - Looking Up Addresses - The URL Class - Sockets for Clients /Servers - UDP Datagrams and scockets - Summary 7 JAVABEANS - Introduction - Objectives - Overview of JavaBeans Technology - JavaBeans Event Model - Bean properties & introspection and EJB - Java Integration and Networking - Summary